efsi fe is lie the free press tnvaasar uftuttm april 13 ims tthttotg vlovb mills awkneit saapased to be the wark or in thb probablb rbmain8 of a human beini fodmd in thb buins the gttat mills of messrs g e tolton situated about a mil east of this rillsgey tod known as ths gleni lawaon milu were destroyed by fir aboat fin ooloek lal friday morning the employees of a passing freight train swing lh and nobodyepprenllj aware of it ware the eknn by a pro- longed vbiatl of the eugiue this had tb effect of arootiug tbe residents of lie vicinity who found that the whole iaterior of the uiill was in hunt and that nothing coulctbc don to sate it or any of tb contents they at one turned tkeir attention to 3at tultous residesne which i ohlj about twent t feet from the mill and by alrenuotit exertions area it fruua tbe devouring dement at one ubm it waa thought be house would ban to go and tbo furniture waa all moored when ths miller messrs r elliott and e lrunbeft wpfk th nigbt before about sine oclock they locked tbe cill bat when the sr wus discovered the front door wai standing wide open and it is tuppoaad that a tramp or trsmps bid gained admittance and probauy while intoxicated bad aeeidentslly fired tbo i bidding jo nbatantiata thia belief a heap of charred remains baring the appxannca of- human bones was found in tie ruins on saturday afternoon but the wera so badly burned that it is impossible to say wbeibtr they are tb remains of a human being ornoi no other reason oan be given for the cans of tbe fire the mill was rabstantiallf built of stone and u the waterwheel and a heavy stone partition separated the mill and engine room th engine aod boiler wen not damaged in the least the whole of tbe mill machinery how ever is total destroyed iha stock in he mill including nearly 4000 busbels of wheat and rk barrels of boar is rained at 5235 tbe ma chinery at 3900 and the building at 3000 making a total loss of 412135 the insurance amounts to 7000 we undevrsundlrom mr g tolton that the firm will probacy rebuild and if so they will pat in new and im- prored machinery for manufacturing floor by tbe roller process the hoars tolton hava the sym pathy of the neighborhood in their heary loss actoa tillage council council met on tuesday evening present messrs 0 s 8aitb reeve d w campbell and paul jefvis minutes read and adopted mr d kennedy presented his rssig nation to tb office of assessor a petition from v7m swackhsmmer and thirtyfour others praying for a sidewalk on ttonge itreet was received and referred to street sad sidewalk committee more by d w campbell seconded by paul jarris that the resignation of duncan kennedy assessor be ac cepted carried moved by d w campbell seconded by paul juris that the sum of 10 be plaoedin the hands of tbe eeefe to be disbursed for charities carried oil motion of paul j arris seconded by d w campbell a bylaw far the appointment of assessor in place of mr kennedy resigned was read the re quired number of times and passed and tbesame of mr hemstreet insert ed carried cooasil then adjourned correction to dt bor stfe fret prut dtus siai in a communication that appeared in tbe mtftiahi bertld some weeks ago it waa stated that the late mr archibald mcjfsb of this place on account of some unjust treat meat left the presbyterian church i write to say that this is not true for mr mehab did not leave the presby terian church nor hid be any idfebtion 6t doing aoc and though there was a dispute betweoti himself and his minister here was no injustice on eitbar side bs kind enough to insert this correttion of the misrepmeataupb ia the communication referred to t remain robrs truly wilmcnab eramosa april lotb 1882 t r we beg tcsdriaa lhi indies that we bare added drew making to biir jbttsi- nesa w bare employed first clasa talsot wb bare an immense atock of dresstjoods to etroose from in bilks nd kao toiling sto wedding shd mourning orders a specialty mclebfl anderaon a co fjeorgetown qltfal plflf ft field cfomttowakons tu bditor icuit mi to opes kit cojasim for mrrrt dunitm qfallmatttti of pub lic iatnrtt does m koldlkuutjf ia a tea rtitomibbfortkt ojiiiaai cr rtvoadaah 1 i v- f- laore jkbont must m tertdht fo iajtar of tit fat veaai v dtia sir in visw of mtuib ttakaaiebts msda by tur mr ucdlaraiid ia jour last iane it is imparauff uatl sheviui offat a ftw wordi ot ssplafition 1 ragrst to bs compsutd to troabavami bat tb iatarssts of truth demand it 1 i daav that aa aaob xiwio iaiprw- iiin as bailladaa to aaiits ssotpt perhaps amonj a tw of his own folluwtra who are incapable at forming an indiptsdsot mi iateuigablt judgiacst 2 i datij that aaoh public imnrsssioa anooyt in 1 i dthr if lueh an imprsaaioa did eiist that it wiiild b wallfoundtd i i deny taat i iehajleotad him to n- tumq th discuatioi for ta nights m 1 limply said that u he was hca to continue ths debate i had amenunitiou anoagh for tea nigbt moie which was merely an oat tn tbe brag sod banter induced in in tht chrittian stutiiuli 5 i deny that a called upon me to arrases all tho preliminaries until firs days after be bad iu writing oonaeotsd to refer the whole matter to a cooimittae of fire and propoaed that he and 1 ibonld mrtt jw at lommitta oaf aow tterytkinorrajtd fi i deny that he called opou me in the presence of said oomaittaa but when i waa alone ia aiy prirsu rem ia s ttrangs houes sear erertoo bruung one of his eslent friends aith him j 7 i deny that my part of tbe said com oittee or the umpira ware appointed at the time 8 i affirm that ha called upon ma to demand that 1 should enter into a written agreement with him ss a oooditiou of hit gauw sway aboat his own basiasn instead of tkulkihg into my lectures at erertoo tc hod out what new arkaosata i muht ad- raace so tint be would bars an pie time before ibe debate earns oil to prepare to dodge them 9 i do not deny that i did then and under each arcnmauaces poaitiraly re- foss to aatar into any written agreement with him sad would do so again 10 i deny that it waa at that intarriew whas i proposed to lass the arrangement of preliminaries to a commitus thoagh hi tatemeat in yoar paper impuas that it waa for 1 made the proposal in the fesi paass of may ith 1881 and this interview took place on the 21 tt of jose altar he had agreed inj writing to accept my propoaitiooa of may 19th withont any modification wbaterer 1 1 i deny that it wu st the time of the abore intstriew that mr mcd oonesntsd to leare the matter to a committee thoagh hii statement eonrsyi that impression hie latter to ma consenting to ieate the matter to a eommittea and eppouitiag g tolton and g martin to act fur him wu dated jan 16th 1s81 it u now in my possession snd csa be aesn by any one willing farther to satisfy himself on the subject 12 i deny that under inch eircusutsncea he had any right to call on me to arrange all the preliminarie 13 i deny that be displayed any wiadom io doing so but the rererss h 1 deny that the way he bu etsted tip case b calcolated to conroy a trathfal impreaaioh to the public but the rery opposite j 15 i deny that 1 appointed two men on the committee neither ofrwhom were willing that the discussion ihould be re lumed snd who were not prepared to carry out my desires see below 16 i do not deny that i am not now and nersf will bey willing to jenter into s written agreement or soy otherkind of agreement with mr mcd or say other man who in professing to mass truthful state ments cahahootsoatrssdomand miss the mark so deplorably u he does h is a dangerous man to bare any kind of tranaao tioos with 17 1 deny that my nnwllliagnets to debate with kr mcd arises from say other cans than his diaagreeablensss of manner and unreliability of atterueer 16 i do not beliere that mr meds pre tended keenness to reaame i the debate results from the conriction that ood will be glorified thereby bat i hare reason to suspect that it wu for the purpose of pro- roking me to ear something aboat him for which he could eatar a legal action agaimt ma 19 1 deny that a partisak committee of our in the absence of the fifth man has any right to make or rsceire proposal hrere ac fyii man u appointed when tbe eols btuineu with which they sre charged ia to appoint such fifth man fi kr mcd wishes to sxpose his wisdom 1st him tell us wbst basinesa such sommitteisoomptent to transact 5 20 f bars redoested tbe twe members of my committee w h storey esq and t moore taachar to prepare a statement of the- sets of the ease aa ft pertains to them teey bar most cheerfully respond ed sad their testimony will be foand below yours respectfully t ljwnjtniaolr rax mtmni rtrmiosr hsring noticed s statement in but weeks fbxe pssss erer tbe signstae of h me diarraid to tbo effect that neither of ta terr aillaf thai tin duiutln in question ao be retimed and intimating onr on- wqlingnsss to carry ont mr i wilkinson vubeain the matter ws oerdujlly sabsoribs to tbe fouowdnr tstsmsst nf facu 1 ws do not deny that before onr formal appointment om said committee we iiitfr proved bf havfiibihe neighborhood thrown info a stats of ajitation again insreiy for jthe asaeof afwibgmf mcd a opporton- f ty of irttriermg hii lost ispstation as clebatarl to this m ware la aetfset aaonrd with mr ffflklaiea j i 1 we do most emphatttally 4h ikat we mat plased any obstacle ii ine way tt hs6bumieijpse4siynbwalla4 for the dbbats to be ntanuji after we finally aooeptsd the appourtaent ea the se4flaupr3litje mmm oommltteo an i aadsrsfeod that the ques tion wsisattls 1 i 8 wsj met 1 ftmedaoomntltue in good faith spjapfoti la fifth kan or unpin as u ifitd mr w badsgreed at that snmiiaws upxeued no ofpotluha to t la mamption of the debate ink hoasahy ulavsagmn an ampin 6 after ton s few h4 been rejected the whole committee agreed on either col paul juris esq or dr w b lowryi and ruuam msaalaa one of mr mods commit ke agreed to tee these men and ascertain rhether or no any of them would tares abd report tht result to tho rest of the committee 6 mr mssslit reported to ut soon after that he had failed in bis mission and si messrs mod and wu- arrange the matter between bich we agreed and so tb til altim flaaioits nicxxraon tbs 4tb itsl by her 0 a milchru tt a ssaltted law rer jss brolty of faliaertton sttte realdsjvc of mr q iwkllb unciaof the nloklln youdgett dsughter of wobard nlcklialwatflabboro ehxnoifin qutlph on the kb but har riet margaret infant daughter of rflber t rumpson printer htrald offlot sgd 4 mouths recommtaded kintonbelsft themseltet to matter dropt 7 we incidentally leaned recently that one of the abore gentleman had not been ipoken to and we have taken the trouble to call upon both mr jarris and pr lowry j and hare been launred by both these gen tleman that neither of them wen erer spoken to on the snbjeot 8 we infer from this that it bust hare been mh moda oommittee who wsn un trilling that tbej debate should be resumed and that they jrere funwihiog to ezeoote his decree j 9 on of mr moct committee at tbe abore meeting intimated that we ought to require from each of the disputanta a da- j posit of 1900 to defray expense of publica tion before the debate took place but as we wen met to appoint an umpire and not to make arrangement- for the debate the suggestion ws disregarded bs being told that that wu not the time for the transac tion of inch business besides mr mcd had proposed in writing to mr w that they shoajd both be present with the com mittee when tbe arrangements wen made snd we considered snob a p to be contrary to his v decrees 10 we hare ho hesitatinn in stating thtt it would hart been a poor eridenoe of wis dom on onr part if we had entertained proposal for the arrangement of preumi naries before an umpire wu appointed or in tbe abseaos of inch mnpin after his appointment 1l wet undertake to make good trery hertin tmooat acton april 1kb 1883 statement mad tvhite wheat treadwell old bed chaff peas oata barley bye gggaperdoa butter dairy packed butter roll potatoea pew per bag dretsed flogs wool i iciwx aawjirrs 11 26 to 1 s2 1 26 to i 32 spring wheat glugowoid 1 23 to 1 s iihiv miiximut a fauci ooodaeibub itox on tlmrsdsy friday and bat upday april 30th 21st 32nd messrs 0 williamson it co ooldnlioo ckolpb will make their bprbg ixhlbi- on of milliuery mantles and taney c oodt to wbiob tb rsadert of tbe fm pum are cordially inriiad a try handsom displsy will ba made a ha tars jkrehsnt wsrkworth tyitesif- hare told some bondreda bottles ol dr tnomat jsoleotrio oil and iii sronounoedby the public one of the best medicines tbty bare erer u ed it baa dona wonder in btaling nd reliering pain soretbrosl 4o and it worthy of tbe greatest confidence bty it is commonly said that you cannot nikt an honest man haliere that white bs black aod nos risaa hot those who rey bair by using tb ctkoilmi h bala lttwcs will find that this ap parent difsoulty it easily orercome for tare by j e mosanln 60 cents per bitue waet lbrar la atllas lit fellt t ke wise dr bliss if not sooeeuat probing lor bullets wai highly sdeettsfal in des patching bulletins j bul tbe grandest bulletin ol lucces is tbat which herald the wooerfuroorrs performed by bur- jeck blood bitlert tbst matebleas tonlo ind blood purifier which acta at onoe upon the bwels tbe skin tbe liter rd tne kidneys whil it inrigoratet d hrenglbeni tb whole tyttcm a certain senedy for cwnu jthi it tbe unlrertal testimony and 4presse by ereryooe who has need ptrnrms con exttaoroa tboosandt iucansifs bare used it wlib gratifying rejulle snd if yon will take the trouble lauk sny druggist be will giro you tbe- najmes f many parsons of your soquaint moo who bare been radically en red of he aorrt kind of eoro sold erery- ehsre safe snre pain leu and reget- hle in oompotition try it it nerer alia be ajtobibald uonab portnant te ateuea m of eisptar 107 of tba bsrised butolt a ontario notlet is htrsbygirsn tbat all xraditara sad otktrt baring olalmt saaioit tta estate tf amla aals monu late nfth towsbtp of era moss in tbsooaatybf wellington stone tnsson who dspsrttd thlt ufa on or about tbs 18th day of february 188 an rsqstet- ed to snd by poet prepaid sddrsued to tbs undsrsigatd at hock wood po oaorbe fonttstwatfthday ol msyisat a ttats- msnt of tbir naast snd addr s with fall partuislars sfi tbsir olsimt and the secontlts if sny held by them and that after the da lut sforeaaid tht admialstra- tor of tbe said archibald mcnab will pro- to durtribnu tbs useta oftbe said d- etasedsmong the partite entifjtd thereto baring regard te tht olsimt of which he thin hat notioe ao4 thall notbs liahls for th asetts or atr part thereof eodietrlbuted of whose claim he shall to any person bars notice at aaaforeaaid dated at eramota h not distfibsuob march ls8t time of this 23rd day of wiixiam mcnab rpuoioctibbkeu but the ohdersiraed has tor serrlet on his pnmlaes lot xf oooeesalun t xaqaeslne bear aoton a tborooibbrcd bnllwlih pedl- gne eveond hue of kent terms um for rnorooakhnd cows and gl oobrorsde t btneuyoseh alatfowii april uth u83w7t thlf week aatl tkrtoejh the aveaneb emr iteck f general dry gopfs millinery v boots shoes etc eto will fc fd cajpt freak ckelee aatl ckeaaj 1 17 to 1 u 0 0 to 0 80 0 17 to 0 n 0 78 to 0 88 0 70 to 0 78 0 12 to 0 18 0 16 to 0 20 0 20 to 0 22 1 20 to 1 25 7 so to 7 90 0 23 to 0 22 gtrcura taaaasts flour white wheat treadwll spring wheat glugow redchafli oata pea j barley kre i eggs per dos batter dairy packed batter rolli potatoes hew per bush pressed hon wool j 3 13 to get 1 26 to 1 82 i 26 to 1 32 1 24 to 1 32 1 17 to i 24 037 to 0 0 70 to 0 80 0 78 to 0 88 0 70 to 0 78 0 is to ii it 0 17 to 0 20 0 20 to 0 24 1 cvs to 1 is 7 50 to 8 00 0 23 to 0 25 aett aaa ctatftrt te iks latyertag browne houtehold panacea bu ia equal for reliering psin both in ernel snd externsl it cure fain in h side back or bowelt sore throat ioeumatif m toolbscbe lumbago and tnr kind ot a pain or aobe it will east surely quicken tht blood snd heal lit acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being i canowledged u the great pain belief w i id of double tbe ttreogth of any other elixir or liniment m tbe world snoold lie in erery family bandy for use when wled as it really la tbe best remedy m tjbe world for cramus in tbe hitomseb mot pains and aches of all kinds i nol it for sals by all druggist at 25 cent ill sarsaparilla aatteahstihtkaxleae s ass tea la at far as yeara aad has rorad lo tetti tea rrtnatanoaee the rba cktuveb cob- or 1h tacf u sal el statu tevbituilliitdutatersa thmttai atr test ana iwrttawaa rjattaaewl savwiid cri lassswasa aasaalkaai wbsmtanaa aaa otter weotao raloasee loots s ba kbsnkuy tewtshsvataa- hart th axsf owfcauceassicbtate fttisasittth toat bhamasa at at tar sellor afl reapocatblt dntnkss kwscai ar sb si tat a tar a qoait hottte or tat ejpu tor oconir tkct wto esasc etaala a eetoe ef i botl ft business brevities son facta aieat ear buslneea kaa sd bowses ef beaefrt te ear caaeral reader hatb from 76 oenti to 3sc at j fyfesj j for choice and cheap flame go to hughes ax3tifna acton a good felt sat fur 75 cents at j fyfet li dies rosdtlet newest styles at christie henderson a co if you wtpt a nobby durable and eneap tali i lyfet is tbe piao toge all kinds of iladies collar collar ettes and tiesj at hughes a qriffinr acton j scotch englisb snd canadisn saitings in gresi rsriety st tbe east end clothing itore l fyft acton hngbe a qriffiu tell hens fine straw hat at tic and upward fine chiisty stiffs at fl 90 newest style fanct woot good christie henderson d io bare received and will own in a few days an immense atock of til kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of tbe latest designs and shade these goods are extremely handsome and will be sold at very eloaeat prices mastlt oesammtj mantis cloths silk and salin trimmings at christie henderson a col bar value suit and overcoat at extremely low rate and msda in latest style be sere to call snd see them j fyfe acton wtscrrcompe1eiit judges pro- nsunce onr 121l wincey extraordinary value jszamido it oompare it and yon will be sur i to buy it winsera from se ap at christie henderson a cov mcqnltlsa t rfimllton of tht welling ton marbls work i ouelphont an doing tht wuestlrstail darblr trad in ont ow ug to tht fitet tb t they dd the beat work snd sell the cheti est the publie sre warn- ed seainat dealinj ith second hantftrsds iwddlera bat sboi id go direct to the- una or bay from thiir agents 8ee tbsltht natne m9q9iiu0 aj hamilton u on tb jriirted lorni belo eyno sign of order jlkkttls t nrutie benderson di col took of isfliet light and dirt mantlet just lecei red these goods arc frodyhe bei t ttakeri and comprise tuu rang of pficea tbey whlb owefisin j aka 1den tit t woo bare tried ta- irbr pononi w it tne finttt thing m tba face of this isrth for the tettb aatl breath ft cent snnples m drug stow jibess for debenttbes beaded tenders trill be reoeired by tb 1 sdersigned up to tbs ut of may nsxt for ube pnrebase of 5000 village of acton de cent payable tn- isajaed on the the fallowing marl months tendon will be reoeired far tbe whole ot say part of tbedebwntan so tender necessarily accepted c s smite exrri box 176 acton oat henturts bearing six per cent anally 2000 of which will be uth may tht balance during t will be reeeired for 1 1 atents secured isvestiasi henry grist galesmin wanted to begin work tt once en sales for i fsll of 1882 for us fonth1ll ncsuesies th larqmt in canada axa omef toaohto osr branch offices 1 9t- p jc isliir8drie3 fonthill ontario we can start i addition to onr already larie fores ioo additional oaavaeaara a id want more who can girt full tint to te basinets 8teedy employment snd good tileries to successful men it does bat mat- tar hat your prtriooi occupation iim been 4if yon an willing to workyour tsccest is a molt certain the beat of reference re oiired apply to t i 8toke ft welunotoif j xorsarymsa toronto ont ebbobh of t6uth a qeausana wjw insersd fee jean from perrons debility tnmstnre deesjsnd all lbs ncts of routtinl ladlieeuoa will for theukeof sufierllcbnaxaultr aend free 10 vi whqnewdlw the receipt ant dlnetioo tor kaasjsg te simple iemra bj w hick ne wu rar d hoswenwistuiittorroatbrthi ad- yenlaeia exparteaoa ean do toby addreaalnx u pertacrcoaodeace i jobs b uaoaw a cedar st sewavork our regular weekly pnrebsaes from leading dry goods nd jfilhnet yloasea enable a to show ib lataaf ntywmf iwf ntatofdtialtiiia ijuat what is wanted at this seasoa 6 j j ib slaaia 00a of all kind onr object is to plsee before onr eattomei tbe beat make at pricu at loa aim coked or old and undtrirabls mmdt si cb iafheksf t9ck 9t boots shq18 n m enablet ns to fit ind uit traryoee betides onr goods being msda np by reliable baaafaatbrera aan always b depended on to give good aatiataetion a ean be testified by thonaand who bar worn par boot for two r three aaaaona this togetbet wjth eur low prices toocunu for onr isnaienae aalea 1 wome7t8 button akd laoe srora fkom 10 tj1 men stoga boot3 fom 150 up misses womkns and sfbns oveesho8 from ijicvv i oar felt bmti aad alt boatafare the cheapest offered overcoats shirts drawers y mitts and socks tweeds vscarfe h all new and cheap jboots and shoes bttbbbbs bto ahfiw all sizes seniiey son mala mm aotea 3are just reoeired a splendid sttcrtsuat tf mu and wibtaw boots and shoes ilia bsjtrt vataa evar offarwd to the people of acton sad ricinity io bogus price adrertifed bnt a cenalae article aatered at pncei defylac eetapetltiob justom wort and repairtnf executed with despatch aad from the rsry best material astwe bars also a oioe assortment of rsvjrxs rusms yi foodi aldohapfer oaah 1 klntj i son acton in gnu oollara aad faacyy sod yahionabfe tie ws show flail lines liming kffir 8mwi ciowbg rvns rxct tvooavsf of julmjab havi been bfajwted with gabe ajfd economy i our milldtgry trabi toks season 1 quit surpass former year lieing more than donble thatlof last year our effbrta bar been o pleaae and we accept tiia ss satisfactory evidence remember our famous 506 tea ghei8tte hendebson ico reelvawteeipe mr a simple ainfffaioti- r prodoelntthtfuxnrlbbtttowtb iiaoe spring tweeds tjl1 come aiid see them dwler in general dry qoodi and j bujartpeaedaatbokofrootiaaiaita i oawtaiiu bmaavnerwat ffik malwaitiksri all stsi tafi sutti aaaawjswsv tera oomti rji mvtaa3wmwf4aftrr hd4ilaa9teea- yolntna toe vary i- aodwat ja