iwmjaaataeaataiasaiia 1 i pabuihd y vfif tiwltsdar korttino edlur proprietor sti doorio mewodnt ohorehi jwstrtet attm-0l- tsmn the fbk pnsss will be sent to sebsenbera postage paid for trloo per n- eam in advam tlm if net si po no papodisootnj till all arrarar pail except at the option oi the publisher abrumaraa rifts casual aivartrse- mjents 8 cents- per lias for the- first inser tion and 3 oenit per line for each subse- qaent insertiou cash ptifcesioual cards 10 lines ot loss ii00 per annum i square 11 lirms f50qpr ana am payable in j months from daw ofinscrtiou any special fotiee the- object of whioh i to promote tw pecaniarr benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the space oecanied measured by a scale of ihd nonpareil cwxtcictyaxe8v jitwhanosulrrari w w- fencrj hl iolomn up vesr 15 0- d rter jamn on year uo jlnflimiliaiiiil s0 ltretii imnts m miln rooi 2 nrtt rinmnstx niotiuiis re re- iici won tfakeiilntvn re- mrvrnh wtn 4 tner mjtimuhr ionlh tnn vleuthmi linnl mrlfle illrreflorp win b iled ulltrhtdilnlehitanncort- inslr trallrr advirtirni his mnvlbc flvut in vlnii ctviner lir emmrt mtverrseroiraf must be a tlenflw or 9 a moi h dilavsillier luierlllbt li fljovtt lil thelqllowliii ap wuote tulloraprotflelir termftrtl00 in advaao ijerajfap of bui life ill fluctuation and itt vast- concent volume vil inr 48 acton ont th june i 1882 actoh baiig coy storey 0hri8tie it 00 j i baxkers acton j ontario a 0 enteral baxklxq busf- xesh thassacted k02t jtap0ve15 trotssi i notes discounted ind interest allowed on dejpoaits t h 0 8 e- ghoioe hw styles or cent store reek ririeiferieor o xewrratr ac- verclslcff rircaai 10 spite svuuiv unflis c lorcuuirulnikri is xlvv uulv this paper wrmermm ttt h- lowitt if b mcps ml gradxiti of trinitycollege ifem- berjf collej ot fhysiciaas and sirjeoas osre and reidenc iat the hed of fred erick si acton mfoestes jujd phvs10iak sceoeoi etc office forsters drug store next door u creaolis saddlery j scros osr rcstpcfcx church street funiierly occa pled by ilr t riemstreettiiction6r and cheap gash tor upper wdhiim stieet itlph coije see orr srr srwia akrniis fbok tomaay rrsxei eagiani ail krv tcri i 0i0v4cl etom of sow goods i tiffajiads rf axtislt of eror sir use souicisia qooit ontmtatal bowl tjmmi ooois very iiittle money will buy a whole loii of tnings j the i i0 centsltore and jv dheap ck bazaar font doors weit of post ofeee ias if r g- it pi la p 3bc selling very ipast at days bookstore gtelpb day sells cheap a splendid new stock thorbdiv tba hoan thit ita and toma ofmitosi 180 if nrt so paid whole no 350 resi eret commenced i was elaborating a keletou fora sdenllflc casar and it dis turbed me serines y i endtirad it aa long ioriiks juna 1 1882 lqstftr tjib h0tje8 kre tiewlftm i sopiulnffby i and bomr c icb motasriri rtoord xtp to him rho nu on litf or the nocur i the potsox our hei fi doep tloworcip yield a tmpl i bey itiil gathtsr ivlft awl loai i qi in the field and wratf ty by an pinion of gorg hi gold and blu4 ly on with drooping i darker baa j 0f- la dektist george- joh lawso geadxati oeok- time ycrsiuirt coure tusoxro feurijiirj sorecoa actds out- osee in kfidtwy a cl toot and shoe store res ident ibthc rear horsos aiamined as to soimdneas and certificates circa all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terns easy t j fiseer v s geokgetovnc a oa- till risit acton every wednes day and r3 atwnd to all calis pertaining ta iiaprof ession orders left af sicgirvms drag store will receive prompt attention- terms moderate tjfsheb v 0llebtok kkll 6c stor t cocit cantevucers drc tonftrfo a qjrge- tcircc omcxs ktj 50 cinnrh vtret toroato ud ilclecds lijcck georgetovn b hoof j to lam rttil heilatbeet licensed auctioneer- hoi lie counties of wehinglou 6xi rzlidv orders at ie fays jjs otfice fcion 9r tnv ref dect ia acvou rih be pramtuy siitinai to terms reiscasbl kar wtmft aim moner to ipcbttmic roorit uwtab terns aaai at tie iocst mlea of interest in soxoi af ft500 and upwards flour and feed i wj mlgklih in teiideriug liearty tboiuks to the peojjlecjt afittm and vicitiily for their kind pmronagii hi the past viould rvpecilully in- ioniiihetrrthat he lws cou- fitantlv on hand at las ijilliootbtmill street a fall stock of flour oat meal corn meal btickwheat flour cracked wheat and j chopped stuffs of u kinds tiny at which he is prepared to deliver daily watches -axij- jewelry tour patrtaes is kinily loiieitol i kefd vetebisaby -sur- jf geon georgetown gndnate of tie ontario yetcracj college mil visit atton every tnesiij rani o pm a1 caus reeed naapfly slunaedlo by bihi or day horses besht and sold en cooiaiissioa residence west cmerfrom iirary stable georgetown oct i i g a fjphe ptjstp btfslxesb thetmiersipned has made arranenients with mrthprcas efcisee to tfcntttoms pnjnvp basinesa dunng his stay in the korthwest all orders whether for new- work or repairs left at the residence of ifr ebbage opposite stepbenaons bnvqaamitu- bhop w3l receive artenlion wxe anuts acton april rath 1832 3mo w nix btrr or sell the uuaarsined is prepared to purchase xny qautity of lin or btrcb iui bolu baaawood for heading iofl jiiw cedar of black ash forshiofclesiu the loir or bolts to a eooiiatock of shingles alaves and bead- crdks leftat sly mcoivo prcsijt attoa toias strieilr oisji b w nickldf actoo feb 91883 j hall and u ve ipend each rointtto tbtt got to ui hai gitenj the deed xt knovs beforohu throne the ujo j told in h circa and we wl o wji udons iiifim at one b one djpru think not jut they are boyorrng forovct oond oaf boarls like tnmn cr beet tht borer around s idle coitttt they cathi r orery act and thought theaa th irleta angoi bout and ttill t ey funj the records and bej it far aty this mitsi m sight by day qr night ko magi bo teach n eearenly fathr toipcnc cacji njioc boii that ai ih ry go tluy may sot ihov my boar just received -at- wm s smiths dont fall to call and examine when you sro to guelph the watch and clock honaa of goelph american watches the finest 8tock we ever had of elgin waltliam make io vlckel bilter and gold cases iclaim ray nickel eaes are whiter and purer than any other being made especially for rnyself b savaige watchmaker jeweller gtjelfia pover can itay a poiaoa floter alphabetic cariosities tbo protean nature of thfi rowel sounds qvs 8tq9y a baohnlops confession i live la a f rench flat ot coarse there are objections to fjeocb flita so there are u most thlnga i caul uftord a bote and i detest a boarding hoos a bachelor of thirty odd who had been at the mercy of boarding hi use keepers al his days can easily unjerst lad that so when i ngagl a snie of rooms- third flor in ii french flat edifies and ar ranged my hoiaehold goods i therein vfith a fine looaout i i possibly conldandtuenlliiidresburce miliar toall a few aroasing examples mcemoreto the janitors wife i will sliuw that lha conaaoanu ar nearly as third floors eompliraenlstolbefourth loor and will ferl oblijtd if she will favor ne with a liltln peace and quletneas long noujh to da some necessary writing there was no reply and the music eased abruptly but that evening when i was beginning to solace myself with a little violin practice in the twilight tap tap lap came the janitors wife at my door fourth floors compliments to the third floor sod will feel obliged if be will favor btr with a little peace and quietness long enough to write a letter how i hate that woman i so we lived for a mumh exchanging constant missels of warfare i could cheer fully hare given up that miserable french flat and cone back to boarding only un- luckily i had engager it for a year the fourth floor elocutiahiied aod had friends to select private readings whose voices vera deeper than hamlets and mnresonori- oiis than that of charlotte cushrann 8he was charitable and had classes pf heavy booted girls twice a week to ling hymns and learn to sew a single lady indeed i if she had imu a quadruple lady she could not have made more noise nor enjoyed the making of it more at the close of the month howerer an incident happened which turned the car- tent of my whole life i went on a picorc i dout often go to affairs of that kind but this vas an especially select affair gotten up here by my friend harom webster i went and there tract barbara willis and fell straightway in love with her she wasnt exactly loung neither am i and to my taste a fullblown rose is sweeter than a bud wherever you find it growing sbe was dark eyed with full cherry lips satinbrown hair aod a coraplrxion as fresh as roes and ivory we talked our ideas coincided exuetiy it 6ecmed as if our lonu were two lookingglasses to mirror each others miss willis cried i why is ll that we have never met before t i feel aa if we were old old friends as i apoke i gently pressed her hand bud b maltea a road broad turns llw aar to a bear and torn into a tomb c makes limb climb hanged changed a lever clerer and- transports a lover to clover d turns a bear tobeaid a crow to crowd nuked anger danger add evil davil f turns lower regions to flqwer regions g changes a sod to a song and makes one f ne h change eight into height and arm to harm k makes now know and eyed keyed l transforms a pear into a pearl k turns line into linen a crow to a crown and makes one none p meatmorphoses lumber into plumber q of itself hath no significance s turns even to seven makes hove shore and word a sword a pear a spear makes slangbler of laughter and curiously change bavins a hoe u shaving a shoe t makes a hough bouiht turns here there altera one to tone changes ether to tethtr and transforms tha phrase allowed bis own to tallowed his town w does well e o hose are whose are becomea ware on won omen women so sow vie view it makes an arm warm and tarns a bat iuto what t v turns far to fury a man to many to to toy rub to a raby ours to yours and a lad to a lady bat whan la tamad nry tint ileaad fuwilavpaano mors truly staid bat whan tka flisassthanaiul id run i thonjht tu au till iwrorjopa thai oddly wnan rd reached that aft i held that thirty maoe folks saga bat when my thirtieth year was told i said at twoseorearsra ftow ou v t twneara cams and f oond ma thrltyi asd atr tdrav uaalina at fftj but whan i nached that afe i swon kona ooofd be old nntll thraefcore and hen i am at sixty now as young aa when at six i trov 1 ratroa my hair is somewhat grey t and that i ass a cane tooar ti trie these rognas aboat my ansa bay graadpa r when they speak to ma but bless yotar sool rm yovog as wbem i thought all people old at teal perhaps a little wiser grown perhaps ibma old uloaions flown bat wootrrlnf stal while years have rolld wtwa is it that axnan grows omr iver a green dit of a park in j lnd ile erniled back unutterable thincs a ken arithmetic a man refuses a 70 watch for a 45 shot gun puys 3 for repairs and then ex changes it for a 30 horse which kicks a 28 cow to death and then dies of a broken heart bow much did the man lose io a certain room there are elereo wo men sitting down a lady passes the house with a new spring bonneloo find the number that got up and rurbed to the win djw that la where you get foolel one of them was too lama to get out of her chair front and the glimmer of a palisade in the i went to my friend webster who iiijj distance from a roadside fence to a rear above a ureat of ehippiig i consider- making up quudrilles on the upper dt ck off profession i havent any 1 am an artist and draw a ed myself wel what is my in particuhr little daily ii front of my easel i con tribute to lb press and write when the divine uflatus stiles me i read the law wbcii i feel li c it and draiva 1h1j income from a snug lttle properly jeft me by in uucle in ludij cjusequenljy 1 was able to decorate m new quaiters terj prettily with bugdad i ut old china jlragnns black and gold japi uese screens aad pictures 1 li id picked u at a bargain j and when the are was burning cheer- fully iu the gi ate the first riinv uay even ig the stude t lump shlninu softly on tb red carved t ble and the waiter from neighboring r siaurant had brought in my frugal dinner a mold of ciirnidt jelly slice of- roast leef and a raspberry dampl- ins i consii cied myself pfetiy comfort able upon the whole says tto myself i rather approv z of french liau i rang the wll the juuitor- a respectable tort of a fellow t iile e0e saxe ltmecaabeiiiatthe caaaebt lame works in small or large quantities at any time apply at tja kii near- tolton s milt or to iii c a sitrta may 1st 1884 box 172 actok sdcoeaaor to tf jciefinaii js st georges bqnare gnelpb- i aioonitt booka ot ul kinds ma4e to order periodicala of every description carefully bodnd 8aligggoty promptly done p q y a l a lor j0ffl insurance company waahro m actpjsx 7 ob oollattaj capital tan liability of tsfloojooo jfeated in canada to proleotiofl ot coiw w mn 501000 theboysilnwrwccrotvry lim the tirgest ssarjus of any fire insur- anee company in tae world au kisdi o prnretf4tomty olxited ato moijey tojmk jaaaat j i i i- t v s apec gad assure them that tbav wtll always have pn bfoil o frjll sbjck of all kin meat del aewinjmifehaeaud meat of anr boa two thdeebbwsvbrael brn to tdariaaa toithe paopkujf aetonjrrdvicipuhprrkitulvuitroiiaie taumttad n wnnld r annual in- fajiy hcit a crmtinpanbe nf theaemi butcher shop k holmes wotild respeclfnlly iaorm the people of aetna and vicinity that lie has purchased thelmiinesa aud prnperty of ifr w c robioiotj nnd it ptepared to sapply all with firstclass meat of all kind and poultry and ffamc in btason meat delivered to any part of town at any time tr havinn practical experunce in the batchering basiaesi i feel confihtnt bat i can sait all a call kindly solicited r holmes in a roand ja swercd the bqmaiuns jaajlor fluor above 1 xobody r party mured said i wli occupies tus takes all the pleasure oat of my exist the man answered last j eoce not yefiwrdaj hew party i should iwo lives be thus bligmed moyea ia toc urroff a large oosly bless yodr heart a great gaose of human misery b che lou ca now the siugle she must bai electing son lubca for uie to make foe peclidg on ce if gome man ho o we have reeentlyphslied anew edition of ar rairerwefis rele brated fjiaay on thn rnilleal and permanent car wvbimt modl- clneiaf rfervojdfbntly memnlan phslc- allneapaeltimpkllmentaormarrlagvetc reaaltl nifrotn xcesi os aprleelnaseatdentelppe eta ortwo postnsre starrim tne eatebrated inthor in this admlrablr baayjlearly jemoiatfatearfrnro uiirir viairvne6eafal praetier tint nlarrtlnte aeanaven may darajleally chrad wltnout- tferous hsenr interna meulansor seqpi the tneoseolheknirpootingnhia mode or inreatoncefmple certalnand effeclnaby sbeanskpfwhleli overy anfftrer n wialter wbatblaeondltronmajrneraiarenrehlmaeit eheanty privately andtradlrallr this oeetare sbonldhe in ibe hands ol jrrarvontlrbdeteiytausa intone laad address ket und curpcj slippers an- we were accompanied by an excelleut brass band oh harold said i i can never tbftuk you enough for introducing me to that angel do ynu mean barbara willut pid be well i do think she is rather a fine girl we grew confideutul as we sat together on the promenade deck aod watched the moonlight rinplc over the surface of the tides a bachelors life is but half a life mis willi stid i i can readily imagine that said she sottly 1 live in a flat confessed i do you j said barb ira the tweet old uglish name wa jusl like her whv how strange 1 bo do 1 1 isnt it dreadful t said i horrid 1 said she closing her lips aa though she meant it and theres a female dragon occupies tbc floor above me and torments me out of my life weu if this isnt a remarkable coinci dence said barbara tberea a detest able old crab of a bachelor under me who amily i i aalclrather dubl- said the man no family dt all a single jadyl sir at this i ft ngrauilated myself more and e j n i shall lave the prospect of a little 1 aaid ate my think aaid dinner in a ft ols paradlac of happiness said l i i dont thlak they shonld- said barbara loakins inlently at the boquet of pahsies she held in her hand it was past midnight- when the boat landed harold webiler came up j i promised to see you home miss wil lis said he rubbiuguisbands brissjly yoa need not troable yaureslfj web ster said i i shall be meet happy i called a back helped the tllvlte bar bars in feeling more and more as ill were walking in cloud land j where shall i drive tot said the mtn no 09 rayeual street aaid she fourth floor- j what 1 cried i aot to florriandino flaia i i exactly aaid she j why thats where 1 live i j anteas in hob- 1 arejbu the ihird floor ahacrjedout il shoes wis enjoying he self in a prom- j breathless i fna aretoulhefoiirtlir i catinter-eiuea- i seiit fortiejanuorma rage i tioned m- j is this h itise coming d wu j aaid i but youre not rciab t all its the lew teuaut asaorin in sir nor are you a otrion job uidy moved in on the moi row e moved in wl en i was down new milllx ards and color summer akebiaes j intended when 1 reluned fondly ex more to eoterjiuto my king dora of peact and serenity bvarjthing was changed certain barveat apple tree la three timea times the distance from the grouad to the first limb which is two yards one fiot and sine and a half laches what la the dis- unce from the fence aod bow many bar veat apples can a fat boy eat a man died leaving properly valued at 17000 to a certain relative eight other relative wouldnt have it that way and contested the will the property was then divided prorita and each ones share was found to be seventeen cenlat what became bat of course you know that the law yers got it humor or the day why do ducks put their heads under water 1 to liquidate their bills yes augustus you are right soldiers and watcuntakeie do make time even the most ambitious of men are wil ling to take second rather than hrsi place in an affair of honor riches may hare wings tint they are nsuall y clipped so that they cannot fly over the feuce anxiouslnquirer a vessel is spokea of as she because she has to be managed yy men it takes 800 fullblown roses to nuke a tablespoon ul of perfume while en cents worth of cooked onions will scent a wbold neighborhood be a choirs to some choirs dont sing qnlteeoalcras to other choirs i dont sing quite so fast if the congregation sleep uuderyour hngi ing it may be the aign of singing too slow if they are unable to catch on it may be a sign your singing 1s too faat banging and there was head a tbum ine and humfl wring a sound niduleaged g said be apol igetically does her furniture conhist entirely of herrings saf a and squarej ianos said i there a e two pianos shes musi al the mist hief she ui riared l pianos i arlt doea she blay fii 11 au xew tark i hatoticb tun crinoita averhlng aaen- 1 l v no 91 km st wsil tnrnntn mlliatind to recrffc adverilsent for i people to gei aetlfed wllfirit ts noae thuttiper jj jx rjvbdtcajtslajuger j- pounding oyer be wu satisfied we publish the following parahraph from the carisiiaii oi fori in order that our local clergymen may take advautaga of it when the occasion requires iaat sun day evening a boston divine suddenly ptused near the close of his sermon and laid we would all be grad if young man in thff vestibule wotttl eome inside and satisfy himself whether she is or is not here that would be much better than keeping a half inch draught onthe occupaots of the sack pew and in the solemn silence that followed the congregation conld hear a auund otrtode ai of the retreat of an army wltajttjausera i etiiiuc theat all oat tiettlnx partlenlar there was a time in piltatrarg pawhen a man had ooly to enter a spceulatora office and exhibit a lull p of coal to and a ready sale for his laad but that time will never return a representative of the new waa seated in an office in that city a few days ago when a stranger entered with his lump placed it on the table and asked whats that f coal wasthe reply do yonown lbs land t yea sir how much t two hundred acres did this coal come from your landl yes air did you carry it there npeir did you taio it off the surface j no sir from aabaft was this the only lump of coal onyoar und o sir i didnt yoa stop at a coal yard and get this lump j no sir do you want t pay 100 to harp that- shaft examined by an expert j znoair ah good day sir i you bajvea kg thing no doubt wt i am ruuoing t oar- ley this year i i m wise word r experience is the extract of suffering a miud once cultivated will not lie fallow for half an hour care for what you say or what you say will make ou care memory recbnls services with a pen in juries with a graver think wrongly if you please but in all cases think for yourself the pabfic mfnd is educated quickly by events slowly by arguments patience tbe second bravery of man ia peruana greaterthan the first there ia no etrength in exaggeratio even the truth la weakened by being ex- praised to strong fexcess generally causes reaction and produces a change in tbe opposite direc- lion whether it be in the reasons or in in- dividual or in goeraments i w a qalll aimlaetnrer theodore hook addressed the fstiowsrlaj- fines to mr blank who pu oyerhiti door fen and juih manufacturer f you put above your door and in ypoi billsv youre manufacturer of pens and quula and for the first yon well may feel i pride ycur peus are better far than moat rv tried bat for the quills your words are xme- wbatlousej who manufactures quilhr must goose i j aaid he two on em bothf dont ktjdw sir im ure said the elaasosl listened nf3at to v jeeua mau witjh iiatressedexp ession of coue- tion fjf tennysons brook andjal on end teuaoce oth quarter w am to be amuiief bar- i endured he noise tmtil midnlghl and j bar and l ibenlaentbthejanlloralwifel j little boy baa been swearing and his mamma to punish hkn washed thorough ly the inside of bis mouth with soapsuds trury i to ahe explains toliim clean away but what matterajit whi irej said j the naughty worda a few days later tuinga were teredjfrom tistverf begin- j while paasinit the bathroony abe sees the ning i hook myrtolin upstairs tije next jouhgiter with his face ope mats of suds day and helped my aivine birbira obt and hh motrlhibfimtl t barely nn- wlthk sonata of beethovens ifiuketted dsw huauutterfug exrjlaroatioo get- abeweducallonil ihebrforidhtbnailed ting them all out mamma i swore ore bambo me by explained pat a rol licking irishman to jolly darkey tell us what makes your nose ao flat dnnno mara pat answered sam j but i spec its to keepme from pokin into udder peoples business m just at the wrosw time mrjeobert wilaon ofthetlity enrveymra office and street uoinaaiistooero the eutr em division for tba board of public work toronto out who ia very fond of shootinu i aaya to loses dark hunt it a loasfcr whioh tberl is no adequate reeompenaew tbia misfortune lately overtook me the boys pit together recently and made ar rangements lor a good bunt at the tram the arrnllmiita were entered intolwai in good htklib generally bat jaat aa tfai shrtiogslaa to uko place my old wimpy tbo thenmitism came hack to stay with me awhile again and i had to forego the pleas- are thv rbwifeatina has been a aontae i great bbther to me and ihavedoeeaajteat deal of doctoring for it without mnchgoocl when tbia last auacacaroe on me and crip pled my haodt ao that they were drawn up a friend of oime teeoininended st jacnua oil the great gennah homed y lasted it i am happy to aay and the rraarfc aa ths t am now cared aawall aa ever st jaeota oil aaeeeedad wferi inure than ewramil uther linioento aui adediejn have tailed tjiejieitij ajtto planer onlo -how- the- tlrli d floort com illmeou to the 1 ia fourtli floo andwoujd li w toknhw if dhjejeoypnidatoiet f cm the calrerwell medical co thissrlktiin jatnotjaiapowjabifcilc -w- t orandinadldntlehaancvtiitjiariahesa ponrui floor compu aeot to third onlycame to ihe dodrand miff h wildon low who ant at that time slyly dhflng- floor and ruhwwikbo r lehr expect jorttf dowri tho- ajb jnpip down tboee sbapab ahiinnlnt 4lnk abo wouldr jlutejhei tr tusea yesterday l lfljuaeyt a bevy of utile raudrea were teflhav i st when ladiea kisa are they really doing te each other what tts would tiataaen ahopji do to them i tjtw anffer from indtgeaflrrn end lpie pepau wheri itom6ekki6wrtbift ti uotlvelyfeure thesj ijjtmiiitet a 4iia jkosuamsjeaatewtwitja- jaloy a mans hniee ia jaaiiii fpei aieiwforv- the mp teewatbat itlasatrtieeaijeaerl- -v-jn-si- m r lb noiejasfoyttwr the4 mrwttfwwriwirpvritol theiatei hrtsttjafiiaat- them at wnolrlllarwflwsvinir rwift fi tgtgtl tfs hii iiv