Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1881, p. 3

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pv the fbee tlg tn j a ism be ten ts sail rrusuca toth brwhe ureaiar coralw b ne tooaa dreung comb aal bl luvbagveq sttcadutnim a ttre tot gratia homexews j harltuts and dolnjrs la town and count items colikttn mvd repoateo f ths mt press tbn ha arv ow ltj j dojiimoxea ipptmelie llaalmj lias cyiuuieucl la ricuiil lodo eiil vcauls i to n hall as cell u actoo itte asott of elrnnrlumty fsurls fcas fairi begin gkanh ctlebrsiuon m eno village cu the ut of jali gardev u iferers ire no on thnr annual oocwnul rounds vtender oar tlmnls to cor abaskctof tiue ttolubernes a ru is said to hic 16cu0 eves xououdcche u cardess ulicr he loms lus spa l l3 j w i t hum of itbe g t r sawing tlaciuce may now be beard at the xma wsc ilniitta has a patch of fall weat in las rardeu which will be ready to cat in a ftw wecls list tiesdaa kis the longt dny in the vcar fifteen hwirs tiniawtntj r seven cum c frum nnnie to suasut re t l illinun i lecturing all t wek in the pribwnan church everton to crowdtj both suljcei baptm qtirc i number of our citizeus tool m the grand excursion frodi gotvton to niagara camp aci niagara fills oa ttifcdzj list laeoeeks an vervecirw ll heme emplorea jt eadv cork the frmers will no doabt hart a bird job to get sas z cent men aunng hsx t v the ii ix hvs that crinolines ire aan beng introaucel ire the laa eo bound to fah on thst the vill eun jkdopt tbj nnsceiil bslm it j- said thxt one of oar ronnu men doics buecrss on ixiu ctrtt feels o vsed np ovc the n rrjse of one cf our young taas thst le hm cape hslnging fnm m f r aoa 1 j tee mitlbtttu itnoincf of ustj reet siys there vik uo en ce in the 3iletiwdit chcrch lere oil sld u m rtiui but str john qt icvou preached in excelleat knioa m the einn tee new sir foot tide wku ou mill and ilun rets loots rel fnd is i rct improvctneat en the old olc new tide- sriifcs on t chcrch una llgio treats will no receive the ttenluojo the caai- cmswcere acton is d w jpota in fior t as imarfcerigfaxm pojace wndtsaccn w scence th merililn here are doing t a laigc bsszik- than ever bcio farmers ho hsretcf e traded in gedcoti ililion ana gaelph now come o acen- tee utt qietrtinj cf the county coancil hell 14 miltoa on the 7th mstdid nat potest sn ret 11 tereft the chief ulnss in the frqaal ti f the count itment 1- attce iotrca mr pintous silir as cere irom 3o- to fitx j ear jivic x urge number of deaf 3ites from the icstitnte for the dezi snd dumb eelev lie pieti lbroaeh here on the g t e the other diy ou their ci home for samtner mciiac thc were in chre cf mr il mfittnn fapenutetuelt of the intuatioa actqs 5 pushing fio a iicad pbxee thepecjle haea prthibitory cow ijy ut etreet ims ishieh cnt onl xlct per nicht to bht ud eitinui h tl em and xn fact ethios the tht builds tip z town oalnlle lzijrzu yoa rt nht bro e enh w2jt s tomi i 11 bq a cemetery the former vre tcill have in a few- more moaths and the latter cauit be hxd in 3 very thort time eteet tlty we hue evidence tbat x zmxm by has na eonh the other diy a crowd gatherea aroand a farmer hose vrtgaa load of batter aod egra wa fast in a mad holer and while some stifuded that h poll hita gee and otatrs that he pall him iuw the ever prefect email boy jelled its cj ate mittr yer old horte am t ttroag eaojgh tfce biua oat and hitch on toll of year batter os thared ay mocnmg ast a epeoial fran oa the gte drawn h two enffioe5 in chrce of conductor woods pisd through icton containing sixteen csr loads of stocl aad implemente three of bagce ifld three coaches of 270 passengers ea rotfs foe exerbonand ft mnip the pi5eaer appeared to be ttroa active men of tb better claw of fanners and just the etarnp to 4a well in any new country a cijnze complctbtb to as tbat a mnnber ofyoafh whtf ehjouid hve more xespeci for themsclt es fanfi their parents congregate about the bridge on 5iaj2 trcct near the sfcaimg zwk on snnda and be liatfe themselves in a most disorderly dinner a week ego ecv six cameron tduaasing and ha remonst with the ang rascals aboaitheir on emly conduct wf th sabbath butfinstesd oi taking his fi m tiie nsai very msuljl langnage y iw fbvars hii a thing tmprecedenfced in factoo history the village constablebas fdzeu informed of thecapersof tifeso youths iride are certam he vnll not allow them to deeeoaite the sabbath as they hare been doing for ome time past make buy hila th mo bbtaca new potatoes til bqoh b ead cot uic tue hay on t4m streets should be cat now who knows ayikiug about tstiulcwtut encribln building loufara being rapidly picked up in town 1 tuk citopa atx laotiiif very taror- ble for an abuudaut lur est it pigs k cured s n hitai is a grown hot a leg a hammer t t7ri there kte ao gneu applts for bale m auj of the stores m town potatoes uta gfitmg tcixa vx acton we don t meaa poutg hu- tul lxcueitos tuna cxmlpii to ti to ato uu muuda uudcr th aiip cei of thl fet tiurcc bocktj u krtly at- teuded ie t a moor of london preached an ezcclleat eennon in the c m church liidetofca hutbuudy evening platxjcalcr tue detroit free fr nutos tha some of the bir wholesa1 houses havo quit drumming and oac to adverluiu and hud thit it pi6 licttcr tle nun ho 6ay6 that auothet will not argue on relitou mattew usually raexus that the other kill not agree vuthim m all that he sajc take half s teafpooaftil of blucl pepper m powder on teapoouful of brown tuiar and one teafpoonful of cream mix them tocthtr and place them m i room oa plate where fltes art troulileeotne and thej will ery soon duappear 0 celph mercury ma jaues matthews of thu eil lage placed on oar table on uondaj hut a lxr stal of rhubarb taeunug t teet in leucth abd 3 feet twroa the itil hen hashed up there as jutt eaoagh to male 150 rhubarb p e nude on picnic lnojade principle hucau beat this one or the most wdeone pipors en our htof exchancoeisthflxcfon patriot pnbhiedm o- n mtas bj mr o lech tht pkrtot is an eichtpace paper and ickils well after the lual interests ol the to u and eommltuty tt repreacata u i niah oar acton coteav cf the stars and frtnpcs continued prospnt- the court of reruion held iu linal tttmg on tuesday evenuig last when several clsn were made ia the asaes cjcnt roll of which notice will be given by the clerk to the parties interested if un mtifactjn they wil have four davs in which to mate an appeal to the clerk such appeal to be in wnung a ffw dayi aii one of the em- plojees at the g t r btatioi found a bible kiilii has ppitentiy been well ttcdiea nunbrk- piaasca are cdlerlined and utherrise mxrled and the loot u quite a cunosit a certaiq chapter was marked b a j ice of paper on hiih aswrritteu htlmau s liver pad mr rrcg ft brent will return the volume to the owuer f 1 e calls for it wuat8 wrong with petn x ib berlin aom man in hit woe lily cdtltoa pabluhedonthundajr h bat there will be a total ecliptu of iwi moon to night our friend o the yeim raot hate boea asleep on the sataniay oht pre v 10 j a the pio nic ia ndssagaweya uti thursday wa a graud sacceas oar hand hovachum tajiavfl bcou the principal per- foctnett at the coacttt cien m thecveomtj hiv ior rendered te eral ocal t imtrument- al pieces with admirable effect weateture that our atuns at 5 et know very httte of the capabilities of our hand bays m the musical line they ire a uholo concert vocal and instrumental within themtelvcs and can reader ths mast difficult nieces m moil excellent tt ie from the beautiful euckiaw solo to kaudalt messiah thej deaerv e a much gna r harc of pubbo patn uaitfs tlm the havecverjet received fnni the htnd of our ratepayers our holiday season is approadiixl n ow ladies would be a good time to purchase your travelling suits whilst you have a good choice we have some nice lines in the remains of our utc cittrcn ur jonah adtms were interred in the actou cemeterj oa friday laatwith maaomo bouors the deceased betug at the time of his death a member of walker lodge of ctou the brethren having met at their lode room marched in a bodj to the resid clcc of the deceased hen the funeral pro- ccmioa started for the methodist church where an able terrain waadeuvered by rev t l ttkinioa nistoc of the church after which the mournful proeesnon proceeded to the ee mete r where the body was interred with thousaalscrvicesaftheeburcband the totemo cmouy peculiar to the aucteut order of vfasauri the mnanii frttcruitj was ttell represented bj members of acton guelph and georgetora udgu owiueto the absence at iviaeara camp of cpt bhaw m the masonic ceremoniea were conducted by bro i lockwood tt m guelph lodge eatisted bj rcr bro j pigfttt chaplain of walker lodge the widow and children oi the deceased hae the heartfelt sy m pithy o the whoh com otunity m the editor ts aaav und our 5nt atteomit at jocrnalura has beg we are coogratulatiog oarsehes accocdtagl wievmg that we should lave been enjo iu the coraforu of the editors hu ehair long ere this but we are onlj to have one woike enjoj meat however as our editor knows bat too well the pleasure of asnooxe m the aforesaid chair to let us occupv it for mare uux 00c week w hope that we hare pleased ocr readet besides affording iur editor the benefit cf seven days hohdav iftw all the tnals and troubles of eighteen rnoaths o rasmed life- however ihoald an of our readers find any thine m these column dtcusteful tothetn ta their capacity as suireci cntics we trust ther h gvat theic scissors and at oocc extract the ob- nonotts aruele or bnup the kper to ut and we wdl ctxts it nt but dun t let the editor sec it or oarrepatatiun a journalists will be rained bat hold 1 better thosfiht ttrttea cc which will gam for as cvercutiqgeaae ia tkucatfartxble tancctan wkc torttttt it it this wrap the cop con taioina the distasteful article aroacd a good sobd cornstalk this cars growth meet the editor as be steps from the traia to morrow evening k hitn to take a dnnk he will entice him atound to the g 1 r pump and quietlj club him surges oashmeres 1 buntings etc personate mr geo moore of brampton was in town this week pev eleazer sibbald of toronto was in tjiwn on thurcdav but mrs r bert bme of gnelph visited htr cton friends on thursday last mrs h jenner and mrs geo lovcys re rieiung their fnends in toronto- mr and mrs edward ickhn paid their fneuds in palermo a vieit this weel ifr a r mcichlof gait madeashort vint among his acnu fnends this week miss jennie m donald of rverivepnta a few da s ths iseek with ber acton friends ilr dennis ellv who has been roiding in milton for some time pst ha returned 1 to acton mr p iimond of detroit ilich son of ut vim i of this village is here on e short visit- mr richard mooce of rockwood left for ifinitoba lost uetk where he intends ructieatmg for a fe months mrs j g hill of monroe mich who has ben i it ng her fnends here for the pst feu weeks left for home on monday mrn malcolm kennedy left here on sat urday mcrnuig for parr karbor where she intends to epuid a few weeks a ita her son tom mrs f h storey and ilrs alex secord left jeteray morn ng for toron1o wiiere thev intend epenomg a few days with their fnends we are glad to learn that sammy -eight- j earold con of mr abram staaffer who was on the verge of death a few yreflki ago i rspidly recovering mesrs john and george worden alva stafford md david bell who started on a tnp to england about fhe weeks ago re turned yesterday looting hole and hearty having eajojed a very pleasant time mr c jl walker and his newty made bnde miss ed hamilton of this village retarded from their wedding tnp on friday evening after visiting fnends in toronto andcjolbngwood they left for their new home 10 enn village on batarday mr h p moore editor of this journal who is a member of the board of examiners of the commercial department of albert college belleville left on friday last to attend hie annual convocation of that institution and has not yet returned v7e ere glad this week ta welcome to our village as future residents the family of our king of the dfty goods sv is rlfqrd e r solbrt j b willlmnson gentlemen now is the tims to buy your travelling and rusti cating suites we have in stock a choice lot of scotch english tweeds we make up a ni04 twd suit to order low a 1060 i hurrah for bargains in fui and felt hats we have a fine stock of men and boys fur and felt hats which we are selling jess than wholesale ati these prices 40c i60o 75b aai 100 mens fancy hose 5c a pair but the cheapest thing of all ig our seat vhite 00j7erlets for 110 only k fe dozen left i hughes griffin how 18 it how is it ffow 11 it the qaeanon u often aave4 1 thit ihough hr aeema liltl or fllblng doing iq other toret tfve tpicious roon of tbe lion are generally ullrd ttilti catomer 1 tho reaon ars cmiand plum i ho people know lht en bar from hi la betler adtanlag our urc bame nble 01 to boy impede qaanllcie it the price u iovr enough hence we boy cheaper than ftbec tores our large biles etublt tn to soil on smaller profit hence we lell cheaper thin other tor oar urge ock wine i coinpnbm erery department of the dry oooji trade offer rariely to uifihe wante of erery clasj oi cuitomer hence oailomeri can iiiraj jfljd what iney irant to sum up tl lit i iatjs yirlety vi br oieijor ail to soil oisipm ehe ijjil io03 tii drr dsoda traio of qtulpi sact bnnnf the pari week naaold bemarlsof yards of ahose aplendil pnnlaattj per vara the qiuat price of which is i jjc we sj 1 icores of pieces of dr hood atl2jo theuiuat price orwhich is 20 and 25c we aold hundreds of parmolsai 25 eta the uadfrpnee of which i 50 and75c r e sold dotena of thoae- wonderful 914 50 suit rneusual price of which was f g tet t e truth o lh asseruonsby seeing foryourseltef danngthe preseotweek we offer the followiag y paints oils yar- nishes etc etc worthy inend and atixenilr j b pearson wbo lately purchased the business of a becord l co wetxnst the family will like onr village and also its inhabitants eev sg staples of coboorg university who will assist the rev t l vilkiosoo in his ministerial duties until about the first of october preached his first sermon la acton on sunday evening in the ilcthodist church the discourse throughout was ji masterly one and waa listened to by aa appreciative congregation the eeppemxg of st albans church on sundavevemnj last drew a very large congregation the services were con ducted by the rev v j pigott incumbent the musical portion consisting of choruses anthems offertones etc being admirablj conducted by our citnen ilr p jams organist assisted by tbe church choir dunng the past few weeks the church has undergone a thorough renovation the whole of the intenor having been repainted and presents a very pleasing appearance tbe walls have been painted cream color the ce i ng lavendar the chancel a rce puh and the voodwork a ston color the whole sux mounted with a beautiful fresco bordenng of maroon tie painting has been exceed ingly well done and reflects great credit upon the contractor hr ii cooper of this place the organ which is anew one and made to order by the bowmiuniile organ co at a cot of j00 was procured through the agency oi ifr r crsmc of this village and is a very beaut fulone which fdr finish and tone cannot be beat it contains six teen stop knse swell and grand organ stop octave coupler and sub baas altogether the pastor and congregation of st alhan s have now church which for pleasing internal effect stands second to none in the village and best of all is that everything including the organ has been paid for 0 fciday last one of our young men became the possessor of a ijran oew horse and bein desirous of ascertaining its eood points borrowed a wagon and iu ited another young man aloag far the purpose no doubt of indulging tn the most rantaous praisec over the acquisition everything went along as merrily xa the famous mar tiase bells until opposite the residence of mr john ucounell east of the g t r ttatum when the beast observing a sj ou itsowoeeanose attempted to kuock it off with its heels but the dash board interfered though getting a httla tbe worst of it by this tinu tbe ribbons had been transferred to ths hands of the invited guest aad the owners feet mads hasty movement s orer the back of the seat towatdt the end of the agoil aaotfcec uprising of the basmess end of the horse followed by what jab thought was an earthquake and the daah board nearly bit the mooa hut the owne of the horse oh i where was he this qneauan was not solved cniil one of the shafts of the agou waa brokeo the harness considerably damaged the jzuest thrown oat and somewhat shaken up and the horse quieted when forlorn critter raijht have been teen crawling out from a corner of the fenca ayrjt i ii couldukiset near him to stop hnu meamnt the horse this proved u fc the brave aad handsome poueuor of the soimile the horse was then waltzed home the ng is now under- goinjf repan the harness likewise bat the dash board has not been heard from since the guest is now nursing a sore bead and the odce proud owner of tbe horse is quietly chewing that old saying he who fights and rtfojaway will live to fight another day at j e mcgar- toronto oil co are sole manutactar- es of caswnnet machine oil in- fringemerta wtlt beprosecnted mcquillan fc hamilton or th wellrngtcn uarll woru gaelph are noted for gtinnk satisfaction to those fleer ing them with their orders if jou need anj thinz m their iini be sure aod remember tbsm they do van r rasineas coa seqoeniy ther are atle to gire better terms aoi leep better irtmett than smaller works seoo to them for particulars ask your dealer for castorine ifaefaine tu altd iae that the barrel branded castanae asnona other u tenaine a hsultht mlnnererifcnfciiof huftrm- acn tbe drsrepttc thtnjcsjof nothlns else ludleetua la a eonslaot c ine wise man who anda sitmself lofleritis wtn spend a tew eenta fort botue c r zoptsi frcm bratll iste new aih remarlrahle eomiocind foreleanslns and tontt tue system 6ru- isilnctue dlgmtlreapparalusandthelleer to properlrperorm thetrduuea aassimuat lenheftod getalocentsunirleofzorsa cbenw remfrrtrof oirdnifcill j ejic- aurvtn a few dosj wit surprise yoa use castorine uachlne oil for it kindsof machinerx it is alio excellent or harness or leather mating it waiec and weather proof i just look this way p satoo bocoat x laeoz stock or l groceries glassware dc crockery reader har rca tned erery remedy for chmmc disease impure ktood ti ordered liver or sidneys k rrous and oeneral debtltly csonttipation of he f0 cash bowels lttt the manifold tabenng anl ul expwum f light if pgruinme thereto have yoa pn cod lhat he special and stirring bargains tspleees dressgeodsat 10e rr jard 100 pieces breis goods at wc porysrd ponsons heavy blaet go uraln biiteat p per yard oi pi frtau at t cents per rsrd rtteiuof linen ulsters and do mans at 51 f each mark tbe pried 100 pieces crouter r and other carpets 3 per eeol under talue agrardvatdwidilieatooion a it eta caenw tjdersiilruiit 23 cents eacli otntswtut ttrai 50 cents each white unhu blystoclc very cheap ker lot ladies and cosldreui ounskflan and american ftclry frfrycflaa vvtndsarflortrn luie prints aew and terr uaqsitouij ccic 4c f new lot of tweeds for oar v sails ani datc i a clincher m piw hwy twilled oxford shirtmgs 10c 50 pieces fine giutea hminps 10c mark thu na such cods are t j be faund at les than 50 per cent hit ber tha u r prices bee them and b conrinced come with the crowd to die don j d williamsotf co azenls or bazaar patterns beautiful spring suits from 1000 up at the east end clothing store a nice tarietyof cents spring underclothing and all the newest things in oorrr ties etc etc j fyfe acton assad 07 all competition tfotv yor up in despair t try bardocfc blifod bftterx it will not fall you a trial bottle only costs in penis begular sits 1 00 nr dealer n medicine can up plj joa if yoa are sufferingwilhwojld do not fill to try hteyam s pfoioral balsanv it udailv relietmg its httmiretls through out onr dominion it is pleasant and patauble j csvmhqt be ukdeb80l0 farmers can rely on reeewmg the fcighast markat price for their a fcexts wjvkted sellable agjenu wanted to canvnas for the v iaoaka fu emtf a beanu- fat ulooeraphlc palntlnr aits inches of klatire falls jtnto each jeerlf mhscrts rll tffit q ti fl ko0q er fictare alone wortu the price ntthe xjuuuo ollxu xjg g o paper and takes iram-nsalj- somcripiton loi kevtnr nclndine eitiire 40o t an- j ixua llucml commissi u atvea beqd j cents for sami ie picwire ani paper and get terms tqajent thlsaraoonlto he dedocted from first list or fire names set to oor ad dress i asoeb bro i majani falls ont best t1lce ix teas ik to w acton tannery hemlock baric wanted the wbole of the stock la new and freah and some of the very latent designs in olasswire tiivc juti come to hand 400 pee cor0 will be paid tor all wellgaved itemlock bark bark mast bc1s6pt flat aad piled fall foar feet lone yyi bark will be taken as it rung hentj and llelit j chas knees acton my 23 81 vins drag and your patronage la kindly solicited p brown stationery store hilt w special announcement mammoth house georgetown bejf leave to amoence that the have made extensive purchases la twvads droaa ooods muslins prints oarptti so in addition to their forirer immense stck they have panhued linea of tbe aoove gtjoda 100 pieee or 2000 yar ft all of sew and fa hicnal le cotch tweeds reg alar pncea 2t tit per suit and tn the citv they charge 30 lor the same goods and to be sold for 18 per cuit made to order 1 dres jfjous 80 loo 1 2c 1 r 20c worth double the raony deuss mufllns 5o 80 loo worth donble the money prlnto for 5c 60 8c suc worth in eacli jase 33 per nt toot tapestry carpet for 50c per yard we has made an addition af so plecet e tapestry carpet w our hock we hate further magnificent stock of braseela in onr millinery department we were never busy oar liauda are working night and day oar ordered clothiag apartment m never in oh aoarishinj conditioo f tbe above ii proof poaitife that we r doing the business sitidij th tfatrtisins aad pleasing the people come and trade with at and sore u mcleod andekson fcioo acton paints oils variiishes a-

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