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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1881, p. 2

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i fv thkfree bress prtcrabav matxiso punlxrls issl pi 111 vy mm c x too kin i4ttsrtlmiu idott for that jpaper it his loomanv- adreriisemetus i wit gen eral wading i dont oira for adver tisements sach arv ihe reoiatkt one sometimes bears aboat tiawnpapem do the good people who srwnfc in this wav ever reflect on the fact that with out advertisements no peaspaper could exist for mf length of liiuet tin amount ahlaiaed flora the patron of a paper u mere aubcriptions would hotdur thewper qd which it is print ed aud oil this machinery srhicli iprinta it byacveriieuenls and sdrertise- fuenls oiaiuly a upwspaper is niiib lained and without such patronage he most catctpming and judiciously managed journal would sjieedily lao guisii aud di uulcss its r misher liapinned to u wcsotd with abundant jitirte cul hence the ibsaidity of coudrnioiiig a uespaperbecaus its i coluuids are well auptdied- with sver- ciseuieats a ilherat advertising pst- ronaga is the beat possible thing or the reader aafcell ss for the publubec as tt enables tho latter to keep the other departments of his paper in higher state- of reoieacy but after til are advertisements of no special interest t to tho general reader t it is far otherwise a commercial or professional man who does not carefully ren the advettisini columns of his local ptper does not kuow his business about the first thing a teen shrewd live man of bushess dips when he lifts a newspaper is to peruse the new advertisements whether they relate to the line is whicb he is engaged or not there is no better index faf the business prosperity of a town or city than the advertsrg columns s a local newspaper- we can form a pretty accurate ideaof the statof trade in any town in ontario any weeif in the year by glancing at the advertising columns of one ex changejiesi f t e ars tmmmi lvcrimm 1 j fmmm h r j r mm i 1 tejpb j ii pll- rm- 7 1 au 1 ct vpbb f i limi 1- j ui-fit- flhbaaap pasmm- 1 p-i- sjabj rsbfc jlnnl 1 -a- rflnsvl kwcdgb lf- abm i v4 4haai kstfxim plf3m vu hitym thacijmm- mpmm i r ivibbs- ihliiial c i iist-5j-ilaw- vcllhf fllv rskab iayayi h j3h va fugm srtp m 2- btlh si iislby 31 r mmmp f mim m h 4iift jsitbft 1 hiaiihl hihi baataaaibf julsilalah iihfcf ublwvm ip otjqst 70 bs fusisgrtl the man whp deliberately sets fire to a clearing when he fcnowt the surrounding woods are ai dry u tinder and liable bo be ignited by i spark can expect no sympathy from others should h lose by the operation this practice of firing clearing during sticb dry weateer snontd be stopped already thoasands of dollars worth of timber has been destroyed in this country through the careless and reckless firing of clearings and we hure no doubt but that the majority of timber owners sbarejjur dislike of forest fires there ie a remedy at iiw for this offense of endangering property and frequently life by filing the iro5ds and it wonll not be more than right that the perpetrators should be made topay the penalty for their carelessness v lis ceat flit in icliis terrible reports probably exagget ated come- from the michigan firei tle caantifs of knron sanilac tiiisria wells and ellington are over rna by the flames the villages of veron bad axe huron city forestvillc tyre drckerviite and white rock te said to be in ashes thousindf of men women and children are homeless and the number of those actaally burned or suffocated is placed at one tbcainl this section is iargelv bettled by canadians from western ontario very fear names are given in- the repqrw of those barned out and none of lives lost1 president garfield is reported cs still holding his own and thete are hopes of his recovery he has been removed from washington to long branch and stood the journey remarkably well an attempt was made by one of the prison guards to shoot xuittesu last week bat was not successful snooting- woold be too good for him viat tier shtoi of it to lit iiior qfthe free pnu defasie- at the last monthly meeting of the guelph yoong mens christian association a vote of thanks was tendered ypi for supplying oar free feeadin kobni with a copy of jonr ivslosile piper the arrival of your paper is looked for with interest by many visitors to oar rooms as they siy it is one of the best of oar weekly papers tours truly j bvrvas sec y jt c a gnelpb sept 5tfi 1881 just arrived a aetea tule otuell r council met in the council chamber on tuesday evening isth ioit at 850 oclock members all present the reeve in the chair llinutea of last meeting read and confirmed the finance comniillee presenled the report and tocommended payment af the following accounts e kicklin fradiog gratellinf efc ijc40 j eifcoirvin loci etc cfi k p xtoora adylt own hall by law and printing ballots 8377 war qaruay ugultag itr lamps 1783 1l 8 zimmonaan building cul- vert ot 1878 too total iwm moved by d henderson seconded by v h storey that the report of the standing committee on finance be adopted carried moved by w h storey seconded by m speight that the bylaw for the erection of i town hall be now read a third time and passed carried moved by w h storey seconded by d henderson hatths reeve the mover and condfc constiuitfs a com intttee to obtain ofiurs from persons wishing to dispose of property for town hall site carried i bylaw a third time and passed moved by m speight seconded by d w campbell that whereas by advertisement 5tlt may last this council oneroid a premium of fifteen dollars for inejmost suitable desigu of a town bill accompanied with full specifications and whereas ceruin designs have been submitted without to any case being accompanied br specification be it therefore resolved that this council extend the time for furnishing said specifications tea days and solicit further competitive designs carried moved by w h storey seconded by m speight that the sum of twenty- five dollars be granted to acton brass band to assist them in current ex penses carried council adjoarned to meet on mon day evening 19 th inat boirl ef sinailea the board of trustees met in the 6chooi house oa monday eveninf 12th of september pursuant to adjourn ment members presentmesan m speight in the chair a lby j easby j matthews and dr eowry minutes o last meeting read and confirmed the committee on finance presented their report snd recommended the ptyment of the following accounts ttoa itoore salary for aug 4582 slim sfckdlar i300 sfiss great 187s mrs hughes 625 i c hiii sect for repairs 25 t c moore 60 irprryman iso her leg broken the case wat duly con idered and it was moved by mr menjtea anh seconded by mr kotrislt that this cotpotatiou it not liable for the accident whioh happened to mr riobardson in orotitng the btldgeon tho town line between esqueaing and nassagaweya carried a jeluion signed by mr william alttander and twenty others for lbs opening of the iiue between the stir and 6th concessions opposite oecuttii tfit a ptyr iota was on luoliott received and read mid ordered lull some tuemliersof this council inspect the sxid line and make arrangements for the opening aud im- provement thereof on motion duly leeonded a bylaw introduced and read the required number of times far levying thu nces sary rates for municipal and other purples which provides as follpwa vii one mill aud one tenth of a mill for county purposes ous mill aud one leuth o a mill fot the c v r una half of a mill for scliaol ptttptkat and one mill and fourtenths of a mill fur township purposes making a total of four mills and onetenth of a mill another bylaw was introduced and diily passed for levying the uecessaiy school rates ttquired by the truatees of the several school aectiopa on motion the following account wera ordered to be paid vii s12 to h p moore for printing 200 voters lists and 475 for adverlining the same aud 350 to innes ditvidson lor printing bylaws and posters on motion the council adjourned to meet again on monday the 2sth day of november aert announcement w gee e 3st th new dry goods store 1 oppositfl aanews hotbl waa opened on saturday with a urge and choice itook of general and fancy dry gods tr if 7 stock fa now and of good design and quality and will be offered to th peopla of aoton and vidnffy at remarkably low price ladies will find in my store itery requisite required by them fa the pry goods una some tfrt chotce- t5s list or f sayitanos lying beneath an apple tree sir isaac newton saw an apple fall to the ground his anquiring mind led him to investigate the cause anil the result wis the promulgation of the theory now known as the law of gravitation a system which at once won the assent of tfxe learned world and by mean of which the motions of all the knoitn heavenly bodies are explained and those of the yet unknown can be determined a singularly comprehec eive principle is that propounded- and earned into practice by hulloway he divides all the usual diseases into two classes those arising from impetttot action of the digestive- organs and those proceeding from imparities ef the blood these two classes of disease ne treats by means of his celebrated pills and ointment two skilfully prepared remedies which have been most success total fi05i7 moved by j- matthews seconded by a lasby chat the report of the finance committee be adopted carried the finance committee submit the following estimate of expenses of the icton public school for the current year salaries for teachers 110753 6ectreas and caretaker 10500 fuel repairs and school property 20o00 binding library books s7jj0 frit on school debeatures s4a0 contingencies 85j00 flskjx 10300 2000 20 2000 12800 legislative grant to acton rural section jfunicipal grant clergy reserve int rural acton 129100 to be raised by assessment 129500 the committee recommend that the corporation of the village of acton do provide bj assessment in the manner provided by law the sum of twelve hundred and ninetrfite dollars for the current expenses of the school as afore said which was approved jaxesmattffewj chairman moved by- dr lowry seconded by joseph lasby that the secretary be and is hereby instructed to advertise for tenders for fencing the school property recently purchased carried moved by j matthews seconded by a lasby that weadjoarn to meet oft the first monday in october j huue7i7 cnseii this council met pureaant to ad journment on monday the 29th day of august members all present the reeve in the chair the clerk read a ieeter from the sec treatof the c v r com thanking the members of this council and other gentlmen who tisited thecify of to ronto on the second day of jona last in the matter of the entrance of said railway to their water lots mr richardsoc 3rd lot con7 of tins township made application to the coun cil for remuneration for an accident on townline between the townships of ksssagaweya and esquesing by liis horse and rigijoingoveran unprotected bridge his mother having thereby got dress goods silks satins etc eta some special bargains in black caalimcrea and lustres wiooeyv flannels cottons frists shirtings towellings table linens sheetings cretonnes ic tweeds and mantle cloths a terr choice stock to select from law prices ko trouble to shovr the goods george laingr remember he place opposite agoews hotel actoa ont facts for the people 1 tair is t p t tfearsous actou hatsfrom 75 cents to 26c at i fyfet a delicious and moat refreshing touie is peartona flesh ground un- adulkrated cjffee aicood pelt uat for 75 cents at j fyrvs i new stock of stoves just received at j o hills go to pearsont for the latest and inost aabiooabt design in tex setts for finttclaw eavetroughing ap plv to j c hill ladies maollea newest styles at cbristie henderson a co mastleoekakexts mantle cloths silk and stin triiuaiings at christie henderson 4 cfer rare value ir you want a nohby durable and cneap suit 1 fyfei is the place to go wikcets comeent judges pro nounce our 12jc wincey ertraordinary value eramme compare it and you will b sure to buy it winceys from 5c up at chrialir henderson k cos scotch english and canadian suitings in ertt vsritty at ths east ed- clothing store j fff acton maktdes christie henderson k iv cfj of ladies light and dark mantles just received these goods fully used in all the habitable parts ai are from the beat makers and comprise the globe his unparalleled aa4s fult s of p wil1 u has made his name a household worck not only in uia native land but throug out the length and breadth of t world countries where propriet medicinea are forbidden by kw have related their stringent regulations in his favor true merit is always st leniih recognised the rich and the poor the learned and the ignorant rbysicians statesmen monarchs a nation of enlightened freemen hare sanctioned used and extolled them they are ruro facta in medical his tory is not this better than hiving light under a bushel t c anything is worth knowing it is worthy of being universally known so thinking holloway proclaims ths virtues of bis medicines through the press and for tune fame and the gratitude of millions have been his tewarce in making these statements we are guided by an earnest wish to benefit the sick arid suseriug of all nations and in directing their attention to the well attested curative properties of hollo- wiya remedies we only reiterate facts and opinions which are patent to- three- fourth of the civilized world lam mas indicator suits and overcoats at extremely low rata and made in latest styfer be sate to calf and tee them j fyw acton mcquillan ii hamilton of the wellington sfarue works oaelph are uotcd for girinit aatifaction to lhos favor ing them with their crdm if yoo need anything in their liie be inre and remember them they do a very large business eon seqaeotly ther are able to gira belltr terms and fcecp better workmen than smaller worka send to them for particulars fancr wool goods christie henderson co have received and will open in a few days an immense stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc stl of the latest designs and shades these gooda are extremely handsome and will be sold st very closest prices notice to debtors all partus ladetitad to us either for aarertlatna- job work or sabaerlptidsa ax requsteov to nuju tmmxtfatefpay- mest aoocnnts long past due and net settled at eo will be plaeed la court for oolieetloil h p moore hahwake in great variety cutlery a large stock hails hinges etc cheap at pearsons a soukd mind ik a healthy bodi the om roman idea or the his beat defrfl of hspptneaa tne livtk rules the roost istjiassnosr crealea anarchy in te putlcal cvttem coattveneaa filltoaxneaa dtzslneas and bad taste in the month yellow sain and efec loss ofappetlte loss or energy and low aptrita patna in the back and aide wlndandfonlatomaeb all there create bad blood befulaie the boweiabomaee liver and kidnera with zorzsa troni braxtl vj f loeentiampieandatlcjourdrujflsujfi afoaarrlnaboatt best and comrrt la ihe soffruf browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in- ternal and external it oures faid in the sfde baok or bowed sore throat kueumatiam toolhaohe lumbago and any kind ot apain or aohe lt will ccost sorelv quicken ths blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and fa for sale byall druggists at 25 cents a bottle rpkxdebii waited l tenders will be received by the under signed up to sept s3rd for the erection ol a fence around the property recently pur chased by the board of trustees riktill for grain of all kinds i am prepared lo pay the highest cash pro for any quantity of wheat ajarley peas oata eye w eot etc at my storehouse at acton station wsi hubtop acton sept- 1st 1881 steady employment the fonthill nurseries tbi lamsit or cauda tve want salesmen to sell our karsesy 6tock can give canvaaaera advantage that no other nrm in the buaineas can offer steady work and good aalariea to successful men good references required apply to stone 4 wellington nurserymen toronto ont k3 ws are now ready to receive orders for fall delivery for our celabqated new white grape the golden pocklington price for 2 year vines 2 each i jyar 1150 send for circular special ufta ib parties wsnting a large number for xlqtjipl pur- poaea- s t w jjotxck to debtors as the undersigned has given np busi- naafn acton be is desirous of having the accounts of all who owe him tettled at the earliest possible date and be bas nade arrangements with mr h p uoore that all parties wishing to par up theiraocounls may do so st the faxi paxss office for which receipts will be given j w mark acton aug 6 81 city grooiry the place to tiuy good and cheap groceries pro visions crockery and glassware the largest stock of teas in town fifteen differ- ent grades to choose from satisfaction guaranteed if not money refunded i oeookbe the largest stock ever brought into acon just tq hand sold cheap for cash no reasonable offer refused all the new lines in glass will be v sold on the same terms eaus bacon sotoaita satjsas and ail sort of pbo visions kept constantly on hand i f queen sells cheap dotft forget tha ptiae t hats anq caps v itev fall styles just opened i at the- east end clothing stqe all h in hard and soft fit ooodt qoivrfi atstp see tbcellft j fyfe acton congregational church acton forsale lot 2 in block it in the tillage of ac too on which is erected a fine brick church m gond repair also a brick drftiof sbsd ker in poascuioa of mr wt hnuranr acrox for terms and conditions of sale sp plt to t808tloan co of canada 3mo toronto ont removed farticolars mar bfl obtained oa snphca- i lion to joseph lashy dr lowit or sam nuel uoors hpmoobe sea board of trustees aucti5suev fabu stock implemekts akd household furxituee j tha tindarsigned has been instructed bf sir win smjth to sell by public anc- tion at lot 1 con tp of erin on saturday 24th sept 81 the following articles stock 1 span generalpurpose horses- e ybang cows in calf to a thoroughbred boll 1 twoyearold heifers- 2 yearling heifers 1 yearling bteer 8 spring cakes the above cattle are all high grade durham stock 8 shearlingewes 1 yooag ewe 3 fat hogs to be sold for cash a quantity of bonltry implement single selfrake reap er single mower democrat wagon nearly new lumber wsgon cutter nearly new cnltitstor pair bobsleighs long sleigh 3 plows pair harrows turnip seeder turnip slicer land boiler fanning mill sett double harness sett plow harness wheel- barrow new large scalding trough- nock yoke whiffletrees bouhletrees hay rack grain cradle scythes and snaiths chains forks rakes hoea etc furniture 1 good cooking store boxstove bedsteads tables chairs and other lirticlos too numerous to mention tsaits tloand under cash over that amount 13 months oredit on approved joint notes sale to commence ai 13 oclock sharp positively no reserve as the proprietor is leaving this part of the country w hixsniarr auctioneer large selection of i the new methodist hymn book at j e mcgar having purehaaad hi thop and oroearlaa of mr w mann and addad my own took 1 hava now a moat com- plota aaabrtmant of groceries glassware gmtey to and am praparad to raeawo all my old euatomara and aa many now onaa in my now stand sjslloltln your aataamad ordora i am your obadlant sarvant w p brown mw ull goods 50 cases of boots and shoes finest french kids to heavy stogas extra heavy winceys 5 to 12 cts 1 bales of grey white cottons i hempunion tapestry carpets extra value in table unens and t0weluh8s the finest and most choice lot of 6ehts fancy ties ever shown in acton grain bags best makes 300 up bestalue in green black japan the highest price paid for dood fresh eggs and choice butter 1 i christie henderson co m a fact todisputable that for a fashionable suit ana a good fitting sujf and a suit in wry rupect to nut you ix the place 70 q0 to to suit youralf so that you may xl suited juat try r fevjkhelson v once and he will suitoufioasthe noltfeiest and most pashteuastookln town to sflect from cheap for casti vins drug store acton ontari fi- hrs9m k

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