rtrtrimitfmim w- tilt i i al wuh iknm4 nnttra lighim- a i that jtiprii tmlwll utoatlrwy la immaculate pijrttjr ataiwls v an iknowjlha say variotieiiittrel witii mairjr iri i iwirattotl ty t wlilla ir tn m ill dajiilieat tirtkr uubaruisal br lntrttimfllioa i and 1 wawtbei raytmm invaded quit bnlllr a iroar tiie day vvjnle ymi eft iq jrcarfa a nucleated aoj dream ttv isoftquistitrirju trtt j kitw be j ir fottr ittk liisidea where 1 iut hand wtcllal each uiht while yna if- ni rwyour carriage- and dash in vair dresses subrgttt how i think 1 1 itkvuiy 110c awtidwuf yeiwuumlnoi nva miat little wuun iriiefly too ill ttanitv liclihiai cliatict utx itb you riow 1 fcp few fir htne nidi it order its freelimyrtii botlivranl uiitt j and keep iur fiat ktvs ue ii ijttll fatclull uiule y fuur upleldil uutt taw tm hon inside there is is eod morj told of isold icdbtn vn oi ee kcd a while man i- give htm a handful ur so of tubacco tbe next 4y be came back and asked vfor lite whiteinuii fur said li t fouud a qtatler of a dollar auicug the tobacco wtryjdoulvun keep it 1 aidted a bystander 1 fctrt it ijtioj man and a lad nun hre saidiht lndin pointing to his- breaat and h good una wv it is hjtuiiue give it wick to ihe owuer tim bad man 9 never mind y got it aud it f tujir can io- the good no jott must not ke- it so i duut know alat lo do and arwaui ward mil ilio y fttftswla livii ii hleufftj in tlootvilt ky botfi tb ahemus vyniil was inirodoetd to tl oolonh who mil eominrtidert miilailp i iiii wn i lim was i rliftlli vvht mclilnrtlmm did und ifflinnood jntf pve vna toniiu iiki cl lhn ii aa i jirm frlnjrm m hull phc hint llic uoloncl inn like mp ntiri xot lik n uinrnnill af itifl nufli plpiitl1 trhnran pliinmiiiii aiifniua willi altlpriat olrfl ihiil lit jti iiikn giiiinfi thinua niixfil ulioit the 1tt4 jsjifcj nl v wlikajokra l hi llml ihf htghi llrthgmtojilvp ii vnnird mbri ihnff l ln in tilr ur uudir iniaothbii ileitkuin ff t v tv lion tke txtrtedo f pirvsflicd hi air citlan cnonl staol kd i n tn f i l aim il n from 6jj l lo l8 enormous reductions i wltkriii btiii t fttt ooo to tj od inn mrb of jooli oj bimd whloti hjjt iji wiiluiubtllkhuitriiftlltofom6imlflik to ami ulanlfi mfiiwi down fna m to frlm fcjitttlful fhb tttftt grst tj t l it j lu m ufn du wrwbrfftot wrwrmtmil rtwn i wn km1mrfp buh i trgm jfl 2tny mr in riftn from m to obmh irottr fwilodji wtorattji eifo fvtr uualin marked tf lew munll- cloha rf ic1 50o p rtl mm i ittllj jijrkiiti rnjiirj fslzfiz ifdufhi 240 ldl kid jhtira willed o lndlri mil p nt rnirrcber thai tin- irwinr jirlja jiiaf at ihfnl nrn yoil mfl i rare to bay ll it lin ihr rnntllr h down and tbe natnerh llfo- hamilton jan ulh 81 l n well known idoei not iirtk raiievl to a roceut eommnnloa- tlnii he wjitn i da brehy eef tify thail rtnvrfd terymikiilhemv llm arm neuralgia ilurtot lb fall uf 1st9 and tried many rtmrdlei hn lilteir imy goi infulu iliad lienrd of m jacolia nil and concluded lo try it j mori ns on experiment than wuh aiy imp ol pnou reaulla i cnn win vpeal ileurocunimeni it fooihera tor tlieieason llui i knlw il curel uie sucli mi emphttic eiidnisennil comlirg liom one of ide very rnrpinoiltiiwyeiirot ouratiie well nud irirllr known cnni iilli il a degree or itupirriiirce mid augceiivpnof ftfich cinnol horer- efiumileu watjiiitgtou tudj gaxttu th6 highest lowrra ia ui rworld are uioacnl the tolognetjiiihetird 5j4 eel iir equiviilefltlo 49fiolkaerln taloon pis iirookn ilolloteait nilavair blooh wlfn ihe elood u pure its eircuiiion culm and oqualile and the neifeswell sitting we are well ii ee hlls iofaa a mtifelih power in securing llifae eotiiliflls or hoiillh by pniilying regu- iming ami rengilirnihn the lbmla and solids llolowys i can be rrm- flditillj recommended lo all persons userinc frvini disordered digellon or rriel it ncrrous fudciea cr neunilgio pains they correct oifity and heaii bum dispel sick hedtche quicken ihe aclion of the liver and aiilna alleralirea and gentle a orients the- weak and lelicaie ray lake ihem wilhnal fear hoiioways pills are eminently service able to invalids ot irrit bieconmilulion as ihey raise tle aclion of ever organ ovecqtsv oyffaatg a spljendid llis at 000 also a fixe selection of tweeds diagoiials beaver3 and assidetts htnnofnrtnrfd in tbe bft ofktle nt be lowest prirrr east endcilothing store s fyfe actojn hmnlilwfm ilda auii sriiaiftartimmfottitet ik kauedow fr wlitt wj- 5ss5jsvf lblok hllk mm libm down from t j0o 4nt p i it gjwflwpwj elllngal ha ullttltmu fri jin vfr io sos mid rroavllll t j6n v ff mf low jd jjjgj thomas 0 watkiks hamilton lots of hciit day iad sicfit taan any koi not yot ruiiai dout kiiowlatl i lo us natural standarvl slid universally 1 lira 10 al the good and xerciso a calming and stdaliue in bad lutu kai uiking all uilit andjlluence trouble me mid now i biiug the tuccev r2 back li golxl lktihe lil liidim we latt good and a uiiuu within the man ia temptation the gofxi man ij a lot couacieiicv and ihrv kinii ulkin f rl a i suuere hlid agalljal ulali things that e do tvegr day who wins that is the qiirftian kndthe ittisaei dtcida a cjitlds char actyr for the lifr to come who in sund np for duu djwu wiih kinl wrwtle wifb lemjti tiunianfull itrvr uever gire up the war till von win kafhrn bolkrr malacr are yeu ilislurbei at night and nraken of yourteslbya tick child sufleringai d crying villi tbe excrueiit mg pain ol euliingteein if so coat ooceaml get oaa moolbing tbe poor utile pend upon it j an aetificl j this is not a patent medicine ec lched to each bottle 6731 b 49 a good mu jiic fleeing from hi eneuuva na ii ayiije cive ahich le fcoietvi hoping to tmfie from his plljpra hi had iieen hiding a very utile wlnl wfien heaaa a spider veiy busily engaged wearing it web across the opeimg of i ms caves moo th later ofi has pursuer came la the boot iaaicare let n search cticd- geein it so coat lit of mrs wlrislo fit wil rliere tb eifimmeili ueldeji ppsym tava v3 srrio ju tcx reneiy ibe formula is printed on tb label i i mattvpeps rv cures dvspepsis indifeiit iss r f appetite intestinal ar- wasting disease constipation niciia cferni di irrt a cholera infantum and m of ofania iroublo hhth generally itix fioa the stucsch 50 cent8 for 48 d0ep ofj ad cut i cent fefi dose 1 hejular sized bottles containin i j on with fay all chetpistslhijragfjcrat the docinln r t aicjdjakilniccfanyiorlbrelh e sew cmbdrnii it terhd tstaltf to tl ik apparatus and tbe liter i vtf almost fmftaaujrtsiflutwobl results ol dyspepsi tnf tadthtltpl r zopesaiiri tttety day net irexy house itaeuigoatiynd qiuowziess costlnaoss tcsebick headache di tor tubgy71a4 oj thei heartburn fains pi the tsick want of appetite bxrtyiiotr bpxatsj fa i bcti it invigorates the z ties olf all svrplnsboekjfutftwm trowels and gle tana tettg whole system j v ji cat this ontaad taken to yvus ti i i ii tnl u ill ibjj 41 i r dtugpstbbatmaljcobxamipie oralrgebetae for7boants6ad uufgwpeii mli a new-b- latrjf iarnp ift t eatinmftat mftti tateiat ork kwoaap at auyitlljx la capsiinsl neeuvd fo viiiirfariijrqr ikavaraiid ivij i at ittf bj ihe idn1lltm avrn wlnel baym aseljilrla wt d cprjwhi re inw ik rr pirn t a em wora in rralifapkrt ttetlrae- nr alfoar wnolr uiitp ip q lmaaten- y- n eahlire at hoiba n4 ii tbe wortr n there is no mulie about it there is i theeicsie usabaf liqakis is the caflaetbf half ihedspepsia 01 a mother on earth wio hapverused is a rxsweet agreeable big lot of new millinery big lot of now cloths big ldt of readymade clothing and otrerooats i w lot of new dress ioods biir lot of new winceys big lot of nrw cottons bullet of newerints btelotofnew boots bi j lot of new carpets bis lot of new flannels btelot of new fancy floods big lot of new bosierj and olotes s infat i one of the biggest houses and stocks and the cheapest ll the west we wlli give bargains in every department seat onr ordered clothing department ia one of the best in ihe oonniy good ached 5 cents for sal ftu ifpnc f an al lctclv necessary lo- quench hint a its nrld tadfeakhir millinery and ifantle department il etrnerinteod d by a lady df ei it who will not tell touatonoe that tt il regulate ihe boeuand jtive ret to the mother and reliet wnd hillli to the chid operating like migic it is perfectly sale lo netn ll spd pleisint to the taste ndi tnejita- seription ofne of ih oldest and best female physicians mid nune- in the fjiled suits sold everywhere al 24 cents a boltie on ifiy said another he can not be there fur aie there is a spid sreb it ia erident be has not passed that opening with this tiler left lo etintinae their jinnrait and tthc fugitive gained ttdio to reach a safer shelter v s39l7s to quit chewing tu quit drukiug tu quit atnekin to lire on ili ode meal ft day to get up iwo hoars earlier erety- tnortiing i to keep yopr handr clean to wet- a fieau col hi r j j- to keep your boots hacked mod or bo mud i to steer clear of the blooi to pay lha printer to buy ueidtd things of home nier- tbanls v fo stop backhittng tolie a utile more kind to be jiisfct toienptjsjir rr to tea man i bent wjjnea tl 7mfif a little bojf ofiuf iriiintancs was ning past a liquor saloon the door of jhsikfirvfyi ns tik bjiirt thel dog unt knowing toy belter isrntlin- bdsv tfii j iule master sras aoonfter him with thefullowing piece uf good advise iff come ootof there spott j dont be disgracing ij ttmuj j stn makes hiihfliag whiakey does for a man utojnke fnnp a brute j jrj4keaalrritst t aa tbdoeed to uy or thomas eclectrio f bestphicle t lit f lelltav nd prlj tti smimitilw mm wbioh troubled me ir yeairs sod ttutrod it ibe jured pit has beeoa iwfcojtave ectric oil to get imjjat tiaaore bo not d 4f laitg 4tjilnii ailedaad sorrdjjtlil jrprtvlni8fack g6ldj tlalli yepsy d eisrty lavea scpples u tha stomach the actual castiic juice perienoe ability and eoortesy prescnbed by thelelirc psrsciins tsntiotil the flrniftion in iheir rrcnlar prac we cordially invite the public to patronize ns as we will do the trat e wel or them mahopepsyn is iso uvsl t- a liye ettenl in hrspihls disfrnsarirs rxd infirinajici i treciatm ct testutttlals eecaveo raa f3tjc- i j waliacr n f r i ifeo i the maltorarprm was rren in a invked and distressing cie vf tir i r v th most rar id pleasing and benendalresulis z w ktkn 0 u d oil rarid pleasinr and beneficial results i o i jjr i r tnerifahomarrii i cwned frevi oa has ai tiirmfixi jairej 1880 l ir mcw thtw smswed mfthtictpalienl havinf tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i fonnd it lo set iik- 1 jhmn c mckenna m d mammoth house ittoleoi derson ft co fy cjthc to make jnji jr ilii wiii al- vjyt at tjrnlnje ot vjcoojenc iiiaie- n m iyhatart d nr illr b cotv ir muij vthu- liis who d i in it ir -vi- f it e inm ietaitufii- tr w van mn mh- wtimen twy l unllrjii to wtt lit i riil in their iwu 0ktiie5 anj-n- ran uote wo it roper ij- trom lh- flrt tnar 1t tjonlnen will ercrirc out m tunhd fiv- xo nne tieiice thtl nq mue and it will he i mrtvml utonfe r hamlltolf ifd vfto en e fail io mat- m n7 rapidfy v a can dvol virr lfo hint tfcttit- wnrtf r oti snare raininti full infoi-raa- ioatiali that ddjni fr e- adjreaa fcitsaos i co roriumd sjaint cvkbjut ovr jan i8i 1 i hane nted yoor miltnrerrn ifl severe at of ifviinetf ion und vlnatriticul idalts and jdivrhcca of children and am so we pleated with the re ivjt i tmve ii knicted my druggist p keep a rppplrqn hind t wjtliahe fcj d t r j 1 1 -ar- j x- a j atmloka okt dcyi8o anf maftnrihtn im1 h nai hf rar woftt cues for bcfaitr fecmtnended i unwell r1 ih k- jt in s a ct conitti o lrvt a fot nif r minrto iili pi sn n p fei- xoodemn kllto mk etttrbtnw ty fi puiffl k ldc citn ujmitmi fre- ilin f ritlnti fftjilv iw hnrot mblr atdr tbo ox aoptsta jjajn amerigijn r5- ahd 5 canadian iva j u bmd kmmibj mm ravl trwe alrfc rnjrirliif etc r r tf ulitci ktu unafa iuln enriitrt vnirf fiqrtna n e wcbave iailtfclrtj are rean exprrleitl iaieiiohlaiiri urouii n are nikerfin he iciejnrnc mrricav- thl iiree nd ilendii minid avckij- rpr iijsj a venr ihnri te- loirrpfr i nw i rej in preilcranf1 iaifrifnnf nmnclrcuuilon -ar-f- muk i cu i u-nl- wirhnr p h lirif cievrrric xfiafc ffl ihric ilnw rwyoiir liaiid bir about patents 6m fre- hazen morss j j rortsa bval j mcoarvin toronto miistsanol acton we siewaef 4 1q special anmouxg extent for this if xlie only medicine that sueeeufirllw ivrrifiel tltt blood acts upon the liver bowels skin at d kidneys while at the lame time it allays nertoui irritstion and strengthens the debilitated bysum ptrfectly sjd speedily caring biliousness jatmdlce dyspe isia codeii- pation headache bheurnatisai dropsynert ins and gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt blenm and every species of chronic disease i rising from disordered lirer kidneys stomach bowels or bljoc i i the best blood p0rify1kg tohic iii the wofil t aawreu tnk 1le 1 hrulrh t cfl 8mi jcarfs tcwiia b sftsvsiee aslvtaebwana ttoraa tawwer ia a safe woe and effccxaal ihaiuiu tt pries as ctntt s ha- ix sra iwlauias hew tseraettje urts an rarteef ai aver coke akwalbqr taej hava bo aqval plica i ceats per package t 66 iwnrk in yi r on imn optbt inf yriak kuvthlin failm mtrqiti wi will far mi oii ryltiui- vnn mafciw oruin k ltlie tnave k iltleh aa me bojn n- i cl rlf tnnkt nit nv i id i iiii wntu n h kfiiptc jit wlilcli vn cn tn- k- grftu i y nil he i t iimj r nrjt ii fvr inn no hi lull mallkticoi nriln i4mk m- rtdalls fepavf ctlie tbe host sarcemftil benedr ever motpr- ert f li i e lawlk lit ik fffcia a oil doe not bllktr reaitfbtfbeltr kendalls spavin cure exiraftfmmrleherwrmon mt qrilt- hhv frtlp r ffthyjjrjceft weekly weib pirerof ucjky aa n encourjittuml loyou njiice hie adtajtmeni ofiknriahi sptriii cure rtrn sppeareil 10 jour pafr uia liinrcd inlntr have hcen asihr h anil id til canes iohtid nrouud ni re ituas ncjilev ewimdra il in a perfjet narrem nmong lojared miners yoarbtrnikicaah20wex4 ocean unt pa- april 20 if j kendalls spavin cure thonaqd of uiulft on qamnfa flesh hi prore j bei odn dfmifcf that fceadairi rparlk cbfehirmfliaientri rtifls to peoelraia aiil i tlrivettxctlrelthr oraccaaof rnenmjiima 0itntt1jinyon frotbllii or any hraien rat mamnsftwucij lire jyit aflefijftiluhe leastt hr hrdlnqrjr dllmenla it 4 die oat bifier butun lbecofiifarj retndteftllot- jlsiidaai rfjavii cure kt johcf poci 2t lffl dr bj kexdalld co ucnt i hvtj ohi yonrsitavn cure with jlreatsriccu on j kp4vtncdrtrait sphnu i know k to he a igmd r tngy far ilcgoohes tone ipflrlna i 1wwt we have deteiumrcfib to rieak oot our reaiaikikg stock of winter v i dress doods mantles miiline y to irftvct our aim ncl a swdliilij tinlutnoii will i mad- in prie dial jtii ituwtll rpa pjy lhlyjnjiu all the iiicriiiiudingvillagtw and towns to t kit our 8ion iuact our oj oootkj and priles and i r swcur aorn 6t our cheap cheap bargain we ar not leaving quel jhbii bound ii nil gooii i- i wm stewart a co harsjbss trtjlve iepot ukays kpecifii uedivine thaorealenllalibniedy anitirli rwnreforsinliial wrakie rftperi parijtfiqiiritui snttldne in harness or tronlii to save auoney should c co to oreeo h lacton watfj l i ct 13whlajiihbtimetotjepy nf wel ftfflbdugws ittixa- ic n lufiiava ili mllo n n itqrtie f r if- h t -hucv- in m- m iiyuii wi khiilfwplii i t lao hii vr v t loip enturviu o unij beipi t nuny oi ier uijimuv i b leail tflli ti y or cuiiatihb i tlun- fuil prdlht in nr iarnphlel utleli ir- alit nenl fie tiy mhll tn vrrv tir 4tf 1 lie flpef nfl lftlcui i- iii by iii i if- iilnt lopr ka ij mx irkilff for pr i ill breni r-et- by niuii t re- ijii of the moncy bjr fid tinlitstt trjftnl hootauadadn olu by j e urfluniu urugi acion bndffod dictionary it how tin klnunor ifltone 4 hinny a ahootlitborie oneoimy l nnke rery bftdly i mp ndrfd jfibwtyoftvri cnle ohh ntei taw njtoldf wrtytcuicp it ho ll in a re i da 1 jfibtrtl in betxm for ma a- welt ir9f4t jirtvtirpd onri yinrtraiii on thehrrby bittil iurxrunrid i tulnk it w tbe mfana cfn ring uejltqn our- imfse lbnx i tteaiei acrordini lo trj iirctiou j cfrenid sour lvokfrdiptvtyl ulfle ymniriafiwilispzitobox endali spavinjcure send fld4re for lanlrej orcrar whliib w think flm potlflfrrjrsrtwf df lttvirw koxemedy basrvernei uhb aaeh unflaall oxinoibvtooat kbbwlelfm m wellumin 7 ptttsrprwueoiirixrjrmtw diixflimveiubrcnntf ir ihr yftn orit b haslett rjealer in staplie drfioods and qeral ro0er ska jnst opened a stock o goods va wltl tvseni biftn aadre hi ricfjrinrptic hvthe pnvirikiob in l j ki fife bkosmjiip ykils vt rlmm tkdiu mitt bilk andform i otnu fif sandkerehitj j a9rim ww ami f in j uoniton and p black 8pa lujiprit all dbnaqfsfs anon indjarfa- 1 all fijpt j juriairev cofotjav iw ffcrr3ii a tsatio tiu delsbnttd littir nwawswjrriroralu 9 christmaa sad sew tear trade tiktj wioiwry j ftsfleaswdsoriw wtteettpssat s sf tit u- wm iijrilfcrj i all fits x smuisiji- aaobsail ahuwin the mdr the ifl btnulhf inttltjibti leiprlts l remember theilm s i i- sir of the laip mill aujoail y f vt geo aotoh dec 2i 81 v ob bcbudltatc for wvtam aft e- all sizes ss son lilt- hollowa thisispoupaphtb am seciined or ataefailiaai taiowjail a world for tie cirre eaaoatanvttafwtosniidt porify rejulateanci iqipromavtl 4o4iir oftbabjood tle suath limtit i ogana qleanae tbt vv 8thaca aa aow lnrre4 in seorelqry iiwl9tsib liver bracei the nervtma m tpjfwfl throw tqto ibe ireqlaiioh b qat elerosnta tor ainnitnini sid taipairlm u trliin i l j v p ir thouaanda of peraons- riw i ttauatoi that by there use aloce ihet h sae befn otssfai the 0 int me inm si main 6taoidn hav iust received a pi mdiil rluent ol foart inejtinife tumors atj3jkaifaj boots yun 0 slgpik vowax s isaktilitnmenir f si fctoeim wt5y csjtvapd i wi jsjofel iter wnrra shasi iirkul jar5 6i4v ip