Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1881, p. 3

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i v the free ppss tnckspfr m august 4 lltsli i when you want wadding presents birthday presents toys lur uie children birtmav cards remember vyou cu always sx the largest and rsoestseleotion t ooo jnds jtwelwry and foucy guods store acton out hit 0odi owael thli woo mottoes card board berlin wools motto keedlet motto frames a ap leudid tiac in envelopes writing paper pen and tul selhag very cheap giveua acau sayings and doings in town and county mats cbinctjn mob kkpobtjcd fos ths frxc paxss coudo tfivia holiday j ttuk evitultiga art pltmuiit vi j counts toutoil uiei on ttusdky last cooxterfelt quartets are incttv culatiou- r v- pid you hear talmase in george- towu last night 1 oajcvili1 hut chotsorwodutodnt 10th inst lor its civie holiday a mad dog cttiiti sensation in toronto on woodsy two men orbjttou tuk first threslitug iuactjine of luo seastiu passed through town ou thun day- i mr c h smith his just erected i new baruouhis properly nortl ottos g 1 iluluvv r tbeih are a nibarpf gnilemen iu towu k ho spend the most i jhcir leisure playing croquet fabiteks ate buying largely of tlit merchants in unci aaofucj eridencs of improving times tnk bkptial paid k5for the pririlegeof baring talraace lecture m georgetown lut uigbt tin lumber ha been on land for the elgin street liditilt for a week or more uat toe work hit not yet commenced all items of iutrjt including the arrival and departure of friends are gladly received for the beuciit of our readers have any of ha farmers in this vicinity taken iuta consideration fhi coa- stractiou of silos u aoi they should loot into the subject mr j boyd student of toronto university is ojeciatinr in the absence of rev w j figw he preached aa eicel- lent scrmati last sunday eveuiof thebe was gentjnnn in town r these h an excellent owning in doo davs kow write august cira holiday next edneso 4the tsspbstry sensoa is about ovtr i peacues are offered for sale iu totilj brakble berry picking will soon commence where do you intend to spend yocr civic holiday some of the farmers in thia ricin tty haws commerjeed catuoii their oata icrox voters list has been torn pleted and isnaw in the hands of the clert the employees of the csnsda glove worts commenced this week to wcrk overtima r t 1 h n s a li nd ex on tuesday trying to organiie acoartof the order of fpresteia i jilitosiielebrated its cirie hoiu day with a fifty cent excursion to tcwuto over the c eailiraj- lidu ilatthews- practices dally on his bicycle hell he taking a trip to joronto some of these dayt it i is an ereutsioa to bcant- i ford ou vednesday 10th fast over the f g t e fare lio for the round trip xou may be well tnowa in year town wiiiiout advertising bat yoa need to be vdlkrpt a uistf as well as well tnown ili david mckeonsr of eramosa ocarcrewsoas corners was san- struck oa taesday his recu very ia doabt- fai j rqltk a naoiber of subscribers hxve bceo added to oar sabscriptioa list dnrie the weetv several of chem lein in theoid cooctry tiiat nsa good startro jteice try another side thtiut wedodtuxwto jlaader all over the wotli to find eoooch ttema to fill oar iyxx celamnx say way tse regular quarterly sleecicg- aod sacremeatal services off the jf etiiodift chflreb of tiiis village aiil taie place oh ssaday next coouaeuciag at 100 a m xitbchaxts oi othera reqairinc fcili heads this fall will be the tsiaers by leaving their orders at this onice at once itis tie earlr dku tiat calcbta- tie stamps p we aee sorry very sotry iniej ia see such respeotahle young mea take such a time as sandfly night tqget drank and made such disagrceahle objects of them- felves upoa the streets the boarddf trasteea of acton school division ha vejarchased the triangu lar plat of croand aorthwest of the school property the play ground will thus be aimentedby nearly an acre twe hara recfcive the initial nam- berf wtlfant liierartf ilicrkotx a new religoscieatific and p hilosoihlcftl moathly jooraal pablished by tfessrs hall t co xew york sander saaipie copy piazza picnich sre the latest ejxhaagc we heard- of such a picnic be- v sag held oa main street the other day which was kept an nnrir three oclock ia the snornin there were only two participants thbaah l while a of men were assisting to idwerfhe plow factory amok atack last thursday a pibe kile fell strik- ing ilr joha p wordea ia the face tba blow bruised his nose and pave him a very tace face for ew daysl r flook gavey way at r barbers paper mill georgetown yesterday pre apitatmg a quantity of bnct apoaa work man aamed oscar maw almost baryiug him- strange to say heescaped with a camber of cats and bruises and a broken bone in one hand the secretary of the toronto ih- dastrial aasoeiatiaxi as favored as with a copy of thepriseliatfpr the great cxiubt- tion to be held in the erhibirioa park to- roato from the 5th to the 17th of septem ber aezt tbia xhibitloa promises to be the greatest ever jbeld in caaada me 1l fipeigbt blacksmith met with severe aecident on tharaday last jit was cutting a short piece of iroa with the clipping machiae and by some means r got bis left thumb ohder the cctter wbicb aqaeesed the fiesb off the bone and bruised the thnnjb very badly the wound ia now healiag nfidly howwer the iiglitoing duringf the tbnader gtonn on monday played hob with the telegraph offices m town and almost played hob will hobbs one of the dominion line operators here mr f eobbs clerk in ucgarrius drugstore wa about 6 send a telegram srhen a custoznoir came inlo the shop and while he was waiting on him the lightning struck tlu wire and the electric current entered the office srith a report be the diaehaije trf ennnon destrdymg 11 the telegraph iutraments oaniuictm with the trine had theoperato beenat the key attho time he would on doubt have been instaotl killei the damage to the inatrumenns amount to abont ttom ii both the mnntieial tad g t b offices received ahpeks at the tune bat iio damage was sustained seveosl telegraph rpble van shattered in the ttcinity of cwon conien dnring the storm paiiits oils j acioa foe 4 bxating aatituttaa oc tame kind a branch ot eae of the charfcred biafca it preterred by oar bcjiaas xttfisoa of air farr wbo lixts about 2 miks earth ofoifcctlle wiiticfcod ia the qice by iitirtc kc was driving dr stttbaflniid ttu at foe ftud kved up the wound y u veicoai to oar exchange list the citizen auitiied in ciear6etd pt- 4t is one of the most later esifa uapuri oa- our es xcd tie votes tliv fireier part of iu yc to local miitefs the raia storm on ilandiy vas tt most elcooe one vettatiaa bad began to kliter from the absence of raui bat ciacc iloadays hovcraeh liffl lecxus to have been iiutillfcd into everything oca especial thaufcs tftedae to mrcs asecord far a exquisite and most fraxrint boquet rhrcnghatqe idudneac of hraecord ocr editorial table it tddau irithoat a eollcciiott of flower from her kirden- i the tiyuv foe the raising of a loan to croajman brotrwi georcetovro for the purpose of crectiag a taittine kiaehiae factory there sra totl oa uoaday faclt- ing ia 100 rotes for and 19 tgihstt ive cnogratnlaio the esierarias of oar suter torn b a yravellixg 6ce eater stmcfc acton oa taarsdav but and give an exhibi tion of fas tire eating proptixdtiea at the comer of kill and ilain ctreeu vhicb amored the juveniles the collcctioa be received km insufficient to pay his hotel bill o he aid i a shpar time ago rome persa who vifiied to dowme vorfc ux the tdfaee cemetery borroked the plan from the care- tater tbe late johnkreight esq failin to rttcrn it tbe plan is now urgently requirtdnd whoever haa it m11fciidiy tetaru it totlr j speight jr immediate- iy- t j west formerly of this vil itge baa beeu transfeited from the eocki wood station to be night operator at tbe g te passenger station goelpb aad frea jennings the late aight operator at uutlpbv has beea apooiated agent at kocfcwood in plice of ffanfc dunn who has left for eng- zand for tbe beoeafc af bis health ox sttxdar last as ilr j shsrp and wife of erin were retarnijig bom from this village after charch their horse became frightend at tbe cirs and rauaws thowiag both occupants oat of tbe baccy they however mirtcaloasly escaped ia- jary mr k hemstreet caaghttbe horse a short distance from jtbe scene of tbe addea jr the eieintors of tbe estate of the late sidney smith lsq have sold tbe machinery including the engine audhoiler beouing to the plow factory aad it haa beearemoedfrom the premises weoader- stand that tbeyhad a- good offer from a maa who wanted to open a foundry in tbe premises for the property but they con cluded to sell the property separately we thought the executors one of whom is our worthy reeve hlcu s smith had the interests of tbe village moreat heart thau to accede iotbe removal of toe machinery from tbe factory when there was a prospect of an important indistry beiagpermanently scttled iaour villsge wetbink tbe ex eeutors have made a mistake and have done neither the estate northe village justice by the traaaaction bat of coarse- they have the powerto set as they see tit br thp proclsfliatiia in anolber colamn if frill be seen tim the reeve has set apart wednesday 10th inst as gvio hbbdayfor this municipality there has been nothing said abo getting nppenal excursion from actonbnt there axe anum- ber of excursions to variojas poihts of inter est on that day whjeh aje avaaablerioour citiiena an excursion leaves hefcr brantrd tickets tlm good to return on any train thefolloingday the gaud lodge xoof neeta in that oi on wed nesday aid a most interesting programim has been prorided fhttita sions to detroit af ai the mabd trip to cseveland toftsm and fcr lom ticket good tor ten days b train leaves gnelph for tbveimuwmbtlwf exoueilons toother places of hiteresare advertised and altogetterwr think the day proclaimed by the reeve will be very acoeptj ablr to our citizens the shops and business places in town will be closed dnrlngtheday iiiahes etaatc iakfcyrili nubicibei- f f 3e ffcilhek u jleaiant oenitirj itiia wbtik li- good oio 4 ustrsnwodob holfcl eratnoaa was burned lasjt k lffltjtbojil time the frederick street stdiwalk wm oomplsled i tuit th ttnitjraclei- i eglstered 00 degrees in the ihado yesterday xfesidia hugles t griffin have erected a vcrjnoat verandah in front of their store ririootvlonkplace between two aerie trsdirs a main street ou monday nibi jud basilicas j some persou bsi inrrowiui a shovel belonging to the hsou of the ilethodiw church aud orotieu to retura it i tub acton free ivrofcliti ont csnadsqa- one of the irtfwiicsf jiapers we receire csiia cluarfield 1a xu james upow baihust get in ftrer oo0 pickled lanbakira which he will manufacture into various kinda of gloto leather 43kb remon why peopje do not visit stotes that do not advertise ia because tbeydonot wish to disturb the persou wiio u wading behind the counter thistles are flourishing in the countryfields ace tiowtred with tbcm and iutowa vacant iota and yards ia many instances have a plentiful supply va match between milton and georgetowa lacrosse clubs was played here last thursday afleraooa resulting in a victory for the former by three games to one uilton xiict v two uior glavecutterg nrrived on iloadiy last from england and have taken tjbcir pkecs ia the cutuug department of tie caufda glove wockt the stafltof ibis important industrj is constantly iacreasieg the hamilton spectator says tdegram marvels becaosa a bcaat- fard horse walked into a bar rooai jaat as if a hore cau da mhat many an ass has done and adds this is by the temper- aace editor ox tee 10th of august a gtand excarsion aadcr the autpicea- of progress lndge l oo p wili leave gueljjh oa thes train g t u for detroit cieve- lsndmilttautee grand rapids and other points ia the western states good for ten days owixa to the civic holiday having been proclaimed for wednesday 10th ihxt the exe plica will be uaued oa tnesday afternooo stb ilut tbe majority of the country papers osoad pauioatioa daring the week of the anausl civic hokdsy bet the full 1blu haa never failed to appear auy weet since the first issue oa july 2nd 1875 is our next issae we will publish a chronological table of the kings of jitdah and israel who observations on the same prepared by ilr r little p s l the table will le of considerable interest to biblical students and as there will no doubt beilargedemand for extra copies of the paper ttxne wishing extras will kindly leave their orders early accidext weregret ta earn that kr eobt willmott near tliui town met with a very seriocs accident last sunday night during the storm that night he arose from bed to close aome windows and ia returning ia the dark missed his way and stepped don the cellarway he waa bidly hurt about the head aad it is feared bis spiue has received senaas injary idil t4a jtvtqr tttepopalatiqttof oar county is found by the receat censu to be 11330 which its decreasesincelfltlof 67u had the ceoaaa notibeeu taken aatiloext year the opponent of the scott act would no doubt have attributed the decrease to the passage of the scott actio thecooaty the preseut population of mil to a is 1303 an increase of 412 in ten years that ef oakvillefia 1710 sa increase of only 2rj in the same- period os thnrsday evening ilr d whitlcyirove past the band stand while the band was playing and not ooticing a little boy son of mr josiah adams who was playing in the street rsa over him the wheel passedover the right leg but happily no bones were broken and the injury was not serioas we have repeated iy advised parent to keep their children at home at bight as when under theparental roof they are out of either physical or moral danger tee brass band rendered a num ber of fine selections the most of them in excellent style oa the bsad stand last thursday evening the boys are improv ing rapidly and oar little towu is ia a posi- tioa to boast of possessiag the fiaest brass baad ia the eointy the boys appear in these open air concerts fnnniform and our citirens no doabt appreciate the trouble takea to make a creditable appearaace as well u to provide good music tbe follow ing waa the programme performed during the evening 1 polka philopens 2 qaickafep theifcws 3 waltz- r charming j l quickstep gathering np the bheus il fantasia the hocking bird 6 quickstep adelia 7 the national anthem the gnelph mercury says ivaham jdonteith alfred a riddell harry uikts and willbtmjdckeecher who are students t ibe agricultural college oa tbortday afternoon ina trial of speed in binding did about tbe best work we have heard of on the harvest field in six hours they bound eight acres of heavy fall wheat following the reaper which was driven at high speed jo sdoaslf that the- last sheaf was taken trom the table as the machine ftopped who can beat itt we can ffersl torue thing that bests it 1 on friday last mr george leslie erin cut with a maasey reaper fourteen acres of fall wheet intenhonrs the field ru one of tbe best in this seetisn of tbe eeaitry and fhersin was heavy tfaroaghot keaars jm gamble john hotavish and neil and alex mc lean beurtd tbettlieat and kept op to tbe machine to the last mm- mcgaf- to hit wonat the reeve of the vil lage of aciou we the undersigned citi- rrxs of the ifunicipalityofiho village of acton would hereby request your wor ship to have wednesday ttie lotti of august proclaimed as a civic hobday for our village dated srd august is81 junes afatthews and thirtyeight others ken and tguifort o ike suffering brunos iiausahijldglauacea liti no equal for ulievlng pgln both in- teinllsud external f qurei fain la the side uaok or bmrels 8or throat kheumiliim toothache lumbago and any kind ul a pafn or ache it will most surely quicken tot hlood arid hel si in uotikg powrr fs troudsrrul browns hoasehbl isnacka being acknowledged as hie rreat pnm uelievkr and of double tba strength of any other elixir or liniment in tbe world should be in every family handy for use when wnnled s it really is the best rtmedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds i and il for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle civic holiday proclamation ia compliance with the above petition i hereby proclaim vfednesday the 10th august 1881 a public hobday in the village of acton and request all citiicns thereof to observe the same in a due and proper manner r- c s sioth reeve acton aug 3 31 uctios sale rel estate xq bqv8mmq fpajftrcbs the undersigned has been instructed by xfr emanuel garrett to sell by public auc tion on the premises next to agucwx hotel j acton oa l saturday 27th aug 88f the followiag real estate and hoaaehold furniture lot ko ii west main street itt the village of acton containing onefifiii of an acre on the premises ig a good dwcliiag house containiagiix rooms andsummer kitchen hard and soft water the property is situated in the business part of the village fnrnf tnre 3 bedsteads i bureau s closed washstands 2 centrotahles 1 leaf table 1 extension table 1 sideboard 1 corner cupboard 2 sewing sfachines x lounges parlor chairs 2 rocking chairs kitchen chairs ccojcstovu xo 10 code stove other articles not mentioned txsxs on eeal estate will be made known on application aad on day of sale on furniture cash sale to commence af 2 oclock pjn c ko reserve aa the proprietor isleavrng actoa w hxuaaxt auciioaeer just this way w p brown havixo bovout a lam stock or groceries glassware crockery for cash and his expfnaei belnc light is confident that be cahh0t be under80l0 farmers can rely oa receiviag the highest marktt price or their i i butter land eggs best value in teas in towx the whole of tbe stock is new and fresh and some of the very latest designs in ci lass ware hare just come a hand your patrenagt la kladly elieitthl w p brow bar guis kwq of the 4 dry goods hughes griffin i i offer from date sprjnb and summer af a oreaf baduetloa dress goods muslins and hosiery af wholmau prlsm grey and bleaohei oottoas denims ducks c ttonadbs aad fanoy prints tsf kst ohaapar thaa car j also a large consignment of french kid caf boots and slijijiers mens tieshoes and gaiters just received from the manufacture goods we will guarantee at ferices that cant be blevt theltollhelis terrible destruction among the dry goods saturday 23d july wo conunaace a grand onslaoeb t ia our immenbe stock at dry goods during the past week we have been busily at work rplmark4ng the goods in every de- partaent at snch astoauding rednctioos ia price aa wjl startle the oomnjunity-mer- chants customers anil ail prices hcdnced from 85 to 50 per cent apd to crown all we shall give durmg tbe next 30 cays a cash dlseauttt tf teal per cent ou every purchase of gl and upwards 10 per oent for cash on every dollar marlc thi 90000 worth ofi choice new goods at slaughter prices oh wont there be rani we expect to draw the customers rrom u the otbtr- storea and surrounding towns daring the next jndiys we are detrniined to mahoffthegooda labge baal importations arrnowonthe ay from europe and bur present stock mast be reaaceu in nt weeks arlvrr tisement we shall give price list for wlieh we have not space this wek bolt pat that the reduction in price we extend tb every department and cash dii ooontofloperoentwtll be allowed on every porchaseori and upwards jexira a will be on hand for the great knsh at the lion prepare for the hot weather thet are -at- ja fyfes acton ahead of all competttioit afdlilikeop just in for the harvest season at bottom prices member wb sell cheap lor cash ana 6ln m mi hughes griffln ji xrsih i vmff 3rug and btationery jstore j 4 williamson co halifax tweed suits fr0m 1100 to 1300 just the thing for july and augusts wexv ifobby duriblfi and cheap tj 1 special announcement mammotitkouse geobgetonw rug lu ve to aanoonw that they have inadeextenaivs purchases in- twavda drasa oooda muallha prlnfa oarpata4e in addition to their former immsnss stock teyhsve purohased larjfa line v- ef the ihtswtt i 100 pieces or 09yrk all mendfsiloascmtotitisfds wt alar prices22 per suit and in tb city they oharg iio- lor tbo aaui goods and totel for ai8jer suit made to order v lbessoouua8lo f bbw8 mtj8unh 5c so luo worth drjntil the money j pjumrhfer6e6a8o o wo h eseh ease st per eart mnrj tmfesicbsteurbrwecyani we ban made an addiuoa of fo trteoeeaftajseatry carpet ear sloefe w use tnrtber a laisatloeat toek oterassals in r ihiusttry pec we wer nevt an busy ow bedi ere jerklag sight and day onrordsurdotothlallsjpeimsiesii wanretlnauokaorlskini oondltlcn v ft i tbbois proof positive lhvaro dotny tbe liaabiial jjlluei ot banrjdns aid clearing tae pimple com aa aradesnu uvbjti moafr h 1 wil molbodaiidtllfahhhw i i j m acton pain t ai vwm

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