the free press i thmmtortueiumw 10381 i b waat to swrtiftwrtrieds xma or nvwtweotrda boowrka u st w h to want tap for tb colmroa call at h jon want afoua vataa parses sta tiooetjr call at geo ryods go hyndi great xmu stoat will tjpea oat aboat dec lit look oat fj it village varieties wwm r lal mvi u4 eer tatttn af atrial intmst t r volac mesam j i 3 ri i- j u3 ii plkxtt of poultry now la uu mirkel wkt doin you tend uhfmk pus to wjme friend at a distance hr alix second hai removed tff hit iwidtawtioboww avenue us fitrick keluy is fencing his proper ly on guelph and agnes streets thi interior oxoie meiijodisl church ti to be kilaomiiied and revarnished srvouu of the street crossings are covered with two ot three inches of mud it is toy natural that the readers of this paper abould patronize the merchants who advertise in it tin managers ot the slating rink should make all necessary repairs or improttmenta 4 before the frost sets in m 8 axrr young inspector of weights and measures virfled this tillage on iloa- dsv in connection with his duties coii is so expensive here this season that many hive discarded their coal stores and resumed the wood burners again peofu are already beginning to talk about christmas presents and the fancy stores are getting in their holiday stacks ta early doaragmotement should ha yt the effect of inducing numerous citizens to spend these long evenings pleasantlf at home mb wk hemstrect auctioneer has ales on the 10th 11th isth 16th ltlh 18th sjnd 84th 5ui and 290l days this month thkbi was a very large attendance at tha methodist church on sunday to heir rsv sir wilkinsons opening lecture on the second advent thx acton brass band intend giving a tgrand concert on the evening of tuesday 22nd xovehiber it will be onder the superintendeiiof pyofmaillaad kotwthstoio the wet weather of saturday the sale of farm stock etc be- longing- to the estate of the late s moore was well attended and considered a sac- cess kkv j k laoceley danville will de- fiter a lecture a onatherj ithe methodist church on the 30th inst- sir ladceley has a tery large reputation as a lecturer a twoyearold daughter of mr robert allan glove cutler died on handar last- from the effects ot a severe scalding acci- denlly received about ten davi previously byfainnginlo a pail of boiling witer- wosdee if the committee appointed to select a ate for the new town hall exerted themselves as much about the title of the property on mill and elgin streets as shout thai on bora- avenue and willow street as error was nude in dr morrows adv last week which stated that he would be at agoejrs hotel every friday to settle ac counts the adv should have read tues day which is thrdsf the dr intends being hate elgin street sidewalk has at last been completed and the residents and frequent ers of this street are loud fa their praises of the work performed by the contractor mr e dynes the wait is a great coaveni- eoce if ycu are in mat of a otoation or require a workman to fill one advertise if yon wish to bay r sell o advantage ad vertise advertjatu pays the columns of the razz p hre the most effective in this vicinity the deer hunters who weat to muskoka several weeks ago have returned home messrs k speight and edward kicklia ar- rirrf on saturday and mr james matthews a week previons the coinpanysucceeded m brinpng down elevea antleted ffwell- era of the wfld tney returoel home boasting of their improved health ravenous appeliles and good saccesa at the lastmeeting of ther trustees of acton publi school mr thomas moore was reengaged tor first department at a 6lary of 550 with free resideace miss jennie grant was reengaged for third department at a sslsxy of 250 and miss t v7euhiplelorval was engaged as teacher of second department at a salary of 275 hzsdow storm of thursdaymght which ctrrtred mother earth with a mantle of white gave things a decidedly fntrj- sp- pearanee oa friday and with the second storm on saturday morning bar citizens came to the conclusion that winter had certainly arrived ir real earnest thesdow has disappeared however and we have had several days d very fine weatherstiice thx editor of the georgetown flera says tve intend to throw ourselves heart and sooi into miking the herald eij eeedingiy senastional spicy 4 if what dame bumbr says be trie the editor will only get a part of that heart of bi down to buaioeai in tbe berslsi interests as he has already feft a part to tery necessary organ- in the care of one of tbe fairmajdens of oar little town- ta fcrmers and residenw of obe village ahowld not let their local paper decline for want f aappprt rfyt abouhl they grembu paying ooe tuiaror local paper tiat has nuch lertreapoflgiuitsrthan the great iolkr paper published in tiu icity ah inesksdable difference eiiste betweea the two asd in favor f the local jonmal the latter kit the interests of its snbscribert at heart tie big weekly from the atf it animated jh mo aachway jaoeeii may be opposing local interests u faror of ceatral- r iiatioii i a editor is not tnfaurue he often snake mistake rf jndgment tod ls pt i jtny gpojis trjort than once to be in lh wrong buths it ueated abova many ot hit tallows in that he hashosuofkeeuty critical friends each one ot whom esttmt u a pricioaa privilege ssawrtlts to mi him right once in i whikhe hu a narrowminded reader whtfgets mad when the editor says soroethlug ha doetnt like and punishes himself sod family by stop ping tha paper but the majority are wise enough to remember that tht editor la only human sad to forgive hit blunders dvtao- the week the business ot mr geo using who opened out in agnewa block in this village about two months ago as a dry goods merchant has been trans ferred to his creditors it seams that mr laing was in financial difficulties before he oame to acton and his removal from paris to this village was made in the endeavor to get upon his feet again messrs carrie co wholesale merchants toronto being the largest creditors bought out the inter ests of the other creditors and mr f j freeman has been engaged for a week past taking stock jho liabilities will amount to 16000 assets 5000 mr laing was at one time a successful business merchant in whitby and we regret that he has fallen into such difficulties wt asx at a loss to understand how it war that the village council at lis meeting on tuesdsy evening ignored the recom mendation ottbe satepayers passed at a public meeting calleju few weeks ago for the purpose ot selecting a site for the new town hall to secure the ryder property and la the face ot this recommendation de cided to purchase the adams property at the same price when the title in each case is in the same position what was the object in askingfor public advice on the question if the council did nit intend to b guided by it in oar hujmble opinion tbe mem bers of a municipal body should transact mailers of public interest in a pnblio manner and leave all personal interests out of the question i the early closing movement has now been in working operation tor several even- hgt and to all appearances with mutual latisfiction we are informed however that a number of citizens who have here tofore made a practice of upending their evenings inthe several shops in town have made sn arrangement among themselves to injure the movement as mnrh as possible their plan seems to be to visit tbe shop for some trifling articlea few minutes be fore the hour for closing coutrive to engage the attention o the shop keeper until after the time the shop should be closed and thus be the means of breaking the agree ment xow there is nothing to hinder any citizen from making his purchssei before half past seven and our merchant wiu no doubt thank them to stay at home titer thai hour small scraps lacal asm rhenrue prepi4 bv che sue of the pe and seluan far readers f the free lrei wtstea is at hand chsistxas falls on sunday irbxrisx for wintry blasts mcx sgain and more ot it satckdat was guy fawkes day scot at was the finest day ot the season ock merchants are doing a good business thisfall ixdcce your neighbor to subscribe for tbe fezs peess mast a bold fellow has been bowled oat by the flowing bowl there seems to be more said about the weaiher than anything elx at present as open winter is predicted but its just as welllo be prepared for a close one frr your boys and giru comfortably for attending school during the winter mouths the first snowballing of the season was indulged in by the school children on fri day meming tax man who wont work- for a dollar a day will bpend two hours trying to solve a riddle for nothing asr rtiil the spell of rainy saturdavi has not been broken tbe last one was as wet ssanr of its seven predecessors tus acton feee press is an industri ous gatherer of local news and sound on the temperance question london crtu- ajicr sorrtt your children with a good assort ment of boolu and papers so that the long winter evenings may be pleasantly pent at home chkrancat cards have already made their advent it is simply wonderful how he use of cards at xmas has increased of late years tkekx was considerable crossfiring at the council meeting oa tuesday evening relative to the selection of a site for the town hall a tocsd lady says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle thaa it is for an old bacoelot to get a thread through the same article we would be pleased to late oar friends in tzte village and country seno na- all the items of news that come under their notice we want them for publication i v m neelanda editor of tbe georgetown tcroif was in town on ssturday evening but failed to call on us we presume he was enjoying himself with better company than our presence would afford him w would call the attention of our ready ers to the ewadvertiiemenu which appear in this issue of the feeepaisa no surer vidence of the prosperity of the town can be given thin to iee the columns of the focal paper wevj rtronized tickvrasa the glotemaert say that deerskins are scarce and esnppose scarce skins are dear lowell owner accord ing u the tame role loremakers think glare maker are der and we hrppote glovejpakers think lovemakers ans dear aocobdise to profestor swornstedt of dncinoatl the world wilcome to an end at taldnight sovamber 13th hit detailed descriptioa of the teenejlt terrible the earth wfu be filled with ore and hlle the taints wffl be translated and difett with chritt the wicked win bej eoninabd peni aal i j ji i distrligt dolf4q8 f r mtarawttni rum ewatgwnfttmt fwtha bui banins nt4n olpbtoxku it very prevalaot in quelph mr r d mcmaster it qtorgetown died last week turn you oa the boots act h weoand will bt take tcday qiomottowa can boast of being on ot the muddiest vlllaret in the eounty tm metata qreelmsn broa georgetown ue baring their new knitting machine factory rapidly pashed forward trk pricet ot wheat and corn were an- reaionabiy pushed up l chicago by reek- lass speculators a tew weeks ago citcjue factories are now shotting down for the winter and it it expected that bat ter will be cheaper in consequence the county model school at atilton closed last week all the pupils wsrs suc cessful in passing the final elimination by a bylaw adopted at the last session ot the sovereign grand lodge ioof all the work of lodges will after july 1883 be done in the third degree wears glad to learn that mrfj a davidson ot the quelph mtreiiy who wti laid up since tha 1st ot sept with trphoid fever it able io attend to hit tnuinesi duties again advattsbta if done judiciously pays this is the conclusion arrived at by many business men try it and be convinced the best medium ia which to make your self kuown is tax fhxx passt moderste bates ths kennedy family8cottisli vocalists will give s concert in oeorgetown oa mon day oyooing 21st november tne ken nedys have made several tours through canada and have every time delighted their audiences messes j r barber of eramosa purchased from mr r b campbell of kaasagaweya his durham bull two yean old for 166 the animal took first prizes and diplomat this year at eramosa milton and ifassagaweya shows wtriisqtox- encampment of oddfel lows intend giving a concert on tuesday the 15th in ths city hall guelpb ii will be under the direction of mr pijp and some of the most talented musicians in the province will lake part- ms r w king is just completing s large addition to his foundry tin george town mr kings business i latum ing very crediuble proportions andwith the introduction ot inew nuchlnery tor the manufacture of engines and boilers his shop will be ss complete u any ot its tiie in the country thk haioa cemetery co have we understand decided to purchase the lot owned by mr joseph martin and lying to the south east i of the town next to mr ceilings farm it is to behopithaflbe company will immediately prepare fee cemetery for use u the old one it iu- disgracefully crowded stale caaatjiioa moses oates the weather prophet aayt that the first halt ot movember win be ex ceptionally be clear warm weather at beautiful as ipring the regular indian summer the weather will then turn cold and the beginning of december the weather will have every appearance of winter the cold snaps will however only last a few days at a time and the winter will be the most open that baa been experienced for a score of years navigation will scarcely close and the wintersuch as it is will be extremely short personals mr and mn c h wslker of erin were in town on sunday mr richard hemstreet of hornby was in town on tuesdiy 1 mr fred secord irrived home on satur day for t short vacation- miss montielh of montftatis the guet of her lister mrs peter mdnib mrs john matlhews ot bismark is viiiting her friends in acton and vicinity mrs b witson returned on saturday from a three weeks slt with friends in meaford bobert hold esq of heenah wis has our thanks for copies of the neenah aeaw and mehasna prat f- mrs- mj switar of coibigwood wat for several days during the wee the guest cf mr r little p 8 inspector the friends in this vicinity of mr donald mckinnon georgetown will regret to hear that he intends leaving sometime soon to take up his resideace on the pacific coast edjtors table the mark ham scownaut entered upon its twenvyaiith year of publication last veek and is a decided luccest ss a country jourcal we wish you continued prosper ity btos corson j wi have received from 1 fr j w ben gougb a number of specimen pages of trips almanac tor 1884 and as isual tbe little volume will be chuck ful of humotoos articles and political tdta the almanac will be issued abont th litdec and wijl conuin about 100 pages pre fasely illustrat ed andwillbe sold fori 5 eentt we have received a copy of apuollca- hon entitled tht arijtslertlumip a house hold jouraj devoted to th i promotion of the polite arts in araeriea the october number contains a sapplem nt in the shape of a beautiful design for a ctrrtain border- published fortoightly at 4tt year by tuyhuit1r7riuloekl detteaa street new tort rbimptotopla sent on itppu- ctjon ws have received from i hrirdy of palmyra hit tlmrmber i hia entitfie canter ami couage omrdeter which he tfcutis free to tu appllents tm one rramberlb worthtne price of the tnbf srtptlon 100 for toe paper for pieyr to every fmlt grower and flower fancier ft is as fall of meat at u egg- send a pi staleard to him remiestlbg him to send you a tpcetmtn no odsecdrder which hen ndt free to til applleaou anfjaee if you dajnt thank ns or this notice toilet ispajv pen if p mnf the best t iile ciju co to pearsons acton if you want aood stoahs cheap gk to pearsons acton if yon want general groceries cheap go to pearsons acton i if you want i 1 z2tt7ss aai p0rss oseap go to pearsons acton i it you want hardware cheap go to pearsons abton if you want klasswaib 0hbap j go to pearsons acod i vi if yeju want j the nicest tsa sets in t0wn goto j- pe arsons actjm 0r0cebie8 pkfiyislona groceries- if you want pb0vi8kjn8 groceeres provisions cheap good groceries provisions j glassware i grookert i ciu asd issrsxt tak stock or j oocooocpocobooooooprxxxooci w p browk r cccmxxi0oc000o0000oco00o0co0cococucoc0cxi000o0u4m bpou ptjacgisixg euewbiix th urcmi lof of oroearlts thbt atsortd tot of 0reerl8 th ohmpcst lot of oroeorios highest price paid for butter and eggs j tsdont mistake the stand late j w manns dont fosoet the celebrated so cent tea glassware glassware gtasswar w p brown aeton out crook erz crockert crockery great push in fall an fetter dresagoos f 1 thes week i i special liites i1t i oooocoooooccockxxococooxocootcooc0 black and ooooccioocxoooootoc0oooov00000oooocwo worthy the attention of closest buyers p i prices range from 35c to 95c corsets cgrbeta amother larcf stock tff j ce jamons romton iorsefe and other makes to hand this week- we caa giro tli9 clleapest and best values ia ooesets la bizea from 17 ti hughbb drifflt kjsa of the dry gioobs sl sadford e ebouert j b- williamboa the lion cuelph i v on e y the naderrinmd has smoey at his dispos al for discounting vood endorsed notes at a reasonable rate of discoont jameamattbews aeton may 10th 1881 onr metocd of tevchtng- wateaithe pro- cresii of oor sta dents i vatigatc oor eialiq io have the most iboroaau nod prailal saliool in canada and btore ipvndlht yonr moner sauify yourself wat tbe btbstual attbaucalt cuemolu coly leebjtoatoktti ime plane to learn ooriness nolnstltntlon olt eqnsl aduntmm to vonna- man 8to- denuenier tnujaau for elroular and speelmens of penmaosblp adreu tke axrctair e r sale stave heading factory cooper- shops and reaidence j t6 sobeonbar offers for ala hit prnarty bloated la th enterprlstna vlllataf tun north of the ot ballwav the property ii oom posed of four acres on whlon is umaled a stave am heading factory oonulnlnaftrtt- ofas- marblnert and in atoeuent order two cooper atwpsi fonr sbedt a eomforubla hrlek dwellln j and ibod stable the property la ooovfdlent for shlpplnfaod jara boalneaa has eaarfhoneui im breixlsca dnrlna tha past if years tbe property will be told on tht most liberal terms applyoa tha orepoism to aston po to 1 oils perfurnery seots sli8 m fits all sizes eeaiiey son matii st acon hat jot receited aipleodxl mtortmesta fall mp wijrrtr bootcgijm shoes tht evlr oftarad to the people of aotoo i ad vicinity so bogus prices adre lld tat a kennlne article offer ml at prleei defjisnc compel itlpa gustos woit and execated witb deapatc i and roan uaverherti tstwt bavealao a niei aoctmant ol mtrxxs 4 ru8m8 all foods aold olmji pfer i oaah actroiu eztraoodinaiy offering during tjiis month we offer extraordinary mime in black grot grain drext aid jfonfle saw ranging jrcif 7ieenutotspeaijari oolartd 88b italy jlood atjertyjiot unit per yard 1 i t weiare also appointed boleojntaforttif45amalwwi 8118 trfebtly prwandwerrrarited not to wear ereasyor out these arrb are having an immenbe sale and ladies lookinit tat a jenuiti6qo6d t earing silk should see them v i black mahtle velvek amportesvdrheopf56mttcn9 sxtba valub oub okperax btock ot drbs8 cm id never contained so man noveti and elegajj f goods as this 8ea80n and our 8albs tftljs ar bavt been immense 1 our millinery sp mantle departments art netting iritk immense nccett our tale art daily exceeding our motf s- puine expectation ladietiellmtuehomtkeimkettitocku ike trade md w janwr tu4 exirivagant price e oubqmtsuimiim mfvt hat oiilj 9i m v db8 rtjb8weaatrlarte variety efaveryolaaaortrataiaum aodefavdrans wtarlovely tlulkaeta ly baalheta tivahv ajrtfaabat andwniyniuer touoh laotatripsauooaipaotorb cqna totta uii 4j juiaiiiiiivifl v l hi k- ii -ii- i j iv hr rff trtgpsoijr