t t d iitktlilskplteis turiisou- mvrmki septembers 14si lis ma d tie mzslic irfftjahoal i tha annual quitmhw of lownsbiji aid county show hits lislbvill culmcnc in our next issue y ate iniyuyralliy yilh tue ertiibiiioiis but irast ttiu day tsnat far- distant wlwn lie officers of thesis exhibitions will not rclv upon the gunoroaity if tha publishers of their local papers for the publication o a list of the prizes awarded imt will consider it their duty to publish the ptiw lists t the expanse of tlio societies buljinj he exhibitions tub present rstera it undoubtedly unj uit to ti large nmiitxr of readers wh hive no mterebt whatever id tka price lists sud it is also an auniial bore on the publishers ho ste obliged to spend it day in securing the necessary information to siy nothinijdf the expenses eoanecied therewith ft x w ijc i ivvf i c plr- mmm mm imi vj r tsefeks or inr wheat his attained very satisfac tory price and is likely to continue ki a good fljuro for some time ssverttl causes liats ooutributed to the rise amonjj these the tnost ituporuutis the euortwss of the crojjf uwtturrent v year in csnitia the yield lias been abore the average butooshere else in the united slavs theve is an esti mated fallingcit of 15 percent in germany fand other continental- count ries of fruuido to t5 per cent on the vcropof isso in eaglanil the yield will be still vcorse for althongh in the early part ofhe season there- was every promise of a good- harvest- some weeks ago the rain set ii- and it raitied every day so that much of tha grsn has beejtaestniyed tho english farmer is thus fn a worse plight than ever three successive had harvests together tb high rentals and tha competition brought about by the breadstuts from this side of the atlantic have reduced many to a slate of bankruptcy the attention of the british farmer will be thai turned to emigration oh the- one hand or to cdlttrajtioa o- crops which are cone piratively safe under uncertain con ditio of weather jand with which the products of america and the continent europe can not successfully com- pete y ktj34tll71 kcj75 from ou vtcn coriyjwnaf the svamp fire which originated at mi ukiues mills neat iiuu alills atwnt four weeksugois still taging ou mthiekees farui lot 32 1st cou knsssgaweya it hat huiued a lirldg on tins lyo liue between llakon ami wellington ahlkat poinl the iro hat also inn over about 180 kcres hut the fauies have somewhat subsided and the danger ihorcfioiu decaased siueo che last rains ilr aikenstot thii township has inrckakcd fiora t j s iirco of eramosa alliorougbbied short horn tiull calf ten months old for 95- kcd lr iv y iy p waano sqtslsssssss ae4 ticir actiei if eofuias ta m2ifaiita tia jtclloa siaecis 1 the itoatreallfivnaa says canada has again been disgraced by its hotel- keepers the torgnto licensed victual ed have relused admittance to tub risk jubilee singeis as all but thc- best hotel in jlbntreal did vulganti caa ordinarily be passed over in con- temptj batshen it involves a disgrace to that country anda refusal of the eimplej rights of tbe countrys giiesta action teems necessary and until some law is passed irbtcb will meke it peritojs for a holpl to act the part of a hoodlum the country must be iheld dishonored hy this actiob 5liyor lc slunich who from the circumstinces of his election tejiresents kid glov society- of all tie parties in toronto at once invited the coojpany to be his prirate gnests toronto fias a mayor who is a gentleman and who is in ehery respect a great credit to her andj his prekent guests are a good deal djoie fit to sit at bistable than ono balfof the ordinary guests a the rossin or the queens o by nothing of the roughs whose prejudices are represented by this action siitok atttuaa assizes- antumn assizts commenced tuesday september 20th hon sfr justice j morrison preafdia colin 5ucdougail crown counsel john dewar county v- crown attorney w li p eager cifit coart opened at 11 e m j there betpj no criminal businesi the gfrand jury were discharged without being sworn i v i tue civil dockefccontainej only two iij ctmeat suits viz- ikslzos johksos tg ceo ceeele d jfcgibbon for plaintiff nndefend ed the finding of the court wks that the plaintiff wes entitled to the posses rion wk litdliw cit c l asebidgb and k s cottee wm laidlaw for plaintiff a d cameroafor defendant cotter as there ivai no application in- chambers toefc aside tha- ptafntiffa notice of trial and the rritiltjof the eipjication not having beia maijajcncwn wfien the case was called the judgaiuade a verbal order to deliver the certified copy of the pleadings to the plaintiffs alter ney to he tried at hamilton in cuse defendant failed to set aside the nolice oftriaf if t large selection of obituary int samuelmoore i we have been repeatedly called upon since the advent of the present year to chronicle the death of promineat resi dents of our village or vicinity and this morning it is our painful duty to lecord tha decease of ilr saituel moore which took place on tuesday morninj about u oclock sir iloore was taken ill on friday 2ud sept tbe trouble arising from a cut received on the thumb some time previous from vbich blood poisoning ensued and this with a complication if other troubles notwithstanding that all that medical aid and the most careful attention of loying friends could do was performed terminated frit existence at a period when his life seeiied most -useful- he was a man respected by all who knew him and most by those with whom he was most intimately acquainted as a brother he was most affectionate and as a son i most dutiful and it was apparent to many thst he exercised much sflf denial in order to make as comfortable as possible the decliuing vears of his aged and widowed mother having boena resident of this vicin ity for about 35 years he was naturally interested in the welfare of the munici pality and watcbed witb considerable interest the progress of the village although he had no family of his own the cause of education occupied not a little of his attention and recognizing his valuable services as a member of tbe board of trustees of icton school division he was reelected at tbe open ing of the present year to serve a second term of three years on the board at the annual nomination of village councillors he was chosen and nomin ated for municipal honors but feeling that his business was such that he would not be able to give the office proper attention he declined to enter the contest tbo aged mother and tbe large circle cf friends of the dtceased have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement picsiicawtrfitlit fuunl the body rfi tbe late president gar field was carried to the grave on monday with so great a funeral display and attended hy such a multitude of mourn ers as mukt ever- make tha event memorable it wis certainly the chief day in clevelands history as it was also tbesaddest uver 300000 persons took part in this demonstration fully c0g00 people were- in tiie procession tbe rest were spectators iln canada especially in ontario tfe cities and towns assumed mourning during the afternoon in many places the stores and business places being entirely closed iti taken of respect to americas isecond martyr president never has there been so general j and deeg sorrow and mourning expressed at the dettli of a foreign ruler j 4 v fiul sriioitiob i central fair at guelph on 4th 5th and 6th oct esquesirigfair at georgetown an friday sgthsepx nassagaveya fair at brookville on priday 30th sept halton county show atililton on llth and 12tb october eramosa atrockwood on october 13th t iforthern at walkerton october i th and5th i central at hamilton from jctobfll hto7th i l peercounty show at brampton on 3rd i th and 5th october j facts for tha people t tiut ta j choap at f earsoni actou hffa from 76 cents o f 250 at s lylov r a delicious and most refreshing tonio is pearions fiesh giouud uu- tidulteratod cuftv a goodfelt hat for 5 cents at jr fjfei now stock of stoves just rtrfiyed at j o hills go to pearsons for the latest itnd most fashibnahh- design in tea settx for first class eavetroughlngln plv to j c hill t lapies mantlcjinowcst styles at christie henderson fc co iir you want a nobby durable and ensap suit j fyiej is the place to go xx jlsu recitcucitt the most so nuittle llltie toilet tm ciurt rrlhetcth auii saniile5cs 1 wixcnvs competent judges pro- ndiinco ourl2jc jvincey extraordinary value examine it coiuparo iti and you will be- sure to buy it winceys froui 5c up at christie henderson it cas scotch english and canadian saitiujr ia threat variety at the east end clothincitore j fyfe actou maktccs christie henderson k cos stock of isdies light and dark mantles just received these goods are from the beat makers and comprise a full range of prices they will be sold cheap hardware in great variety cutlery a largo stock kails hinges etc chesp at pearsons suits an overcoats at extrcmely low rjttet and mido in latest itylcs be- sure to call and see them j ce acton hastle okvahests jfintle cloths silk and sjtin trimniiriga at christie henderson coc rare value mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marble works gnciph are uoted for giving tatif fiction to thote favor ing them with their crderf if you need anything in their line bo sure and retaeinber thcra they do very urge busineii con- ecqucady thev are able to gi v better tcnn and keep better workmen than smaller worts send to them fotiurticuurt fakcv goods r christio henderson oo bttvs received tend will oien in a few days an immense stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of the latest ctesignsand shides these goods are extremely handsome and will be sold at very cloaeet prices toronto- oil co are sol manufactur ers of castorina itachine oil in fringements will he prosecuted bortr closest almonte writes- kor along time i was troubled with chronic rheumatism at times wholly disabled i tried anything and every thing recommended btt failed ta get any benefit until a genireman who wa cured of rheumatism by dr thomaa eclectrio oil told m about it i began using it both internally and externilly and befire two battles were used i was radically cured we find it a household medicine and for croup burns cutsand bruises it has no equal a souxdmixd is a healthy body the old romnn i ilea of the hlehost decree ortpptness the lrvnrt rules iho roost- isntaestrox creates anarelrr in tte plijslcal svslem couvenrkc hllloucness diczinm and bad taste in iho moultiyehor ktln xnderestofisofuppcltle lost of energy snd lows7lrlts ryiiisln the back and sli wind and fikiutomacb all there ereale bad blood rreiare the dowelksomacli liver and kllneyfi with zoresa irdm brazil try e locenlumplepnd atfc jour unsut j- jiciarvln p s mactetl west jeddiire k s writes i wish to inlorta rou of ihe wonderful qualities of dr thomas eclec trie oil i hid a hors so lame tlutbe could scarcely walk the trouble was in tha knee and two or three applications completely cured him eesc and contra rt lie sattertae browns household tanacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures fain m tie side bick or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind at a l or ache it will rrost surely quicken ths blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful broitojs household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir orliaiment m the world should be in every family handy for us when wanted as it really is the best remedy new fall goods 50 cases of boots and shoes finest french kids to heavy stocas fv extra heavy wincey 5 to 12pts bales of grey wlutb pottons the great rasalts which have attended the regular use of quinine wins by people of delicate constitution and those afiected with s gensral prostration of the system speak more than all the wnrdt that we can sayn its behalf this article is a true medicine and a life giving principle a perfect renoi vitor of the whole system invigorating at the same time both body and mmd ill medical properties are a febrifuge tonic andantiperiqdic fcmallfdoses frequently repeated strenjthiin he pulse create an appelile enable you to obtain refresbng sleep and to feel and know that every fibre and tissue of your system u being braced and renovated in the fine quinine wine prepared by kortrjr5p lyman toronto we have the exact tonic required j snd id persons of weak and nervous ooristitntioni we would sar never be without a bottle in the house it is sold by all druggists hemp tjaion sl tapestry carpets i extra value in stable linens uno towelungs the finest and most ghpice liotof gents fancy ties ever shown in acton grain bags best makes 300 up i best valuein green black japan v tie highest price paid for good fresh eggs and choice butter christie henderson co bswq c kr bli 0 m b mmi xke onl medicine tht mocegsfolly ptrifles the blood act upon the liver bowels 8kin and kidneys while at the same time it allays nervous irritation j and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache- rheumatism dropsy nervous and gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood purifyikc tonic h the world isaplt bcusc i- t uilscm fc ct sou mots tmmii cexmlar tlm rt freeaaac vf rat fawner is k uc nt ad tcttul imntjtr c xxm im efcuna or dolu price fi cccis cf s tr rl hra frcmaa hew damejsle drea sir prroa fa cvr cmkm toe lirirtfs tad aziziaj ulr 11 sa eul price 11 cescs per racjlifc respect t orey hairs of old age demanl and should receira repect but tbe firey baireof vounj people re quire atteniioiin tbe way of usinj cinpalesa hair renewer sold by d e mctiarvih 50 cenla per bottle xet advertisexexts walker in the worhj for cramps in the stomach and paim anct aches of all kinds and islbr sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle fresh air u indispensable but when you need afresh pen be sure it is one of esterorooka make wholesale dealers toronto newt co toronto holtotmys pills changes of tem perature and leather frequently upset persons wno are most careful of their health and particular in their diet these correctire purifying and gentle aperient jills are the best remedy for all detective action ot the digestive organs- they augment the appetite strengthen the stomach correct bilious ness and carryfi all that is noxious from the system ffolloways pills are composed of rare balsams unmixed witb baser matter and on that account are peculiarly well adapted lor the young delicate and aged as this peerless medicine has gained fame in the past so will it preserve it in the future by its terioralihg and invigorating qualities knd the impossibility of ita doing harm kolhcrtrilolrntft holhertm are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a eicfc child subering and cryinc with the excruciating pain of catling teeth f so goat once and get a bottle of mrs winsloirj soolhing syrup it wlllrtlieve the poor little suherer immediately depend upon u there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth vho has ever used it who will not tell you at once that if will regulate the hotels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all esses tni pleasant o ihe taste and is the pre- seriptionofone or the i oldest and best female physicians and nursea in the tjniled stales sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle trre alkkbio of the bodt the iom ach is the alembic cf the human system in it those wondrous chemical changes take place which result in the transmu tation of food into blood- hen it is vigorous the aexf sary processes of di- gstlon and assimilation go ontuninler tripled and tbe system issuitahly nourished when it is feeble or dis ordered they ire obstructed aid being in consequence ill supplied with blood of vltaliiing quality the physical organism becomes weak and feeble he nerves suffer he liver and bowels are semiparalyied and appetite and sleep fail these disastrous conequences may howevpr be prevented or remedied with tha supremestomacltid andsperient northrop fclymtos vegetable dis covery and dysnepiieuure a medicine of rare purilv and efficacy which reforms a disordered and repairs a weakened state of the digestive organs overcomes biliousness relieves the bowels when obstructed without straining or weaken- icg them and promotes the exit rom the svstem of jmpufuies which infect the bloody which cause serious orgaric maladies ho objectionable mineral contaminates it and its value is not marrtd by a subsequent reaction pre- judieitl to the geneial health far preferable is it to the ordinary nausequs drugs used o produce a similar effect but which are frequently ineffective as well as nnpleassntjnonsit a cheap and valueless medicine puffed into existence it is used for dyspepsia biliousness affections of the blood kidney com plaints female weakness lumbago etc and in ll idood diseases it is unequalled price ji00 sample bdltle 10 cents ask for sorthrop fc lymans vegetable discovery dyspeptic cure the trapper bears a rxcsmtlsor their sig nature sold by all medicine dealers ma 321 af4am the next regular meeting of walksr lodge ko 821 gbc will be held on kanday oct 3rd at 7 jo pjn when busi ness of importance will be brought before the lodge a full attendance ot the mem bers is requested v yohk shaw wjl tooit sale stkve heading factory cooper j shops and residence the subscriber off for ia tils rroprtr srtoatetl lovh ealrprfitof vlllaf e or acujn north of lh qt railway the property- is eompostd ot four acreaoutblchts iliuated a mava uid ueadlosrfaetortf eonuldtaarlrit- ctasv machinery and ta ezcelleat order two coppershnps roar sheds a onmfortable brlcs dwelltnf and cooccts table the rroperty is convenient for sulpuufraad tarse boslness has eeen done lntbe premises ddrtngthe rast 15 years 1fhe proprty will be fold on lbe most uberallerms apply on the premises or it acton po to i jbcoaje8 a w c3se e city grocery the place to buy good and oheap groceries visions crockery and glassware v the largest stock of teas in town jifteer ent grades to choose from satisfaction ijhiaranteetf if n jt mony geoceeei the largest stock ayer brought into acton hand sold cheap forcash no reasonable refused all the hew lines in glass will v sdld on the same terms et w pro- differ- refunded just to offer v i hams bacon b0l0na sausage nskepi qse2t seliis cheap and sh aorta of pbovisions kept oonatantly on hand l doft foeget the jplaoe tha customers have found out that george lainfey at the new bihk foie is glilng the- best yalue ln dry goods rv ik tow- icwnheptnihkli proprietor ttocse to best apply at tha fmzfrirs omci acton the new meth- odisthymiibook cemtral exhibition 1881 wtii ct hkd rs the cttt of gublph on the 4th sth and 6th ootobtr open to alu prise dsta and entry papers esn be had st the secretarys office goelpb and also from tbe secretaries of other societies thronriout the province psrties not receiving their entry tickets prior o the show will find them at the secretarys office the several railways will carry freight arid passengers to and rom the exhibition at single fare o murton thosgowdy secretary president gnelph sent 2nd 1681 aucti0n sale farm stock and implement the undanngrjod has been instructed by ur w bunia to seu byjrahlic motion on the preinisea lot no 5 7th con eramou on tuesday i8th of october 1881 at 10 oclock am the fallowing property farm stock hatched team of bay horsos 7 and 8 years old span of brown hares 12 years old drrring mare s years old s good grade cows supposed to bo in oalf to a thoroughbred boll i good grade steers rising 8 yean old suscrs riling 3 years old grade heiferiising 2 years old 6 excellent spring calves and 8 large pigs implements 2 good lumber wagons set of bobaleifhs loaf bleigh catter light baggy iriith polofand shafts gang plow 2 toltod centre drslft plows mc millan plojr 8 other lows 2 sets of iron harrows no 3 kirby beaper mowing ma chine selfdamp sulky horse rke grain drill fwisner make champion fanning mill tnmip sheer grindstone 2 hay racks 8 wood backs 3 sugar kettles 8 neckyokes i seta of vthiffletrtes 2 sets of double harness set of plow harness set of single harness 2 grain scoops 2 measures forks shovels hoes sovthes grain cradles and hirers other articles too numerous to mentitn also an excellent cook stove and a quantity of sffomhold jtttrnltum also tricrat 87 oozj of siml soft vftoi- positively no reserve as the proprietor has rented his farm lunch furnished on the ground tiaxs or 8al sums of 85 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit on famished approved joint notes or 7 per oent off for ouh cayih for the wood whiksibixt w boors proprietor auctioneer tht bui value in all kindt of cottons dres3 guods cashmeres winceys 4 flanneis hosiery k gloves small wares k notions frilling3 k fringf8 ik velvets velveteens in black i colored and poilpabocrr the last rmntioned u spec- ially adaptd for fine trimmiags tweedh alantle cloths and mantles dolmanb asl i jaceets black and fancy to suit the taste the times and the pukse fcf- ps remember- the stand klgbt opposite aenewi dotelsaln streetacton george laing 1 the farmers friend r the fall show groceries groceries groceries if you want provisions provisions provisiqna cheap good groceries provisions glassware crockery i i call axd lssrecr ike stock of- ccocooooooxockcooxxxxx00xckxxootooi w p brown mtoo0000sooooocoooxccogcx bevom ppbchasikg zuiewh1lre th largest lot of groceries 1 the bast assorted lot of groceries the oheapeet lot of groceries highest price paid for butter and eggs lifdomt mistake the stand ute j w tjnn dont forqet the celebiu ted 50 cent tea glassware gla8swake glassware w p brown acton ont crocker v crockery crockery hats and caps 7i just atrived a at j e mcgar- her pah styles just opened at thit bast end clothinf store v all the newest things in hard and soft felt ooods 6pb3 ajstid see ibcj v j fyfe acton v yins drug store acton ontario ma iv