Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1881, p. 3

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m m tresis tmam maxm oct k ww 1 ammoatt u hjrl3whodhi 4 weiaaea oaeka jewalbuy abpecuiiee aliukuvtatkaluouwr ttore we of your watthea ad ihe tea clock for amu all workia my tvta cheep end pretaptlv cab jm n4 prownitlu of tfc tug viii actria j it sptbumd offer ita ertor ta la r ilmliujtt dmlulnm kannm4 t auae ike lubvtirntmlafui t all aew stfc eesiaen ewytaa is awveaee vje will lit ike mhmnueu trwa ta arrarai dalf u lk m at juaur ims ikr lm 10cal majffks unty bom tbe he a r k hose you the rockttood show vrtayt looc ou for cold weather i leaves iiuts anrl temperature are falling i look oat for attiit hills new idr txxwa i i the days are getting cold and dirk and dieaiy the fe of the sheriff of this cdj amount to 108 jack frost got in some pretty work oo moods t niglit rsrairs were nado to part cjf sidewalk on main street last week hthjt traaip now tells you thajt wiu bicpit oat in the michigan fires j me ff leieuman is prectng hoiuaoif mill ttreet north of the q depot purchase joor goods from wfaoadvertiae in the fsxr pee4s i want v- gains jthe walkerton bcrald i wya rite reeeipta at the xorthern jlxhil itioq amounted oaboot juqoo- thasesgrnsg eernce will ks ha d in st albans church on the evenio r of thankaziving day at 7 oclock ml hdgh cameron has dinpow d of ihis property on the corner of ctvch elgin streets tomr abrcm sunner these was qpite a little snow stann here onmonday but the bright rays ol the ann soon caused the beautiiul to dis- anpew a few loads of ehori wood are w mt ed at this office those who wiah to par or thir paper in wnod should bring j in at once ms thomas oameron wonae first prixes and two a and a dipl oj his sheep at the korthern exhibition welkerton last week the cold snap has been very severe not only ia canada bat throughout p tmi states snow fetfaimaxty pejinta tiirdughaui the country the old jjeotleman from st maijysy linjored byifalling through the who i and m- m m -m-h-lt- k get yonntatei in order uokbah for acton bran bai 1 did ton a tk mow atorm on monday p thstarkeyaara fattening tkaaka- irmaf tawming j a cooru of dronjten men both stransen paraded uw atreata on moodajr thepriae liatof haltoo countf ei- hibitian and braakaa ifownakip show will appear in oar nel iaten the monthly fair last tuorsdajr was terf oootly attandadi a good deal detain cimio that day howeter y aithakkhgtvisa service will dv ne hcldila the methodist charoh hen at 1030 oelonk on thnraday next 20th met miltons rate of taiatioi for the torrent year h 16 mills on the dallar it ia expected that the rate will be much higher next j oar- the editor of the watford aivotait jldriierwitt somebody target op a pnmp- kinpie social must ha tome vankee about yoo bro bochanan j 11 h l thuiston prof of the rgan and roral music will organise classes here abost the first ofnotember for terms and particnlara see adr 1 an ou gentleman name unknown received an agly eat on the faeaby attempt ingvto et off a train while in motion t the gtrlepovon friday eviening that winter ia at band might hare been easily guessed daring the past week by the bomber oi men to be seen on the atreeta carrying home pieces of stovepipe 41 a jos barber georgetown had three eoloi killed and one badly io jared by a x- k w train on tharaday morning the g r company will have to pay the hill tejt wu owioc to the fence- being oat of rex fir that the horses got ost on the track hctaiil i ij me robeht warreny jr of this vicinity who was one of the candidates ait tfee rtdeentfeachere xamiaatioas appealed against the decision of the examiners in not granting him a certificate sad his just been notified that on a reexamination of his pipers his certificate has been jrranted me alex waldie vice president of lhs vert west of the gt station died on stu day butoecaxetown herald we arb tnfornied that mr jakes qcodall has pnreued the property hessrs brown k hall on qaeenstreet that be will erect a dwelling house thertoa we haterreceived from the shcber jk carqaevibe lithographic co of chic oj 111 a splendid enxravuig of the late pi esi- deht garfield and one of hia antogispb vetteia ko max should be allowed to ktffij his horses standing in the street witl out baring them tied it not only endan era bisown property but also the life property of others ksoi presbyterian cbnrco of jtil toqj haa secured the sertices of dr w toronto to delrrerhis famoas lectnre stone miracle pfiss2 in the town flalj theevehib8 of the skh inst sea the slnidiing of ckltle pigs etc the stock trains st the west tankv gtt- kesfea mill street in that vicinity in a rhry fnmdayxute acnlrert thonjd be pqtn ifey efther tie g t e anthorities or juhge conncil ti a tctsoifo printing companypribt- ed 40000 dreolars for mrjimes jiatthe of thia village jast week and tkrocgh a re- leas proof reading an error beenrred ws ich rendered them nseless snd- the corap hyj srene oompelledto dopbeate- the yob the frederick street sidewali hai laa been conclnded lfsin street ha nt been commenced yet- if the street nd sidewalk committee dont intend to bail i it this yiar they bad better have the fnm ber pronerly- piled as the wsy it is lying j 1 lit nmm t to all manne ahanea we ieg to extend oar sympathy r i mrst5 8oitb of this ribage the death of4ieir infant daanter it be their only datfgbtc theloas will seem t ia mora severe bat their is great oonsolafi in tie thosght that it is sated from tie aisietionajmrtow sand snfferinga which bri dl allwnoa urea are proloail tbebereavid parenia bare the sympathy dt this co i mnnity the towiiconnea atntjast mssiin fixed the rate of taxation to if 188081 at 6 nulla on the douaf an cbrt wraa nude tp raise the rate onaocoontot theloaa to t ic revesne of the tayem lioaqaes a a brer 350 bat ihe majon wee oi t is opinion that by rrdnring th ajpeaitore n atreata that tne town might manage f a another year when ajw wosdd ba inevjj able milton cjsosajrioa f 1 orao to no qttoiwmt tfiere wi presk llaltoa gonnty akricnltnral society haa won ten prizes and over 100 ou his lincoln and iiecester sheep he received three prises st toronto one st london and six at hamil ton mr waldie slso received a large number of prixes aithe cocnty show this i osi of the grain buyers on gnelpb market has been caaght cheating the carmen by hght weights the ease was tafcen into coort antlfadgment given against him the jferrwy jays a- few more caaealikethis4- wosld m better for both farmer and buyer the difference in this being over two bushels in tortythree shows the necessity for strict b irgsins the wise business man remarks the toronto iywfjnot ouly advertises bqtad- vertisea wisely littering the atreeta with dodgersiand thrusting handbills into ithe jfists of tee passerby who either tesrr them np or throws them away nnread it not wise advertising the way to reich the pablia is throai the columns of a ure levipaper which the people tike home to read ana having read discuss me ke biectr agent whj had bis arm broken while- visiting friends near newcastle returned home on friday evening mr rae h been out driving with a friend and the hprsea becoming un manageable overturned the carriage throw- ingkr rae into the ditcji by which he had the left arm fractdned a few inches below the dbowjthe broken arm is manii- mg very satisfactorily andjwe hope he will soon beahle to resume liis ofiicial duties we have received ifrom the anlhorj rey vii5ara williams guelph a copy of a sermon on y the death of president garj field preached in tne korfolk street ifetfaj odtst church guelph on sabbath eveuingij 3th sept the sernrm is a most sble andjl lj i interesting one from isaiah xiii 12 i will makeamau more preciour than fine gold even a sua than the golden wedge of ophir land ia published iu compliance with the request of a number of the citixena of guelph for sale at the bookstores at is the jrin advocate of last week j eays agre it many attribute the failui e of esqheaiiig fall show to the fact that acton and neighborhood claim a right to the ex- jiibitaon evjery alternate year and failing in this became case jess and disinteresfed let acton have a ttial trip and see what kuufof ajiuitter she caa make if acton ia favored with the township fall exhibitiei she will rio- doubt do her utmost to make thejahov jeredit ia the township and to sustain her reputation for making anything bheitskessfci interest m a complete snecees no meeting ot the village coi4eilxtadi y evexdnf thja ia the seeondimje the eon ml iava failed to meet within ar moot u iant the new town ball basineaa bail g nefdected coma eenuemen the peof e of our vfdagexe looking toy owtofcranea t the bnaineas of the mosieipality jn bus neas manner we preanme bowevar it ewing to the fhneaanf ample of tiie m bers bat iu meetings have been hldd sim i3 to aellor jrnauy to books for etutodt loojke hi rs oil meralng pomall 4lmd al meats tkwev am yon tatttfed oheaen for tat oew town bil t il notj tbs bsqueeiog show jriae lift which wuorowdadoat iaf4 una taan on w utt page jpaemers or other w itrog rent their property will i nd it their advantage ta nail oo a l qoiti wintry like this we vsnnori gettinir a good old i uhiot sd indian auaatar read for the early part t novem ber jthe directors of th i ge irgetown mechanios institute at a lat i mee tog voted 1200 for tba aarcfaasa tl sd4ion the library a straxoeb ia acton looi us of the sweepings from he oast upon the atreota he grace that auob ia allowed bv bon authorities if there be ground for this complaint he is right rerehaisa to the bn as jband com petition at the esquaaiog 8b iw tba george town herald says a go d deal of interest centered in the ba id xtaapetition the sympathy of the crowd tx lag with the jforral boys wnpiast say that weaepad to ate norrsl ahead but w a eat honestly cooteaa that the acton boy d id the finest playing both as ito time aid harmony their snare drummer ia a 1 we hope to see korval wrest he honors tro a aotou era loogr acton brasstband lilljoo doubt be1 ready and willing to meet nerval at any time or place when they l bjuk they can wrest the honor from aot u1 the semiannnal com bntion of the teachers associstion of th s county com mencesst the puuic schoo tmt morning a very interesting progrsiimn hss been prepared two aessious wil be held io the school building today and 5eo wj boas eaq m p of strubroy will lectnre in the methodist church this et miig subject intellectual foroea t milrrow two aeaiibna will be held at the holaod bev j thotnpaoo m a of ayr will lectnre in the presbyterian church is tle evening subject music the ut the convention will be hi on forenoon we trust all on possibly can will attend the i ariijaa aeaaiona cf the coaveotioaaod show bi theirpresence uist they take an interest in use of their children session of saturday cdtiiena who education the cradle bnowir in acton on the th mat wife of mr w p brown ifrohant of a daughter tme a tie mcphedrajr thoksok onfele at erin home the residencejof tjhe brides father by the bev h mcquirdud b a toronto john mqfaednn gaweya couoeit to katie yoogijt daugb renaaals m james matthewa of oameville war in town over sunday vve ire pleaaed to see thajt bfv smith able to be out again mrs j b hughe lift onlthfraday last on a visit to friends in aurora mr jonathan kelly etch ef constable guelph was in towunn tnes lay messrs j a j and c c speight spent two or three days but week ritia frienda in markham mis msggk elliott and llartie cargill of cargill bruce co are visipngj friends in this vicinity mrl j henry smith whb hamilton a few months agoj to acton with hia family mrs j hutchinson who lad ing her friends here fo sere si on thcrsdsy accompanied ly mrs c midgley of this home in buffalo ky mr john watson jr of thia vicinity who haa been in manitoba di rinj the sum mer returned home on tuea ay last he speaks very highly of the coi ntr and in tenda moving out there next i prii g th 20th ult the oakvaie express has eharjgsd haods the aeobiid time within ajear mr amjos having disposed of the paper during thejpast wjeek to mr joaeph joyce an old oakrille bny who says he haa for twenty five years hsd an ambition to become poa- sesaor of the oakville reform journal it is liot a4ery prosperous aign to see a journal ciupge hands p frequently but we truat that under the new management it will rjrosper and we wiurrofce to see broj joyu sdeceed in hia long desired and at lact acquired situation actoir brabb band have given a mont creditabls account nf themselves asfln this rek by wlnnlnj- the rlrn prize and 85 io atrin the lianavtonpeiiuon at tne county show beldej upn yesterday tbehonoria appareyauiiftreatetwlienltiscaiislder- aatjatiebilibropponentjf tbe batallion miof hasin ioo blflss of oahvllle who mtamtwo strong lacloltnf ave reed lnstruniant borve band were 4o present inrt pristlmanad io be oontonud with third plaee in fbejeompetltlon our boya plared welt every man doing ms own part with the ntmpat precision rogers splendid snare drmpmlng was praised by all but eaebmem- jl berdeaervedfbqnaleredlt tbe jndgea werel all experienced muselans an each oej eaokio tneaame coielnaion vtitbat afttjn band jdfd be best pbrylngduyuit the eopfiaat- ur citbsena eaonld and tfo dpubtij will feel proad of their band ami wetrat a daewr interejsi in their welftre wilfnereafler twejcubllett liijfii3sve ter of john thorn psoo eqj the cb aye sicml in acton on sandjy tne infut tunghterof mr rillge reeve baecla t in ene vl miggil daabter of jifnos btixuy f and 4 mouavhfl aijction sale jtjlreltu tuisiur oct 18th a action i stock implement ind tare at lot 6 con 7 ertr of mr wtn banu jnence at 10 oclock anarp u the proprietor haa rented w hemstreet auctioneer tuesday oct 25th auction itock aod jrapiemenu at vv 1 con eflqneainjz the prbpert kickeli sale to commence abarp io reaerre wax auctioneer emdat opt 28th auction itock and implement at erin the property of mr sale to commeooe at 12 nc reserve aa mr mceene ontario w henutreft atji m lipa vte would aapaeuvy wish conslitfatr fbutlu tonbxjbrloxw inn bjtiu vncolored japn clulioirder japtmooit dkc- ateot so differautvatistoohoomfromf jj xtat at prices that wul astonish you qpaiity considered all of whioh o guarantee h i awavulwuj not u repreannted money refunded in 81tcajw we have prto rlep teuow jkcflaed qrocm a fii lated cat loaf and letnci c0ffee8b10 java mocha c ground in tb preaviaaa preah and datfai- oua tartry them u tomuccpspritreeirwalef so 1 twin anrjr vtlx atrrtle kary t at napoleon favorit cold flake tletoru hao isatjand auotbarbxaada is 80aw we have a docaai different branou in ijinovyaad toilet oneap rice bariej sago tapioca bfaiaina qaxraiita soda ball blna bottonblae and keens oxford in squares spbsea all kinds starch common silver gloea and liuy white extracw hair oil caatdr ou canary and semp be ploxlea sauoea vinegan syrups and molaaaes 4c to satftilf baireufts 8aubarfortabbjn baoonilard hsrringa boneloaa euh is canse c04d8 have in atcck and ordered canted oomed beef salmon sardinea lobster maexersl trout codflah pears feiohea tomatoaa peas beans corn cm budttng ptoveia boot flax 8eed prunea note abnondi filberta wabintadt braailj mtictlsverytuinguaujiiy aeptmauratlaasorooarj t in woodenware- ws hate wash tubs butter tubs clothes clothes pins ac whisks brushes scrub blankmgand otje eabdwaee depastkent contains axes single double triple and inserted steel adxea croaaout sawa hand 8awa a frames patent saw handles cow halter trace tug and dog chains bopea manilla hemp jute and siaal different sixes spades foifca hoaa sbovob eaiea to is builaeks 8rpplilbivecutnaitailjixaangbt haoa pujab- ing naua to looks hinges all kinds brada to palntavbaoad and baw oils turpentine varnishes japans iglaaa pntty maohino oil coal oil to klea all sixes copper riveta it burrs hemp bobber and soap stone packing guns revolvers hay knives skates whips lantarna chikbrens swing and powder shot cape eta we have ala a oios aaacrtment of knives porks spoons ifytchtr knivis scutari and in fad m wnnnramlol 0 things ichich at have not space to mention our crockery department is now very complete we have a lot of the new aad moat faahionama tea bbtts htodc and cpmlus fancy buttirs and teapots t okthttofeetbeal lamps lamp glasses chimneys dc ah of vhich ne ah offering at bight prices t olasawme a large stock chap rcoae aad see v4 jatee foe roaraeltea jaitar80 ghes 1 hare j ait keeeif ed a larae stock of nycens sois 1881 fall fetrtfeekjtt i j r t 1 gband opening mamttlnbtli millinery s5 mantle sho room iad infatitmwpimoaeptba frftfqr and satuntey stjpf 36tft and octotwr isf oar adllaeflrtattrme tf peril end wew to paueramiherrbf flames riorersonujpdts alantle trl l bonds omprehaln bbboa0thlim 1 plash ktbbobs brocaded ombvehash felbbooa vevrieh erocaded ailkajand eviuusoiibre j batsasand atrvahubxbleflonbrt7loaneabicrpaa arrtc pajaey sowluas i i maintljes and mantlet ia m 4 i 1 oosnauahaad oerauamantlaa handaoaie styles artraaaai and jknllaas cioaka utooj btaea tustle velvola anatauatle cloths in areaanrjatjr at tba aaxnetime wo bball makej a orantl dlsp ported dress gooas black and ooljred i shawls aad fancy knitted il f i wt invite every lady who an make bpoaafbleko favor us wlti bitrpreseneaon thsabova dan aa wa nave tbe oata w anaxe vhesrandestkliplay that has everbean ifade insnwpk forlhcbeaedtortuitorstotbeehjnlucawe abaliafsetbepodaondlspwduri itr show days oo tbe week wtowlnt v- jm 1 -u- 1k the wokderltutf m i- r- i- ami yte frson ymil it a point t see h6 j i i-jiil-i- lii n otice to oebtofc all parties indebted to are requested to call and sbtile counts for undertaking f urnt re repairing etc whether by i ote aooount immediately otberwi io counts will be placed in pth x collection i ii sphcfhrdj aotbn oct- 11th f81 n h l thuhftb pref of ti prjwa 7e il wihorganireclasaeain acta qnjlstof kbvexuber tieirs organ instructional- 1s ib 24 lessons flo teachers coul vooa lristrationavening rljuiwja nlaae ioas addreaa jmk

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