Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1881, p. 3

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y v t- c-r- w press ttjtxdjrt amesoos august 9 1881 i 5vfhcn von nrant wtddine iiu irlhuv prweuta tnys tor fbe chinna irthdiv cajds renfeinoeryou can always pit thclijscjf iid iinwt selection t geo lljod jewelkry udj fancy tioods store acton pnt kow oejus cpoi this woo mottoes cardboard berliu wools motto kecdlei motto frames a splendid- liuctif envelopes writing piper pent and lot tellins very cheap gicc us tcall hojme s sarins and doinss la town and county i itkjts collkctep anb kspobtsb fob tex fks press v2- 1 m i ecu inobu to night hivfi you seen the new comet cmc holiday tomorrowwedaes day- school cojituenees nest thursdsy lhth august fakveksa getting litqe bceatb- irg spell now j baelet is a ocd crop aud the graic it ceocrslly bright looroqt for ucxeod anderson coa new sdr next week bisixess was rery brisk ia town on catarday if ter the rain geoegetots fa being favored with firstclass fire crery week nnwl wcmn a ejilendid rutncoatiuuing forabout lire hoars on saturday yoca farmers should endeavor to luaie thei aicdfurjtfiirs successful j i coeispoxexce con-efpond- eaceis sulicited from friends of this piper jcor wheat is no being- brought in the berry is plump hearv and nc sample t an e ia nert tnostb oysters eautiiea be eaten if you cm get theatl a nr can nave more fun oat of a bale headed man than air boys with a toy pistol i as exccbsick fiom stratford passed through htre oa the g t eiilway to to ronto on friday il vessobi predicts frost and sfrc24 crjrtlifcriy coll irindslrei tlie i5tli lo the it2i inst iccluive tee bora ecyjy twtbin in kichios pocd xry duch during the lioteiiiicr zi they ajcuc utirly ercry erecia a raitilr fracas occurred on wilto fitreet iait oitt aloat midiusht tbe troable iras settled in cooxt fitg raarnicr the set comet is an early rtwr it will beatita beat aixrat the isti of acusi dennqaesi aabscrfdere had better pony tee boar gf tnsts of acton siioo di cision will miee oat thir etimitf for tte correct year at uicir nertfliffeacg- ispt 5th a pe250xonceaentanote to a wittj fritcd reqttug tbe losa cf us nrtr piuecasi kceirrd is tccra hia friendt icsjme certificate a jlirgc dntnber of tft tneo hers of actoct lodge loof intecl rsitfcr eractforl to-morrow- ta tifce krt- in the oddfellow celebration- 4 a scxbck of boys irare before thf tesvetfii mominirfor lcdecently erpoiidg ihar perboojt wcile bitbiag- lort ctecing tbey were liaed t75 eacii ritha caation saturdays gaelph 2ercury ca- 1 talcs eleven items clipped frw the laesl calamns of list weeks feee pezss tbe mercery aidoubtedly appreciates f hfc yzze the ham- of fhe ibreslrer is now ieard and tie iace of tb fanneriooka bap- pier for crnpa aretaminff oat better thaa tpfecied the rain of saturday acdsondar 4idltnneh good air agest far theeociety for tbe pre- mention ef erneltyto animals miht find enr- ployment in- fhirsection of the eoantry if 1 ieeamearohfld while some- of the horce traderf tft town odt citizens are indebted to the jbraa jand for a nnmberof fine selection gq if onday evening we trnat oar people wilt reciprocate the favoracd gire theai tfi iieartj snppert they ao richly deserre a eaeoe nnniber of toinis and yfl- lagea in ontario hare their ciric holiday to- raorroir and there are eienrocni frobi all c points to brantford on that day a teryt interesting celebratioa is expected to take tlaea i maskkte white whfiat new 115 io jl20t white vheatpid freadwell old l18 to 122 j spring glai- owli2tou87 barley 50cto 60c oat 40c to 43c rye 65c to 70c j jfiagr 5eto72c v j seteeai boya ore fooling wafch i iacrowe ball on mill street laafc night when it waa sent crashine tbronhne hr j c hhia tinshbp windows the eonstaljle waa present and collected the amoont of i i damages from the niftyjiartiea j feoi the kingston whig we notiee titat improvemeots to the extent of 208 are abont to be made to thebaptist church ber c a coot formerly an acton boy ia pastor of the shore vhoreh and we are lappy to ieara that ike charge ia prosper- inlander ms reperietendenpe r a few wrintleis being ayed by aharperi upon tbeiibwary forinsiaiice in making change- two itwoollar bida are 1 idoabled op and placed between three other twos and liy oontiog each end of the doubled bills the amount will bo fodrteea dollars xorouto seat ta ii uot a now wriskle it haa been played by aharpera for years tot tbe pnbucafioo of it as a new trick b a proof hat it cannot be made too wideljr knpwji it u yery deceplavend y awindledtbyit in actowd paints qilsajrv ai i i j r snoot t bo uuop ekirta village council meeu tht aening katydids iregoaipittg tli4 bven- ingt i tomoaito ia oakhllej eivio holi day too now is tho time to look out ior bath tires i a lot of waalopsperdotjala cheap at this iiffice tnk business places in fwa will be closed tomorrow mosev roosb tipply to christie ucnderton lxl actou it is said that we ar o hare very warm weather in scptombor vousca ladtea sboiddnt be too hauritly bead our itoiy on 6rrt page bow make the best of the present wettfc for school commenooa oa the 16th kev subscribers din have the fbbe prfas from now to jan 1st 1ss3 for lsu in adrasce if we werent afraid of gcttinj our hair palled ra could tell on what street the handsomest girl lives yotiko on the town hall bylaw takes plice ou friday ioth inst poll your rote to favor of the bylaw the number of boys velocipedes in town is increasing so rapidly that they are becoming a ouisanceon the sidewalks a ntuvr piece of timber fell on mr alex brawns foot the other day bruisiog it uadj- aud laying him np for several days the excursion to bratjtfoid to mor row is only ja for the round trio and yoa go by way ot stratford which la 92 miles tiie georgetown itcrum vrsotstbe rilhuj ccnacil t follow tltc example of brampton and piir in waterworks rather futrsro messhs creeluian bros georg town have porchased the traris block and- purpose erectingtaeir new knttting nuchice factory thiireoa f the stcriment of the lvirda sup per aaa administered in the methodist church on sen jiyiist the various services were iarcely attended te aee informed that a young man aho went to ilinitubaa fe v week ago will retnm in october for oae of jctoafi befies and take her witii liiiu o the fir west feee pltesa issued two days enrlier this week so that oar sua could eojoy the ic hulidiy tomorrowiiich they richly deserve after the rnih of wcrk during the pxst few tucnths jie ciueocs ckrfce uppskaker if the ontario lepsiatcre was tharrted last week to ifiss hiiley dicchter of the ion- sonby postmaster ilr clarke it ss years of ace and ida brideis only eighteen tvo laece excursion parties- from listowel and clinton passed throceh acton in friday- on the grand trunk fur toronto the twa trains carried about seventeen hundred passengers the fare was only i from listcwei tee iltrtury says tba popula- cion of guelph in the year istswas 9sis n issoitwl i00tgfn issi f oojf tbe auessmentin is7s was 2630 0 i 167 rsiss50 isso f2hi570 and thatof 15s1 s betoce usts atopy of ithe torktille xtxt an independent local newspaper sttrted a few weeks aco at iortcille ool ft is a sheet of four pages bait th size of this journal is neatly printed and takes a lvely fhtereit in local matters tee 6onsutba has been very busy looking after tfcecows dnnog the past week he is determined that none will escape fcici during either day or night quite a number vif citizens have been obbged to visit the pound one of our village councillors was amoo them tse annual sabbath mhool conven- tioriof the g uelph district of the ifethodisc church of canada will be held in geore- town ou wednesday and thursday 7th and 8th september a number of important subjects wiii be discued and several interesting addresses will be delivered is one day jait week tbe gtielph papers announced that exmayor howard bad tvro ribs broken james blarney dis located his snoulder and had a bone broken george heirs broke his leg a woman named casey broke her lejj john fashn broke several ribs and william hudley had two ribs ijrofcen the royal city seems jo be rather unfortunate look out for mad dogs its a boy and bill wmnu i happy psquesiko township council meeta on saturday buusittiue for the fbek press and get tho local ncwa 1 roue horses are never faat except when tied fait to a post turesniso npiohmoj aro vory busy in thii vicinity at ptcscut i goodlittfe boyb tay it tome at nighja and real tho ftuas press tub brick work of atr slcdcrmids uow blacksmith shop ia complotcd tue summer yaeation ends and tliei public schools will bo ropenod next thors da- 16th iust the moon might try her besl but ba couldnt get as full as some of the young rusu of this town cau i owixa to a sroskhnp at brampton on saturday morning the mail from the oast did not arrire nutil nearly uooo- tell your friends who do not sub- scribe for this paper that thirty cents will pay for it from now till january 1st 1882 the oakvilo exprw says the odd- fellows of that town will attend the brant ford demonstration in a body oa the 10th iust mil s hannant of this town has already manufactured and shipped flour to montreal frcin this seasons wheat mil ton vrusr tlfe clifford xrrotr is indulging in two weeks holidays after which a ehauitc it expected to take place in the management of she paper tee friends of he mithodist stfd baptist sabbath schools of this village in tend to have a anion sabbath school picnic or an excursioa toouc of the summer re sorts a lor of bad boys stole a number of hens the of her dsy lioogin j to mrs smi ftt a widow on the first liue and roasted them iatlie woods adyoiuinjr theywdl answer for their crime ia court next week there will be a cheap excursion over the k k x w eailway from george town to cirimsby camp groand ou wed nesdsy 2th iust talmage will preachy and the tandy bros sing on that day norinxo says tba philadelphia xmct so ulctt the conceit out of the i average man as to order his paper discon tinued and then secies the editor gofbtr rfgbt along and getting rich without hiuvi there is too much sunday work done in car eocutry if a poor man would haul a load of produce through town oir scudaythe law would punish him bat a railroad company can do all the work it wishes oq sunday and nothing u said aboat ft quite a number- of yar citireas had tbe pleasarc of hearidrtalmige m georce- ttmrn iat wednesday eveaiog hu iectare oa xbe bright side of tbiagt was greatly eajoyed tbs bait wai well filled bat wc nctlerstanii that tbe pcoceeds of tbe lecture failed to meet tbe leavy etpeoses the oldluiliyhelcojrntcrctaiad- ctjiiftr of detroit iliife u ioomingap a oae of the best wecfclv joarnsla for family and general readicg pablisbed ia tbe coun try it is rapidly growiug ia facreaaed ikipelirity and bids fair to be tbe banaer family paper of tbe weak seed fortaaiple copy free j duiiixg the week 5fr w p brn wu bas purchased from mr j w xlan tbe property oa tbe coruerof alaia and- willow streets togetber with tlestockgf groceries mr browittafcfca poisetsioa an the- drat of september and will combine tbe stock of ptoccrta in bis present shop with those of mr mian thi is an excellent baiineas stand and mr brown will no doubt do a paying hesiaett mr manq will dispose of his dry goods etc dariag the month wc are not informed into what bareness mr mann intends eogapng or whether he baa made enoueb atney to raable him to retire frncn liudiess altogether and take things asy tbe rest of his days ilk petf ifccanq baa purchased the flow factory including the inachioery in the building and the water privilege mr mccanh iatnda removing the macbin cry abmthe planing mill on willow street totjie plow factory and wiilcoafinae to do a general planing mill basin ess la coanec- tioa with this he will also maanfactare cabinet ware of all kinds he will retain his present shop for a 5uishing and ahow foom the hamilton spedcuor bars the grand l o 0- f demonstration to take pbc at ijrantforlon wendnesday 10th int will be oae of the most brilliaat asairt eyerproaioted there thecomojittee hare coaipieuid all preliminary arrange- jnenta and have wrought moit awdnouslj to hare everything in applepie order io prerentthe possibility of those little oyer- aighta arising which bo naturally cropap in demons tratioaa of every kind mitsc s smith tbe esfrimuble lady of oar worthy reeve will kindly accept our thanks for a splendid boquet which adorna oar editorial table mri smith exhibit superior taste in the arrangement of her boquiu through the kindness id mr smith we hid the plcaanre of a waut throngh his beaatifni grounds the otherdaj for several years past he has been adding im provements of vanona kinds until they now present an appearance equalled by few private residence in the county by the aid of the liydranlic ram which he pat io some time bqo his lawns wd flower beds are kept io healthy coodifjod while others are patched bythelrot sun aod continued dry weather eta f p no naif- mr c c speightis visiting hk friends in brantford m ii lilly tyson ofberlin is visiting her aetoa fricuds miss taucie eeid oforangeville isvisit- ing her actou friends master monteith hali of berun ia visit ing his grandparents here miaslien xicklin of harris too is pay- ing heciriedds here a visit mr john douglass of toronto unirersity formerly an- acton boy was in town oa monday mrs thos moore teacher spent several days last week with her parent in king york co mr and mrs s haaon and children of brampton visited their friends here daring the week mr and mrs e h arms of toronto speat a few days with their acton friends last week mrs steineche and three children of grand epids mick is visiting her friends in acton and ricinity mrs fi crafne aiid master johnnie dean left here on friday mortuog last ou a visit to friends in j any fiouftd mt k littje p8j aod wife returned home last evening from a four days visit with friends in huron county mr arch campbell left a couple of weeks ago to visit his friends in manitoba he will be away about six weeks- mr e craine is attending the grand lodge x6of now in session at brant ford as representative nf acton lodge miss mary ellen kelson of rock wood who had been spending a week or so with her f riendsiiere returned home on tuesday r mr james wilds and wife and misses nellie watson and mary thompson of jjistowei me to aotoh on thursday last oo the cistowfel excursion and stayed over until tjljc train jetufned from toronto 3l m mogar- wili3imt0imz r a wesraiw editor thus retorts upon critic tv am sorry that you dont like onr pamr y publish it simply to pleaao yk w would ask you to corns to the office and edit only if we did somoln iqultoas idiot miibt write aud tell yoa how much bettor ho ooald doit hluuoli aud that would annoy a nervous feriou bko you the milton vs says tho by- li toraisoby way of loan tin sum of 85500 urtuo purpose of building a new town hall in aotoujhas been advertised and voting thecon will take place ou the mth i of angus t the villago ueads a hall and it is likely that few votes will be cast igsinst tho bylaw we feel coafldont that our citisens are too much alivoto the interests of tbe village to vote against the bylaw the pnctlco of taking a pspef till tho subscriber thinks his time is expired which is in reality from two weeks to six months past the date for payment has been made and then requesting tho postmaster to retumit refused has loft tho place time oxpired etc is oouaiderod a fraud by tho law and treated accordingly if a man wants to stop a newspaper tho proper way is to look up his receipts enclose ia an envelope what arroanujos there may be whether fire coats or fire dollars and ask the publisher to discontinue from that tiino the law also states distinctly that a man is responsible for payment if ho takes the paper from tho post office no matter whether he over subscribed for it or not or whether he gave orders for it io be discon tinued months before till csmple f williams in acton ou the th inst the wifaof ilr vvm williams of a son coot at the baptist psrtouag ktairston ou the 5th iust- the wife of rev charles a cook of a eon the undersigned baa disposed of his buslttesaand aij partus indebted to him trill please oall and settle their aecounu on or belore 1st pent after ivolcb date aocoupts unpaid mil b pbtoed in the court for oolleotlou i l vtmann actoo aug 8th 1881 2t gr fakm fob sale tho subscriber wishes to sell his arm lot 8 con i in tho township of erin consist- ingof 100 acros 05 cleared and under cul tivation the property is situated 8 miles from acton if not sold within three months it will be offerotlfor sale by publio auction for further particulars address john 8ahly july28th81 glenwilllams po a lctionsale t bedl bstkvb uno aovssaoiojvbeitvbb the undersigned liaa boon instructed by hr emanuel garrett to sell by puhflo ano- tiou on the premises next to agnows hotel acton on taturpay 27th auo 1881 tho following real estate and bonsehold furniture lot no 1 1 west main street in the village of acton containing onefilth of an acre on the premises is a good dwelling house containing six rooms and summer kitchen hard and soft water the property is situated in the business part of the village ftirnlttirc 3 bedsteads 1 bureau 3 dosed washstands 2 centretables 1 fall leaf table 1 extension table 1 sideboard 1 corner cupboard 1 sewing llachiues 2- lounges parlor chairs 2 rocking ojioirs kitchen chairs cook stove no 10 cook stove other artioles not mentioned i traxson eeal estate will de made known ou application and oa day olaale on furniture cash 8alo to coinmenoe at 2 oclock p jn ko reserve as the proprietor is leaving aclon w bo8tiirxt auctioneer rmmmww r1ff1n prepare for the hot weaf her halifax tweed suits from s1100 to 3300 just the thing for july and august wear i they are jstobby durajble a1st3 cheap at j fyfes acton christie hend3fs0n co u i wih not rest until every man woman and chfldwithin a distance of fifty miles i i has heard that they sell j dry goods doing ms groceries bodts and shoes c it almost wliolesaie prices sec onr prices for dress goods i see oar prices for cottons siiirtincs prints denims ducks i sec oar prices for felt uats and gents furnishings sec onr prices for boots aud shoes j eeoer prices for keadyuiqde clothing ithet astonish eveetbodt hughes opprfrqmda spring and summer i at a orat raduotlon dress coods muslins and hosiery i at whoiesau lmt j i li drey and bleached cottons t i deniias duoks cttoaades 1 and paaoy pwute sst t cheapr than cvr 1 also a large consignment of s frencjiiim boots ufluslli mens tieshoes andilfmlirbks just received from the manufactttreru goods ve will guarantee si peices that cant be beat 1 a a full line of fbesh groceries just in for taevharvest season v at bottojvltpricjes remember we sen cheap for cash and gle espd value hughes griffin i- 1- isnc believe that prais tie in urn volume af business done rather than in large profits on a small turn over i come with the crowd to the lasaow- house higlest price pail for presli eggs- best value in 50 cent tea christie henderson co i a fact tjndisputabl f that for a fashionable suit and a good flfti ngv suit i i i and a jsuit ineoery respect lojuit yau is the pl aoe 70 go 10 to suit yours if so cnat yu may be suited jut try re nelspn-z- obceand be wih suit you rhelias the ifbbiest and most fashionable stock in town to select frorn 6heap fob ctti the liok bbwabe terrible destruction among mbs dry goo dsi saturday 23p weoommenoeagirmdonslaufjincairimmense stodkotdnri x boajy at work romarlringthn goods irfyrery del s4 oqs in- price aa will startle the e v fijq bunngithe past week we ltare been i partment at suoh astonncung recluctians ia- price i chants onstomers and an prices kednced from bsitojso pereistsiy j r ig crown anwesbauvedniin thcioacjsshdlilbttlrfieapec j jmeteiyjkjteofljmdbjwijis mjt 10 pr eat for xsaali on every doliat nahjs- l0im an goods willbe gold at the reduced lrioei boi the cash ilbscodlfisiruloot v i be allcwed when oodaexe changed u f r- 90000 worth of pipqirncii ob wont mere be tnnl we eirjjeot to draw the eostomen ttomw jfn othsr v atorea amantroundg tdwrisdaringihp nea l djs deftruillned to- rnsh off tb 4a6e fiibx ittirftkmndtism nor oitjifw talesmen ilwdjhnd6rttaiti nfslrv

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