vv t free pr trumoit moaxiira april is 1883 a 0o hands jewellery k faaoy good v 8tce aotoo oat berlin woola mottoes th largest stock la aetcn school 800k xe paper pi and ink scribbling book copy boost slate watches clocks jewellery stwouelea craeta knirea spoon and finrke toya dolls vuta allmtai qao ryada th loading star is ac too for wadding and birthday preeenta oallia bits of brevity laeal m4 etherwtae areaaina hr tae t tfttt aad idmn far rea4ere af law free preea perate oor edvertlsrmeatit tront fishing hi two week another cold snap thia week many men of manitoba mind carpenter an ia demand here oar job work glvea universal aatiif ac tion too chilly for evenln promenades t thltwaek the treaa aw beginning to lend forth their leave mr john rjder has removed to a farm near ospringe drxowry intends exacting ah addition to his residence purchase yonr garden seeds and gar- geningjmplcmenls i the whistla oi speights blacksmith ehop is again hcer dont think of cleaning op the rubbish roand your residence visitors to the raina of toltoni mill were numerosa on sunday hr john estsrlau removed to tvare- rxim grey county last week tbe stave and shingle factories hare commenced their season s work easter servwes- were- held in moat of the churches in town oo boodsy mr a e sieklin of brandon has our thanks fcr a copy of the smn s veil written truthful advertisements properly displayed bring safe returns mr the scsnerville will accept our thinks for abudgel of xebriaka papers a little work would make a vast im provement in the appearance of our streets preparations for the erection of new buildings are being rapidly pushed for went c dont go to work if yon hare a father who is able to keep you in clothes and cigsrs- sir james morton and family of era- moaa hare taken an their residence in acton xext wednesday win be the taniver- aary of the carrying of the scott act la till county dont think ofgiving a nun a word of encouragement if roa think it will do him any good services have been held every evening thifl week in the catholic lale coojrrega- tfccial church alargi dumber of our citizens took advantage of the cheap trip to toronto en friday awd monday hew families are coming to town every week acun will soon surpass imastof her sister towns in hilton i good friday was very quietly observed the business places were closed and the tillage war its saudsy east mr c w hills studio window ex hibits some very fine specimens of his ar tistic skill aa a photographer -j- did you see the whale k the all- ajaxtingqnestion lie juveniles a few older heads seemed interested too t tbe houtzdale pa- oitcrxr his been considerably enlarged and improved we wish you continued success friend frater head hughes griffins new adv the eali and see their stock of new fpring geeds they can suit yoa in any goods tottmsy reqairt j the marietta icch indtxha merged into a firsteha eightpage joarnal and changed its same to bcader it la now a mopel country paper i mr r little p8i is levelling and improving his groonds and soddiog tbe terrace surrounding his residence an arbor is also being erected the year 1882 now resembles a number of young men in town who have only about seventyfirs cents in their pockets there are only threequarters left abandon that ungentlemsoly practice of carrying your nmbrella or cane hoder your arm ton are liable while tn a crowd to punch some ones eyes oat oaitorio we are informed that prof smyth fgsdpb intends preparing the oratorio of joseph to be given to tbe public here onthe evening of tbe 24th of hay abont 25 persons will take part in the programme btjild di acroi wouldnt it be a good idea for our manieipal anthorities to offer the messrs touooaoaae inducement to re build their mill within toe corporation exemptiorfrom taxation for a somber of years might bare the desired result xws a caheetmai a4 und am u atier jur niw tl0btmr orean la tsnlnk hutublaiwoa dwelling it will makb a very good bote whoa eompletad rut etandr m fortter hi chaaad from mr jamcartar qnelnh the property on hill street in this viuau rectblty occupied by dr morrow aa a drugstore j to pmitmt jpbotrsci latt thdn day meaan wcook and r brewn jr left here tot manitoba mr jaa ooodll mr john mccooaell and several oth leave today ckstbh exnibrrtok the pentral bi- hlbluoo gudph wul be held cm thurtday and friday the jttb and 15th irvptemblr we annonoce it thus early so that yon may have ample thne io prtpare for it i watch tamths authorities shoujd keep a watchful era 0 that trio of lawless young women who parada the itreeta at night they ar a niliaanoa and iasnu moral people by their presence and actiona nitv bcscotoa mr t h harding haa decided to reopen business in acton and will show a full line of goods in tbe brick lore agoews block about the and of tin week look out for announcement next week wssnojj hol mr wm hemstreet auctioneer win sell by public auction si the house islely occupied by mr j b ooatea a quantity of hoaaehold goods oh saturday afternoon isth iastcoinmencag at s oclock i cosciet a coneart will be given io milton oo triday evening 81st april un der the aoapices of the olympic lacrosse club a nrttdsa programme has been prepared acton 01 dub will eaalit in the entertainment i ho ezcbtiai a belleville hotel- keeper has bean toed twenty dollars and coats fcr allowing gambling oa his premises there ia probably ho town in canada where liability for a rimihr offence is not incurred nearlyeverr day in the year son wist 8jictjja two special trains passed through acton last thursday for winnipeg tbe lint waacornpoeed of u cars tnd 2 coaches with 200 paeengeri and the aecoad of 13 can of stock 4 coaches and t baggage waggons with 400 passe a dctto mosx1 mr j e mcqarvin is putting s force pomp into his well and with a good length of hoae will no doubt keep the street opposite himself and aeighborine merchants well watered during the dusty season- hnw would it do to take up a collection ked j coscnrr we believe it is the intenlion of the members of the methodist church in this village to make arrangements for a first diss sscred concert to be given some timeabout the last of may if the project sutures further mnouhcementi will be made in due time the ilail winnipeg correspoodenl in ia his letter ia tuesdays edition savs thai march wns the stormiest od moat ex- ceptionillr bhardly month ever koowa iu the konh westi isnt his language too superlatively adverbial ar in other wctus too atterly too too 1 i rt whiwjtithvuu flttytwo aunberi ol tor mora pun 8800 scriptlon price 18 tb pnbllahers offtr io wot aay on tbe american 4 tnonthue c r weekltm with 7khibefor year both postpaid tatwl ft on boston are ijhs pubhshsri fan ihiat fjw vhst w hare laaroedirnm loqulrlea ant froot paraonal tbe prtrpect for fau wheat better in fhlivldnuy no dot- us to have bet a winter killed ihgthlok equal ererywhers evert inlbjr parts pf the field and un commonly vlgorcua that however in the lower and of the county la the heavy clay- does sot look to well aofcjibswyoiel bar fo april 9tn for alxtytourpgwaaph smujhrtotiv lofihile for 11080 btmttt ix barnsac w s bare received troi tbe author be t l wilkinson of this vlllaje a neat httls pai jphjet of abou twenty peges entitled boris in baptism the work is a colloquy between s pado- bapliauraod as immerelonjstabd treats of the subject ar to whether he bo rial with christ la baptism mentioned in rom 6 8 i and col s 13 is literal or ipl ritual the pamphlet nay be had from j e mc qarvin or l q mattbewl pries 5a deaf usd dciffi from the report of ihe ontirio institstion for the deaf and dumb emjerille we learn that there ire sx paptla from hailon cfiunty in attend ance twp maiea and fear females the institution is progresang very favorably and there is rtiil room for pupils rciiwat the team of mr tboms bennettran sway with himself and daugh ter on maadiy while rqbrmiiig home frutn this village both were thrown from tbe waggon near baonockburn school bui escaped iojary the horses got away sod proceeded homeward at i terrific speed what right bjitti thct what right have tha 100 oow owners in paria to incon venience 8k0 inhabitants by pasturing their animals st the public etpense paris rmevi so right whatever no more than haa one man in everr thousand a right to toll soul destroying bereragea recommend ths example of acton ia thai cow business and of our county noble jhalton in the whiskey business to your constituency bro aliwortb we supprfcaaed the cow nuisance lust year and wa ejtpeet the scott act to banish whiskey sftair the first of j l personats mr alex mstthews has j out to ortaga- rillo to work at hia trade ura4mt z a hahof berlin visited their cm home on easter mr thoa eennedy of parry harbor ia visiting his acton friends mr sod mis w t smyt i visited their brampton friends during the bolidayi mr john lssby of bowjnaanlla paid his ados friends a abort visit on thurs- i we are gud to see that mr j a uatthewi tr and mr eli snyder are able to be about again i mrs rowlston an i mrs broad of lyons mica paid their acton friends 1 visit this week mr ssd mrs m simpson- of toronto pent several days this week with aston friends j mr w collie mayor of bebaoot spent few dsys dariog ths week with acton friends mrs b swan who has be sa confined to her room for several weeks is slowly re- j covering i mrs c thayer and kit j cook of georgttovn visited their acton fneods this week i misaee nellie watson and jennie stewart j but abort olr spring 917 patterns of choice english and french yi bfi and what people think that a better- class of corner loafers is much needed that ram rwntrivesmy to steal not withrtandinjairtbelswswekavr- thst tiiereforakctery twef otgbt t de mand that uws which fnvbfirfi tejiag should be repealed that tbe bow antiscott logic b mt likely jo race the whiskey setters of hal- ton that they wifi net ake much by wlesd- isg their ewa rascality as objeefiob to the act i that many wbo go u wianipeg to get ich will bwe to labor bard to tyor ome poor board bevekeliruer-j- while returning from baptist prayer meeting to a friende hous on tuesday eveiing miss addie bjder daughter of mr david ryder near guclpli sccidently dipped nil the sidewslk tils locating a boae ia her sakle dr forster was called ia snd placed tbe boae in proper position j i j a fottj3atk one we sre informed j that mr w garner village lamplighter has through the death of j relative in ire land i alien heir to a song tide f ortaoe of 25000 sterling he received tbe letter notifying him of tbe fact last wednesday we hope mr gsroey will decide to make actoa his permanene hbmei is it thi toitob a subscriber of ihe georgetown htrald asked as the other day if we thought tbe cuit of tbe old man which has appeared at the lead of the local col umn for several montba ia intended as a portrait of the editoe of tbaf journal we aoawer na notwithstanding tbe fact that hes an old bachdot hes s belter looking mis than the est referred col if berlin paid their friendsj visit this aek mr tbos- t moore principal of acton public school visited his friends in york co during the week mister wm smith son of reeve smith who hss been alteodingad educational institution in toronto is st home misses nellie allan and inn pearson of alma college su thomas are spending eater vacation with their friends here mr alfred witeon of tbe ifeiford ifoa- tar made us s pleasant call on thursday we are glad to hear that the monitor is proipering misi emily emnple teacher of the second departmeot actor pablic school spent her eater rscatiou wjh fneods in zimirermsn i miss minerva storey is still very ill her physicians pronounce tbe irotjble tjphoid fever hopes however sre i entertained for her recovery mr george mstthews returned home on thursday last after an sbience of nearly two fear in binniagham engl and mont real we suppose george willjhardly con descend to settle down is so humble splscs u his native ton y goods lillinery hughes criffrn v i- s fe30taxj liiispais up mantle ail dresi caahmeres 50 inchea wids single width i dress q od all the fashionable colors land shades with trie imings to match from 8c a yard upward linen goods of every description at prices that cannot be beaten heavy white counterpanes at lfc beantifh stand spreadsat 80c and 40c gepfts furnishing goods prints nt6 oents taa most compute stock ix fevctolf sutvaimiam oar millinery will be found more attract seasanvas we have taken all pains to choicest class of goods in the new yerl toro ito markets special llies in childrens hats fancy straws at 15c t 20c than ever this adn the latest and montreal and mens and boys felt far straw hate we can show very large and choice assortment in this linei boy fanoy straps for 20o aad 40c ileas strar and felt eats for 25 50 and 75o x mm department the larjre trade we have done in this line daring the past year j i convinces ua that wefjrfe handling the right class of goods oar principal lines are manniactared by j- d kiagkco and copper 4 smith toronto which makers are acknowl edged by all boot and shoef dealers to be amongst the best infamerica and the holders of tbe centennial and dominion exhibition mdals for fine and durable wdjfc cjoiiir prices will be found ijhe very ldwestfor all classes of goods hghest price paid for any quantity of good butter and eggs edinbu vyarehous aot0n i fi i im not going to manitoba but im jping to stop right here in acton ajid intend to do the largest goods tirade this season i have ever done because i bayekhe to io it with and the price are jdjotat than ever the qnestijon is often asked iiow can greek sell so cheap and still make i lotiey my answer is just this i bay close and keep a sharp look- jit at all times for bargains and bay everything that a farmer offeif jfor sale and my customers invariabjy get the benefit of it j 2 icothrviaf ao- thx scott act the sjsrtt act tab effect in tbe county of haltc a on the first of kay- several in aod on und ballinatad bave pledged themselves u quit oeorg- iowa and make kris their hea4 quarters they can get well supplied l n erin with dry goods groceries j and hiakey itbey leel so disposed erin a tvoatie yet erin has slwsva jeiable i towbjakyaa tnmmuaa abd lawlessness wi hop hrontaetusi i maaterj over the adiccait n an 8nzrr hua sikashbi on friday j evening a conple ofypunr n en got iatoan altercation on the corner of mill and wit- low streets fromlond aci angry wordaj ibey soon came to wows an i a freefight ieuoed in tbe tussuj tore i lights of tbe strelaanptie eprbersie broken and we are tntonned that wares its bave been leased for the arrest of thsr trttes concern edrto be served tf 4ie dtti sag are aet fontieoqm- lasoften ocei rt there was a woman trtitlniiiof the amil oouttt i hare jfah ua caaaplete uaw la gtlpioioieirlieiejis itb cleao urifew the largest stek of croctkerysfd glasswijele ever shown in aetata spec you vill foot quint j sort 7ji italaetm mr icso rfrtoteiia joefkbar mi htmatht fttt and eon ttd tu t ilfthitmlohit nrwtlibil bold r lu momtmaplmuibu jl vogbler it vw- vlkj bqbontatoiwe bjrwsdy mammo ef new spring boods at jhe- house aeonastown mcleoxi anderson coyi dishes 44y c an pricft or anjrtyle you want attention given to the provision line alsh paid for prbduce of au kinds axnarioajn silver and ifipkela taken at paribr good oasen sells cheap a w creen t 2jo00 dollar worth of the chcjowt and cheapest new goods ever shown in tbli 4 uoonty we bare grist pleasure in anpoonctrg t our esutomers and the poblio generally that we hare firstolaas stock that we booght the gooda right that we will sell tbem cheap teat throogh oar long evperienoe arid ooi undootreed credit and oar ability id pay cash br ah tbe goods wbthat ve can odor yoa iadae menu that no city tjfti or village or any othpbeacjanffbrin tbe ahape of a large 8tock to chooael from suitable goods for uua market and ebeap above ah very few pleceein ontario baaa largaror better adapted plaoe to do baaineseiothaa lit d our simm art npt near aa bsrgeu city boaaee tj or country places to undrseu oi u thin s the plaas wa invested oar dopey dees ooosls in til the lateet fab- ud colored boaotifal line of dress 8ilki for ktper u lumeom variety fror tejper yard upwards cottons of we have or s target and win not allow have pitched oar teat rics drees slks b yard worth 75o guelph cloth hall towttle our spring stock ooturlwtina rf cwfcfc 8 sfsimavipiv ttsrwrnuoitaasjsi all kioda ioclnding ltjioka denlrns shirtings aad tiekinge t wholeaale brie tbe above goodi were purobased last october- they bave advenoed rinoev like wise large stook or am ware hosiery qlova joraem laoea tsot uaibreai parasoh dress tvimn uigs of all ednda tnolndingjftiawev oord snd tsaaeuj geonrornuhinga oat ijoapc ready anadeuotbiagtvetaca vsftobks we am are paying ape au atttottdo to carpels a bantiraioniea carpet far s5 per yard a tapeatry i c r 5o worth 5o and all kinile of hooae rartusbinp ww uiltioery ia simply jo etb aecood to none tn the ikfniiaion aad u saperintended by talent lbratyu alt onitbeaarpaased gey udie need noi keeitrte to parroeiss this diparttnent jtofle nade order in the auat appi weil style ordered clothhijg department lmtneooc- cea tosy a astlera ti rbttgh lb duh season th reason whyt cbolee btiok cheap flood eerfoet 1 htleg ffamita and th wrkrnaasttpnsmijiassecl j we have an imeatmse stool ftbmwalivim aid we thai be making almeatelajly i0 diuoosloouretock id sii ttsp utest ohioest aad cheapest flood sttttabmlv f tuaaoarktt forrfcer iwewdl ell tbe goads hmexihbi1xa1inttfift sacb as tmt 4 tjobjpeuuoh ia aokeenb w fhat oodbve tebej for oasb and ibere ia op reaajon that oasb cannot be mm aaall yarmers artu moohanie and labor ot ail ktnda are paid casbfo tb4roducebritbeir3w the tohasedutevabd4atta fdarctobay ndyobi get cheap good j va i tbibot rajea will bosmotly adberaet to eseapl laoiaea bt eactrem aaebt eooy w ebaub pleased teabowgeeda to au oor oldftieadsandaamany ie one as wul deign oclni i ibohljrjlrtjtna wia beatrentnwv j dpanmii v murt ian moay to ruji tta bailmt photograpii taken iii m kiadly j v tv