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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1881, p. 3

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the -t- tttbti mo eejprssi httv 171881 if you waotja a your needs xmu or new year rdv bookmarka call at teo hyads i ii w want toy for th ekildren call at geo hyuda if you rnt albums ysa pursea st tiooery catlst geo hruda geo hyeds put xmu stack will open out ibnt dot us look out for it j i i smau scraps i latjal mkevwtar m m t uf pet ak ra4n af ik itt rim therwttt praf4l r t rlmn fee 1 i 1 ftac roads aw froreu un tlkrtu soon6 sleighing m ycr skates ready beys building operations are brisk monday nights storm u a very sere one are you a candidate tot councillor for issaj house your cattle front tjre wiatry winds time flics its only fir weeks to christmas j the butchers an bespeaking their xmas beef j potatoes win be very high in pn this winter another good snow storm and well have sleighing some people ath butter as if they were about lo butler saiuj j and now apple dumpling socials are being hdd what next wwii be heeve for l833 several dimes are already mehtionid owiiigto the bad roads the grain mar ket is thinly attended these days j xew version of p f 6 please pay yoarsujscription gentle delinquent- ere are fixetuesdays and the tame muaber ot wednesdays in tibia month didnt it look pretty bleak and wintry last tuesday after monday do storm the merchants dont complain of the dust now as wis tie ease a few weeks the fattening fowls now look outfronr the yard by the wayside their end ii tear last saturday was the einlh wet sat urday in succession aint yoa going to trk on tire brakes soon moses oates eraybode pr nearly everybody ia finding fiult trith the weather but it djut seem to worry the weather mnch an erideace that christmas is coming js the fact that there is a larger attendance of caiiv loving boyi at tie sabbath scicols the surrounding municipalities as wcu as cur own are becoming troubled over who alfilr be 41eeveand who saail conn the consol if a two- wheeled vehicle is a bicycle and the threewheeled a uscyee it does not ftjbw tha the onswheeled is an irck it is a wheelbarrow j ash billings remarks that those who are too proud to enquire what a ihilg koau whan thy buyit are the fast opes lo nai fault when they come to pay for il i smart jnaa said yesterday that indian hammer oogiit ic be summers about and jnr maie its apperaace barrie ad- tanas your pan a lhxi behind the season one who hasread every issue of the fb pszss since ita first appearance coc gralulatrf us this week upon its vast im provement better now than ever it was he said h the end of tie world aids t- come on etthier the iih or the 15th insis the false- projiheis wih again require to announce oaie day in the future fur the winding up of the doings oa thu muadane sphere ax exchange says fine church oyster social has been turned loose on- the com munity agaic two cf our pioiiineot churches whacked up and bought a whole cajs set ween tiicm it is intn4ed to pye wfcaria ieft to the poor we wish it distinctly understooi that we will sot under any consideratioa what ever givepublidty m communicatious and poetry nnl accompanied by the authors name- speyside gazette should- have sent us her real name the berlin viaa man mm be degen- crating in his morals the fallowing item ishots that he is desirous of influencing and fisniing thf rn if minrfpr he j says snisctiptionceeeirea at this office toward a fund to pay a mas fa kill all the village vabieties i ii r r i i a ctltretira f l 1m kr aitten at tuftal utrnat u w vulat brazen weather propheu- it is said that the muskrat and vetmor do not agree the former ia constructing his honae with reference to- protection against a bird winterwhile the latter pre dicts an open winter xow let us aee which knows most about the weather the muskrat or vennoroikviue standard- there are 189 person employed in minnfactuhug leather and leather goods in acton fihe peesjl this accounts for the acton people being such- a tough lot oikrule standard oureuhtenj will ho donbt condder the fffffrnfffritrcftthmppvfl quite a eompument bat at the same time tbey will wonder if its brwv m manf of j-fhe- people ot oaktille are iaaflofa tiat theyre anch soft let h 1 maid of tonken ere we bitas tell a willyoumakeafnblft sea atao of gotnim e you rai jor life ted me will you infdrnvyonr wife yoniers qa- jrffe maii of hartford ere 1 pop tell me wftl yo faint or topi hjutford iavr- al maid ef webster ere we ired wholl split the lindang in the jshei 1 webster ruaej maid of camden eie we mate saat inerer 5uy out ute i damdv spast maid of jfewtoxf ere we hitch teat me tnilr neyoa rich newlo begmka haid of yorlaiue ere we pkce4h be re row scared of mice 1yeikridi jta- said of dreaden ere we nkii tell me do yt wratch or bftet dresden tima itiii of aetoa ere the lns secure tell me darling are jm poor j yealerday iu oourt day acton braai band concert next tuea- day eteolng several case of acarlet fever are r- porlod in town v thivtaaeolloctor la very induitrioualy golnjr hit roundi doat tall to attand tha band ooncert next tuesday evening croup ti making aad haroo among the little ones about here at present f a railing ahould be placed on the aide- wait oyer the gaily on elgin street the carpenten are at mr j c hills new shop and mr j x mcgarrin addt lion basinets b reported good by most ef our merchants especlauy by those who advertise the last emigrant train for manitoba over the grand trunk pasaed through this village yesterday three or four families of indians have taken up their abode in our village they are basket makers a new culvert was put in last week on church street between elgin 4 frederick streets it was badly needed quite a number of friendi from a i- tance attended the funeral of the late mrs thomas moore ir yesterdir robert simms runaway team destroy ed one of if r w h storeys fine shade trees on john street on friday mill and main streets ahould be macad amized the cost would be quite an item but the benefit derived would far exceed the outlayv the piank drains on church street at frederick street require the attention of the street and sidewalk committee the plank in sercral places has rotted away ami dangerousholes appear j a fence ou main street near speights blackrmith shop stands at an angle of about fortyfive degrees it projects quite a bit over the sidewalk to the annoyance of pe destrians several rods of sidewalk on main 8t- near the skating rink require renewing the lumber has been on the grouud for several months why the delay ia the construction 1 our chief magistrate is very precise in attending to hisofficiil duties last week without notice he removed a eow from the yard in which she it wont lo run thinking she wis trespassing a the neighbors gar den j rjertsin young people of our town ua- married visited ciuelph one day last week and from the size aad appearance of the bundles brought home we would suppose something serious is intended the jingle of wedding bells u heard in the hear fa- lure j nickuna bakery team ran away again ou saruiday night last they were left standing infront iof the shop while the driver weat iaside and becoming frighten ed ran awiv never stopping until they reached mr mulholkeds fam about liuae miles away considerable damage was done lo the waggon pebsoxs having friends at a distance and who would lie to gel the local news of acton and vicinity cant do better lhau subscribe for the fats pozss and send it as a present only ii from this date until january is33 tiercralof our patrons have done this duriag the past few weeks and we would advise others to do theaame the very extensieadyertising patron age enjoyed by this paper is the very best irojf tint the business community knows perfectly well that the free press is the best advertisinz medium in this section where other papers fill uptteir columns with nonpaying ads we have the greatest difficulty to find room for all that want to advertise with us- di8trict dolfife iahc gtelph it agitating fo brat oh of the chtyilley hallway rembniber th lenuody c nosrt at oeorgeton nut monday eveuiu r the soott aet was lost by a arge ma- lorfty i n welland county last we k therji are several cases of typhoid fever in the rtilaity of crewsbns cornn the president of the united i utes has set apart thursday nor 84th as a day of thanksgiving i georgetown people want to kt ow what hecame of the money they lubiiribed to assist in norgaolzing the band a runaway occurred at roekwfaod the other day by which mr john nelsons verandah was completely torn aw ij cap prince registrar of bo tth wel lington died it guelph about flroclock tuesday moralnj ofapoplexy withwhich he was seized the day before the halton battalion is bereaher to be called im lorns klfle the tlamiltoh sikctator jays thai it is probably because they arc such gootl ilarquismen also be cause ihejr argylelesa chaps ye ylrtdit able reasons too we notice by the berlin kxi that mr z a hall formerly an actou y has been elected lo the ofllce of supcri iteudent of the berlin methodiit sunday school rendered yacant by the removal of dr forster lo this village any of our subscribers who fi il to re ceive the fb8 paxaa regularly will confer a favor on the publisher by notifying him personally or by letter of the fafct our mailing and delivering arrangement are about as complete as we can possibly make them and ahoold any irregularitfes occur we shall use our utmost endeavors to find out the crookedness which eiiitt x you want the best ti inthe county co to pearsons acton spirtldi 8rvu george- from oarbtcs corrupondau the tillage ynjcan hu left for town siyem fictoty spcyndc 1 1 1 undr uig rcptvirs lrn the proprietor of the l wmiu oatbeheeodd line intcniu lo reiioye his bunes umporarily to i better wooded section- in the peighborfaowl when he can prosecut milliii j lo better druitue mr lafcphanon tke poartmtf t speyude hit teat iahi reiievtioaia cot eqacaoe of i wwtiol of hi farnttir inull txlxty tvelre olurt yu- ii tot wffi cieat retnineatiott for the work aerolriax oii him john elhat rtttiiu oa the bid line aer speytidsj met with erioqi uxideot ixitweek while engiged m fixiijaiboat the wiggoa tongm fnatiooj yok of dxn ttcid to it nva tvay tad mr elhot fxttinfr tinder the wincon m eriraily in- jared tboatthtj head and bodf by the whecli pawinft pver him flo will probably rtcorcr bat will be dufipi red in coa- tjaeace of hi qjnri the aune of oar hamlet is inkgestire of tbe beauufiil and romantic aid must have beea bestowed bf acme enthasiastic scot f torn perthsalre before baaing located here yoor correspondent certainly thinks it a misnomer and hopes lhat tiie mure may not result in a 6erioiia dkappdintmeot to toiirisu mac r fancy gciods a mission will be conducted in s albans church by ber c e whitcoipbe during the eight days from sunday nov 27th to dec 4th inciusivel to which the public are cordially invited to attend for particulars as totheorder of services sub jects of discourses etc aee programme in another column the several services will be interesting and we trust that each one willbe largely attended i a despatch i was received yesterday afternoon from hyde parkv out announc ing the death of sir joseph fearnley who was for a number ot years a resident of years a resident of this village the many friends in this vicinity of mr fearnley will be pained to learn the sad pews as the year advances the words friend after friend departs etc seem to come to us with much greater force dwelling houses are staiin great de mand and a large number of comfortable bouses would find tenants any day if they were lo be had jsvery heuse in town is occupied and a number of mechanics now employed here cannot bring their families because dwellings are not to be had while many who oome here with the idea of settling are forced lo give it up from the same cause nothing would help our pro gress as a towntmore at present than the erection of a number of dwellings and no investment that we know of would pay a the actob brass band intend giving grand concert in the temperance hall next tnesdayjerenlng pnrf- jfalt who8erepulation as a rnusia141captoris well known 1st j tbia tidolt7 yfll luperin- temd the brogrammeand will be assisted try hisses elrfs mclean haiuand and stewart ot gaelph and mr flale former ly ofibeettn waaioaw iocetlent toeal talent- the cotaumitta haws spared ti pains to make the concert asucceasaad irprtby ot thjsi patronage of our citizens we trascthavliie faau will beilledjo over lowing the people jtowlng irfvaieto presence that they appreciate the endeavors of the band to become econd to eone in thelist pens an ir lliiv inaplam from pur ovx corrupoudau xed begi ieare to make a correctioiv on the laatitemi aent referring to the recent confinnafion ftmcti in theeaglihcharch u he has learned ace that the busbcp waa from hamilton instead of toronto aad that there were teven candidate instead of eleven j the judge of xhlx county- bat avcin fit to hold the conrt at campbellville for he time bein it haria been held in the t01 rn hall brookriile formerly- ko great ion to broofcrillei seryicefl were held in the chapel last lordi day word has been reeeited frommrj w g fee that the scott art committees will ortmze ahortly a newly married couple rrridioin the lower end of the townahip were inongkly tserenaded lately mr gcittvof this townahip vent to hamilton tbeother day aod pat his faorte m the stable at duffi botel a baa t three oclock aomeoodr came alofig and gat the team oat od drope away the bottler being then of optnioq that he deliyered tiie team tothe owner pretently mr scot turned ap bat his team had gone the pol oe were utilized cad at ten oclock the tei im was fuand tied to aposton jontreet eait nxd if you want aood stoars cheap j go to pearsons acton if you want i general grocerhes cheap go to pearsons acjton if you want i sitttss and porss osbap go to pearsons acton it you want hardware cheap go to pearsons acpon i i- if you want alasswaabe oseap go to pearsons acton if you want the inoest tea sets in totoj go to pearsons acton es jjrilttn great push in fall and winter dress goods his week the fall shows groceries groceries groceries if you wairr provisions provisions provisions cheap good groceries provisions glassware crockery personals 0ejspapjp- tm call axd issirtct thi stocjc ot- ooooooooooooooooooobooooovxtoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo w p browy 000030ckxx00000oooooooooooocpooooooooooox0000000000 batorc pobckasdio zucwhixx t th largest lot of ororl th bt aasorfad lot of oreimrlm tha ohoapoart let of orooorlot jlighut pria- paid for butter ondsggi sjoomt mistake the stamd oate j w manns dont forget tee celebrated 50 cent tea j glassware glassware glassware pbrown aetoa ont crockery crocltebv crock ekt s pecial lijlstbs iit ooqooooooooooooooooooooooosooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxiooooooooomooooooo black and colored gashnfieres worthy the attention of closest buyers prices range from35c to 95c corsets corsets amother ubbe stock of t jfamotts rofeptp iforsrts and other makes to hand thisweek i f wi eaa fin the oieapest aniat value cossets ia sizes from v7 134 v ia hughes gblffin kusro the dry ooods ssa4ford jasollert j b williamkai the lion cuelph eztraoodiaary offering i i tore and dwelllixe tozikt ja riore and 4 ebinf on mill attt be tween the canada hon wvxl and j e mcgarrina dsv store appl to r pkelly aeton kor 9lh 1881 acton ont 18 mr 1 b coates has remired his family to woodstock mr w long of broekios was in town pn thursday last miss teas kennedy of glenw iliamj ii riailing kr aeton friends messrs jmat clary and jno kqlly of rieorgetown were in acton on af oni uf uaster herbert farmerof ftorena rspent cereral days with friendi itte dad l the week j mr alvi stafford left acton ja terday morning for buaimrjdyuela jr 1 intends reiaainuj during the winlei drmobtrrlnf georgetown jtj i been laid up witii an attack of aalnsey or the rsast tg plukbe ii nfctrtrinfii jjf mr jas sjimtq itpnte t and and mr wfhi dagan ndwi6vofi samprj ton mm tketjmsttirf jltf i t ec h jliit ms2 w- i private letter from rer j p t inner an old actan boy talis us that he is i lend ing eoueira at braastoai hl on dnday he oceapies the pnlpu of ckiuiln chicago bis many friaods hen rill be rjteaaed w learn of hia progress boot shoe store haring rented the front ahop of mr thoe craiuei shoe shop i have pot in a fall stock of boots jjt9sm0s8 of every description and hereby respectfully solicit a fair snare of tti patrodaire of tiie people of aoten- and vicinity it will be ay aim to supply fiiitclaae jfoodi at as low figures as posalbla anil bopa by strict at- teotion to bosjneas aad aeft aalaetion of my stock to merit the favors of the people by purchasing for cash atid sellinjr for cash i will be enabled to supply oid jooda cheap mr craine will as iaaal attend to all custom work and repafriajt at mm8 etammif nbtbe business will juidar tie superinteqdeaee of mras eithy goodall imoney xhe pndersimtd has asoaey athiadiapo- al for discounting rood fndefsed notes at a reasonable rat of duoount mme8catthbvv8 aeton aiay lotimtj cils vpeimery all fits sizes eenney sdh s malh st aetoai hare uirecelvexj alen3iersort aaat f 1 fattawwiirtifi the beet vauite iver of ered tothe people of alotoatw noti ity so eosros pheei tfyertamtt hmtm xenauae article eateret at p 4eea dcqiiafsjompeualem mm eiaonsed jwjttiidespatoa aad irfatf j t veriw malarial jf kg i rwe hava also a niae asmrtsaaa et rttvxms all ceode m oeeef fer oeek ikenny tidolls eta kil ssirri a during this month we offer j y extraordinary eohuin 3loek grot raifti eaio iorifft bitld ranging jrom 76 hentt to 3 pea yard colored stflu tevelj goodt atertgjumeenttferyrd i- we are also appofcte d aole afrents for the canaorar silks perfeotly pore and warrant id not to wear ereoay ota these roods are hawidatan iinmeniie aieand ladies looiinat for a hnnine good veariiiat silk ahc old aee them ii fj v black mantle vfelvltk impoated dlkotfrdm lybns jsxtra valuk jjue oeneealstoge 0fdftessjooeg netee eontajnesd 80 many jfoveu tisixf elegakt yv g00d8 as t111s- season and ode8a1 pa have been jthtajjmsa thus our milliiery mantle dartments are meeting vitk imnau tncceu dweafce teiasf exottdittg our fnodtqa- guuu expectation ladiet teu rao4 toe jtaet tiedwlceetitoci in ike trade ltd msaeoer oik extratagtitt prieee l v ious qreat s mantles amverniutft eil rm ntmweaeattarsjasaiaar of eraryel iasoiaca1alsjdltr dmtnitii wmjkmlr sslaa4tsi taaateauletslraj in iv to i iuvi ww uosw wastries ell loawlton 6imtotfc lfojt v i y i i t ei5saiisiii m sa ftm nhas38sbrbrwsjisriss 8sg8

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