Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1881, p. 1

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v rl i 1 i tf 1- taiifclta intt la published h 3p altoore editor ov proprietor at vuk far jrko pblxtureji pcusbig qv8b neil doorlo metuodisl cuanm itiustrrxt atiapnt tews the fnec pnaimritc sent la fttlscrbcra posojo paid for tlcoyr a- nammdtaoefl6o a notnapikll no parer discontinued till nil im ik paid except at the option of the pudiiw airtunsixa iures casual advcrtise- treats 8 cculs per lino for the twiascr- 1 tlou aud j cents per line for dach subse quent iuscrtioii cash professional cards 10 lines or less 11x1 prf annum l square is lines uot pot abuum parable in 6 mouths fromdito of insertion- any special i kntico the object of which is la promote the poctmiary benefit jof any individual or company to be ccuadored an ndvortisc- meat iho number of lines reckoned bv the space occupied measured bv a scale of sohdkonpireil nonpareil i cavrjttct caves erne column one rear hu eolam it oaetvear tliarter catamn 6ae rear une cnluma tltmouuls halreulamaiumoiuui iarter colarunsrr niacins u ie cotama three- moallik ilalioolnmatareflraonuis quarter eoluma tbree months btnertcjuuforlwinicbrcticeati inryr xranittarr advertlsenitau rumtbe paid la advane 0 l cnancta wt cur tract advcrtlsem ems most lv moa vitrjars olher- wc tie- wu be left over uuuw loilawlcs h p 1kkjre fclttor proprietor tux j ssoj tya 5501 i s00 li su0j 12 w rru terms 100 in advane 27ici cinrpiyier a ifaj of btj lift ilt fluitualiom and u vuel qouccrm yoluine vii no 6 acton ont tuesday august 9 1881 el ii klttliewe banker rfctorv qxt48iq this pltfpr g i3 v bcrit cut xetjrarera1 cumrvn cajr be niac f cc it lie sewvoskt vtotice thecarkdaadrerfmiacea- j cr o s kinc st vteii lulocw u autbiinred to revive advertlseaiebts u luis tapr vv i w w bdtjitek itirnter mrwcyorm w e lowet x hc ps gradaite of trfair ccuejje- slcm- ler of collekbf ebraciaubd surgeons 05 and redicac aj the hesa ofred- eric st- actoa 1 m jtcgjlevis st d 51 c p s jxa graiuate ct victorii caiverdtv geozueroirs orrixio viuvisi aeoa02 tuesday aal friday from 2 to 4 p m- if bis services are reqeired daring anv otber days of theneet notice left it j e hcgarriaa drag store will receivei prompt atteatica it u lure slfe icatheso ittorxerjlt solicncr in caaccerv sri office cert door to wallaces hotel jfcfltofc t x l exitett dextisr jl wrooiii rf itot m rfishervsgeongetosx xi oct vrilr visit actoa every edaes- dsy aid will stloid to all calls wrtiicing tohisfctfesaica orders left afilcbirvins drag store irfl receive prompt akatioa tcrais moderate tj fishee tfcxg nffeaecr iron foander ft machinlrt geoigctore 3sciiinet5 of rrery descriptioa nade to crier on the shortest caiice aiii ciol resoaifcle terms bepairfng promptly at tended to l i li5zze sl ctark biertster quebec street gaelplx bkasch office lm mjiuhcwt baudlnc hix strc irtoiu licensed auctioneerj for ilie coastfesaf wpttfttgton odhaitto odsrs left at the feee pexs osca acton promptly attended a xernlsreasonible i f iloncj ia loin i also money to loan outfie most favorable terms aad it the lowest rates of intec in samspf s 500 and upwards paxekts fob iktektioks jexpe- smncelt and properly fecmed ia can- ada the united bttas end europel pa tent guaranteed or no charge bend for printed mstructions agency xn operati6n ten vears i hesbr grist i ottawa cansda- hschanical engineering solicitora of pa- ents tn dringiitsmari- t c taylor veiebikaey sor- ge05 georgetovfn graduate of the ontario veterinary college will visit xcton every tuesday tom i to i pm all calls receited promptly attended to by eight or day horses boogirt and sold on tommisston eesideace west corner from livery stable georgetown oat i i- c tayloe i xiicensed aactionecr fxisk foe skl j i lamprepared to pfijythe highest cash jjrcie for hides ciliseas deacons lamb and sheep slfois delivered at my tannery lace lecher constantly on hand j james moore aerojf qkzvilagz paistisg having opened a paint shop in the prentr isa next door to kicfclina bakery i am pre pared to do carriage painting and aiga writing at every description and would re spectfully solicit the patronage of the people of acton andrfcinjiy james scott snamened to appftr bfow where jm can eet an earffehaye a ttjluh haircat frothing saampdoa or aooolin sea fqam i spare ao pains aadgiye no pflifl in the accomphshmeot of a good share razors and scissors set in perfect order on shortest notice wm goon barber mill street acton money the andenigned hu mebey at hiaoispoa- al for discounting rood endorsed notes at a reasonable rate of discount j james iiatthews acton may 10th 1881 a vekeral flxaayaff tiusl- ness transacted h0h3t loihsb os aprsoyxs h0ts3 notes discounted and interest allqwed on deposits htefteexce i the bank of montreal 156 if not ao paid whole no 338 26 wert eiio wrsdioa st gubleh whrolieyson aqt0m 0mt glove maenfaoturers the best description of gtovri and itrrrs in ever- variety of material and style are manufactured bv us wm s smith pftactical flatchlxaker j and jeweller i for tbe past siiteen years at savages re- spectfullr aaaouaccs o the public that he has just opened a firstclass fetore in tliei aboe premises where he will keep oa hand a full and choicu assortmentof the best watches storeys eureka swnc clove fast0irpai vte are also paeatcs and inventors of stor strfl4 srisch3to ras-tec- ctt jastly acknowiigcai the must perfect fastener in nse- patented in canda the united states and great britain 7 ronnigx omens spmcestnret ktw york d s a to advertisers qeopaovsttcm s0xccti1i2tcf local tfrw2apcrs ar adccrfifcr izho spend upward of 3kt0 a year and irko iurcu it haa 50cfuia due fisc vrnlr locr szfcrt lat lid paid me utter hist 7 iul tahfl 0ht 4stcrtlriiigrdil it isaot a cffapctttic it is act cici ii2t s it is aa eoncst lit the caijdoeue stales exact ywha t ttie papers ce when lhonameof the paperlk triuted in fctx 1acc ttee u isiaevcty itikianee the txst wbcu pnoletf lu caiitalc ii f s ihi ostt paper ibthe place the list give the popalatftn o every towa anj the circulation olvery paper the ratescharced forndrertlslrpare bireji onetrftti the dabflbew schedule tlieprie larsjcelftklaxesraccfsfrom ilasa- the pric for one lech one mouth in the entire fsus5s the regalarntec or the papers fortlie ufdie spaee arxl time ore sftou the list inclale sjsnftwepapebnfwbiciiirt- are itnecl bailt and a weetlv they are local- lu ss diafereut ciitts and fowijk ol which ware hlale capitals xs places or oter30ofl popalitiin and icn county seats far- copy ofliit sni other infnrmition ad dress geo p kcacfcxltfcco j m spruce sl kaw ydrt oica assortmentiof the best clocks jbwellerr ixnatcmoplirc fine watch repairing a specisjty agent for the celebrated lancaster watch on all work ram a distance the return charges will be paid lyric gems of scotland a collection of scottish sones original and selected with mttsio fual tiid aceead series is one volmne wtta appcadlx of notes haurtoal and dcacrlpute ortiavsrlons sowss the volame contains 697 soars with music aud will be mailed post paidoa receipt of 1 15d days bookstore the free press actov tredxr aouits 1881 poetsv better luck another tear ofi never siak neah forane s frown but liravc her ith s shoutof cheer and brsvc her fairly face her dxwn the is oal stera to those who ftar 1 heres belter luck another year 1 aye better lack suother yeirl well havejhe mile iujlead of fineer a tlioaaaaditatlu for every tear with home nude glad and goodly cheer and better luck mother year i the damsel for lane itilldeuies the pies that yet delight her ear tis bat aux manhood that she tries shes coy to those who drniat and fesr shell tint the suit another year lie res better lackanothcr year 1 she now denies the ifcldta prira bat spite of frown ana scorn aud sneer be tirtriand we will win and wear with hanie made clad and goodly cheer in better luck another yea- 1 ccelph the mutual life as30ctatwx of caxada ue1d office nthiltp jf oxt f goreracbat deposit over 3300000 policies oa the kesefvc fcsd yulx issned by this coin paay only and copyright contain a plain statement of the amonnt of cash talne of paidap iusarance the pulicy- hajderriil be entitled ut receive if dicoti- tinning the payoifnt of premiams after 5 10 15 20 23 30 z5 paymeats ate h p moore agent free puess office f acton butcher shop t f cummihgs practical upholsterer cceiph ovt1kio tambrcqnfns cnrtalns nindoir blinds and church fashions cleopatra choirs ottoinairs jsaniicrctts tarkisukprlflsbarcb and keedle wort a specialty crizu cul made and laid on thf shorted notice fernitare tieupholstered at the most rea sonable kates aad in the latest style t ff utjmmingsr qvekc sired hcit guclpfi tfaedabte ffllase propertr for sale w c robinson wbpd intimate co the people of ackon that hehas panbased the batcher basiuesslate- fcaitled aa by eooertatorey and that be has always on baridaflrstclassstocltrof oec fcrk nation woulirr ait cauneln earon etc aid hopes by strict attention to fcosloess to ifccre a fair share of the patronage of tti gtihilc mearaelireredatttoy tlnietoany paatoftbetown the rabseriber offers for sale that bantl- uily titaated piece of property u tngr north of the ilr depot la ifle earpnrhuon of the vulaeej of acton the property contains 12 acr mora or leaf 8 ot which are in a hlfti slate of cuiuvatjon and nearly all planted flthfroit treeroj eveiy description and ail of the best varieties the balance is good pastcre land wulianevemajing8ireaninn nlos through it on which ta sitin led a fish pand on the premises tnere is a twostory bricfcdweufnheariycompietedcjjntaluldg 6 rooms also back kitchen wltbtfareeroomv good stable and shed and nrsicfas bard and soft water etc th aoove would be a very desirable rbice foira retired gaatlenen or for aimaritel guraener terma liberal and made known onapplica- uon lo eli6sydeb acicn po terms oaai call solicit okdkks enojiptxr attended to wc rbblnsda m hello agents can make more money selling oar new telephone than in any other bnsiness send si for sample pair and wire to pat np and exhibit bathfaction guaranteed or money refunded large profits address c g telephone c 123 8 clark 8t chicago m henry e griniinton house painter vraine paper hanger and deeorater it prepared lo lake contracu for painting- paper haoking anil kalaomlnlng orders promptlj attended jto in town or eoootry terms refsonabe having an experience or thirty years i can gtntrantee satfsfaetlon to a0 h b gbiniinoni jljew cakeiage repair shop 3d fqbsfeb has opened a shop in ryders old stand where he ia prepared to do all kinds of wagon and carriage repairing od the shortest notkwothing batfiretrlasa material osew a call solicited t a forster ctorse lot fobsale the anderrinnfd offers for sale the splendid stone dwelling on main st near mr 0 8 smiths residence one fifth of ac acre witn stone honse in splendid conjdition stable and shop on the prern bit hard and soft water wells title indisputaole terms reasonable ap ply w aechu0jtab kookwoodto jtartlinc lost manhood restored a rlodm ottoolhtai tapnulanea eaashig prems jr dear kernms debokr lost uanbool etc jusd tried in rain eierr taomi remlr baidji f5 a staph al ran wlneli be fll taiisa to eaoimlfcrot adaru j il reeve result of heartlessaess rtare yoa beea suited iliss i said ah oflicioaa floorwalker of a large retail haose ap town as afashijnably dressed young lady tarned from tle ctowjed counter at which she had been stand ing with a munner of discontent xo that yoadg lady ia not dispos ed uj wait on cuitomere thiaafernoan she said haughtily as she nodded her kead to a fair frail looking girl that stood behind the coucler i have asked her twicsi to show ms- some chenile frtngft bat she does not think it worth her while lo notice me i beg yoar pardon but i really did not bear you at hat moment i felt so sick i llioaglt i was going lo faint said the girl tuif yyu will allow me to wait on you coir i oh no it is not necessary i can be suited elsewhere cried thecustomer lee black eyes flashing- icornfully as fehe gathered up her silken train anil walked towards the door is it possible that this proud scornful creature is eloise stradfotd thought elward carlton aa he stood looking after tle retreating figure is it possible that this is the girl whom he admire bo for her gentle kind dia position aa well aa for her extraordin ary beauty i he was standing in the far end of the store asking to one of the arm yheii he recosrnized and was making his way to her side when she turned kway from the counter and addressed tlie floorwalker in angry ones he iwas both astonished and disappointed kt her conduct for the admiration he felt for her bade fair to change to a jwaimer feeling as he rooked at ihe girl behind tbecounter he murmered how could iihe be so cruel 1 he girl joeanot look fit to be out of bed she s surely goiug o faint and his big aeart went out to her he wished ha iuld do something for her 1 shall have to repott you miss iarionyoa know the roles said the floorwalker jis he moved away l wealthy ed uarlion became inlcresled in estell marion he- learned her history she was tbo only cliild of a widowed mother for years mr mor ion had been a successful business man but entering into a heavy speculation that failed becajis suddenly poor soon after he died leaving bif wife and daughter almost penniless hince that emell supported herself and mother by working ina store during the day and doing fancy needly work at nigbt estell did not murmur at the aad change in her life bnt went to work with a brave heart and willing bands s i wonder what has become of ed cirlron said eloise stradfbrd to her toother one day as she closed her novel with a yawn and commenced a restlesn pace about the room it was three weeks since be was here i think you must bavu cffcnded him in soma way said her mother pausing in her knitting and looking at her daughter i am quite sure f have not we parted hevery best of friends the last time be was here said eloise pausing in her wait i cannot account in any ay for his sfaying away perhaps he is not in town sog gested bor mother oh yes ho is foe charlie saw him since charlie ia eloisea brother have yoa heard the news said charlie to his mother and sister one evening about a fortnight after the above conversation took place whit news cried his mother and eloise simultaneously ed carlton ia about to be mar- riedv ed carlton is about to be married repeated mis scradford in astonish meet to whom pravl she asked as soon as she recovered enough fiom i her surprise tb ask anything well that is j a jjueslion that t cannot very well answer i have heard the name tjut i fqrgt it any way yoa would not recognize her by her came as sheas not of our set tut you must know her eloise because carlton says he owes to yoa his gelling the sweetest little woman in the world for a wife charlie said turning to his sister to me r cried eloise speaking for the first time as she thinks it is sorely a jote her brother is playing on her yes i heard it from dick farns- with he is carltons bosom friend dtfyoa remerubar complaining of one of the aaleafadies acuts time aero up at m si cop for not waiting on you t kloise nodded in assent nd her brother continued wjl uarlion ja a friend of mr m and ho happened to drop in that afternoon to see him it seems he was about to speak to yoa when hs heard you complain of thej lady and yoa scarcely reached the door when the offending girl fainted yoa were- rather bard on her and she would have lost her place had it not been for carl tons intercession she is veryprelty carlton became inteiested in her and his interest changed to love that is the story as i heard it from faini- with it is well theroom ishalf dark and tears bprang to miss marions eyes biies look of mingled pain and as she listened and the pale delicate cha thlt i crept into eloise face became still paler the next moi evei w her meat she reeled and would have fallen hrother has uttered liaa been a slab to in a dead faint to the floor had not ed j hr heatt 8ho kn th p n carlton sprang to her assistance j she remembers the occurrence when she revived the blue grey eyes learned with gratitude as she heard soyi ui bmill bvaits boys on farmx like lioya in other places want spending money and are ofien sorely troubled to oblsin it they scarcely like to as- their parents lor rriouey to buy articles lo please their fancy and they have few opportunities to work out for when neighboring farmers wish to hire extra belp there is plenty of work on the laruis where ibey belonj their best chance to earn aonoy apjiearr o be in cullivating some crop at home that requires smajl capital to engage in a sin ill amount ol land for ka production but which pro duces a considerable sum of money the small frails are excellent in the6e respects they may be eel out at times when ibe soil is too wet to allow of other work and may be cultivated at odd hours whenthere is tittle to do in the fields they require but a small amount of land and produce more money from an acre than- any fstrn crop triplet uurji ed carlton i talking earnestly in her behalf to her employer how kind of him to inteieet himself she thought j shall i call a cab lo take you home miss marionj said her employer com ing over to herp you do hot look fit to wilk i no tbank you i shall feel better for a walk in the fresh air mu1 t aoton outturn k i in he store wilh a feeling of mortifica tion she cannot trust ksr voice to rpeak hermother breaks thf silence by sayings i did not think thai kd carllon would stoop to matry a common sales woman but she is a lady for all that mother her father was once a wealthy bnsiness man in this city and it ia only since his death that she ia obliged i do obi like the ideaaf you walk- to workin 6t iwiere tag home aloneyoa really look ill o ber p in feu as ny i if miss marion will allow me to j xta in onrrwt escort ber it wiil give me pleasure eloises pain was inoreaaed by tho said ed cailelon interrupting hit knowledge thatehe had learned to love fiiehd i edward carlton and had lost him j yes do mus marion you need tbroogh her heartleasness and cruelty not be afruid to trnatyourself with mr to a sales girl carlton i know he will take good m qiscoverylttreofyoasaid bef employer as he a little stream may quench hint aa law her about to hesitate j well as a great riren i ho thanking him for bis kindness a little boose well filled a little she accepted his escort land well tilled and little wife well from that da honcefortb handsome willed are great riches three things to contend for honoi country and friends three things to love con rage gen leneas and affection i three things to cherish virtue goodness and wisdom lj three things to hate cruelly arrog ance and ingratitude three things to delight in beauty frankness and freedom three things to teach truth indus try and contentment three things to govern temper tongue and conduct thre things toladmire intellect dignity and gracefulness three things to like cordiality goodness and cheerfulness three things to avoid idleness loquacity and flippant jesting three things to wish lor health frieads and a contented spirit i three things to cultivate good books good friends and good humor i crolden oloami no man it so wise that he may not err no ashes aje lighter than incense and few things burn out tooner faith and hope themselves shall dje while deathless charity remains there are as many wretched rich men in proportion a8 there are wretch ed jootmnen men mav say of marriage and women what they please they will renounce neither the one nor the other we censure the inconstancy of women when we are the victims we find it charming when we an the objects there is no greater fool tfian he who thinks himatdf wise no one wiser ban be who suspects he is a foot the prejudices of men emanate from the mind and may be overcome ithe prejudices of women emanate from the heart and are impregnable a srcadfal prejoaitloii a prominent land leagner recently proposed that the irish should boycott england bjr refusing to drink whiskey or smoke tobacco and thereby cut off the vast revenues which trarudioutr albion derives from irelands partiality- w these commodities it is said that the irish were so paralyzed by this brilliant idea that they were nnable to even mention it for several days but it is added tbatnpon recovering tbem selves they made things so lively for the proposer of the scheme that he has not been seen einceiapd ia now sup posed to be rusticating some where about the source of the nie such is the reward of top much getius the public will have them the pens of the euterbrucfc steel pen gos make and all stationers are ready to supply them beistol oxr 10th march 18s0 jeairs perry davis at so lavmtic montreal i have sold your painkiller ever since i commenced business and 1 sllll con tinue to tell more oi it than all ihe other proprietory medicines put together tnvs i ooniider the best recommendation leangireyou lam etc f 4bctly0luu ttwsf6 adjertisement in auotber column- a use castorlne arachwoil jarall kinds of machinery itiaalaoexoalttbti- for harneat or leather making it water and weather ft- tovtte fqjb cqxb tf t make hay while the son shine there ia anold maxim i wish yon woblii read c aad when- bate read it its coaruwl t- woauiccd makerw while tbo on ahintt th mown is old 11 i and yott is worth a whole bag all ofjgold the meayai is plaiu lor tbo firmr makn 1 h -i- ai fast a ha cau on a tine summer 1 he fcara that tbomorrowlli be cloudy and wet if be waits todays mewing in shelter to got 80 work while the son shiaea and never delay till tmnrrow the work that is ready to- day if vfur work is put by till toworrowa be- c gun the sun may dot shine and the work gar kiia11a i t l uudoue make hayjaj lifes laaihine by doings goj jeedt i i j ttr those who aro ronod yoa with majv great nefds i i f the cood deeds fila do in tie aniuinf of life r l a will ttreuathea yoar heart in re heat ot the rtnfe- m- scoursremant an tmdsink it try ii told tl little ietlow named artie one of three bttitheri whose parents had brought tbem m to be brave and ehreliaot he coamndomncb what he 00a id do be did witjfail his iiight and as their parents wermetboasm of the pjujoid fashioned sortwboys werl in the habit of beirid at soib times the hearty jamen break forth from their- fathers lips when the sermon raj particu larly enjiyable one cijiw sabbath day thestj children veje left at liome with many caabonito be careful i hardy had the parents left ere the treod- wqrk neat the stovepipe vu discovered to be on fire and oat of the childteas reaclij bat with wonderful actirity and energy the eldest climbed npon the table and pot out the flames when the father and mother retnroecl they sbadjcred to see the danger ut nhich their dear ouei had been exposed siid vita thankful hearts praised therm for their courage how did yoa manage tommy to reach the fire asked their father whv laidoniny i pushed th table np to the waji sod got upon that and did yoa kelp brother jimmy v to the next s tea sir 1 brought bjm a pail of water and handed hini the dipper and what did yon da4 aaid the proad father to his pet the youngest of ihe group well papj saidartie ti see i kas too mail whelp put out thejlre so i just stood by aajthoilered ameh jads wmard jack wtllard is only a dog but im sun yon will think be is a very wiae dbg when you read what i am about to tell yon jacts master had taught him quite a number of tricks and among them he has learned to go to market alone and buy ha own din ner majy persons ksowiothb gave jack money and aa le jdways trots off to market it often happens that be has a large pile of bones and eats more meat than ia cood for him jacks master did opt like this ai fear ing that jack alight b madeaick told iho marketman licit to sell hinttoeat miythaa oace a day but to take his money andkeeu it jack was vecy much surprised at first but soon learned that he could get meat for his money onlyoucea day nov vhatdt you yiink jack didt j a gentleman who was rery fond of him watched him one day andisav him co to the stable- yard jihere bemdfra hole pear the jcoboubct aodoned the iooney the next day jack hadtiomoney fciven to him so be went to the tee- house and dog up the fivecent piece wnidt he bad hidden an bought his dinner he has- often been watched since then and always carries hia extra money to the same spot and lievtr funietr that he hu money iu tbo 4uk this a a true story jack still lives and still goea to market once ech ovy i i spare lfsmtnti a boy poorly dreasej came to the door of uie principal of a celebrated school on morping and asked toaeehira tj10 servant eyed his mean clothes and thinking ho looked more like a begfrat than anything else told him to go around to thd kitchen i should likstoseemfi aaid he voa want a breakfast rhorelike canlsemra f aaked thi boy well hejfa the library j if he mutt be diatnrbed be mast 1 1 so she bade him to follow j after tajking awhile the princioal put aaiie the jeblanm that he was studying and took op asme greek books and began to examine thomew comer bvery qnestion heatked lbs to was answered rea3tty j upon mr word exdiimed the princi pal you do weu why my ooy whena did yon pickr up so mrich f- in ray part vaaaii answered fha boy v v v hewas a lmudworking lad yet almost fitted fox imijmw byhis spare raoaaesta what acebant can you riyt of jmr apaia tdomenta f 7- i up 1 vf tw v in idleness there is perpetual de- spau v they whtforgivemoetehammoat ven j v e art of- praiaing caused the art of speaking one must be poor to know tb luxury of giving h m sri i conaait the lipe foe opiaibna tk oondact for conviction a life of leisure and a life of artwfl dsfierent things j irretv atian jaa uw eharacjire- that whieh ho exhibita that wiojlu haikud thathioh he thinlwliftliaii t v fz n m iiim

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