Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1881, p. 4

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msl tacasnat moiui xo ifcc 23 itu x- vtajtg iii yv i- thftiie press m i v- issi mrtorv 1 what dob 8 it waiter i in tiers little jere 1 was liom or i my tarvnw ere rich or jtnor g whether tb shr ak at the wld worlds cera or walked ftr tbi prile oc wealth aeenri tot whether 1 11 rt enhooeet men add bold my inl runty la my clateh 1 ullyo brother plain u i un it ma teri math tt nutters little bo lrtij i stay in a world ofo gw an ud on i whether re yoath i am called away or lire till say b aesaad pate an w j bat whether 1 do i a best 1 can to soften the weight of adversitys toped on tba ladad cheek of ay telknrntao it matten much i it tmrtten thtbi w rere ha my grate or oa tba land or on tie ea i fcy parainc brook or veeth tba atomy vara it matters little tor naught to me i ftut whether tba atgel death cornea darn and marks my brow with hil lining touch as one that hall rear the victors crown it matteramoch i u omtosrm rjjaobineou kindtf or niawhl for tliirfl and ireaihrr proof kr jilla auofxi xfberv making are raw leaf at lf in ltkxb4il lha 19th century 0 annua tritrrrionit ctirn kihkdt wtll you to enjoyable htlh it cureroalarth bill alllother i the tame time pride 1 par for aple by all druggitta and ml daalar il stamp or 4s page pajiiph let containing sss4itvhjiijsiwi i9 during october aid rtorember erer the aalea of taoeer tad somibtt imo i morning natll night although ther 4te aboil f ivtkae a lames uost of of etronriosltdowatthvutinthffooohuri provided tor thai tbofwai i hat given bin a tnorougbiluowlad of the best markets of the world ifr bati i nti be g iu wnouatlag to of m 000 k tore lowest poailhle prion the myegnlenfro to ertl bit goodi oao gat all kinds of dry qoodi fa ng treatise on utarrhj and certificate or the cared tol b uakd1su donilnioo ajait tkockrtlle 0nlj witless aalnoreaae fc riafftmt htmsktt tbefty rm 55- st ijtefs mrp hi j- y ic jtwrmral atpdn 6a aaob man ilea dolmana draiteurjderolouli ina etc from tat loweet to ibatti j baat 0 skbta i nerar could aea the uae of babiea we hare ooe at ourbouk that belooga to mother and the thiuka erervtbing of it 1 cant ase any thin j wonderful about it all can do ia to cry and pull bur and kick it hasnt half the eeoae of my dig and it cant even ehaae a cat mitliet and sue wouldnt i bare a dog in tie house but ther arc always going on about tire baby and tying aint it perfectly aweetl the worat tiiu about a baby ia that youre expected to take aire of mm and then you get acoldcd afterward folknajr hejre jtuioir 1 just hold the baby a minojte thats a good boy and then u soon u you hare got it tbey lay dont do that my goojnete gracious the bar will kill the child bold it up atnight yon good for noth ing little releb v it i pretty hard to do your best and then be acolded lor it bat that is tbe way boya re treated perhapa after im dead lolka will wiali they had done differently last saturdai mother and sue went oat wmake oaju and told me to itay home and take care of the baby there wia a baaelvill match but what did ihey caret tbey didnt want to go la it and eo it made no difference vhelber i went to it oe not tbey said they would be gone only a little while and if the baby waked up i ni to play vith it and keep it from crying and be aure rou dont let it l wallow i j i fe ii v fina of couiise i had to dolt the bbywaa aoucd asleep when they went out ao i left it just fur a few eninutee while j went to see if there wma any pie in tie pantry if i was a woman i wouldnt be bo dreadfullysuspicioas u to keep everything locked up when i got beck ob atair again the baby was awake and tu bowling like he waa full of pirja bo 1 gare bun the first thing thai came bandy to keep him quiet it happened to be a bottle of french polish jwith a sponge in it on the end of a jarire that sne nasi to black bar shoek because girls an too lazy to uae tbej regular blackingbrush the baby stopped crying as soon as i gare bim tab bottle sad i sat don ip read tie spung peopli the next tiniel looked it him hed got out the sponge snd about half bia face was jet blade thbi wti v nfm at for i knew botaing eonld get the blank off his face andwben mother earns home she would say the baby jwas spoiled and i bad done it now i think an all black baby ts eyer so much more stylish than an all white baby and when i saw the baby was part black i made up my mind that if i blacked it ail orer it would be worth more than it erer had been and pet baps mother would be erer ao much pleased so i hurried op snd gare it a good coat of black yob ahould hire seen how that baby abinefj 1 ibe polish dried just sssoon as it iu pat on snd i had just time to get the baby dressed again when mother and soje came ia i wouldnt lower myself to repeat their unkiiid language when youre been called a bordering little villain and as annatoral son it will rankle in your heart forages after what tbey aid to me i ofidat even seem to mind aboat lather bat went up stairs with nim almost as if i wss going to church or something tbat wouldnt hurt much tbe baby ia beautiful and ahiny though the doctor says it will wear off in a few yean nobody shows any j gratitude for all the trouble i took and i can telljyoo itianr easy to black avbaby without getting it into his eyes and bair i sometimes think that it is bardly worth while to lire intbis cold and aqfeeling porli atkent ikertl stalker lit art jou dlitufbetl si night and broken of jour real by a alck jhudjsuderlng and crjinj with the excruciating palp o cutltnj leelhf if loioat oooeand get a bottle of mrs wlmlowt tjootbing syrtrp it will reltere tbe poor little tuflerar immediately depend upob it there la nomlitake about it there ia not a mother on earth who has erer used it who wtll not tell ou at once that it will regulate the boaels and giie mst to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like maglo it la perfectly safe to use in all cases- snd pleasant to the tnate and ia the pre scription ofjne of the oldest and beat female physicians and nursea in the united states sold errrywhere at 25 cento a bottle flolloicayi ointmcni and pilu old woonda sores and dicers daily ejpertencs congrmn the fact whicb baa triumphed orer all apposition for forty years via hhat no meant are kuovu equfl to hollowaja remedies for curing bad legs tores wouadr diseases of the skin erysipelas abscesses burnt sdahls and in truth all maladies where lbs akin is broken to cure these inurni- itiea quickly u of primary imporlanoe as compulsory confinement indoors weakens the general health tue readj meant ot cure are found in houowaya tin ment and ftlla which heal the sores and i atpel tbeir caue in the very worst cases uie ointmaothis tucoeeded in ejecting- a perfect cure after erery other meant had failed in gtring any nlief desperate diseases bast diajilay iu rirtuear 1 ystxow as iimjiia the complexion in case of unchecked liter oomplalou culminating in jiundioe is literally as jellow aa a guinea n it baa thia ap pearance because the bile which enables the ootels lo act is directed from ju proper course iuto the blood in boo neciion with thia tymptom there is nausea coaiinz of the tongue sick headache impurity of the breath pains through the right side and shoolder blade dyspepsia and oonsupatioa these and other coaoomitaota of crer complaint are completely remored by tbe use of northrop lrtnana veget able discorery and dyspeptic oure which is also an erkdicant of scrofula erysipelas salt rheum ulcere cinsre hunroura female weakness jtundioe and lumbago it tonea the ammjich rouses the krerand alter relieving them causes the bowels thereafter to become regtilar high professional sanction has been accorded to it and it claimi to public confidence are justified by ample evidence price 1 ou sample bottle 10 teae ask for northrop 4 lymjaos vej tab ducorery adddjspepticjcure- the wrapper bean a nosums of tbeir signature bold bj all medieinr deal ers uu br isatamlrfl i of dry oop ricorotl ulotbs linoleums and almost anything and anything they reoulra at this ea can always get iba vary lafrittmsalol and sw rrirkh bu plain figures at the lowest baa pflew v a tnarabtiaof fair thoold any mlilakebe made o sn oreciisocuj it wljvba mt right ll ths bl lsbtgbt rt j thev will b treated plllely and will ot be teaaad to buy mora than tbey require wimmmetmmmtuma3uftna9rrtmtieei ketaeabn llebifhthuuiuonkuiatmateealtelcmtohagaaasteetiandthenameu r i hanlltob d mb 1181 thomas a splendid line at s900e also a finfi selection of tweeds diagonals beavers and pftbsidbitts i aoiifactured in tbe best f style at the lowest pricei east end clothinq store 1 j ftfeaoton th at t lie eiilt hwiae oiswwi liar erjormousraoiasa at tbaj rarr lowest ohsasiaal fbod serrteea ilejetas aaabe sold to wr 146 taej lah and amerloan styles to be oj dl thej know also that watklna system 04 marking all hb floods la waub b agiarsa ctlt 0 watrin8 bamwj ephotoqraphlort ipipm maltopepsyn ilo jtjice t la printed oa tba label a i reoistekbo at ottavi alttartiplcial gas this is not a patent medicine secret rexnedr the formu ached to each bottle j if altopepsyk cures dttpeptia indigestion lcs of appetite iateatinal ani wastint diseases constipation nausea j chronic diarrhoea cholera infantum and moi 3f infants troubles which generally arise from the stomach so cents for 43 doses or about 1 cent pjefloose regular auad bottles containing it mi with dose measure attached 50 cents for sal by all chemists throughout the dominion n avoid taking liquids of any son more thin is absolutely necessary to quench thirst a he excessive use of liquids is tbe cause of half the dyspepsia m the world maltopepay is a powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to tbe stomach tha actual gastric juica prescribed by the leading phttidanj throughout the dominion in their regular prac i f 1 is bow bslf prepared than erer to eiiente artlltie natmrntai f aaldseerirstthemcsdiaaaoiuudaprioes batiafaosjon always grresv stbreoscopic vtews always uj stock ia great variety walont ctld and bautie prsame supplied to order on abort notice l i taie k look at hit vindov full o tamplu of all kind spundid ttotk af fsamis lor the holiday trade u ii tiee maltopeps is also used to a large ealent in hospitals dispensaries and iifirmario ossdra ikcflou of tmtawwlau recttveo f top ptrnicum waxiacx n s 4- 1880 the maltopapsyn was given in amarked and distressini case of fitrliresiion with th w btreet oeernh moat rapid pleasragaad beneocial results i z w kemptok x d i i f rf 7 v i 1 anrloxw oataaii8o tbe maltopepsys i obtained from you has far more than answered my antidpatiou haviag tried it in two old and very obstsaatav -jiarm- iann of indigesuon i fcwad it eo act like j g lfckehrfitvlavd anohbe merry christmas r niok son of the eicehuor bakery are now preparing for another christmas and are getting in snch a stock of confectionary- fancy siflctua c3uisttmas cakes kotabf all kinds cwamte lemona pigaaad satetv jr bonbona afiwiliwat oanned qposw cio- aid everything eba to ytspetaa waa r iictertefore aownjtoiahon iresh ble4ims oaess btoi alwayaonlaod j we60mgakeq a specialty and orders filled ion the shortest notice ybwslbj band fresh ej nicklin tson b on all bread bills at present iinptid ronst 1 settled by the kew year without fail en 4 8 caaiaur 0tjaa 1ss1 i have eaed year maliopepsyn in severe cases of imligeatioa awd isamatritios l idulta and diarrbcea of children and an so well pleated with the results thai i hare at itxuctedray drnggiat to keep a tnpplyoahand t vreade mm i v i athloki okt tec jo isjo after giving your maltopepsvn a trial in some of my worst caaea tor which it wa rccomeaded i am weir pleased with the war iu which it acta continue to make a roc irticle like tiaf now in use and it will be i universal favorite r hamilton m d call o w htili i h o l s5l b tt 3t tot here i am with a uphoi3tuiy froa fc- stock of all lnda of r to pswt ftott yoa waot eemething new nea and attractive m the line of tjphotatery er rtt alsaals raw ttajsmmaraaflve sac ataio x bare hst irasts im wut dontjerget that we make tbe beetinphobtered good to the iiiarkes sad at thaj lcreatlrioea ordered work a apecdattjr sipi oitb chair haaiesons block dpper hazen morse toronto for siale by all druggf8t6 andf j h mooajtinn i aoton- f- i a- ai mrxoow tta great ri aajjy btsafit r iaetei8ual of neiryork oity i and actor wa iig i tbe great oeratsn dtwtnstralned lb testify r tba bendit of otfaers aj ri eine goods xraas and new years presents flor oapa in otter saaj ferinan lamb and miajc storeyby lined kid olovsa and mitta i t rjcgadlwrohiefe tiea and special announcement for month we have drtebmined to clek out oub rkmaikto btoct of winter i dress goods mantles itlilliiiery to effect oar rtm each a sweeping reduction will be it will repay every lady from all the tnrrounding rillagea and towns to visit our store inapect our i goods ascj prices and smart oirs of tis ohap olmap fcrtla 00 we aft net inuring outlyh but ipund toitfl goodj wm 8tewit fhdr twe h0lt0a8 ttoh3 woesfoitd stock big bargains big mti of licbt at amawut 1- t ifobbaiae at xs eemembeb thbstim itlga rtkelawmlllsu aetaai j gghaotlv i 11 x iilsizes j lara jest seeetred a aplassdm ooiimiiies brt vada evw omai to the people of aetooasd rjebtr aegtj prieea ssdteftbealawt eaiaaaeaatteteataisatrriee etibtmmeuiitb sawa bava alaoa dieeajasnlmmil cf tsvjtms rusmm ml l avometwp for dfihr i i astum j 4 pfnftvjtsliuin9ry big lot of nbwjolotbs ofbedynjadepi9wiiwand0tarooatb but lotbfkew sods to lit tdhnr winoeya big lot of new oottona tmtnr mints ibttlxrtof new boots bjtj lot of mew lts laotnewhosiervaariolotes nr ii s wgfm honaaa and stooka sad the cheapest in the wait wa tt will give bargains in aeraapartmanl 1 ordared cbthiag depaitmentia one ot the best ia the eeantir sjocd ftlees icihnery and autntls department ia atrrrintandby a lady of ex- ssttjacnay qbo hufaii sv llartoa ladui wku gnt bttiut a4 xwsr tae 1 w il mm octet j ibthvaaempbbheta mam hie us as we will do iba traae wil cc tbera 5houaa mivmmmn burdock plood bitrrs hollo vvays tbuimxfmipjjdblgifpmoiitx auaadarett for icte weriakemjwas taroeasw th iftor tie nlrrstrritii mi can olaeo purify ragnlku arid imnwrll t af tsbleott my fiaihy cansjcdaaawavtam -m-a- fifttttsmllrig themiea iteitimaolnilia u ba nonow ayttenraa4 throw iito the clrealattenthe aanojt t sffia ltt- thms rf perao h atj thatbjfbert riae aeorej lteit to hwtaatreafhrmfter l mean badprsrradutsac rfllsar isisalraltxtulatetary bobsa- bimjaatnooien sarkrbard fiivvk

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