Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1881, p. 2

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r- f fv ajivsj i i a awstfjwmiss-tjxijr- i mi m ii wfijato work mnfumj mlw j tt h toltoa crochet work in cotton mrs j mcqueen misses j sfl tolton erichet work in wool mr duueatt miss anderson j mesh work misses j 4 tt touuo pin worsted work mrs j droit mi e dickinaun worsted work raised missrsjj h toliunf m e nelson knttuid mat mr k crib highly coartuetided hooked hi t msses i i htultotivmrfoulbetd tiiu in yieoowoik j buck mua bell quilf tpg wbni mrh j sotith- mm j tticbinjon counterpane mrs d b misir miwa j 4 utotioo gents ahirt baud or machine madv mrs 0 morrison mil a bell hajr workmis j urieve ommbinuil ubedlo work mrs f brtycu amy stovel bead work misses j 4 h tolton miss w a watsou socks mrs a bell miss ulakely niilts mrs lparkinsqnmrs watson faiicy kuittiojj sirs j grieve miss audereou nihroideryiii couuii ortnuslin mr d b mcnvtr braiding j kennedy mrs kfiukinsou tailing mwj richurdwu agricultural wreath mm w watson class 20 flowers windiphinis mrs j a norrifh miss anderson panejes 12 bowers not less than varieties miss leisbt bequet for table missee a 4 h totlbu boquet for band mtasea j e tolloo 8pec1a1 prizes for best span carriage horn hat- jiessrand rig to bo driven by the owser prize given by edward hartnetl of the american hotel rockwood 500 j wbessey 1 for best- single horse harness una rig pri givenbv s dsffitld ofuhe rilroad hotel rockwood 0003 matthews i for best lady driser cf jingle bprse in harness first pma giyjn by jvm frrish esq rockwood 4500 miss f sinith 2nd prize giveuj by vy h mills esq guelpb goods valued at 200 miss c bolton for best lidv rider 1st prire by hiurr mccarthy rockwood 500 miss f smith j tor best gvntleman rider to tenp three hurdles in the circle of the ring 1st given by putrick lee olj tbi- dominion hotel rockwood 200 11 devlin i l ujiiaiuiic til the couvenlioil j the first mmdja opened on thurtdsy nioiuing by tbo frmeit thefree press thresiatmqsisggt 20 lisl 72s sqascit7 of hvellths sousss the basinesi prospects of one rillije re tprcnt better nd mors encour giogthn h8been the case foreeversi eais previous and a n- and stirriot spirit of enterprise has inaaurated iaraoceaieut on all sides with thi prusperuus stateof thiols a conaiderabl ouoiber ol families haie- moved iatv jur village the influx lkinj so large aid rapid that every dwelling houstfiii r tie corporation regardless of condition hia become uoioted while some o the more coounodious and in fact somij that are not ferycoaimodiooa have been utilized for two or more families this shows eiceedingly well fori the prosperity of the village bat in order tu insure continued growfh those in terested in the welfare of our little town must conclude at once to make a move in the mjtter of the erection ol inore houses to edpply theacebmmoda tion required otherwise the growth of the place will be stunted and we will be apt to losecilizens iistead of gaining others now twe are a number of capitalists in townwho could vary profitably invest considerable money in jlhe erection of a number of dwelling houses to rent for smy 5 to 8 per month and at the same time be doing a good turn to the tillage in which they reside we feel confident that twenty or twentyfive new bnildings could be rented immediately were they ta be obtained and we certainly think that the financial men of the village should carefully consider the matter aud conclude to erect dwellings bu jcient for the necessary acconiinodatiod iui mediately j i as well as the dwellings all being occupied w are etceedinglywell pleased tp be able to state that all the stores and husoess- stands on the principle streets- which are in suitable condition are ut present occupied a matter wbfch speaks well for the business of our gruwing little town mr r litle p 8 1of 41 ruup and wassodt in gtnaial routine jbusi- nv sa lu the fv-noon- o w romsj esq mp ol btralhroy gave ajvery prjiaticnl addtvss on how lo leach ublt reading letsons miss m j crooks of bjtilinjttou followed with an intiphluj paper on discipline and adisojtdsiou otith subject was led by xittt li meade of maiisewood mi rosa again addressed the couveutionon mtatakoiin renduig in the evimiug mi rots leccuted to a large ond very awtlve audience iu the methipdist cnurch on intellectual foreea the lecture was full of in terest throughout aud was indied an inlelhctual treat ou friday hiorning rev d b caiueroit of this village gavji hit vlewa u to the teachers qulificaions giving tho teachers some pructiwl ad vice mr dj mckinnon p s i of peel couuty then aniuaed tile audi eoce with a reading on an ainattiut- teachers experience the committee on superannuation fund then preaeut ed their report which was ducuasod at length i the afternoon session wis opened with a paper by mist mckellar of burlington on teacher sawies which was lollovred wja class tadght by mr t moore principd of acton public school ulustriridgtiis method of teaching phytical oeography i mr pmcleanof the county model school gave his method of teaching geueral gvorgrapliy after which n j wtd wood esq b a head master oakville high school gave a short address on sutica kotwithstandiog the wet and dia agreeaule evening a large audience aiscnbled in the presbyleriiti church to hear rv j thompson st aio ayr deliver his lecture on music this lectuni was much enjoyed by all present i the last session cf the convention wa held on saturday morning aod va- occupied after a further dicussiou thesuperannuation fund witlietndral uiisinef f he association the next convention willbe held in february lilt the pae for holding has been led tn be bauds of a committee ilotions tendering the thanks of the meuibers of the aasociatioc to the people of actou fcr their ticspitity and to the friends of the metbodiat and presbyterian clinrebes for the use of their buildings werepissrtl after which the convention was cl jsid by the company faihgiog tbe jtattonal anthem apologli ineutidi fact is no time mm w omi hendmon j- oo beg to for tbuir uok of adveitia iug the palew eeks the boqui iaja great they haw ttriteadvwvtlaeuieuts i bull- udsa is ij sliing at the glasgow hqusa the clui icat goods always draws the lriggeel4 owd i riiit ifr cheap at learsotl actou hits from 76 ocats to 25c at j- 3etoi- j a i clicioiis and most refreshing touic i foaitons fiesh ground un adulteni ed coffee a cood felt hat fur 75j dents at j fyfes ne stock of 8toves jusj received at j c hills i go to peanonsfor the la cat and ink st fashionable dieign in ti setts stch english and cunadian suitioiri in rest variety it the east knd clothing itore j kyltt acton fr finnclans eavetrougmng ap ply to c hill t 1 ores mantles newest styles cbrlitl henderson 4 co vyisoevu jonipetentjudgs pro- j 50 oases of boots and shoes finest french kids to heavy 8t0cas extra heavy wlnce 5 to 12 djsj bales of grey whili oottons hemp union tapestry iqarpel a i extra- value in table uv3hiiheiia lil m- fthe place to buy foodfcd5ea gvociw pit rrtisiqas cookery m qmewsq theuargest stoclc f t vintcwil vft ftbqrr j 1 41 j ent gades to choose from rlt i i i j fecfcioaguajanteei ifitiot inoney reinddt n5taob our 12jc wincey extniotdinary value eiamino it compare il and yoii will be aure to buy it wincetk from cos ma cos up at christie hull kniou i i tsacesbs association tb taicim of saltoa county is qwnaxien a luat baeeaft4 ifeetlng irtsrtfanrsday fridajy and saturday v onr village was fytmetlj with hepres euoiof ihdmajority of the public school fealfbcrs of onr ooahty who wens as eeuibled in their aeitannoal convention ip the public school in this village tie altendaniseij botb of teacfters and kotator wb equal tpthat of any furuier oooynrfron kif the associaiior ifd eaehlieesiso m af inteiest to 1 4f 4 befog very liniited ffljuwmfu i batreto u i tles cliristie henderson i itock of udies light and dat k mantlia just received tiese goods are fjtn tlielkst makers anil comprise a ful range of prices thty will lie sold 1 1 eip ki idware ii gieat variejy cutlery a laq stjck kails llinges etc cheap at pi raons stt asn itecmrore th most x qaittlj utile loicl cein kulift till leiiii audb athti traasitkt saroilf 5cu nils anl overcoats at ejtitmely invr r i and tnts io latest stales be sure u call and fcee- them j fyfe acton mivas obvaitvts mantcltl silk i ud silin trimiiiiuga at cliristia heniersou i coif rre value ficr wool g6ods chiiati tleterson co have received- and vill i ijoh in a few days uniumitnse ktoch of all kinds of fancy wool goods com rising knit shawls clouds pit etc dl of tiie latest designs and shades tiieii goods are exlreimly hiidioine od vill be sold at veiy closest prices mcquillan hsiuilton of the vccll ogton martile guelph are not for gi ring satiffsctioa to those favor ihg il hem with their orders if you need the finest and most phoice lot of bents fancy ties ever shop in acjtq 3rain bags best makes 30pip luuvey dm from our oica corrttpotutnii tle tarnip crop is almost a complete mure this year kearly all the public school teachers of the township attended the conven tlon held at acton last week j the usual quarterly sacramental a rvices will be held in the presbyterian church haltonville next sunday 1 mr james collins iteacber at school so i leaves jtassagaweya at the close of the present year to seek his fortnnt on another continent i j i at- john barber left last week for tripity medical college i toronto e which institution he purposes taking a luedicdj course james c tnrner has resigned his place iinschool section no 7 aid mr thoa moore of this township has been nppitnled to the vacancy i mr turner is attending the normal shcol at otuwa auyll them seqni oly thev are alilc to give better terms sad ietp better workmen thia smftljer ror0i scull to them for inrticuurs best value in green black japan i l the highest price paid for good fresh figgs and choice butter j christie henderson jco sai v oeqgk the larwst stock ever brought inajcton jubt ito hand sold cheap for cash np reaoflawe offefc refused au the hewlinesin glass will m r sold ba the sari terras hams bacon b0l0na spstiz and ail acitfb of provisions wpt ijon itanhy 00 hand sj i m m arisen sells osjbap dont fojrget the i i i njr in their line be sure and remember they do a very large buiinesa con tfcronlo oil co are sole manufactur ere it unstorine machine oil in- fiiiiements will be prosooted it roa wsnt a nobby durable and jmei p suit j fylesls the place to go i ispect t orey usirs oj old age detent and should receive reapect hui the orev dairs of young people re- quir attention in- the war ol usiag citjialese flair renewer sold by j- u mdi artln 50 cents per bottle baa e sa1ira ike sease of taste or smell ii so tmay be from the lkpeost of th 19tij ictntury catakrh tub cos- snj tnoxal catataa reheat will restore roll to enjoyable bealtb il notonly cur scatarrb but all other diseases at the same time price glper bottle far sale bv all druggists and medicine dejaers jsenl stamp for48 page pamph let oontaising treatise on catarrh and cer ificatea- of the cured to t j b llj hd1xg dominion ageut brockville out i 8eetoit zopesa from braril will cm i tbe worst caa of dvspepsin a tingle dot a will ruere in a azree that sbovri its wo iderfal enrailte powers aod lis pecntlar adt on ufxllbe htcmaeb and i itive or- gni s 11 is a positive and abbolaio enfo for ct tlvenett and gonstlratlon actinz la a lqi larkable way upon th srslem carrytnk oflt importlles as a larek bxoclatob its af loos are most remarkable it tones aad stji nalales tba ftver to action it corrects tbe a dsandlresnlales tbs bowels a ferwdoaea m 1 turpi tse yoo aainpie bottles 10 eta j arkansaw or arksnsas it is im i trial which pronunciation is adopted bis case but quite material that the iieos of arkansas with the rest of the states and the dominion should ffoaui klllol at soetwood between seven and eight oclock on saturday morning a fatal accident occurred on the grand trunk railway a shprt distance from eockwood the victim an old woman named mrs mc- grath who belongs to that village she was walking on toe jtrick towards the station and evidently was not aware that a freight train was following close behind her the engineer on finding that she did not get off the ttack wbeh he whistled tried to stop the train but before it could be brought jtoja stan distill several cars bad passed ovjertneojrfottxnate old woman her mangled aud- lifeless remains were taken on goaid and conveyed to the station whet e they wereadentified by ter friends hatters ikost bttkerti it are you dutorbed vt rdghtandbrokjen ofypurrest byaaiokcbildanaeringaiid oryin with tbe excruciating paid of culling teeth if o noaconoeandget a battle trf mrs jrtitmlowii spqtbjng srrup it will relieve the poor little sutlerer- immediately i lepenhupdn it j there is no mistake at jut it tdere is not a mother on earth i ho ha ever used it who will not tell yojuatonoe that it will regnlate thebonejb and give rest tol the mother and relief and teultb to tbe child operating iik magiq it is perfectly safe to use in all cases pnd pleasant to the taste and is tne pre scriptiorrsrone ol the oldest and best fenjale nbyslclant ao nuije in the fjnited slotei sold rrrtwhere at 2 ceijtodu jfctval ipphed with go0dpent ster- s are popular reliable and stand burdogk blood bitters yhe oniy medicine that mssmly purifies blood flctiitipoa the liver bowelb skin and ed while at the immt time it ahay hervooa ittiutl fad titengieis tb debilitated syttem perfectly i irpeedilxcuriiigbibfltunes jmdj dyjjpep pation headaclie eaienmathna lrtpiyh ervrjtk a i envldebilitj female oomplaints croftila bryirie salt ehenm and every ipeeies of cltrxmio diwaee aiiimg i diiordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood thebectblmdwiitywctwnwmmwwul ismsksmtk me t nuh 1 1 iu icott tmbsti the customers have ifound oat that george inglat the blew is giving ogl- jn tuisiawi wavaa fwsnas is ss i pries t3 cents or s fts l n rm hew fyfjwtt tlmry h dn eqssl moljs packas rsshot k aray casts ttoisk to rem apply at the fun pncss oftjci ttehloct wood 100 cords of good hemlock wood- wimud inunsiiitely it acton taanery chas knees m fokster m d eflvsician scroeok ito office iforaters drtuj store tonnerly dr morrows acrosr ojrr a ppkeat1ce wasted v anted a good smart boy to lean the harness bosineas apply immodiaty to actoi a oct 19 1881 c8 mtgtaschtliiilumtigo backathtf sorenat of ih dhth goal quint sere tbrm swell- uksmikfjmvt mi somdt ganordkbwij j point tooth car mid uadacha frottti 5 fbffrfifwrhjifottr faiht and kvho i u t vaprstsntkain aartk mslssr- jsona- c-rs- as s saaavreaimfsls sad ehadp bttrasl swossj awslisbtsi bit te4inpsistrnl7 trlu otusv of f peats and rjoo yiuktomf s5iposults sjcsvus williilsltiiljsilt j lb w bfiilsbs jwtgmooe- ft old elite l8t on sunday last on mill church john or frederick streets a ladys gold rimt broad with imitation buckle on tog finder will mat j oblisa by returning it to mi88 alice dynes isp otice to debtors the uhdenigned havmg given op busi ness in acton wishes all woo owe him to pay tip their accounts it once mr h v moore of the pass patss ofico has agreed to aot as my agent and all who call on him to pay their account will jeceiye receipts for theaaoe t a fob8teb anton oct is 81 carriage maker j 8uooaor to t f dhapman st georges sqnaroguelph acoonnt books of aq kinds made to order periodlcals of every desoriptinn carefully bound bnliag neatly and nrdmptw dose vtot1ce to debtpb r j an requested to call and settler their ac counts for nndertaldng fnmittire tagrons kepairlng etc whether byinotedrbook account inimediatelyotiierite jheir ao- osnnter wilj benlafied indflier hands for fylleotion f j v tcwoot nth- at p i ijndcvifffw co wrf me puiuicse in bmiaseag i a i havadapoasjtntjj lidioal reftiove- t 4 ittaed tolhiirati noylevlifrj mfti cbonta remaining unpaid aft ihthktdata srtl tie plaoed in ooujrt for oolleo jsn i 1 1 j c- t w in girmg nprny bmhieas fiaomi i io tender my moat hearty ijuiaiksto people of this vicinity for t khir kind fr jikw i mhm among- team at tha au mmol would raeotnmend iwp9wwfl ifonter u a man of great ibilify hllohg sbyoanrlil sivr ityithiyonrpattojir- loton oct 19tvia61 xtaliable tulsise property for sue j the undersigned ofteu for salslot 1 2 3 6 7 8 bik 24 in tn village it actou on the property is ait lated a coarfortable dwelling house and stat le hrstclass younj orchard and neverfai water the property the best parts of the make a very desirable terms liberal apply s acton or to wm dciflllajf qoeipk8pt 16 81 gnelph po ing wellol siiitoated in cne of village and would rirate residence ku pkfss office oyster parlor lg matthewa has jt8t be- oeived a fine lot of trtlb 0vtr in balk and san and is prepared to serte them ap by she chan hi ejvery style he has opened a oh parlor position to supply ouatomen atanyhonr tea coffee m io always fresh and good oeafntuaerrtriiit tco- and oompnaea everything in hat line icianti afrntt ml jmsi in uiyqnantitjr 01114 sm boloiat bfwtt asa ntmas badditi saw la ttoci l j l g matthetf 8 all fits- msizes zfenney son j savf juat teoaived a aplandid aaacrtment of patl amo w1hter thflnisjl vplm evil- offtrs d o the people of aetdd vioinity sotbojfni prieei advertlged bat a ju3tjwaitiaeiirersitat prices with dmpatb and from- best yaxiue i drf gq towl -rt- i i the jbai valut tn all rirriu of j cottons dhb83 goods cashmeres vinceyslil flanjjf hosiery k olovessilall wares notions lrii4ilfg8 fringf3 in velvets velveteen87 inblieq colored ani pompatour tie last roontiowil isspeo ially adapted far fine trimmings tweeds mantle cloths and mantles dolmans and jackets black and fancy to 8tjit f the tafte the times anl theptjk3e i j i v i pabemempfer the st0dt risht apposite asew hettlbaln 8tretactpiti f h george aing the fahmejrs frente 1 r m 1 fr- ii- 1 the fall nhou il xi- x- 1 j grocerie8 l0viskn3 groceries i if you want 1 protblomj i groceries j provikiqnar i cieap good gjderli i provisions qmssware i if aorookerf call ajid ikspect th siocjtof- ooxoooooaooxoooogoococxicatmoxoxwc w p browy i 01oocxciooxooooopooooooxoocloooxxooc sirpse purchasiio elsiwhike the urct uf of oroeerlet j i- tlibtaaortadlttforemrlm i j itf ohtjstlefoswiirtei kigh4prt6 paid- fan butte iand ttdont mitake the t aho lt j w man doft msgsi the ujieiutd60 cent rii 1 r gla58ware t f crfkbby glassware wwii 1 j glassware l y aotonj ontsj- k i c1ffi6ri ill f ivl kil bii

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