v et a jfousiuag y ti j rag wrpwrtwkimja ttt fbtolumi miiliiiurdmiwwni tbe uitto1 mbmoo ofbrmdsw j n th oqtuhi dfouulw whj burroaa houey sjraioetl j ramsay j w beawyj mipwsvrvjp d morrif on 8 d abbou i i class m dairy producofsrkinf t f hi j ariealwrel soeielj wu held on the groondi rn xtftajt thursday and proved to be one of the bios t sno- oceefulyot held bythe society the somber of entries exeeded jformer years in neallyj every class and not withstanding t unpropiiiona appear- nee ot the morning the attendanos wan even larger than ususl the dock including horaea and cattle ezhibltei y to farmers of efamosa cannbt be excelled by any township in the prov inoe j our thanka are doe to the eeereiary and directors or their kind assistance in obtaining the priie list as well as for other courtesies the fol lowing ia too list of suooeesful ex hibitoti horsss 0uatl heavy draught brood tnare rufct home alexstuwnrt colt foal w llanab r hume elly foal a stewart h dunbar lone year old filly v ncnab 1st two year old gelding j mcqueen tnos wllaon uo year old filly sotby bnis oordou bros pan of heavy draught sorby brat tnos wilson class 2jrunral pirrposebrocd mare ol sutton geo eitclitng jicuh foal il mceachern prl- filly 01111801100 c saacenaminer one year old colt v iughvlst j one year old filly j haggnrgo kitching two year old geldinj k mcfhsil ht fifly h dunbar james hagan spat general purpose n moarthur f kucli- rog7 best animal of anyi age in tin class hdnnbar 1 gliars eoad or carriage btixd marei h swackammer grl wttaou colt foal h swackbarnmer r hauril ton filly foal w watson j sooketi one year oldcolt c head r aikens one year old filly d b jicnair e talbot two year od gelding c head a anderson filly c head d motn eon span carriage borsea j y bdste y p spragge tingle hdiie gto coghlii g liaison toadater thos goardv win matthews hackney a muli h devlin best animal of any age i the class thos gojtdy cattle class l durhims best aged bull john grieve rbbt jwharton two yea old boll r b campbell woi suuter one year old lull jkiu watson jas a watson ball calf john currie tin wus6n cow join currie jan a wataoa three year old cow thc talbot two year old heifer j s lorn w watson heifecj calf r aiwns w watson bull of any age in class r t campbell feaiale of any ae in das- raikens i oasa 5 grida eaulecow d til bot t talbot three year old cow p lilorrison d talbot two year ou heifer d morrison c head one yeai old jheifer t talbot d talbot heifei calf j currie d talbot working oxen gkitcbing g talbot three yearolj ateera j bdton j d abbott eaiak pjf any age in class d morrison herd gradecaltle d morrison t talbot sseep 00r for amt jukste bronchitis kidneys wvmun dutur not less thun 15 lbs j kiiching mil j grieve mm j kjiu say jgiahsni fresh butter not leas thaublba mia j giuvu mrs j kiichiug mis t cfolt mrs j bhick i dair cheemr j grieve v holgkiu son class 15 leatlor ic tuanibar ness j w enowlei carriage harness j w knowlea gents bools tedgst e stevens j j i class 16 lmplemtntsic wagon d waldie iron jbolin plow tols bros t gihbonk iron seed hairpsi tulton bros t gijiboria wbodoailrar- rowa r richardson shod hortr shod by member of this society geo rani shav i class 17 variety basket of hops 8 kerr w kitching hi of bread hoinennde mrs r civlt mm t orolt mrs w suiiter ussurlnient of cabiiiet nre r riirrowa class 18 fruita sec coiliclion of apples t mccnlloch ii buvk snu apples j fiipiiuimotia s krr j si lawrence h blnci culviij h dik- iniwo h black anr ulher viietrill apple mis h duuvld j bultfn rhode island greening mis h dufiilil u talbot american gulden nissei d tilbot s kerr northern spy ii black mrs h diiieid any other tirinty winter apple d tulbot t mc culloch fall pears d mcoaig winter peaisi tmcculloch mra h duffieldj simple grajies t mcoulloch g lsite sibtrian crabs tmcculuich trauaceu lentcial8 tmccullocii 1881 lertoui debility all leave to t althoogn watklni if nol nuinber of etutomera whloh tl gthern uienautatldnalicurrhi ta of salt butler uotleaa than 66 iui 3 8myl ekstrw tttriotedjncefw s 1815 91 tt taylor h coll n matthew if a p wuh fj h bf8wp 1681 fhi announcement stores stoves i beg k intoiate to arm- ers a id others that amj patwiioomipfliimis jj huoapaeioovtorea and ft a7kiand ftbla aoormoos stock toto the rufpu 4fpjtnmn rorjportfa then to reriap laitaththt fcr taunt nlgbu aala thtbeapwl4tihatmerlnat if aj goods are marked in plain figures at the towwi prices thlri 1 as a growu person ht la psrtioular to bnf woolen foa rtneh4ert ou appat cis ot vaimiai v warraal par h keeps them in both j6 tnd 44 ui wldtatt ad giii he baa imported by far the riobist moat ftjlan and really gooda plaoed tfl mhwfiiwmfwori uiw tfatre i tummly mqbln tbd low aboiml to nahiflet itairtoewejot kdythtoi wroogr itmu benwe rigi ai ot4tl b 1 b noloffirourfiaf oradtanu of any fiiw 5jk2sjii 1 perfaouy but abma of beeulllnl blue and jat buoka kdd are fdlly 10 par ttnoli finer oasbmerm in tba u inehrwidtha than beeanjb ibe lath ririainitni 00 the 1 witojilt woo 1 b a aridity jo i lyiarltirjtbaa timnber id tastft tfc frlmbataodibatarll a cbwoao bay aaebmp dedbytatoubud iirttartjaetiianlaft tb rbrtbe aamemopej 11 juit laying ik my fall ao c and lining purohaaed the time before iheijwen rue in pr cm 1 4m prpabeii lb f 11 at su h prioes thai dety com- jpetit on i thotf in wnnl of a fikst class stock ant if ton doat bclictq t aic anr gcrnula an he will onntiug jou hnt si jacob ul is the most wonderful remedy luat iiaa erer leu brought before liie public khutuatum ol minjr years bluidi0 h leluei iitimedtaltly loiuutiiosl mag- u hflaeoce an many hve exiie- dit vu f cliun i- e eincul setmiii lo jrie itifttp da bore it uniil l iuoiu rt lentfs the btdy and ibe warm glow fiieallh remains il is a cerlnin cure t neuiilia giving immediate relief jpoa the tt- aiiplicaion and cunng i a ehort tune liie ojosl qteterdte uies ask your dealer for chlorine r ichine oil and ee that iue barrel it uruuted caitorine a none oiber i genuine i ilanofactarers of keapers mowers indthraaftig machinery rtefer cas- ortut machine clil to any othtir llmill etwear lard mai and elephant and warranted not to gum use uaslonne machine oil frii iinds of machinery it ia also excellent for harness or leklher makitg ii water md weather proof a sound mixd va wealthy iodva tbeow roman idea of lue iiitbes iesreeoi happiness the livib ralea lliv jost ixuigestiot create anarchjrin tte liijslcal hrstem cosuveoem bilioaint ixziaesaoa baut in the moat a yelio tin and tyet lofas of appule it- of pnrg3- nd iow buiriu paioa iq the back and side tiddnd tuul stomach ail there crtal bad jrood etnlaie the udrelssiomacdlirf iddkijneysiritt ibpesa crm brazi in 9 10 cenlsamplvandsfcipur dnissl j icjarttnaboatil c a lrrlidroxk pialibtiilettyi much pleas a re in reoommeod ng dr thomas clictric oil froii ianngjubed it myself and hflring6od t xor some time f in my own caae twill ax tor it that it us the bst p repartition i hate ever tried fur rbeamntiini firt and foremost among external cam uvea of paid is dr thomas eclt-ct- cou kor ii it les esteemed a a re oiedy for coagbej pins swellings corns anions etc ii u a ecolomic as well 3 inexpenslfe article since the res olt irodtrcel by it necessitate the use on f a amvhquaathy stok of stoves meat tttfuft mv bitlfol took of fettlca huwrrs lal aeaionwiateveriad hlt atook cbmmjrlahdf fbajasfc la enormooa jln black wbtllava all tbinadt oslora and abadd arlea ill ibadfta oolora and oaalluea f haurj slk veltetlj and rjrnamenu for mlllidmntfdreaa mjawtlaifi all prioea mantle ornamepta friofee gtopa qxto and taaaela n jstjsi parla atjlea oarpeu owi qnallfiea in bruaaala tapaalrtttiratn iltwobl and tjnton and htnipcaria from tbeloftat jrieed to tm yetf beat wpfa laid and mad la too beat manner iteuentber the right boon la on king atrjeteaat ona door weat ofaofluoii airajrt aodminf thenaiaou ffir8tla88 dbessmarerlt and appbektlcbit wanted hamilton- out isth 188l7 m tm fi thomas c wat11ns hamimohs big bargains loth of light da and nliabt 9tive ir ahjlhing lu ny lin will con- own interesti by giving me a e purchasing elsewhere no- auli theli cill beroi thing but firtcls aiuclm liepl in sacictiop 4nrantred lltll job ork lb all it branches kinds of truck taken in ex change f r gooda kltmilmbbfj the stan b sicn of the lamp mil su acton guo hayill rrt 2i81 oood fljbcistbfd at ottawa ak artip ioial q ast jletj atxtiqej tu b not k patent medjeineaetret remedy the formoljs la iprinted ontfi law at tachad to each j maltofepsniaaf drpepai indigestiin leak ofappte srtawtalaaf waatinf diaeaaea constipation nanaea cltrooicidianm fboiera tufastmb and moat of iaianta troubles which jeoerfur arlaa bom the stomach v 60 for 48ddse8 or about i cent per pp8e rental aiaail bottles cootaming i j on with dose meaaori attached carta foraale by all cbeoiista throttgbont the dominion v avoid tak aeezceaahre t la a powder a fteacribed by the ieadinrphyaicians thrbnghont the i donjlnkm m rtgmar prac- tiee laauppapsyniaalsoniedtoalargeextaitin hospifals i ilafiniarica i of testabohau bxcdte9 jbwl finmiuil w ilirt tijst d j i waiiueal n a oct 4x0 tjialtopepstn wasirien wamarked anddtreaaing t jpdkm witlftie meet npldvpieaamg and beneficial resnlta l- j ati 106x jan 5i the maltopepsyrf i obtained from joa hasfar more thin answeml my aaticiiiaama hatmtrioa ft ia twbold and feryobatinate cases of indiges ion i fcimd tt to act lwa cmekerraahd- tt- iharanaed ypur maltopebsynm aerere cases of iadiestka and mabbtritien ia adohs and diarrlkxa of children and am so well plaased with the results that i bare m- etneted my druggist to keeps supply on hand v wreapem d c urbaar oirri jan 8l issif livery sahe board stables 1 mill street aoton is where joa can get piistolass bigs atreas0naburate8 big lot of ne w miuiiieitr big oipf tfewclntha bie lot of readymade chothinir and ovbrooata l bur lot of new drese iooda biir lot of new winceys bielot of new gottona i big lot dfn ew prints bte lot of new sototb j big tot of new carpets big lot of new flannels bialot of new fancy qoods bigr lot of new bosiery and oloves i j in fact is one of the biggest hooks and stocks and the cheapest in the west we will give bargains in every department cents onr ordaredvclothiag department ia ona ot the best in the ooonty good fibi and low prioea i ladles onr millinery and mantle department ia superintended by a lady ol ex perience ability and courtesy we cordially urrite the public o patronize us as we wql do the trade stall for them mammoth hoxjsb i moleqd anderson sc coj oeorgwtova v aratowx out ljec 301880 aaargrrtatyair mahopepsyn a itrfej m some of mr orst cases fcr which h recommeaded i am well pleased with the irar in which it acts article like that now in use and it will be i universal fatorite hazenmorsw for saie by a l druggistls and j b bioaabtin koton commeroial higfc 3as 6 colawold sheepa rani say g kitching- ahearling ram h arkell w h barrows ram iamb b aikell w h burrows w umsay aged ewesrl irkell shaihing wea h arkell wramaiy ewe lamba b arkell w h burrows class 7 imieester or long wool sbeep aed tarn c head 8brltfg ram m button a stewart b wilson ram bunb m satton jw satton j etans ged ewe c hiiad j c event a stewart shearling ewes m satton w wood ewe lambs m sutton w wocd c heaii fat ahtsp i c em- j rice pen of outhdovm sheep mnrie f ii- 1 i class 8 yorkshire and other larg- breeds boar t meruban j mason jepy t meriiheo j d abbott boa fyg droppedia 1881 j a abbott i maaon sow pig dropped in 1831 j h abbott w wood cuea5 btrltshires ard otlrsnal- breedbboar j d abbmt n mcbhail sow j tajlor b hnuie boar pig dropped in 1881 s kjtchiag w wat eon sow pig dropped in 1881 d barberee f icitching class 10 poultry turkeys j bol ton j croft geese j e evans j black duiks j taylor t water brahma pootra w wood b bartows b1iitr8int8h w wocd 1st en other s6rtwwood p goald agrlccltdkair eeoddctiosa class u grain etc white wintei wheat n ilcarthar cswackhstnaier red winter- fheat bobert wilson wo hpdgkirjsotf lost ration or whi e asawa4pnngwheatj siirtou hngi black other spring wheat a farrow wwiight barley six roed j a watabh w ramsay small whitepeaa r talbot skerri new z aland oat b talbot g kitching timothy see- t wibon j aajrteed s kerr t wilsot white beans w wright d sobultz indian corn h black b hamilton class il2liooui ecpotatoes ei j rainsay 3 w benhhtn r dfcdgejj potatoes any other soft r talbot j ramsay g colson collection of potatoes a bl 8wednh turni8 j- jestii t crom talbot any ot hat turnips talbot j grahlj mangold wurtxd 1 tallwtrj kicliardsod field carroll rt4i bot j straelian winter cibbages t mvrluian j rtmsay red cabbage ttalilanmr h dnffi u j canliflwsi hdufblf table carrots v willodgnby jgirton paranips r talbot w stovell blood an e tpress delivery wagon will meet each e press trafb and deliver goods to any pai t cf the town all parties indebted o this es- ublubnent are requested to pay op withoui further delay and save oosta ed matthew prourietor wortt rest aad camrart ate sasterlaa browns hoasehold panacea has no ebjasl forrelieving pain both in ternal and external it cafes rain iri he side bsck or bowels sore throat theomatisro toothache lambago and nj kind ot a pain or ache it will tostsarely quicken the biood and heal is its acting power is- wonderful frowns hoosebnld panacea being icknowledged as the great fain reliever aid of double the strength of any other elikir or liniment in the world should he in every family bandy ifor use when wanted as it really is the best rented in the world for cram us in the stomach nd painis nd aches of all kinds add is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent ajbollle r t r their weight in gold continue fomake ajood r hamtttonaj el toronto i wm stewart co jgutelph are now showing fery attractive hnea of j f comprising the newest designs and oolqrings in ombre strip range oi qrooade and hqlrea to match tfr trimmings aibo k and checks with a foil angea girjlee t blackpreneb caahmeres a most desirable aaeortasent and buttons 0r blmk vyrtmn vavst ph krirrnm ta fact unpisputabte that for a fashionable suit and a good fltflng suit and a suit in ettry raped to suit you e isterisoisrs e 1 is tee place 70 qo to holloways raj lbcoxparable medicine hjukcired for 4df an impcruhabu fame lhrwqaitar world far tht alleviation and urr ol moftdueaiauimiannmanitjiuhrv the pills tcroftf biorejl red onions w stoeell bicbardsou other oniops w i dtarreiljl prkiasdu pmnpktas w obtain refresbh sleep and toreel and vvoodb blaik aquaahea j ramsay kiotr that avefr fibre anditiaja of your wkifdingytrotii systemls bema braced and jenotatedj cbjai v 3mlic umtnofactujes bklfctl sirs w ramsay j kennedy 1 hollcncatfs pills important for the delicate it is difficult to determine which is the more trying to the human constitution the damp eold days of autumn and winter or the keen dry easterly winds of spring throughout ibe seasons good health limy be main- taioed by occassional doses of holloways fills which purify the blood and act as wholesome stimulanu to the skin rtomacb liver bowels and 1 khneys- ibis celeoraud medicine needs but a fafr triii to oonyince the ailinnd des pendent jbatji nijl retoresd cheer them whhvmt danger pain orineonveh ience ho family should oe without a supply of halloways pills and xjiut meat as by a timely reooarse to them 1 he first erring function may be re oaimed suffering may be spared and life saved the great rusults which naya attended the regular use ot quinine wine by people of delicate constitution and tbpse aflected with a general prostration of the system speak morehban all the words tbat we can say in its behalf this article is true mdicineieod i 4ifeigiing prjncrple aperlect reno vator of the whole system invigorating it the same time both body ana mind freqoenflr repeated strengtheti hi pplse create an appetite enibleyou to i p iljsnsn i toroavjjtrwe snkve the exs tonic required janof to persons of weak and nervous oonstltiitions we would say never be vrttboattaboule ln te house r jtialaold by audrdgtosj pnrif regulate and improve the quality of tb blood- they assist the digesuve ogsnf oleanse the stomach and bowels increise the secretory powers of- tba civer bmce thevjertrms aystem and tbruw into the oiroulatton the purest kiem iota for sustaining and repairing the fame v xhi usands- of personshave testifled that ly their use alone they have been resto ed to bealtb and strength after every other means bad proved unsuo- oenfj i to suit yourself so that you may be suited just try r e nelson once and he will suit you he has the nbbbiest and most fashionable stock in town to select from cheap fob cash ffpn noiflmntfrmiiojbom wtm wlh to itptetn the moipleamandpro itatile batlnes koown kvfrytriink uaw caplul not required ve will ranun yo eterjliihig lu h dsy irnda- vairdisaull made wioiunt fttaylng mrny frrtm borne rvt r night no rtk wtiawtpr many nv worker wanted a once huhy uvomfrrumam tb bmlnei jjidtea inik i tjineii aiinln und yoonai boyc ana lrualc treat pjr 5oonewb l fito majsttaor money eccf lhalrttui 1 made in a ekt any ordtnar wjack ftili to lnut jnor money e err day t made in a wekat any ordtnary rnt those vbo engaoeatonoe triu rav8 specific medicine annnfhinf ctireibrjiiniiiijq weakimt 8permawttl impotvbcts si i uibmtea tbai follow as a seqoenee of -ir- v bjw ai less of mim ory lajulindepaid in th bac dimness of vis ion prematore old af ajtd moy oiher dlmasei tbat lead to insanity arooosumi flndasabrtromliofortanp addrw i jfst tt h d4iasttt4cdportudd pajvs sire to send ftep by mail to every one the ointment will 1 e found invaluable in every house- bold jjitbe core ot open sores hard tanfirs 8t i lav old vouadv owwt coidi e tteortwjronohjtls kid all disor ieta ot thesdat and gtjett as also lout rheumatism rjorornk and iter lindofdkin disease hi tjdfsotund only dt professor hou iows rf a jbstiblihmenl 633 oxfokd stk bt lundon and eold at la 1 jd sa 9 ii 4s 6d ii8jasjnd 33aeaeh box rrfpot sriaigbaju3enta 90 a att and 1 50 oenti anljlnetaf gev siies in proportion i cadtibs 1 hate iio jtgrnt in the inltid states nor are my medicines eold there purchasers sbonld therefore lpok 0 the label on the bote and boxes if 1 e address is not 583 oxford 8tr tone on the are spurious 1 tlffdelurkofuiyaaldatedicrnes i- j vto a- wi r v catarrh catarrh ofsyan sunuins oared by conutatlnnat cutairh e aiedy ihwpilevstnuiibroablmn tiorhoav lnj heatache pnfns id khoatnervkeck aacl kljoosaiid enure breaairs down t toe svtem rurd by coiistitntfonat cslsrrti bemhy a ooof 11 of teni jovf rears standtni eored by consutatiooal catlarrh bern swthe shieelse medtetnlssold by andruf- klsts at 100 per package or six paekatei for 4 or will be sent free by malt on re ceipt of the money by ad- dressluk a tbaoraylcedieiimoo toronto ontoaoada bolder j e mmlarfifl urotxltt aettrn cits llh 1rrroplrf in u throat eusdk ferlints ol 8tt angling uisslness palos in umaula and wtastaearockld nays immediately relieved system beerolnilkmade newhy one bottle of itatton catarrb bemsdrr a- rosstmredof catarrb ot fort remedy bbitbad tmpat slftit madebtmdear are of catarrb of fcrtj years rusaol tonsutqtloiiaksatarrh 80 it had impaired his eye- jbtes with 1 ropr4nr in the tbmal hiruxsllns bussing lo the head ad pelldlbresth cureu by oonsulptlonal cauitb remedy bons of tiie nose eaten out memory cnnesnlndlmralredoiired byoonsiltu uonsl catarrh remedy qatafrh win all lu loathsome attend sou sired bsjonr bottles of consllto tlchmlqiunh remedy for sale by all druggists tonsr tattns iraotmyaaiaiiedlcrnea iflr franks to save m mis feouiwat london t this resrd now being pbbilnea will brleeebt a more silky appearance the hlue tone so prevalent of late now benf toned down into a hue jniore in harmony with h other black materials ounwtion so devoutlyjwished for we have- nowvin itoakteverj pnee and quality l our pelkt uepairtent 1 comprises every special novelty in he w ombre 8trfpea j we are proud tofljettuon that ladies of taste say thai our prints surpass for style any shown in the city in hosiery gloves andtrimmtnfs re show mostdesjrable oods i uoe ties new sod unique laoe i nd linen collaret r t old gold and white boehings black and colored patina plain and brocadea1 our milliners are now vimling tbe marts of fasbicrj ln i will be pre with hats feathers bibbons and urn intents i bat obu staplfe 1 mj- iv i red to meet onr many frieudsl ill be unsurpassed lor style we nave every confidence in saying good goods be np to ol oops expectation for cheap and stewart fe do cuelph cloth hall bfciwijkwhi announce that in ajtfeipatirsnor alargi trade being don this fall they have laid in ejj encetnbus stock of cmot tweeds they iaapjoy fur iariaguff of baadsi uh orfm to their oareprobpuy aid arllh thair tonal tiiibs aaku4ntlag iqenuep3ebwlllfindlt tbjslr advas- jlsisjsai if m always ia stock in gnat riety jwalmtvcold and ejbu finales supplied to arder on sliohii- clr v v j 7 b s 4miiteiv fiuu for tktlafutay troth j v amiraiiji i -j- t i imiissi4 fcmiiim i jii ki i r- b