Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1882, p. 2

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jwiics thcbsusy miim im 1 iss2 our pouucjsl fosliion diinnij thiinu tit polllleiloonttal the pavinim of the jtreb press will lo as we cuira it lm lias been lnlrndiit ki mattvr what our wvinl symtliia may br the 1res ettws ill not favur either party we must with liml we we pronouucrii optuionsnpon the questions cow ixfory lire el mors e kini solution and woum ttoat che fully enter the ooutestljnt ax njsrlr iqunl unmber of- oourftva- ures ani rifrmrs kre aulwcrilxra 6 th fars press juticv honor and gool faith towards them demand lhl t refrain from offending or iijuuny either party hy idvocaticg the priuci plee liild by ihe other agaiust this cours there is no cause for either party lo jcrnur each has its own subsi dized organ to champion its cause halloas candidates sheuff mcinlv the candidate of the conservative wrty is a gentleman who lis be in puliiicneee in hslton for many yejrs autttlie opie of the county a its nodisnlit well acquainted with hint petfcnallr mi well an in put lie life ccns qieuliy fsunl- iar with liis hbltties mr mictauiy th r- form candi date i a pnlieihiin of considerable experience in public iff haviugterved a tnjnl in the dominion parliament to the entire satudacuao of his party slid votrld no doubt cin auy represent the prple should ha be their cioiee at the ecming eldion the candidate will toth visit acton dario- the comist and each will then jjrwenl ins intended course of action to the eliore when they will be able to orm an opinion as to which would beat represent their interests iu parlia ment si ottawa the scott act a few of onr readers have fennd fault kith the fkee press for its tintitrons advocacy of the scott act and prohibition and its continual and hitter attack nputi the liquor trfic but we are bonscietuicusly working for whit we honestly corstdcr is the right end fr the hirst interests of oar eiti i ris ad humanity iu genera unci our position may 1 summed up in the fol lowing question are the aggregate re suits of the di inking system direct and indirect in nil their variety of effects ol greater benetit than injury to mankiud we hold that they are not and bencs no nutter wjiat arguments miy be preqentfd on the other side we be here it to lie the duty of everf patriotic citizen to ajwisl in destroying that syp tern tu- qioment wh become conviu- od that the use of intoxicants is friz ductie of morgood than evil that mo- iment we will haul down the temperance banner and cease to advocate the cause it reprraenti but ontf then we tniat that while stredtrth shall eudare we shall ever raise a voice to plead for human freedom public improvements the season is uow rfdvaucing acd the ratepayera generally are aoxioug to know bat ifjiiroveoieiitg are ikely to be made on our streets aud fcidewalk atid what fateps ale to be taken uiiii year for the drancruint ui oar little ton the at oual report of the coin- uittee on itreets and sidejvafks recsui- tndidiiiiinfiroieiuenuafuj tefiaira will uu trul i prrweuted at the we t- iu of the council next tuebday even- ing the question will uu doubt be caitfully disctirsed and we hope that wluitcver steis are to be tajeu any iuiproveuietrs that oiav be decided bpon ii tie made at once there is do use of woino until the seaaoaiaso far advnutxd that wiuur will be ujion us btfcie weanbavt any of the bene- in to be derived doru the iuiprove- llients untde let the conncil decide at once what is to be done and then sei aliuut to have lbs woik completed the uirmbris of the council cannot exp to satisfy the ritepaysn by be ingniere figure beads at the council boaid snd uredo not for a uioment imagiue that tgu is tteir position pin ftrl coiifideiit tiiat eacii uiember ia anxious to fnrrfjtr tho interests of the ipla they represent and we have qo doubt they wifl prove this bjr iheii acthin in tip aoatterjf public improvo- nieiit atlhenjext or early aubwtjueni narting a two aeitmeat cf election xojleav tort hot and j itou yesterday was etithmiaslicallv rucli ndutm he heat of the ttho cpiitwtmtit be drtisivo lt tt kiko be f ir slid squire lion git ward dlalcij addressod a very larjt itsidienoo at m alternooni h icciuived i j both pautits hnvn with eiror it requirea contest as well as liuif tp cooiutno the error and crystal its tbe tltuvh the coimttt is dividjed on t few great aud vsstly important questions geeoily affecting the futiua destiny ol the dotuiniuo uoh person ibuuld dioido as to which party h is willing to enlrust with the future well being of the oouiitiy aud oaat bis ballot accordingly the liiuel alloweil for tho electiou campaign is so short that the great imius of the parties will hardly find leisure to apjiear on tunny plallurnis beside local ones to explain the sit uation ww sre- infortued however thai hon alex mckeusie will likely deliver an sflilreaa ill acton duiing iht campaign tbe- cousetvativts will no doubt- batu sutne proaiineos oliti ciau here also but uo natiies are as yst aodouneed party vomlnatlous i u haltox i i at the conservative convention bold at milton on ftiday there was a full reptrsentatiun from all parts of the wuijty the candidates nominated were mr pw h storey acton shedff mekiudaev miltua messrs i w encnt birlingtoo anj d b- chisholui ihatuiltoo the candidates weni airpreaient with the exception of r ciiislrjlm and addressed the uieet ingj atjclose of the sjiekking the uther cand dstei resigned in favor of shenff iliiudsey the refknuers of the etraoy net in convention at milton on tuesday to brleot a catitliijatetocjniest the couiing election- ithe party lu ajl parts of tbe eouutv ere repseaented the noinio- ations were iltssrs w mccraney uikviile john white j milton and john waldie burlington all of whom were present the convention was almost nnarojous in the selection of mr mcuraney lis their candidate socfh welusgtox the kefartn conventiou- st gjelph jn tuesday 6elcttd mr james iuncs of the lirccry as their standird bearer in south wellington at the ensuing elections 1 j a at the ctiervaliv odnrention st guelph on siturday mranies ooldie was chosen as conaerratine candidate for sooth wellington i scott act ts license law to the editor tflhc fnt prat dfar sit as a forinir resident of the county ctf halloo and a reader of yuurpar i litre watched with con siderable interest the agitation iu favor nf and the tffjita now be ng made to pit into practical workin operation the seott ljctin my old county and here jet uie remind the friends of tem perance that outsiders generally are watching with interest their efforts in this direction and if the act be faitb- frrlly enforcfl and proves a blessing to the people ance jieople of prohibitii generally as all temper believe it willjtbe friends ob elsewhere will be stim ulated to imitate their noble example in endeavoris- to stamp ode the caise i i of the liqnor tmfsc i j i i notice sdwevtr that some of the secular papers are grasping at every little iiiconveuience or disadvantage that cannot tat once be remedied in order to belistle the act and disparage pear to be making most rts to put it into working those who a laudable eff shagie bat ihene writers have evident- 1 not stop jied to coraiare tbe work ing of the siut act with that of the license ac id sdjoinind coantier comparisons are said to be odious which is d doubt the raaon they avoid makin tbec btr bilst those opposed to tie principles ol the scott act are ends itortnir to write and talk it njo disrep itts it will hi the constant duty of the fiends ofuie at to show up the workiigs of tho lnse law where it is it force and on oompakng tmals it is iound that tbe scott act reduces drut kraness iumurality and crime then t is friends of t emperaace will be stini ilajed to continue their efforts in its lehalf living as i do where the li sense law pr rails and being an estt est advocate o prohibi tion i- will ir with your eruiisioii from uiae lo iuie give you and youi readers some of the practical resulls b the legalized ale of strong drroka ami in doinjg so i shall ouly refei to its do ings in 1882 enlv in ti is yea a farn ar in this townslijip can t home at tuidi igbl ib an hrdni ji m flower a field illujxfimttat i renin bed tate and finding his lain ily coniiatiiiji nf a wife ami ten child- lis btoame infnriated al their- eviden dinluct of the uisibi of ui house and routing them out u bedjottkd til small out ofdours in thsir night cloth lbn taking a hsmiuer and uails liefastmed tip all the doors and lliu jfuoily bad lo seek shelter froui a neighbor on the adjoining farm shortly after three of bis children were seised with diphtheria the teiuk no doubt of this nights expusute and two of them were canted to their graves a tbiid imitlyescsping with its life another neighbor firmer recently went a few miles lo attend a meeliug of the municipal council where lie became intoxicated at the expeuu rliiibr of tbe tnembers of the council nd o her friends whom he met i here aud to the way reiinuint home fell out of his buggy bruke his back and died i i a few days ihereslier snd so far as i imv learned tbera has been ni indirtation aroused agsinst the l cense act nor agsinat those who supplied him wjih thi liqiur which waa indirect ly if not directly the cause of this mans prvuiicura death this theu is the practical woiking of the license system with us men and wmuen ol u niton bow does the walk ing ofhe scott act cjmnare with this i more a xox bu8iness brevities teas- facts afttntf wnr bnataha maa aaa ei uss ef bsnatit so aw i aarat teasurs hats irom 75 oohts lo flfic at j tylas for choirs snd cheap plumes go tb hnglies onfflns acton a ooop felt hat for 75 cents at i fyfes ip youjwnnl n nnwivdnrbeand sneap salt j iyles is the place to go all kinds of lidiva collars collar ttoh and tin nt hughes 4 qnffiur acton r mr parpetui huau 0 tswv ssysi i wi rsdiontli cured ol piles from which i hadjbeen suffering or over two- moniln by he use ifthimas eolectrlo oil l internillry smt ex lernftij taldnc it in irasll dosrs before mli snd on retiring to hed in one week 1 was i red snd hare no tronble since i believe it saved ray life ijtery han for himself to v ulilor o the frrt prtu drmslb 1 quite ngree with you mr editor that every thing connreed with the franchise shonld be done oien- ly aud above board and that it is a duty every voter owes to his eounlry te learn as much as possible of s ctndi date fur jiailiamenuiy honors lafore promising his vote to any ono feeling that as you say the prosperity of his country may depeod ou his single vote so thetullot box outjht to lie smashed and the conveatious scattered both having a tendency to cause simple straigbtfurward people ti go it blind ly if any being having a ristht to vote has ni opinion of his own and can only estimate the highest privilege of a freemin in dollais snd cenia irt him offer it fur silo to the highest btjder in the open market then tbe lat dollar winv as general grnt would say but let just be ibe las vote ever such a follow will hare to soil yetj tiuly jhy newtox l may 29 82 wedonoi coincido with mr nw too in smashing the billot box because we believe it has been the means bfdoin oway with th very unnecessary excitement and disorder at one tiuie customary on polling dtys and voiera who liefore the introducon of the hallot box were forced lo vnle ajirist their convictions by intimidj tion now use their franchise as they deatie and no ono ia the wiser ex free pbesj what people say that dominion dsy will soon be here that tbe hut tain brightened tbe farmers faces- tbsl plenty of rain st this season of tbe year niesm cheap buuer that neither political party can afford to despise any mans oplnloos or prejudices or underate lis influence that the wellinformed conservative who informed the fuss press last wrelc that hon wm afacdougall would bi the cou- seirative candidate for halton ws ms- uken scotch english snd cnnsdisn snitirigs in treat variety at ths eat end clotlupmtor j fyfe acton hiigbea it ori6bn sell mens fin stniw hatsjat 40i nnd upwsrif fine cluisly stiflti at 130 newest slybvt suits ail overcoats st extremely low rates acq msde in latest styles be iuts to call add see them j fyfe aoton tkjt slukaad r mlae la three lime ihe man he wis before be begun using wells liealthfienewer 1 prugglsjts mcqnillas himiitot of the welling ton marble njorkir onelph out are doioa the urjiftst rseail marble trade io ont ow ing toths facl that thdy do the beat work and sell the cheapest tho pohlic sre warn ed against dealini with second baqd trde peddlers hot should so direct to the firm or hay from their scents see that the name mcquillan hamilton is on the printed form fore vou sifro or order tarnaihiijg so simple snd perfect for ecloringss ib pismoid dves for carpel rags belter and cheaper than any other idvestuffs erhobn of tocth a lenllernart wbo sofiereri for rsars rrnra nerriu iklilliv irenislnre lifcajfsnd nil the effvcu of ruulliml lndlwellor 111 lor th saseor sidehiff homsiult tid free io at wh need l thi revlpi and direction for msknp iiesltnrle w mi dj dy ihlrb he wis euril tsaflerers wishirf to profit bv lh sd- eerlleit xpeirteno can dosobjaddreulng- in ptfer eonlrtenre joun bcoda jceflar8i new york all ihove painful snd distresnog dis eases and irregularities peculiar to ihe female sex trhy he prompllr cured by ecsiock bioon bltreis it regulates every organ o a healthy action j oosestt tt tscommpnly said trnt you cannot make sn honest man believe thatwbite is black sod ivies rscru but those wbo have prey hair by using tbe cltotlxsi cm kexewsr will find that this sp parent difficulty is easily overcome for le by j e mcgarvfn 50 cents per iotue t ctsble mrrleit at cravenbarst on ihe 18th of mv ibe wife of mr r 4i lller shingle manufacturer of a m n tbealtik hatt austo at ihe resldenre of he brides falher qeoicetown on the 24ib ulu by the kev james coults wlss lliniiie austin to mr james b hall of georgetown boal die la lie bsase rnogh oi rats clears out rat nice reaches bedbugs flisaoti moles hipmonks gophers lie eeysipelss scmfuls salt rheum sraplions arid all diseases of tbe skin uid blood ore promptly caied bv bur hick blood hi iters it purees all tool lumors iron ibe system imparting treogthand wgorto the same john hayes credit po ssys his boulder was so is me tor nine months hn he could not raise his band to his ad bat by the use nf thomas eclec ric oil the pflm aod lameness disappear d snd alinoogh three months hu lapaed he his not bad an attack of it since xat van sr oar peralurtuts 6oaiied respectabla peopls voold berdtata i oosiderablj bemre pufertng voor docxsts in a i rowded tboxoalfsre that woolu be too too lio soia dischitmiation is not intucatod by tea xallcd rcspectfbla tlmrrists vben uiat won- i crrui corn curajpctkurs coim errtucton is 4rjeed for ba will puter year jioakals in the ttiost genteel maacr by fabstitntias cheap and c aogerons sabstihites for the genuine putnams am extractor fcyatch for those euntiesicn and t dee none other than putnams cora extractor old by druggists ereryvbere had suffered many physicians snd jrew no better but rather worse llr 1 h howard of geneva k y sfur dismissing bis nbysicisns tried t early halt a i loss of the rsrions blood s ud liver remedies sdierliied with no tene6t when one bottle of buidock i lood bittirs cured him of paralysis nnd general debility at lbs advanced sseof 60 he siys he lees ynoig agsiu sad is overjo ed at his wonderful re plyery ttesl aad raeafert la ike lasterlaf browns household psnaeea has n a equal tor relieving pain both in- trnal and external it cures fain in t is side itacbj or bowels sore throat hheumntitm toothache lumbago snd any kind ct a psin or ache it will 0 ojt surely qu ken ths blood and heal s i its acting powpr is wonderrul browns household panscea being sv knowledged ss tbe great psin reliever and of double the slrengtbpf any other elixir or liuiment in tbe world should b i in every family handy for use when winted as it really is the best remedy ir the world for cramps in the stomach si d psins and aches of all kinds at d is forsale byall druggistsst 26 cent a bottle pimples iwp mall ifne tberenipe for aalmpla vi zetahs ball i that win remove tan f eoklesv pimp as and sloteliaa isavlog tb skin soft ele r nnl beaallfnlj nso li st nciionsrorrrot neltnythelaxurleatrrowib nf hslrona hnlit lead or sponttt fare art dr ss incloslr s i stomp ben taxtdali ool2brclytt ny catirrh af ike bladder bvikodto irriti tion liifiatnmation all k doer and uri airy complaints cared by ijuohupsibu 1 do not grasp at the shadow and lose tb substance kidnevwort is able to convert you from a shadow of your former sell into tbe substance or established health snid a sufferer from kidney trouble yhen asked to iry kid ney wort for a remedy ill try it but ft will be last dose it cured bim snd now he recommends it lo all if you have disordered kidnefs dont tail to try a prtounri sotfros or dtssusa a tri fling maucretion in diet may lay the foundation of eonfjrnied rjyspepsja add the is nju fact in medical science more positively ascertained or more author itatively asserted than that djspepla it the parent of a host of bodily ills not be leist i f which is contamination of tbe blood and the maltdiex of whfeb that is the direct consequence tbeir orimil oatjielis nowev r thorpugbli eradicateil from the system by nnutmv sop a ltkas s vbaetlble dlscotesv x3b drsfeptiojcrba meiicine which only holloways i ills 1 jwr lnngs i requires regularity nnd persisteube in k dneystmost disessesof these tiepur its nae tojouredyspepsia and the many ati re organs ari itrom olntrnctibnsoier ilia that arise from it no deleterious tb iremovnl of vhicb those celebrsied minenl ingredient is oopulned in it pi is exercise ti a mot perfect odnmd nnd though itsaction is thorough in a course of ll em is strongly recom cases of cpstiveness it never produces mi nded as a r mwy for suoh obronio griping pains in tbe ablominal region nfi motions as lire r enlargements conges or weakens the bowels like a violent hon of tbe luns torpidity of tbe kid- pargsiivev it invigorsles the system nes and otlilr funoiopsl disorders throneh tie medium of tbe increased wticli enusemudn present suffering and digestive fndsjasimllativeactivily which if neglected v be foundalhm of organ- it promotes and is- also a most efficient ic lisesses uo lowsys jpujarefppcj remeily for kidney jcomplaints jscrofiii all r adirptad for ibajoarjgmirlflcste j ottsandsll diseases or tbe hlool female ih ir gisntli ant purifying ootibnl ranks wmtaessjierfc priee jylmo rampfl lib m ihxe au uher medloineai mlnm bptlle luc as fbrnotbmr s di- estlpri nerrxusaffrttieni jwqfc arid lyua fegallj pisoovery and dyif rh umausmihi e pills bare aejuerrd pispt jo cqe fty wrapper besrs a fas loi lbemelrs nniversat urat i tiv spoil of j their limatura bpw by all ex 1 alt imparl jes romoljlioa and nfiftoewetiew j l lh rsitoreiki f rrnineojqa vtof i 1 i j j i ilf v i j seedb all fresli at j e li rogatvii b druj stoi l whaviay ibitskaaalai nsss kidnfywort vpprktlci wanted a smarts idttlligent boy about 15 years nf sgri is wonted at the fltxx psxss office lo learu tba art of printing apply st once to j i 8 p mporte prdvj ottk1 acror milobojctsbbbeu bill the anderslsinef bns tor servlre on his premises lot it concession i esqurslng nearaeton n thnronbtred bull wit b prdl- greihcond iuke fif t terms 100 for rnorougnbred cows and iltofororade strictly csfh ai ex h brown april hthltt i- a ite piblic helti a meetlnj of tiia ris5pyeti of tba vuuije of aetoovuluhaldln matthjbws hall thursday eviang june 1st it rmht oclock to uke into eoiuidrtleia the proprietj of firias ktr qotp- tol ton a- at01l t c 8 smith bsat crojr- harness trunk 9bp0t rsairts siquixc isttbao is harness or trunks to save money should go to r jcreech i acton qoibt of retisio ths court f bsvisiott for the uonicipality of tbe village qf acton till bold its first sitting for bearing snd determining appeals against the assessment of 1ss2 at matthews hall acton -on- thursday 22nd june 1882 at eight oclock p m j ehegakm viluge clerk clerks office may 2jrd i6s2 m immense spring stock xt tbi dominion boot shoe store bxhibitiqnof im qhoige jyilllinery ajn all kinds of fancy goocrs commaodi tbe admiratipn of all wiitora j i s sjgfcenlatged show ejni fetter lighfi with an addhiopafrtat 5 of experienced assistants enables them to execute all prdeb with i promptuess neatness and entire satisfaction prices are quaranteod hht theie stock opj u1 ul is full selected with usual care and bought on jwry beat terms m boots and shoes for everyone finest kid to coarsest wear no better value in canada the goods having been bought before the strike we are now reosivin opening anc plaattl oa sal a big stock of sn in i s o a ul h bkku w a kmkkkm o 4 jkkkk- a w fob the spbinor tevtvdb tow prices will be oxe of the chief features of onr establishment our aim is to fnrniah enstomen with good stylish wellmade foods cbeap for cash our custom rork department is as nsaal in good ruining order firstclass mater ial alwaytiised bepajring promptly at- tended to kenney it om acton april 82 we will take all the eggs brought in and pay the very highest v prices for them remember our f hf 8 st isa which still maintains its reputation as the best tea for the money inspection invited r christie henderson fe co guelph cloth hall our spring stock consisting of cloths i seotch and radian tweeds hats and tents furnishink fieeds is kow complete in all departments shaw crundy ercliant tiiloi 8170088308 to i lh f i rf- fr i fiaiiajy taokle ftoda ii i i jdcton of kew fasblonadle spriqg goods ili the mammoth house geobgetown hr ic i tr s mcleod anderso qo 25000 dollars worth or the cboloeet and clwapeat new goodsvar ahotrnin this uoantj we bar great pleasure in annoqneipg to our oastomers and the pobllo generallr that wa hare a firstelaaa stock that wa boogn t th goods right that we will wl unm cheap that through oar long experience and onr maeloabied credit and oar ability to psv cash for all the goojs we bar ibst we can offer joa in-joee- menu that no citr town or village or anv other place oan oderin tbe shape or a large stock to choose from suitable goods for this aurketand cbeap above alt very few place in ontario has a larger or better adapted place todobaamessm than we have or a larger stook and bar expenses are not near aa largo as dtv booses- and we will oolsjlow cily or ooun try places to ontlersell us at this is the place we hare pitched one tent and invested oar money dreerooods in all the latest fab rlia dress ifflks black and colored a beaotifol une of dress slks for foojier yard wort 7 so prints iumense variety from so per yard upwards toolions of all kinds inelnding ducks deaims sbirtings and twklnga at wholesale prtoa tbe above goods were purchased last october they bare advanced iioee like wise targe stock of small wgrea hosiery g lores corsets moes ilea dmbrellab parasols dress tiimmings of all kinds including fringe oords ano tassels j aedisfurnlshbjg flats caps ready rnsdearjtrungboots48boertvaluwtrink we arc are paying speolal attention to carpets a beautiful onion carpet for 850 per ysrj a tapestry lor 45c worth 86o j snot all kinds of boos turoissibgs our millinery is simply superb secondto none in tbe dominion and is ranerintendsd by talent andmbilify that cannot be aorpassed j 6lsdies need not besilata to patronise ujis dedartment mmtemade to order in tbe most approved ntjle ordered clothing depertmentirnjnedse 8ao oess busy ubsilers through the dull 8eon the reason why cbqloe block 0hfapdvperf4entungoalinnls and tb workraanshlpunsurpased wo have an immense block to choose irom and we shall be making almost daily ad dittoes to onr stock in all tne lstrsf choices ad cheapest goods suitable to this rnarkst fnrthersre will rll tie ooda at on priost and foreash or prodaoe suchasiatlradeggs cpttpetluon ts to kern now that goodehaveto besojd for oasli and tbei hi no reason thai cash cannot bepah aa ell ftanirs aititnas mswhaaios and urorers ot all ktnds areaid cash for their tjrodue o tirtiirlabor mmeiimitfometerin oa youmoaei and ywwill gt biiajiki tbe above rules willbe striotty adhered to etoept in euei of sretov eaaorg dot we shall be pleased to show gcjodtlo all ou old rritatousdu many net obsttttgsvlotioit4 ttr lookout qrnt bitrgaia tslw gltti in umq rpist l f tf i k h m swiwmr 0- at j- e lfc4rviavdrutf sfejw juton

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