wml thfci free pliess r i tuttitstulv mobsixo kov 10 18s1 li it hvtntsti 00xhs a war is being wgl against luuli laud silver coins and it tea cent piece or quarter wtili a liale in il is likely to iwcome a drug on tlm aiaikev unless innt back to the mini fur rvooinane the practice of dtfscim coins lias become so gcuernl that only refusal to receive such coins in ordiunry busi- uesa transtctidus will loii the swindle 4 000s 1s to settls now thut the farm produce is being marketed and good priors prevail for everything tie farmer his to diposr of we lloe ourrwtdtrr whn mvv imv during la- busy days- uf piiiii and tumiuirt alkmed iinil tuuctlpuuli i fall in nrnurs will inkv ail- irly op poiumity of wtilms up though -tin- account- due separately are small in tie aggiegaie tbiy foot up a cutiider- able sum salmonlxrtf fehuld think of this when they fvl inclicit i pass by te printei under lli- iuipt inu lhu the auitin due barn is so tnllug ilt it will bttfo incvuveuienci to bun to coiuuiittm oa plans tod specifications b accepted carried tim coaiaiittea appointed ia select a site for the new town hall reported tbivt they hd found the following luts available and offered at the prices named ragnews lot on msin street b tweeii tle douiiuiou and royal ex cliange hotels site 60x120 ft puce jsoo j a stepbensons lot on southwest corner uf west bower and willo slreeu siietflxloo ft prion 400 j jlisit adams lot ou south east corner bower avenue and willow streets til- looiloo ft price 500 christie ii hendersons lot on bower avenue opposite a matthews sr property siie 75il20 ft price 400 tite ruer lot on southeast corner in mdlaud elgin stiitt sit 66xl32 it piicf sollu moved by m speight seconded by d w ctuipbell that the reporlof the ooiuuliuee olj town hall site be ac epied carried moved by m speight seconded by d v ctiupbill that this council puiccin- mr adams popcrty st lier prici 500 piuvided a gud titlu u- iiu n orrw ttexouucil iheu edjuuintd tee emhict in the case of rusell v woodward of fredcrictott x b- to come befijre tbe privy council of euclahd the legality of the canada temperance act will be fully tested the respondent in the case is a fredericton policeman who acted merely in the public interest itt enforcing the act and has no per- aotial interest in the matter as it questions the right of the dominion government to pass such a measure the privy couacil of canada have passed an orderincoancil to indemnify both appellant and respondent so that the validity or otherwise of the act will be established int sroaars assimatios the following resignation hi been placed in the hands of the reeveof-thu- municipality to fa s sicmt eso reeve of the- village of acton- sie it iui not id is5iwith yoar- self and certain mesfaan of coaoci relative to their selection of a site for the town hall but of the opinion that th sctfon is subversive of the people a interests and inasmnch aa it tarthcr implies in- definite postponement of the work i hereby tender you my reiieaatioo as member of the council and snail be pleased to besdvised of its acceptance yours respectfully vte stoett acton kot stk 881 we regret that my storey has gone o iar as to send in his resignation as a member of the village council and trust tint npon a farther consideration of the fatter he will conclude to withdraw the above letter and still consider him bilf a ujemwr of the village council mr storey nas always whether in or out of office eretcised a most iively inlerekt inthe progress and pretfare of the village and since be has mterested himself so largely in die erection of a new town bill and exerted bintteif foi its erection from the time the question was first mooted we hvpe he will con- tiuue in the council and render his valuable services until the building is completed tue viliage cao ill afford to dispense with- the services of mr i stjrey as a piiblic servint besii cl eiuutioa the boaid of trustees of acton pub lic school met on monday evening 7th iutt piuuaiii hdjiuniuient mem ikre auprimnt mr m speight ili the chair communicatiom were received as follows from mrs hughes tender ing her resignation of the office of caretafci r at close of present year and from miss jennie gisrit acton miss emily rumple nerval and miss letitia mead mansewood applying for the ioffice of eicher of second depart ment rendered vacant by mist mc kcllars resignation the finance committee presented their monthly report ard recommended that the following accauuts be paid thomas ifoore salarr for oct ia kckellar miss grant irs hughes h p ifoore printing election posters c ztamgwer nvi out o tbi halifax coorg8tiois- have ktvso rev ajr mupharaon call tlio tqiiestwill biconsldiiwlby tin frsthytsry at oualph ahortly mr hobert flstcbsr formsrly of this towoiliip ii ajuing a uswipaper at uiia dilla nobraska word has 1mo received that mrtjohny eaststhfoqkwho runavod to ktbruka tomo time ago has poor health tuo oouucil has made a great iraprovs- ineu oa the road leading to speynde by mawngs cat in mr jotr hill tin is room for improvement yft i wo were visited with a young winter last saturday tnoruiux which soon dis- appeared the adviaability of removing to the north- west iiert earing ia being diacumed by some uf the farmers iu ihii aoctioiy wholl 4ie oar teacher ostt year it the question with a good tnaliy pupila at pres ent rour worthy tax gatherer has commenced upv rations stain il is expected that the axes will come iuthis year better thau usaal ou sccount of good crops attended with high prices the credit valley authorities have stop- ped the sunday trmiu conrirautiou services- were held at the fuglih church last sunday by the diihop troiu terouto eleven cauilidatei wete cou- ticmed the bishop dulivered a line exhor tation considerable promenadirjrwaa noticeable on halloween by otnc of the youths in this township hcault layisg dowu of foucea jlaciug raiu ua the roadjrumoving of cites and other depredatioca too numerous to mtntiou if there is any prize for local items thi weefc xed exptcu to get it ken m583 2300 1875 6i3 12j ktluona ja k i id alexander editor xtvi fahies- ville cis u s a says kor the past twelte month il hare been suffering with inflammatory rheumatism 1 tried aeveral physicians but they filled to relieve me a friend troommended st jacobs jil i at once procured a ball doxeh bottles which i hnve used ana find tlui uii improving all the time it relieves mo at once when i im uftr ing lefrible pain and prevents me from spending many sleepless nignis noth ing has dooe me so much good actoa tlliigu ccoacil the council met in the council chaniber oh tuesday eveninf ilem- bers present mr cssmith reere and messrs d endersoo d w campbell and if spight minutes of last meeting read and confirmed the finance committee presented theifrcport sud recommended that the account of j b pearson for bails 1957 be paid j moved by jd henderson seconded by d w campbell that the report of the finance cpojniittee be accepled carried j iberntdujte appointed to select a plaa fpr the new town hall reported that tbe bad invited mr mallpry of toronto a practical architect tomeel theni aud with him bad examined tbe plans already submitted and after dis cussing with liim tbe merits of tbe various before them as well as the amount of mjny that would be available for building purposes in- tlrueted mr mallory to pretare a plan which wouw be more applicable to our case with full speeificalions of tbe wort to be laid before the council at mearljra date a possible total 9o08 ifoved by joseph liaby seconded by james brown that the resignation of miss mckellari be accepted and that the chairman notify her of the same carried i moved by j matthews secoodetj by a iuby that the resignation of mrs hughes be accepted carried moved by james matthews seconded by dr that mr thomas moore be reengaged aa teacher of thefirst cxatzcos wife of be sou- tbt ck1dle n jliltoo on the 26h ult the if c cameron b d of t in eramosa on the 3rd init kixtxsk thewife of albeit kcotaer esq of a daughter rlchaktisoy ic nuaagaweya oq the 1st inat the wife of john eicfcardson esq of a daughter toe gkate elceardsoir in naasagaweya on tbe 5th inat the beloved wife of john bichard- son esq aged 32 y ears atctioji sale register satcroju nov 12- auction rale of farm btocit and implenieuta the profierty of mr g evaos 30 con s xaasaka- i weya sale to commence at one ocheki- dpartmett for 1632 at the salary of no reserve wm hemstreet aoeuoo- five handr and fifty dollars and free business brevities sou iteeta abont aor bttsisaat man aad uooaaa of benaft to ou caaeral taattera i ttnatiar actouj i t 4atb rrom 75 cunts to j25cai jfyl a delicious and moat refreshing toiiio ia pearsons flesh ground uu- adulleratiid coffee a oood flt hat for 75 cents at j fjfes i new stock of sieves just received at j c hills cq to pearsons for the lalest and moat fashiomiblw desigu in tea setts scotch english and cniiadtan- suittngs iu rest variety at the eaatbvd cluthiat store jfyfe acton for trmclarb eavetroughing sp- plv to j c hill mamtlu christie henderson 4 cog stock of lailies light and dark mantles just received these goods are ftoui ihe bestiuakenhnd cotiiprisc a full mnge of prices they will be sold cheap tade8 mapilea nowest styles at christie henderson i co wixceyh competent judges pro nounce onr 12c wincey extraordinary value examine il compare il sod yon will bo sure to buy it winceys from 5c up at christie henderson vs hattdware in rest variety cntlery a large stock nhiis hinge etc cheap at peaiiioiia suits and overcoats at extremely inw rates and made in latest styles re mc o call and sec tlum j tyfc acton mantle orxatiexts mantle clotha silk and stin trimmings at christie henderson dcof rare value fakct wool goods christie tliudersou d co have rcoivrd and wih onen in a few days an immense stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods- comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of the lulet designs and shades theie goods are extremely handsome and will be sold at very closest prices mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marble works goelph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing tliem with their omers if you need anythinc iu their line be sure and remember them they do a very large business con sequently thev are able to give better terms and keep better horkmeu than smaller worksv seud to them for particulars toronto oil co are soe manufactur ers of cantorine machine oil in fringements will be prosecuted tf von want a npbhy durable and cneap suit i fjfes is the place to go ask your dealer tor catorlne machine oil and see that the barrel is branded castorine as none other is genuine christie henderson if co beg lo apologia for- their lack of advertise ments during the past few weeks the fact is the boom is so great they have nd time to write advertisement busi- tlb is rushing at the glasgow house the chewiest goods always draws the biggest crowd others v jlotfcers otkers ctettlk 1 aoton ererj qoclph koi ii rn in ii tint acoolnt ths under rig jeri will i si agnewi hotel t jelday ut he tie acomn to jib p m0bhow ifittttf- t wey li il m wi a eti qrbbn wilii ojyb special bar gains in- drockery and glassware of all fcn z during tbe text ten days j j i gueuh and vicihitt b avjge the neflest jutcher shop h haruatt iv bro voa1d annnonce to the citizem of acton and vicinity tfatt tbey tuiveopeaed out rulcfaer stop in the preraue on mill st rccenllj- occupied by mr j grant u a bakery they intetii keepioglod hand a fall itock of tttats off fcu siali havebiatv p their raiddj to liv and let five a apleodid lot of fowl will be found on haod doaog tbe holiday seuon k rmeit delivered to any part of the iown call andjve will etouyine yoatht it wifl payoa tojjarqhjue meat from di h mafilatt it brq p s e hare a qaantity of fifstclais while ah ited brick for aale at or kilna oo coq 2 near acton irhich will be sold at the kiln delivered h m t brp tea sets stone china pieces 2 25 k china tea satg 44 piecsg from 4 50 to 0 50 ohamvw setapieobt stone china 2 60 glass ta sets for pp oente i j ait the latent styles in glissware told at bottom prioe in ocit rocry departmeitr we nave all grades in sugatb from icing np to 12 ibsfar 100 i a few chests of tbat fmojis 50 cent t left v jfooma a specialty 3 lor 50c 3 corn scrub bnubeifors5 mixed pickle and chowhoif gold id itnr qnantlty lake haron herrings by the d ieh orjbarrel palls tabs trash boards bof and iterythlnbiunalljkepdoa orstclass crocery will be sold al bottom prices all kinds of protlsloos kept ibstaotly ou hand caih paid for produce please tire- me a call and dont miss a eood chance a w green nee carried 7 uoved by joseph lasliy secooiled by james brown lhat tliia board ea- gage jlias rootle koctsi as- lacher of the second department for 1882 at ide salary ofsro hundred and seventy fire dollars proinding she ia riot already engaged the secretary being hereby iustracttd to telegraph hiss rumple tomorrow and in case slie i engaged preyiooily 10 advertise jor a teacher for the said departmonc jlored in araendoient by alex lisbf secondl by dr lowry that jlisa jennie kl 5tnnl be engaged as teachfr of the second department for 1 862 at the salary of two hundred and wrfidty five dollar the original motion was carried as follows tea joseph isby james brown and jamea matthewe nays alex lathy and dr lowry mortd by joseph lasby seconded by dr lowry that ilia grant be re engaged teacher of third department for 1882 at the salary of two hundred and fifty dollars carried moved by tr lowry seconded by jamea matthews that the secretary be and is hereby instructed to advertise for tendrrs for the office of caretaker for the year 1882 carried mored by jamea ilattttews seconded by alex laaby that this boaid adjoun to meet oa lloaday erening 5 th dec carried moved ty b d henderson seconded that tie report ot tbe vins dojrtnw of tits sotsrattmnsj the governor general sailed at 10 oclock en saturday moming by the steamship sardinian foreogland a number of spectators including the local government ministers mayor aad citiiensvthe city council and prominent militia officers of the district were assembled on tbe wharf the a battery received the governor with a salute and tbe lieut governor read an address to which ifis excellency for mally replied tbe post note worthy sentence bad reference to the princess of whom be said she will i know also ahare my contempt for the awk ward attempt made by some whose sex uiuat remain doubtful to turn ber shsttered health into a sreapdn against ypnr ipyincihle loyalty tctfvky kor ii anctinn sale o farm stock at lat 28 cca 7 nassacaweya the property of mr james cavediiil saleto commence at oae oclock xo as the place has been said win hemstrect aactiooeer fridxt kov is- aactioa salo- of farm auck and implemeata the property of eobert gibbmis intsicvin 3 euqnesing sale to cemmente at twelve oclock w hemstreet aactiooeer feiijav koy 5 auction sale of farm stock iaaplemeuta 4c belonging to the estate of the late peter cole lot 29 eon 6 esqoesiog sale to cummence at twelve oclock positively do reserve- wnw hemstreet aactiooeer tcrsdxr kov 29 chancery sale ot real estate ia the village of acton and spey- fiic at campbells hotel acton sale to commence at one oclock ffm hem- street aactiooeer ktos bajntetf rtiiu wheat treadwell oia spring wheat glasgow eedchaff peaa oata i barley 1 rye 1 egg perdoc butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bag dressed hogs tfpol 1 20jto 1 20 to oli 1 21 to 1 11 to 0 75 to 036 to 0 80 to 0 85 to 0 18 to 0 19 to 0 20 to g75tb 6 75 to 0 23 to i 25 1 24 i 27 i 21 0 76 0 38 0 s5 0 87 0 20 0 20 o 26 0 85 7 25 0 25 gceub backets flour whito wheat 1readwii spring wheat glasgow red chaff oats peas barley jtye eggs per dot batter dairy packed batter rolls potatoes new per bush dressed hon wool 13 25 to fl 40 i 24 to 1 26 124 to 1 24 1 26 to 1 28 i m to i 21 0 37 io 0 44 0 70 to 0 78 0 it to 4 86 0 84 to 0 90 0 if to 0 18 0 is to 0 20 0 20 to 0 26 0 80 to 0 85 6 75 to 7 023 to 0 2o q4bd of thanhs tbe nndersioned desires to hereby tender his sincere tnanlcs to tbe citizens of aeton who assisted ja removing ths fnrnitare etc from his residence on ths night of the 27th october while the fire was in progress thanking you lam yonrs truly he5ey b qeinlinton i jjv 1 arc you disturbed ai nighland broken of your rest by a eick child sufiering aid cryine with the excruciating pain of outliog teeth 7 if so eo at once arid get a bottle of mrs windows soothing byrup- it wih relieve the poor little soflerer immediately depend upon it j there is no mistake about it there is nota mother oo earth who ha ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to tbe child operating like magic it is perfectly sale to use in all cases snd pleasant to the taste and is me pre scription ofuoe of the oldest and best female physicians and narsein the doited stales sold everywhere at 25 cent a bottle ttisreserved augt1dm sale farm stock impltmantt fcc the nnderkigned has been inatmcteil by the executors of the estate of the late pater cole eq to sell by pablic aactioa 1 at iiot 29 cca 6 esqaesing on friday 25th nov 1881 tbi joll0wiso asticlis aged mare in foal cows in cilf i heifei heiler risaig 2 years old i fyi 3 years old 6 spring jalvta 3 brood sews 9 suckini pigs 13 swp single k taper sulky bake ironharrawa plow waggon baggy long sleigh critter catting box fanning mill set team j harness buffalo robe parlor stovlr cupboard table qaantity of hay anp turnips and a few other articlea tnuss5 aud aoder cash over that amount lj tenths credit on approved joint notes- tpmipa cash bale to commence at 12 oclock- posmrixt ko rasxrvi i wheilsreeet acton kbv 8 81 ahctioneer 50 cases of boots and shoes finest trench kiljs to heavy stocas extra heavy wjinceys 5 tb 12icts1 bales of grey heuralgia sciatica lumbago backache sonnet of the chest govt quinsy son throat swell- ingt ana sprains burns and scalds general badilf pains tooth ear and headache frosted foot and ears end all other pains and aches to pmmjo on caitti sooau st isctss on u a jfle turt imvu and ehtap exkrnal ljundr a trial totalis but lis eonpaiatltilj ttlslcs outlat of io celts ana otstt oriaii vftb pain can bars ensap and poettin proof of its dtnotiaes la bsraa laofasfss bold by ill csuoolsts aid dea1em yw kedioite a vogeleb to co btutmm jk um j pal mar 6 year old 4 heillp ullioil a ifer rising 3 years old 1 ar white cottons i tapestry garpets extra value in table unehs and towellwgs rflretakeb wanted the undersigned is jrpared to receive tenders ap to the35th lost for tboofficeof caretaker of aijton public school for tbe year 1882 the duties bt said officer may bt learned by applying to i trrprmoork sectytreas boar1 of trustees actoo school division acton kov 9th 188l drug store fbrrsesr aibiims early closinc we the undersigned merchants of aoton hsjreby sgfee to close our respective places of business every evening at 796 oolook saturdays excepted on and after monday the 7thint until further notice christie henderson t co j b pearson w p brown a w oreen j kerraey t so hughes ft griffin thomas craine chaa t hill beni ffaslett- 1 tilt b 1tketson writing paper inthe high gourtot justice chancery division- panaftntiio u order dud th 20t dy of septetaber 1881 od tnade ia cuim of adinu r a urn there will bj offeicd for uja by public aactioa at oampbllt hotl in th village of- acton 14 the coauty of hiitoo oa tib e s ia5t 1 ths twtnityiuati dy of horsmbai 18 81 at the hour of one oclock in the afternoon br an ituetteru aucnosaia the following very desirable property t village lots numbers 80 21 22 aud 23 on main street in the said vil lage of abton these iota are fenced in one block aad erected thereon ip aooeanda half storr dwelling house about 18x24 feet sfrftooflly lots nnmben 8 and 9 in bock 17 j ia the said village of acton on these lota which are well fenced and con veniently situated i there is erected a good twostory brickadwelling house about 24x31 y lot number 14 in james dicksons surrey in said village of acton there is a small frame house about 12x18 feet on uis lot i 70uttjhl7r ixta numbers 10 and 12 in junes djcksops survey iu actoo each of thase is 4 vacant lot the south eaaterlr fart of lot 41 id llock 4 in the village of acton and totnpriaingial that part thereof not heregofota conveyed to the trustees of the saptiat chnrch and to her majestv the queeo rthis i vacant land- but wlland tly situated y that portion being abont ona half of tot in block 4 in the village of acton i ct heretofore conveyed to abraham mstthev a j upon this property is erected a small frs aeghouse sstsj tuy village lots one and ftwo in block silnthe village of speyaidein the county if tfalton npon which is erected a substant al stona dwelling house with a frame ac ditpn xiffh hit lots 3 and 4 in block 2 in the said village of speyaije all the above properti s are deairabla lor boilding pur poses a id idu be sold subject to a reserve bid to le fied by the master of this court atlliltai- v ter j s isale ten per cent to be fit to be waintiffs solicitors at the time of sale sug the balance into coorf to ths ermit cft action within one fflonui thereafter qtbont interest forth irutfcularstaay be obtained upon apphcat onr j01nfkl5ittiptoiwito ksqi 1 uth irto the plaintii88oijjit0ie8 dated al itt- on thiszst day of qrtovivub- tul lockll efiti fluxtots atsr milton souoroaa erf opeg fihc the finest and mst choice lot of 6emts fiulcy ties eveb shown in actoiif grain bagsbest makes 300 up best value in green black japan teas the highest price pkid fop good fresh eggs and ohpice butter chritile henderson 0 1 caps caps a fine assortment of i fall anib winter gaps in gk4t vaeiety m til eastj ibiii glotlii torfc j fyfe cto 3be orflymetiifine that suooetefillly purifiiatf v tim act ii liver bowels bkiijatelkidiieyi i tjme it auayshovpm imtatioi t4 jandgttheflabnitaa sys peiiectjy 3- v tmmmii nndioe isjipbj consti- laiwtdtt laija 4v wkteot sfe v tt li i 1 v w itj i l- ilipj m bpokip3w ssgwsg8sssfc