Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1881, p. 3

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ifisfkfiselssn ipbyfy 1 3 7 j the mfce press thcmdaimoiuttsgsept 15 1881 ohf btem 4etoaoatj we in doing i ripping trade in school boots lost opened out another tint of scribbhng books se3 c sc each all the other school books best wire bound chap is the cheapest some be ehadea n berlin vvoola opened this week circular combe ew combe beck combs dreasioc combe rastiinj of cheep wedding ead birthday presents toys for the children at geo bynda home news sayings and doings la town and cotmty mks collatctxtj aicd kxfokttd ro tux raw fuss notice we are it pnaem reaertac ear unuu 1 ell rabsrrtfcertriil arrears e whiek we wails request their prempt eueauo we karejlakac the pautrarbeeeeauaaallr addlsst ear plaai aad we meet lire sweaer te per ter these isaprareaseale we trut allsar palms wlllrfsaceceamplj- with ear reeant ii mulstielr aeeeula oior endugh now peaches end cream nor in order hop picking is over in this vicinity talkie nic season is iboatit san t a end- j trrkamfexcr is preralent in ciin vjlle j bcsfcess was good in town on sat- orijj bcttta twenty cents per poand and scarce tari weather is quite a contrast to last weeks oca merchant ire filling up their alio ps with newgooda w e adams is roughcasting his hcoejoa church street geaut of all kinds ia coming into ciarfcei in lame quantities the band will bev wrenadw the members of the cocucq now juttos fall assize pa the 20th of september jadse llorrisoa presiolaj srstoat mornio rain settled the dsxt and it has been more pleaaantsince at th3 lest meetinjr of thjyillage cricci 25 woe granted to tfcenraas band peach festival and promenada con- cert in the drill shed next thnrtdaf even icg- i it tssatd that the batter crop will cot be atlstranfc as usual wehepa it wont act now thehcrah man wanu a highscsool opened in georgetown for his bege6tv j whats the price of tatter i some one ufl perhaps the caaneiiiars coald answer messbs a wiifdie and t cameron hare each a camber of sheep on eihibiua at toronto a ieetika of the village connctl wax held in the council chamber tait tues- daj eregmg we kave been enable to secure the rainites of toe conncil meetinj held at bat week coulul wulhar jlwi oat for ftok sfojtiuiek mj that game la bcarce a oekat inahjr oakville veui ate tnk fall fain are coming thick and i weir jrcu at toronto show thia week tame cool nighu favor rheumatic twinge larok quadiiea ol wheat coming into market i thk newly town fall wheat u grow- ins o atiilactoriljr was jour head right wednesday moining i aje v ci cool nighta are now in order and thejr are my acceptable herb brown beta the cymbak u well at the baaa dram now a laeqk namber of actoniaiu hae attended toronto exhibition thia treekv the chooaing of a lite for the new town hall will be the next excitement about 125 tickets to toronto were old at the utkdepot iiere wedaeadir bia crowd iof qrangsn in town jetterdar they went to toronto la cele brate there amocnt of present eldek a anftereon of itamiltgn preached in the diiciplee hotue here oa sonday the farmer whq aabacribes for a god local aewtpaper leldam gctsawindled bjiharpert the puhlio school trnitees made oat their estimate on monday ereninj see other coianux a laroe number of peopla in this ftcmity hive relatirea living in the burnt diitrict in michigan the bush fire at eden mills wit week detlroyed ibont ioto worth of tim ber oa mr henry lies farm 7 j he chas knw hae a large aiisort- tneat of cordovaa leather oa exhibitiua et i ila g cgreen the great medicine mansfactnrer of woodbnty xj haa lent ex hia hew almanac for is32 reheifbett mr wm smythi isaleof farm stoct implementa and household faroitsrt on satarday 2ml iasl acros brias band 6eve parchaaed a cumber of new inatrnmeiita the band with the leader now nunberapetenteea a teee lanch wueent up to the village council act tiesdar evening it consisted prioeiailiy of batter the joke tar bush fires in the vicinity of speyaideare now under coatrol coniider- able timbeaaii a larze namber of rt2 fences were destroyed drnsios coart was held here ja- tetstf a large number of cases were disposed at but none of any partiealar loierest tothe geoerai public ilesei eobcjltold of xeeoah wis aa w l heeutreet of qevebrnd ohio continae to fivor as with a weekly budget of their city papers they will kindly accept oar thanks itfoebutfor ifcleod anderson cos biji adverriseaieat pert week thej- xanouace oae of the biegeat stock us the west and proonae great bareaina in every departmeatj and cordialiy iavitethe public to call aod see them x last isaae of the teesyater ktux eayi iff rs rhirtell a few days ago received a very paiofof barajja lux hand while mixing some inflammable chea- icals we hope ffiec4 thortell has covered froat the injury before this is last issue we indulged in a little aelfpraiae copceraink is prodtict of our vegetable gardec but hare aisoe been obliged to take i backseat on thirt- day kfternoba fr p eeaaedy seat as a is in exceedingly large travel over the g t r at the provincial fair montreal about 300 euglish scotch and irish immigrants passed throuch axtoa oa monday oa the gtr for tha west geoegetowk had another ere last week a large quantity of cordwood wax burned at the x x yv ry statioa i the ojster seasob has arrived and lovers of that article of diet are anxious to know whete they can had duhed up in the hueec style chr stardr lv5lr z h fx of this village wax called to jhe deathbed of a brother near stratford who died oa sua day mr ox returned home yesterday ir thetcton frtf pros man were to try a personal column in this fair town enwould get knocked into a cocked hatt tgeorgetawniiferaat wt always had ea idea that the majority of georgetown people wtreoaly half dvilixed anyhow messes fountain k mclean on monday laat threshed eight hncdred bush ew of wheat in less than seven hours at the farm of mr joseph thompson lot 2s coo 10 equesing with a watxoa eugine and miltoa separator and want to know who csft best it j we hate recetred the initial numhef of the rtwai caitadiak a new paper de voted to africultcral interesta it ia pub lished ic toronto by c elackett xlobinxcn it has a good appearance is interesting in the several departmantx and should meet with success j a peach festiril and promenade con cert will be held in the prill shed oa thursday eteoiog lns inst in i of st alhxut church parsoasgel the programme will consist of vocal and instrumental music tableaux c acton brass bsnd will be in attendance a good time ia expected messes wh store sou were as usual awarded- the first prire for their exhibit of gloves at the toronto fair mr chas cneea also recetred the red ticket on his sasartazeat of cordorsa leather actoa manufacturers endeavor to turn out goods sa near perfection if possible and their wort generally erretv karwtthgtaidiko the great care which we siways txke ia mailing papers each week it sometimes happens that they da not reach- their destination in snch cases we shall be gadto send them over again aa long aa our supply of back nnmbers ltxta u wa do not wish oar subscribers to ioe a sinata copy i whetjou pick up a newsjaper and bein to read c pleasing psragrsph se to it that it dpes notconclude with tper bottle t great end of patent medicine men is to v p the unwary in writing paragraphs we always avoid srffug the nerves of the readers but before ending this one will ask are you in debt to the fan- paras oflee if so your little bill if paid would greatly help the printer 1 lr hat not be generally known hut it ia the fsct that the act passed last tet- sioa amending the- school law states that children over scvetryears df sga and under thirteen are requiri to attend school for a period of not ieaa than 55 daya in each half- year that the parents or guardians are directly responsible for such attendance aajlisf k1ii7 was driving u wilailroetlut saturday 1 jolt jn the road threw her oet o the boggy and she fell between the wheel and the box where she might have been killod had not miss mores who u with her instantly stopped the hot as it was ber head and face were very badly bruised milton ciampion lr is with deep regret that we ire called upon to ohrooiele the detlh of mrs jtacob sayder a very old toaidest ol esquos- ing township which took plaoe on friday eteninj she was ill but a fow days and died at the ripe age of 75 yeais deceased came with her husband from lincoln uo about 60 yean ago and faced and overcame alt the trials and difficulties inoident to the early leltlera the deceased bora her full share jof these and lived and died respected by ell who knew her she was an earnest christian very rerular la her attendance of the various religions lemcea and her home was ejwayt a moat welcome one to any who recuired food or shelter the funeral took plaoe on sunday afternoon and waa very largely attended the tit sona of the de- ceased messrs eli acton viuismgaelphi henry welkertoa adam mount forest isaac erin and robert of the old home stesd acted aa bearers of the corpse at the funeral and the scene wit most affecting friend alter friend departs who hath not lost a friend t feesoaala mr j henry smith of hamilton it in town miss c kennedy is visiting friends in gleawilliams mr gut higgins of brscebridge waa in town this week mr martin fatmore of harritton wu in town oa tuesday we had a call from mr r coatet of xcrval on saturday mrs malcolm kennedy returned home from parry sound oa friday miss virginia emmons of xew york the guest of eer w j pigott mr sad mrs chss eneesare attending the montreal industrial exhibition mrs alex secard spent a couple of days this week with friends in hamilton mr b hepistreet knd wife of milton visited their actoa frieads yesterday ve had a pleasant call from mr jamec hall of georgetown oa tuesday ereuing mrs james matthewson and miss msggie avilkie of xing are visiting their frieads here i mrr e wallace of guelph formerly of thu vilhye left on monday for a trip to xebrsekx mr a e mstthews has bad a severe attack of illaesa this week we trust he is now oa the mead rev j lowe is sttending the pro vincial prohibitiottcoaveatiaa new in i cicn ia eteaultoa mr t h harding left oa tuesday morniagto take a situation aa cashier iua dry goods store iabcamptoa misses daisy and martha firsthrook and mrs atwood of toroutp were the guests of mr w h storey thix week mr wm pringle who has been employ ed at the excelsior bakery for several mouths left on saturday lor gait rev t a moore of belmont spent a few hours with hit friends here oa hie re turn from toronto ethibitiou thix week mrs a mcewen and children left wil low cottare oa the 27th ult and letters received since state thatthey arrived safely at their hooxe in vaaogitowo iu sadkitsy greatly enjoyed the five weekxspent ialour little town mr jsmex goodall snd wife who have been absent oa a trip to earfand during the past three mouths returned homeon man day they had a very pleasant viait and met with a ixrse another of old friends during their stay there rev s g staples who hat been assist ing rsr t xj wilfciasoawith his circuit work daring the past two months left on friday for his home near hamilton daring his stay here mr staples has made a large circle ol friends all of whom wish him suc cess in his labors a xorjaii aa follows iilxm caaamt hair the cake till your garden saei is imptov ei we have in ftocval a beaa vuie 16 feet joiig on which i pod 30i inche jongiad 9 inches ia circumference mr j mc- kenxie it the gardener aad posaeaaorof tbit great vegeuble- ofccuraeve are fairly beaten and we coaseouenuy back down and out we can understand all about mr keanedyv bean as it is aboaf ie same variety aa onr4ws6ut we are at a loss to imagine what kiod of a mbsstrosity tfaer yorval beat must be and would like very mush to have a look at it bean pod meaanring 2sf inches ia length two inches iooger than ours and on monday we received card from mr r coatevr i that trusts af t repaired to oottfysach 111 bamfe oils tax- parents of any siaglect of duty in thia re spect the 6emiannual conrentioti of hal- ton uduntyv teachers association- will be held oa thursday friday and saturday the loth uth and 15th of october in the public sefioot in this village a very lnter- eeting coayentioa is anticipated several prominent genflemeu from toronto strath- toy and other places are expected to be present daring the several sessions of the convention we trust oor citirens will give the members of the association a right royal welcome to our enterprising little town rushes etc etc the cc idle leslie in erin oa the iltfa inst wiia of ilr j ci laalie of i dtagfatr tbrgtxtc wallace at poa4onhy oa the stli int of coruamptfon hagh avliu hged 62 jturt i month lofi if ds71 hicxa at 3eorgeowtiott the i3tit itul mtggfit diaiiur of pal kicks eik iged 15 ye 3 moatht deceu vututerof ilr wm hickt printer ssniee in eiqnetioff oa the 9th iiit the beloved wife of jicob sayder etq aed mreotfflrfl yeen a laved ooe is gone from oar circle 0a earth we ihiil tee her no more she u gone to her home 10 xttsta and ill her alsictionj we oer acti mabiuta whit wheat 1 to ill treadwellott i 21 to 124 spring wheat glasgow joml 21 to 1 2 red chaff i is to i 20 peas 0 60 to 0 60 oats 0 35 to 0 35 bsrleyy 0 60 to 0 75 rye 0 55 to 60 eggs per dot butter dairy packed 0 12 to 0 13 0 16 to 0 17 bitter rplla 0 17 to 0 22 potatoes new per bag 0 75 to 0 60 dressed hogs 6 75 to 7 25 wool 0 23 to 0 25 gcelpsi baukets flenr s3 00 to 3 25 white wheat i 18 tp i 26 lreadwll 1 18 to 1 25 spring wheat glaigow- 1 12 to i is red chaff 1 os to 1 12 oata 037 to 0 43 peaa 060 to 0 60 barley 0 70 to 0 76 itya 0 65 to 060 v do 0 12 to 0 13 butter dairy picked 0 iff to o 17 butter rolls 0 17 to 0 22 potatoes naw per bush 0 40 to 0 60 dressed hon wool 6 76 to 7 23 0 23 to 0 25 atjim imcq-ar- still humming post office store acton is the place to oet groceries hardware crockery gtasswara cheap see our 50c ts wdrtli 60c in green uncolored japan black other grades at equally good value coffee in ka j an mocha fresh ground and delicious stjdass notwithstanding the advance at old prices- juxt arrived the latest aad most laaaionable design in tea 8 ett coma and tee them qlasswarb in great variety a nice goblet fr 66 cents per doe a nice glass sett 8 pleoea tor qoo salt s7 the saeel knives forks spoons bhovels spades forks from 3 to 6 prongi hinges nails etc and hardware cheap come and see our stock andi learn thia we wont be undersold and dont tow forget it j b pearson the wonderful man v we are showing today our first lot of european fancy goods which for effect and good value far sur passes anything hitherto shown by us especially in fringes gimps ornaments and bfrdles our display is exceedingly good every dress maker using quantities of above mentioned goods will effect a con siderable saving and secure the very latest styles by selecting from our stock novelties iaiidles novelties ia fringes novelties ia gimps j novelties ia ornaments novelties ia buttoas guelph ont great clearing sale httghis driffias gkaiiag sale -of- summer dry goqds and boots and shoes i commenced august 15th andfeon- tinues until every dollars worth of summer goods is soldi i v it will pay everybody to atten this sale early as we intend rush- i out all the goods possible with- in the next two weeks in order to make room for fall stock see posters for class of goods and prices hughes griffin acton i kllto of the dry go ds e a4ford e bollert u b williamsoai substitutes t irt the pqfalie are qratoned agtinrt enstom rich ittt rnmrn rf ute among a ctrtainc tfnnl c ne tralerr and hich is this when aaljied f t a bnlff palltkjhft they wrdmly digcovfer that thgygfqtomnqt bet have another article jiitttt inm mtcr which tlyy will sapplyat the tame pnce teomectof this degeption u tramparent thee tatintcs are mde cp to ten on the preat renutarion of rtejrtlkhir andmecpmidm if the rleat eamiaaialmammulmwmmmmm and cbwpetdnys are braght hy the deal -a- at about iulf at h- rjyafr fo ggrqne patnkinwy ffhch erabw him ihftfrte to ralie a fwr herns more profit tfhip ie itatinn artw- tsan y wnon te pn foa cholera uorbt7s cramps mid ail summer ptl bowel complaints perry davis palkloller l 0rtqvttld it cures al instantly the ta- knirahput uptnoti5ilmrrtaniay t bold by mx mefdkhnc mauum the lions policy foreshadowed his pueposes aggressivr the negotiations whica iiv ben earned on during tire put two tnontha between thelion knd minufictrjriof indoomtnercul centra in england scotland ireland france germany toe united state and canada are about completed and hire resulted in supplying the rtpicfoos demands 0 the lion with the meet extensive ind complete stoeki of r staplb fakcy dry gpods plothina eats caps fur goods mantles m1llin- ery carpets tbit it hu ever been his good fortune to pos leas oar stock ni thoroaghlv cleared ont daring the putt lesson oar qreat oaah diaconnt sale daring july left sis absolutely jwithoat amy good to carry over we commence t bo fall of 1s81 vsith the freshesitend choicest toortmesl of qoods that has etar been offered in the hqyil city 1 j 1 i j we oongratnlate un conntry npon the bonnlifnl harret and tire groeraj feeling j of prosperity we believe there is going toloe in activity in trade sues m has oot been seen for yemra ttiebyn is not bnlygoing waharein lltbbl wluf hisahooider 0 toe wheel of ofanmerae will ire it lremndos pusi oer eflbrts shall be te place into joe bands and homes ol irdry ftsmilsiii city end country the beet ind chfiafest dry tioumprocusblefor money we tbau endeavor by lour liberal induoeaninla tenraw eue- tomers for scores nd hundreds of miles around and we snail see to it that the liom malnuioa bore tban ever the proud pre em ineboe ol tbe leading uooie of tveslem ontario the ureat lroods martlbrtie wehavetkeronwha i the oieans and we hire the customers by fair ueaaing i aad boaaattaluf wevjlmiowin the onfidenee as well v utrjesjr1keuofour psuvjji p j d williamson v i yins drug and istationery istojreotonipaiieatfto w avtsrk f iffgi

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