to tu nouraruti i reiovre abg lh raj 4 mankind tub fu pns heartily wiebet th lwimi of hippy nmj keareia their dotnettie social fvniacm rabtcian in uieirhooie am wir factories iieir thopa and thtij ojfeot wherster they may in to4 whatever ibeyutii r be doing innianv twspecta the yr orwna antpieioualy m fair as onr own oanlri is concerned the tang depress ion in businett teetei to bate petted md ii over the land h heard thvhum ottevittog industry ffbe grtbstiet foil th present jitotpeat of nnotlw pfentexmt berveat to food tod wot it more folly n ployed than it lit i heea for uuietline the tjgni of he limes are indued wopeful and tbi probability it that i ith the ineouiti year ibis prosperity trill increase sol till be even more generally felt an 1 that il will in every com be a hrr new year with prosperii y around us and hope beckoning as forward canadian frtsl justified as lbs ttes of 1883 open on ftundiy morning in heartily and hope- fouy wishing eat a other ahapftnk ytat jfotwithstandi ig the fact that it the annual nominatkn oo monday twetty two electors wen proposed and second 4 as candidates for the office of conn billors of tliuv tillage for 1882 there are bow but th ea men in the fitid i stown by the report of as the nomination in another column fifteen out of lie twenty two candidates de dined jaringi tie meeting to accept the nomination and their names were consequently dropped from the list binee nomination day however four more sandidates hare banded li cards which appear ill another column tu the effect lint tie j decline to accept the nomination at the lame tiuiessv log the electors rot to record any votes to their favor as if elected they will hot act of coarse the last four tesig- ballon are not ligal and the names of these candidates will have to appear on tie ballot bvt if they positivsly de- efine to act the lectors will no doubt not east any vote i in their behalf and the const qaeuce will be that only three menare left for the conneil of 1683 how will this predicament be rem ejiedl i j an exta of jthe canada gaietli issued on satan ay calis iarlianienl together on the 9 h of february for the despatch of business ttetoa tbiis oonaeu council met h tuesday evening pursoant to adj- arnment meuibera til present roe to in the uliair minutes of la it meeting read and confirmed the finance i jonjtnlttee presented their nineteenth jport recommending payment of the ft lowing accounts 1 b hyde cedar 1656 j m8fcjtonairori oastteeta edwardjdynes rei iring crwsingi r frederiak vrors m streets i speight son rains for mrs qatjrins chqdi i a h pi mboie prinb and sdvg i m 2j 1ui i iwal t4030 ttniei by d henderson seconded by- t w xaffi ibellj that report of fraanco commicee be adopted oar faevl miivid by d etnderson seconded by r nifaiin hat leave be granted to fatrodnee a by jaw to amend by aw pasifl 24th kir 1281 providing for appointment of lepaty retnrning ofi cers and thaaai 1 bylaw be now mad first time gal ried bylaw read tint rcqaired number of times and passed movd by d etenderton seebnded by stelclin un t leave m granted to fdtrodooe a by law to provide for 7 to airing land fc r site for town ball parried moved by i j licklm seconded by t w campbell that this eounoil ad jwra to meet o i tuesday jan 3rd j- i wfc t m i chblitte heidetson co beg to apolgite for unjrhck of advertise- jlttpwsidnringtirb paw few weeks the it jktbbpom is so great tbey bsve itseto rtitea ivert semen ts busi- it rwsybg tiftjlasow hoflp ft id always drawt be vjpsiirtgblettrto oil oiji hour as provided by raw in oats of 4 m srgtooa9 one oclock it was moted by mr w ausn tad secondod by sfrritheu3fobi ibat kli ho al jaobnwet at returning ufflcer owing no doubt w he et that i monday was a pnblie holiday the ttttndance of electors wai much hrrger tbtb atoa and considerably more in terett was ooosetjiiently rasnifested in the oniiaatiou as toon at the pre aidiat offloer proclaimed the meeting own noniinatiomi were made and seconded klnoat as fast as the eould be rworded until tbtre were three candidates nominated for the reevekbip and twentytwo for oouncillort tbi following are the nominations ioh reeve c 8 8tth proposed by w allan seconded by wilson mauisluw d hexdeetoh froxird by j moore seoutided by alex srcord w u toret fojkbed by ifllob c hoore ivconded byauaniel lawaso cxjoncilloba i pacl jfbttapruiosed by si b cook eeconded by george havilb d k obbistib proposed by that c moore seconded by alex seoonl w allam proposed by 3 henry smith seconded by d heudersbn m 6f eicht- proposed hy w allan tecouded by w byimthaw d w campbell proposed bt w allan juded by wiltou banialiw keward nicxlix proposed by tbos c moore seconded by w allan w b lanrst proioaed by alex btsord seconded by j henry sutiui jama moore prooed by isaac fraucta seconded by c 8 smith rjcaatbhahtltos proposed by q haviil secouded by tbot c moore thob clmookk proposed by isaac fraucis secboded by d henderson w p bhox propoaedby alex secord tecouded by j henry suiltfi dtkcas kesxedt prooaed iiy e hauitlton secuoded by- diaries knees alei seookd propnaed by juo caiueror secouded by w p brown joh camihox proposed by geoi hovill seconded by alex decord jajtia goodall ptoposed by i francis stoonded by w allan d hksoeksox proposed by w masalas seconded by tbos eaaton johir kewiret proposed bjrt d wi campbell seconded by e agnew besvakix nlckxix proposed by b haoiiltoo seconded by t easton thomas eastos proposed by r bimilton seconded by robert nicklin eli sstdex proponed by bi b cook seconded by w allan chas t hill proposed by eli snyder seconded by jnb cameron ptf eg mccajhi proposed by r hamilton seconded by dwcampbell the returning lofficer then declared thj honr for receiving nouiinationii ex pired j before the meeting was adjourned the following gentlemen signified their intention of declining from the ooplest and asked tie retnrning officer tohave their names taken fitm the lift of candidates ipfor reeve d henderaoniand w h storey i for councillors messrs paal jsrvui 6 d chratie w allan eawtfdnilklln w h lowrytbos c moore w p brown d keonedy alex bwcord j cameibo james goodall d header son tboe easton eli soyder and peter mccatnn the action of mtssrs henderson and storey in declining to accept notuina tion resulted in the election of mr smith by acclamation for councillors here are in the field for election messrs m 8peight 1 w campbell james moore richard ham ilton john kenney benj nicklin and cbast hill khct- tbo bolir for receiving nomina- tiout bad expired the meeting wi declared open for speeches from the members of the retiring council and the new candidates speeches were made by a large nnmber of those present bat owing to the limited space at out disposal this week we are obliged to ilk our reader to kindly excuse u for their non appestinee it bas always been out etutptn cngive rewhs of ajl tbe fpeecies msdej but for nason above cited we omit tbetn this time m l rtktim -r- maybriyq niiueai j8bn white beeire l curtmwind j e harrison ki barbel- aeoiamatton facta akmi osw hattfromw ounti to fidc jryjtti fjew stock of suve just reoeitlfd jo hillt a rjood fell hat fur to cent t j ryhs war snitchn bahrotlfhlngp plv to i g hill flkwttl ttltm bltalm l all lists at j b peafreni artoo ladiei msntles newest ttjrjet chrijtlt uendenoh a co buy your dytur by bnlk at lria excelsior bakery b nicklin son f rod want a nobby durable slid aowialt j pjlet it lbs place to g jqo to pearsons for the latest and most fashionable design in tea sett j j wedding and christmas cairn made lo order at snottest notice e kick in kson cdnfeclionery mince meat snlt etc jmre sod fresh si the excels or bakery 1 habwaae in great vfrtely unlit ry a large stock kails hinges etc ch ip- at pearsons a delicious and moat refreshing tonic- is pearsons fteih grontid t b adulterated colteei scotch xngliah kttrl canadian sdithigi in itntt variety it the salt i ad clotmok store 3 fyfs acton ovwrcn tiesb byttefs ih btlk ecottjanily in band at the excels or bakjry b nicklin 4 son toronto oil co are to mxnnfaet ir- era of jastorint machine oil a- fringemenu will be prosecuted maktlb ouamexn manila clot is silk and satin trimmings at christie henderson a ou rare valae baits an overcoat at extrrtni ly low rates aad aad in latest styles eke sare tp cauandaes theat 4i fyfe act in ask your dealer for oaatorlm machiiie oil and see that te barrel is branded castorine at none otbti is cenuine uoit say its the nicest thing 1 e er naed or the tssth and breath myi eve 7 ona havlg tried tzasuay the siw toilet gem oat a s esot saeipm fitns bunt and cakes ot ertry description urge end small chea er than won can tajke t hem at the eic cl- aior bakery e nicklin k boh jfthafadttlrers of beapen mowert andthreshinglfaebioery refer cts- torine machine 111 to any other lis ill oetaear lard seal and elephant and is warranted not to gum jwixbsts competent jndget p -o- nsunce our 1 2 jc wincey exintordini ry value eiainine it compare it add you will be sure to buy it wino y from j so np at christie heodertot at coi m pbipiaxof usocia mich writ i have ured dr thomas bdectric jil on horses for different disss esand fou od it to be tustss you reconnnerided it has done justice to ae every time lad is tnel but oil for horset 1 ever need maxtlet christie henderson 4 cos stock of ltdiet light and di rk mantes jjatt received these gods are fiom be beat makert and ootupi se fnl 1 rsnge of prices they will be sold heap pa slo burnt oo to t f c m- imng qijebec 8c opp knoi chui b quel ib for parlor suite double tti ff ed in hag- raw silk or repp gntr- anteei aijd at bottom plica a ill aulici ed before pnrchating elsewhen nnr it iioomtnohly asld tfal yo caniot mske sn honest man believe hat wb te is black and nox txesa hntthoae sbo have jrrey hair by using the ctudtl si baia frtri wit will find hat this i p parenidifl onlty is easily overcome i or safe iy j s mcqanin 60 cents ler botu fa jct wool goods chrisl io hendsrtoii f uo have roonived sad willcueta in a few days an immriae stock jf si kinds of fancy wool goo is compisin knit shawls oloodsc etc i u of the latest detigns and slisd n these got at are extremely bsndtobe tnd 1 rill l told at very elotett prie hotting impure or injurious eonta n inatet the popular antidote to pan ibroai tail lung remedy tnd gtneal porreetlve dr thomas eelrotrlo c il it nuy bi used without toe slight t appn heni ion of any other than salnti ry eons uen ses congbs rheumatism ei r- ache bruins outs and sorts suoonnb toitsaolhn tm t ul sot foret or jdtd wbtch ur meatus all aatier and wbloh hears t ie oonventioi al ntme of xleetricity it idel p redated abd recotnlted ai a meaniof toih tthont distatea u rfieet fn be formor0rthomaiela irio j la ahown by ibej oosebel o edoal tiiati erntl ant external xbromvhoutebow acknnledilut tmvtt patoobbtll 5 touret paia g jora thro i otitic kotf thiamw5 ofpiurre ctc btate bgrorbexi j 7aladae sultanas isiumi blaokb curra in baieels ft case almonds sglisli valnuti oranges aar88kwau dates oysters tidh a mce swwnieat of runcj i fidgeriag 0d hyr tarirt braid and ciau braitk aod t ih a jkanc 8pij i otatki mini brown bas qoodni in berliq lactkkmwbiile ialfrioiitffrnwaljjr wijlala jot tl cwplijiantfl of thi s noiltl lvtmonpwi citron pwl htvdsssu oaiinddooodi vmfa all of which we aie prepared to at w i fml rock bott wishing you ail tha compjimenjta of he season i cfeitsv exchange for cas t- w sfc ih v t mbrohant tajllor main st aqt02t ftttpli men m k of tmtfmt lritjkmtk omatllutwmt utl whtltuhtmrt ovaraoata flaot txafmrfml m obartutmtl prim tuk libaafcu r e elson i ami preparsd to let oootracta for tha de- livery u telegraph pules ioc ana apwards to lkx it itatiopi asarast to the ooorract- k 0 wheelee acton oat rpbk omkclllasablp toatsttttontfactm i oxjindtis il bag to infom yea that i will not accept my nomination for council lor sad if elected will not sal in that capacity kleetors will eonseobwotly ba kind raoagfa not to reoord aay voms a my favor v am yoomste ftil hb eimciilatttp tort hsefcrsoaf oaxjlxmkt i take this means e ia- brmiai you that am not a sandldtt lor tbs co mcillotship and bortppaitiytly hot reapeotollr deeknt tb accept the mtama- tioo and will thank yea to raoordsta vetsa in bv behalf f i l qoalph k v its ilel ths and nfcmad the eanaieiiaadal aotaomlilllll thi cec5jii4ttluiir iamyoarstral rm ibjafaintfel k- dssn taaarsbyiafara wl bseki this vciflhgr who dta sa that the iillirfll aatsa aitsamaf tie sr or eikwul do walle iiii vclwwstvtfstm iflm- iy 1 1 stttlf aceoastt fjlmobbpw bkowrav m brow ilj tkwroi stlaifathauafiiot aborsjaoais smitbana y coods d a mce auortmept of fa agton ontario -10- i ate l millinery boots sc shoes etc opf rtfwlydojchttaffo ja dry gjooda u i mihinery hcaste enabutw to tw h aatl what it wantwl at thia te -ikii- -t- a ta tmmhoi all kinds onr object is to pjaoa bef wb of ault oetwi tha beat inakat iewi tulapai art atktdfor cidemd aaatww itnata e nunae ttce er r 6 fi kv i ri i kaabtet mt stand toil wveryone beajdei wrirnoou being itaafe laten ahrajra ba depenjed on to givn gooda ititiaotion at tan be tettified bj thmistnds who hare vda ar 1 oota far f two ar tr iwtniit tha togeaw with oar b j pricsa lacexbntt fox onr jamtma talea i i i womshb btmbk awj mcirto i jifbfctroga boots fbo mi88bj womnfi a j v r tor mi femtatet i from 1100 tm 1s0up i- orrcbs shirts a drawe mknotohoblboiitp sladtbr e-l- btct r ft 1 t 5 m all nlsw wifil