Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1881, p. 2

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j i tue fef uess lr furrsiia- ilusxiro anuilis wu sjrw vot oa ttw toilra stfl thostd who will we tlin ikvilegs oc vuliug ou iho tovor 1111 byuwlo- iumttw maks tlruuimslvct- ac quiitiloi with the tutilot mper to be iuklt the election it is it etcwd ujjly aiiuplu oue and tlierc ill iw tio imkou fur my voter making u yrtor iimiarking the tialtal k raliim tut mij egaiust tho byla anil the fillo iug if tan focm of the ballot- for i jntr arux aqaiks the arjx i the vultr cauuot but uudemund tikt for die byuw missus ia furor at the eccsaon of it town- 1111 ia this tuttiucijuditj- aud against tho by- ua- aieaua 5iast the ervctiaa of tucli building ytkosa diring to ute their fruncaua for the bylaw should luaik their ujlot- as ajijiaars ia the diagrauij aid of course those wishing to vote ajaiust the bylaw must luce tho uiarkiu tie ewoj belosr mill not luakt tiin loctu w cumtooaue that rodies vrill make it ita objcl lo btcomo iniuatw and those who do cecuira quartere thata will do daalit card their keiu by breaking ttoou with whickotu villaje street will be iui proved tbe above nre the irtnetinl wiiita rvferriug to the council in mr wmreiii letter aud nur irjc will no dauu thoroughly uudarouud thut the members of the tfjjiucil are not a coniiauy of lard tatkiuaalers doiug all tuiy can lo cumber he people situ heavy uuuecca wry burdens bulttiut they kia ineu aho are worthy for the ictairsls of the viluge they govurn and the ratepayers whom they represent v mv- mr trraa lii tia tova etll jstut slktisa in another coluuiu appears uleugthry cuaidianietioa frooithi pen of ilr- juhu w arrcn esuesing tiilitira to the election on the towi hull by law which takes plaw lofruorra- xlr warren lias withheldhis letter until the list issue of the fee fecsstiefore the eiecttoa nd those who ire ndro eating the etectiotif town hill will canseaautlv hire no opportunity for a reply before the elecliou ukee plice tjuder these circumsunces we feel justified in unking s few coaimenu oa mr warrens letter and carreetinj a few statements which ic ctins throughout iiis letter ifr tvrren eridently seems to wish to convey the v x tan wwk saia stfixw tt lie lidiiur oflaa free irru j deah sloywe liuve to tiank you foe leuiiudtug ut of the near approach of the dty cor ttkifo thu vota on the by liw to invulvajlhe rleuiyart of acton in an intfttrtedneia of five thousund five hundred dollalj cot twenty yefor the purpose of huildiug it town hull und as the state of being unilec a burden of ia very undsinible uudet kuv circumstances will you be kiud enough lo allow 6oe lor a fer words ou the question of the voting on friday next aud let me tay that ever sinco the couucil or at- uttst 60016 leading uieuibera tbererf kunounced thei etraorjiiury policy theyintended to pureue in rtqiiring thatfeery voter tn favor of the iheui ahouid hive to sign a pper a petition ibinding hiuiieu to seppurt the siuncirsbyltw and that without auy jnfoimatida a to anyrof its pruviaions aud ltture the by la was iulilishi or ven framed suehtuierietitioiiiak signed by quite a uuiuber of the rate payers and susjnded iu the most public place in tha village the pnat office thus most effectually setting aside the teerecy df the ballot act and so exposing my rttetiiyer who did not sign the petition to all the undue iuliuence which it ia in the power of the wealthy to press upon those who liuy be more or less depeudent upon tlieui land to constrain them to carry out any proposed scheme i gars but little thouglifto the question is i looked upon the carrying of the bylaw under 6uch circumstances a foregone- conclusion but through soaie conver sation with ptrties interested i teamed that many of those who signed the petition did not understand what ttey were doing nor to what they were binding themselves b they ought to understand ievery part of the pro ceedinjj ind it la the duty of the council to explain the matter in ail its bearings first tcauy dont understand that five thousand five hundred dollirs at six per cent compound interest will amount in- twenty years to over seventeen thousand sir hundred dollars just lt ome of those interested ask ilr thamaa iljore to let 6ma of the jupils in his ucbijdl room wirfc it out and see themselves agdnthey ought to that as a large house cannot be keptap withoutlsrge expenses neither caa a town hall repairs will be the salary of a caretiker idea tliat the villagecauhcilhaveall along beeiiendeavocingto force some thing orioa the people in a natk or underhand manner and hat the people did not tnaw wek they were doing nor to what they arere binding themselves now wa wish be distinctly understood tn thia matter ve do not intend in this article to recommend nor to oppose the erection of a town hall but having been present at all of tie meetings of the village- council when the town hall jmust be paid the grounds must be was under consideration ve feel that g u in expousire fence must kno is t- j h t i c m- i- i the cooncil have acted honorably end enclose it and vre were told by the abovebovrd throughout in the matter and will only refer to those clauses directed at the council or individual members thereof 1 the perinea referred to by hr warren was merely a petition from the ratepayers asking the council to submit the bylaw and tbe clause speaking of binding to support probalily arcse out of question asked by a citizen atone of itlffe- public meetings viz would a ratepayer signing tbe petition be hound to vote for the bylaw and was aniicered by one of the speakers to the effect that i man should certainly consider himself in honor bound to support ihe bylaw atier signing the jietison and we think that all who signijthe petition thoroughly under- stood what they were doing 2 th council very plainly set forth in their bylaw wich- was published forthree consecutive- weeks in these columns that the amount- required tobe fcaised each year to meet che loan is 485 vffaih inclades both the annual payment of principal and the interest due tbe whole sum amounting ia the twenty years to 9700 while mr warren evidently wants the people to believe that they will have to pay compound m interest on the whole amount for the winty years whiah according to his calculations would make the sum amount fb 81t6co thecouncil have botbingho do with ctmjioriud interest and those who preserve copy of tbe by law can tell exactly the amount of principal and interest to be paid each year 3 tbe council have had tbe foresight to take into consideration the caretakers salary and annual repairs required and very reasooably calculate that tli revenue derivad for rent of the hall will inora than balance these iterua t the council do not intend if the by lav does pass p erect an expensive fence around he town hall and we doubt very mott if mr warren ever eaw a fence eiislosing atown hall in canada xb liclrup will he situ ated in the town hall and the cost hu been calculated in the 5500 dni e tel certain that the council advocates of the scheme that ere long a fire engine must be got which to be of any service will cost ten or twelve hundred dollars again we hare it in the very best authority that the board of school trustees have decided tfaxt an additional school room must be built aud this cannot be done short of ten to fifteen hundred dollars all these things it is the duty of the council to explain to the ratepayers before the day ol polling more importaut still the people ought to know that the equesing council- have dissolved he union between the rural portion of acton school division and the corpora tion which will add somewhere about thirty pr cent or about one third to the annuel cost of maintaining the village school but we are told thatt we must baye a lock up which means another item oe expense for just so soon aa it will become known that acton has got a hcuso oi refuge for such sa deem it beneath thorn to proride for themselves for such are all our gaols and lock nps houses of entertainment and refuge and not places of ponihmedt just so toon will tbat class tarn their footsteps in the direction of acton and will not hesitate to commit some act which will entitle thsm a lodging in our benevolent institution and we will have to foot tbe bill kow we ask seriously of the ratepayers of acton are you prepared t are you in circumstances to warrant to justify yon in the sight of- god or men iu putting your necks under a joke from which very many of you will not be relieved during- your lifetime and which many of you will leave as legacy to yoar children unless yon sell out as come are already doin in anticipation- and yet they will ho doubt vote for the by jaw fo if god in nigood providonce is giving us a time of comparative prosperity il is id tfmwof prosperity tbat wa ruin ourselves by going into reckless extra- yaadce even in necessary things but specially in things not required except te gratify out vanity therefore tbe wise man said in prosperity beware and in adversity consider consider what effect indebtedness for on under taking which however desirable it may ppir to some yetwill not be con sidered as absolutely neceasary by any will have upon tbe welfare of yourselves and your families and rote accordingly money lenders are anxiously looking for the result of fridays vote in the interertofxoiflftmilies dont pnt yourselves into their iroa grip for reraeniber rliit he borrower is always the slave of toe leoder i 1am yours faithfully aofonang 22 flj johh wareek just arrived allrge selection of -i- tolkililuortfthtirrttprtu dear sirj tho uai- ipproacli of thu dy of voting on th town hall bylaw aud the apparent indiffurauoe of the majority ol the mtepayfrs as to the loauu prumpt me to address a few words through thu free press to those voters who have uof yet fully made up their luiuda on the tubjeot or who may have soiutwhat obscure idissa aa to tha feasibility of tha plan for raising- the mousy for tha purpose as all have awn by tha by law we aw iequired to raise each yeiirths sum of four hundred abd eighty five dollar this includes i ind lead the ttrat time carlled blaw read the required number of liuieaand passed moved by mr oraham leoonded by mr lindsay tbat ho sum of taven dollars be jjrajiled to mm sinolair and fivu dollars to john tee they being in desliluto oiroumstauoea carried moved by mr qrahaju seootidod by mr mckoery that whsreaa this court- oil having pasmsd a bylsw dissolving the uniion existing between a part of uie township of eiqueaing and the vilisge of acton for school purposes bo it resolved ihstihe reeve meisrt lindsay and warren be appointed ou the part of this oouucil to meet an wltws bamtt whit whaai ribtolk treadwall old i 18 to 1 22 iring wbsat olugow old 1 u to 1 is in each payment he whole of tha iu- equal number of diernberaof the aotou terextlueu due thus you see wo do not have to pay uile cent of compound intercut as soma i am told are trying to tualra lifiopla believe this adding of compound interest caunol be done by the provision of the by law si any on village council with ji view to asattl ment of the terms of dissolution of tie said union school section that such meeting take place 1st aolon on tfie 22nd inat at 10 orlock s in aud the clerk is hereby tustruoted to send d iuwpyof this resoluliou to the raeve of the village of acloncarried ilr warren moved seconded by mr liudsiy that the sum of fifteeu dollars be granted for the purpose of removing ktones and iuipravirfg he hill on the first line lot 32 sad that messrs alex kenuedy and winjmoore be appoiiit- saeasruent roll of 1881 is leas lhaa coiumiaiouemto expeud the sam 851000 not including the non resi carried now at tha tud of twenty years ws pau altogether in principle interest and all the sun of 9701 for which iu each year the auiall rare of 31 mill on the dollar ia levied at the average assessment of each assessable icrson in thia municipality according to the denis assesameut which would very much lower the above figures there- ore the averagi- extra iaxts to be raised each year will only be slsj or each rrasesfable jxison nowtheae ggurea cannot be disputed as i have them by personally ilaminiug the as sessment roll and which any ons may verify for theuteelves kot only ia thia sum very sniall but we make souiething beaidea in the first plaoe the sum of 30j0 for reut of couucil chambsr will be saved annually whictr will mow than jay fcr any repairs which nay haveto belraue also we may reison ably expect a revenue of at least 150 per yearaccruing from rent of half ic which sum is leas than the average rawd ty villages of the site of actun which have town lulls this revenue will reduce the amount to be raised annually by oue mill on the dollar or an average of 5 cents for each assessed pirty again acton is continually in creasing in iopulation and value in each case will the average amount to be raised be lowered until i may safely venture to say that the average sum which will tj raised for town hall grrposes will not exceed fl 00 to 8110 each this is not each inhabitant but each assessable person list but not least i am safe in eaying hat there not one foot of property within dr surrouudiug our village but will be benefittsd by having a town hall itrour midst there is not a man fa tbe muuiciprlxry who when about to sell any property will not stale aane of the great advantages his property pos sesses il that it is in or near a village having a good town hall you all know the benefits uf having a town hall so well tbat i will say nothing of that of course some will say that thecouucil is obliged to raise eachtjtear 8500 exclusive of rents etc this is quite arue bat while doing so the council appropriates all income from the town hall aud xppliea it towards the support of the village thus lowering the rate for village purposes though virtually it is- the towp holliite that is lowered i arnjnot now a resident of acton yet my interests are ahere and i do want to see acton imurove and be a source of pride to all i hope that he electors oa friday will go up to the polls determined to give acton a town hall worthy of the village and lis people and not go to the polls jiq the pany wise pound foolish principle and try to keep our fine village behind the majority of other villages in civic and social enterprise vote for the by kw i remain yours truly n mcgastis georgetown 22nd aug 1881 moved by mr lindsay seconded by mr graham that edward nixon bo paid the sum of 50 which sura he has expended for clothing fcr inmatci of the poor iious alse twenty dollars for oversight of thi same and for srtend ing to burial offywq pnupers carried the council then adjourned until the 27th iust piisidentgai field has lad several i bad turns during b week but the last report states that his condition has somewhaittmpknei facts for the people 75 cenls4o 25cat pickers wanted hats from j fyfes 17 rwohsff peat oats barley iiv bggi per doi duttor dairy paoked butter rolla potatoes new per bai droned uoji wool je2lm 0 08 to i 12 0 60 to 0 60 0 42 too 44 0 60 to 0 mi 0 65 to u 60 i 0 12 to 0 13 0 1g to 0 17 0 17 to 0 22 0 7i to 0 so 6 75 to 7 25 0 23 u0 25 gleltb harketi v 00 to 8 25 1 18 lo 1 m city klntir v white wheat lreadwu spring wheat fllaiow red chsfi oats peas harley llya kjibi per doi batter dairy packed buttfr rolls potatoes new per brnh dressed ffoi wool 1 is to i 1 12 to 1 18 i 08 to i 12 0 42 to 044 0 60 to 0 60 0 so to 0 65 0 55 to 0 60 0 12 to u 13 0 16 to 0 17 0 17 to 0 22 0 75 to 0 80 6 75 to 7 25 0 23 to 0 25 improvements are oomlantly being tnade in the manufacture of iwe pens eaterbrooks are of superior excellence for sal by ill stationers h f hccirtht wholesale and retail drugglsl ottawa writes i i was jir- fiicled with chronic brooobjiia for some yeart but bare beb completely cured by the uu of dr thomas ecleclrio oil in dosu of five drops on sugar i have alio pleasure in recommending it u an ertibrooatioo for external use f pro- the place to buy good and cheap groceries visions crockery and glasswara the largest fltock of tea in town fifteen differi v erit grades to choose ftym satisfaction guaranteed if not money refunded oeooeeet i the largest stock ever brought into acton just to hand soldheap for cash no reasonable offer refused all the new lines n glass will b9 sold on the same terms hams bacon b0l0jna sausage and all soirta of provisions kept constantly on hand n q 1 ree1t sells cheap i u doft forge tthe place notice to debtors ail parts ladabud to tta elchar for aarertlalnc job work or satmoripttoaa i ar rqt4 to make lmmint par- meat aeeonnta lose put due and not aattlod at onee will ba pued la court tor oouaetloa h p moore esisesin totsahl oouasil tba council met in the council chamber stewarttbwn at 10 oclock tbe reere in the chair members all present hop j 100 itep pickers wanted on monday next j hops excellent applr at once to james hattnew coite and secure baigams ut j w manna in dry goods clotbiug tlata and caps everytbiuj ruurt be sold tbit month good feltjhat for 75 cents at i fyfes new stock of stores just received at j a hills for firstclass earelrougbinrr ap- plr to j g killi bjtrcutxs birgaina bargains j wjliannlj selling off and ibere are bargains for all in dry goods clothing hau and caps come lames mantles newest styles at christie henderson i co ji 8plexdid lot of harreat tools cheap at bearsons actonl iir you want a nobby durable and eneap suit jifjies is the place to go caockelt and glassware at prices hat will surprise you at pearsons acton kails and hinges locks etc at astonishingly low rates at pearsons acton see our 55c t the best in the county and dont you forget it at pearsons acton evevthixg cheap but butter and eggs at the farmers produce market christie henderson ccv scotch english and canadian saitiojrt ia great raricty at the east end cjothia luire j fyf6 actou kew asd rxattitare the most si qoittie utile toilet em exfanfartlietmiri and breath is tiasust sample 5cu j suit and overcoats at extremely low rates aodmsde ia latot itylea be iar to call ad see them j fyfa actoo reniember that fauoua 50c tea at the egg euiporium sold in 51b losat ii cents christie henderson lace curtains75c per set at the qheep pkated strayed from the premises of he un dersigned lot 6 coo township of krln on uonday l5tu mat thirteen sheen seven ewes three yearling and tbrte lambs the yearlings and iambi all hare long tails any penon giving nforination to tbe prop ne lor on the pnrmiui or by letter to acton pu that will lead to their recovery will be suit ably lewarded soloiios koell erin aug 23 81 tbe minutes of last meeting were ezg butter depoc where vou get read and confirmed a letter from the county clerk showingtbe rates levied by the county council for the present year anj ap plication i for theofiice of collector eequisiwps from public school xros tees or the sereralsums required for school purposes were read uoved by ilr warren seconded by mr grkham that the allowing bills be paid by- the treasurer eawson bros plank for roads tsoofl s p moore printing votera lists 000 brown iflall plank for b kinrraird pathroaster ifl xotal 17191 carried moved by mr mcenery seconded hy mr warren that fifty dollars be granted lo the township of equesing agricultural society for the year a d 1881 carried moved by mr graham seconded by mr mcenery that the sain of siji dollars be granted to john eardy being twothirds value of three lambs killed by dogs the owner or owners of aach being unknown carried moved i by mr warren seconded by mr mcenery that the following parties be paid for sheep killed by dogs the 6wner of which being unknown thomas pricefor2 lambs 400 darius waidell u 583 james cleave i 700 being the twothirds value of said lambs carrid i moved by mr mcenery seconded by mr graham that the sum of 260 belaid hy thu treasurer to mr james mirehallj for plank and repairing road scraper j carried moved by mr warrenj seconded byj mr lindsay tbat a bylaw to dissolve the union existing between the part of enquesing and tbr corporation of tbe villarb of aslon now known u the acton bcliool division fce inlroduoed he faiuoua 50c tea christie hendi son co chrhtie hendirson s co are now prepared to bay all the choice butter and fresh eggs in tbe townships o kassagaweya- eraraoss erin and esojieaing will led he market as they have always done when buying these srlicles of produce remember their 50 cent tea sold in 51b ion at 45 cents mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marblt worka gualprt a noted or giriug utii faction to thou favor ing them with their orders if you need aoythink in their line basnra and remember them they do a very large business con- ffchenewmeth sequeuly thev are able to gire better terms anctlteep better- workmen than smaller worjis seud to them for particular tie caatorlne machine oil for all kinds of machinery it u also exoalient for harness or leather making it water and weather proof the egg and butler emporium will take all your eggs and choice butler at highestmarket prieei hav ing contracted lo supply an industrial institution with butter our facilities for handling large quantities are un limited we want at least one ton per week have yon tried our famous 50c tea 1 christie henderson 4 co tbe pubhe will bare tbem tbe pens of the easterbrook steel pen coi make and all stationers are ready to supply them a sound mind in a healthy rodytb old roman idea or tbe hlbest degreo of happiness the llvas rules tbe roost l5diassnos creates anaraby is trie pbjiloal svstem costlveaesa blllooaneas dizziness and bad uule in tha mootn yellow akin and eyeiloss ofappatlta loss or enertr and low iptrlta pa ids in tbe back and we wind and foul tomaeb all there create bad blood etfulile the uowel8iomaob liver and kidney wltn zossa from brail try 10 wnl umpl annask onr dragflau j- e ueoarvln about it odisthymnbook gongregationalchurch acton fobsa tj lot 2 in block- 17 in the village of acton on which is erected a fine bride ctanrch in gw repair alto a brick driving shad key in possession of mr wk haxarassr actox for terms aad coadilions of sala ap ply to trosftloas co of caxada 3mo toronto oxt 1881 yoteit list 1881 kunicipkty of ih village op acton ik the county of halton vtot1ce 13 hereby glvek tffat i jj bav9 tniniullti or delivered to th perion ineuuond in he thtrd ind foartb tccuoniofibe votri riar9dbxftlliecuon lo beio tniat milled ordelitered of ihujlil mftdeparfauillotld act of ill peraoof ippearitr by the lt w- tlmdauseitmeotbollbdheuldmadielpal itjto b en tided to rote tbe nld maalel- palily at election or membtn of the lefcli uuve awembly cdl hantetl election and that um mid lit vx flr1 posted npil tdt offlce at aetoo oa tbe third dy of aafurt lssaad remalac ibere for inps hon eleeton are called npoo to etamlne tbe taidifit anj iraoj omiioa o anjrqiber errortarefoaadlbmmnlo lake immediate proceed in j to havs the tald erron oomreted acootdlif to law i j e mcoarvik clerk of the tajd manjcipalur dated at acton i be eljhth day of august us for cheap sugars teas tobaccos genera groceries so to peirsosv 1 w p brown is removing to to his new stand this week look out for new adv next week at j b mcgar- fqe glass putty coal oil mcsilsne ottj harvest tools c oo to peaesoits acton the wqn0erful man just rbseived 0neiaselovelynewprjnts remarkable goods unusually cheap superior material i knitted evening shawls onecja of nioj new knitted evenlnar shawls very comfortable fop the cool eveninss now setting in lovely shades extremely cheat black and colored silks 1 one cace of eleffnt qualities in ladies black and ooiared silks a treat frioes awfully cheat i two cases black cashmeres the richest and undoubtedly th best goods in ouelph pnoeb fully 20 per oent uaderregtiiaryalue v colored empress cloths one case rich ooloredempresa cloths colored caishmres and the princess suitinks beautiful goods entirely new mourning goods i an immense assortment in any olasa of mournintt qbods we make a speoialty to always keep this department very complete our millinery department is as bos u ai any urns of tbe season indood we havebeel oompelled to our nil staff oi young lady artists up to the present 4078 trimmed bennett bold this beaton tremendous work we only keep theflneat tutio taste that mpniy can obtain the young ladies in thiadopartmeny are extteinely obliging and uka pleasure in tendering ataiatanoe in try way taall of the above are new purchases made by mr david hogg in the british markets london england- ont v vine drug store aptoiii kaa i

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