Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1881, p. 1

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1 i i rj o- published mlt r s proiulctojr nattt oorlcj nsteodutlcnorol ibllslnet 4c o riil he fax pass will be eat to ibapnners oetago paid for u00 er n- aammadyece15aif notsopsir k6 pper dieoool innod tiliall anjeani ai paid except at the option ofihe publisher aurtansot i tuns casual id crbse- uieata ton per lino or the fin iheer son aois c ats per lino for each sibse- qnem insert cash professional cjird i01ineorteaw00prannnm- i ifrarc u lines 5 per anonm payabl ta 6 months tram date of ineeixiou any special kotjcethe c bjectof whichi topotnotc the peouniu benefit of ny indrrii del or ompinv tc be considered an ad erttae- aent the ltisaber of lines rocko od bv the space occ apfed tnctsansl by r spile of aohdjionpai al vtthct tlates- on ifllamn t n ball eolnmn 1 tarter r uitr in ua vear tnetiumii x tnimii tfalfculumn linuoths tltarvreotiii mlx montn a u 1 cntaow l i mniiyjs halrenlumn fin moubt tliarler eotoi m three month alvertieinnicrutt dlr uctii labunwrtkllihtihilifanjfhtsd tsttr trent fry aarortimnu c paid m adr n clrww tw oiotrirt dverufemenik mxl be in the onv e oy 9 a m4n m idajrs oiher- wim ukj wu be left over uu the lol owtnr tree h p moore tjltor proprietor thisiapergsj co keotnii r ad- tvrtttlacban unajsproeesx whrtv srir rtwct oatracuiaj bemadefucu lk kw v eu- r3tlce the canada adverllsiai klnc st- tel toro uo ij nlhonaed l reedte adtertiteme tuia tper a w w bctcaekitaaafer uto 12 a siro lttr toj renrd- an be ffen- i u for djirctoryj ttt h ljowlix il b it a grid lateiof trinity college bexof collegf office and esdenoe at the hei oi rkk bu ac an jffi mcgalvtk p ilc l u be tovc jnl p s- of f kysidani afid stu eons gr3n ue at victona univeity will nsii a iod bn tuesday and iriday 1 tqei2 to 4 p ie- if iis semes ire required darin ny otter dirs d the seet nctice left ai jr- e mcgirrins c rug store will receive p ompt aiteatioq r rfinchincery tc niaif door to tailiaies hotel 5iltoiu avsw dkctist t fred- ps storeys eureka we re also patentees and lnrentcrt of stoioti euwia sprins glore futra ftt jofiuy ackabvledged the most perfect fistener in use patented in canadi the united states and great britain i rotxick omcea i trnce street xew york u- b al lime- grove eirmingliam eng- g orge- ont will risft icloa eterrtvjdnes- day aad will attend to ail calls pertiininj to hiprofesaian- ordarilcft at ilcgiriiis dftig store will receire prompt attention tecna ckiderate r i tj fishee- r kikg- nflnesr iron founder 8c wmt l icachinery of every dsscriptioa ma de to order on the ahortesi notice and reasonable terms tended to bepa ring prompt y at- a usrebil ciaez b1erisjtee qoflbec street guelph bkascm office saluetn eoiidlsc hlix strtet actoa rrnt- eeilsteeet idoen3ed auctioneer for tbe counties of wellington and h jtoo order e at the tee pkess 05ce j cton of it lay residence in axon wjlbe promptlyrauendcai so i terms reaeonable j hber t raiso mny to loan on the most fav rable jterma sad at the imrest rates of ant jrest jin sams of 500 and upwards patexts fob li via iloxs e ipe jt cniocfilr and properly secured iz can adit the united states and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge- sen i for printed instructions agency in ope ation- tenveara hekbr grist ottawa ct oad i pngfnflpriiig solicitors f pa entsasnd-dratightsmici- a betd tetektsaez gbos georgetown gradn ie of the ontario veterinary college wfl visit acton every tuesday rotndto i pm all calls received promptly attended t jby night or day horses bougnt and s ild on comniiasioa besidence vfest come from livery sublegeorgetotn ont g 4eh prepared to pay the bignesl cash pzcie for hides caxfauns leacons lamb aid sheep skins delivered at my ta inery laia jeatber constantlv on bntid james if qoee actox 3ub- ruuuec paistisc having opened a paint bop in tb prem ises next door to xicklint bakery i a n pre- fwred tol do carriage painting an l sign wridgoceveiy description aod wo lid re- apeetf oily solicit tbe patronage xi tbe people oiadtonand yicinity james scyny volume acton bakking goy storey christie oq1 acton bakkeb8 t ontario i cekejial bixkisq busii xks8 thasxaciei uwniltioaitsi on appaoved notes dispouhted and interest allowed on deposits -r-t- w h storey son aotom omt gtloy maatifjcturrs the bsi description of glotxs and urns ineveryyariety of material and style are manufactured bv us ghxheijipih ise as80rthest gold aad silver watch all pklceji sots watches good jtimekeepera and goaranteed for c abd hy stock of electro beat and cheapest in call and hnoj 26 npvards plate is the gdelpb examine the mutual life association of canada head office hahiltobt ost west sitfe lower wyndfiam st sew goods j ft- iii rhesok anorxepii- deposit 9tk 89000000 3f poude on the ecsievt fran piaf iasned by this company only aad copyright contain a plain statement of the amoont of cah valne of paidap insurance tbe poucy- hoder vrill be entitled brreceive if discon- rinainc the pavtnent of pretninrris after 5 1015 20 25 30 35 payiieota tc p moore agnt feejtpebss office acton 620 f bottzli gos sekct last of util tfovsppth to adyertisers suic il tfovt an adrtriir vtiq rpend trprarc4 of 5600 a ytar and irao inrtfu fit ikaufjsuof uin qiu ilti icril tour tci ltjcal lut paul mt utter laa tar tjjaij alltha etijr aitcniaijig i dii 7- it is jiot a osoporatavo list it ianet a cieijujt it is aa honest lift the ewioiraeslal eiactlywbufae oapers we- wbo ihe nimeotte paperlr rrlottd a fttll kcc ttfe it is la every initebce- th b-t- wbeu prfnled 111 cafltixr itfs ibp ojtlt wivritie place the het glve thp pcjhiiauin orevery loirn and tbe circulation jlrerypapir theraieacbarcedfnrrtvertlticgaretrarely onenflh iherauusberssebeonle tbe prie fat nldle state rarffpc rrrim 8t lo fts the trice fotorelncb one nnjnth fn tbe eadre iutls4isthererilarmee oi hi vpen or tbe sam f naoeaod me are s29ssi4 rbellsuneladesssenewspapetsnrwhktiljn are issned oailt -nf- weeklt tbey are locale id ss fiaetfintcluesandiownf of blch wttre htata capitals 33 place o overiiteo popotatl0and 4ss count seats for copy of lii and ottier leformallon ad dress geop rliwkllitoo 10 spruce st kesr york colored gold brcche8 and eaeringssett8 gold brooches surer setts ne styles silver lockets silver necklfts gold watciie dianiond ring tcmstone klnbs b 8 ata jewelleey etoee wyndtiam st butcher w 0 robins woaldinllnul to the ropii o aclon that he has piriseci tiiehateij rbasini late- jreanled on by robert 3o fyand that be fatu alwayron tianfaariaa8ocjeof beef perk hntua psalcr r and cauf im tetun etc and hopes bye rlct uttenll fecnreft rr bharp of tbe pitronnge of im pntiilc mk4t dellreredataiy iinie lo any partof tbe own uk twmi cash a oll solicitod oedkss pbojcptlt att 30ird to w i hobinson es jres iguelpl shop 0n thursday uonkina october 20 1881 j i fqmtbr a school teachers soliloquy were oonoetntd bis elothtsvere coarse tod be bad im untf oewik or flashing pin or jjold cuff buttons jjkotueelegsnt young man w to bad walked before bin what wu the reason tbst tajeng tbs to teach or not to teach that is tbe que- large number of boyi who filed i nd wksrrii betur in tbe aool to saffr 0u milcbell 4 tylers private offloe tbe noise and bother of foordoseo yoang- no one of tbem bad jet beeo seleetsd lo or to uk op am against seaof tronblw lbe nt olerkahipt mr mitchell and by marrying ead them 1 to love to tbe senior partner of the firm bad inked norff d by marrying to say we end kuu i straigblforsrard qneitjoas the heart athe and thoosand petty troubles of them where do yog spend i your th etedoprdoyooply ernslo devoutly to be wished to love to marry tbe theatre etc t for mr miteoell bsd to marry i gerchanoe to be miserable ay there drrbt- d lf for in that mate of wedlock what troablaa boy in he world who bis good habits when wtii shuffled off oar happy girl- j si friooililes im going tobbnt hood jua up if it takes me ill winter so it tt7ebin of s liflst x f for who would bear tbe aoxisties of iat- not gite tauifictory inawers tc tbe the mi of uodelool tubers tbe ftblngqueenons and otheri iwben carelessneaa of trustees mr mitcnell sooodsd their knowledge the wearinea of mind and body the eriti a a j i cum of inspector of figures were not ready rtetontrs the insolence of children and tbe care j ther came sod went for one whole inpatient teach thsnwertby papus m oped when thvy therinelfes mirbt their quiettu tbe next morning caodtjatet oauie by stmpty drying who wooldtall this inckia ia likeohrds bear and now it was fred barkers torn and grant and sweat coder a weary life vj g bnt that the dread of misery after mr- he mor mr mittkell bis hat riajre on bis head bis cigar removed from his month it is troebut the smoke toereof tbst untried rtate nuto which if you once enter i voa can never ntnra porrio the girl i curling upwards in tbe merchants fare abdkthem rather br the iu tbey j hil of jdtrojltwtta than fly to others skat they know not of mr mitobeluresd it then aski rodocuon i to bofloesk to manhoo family herald for october young ladies journal for novmbr i to ha1td i das bookstore gpelpo swnawmi to appestbefc p the barpw whet yoa ess let as easy3hsre i etyliab bureat frothiwr shampoo or i cooltak beatestn i spare so psjns f ffna pais in thescoompliibniestjof xoo shave eaaors sod sciwors set in petfet t order eh shortest notice j wordenr bari eft mi8tret acton oney the ladenigned has money at hi idiapos- aj fordisoomntingjood endorsed i oteayst apreasonabl rate m ducoant i i james manjhbrrs 4jtsthi881 t f ouiimimos pxaot ial u liolstsrer eiiixrss onajuf lmbreqniiig cart ilns wittslow blinds and chnrdb ctuhiris cleopatra ckairst ottomans bannerette turtdsl r spring back and needle work i specialty carpet cajiade dtcudqa th slioridtntyiu j f st tbe most bos- aouableales aod in fl e latest sjyjle t f- otjmmfngs 1- j lj rt hov iost how sroatored vehavereeeotlr jntfltahedanew mllrloa of dr erwelli cele- liralrd eaaay on idfraoical aod permanent core rltthout roedl- eluejof neryoodebdltymeiwijan i phjkle- ai incaellyinipe4imenuo marriage etc remitinf rromexceagei j price ui a teaiedenve ope only cu or tvoporufe stamps i theealebrited aaihor in ik admirable iay clearly demonittraw ifrnm jtiurtj yesrr raceetvial pructfee ui alafmltlkeno- g radieafjy cqrerd wluumt fal prictfee tin eqoeocei may be radieafjy the danaeraua nse of tuterdd medldnmor tbe ase en tbe knffe polounj 04 t mods of eore at oocerimple certain 3 odesbeinalby meaiii of which every aoffi rer no tuatter hat bit eoodl lion may be 11 tcore hi nuef beapiy privately aod radlcd 1j7 tbli lectorfl aboold be ii tbe handi oi tretjtfftii mri every man i the land addren the jpulterwetl hddlcal j co portottjee bol m etov8e 4 lot eoh t 8ale the nndeiijuietl ofierj or aile tbe 1 pi en did atone dwelling on main st near r p 8janhbretideno ione fifth of an acrfl witn stobe hon to in uplendid condition stable tjnd a ho cn thepfem- ibea hard and toft watei veils title indispouole terms rea ranabu j ap- daysells chap to awuib f- itkwood po 8 v c a i caneer cure i pot ooatloookpqfs t ads rgjr wltaont tbe nse of tb knife tbe only permanent care in the for nartlcnlsrs enclose seen toboskitb ooauoook pfu oanaa i svcareaswloamdcei itaur ldksb tvatil- the true rimo wanted i clerk it 650 wubington et tbis was tbe advertisement that appeared in one of tbe morning papers of s large city many s young lellow who has been seeking employment for weeks felt his hopes rise as he read it fred barker beard it at tbe breakfast table tbe day after it appeared bis ister louise said oh fred i forgot to tell you that i saw in yesterdays paper that mitchell lit tyler want a clerk that will he the place above all others for ypu its s splendid store of course you can get the place if you are not too late ybu can take a letter from uncle horace bia influence and your appearance will settle the matter i hexrd mr mitchell was real fussy about his clerks but im sure be can find hotting o object to in my band- some welldressed brother and the eldest sister looked admiringly at freds fair face smooth locks and well fitting suit perbsps ill esll around there after awhile fred said carelessly please hurry and go now woqt you r bis sister said im afraid soote- body has snalched up the plc- before this time j fred finiabecj his bieakfast in a leisnrely way put few extra f ouches to his alieady careful toilet lighted s cigar and sauntered forth better throw away your cigar be fore yon go in mr mitchell may object to that said louise who stood in the front door as he passed ont ft hell have to take me 11 lam fred aiid with a lofty air all gentle men smoke i do not purpose to be i slave to him or any other man he called in at bis nnclea office on t wist is te reason bhst s gentlemsjn mny flirt lib and mike jovs to tye ladies si n nb as be chooses snd tbe public will sinile sod asy he doesnt mesh s wo d of it such s tease or some laeb iiee ipproving fittie spetebl but let tb lady yen tore to py beiek tn the same b do andpob my t 8be is set down at ot oil as s hoveilck gooeea bestinlenu oojaidgibd tbey t wonder she es oft tbst koto not in earnest fllrtii igisi cosmeadable in any ooe wl iywt oitbs role woik both sa1 j isnt i idr6irt if she wishes to u tate ii as s gentleman witboot being set dpwn s having less sens fhsn tbe latter ii j t ippesra foolish in one why dot ia the iber f if 0od ie are engaged in tbe lady bssgciod ci use for breaking off the ea- gsgnment s id does so ss soon at tbe pbblic find it oot tbey begin st once to either pily x ridicule tbjl lady tbe iorowi is rortb sboat as mocb as tbe latter 0 sonne she wanted to bang on but be gentleman tbobgbt it would not i e a sensible or prudent step for bin to take and so broke off tbe much cet uinlj be bid not a doubt about it jowwdyia tbis tbos i if a lady is in seed of assistancb or adiee and asks a gentleman acquaint eone iwuupi she credits with ooiautoa ue jdoug i not to misuodertuad her questions meiswlnle bis ftiea- uwtlve toelp and ia sees two jr eye was faking it all in tbe cigar tbe imitation diamond tbe large seal ring the flashing necktie he knew m s twinkling where fred barker probably pent bis eyeniogi and that if would take more money to indulge his tastes than he could honestly earn j to freds astonish meat be f eesebtly heard i do not think yiso igman that yoa are jtnt tbe one ws jsve in i 0 mind for tbis place then b fore be aae knewit he was bowed out the next boy who was admitted did not advance with sucb an over confident air he held his bst in his band and spoke in a modesty i expectable raaaner iferve you any recommendation t no sir i have none david- an swered a little dtjectedly we have oot been long in tbe city well voa need none if i oui trust my eyes mr mitchell remitked to himsell the bright frsnk face and tbe inanly sir of the boy impressed him most favorably be was stilt more venation snd learned what boosshe was fond of and bow be was going on with bis studies evenings although be bad been obliged to leave tbe high school snd earn bis living mr mitchell bad very sharp eyes ho took note of the well dressed gar ments the shining boots tbe snowy collar and oufta the delicately oleaa finger nails even by suck small things as these in character read and above sll tbo look of lineeiity and booesty shining from the blue eyes well david mr mitobellsaid ss he got up and walked back and forth what if 1 were to tell you tbst you can have tbe situation providing you will work a pari of every sunday it was almost a erne task tbe boy hesitated j oat a moment then be said while his color rose snd hit voicu the way snd procured a letter of reoprn i chokedi t hwu nj t mendation thus eqmpped he felt lt not even when yoor mother needs money so badly f brisk step a boy of fifteen a year or h motbe mmli m two younger tban hltnselj thu was david gregg he too had seen the advertisement sod was bo tbe way that very minute u 650 washington st he was the oldest of a family of child ren whose father bad died at tbe be ginning of this long winter david bad tried herd to findemployment bad jm f me onjsundsys improved every moment idomg odd jotisfornyboabdtuditbe ot olwk and inswered sdverttsemelits until be ttm hadbeehwell ndlsoodrsged irot vp tesbbmgs d fear to diiobey b who bad infiuentisl friends 1 he bad ij none for bis father had removed to thej city from the oonn try only ia short time before his death and no more becsose bs applied for everytnihge bearo of tbe following from in exesogemsy then for aayaope xsmbess babad j resd tosdrantage by msb risen rery try thai mornjng made j k fe tbree kimesj in earnsa eonveraapsn with him i kme grundy pats on hbr cap si d spsosat oncft sndfortiwilb seu to wori to investigate natter a it doesnt take her long to find out that that tenth tanvel fool of a girl ia ip lore with i bat mee yoqdg man add snglinji for lisssore wail in time all tbii com to tbe aiee yoowsssos ears a id b believes it is rekhy soi pleased when be drew hmin to eon- b but t think we can live through wiattl tosas 2itt ci i- v aepbntry fxjiifijjin iu pajjilj to ooe of wboui ht ku pwi ltd liid o the wber 4 severe one morning- it hsppiiied that these foboj eu late and were called op to aecount for it i tf most bave beard the tell boys why did yoa sot eeaw f pltiasev sir said tbe favorite ivoi dreani- in thai i was goidg to cahfor ny aid i thooghi die school bell was the steirmr j com jaeently to himself and how thinks how cute be is pats himself on tbe betid si d struts aboutjeeling ever to much u her and more manlike as it wen he begins to out sboat bim bow tc deri h means to keep tbe lsdy st bay re ives to be more guarded it future feairbe has not bees diaoreet enough snd all that sort of king you know pair dear deluded dupe sorry far yen indeed i am mt that young ladyi no more in love witb you than lamwiieh dont amount to math i ean tell yo a web girl were tbe weakor jvessels confident of success just beyond him there walked witb i money so earned she has always taught me to obey ood and trust him come what wiil that baa tbe true ring pure gold said mr mitchell bnnpdg bis band down on davids shoulder my dear boy i want yon and i dq no want lived be all this yet and mors too vtertainly it is rather j invoking to find bat that the gratlem in you regarded as a true friend it g it ting tocb sbenrd nbtions butbleat yon tuyall long as it pleases tbs poor need we care leji ithem any like we know wist j into bis b do it snd beaf td dears what think what we knot sit rbl turb vo oter miv a little dauttdi vtla t tl netsgnslur there a lue i bore to tbe left v hdl 1 up your obin ab nt there i yo ir left hand yoir ieet a little closer to- ty ont of mothers bias4j tu ttonblf if in b d18co imm serv jhsltjaa 35 wieo be debtor t jtm itnmi t itaateol raeiasy ha dw ifeuswliiehi ivfll mad rbxs tadlm 4 bxketeo ii l biu yoo hard yon hit sojgb the fire land while bis soothe w pre- j pdc paring breakfast pt himsef in the will theres nothing like neatest ible order to gn to mitobdl etisustwgwofkl toenre i 1 you iare met isith losses k ii ll i worlf bifortane i ill iulwr -p- uo awoke stidft pkboft ppaaredt thej breakfut f yoa i table looking o bright sod- neat bis mother tbougbt he aa a rh to bepeta tirood oftho bkfidsc boy itbovotk sleep ndrat your dinner itg uk petitemi 9ot lyiok osnt jfoa rr jf ii me brush the hairs off your i fodtf i x yoor bead agsio nw let me see drop yoi r tight shoulder a tnl ie thkta ood kw lower yjur chin i nt w loo as pleasant as you can tl at rig it foot is oat too much lo ik on for your chin there just so ntw yoi sre all right let see i now tbi ik of somethiog fanny otbst yd better look at ibia pbotogaph keep yoor jf yos optnodwiikasofteossyouuks tisre3lliat11do no yeroirn is too 1 igb down down thafl kum lo sot jo bfeif tlstvl i ci est 8biameisn f dji ip jo ir bhad joi oe mc toacy amqe tbiro tnntjblipsjt4ar bat 1 1 oess oud hattss- t aekmbfishere wef fwsls come oatj and sor obme gtp ti twap trj sevlssl mrs deacon drover aged 60 ins seated mending lier soos rtockings i bis boose- in the torn of horsbeadsj new york when a tnufp ntered aoi asked for something to oat tbo old lady went to tf esnr snd when the oamebaek her gold dimmed apetacei were gone she said to the tramp toirs gomy epeche denfed it aod qniefiy layingdown the plate tbe went to a bureau took a retolver i tbarofrom pointed it at tbe tramp sod 1 told blm if be didnt lay those tpea on the table abe wield shoot him where be stood the took the jspi tacies from bis pocket sod mildly jaid tbom down now said sbei i eat j what ibave brooght lor yoo and g j k rsfl oit ho ate anj departed her son augustus aptieared lady again taking he revolver froiii tbeljoreao mid o him anginftuv ho dbyeu etsk tbiv weiponf- h m tiu boat l4jl as jijrat going k yrw well isatd te msstes ghdof any pretext to excuse bit favorite anal now sir torting toltbr other- ba tossyrpliasiricl led bby i i wasarsiung offr i fc nnded as we are by deefandbvo artuscial as well at natural tb cbaplejof aeddeatsnecesaarily ooeur in the record of rpkjl but for tbe kind providt miaasure ibielda mankind i qienoes of their own and brutality that rnteb jonger than it is tbe jloitberj of buman beings- broil mutilated andl every jfesr by fortaitous amtise tlnfortonatgly tie greatly i augmeited bylnnikilfal 3 ient j limbs are lopppd off ian nd distortion aoperinduoed petaateb i and unutterable sorrow pnfiieted in thousands of it applksttion of the would hswpraveatndr such where remed umeotii b eoosoquepeeav bo claims be inexperienced rtsdor uthepropei- remedy 1 euery has hi pet theory hitpecnliirityleof i the acuity ditsgreej who then il to be irastedr webnawer lettbei preponderance- of teatunony decide the question thai pobponder- snoe isib favour of hollowarsoorr- just ik tbe best and aafmt dressing tor wjands bruises barns sottds aod every ppeciea of external injur to which 1 humanity ia liable wey eaaminod thu aubjeet in two ligbte tbe lig6 o nnquestionalye gvidepee from fbreign souroes sod the iigbtnf personu experienoe wei find that daring ae eampifuta of thu crimea both in the stathwaryj boapitala at oallipoh aqd soolan sod in the am bulanou at the test cf jrar the otnt- ment i used wits- tbe hf ppieat effect a cjeesamg for sabre louts bayodet paoetulres and gunsbot wounds thm it hiturn tbe freodj and engjma sbrgoobtadmu thetaou andithe gor i erpaeoa o both natloos lave we understand authohxed tlrefcrobase of laige quantities of the prepantmn lor ai my innpaaea j buso sddittotlto the proofs of its rffiestv derived from jlbroad we bate the imumoyiof par cwn sense we bsoe that it rapidly rblieveathe fgony of oomusions ootp bnbsavions frw lures and otbee4ojo lea of tbebeeciy fibrej booeatnuatlra- indiogaoiieats llyi tbetmsnedvto nfcmtaalioojaod nrv nta tbe jovjar i beh uodsr or- thn region kb stftlog jbeienvbi oases of tbff joiota tad sisalbu- e ami i i i o sruejigt afcfflhrsf l

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