rtettss r t jwfff folks friwsb fen f hb fate otfi fsb hjsw typtwapan itaimuht ccero nitabear i with her mcx stretches asiubg toe ft crumb jrom tbe plasjyh dinner jmsbhsiabt bad soma tittls black ptajj la his dirty psa pkrid a tramt falittis vrr near the ben btmj saw it ocmftuj but that wddj arret ixh qui ped sbtw qsatfh bar bytbe bead flrjibej up hu dltuim vvben tbs hm was deed children shun the tempter vvibtscatohjtatt os 1u tb poor bkmy sad may be your fabi tro wertls well saiei k mich gau msb told bll iliulhtjr abstltsras i talrtrtavi ltjwl sin isarn j tlte tt toil j litchs girig tha hiretvjp rl sliut- ftobndthlllrli hint inflli whitv j8w qho nit hji litittiuui n iwko ny it ttisutit j uu kribw jlugitli doctor tayj that plants iu sleep tuit roouii rc uuhoatthy vreuofirduetots v they roiscofuitih oiiri lit uv dtj lui aboau it t tyrtil- own wbobnyr toor bedridden tor ri liaben biilitels uri uffein ft latest tshibns are told cheap 1 universal miinrucitqn and ere eelilut ltisrprtmnii ftnesshj tin us of lydin e finkbitniijl jj f afel fjm pf f f iwyjftre boighf from tbe mmnijfioieffwi itjsrl6ii veketll coninunil he jd to mrs lfd1 oaj 0 huhtob tretttre tbe verfndab ti dowi b iiuklif im asjttrsleti atmiiue lynn it a ruthtls advice to his daughter a father taking bis carelraa datijjhtei kside sail twsnt to apeak to you of your mother it may bo tint you bare noticed a carvvorn look uioa tin face lately of coarse it lax not beri brought there by any aol of youra till it is jont duty to chm it avaj 1 tint you to gujp to teorrow morning and et breakfast and when you mother ootnea auff begins to ezpfesa her rtrfrbii go right tip to iter and kin berj too cant imagine bow it will brigtrten bar dear face bosidtn ybh owe fcer a kiss or two away back when you were a little girl ahe kiaaed job when no one one eln waa brmpted by your fever tainted breath and wol- len face yon were not attractive ihea as joa art now and through those teabs or childish bunshine knd ahadowt ahe waa always ready i cure by the inagicuf a uutlierv kiss the little dirty ehnbly bands whenever they were iijnred in those first ijcir dishes wrtri this rough old world ami then the midnight kin with which sb fodicd so nxuy bad dreaoia as i leaned above yoar rtles pillow hart- all been on interest these luug yeaih of cooraf be is tot so pretty and kiss able as you are blit if you bkd done jzar share of the kork daring the last ten years the contrast would not bavi- dyo so markedi her facejhae tiiort- wrinkles than yodrs lar toorfe ahd yet if you were sick that face would tppeiir mom atitvrin thax is a5qelb ti it kovirs over yon watching every oppananky to minister to your com fort and every one of uieto wrinktra woald aeem to be bright wavelets of idashine chasing each other over her dear face tine will leave von one of these dan the hardens if not lifted from her aboalders will break her down those ronefa bard hands that hare dob too aiany unnecessary things fp ott will be croeaed npon her lif rlttsa breast tbote tcjleetcd lips that gave you yaot baby kiss will be forever closed sad hoae sad eyes will hare opened in eternity and then yos trill appreciate yoar mothers lore when it will btejo late sueetsmtml men we iavs aaio to express our lorririas at the anpreeedeoted and contibtial extenifon itt all countries of the demand for hollowaya villi and ointment as most thiajrs f the kind after- one efuerstioo is set aside by tbe nextf bat to oar aatosiabmont taia ex traordinary man for so we may certainly eau aim sties on and on and op and all classes and conditions ci tit k aaile pn proclaiming tha snpremaey ol nia remirdifs orerajl others kone other hare met with so jaoch op- position or secured so machsneceas the prtoiiof the podding u intbe eating of it lad houoways remedies once tried never give place lo others to what ebe can we atrribdte the spread of them over thejoiti- tied portion of the gobtl wheratav oae xdes there the eaergetie professor will be f ousel to reiiera pain aod restora health aniniqapoaesaiist afeareus wlljei move the sects of excess are yon fever fskj drspejto uosuad with an etijarpi- aseatof uitlivw or splcebi what more efficscioos t aom witch pared eoafert ad t the remedies be offers stat sppssrs ridicnloss when com the iuestimsljej bebeflts they eaa triaued with ikm diseases tores bt aiders old woonds or swellins a few applications of the ointment wjll re move the ssme are you rheumatic ifie ointnwot vill restore your limbs totbo alaatkrity of viordns health v j this is b puff pnrclused hy lucre pro fessor hollpwsy is nothing mpre toosithau are the tho isaade wjn cater for public ap proval j bo i as faithful servaatj nf the pub- lie it cei o their interest that we record these sots u we do not consider it to be toperdsti to write anght jthat may if ciiaeredisapnffforaoy itdtylduai f such wish 1 9 avail themselvepif ourjpab- lieity par i dvertisinc oolomds are alwsv i opfiijti sirertiasneals tfcslmre not ot- ftcdofqt lajlrtaajthiwajaai auefattlh aassetimsttutal caterersini tfcs pabhe re should eoessidflaljy pofclis i aaeh thins i at appear to jf rlessrripg i srtlikya riot aejfte ob at oft ftjalrrljesaea sbodlbe keulstetbe action of the eoonotiiieureraiidol4setbeb oot imutbei bxlttoob bnramiia tbi hapktone ihreibb dial arpei da imeet aroue wb le the t iriilnii will wnfth fro is to jo ml iniwrvfrvrjlatetberesi vlt nld fjir 23o whtiej the 20o drifoodt re iu ly equal to those he vtaas lot pitnplilets hirv psmlltod the prt is o lliii iorabi t eontsihs si c p 4- yi coaut uf 1 tw ma laet a old wslab eu a i ihiet at est car suit ttal u that the cae u ih the ti inds of a detect e if the cane is id the h tads of delicti o tru veuture to enquires at baabecooiesi llieaolkil xhoun idssuflvrunwl i minerieifrobl kehobs takhfepnn n tie urkmid otbr dim ielnnptomitrbin from dirdre i kidney llurlock borni btlers i ift soyeieigu reraeuy tiial boltlet it oeuits ia aui tin boy came h mit froth sch very roucli excited fudtuk ilia ftlher lli hq believe 1 all huoiiu belli s were dctnd cd from a ea which made ho old man kd mad that i e replied angrily that uny e the cas with you hut i aiut with uie j 1 can tell os that ootr are you a marlr to he tdache sufler doloneei a remedy u founl in bur dock bloid uiiem jl rejiulates i lie bowels deuuses the tetn ullvs rrriialion oml restore heilth ana vigor iiunple b ittles 10 cenu pub lc tectidk si toald be call ed of the citixensof evei city town and village ii the daruinioi to conitdei what ah aid be done t prevent the hair from turningtirey ind ullingout if tlu imrortatt quesiiot reoeivel llieir earnest oidsideratiou thiy would unsoi- monsly uecidehbat science had it last disootere 1 somethiue tb t would answer this puqose and furthermore would recomme id cingslfise b air kenewer as being ihi t metbing icr restoring the hair to id nitunl color ind prevent ill falling ol l 60 cents p r bottle ut j e jlcgar ribs aiatinliietliers latbentit areyot disturbediainf htabd broken of your rest byaaick chili soderingai d cryins w th the eicruc ating pin of cattinc tteth if so ad it once am get a bottle of rs wjn os soothing syrhp it will relieve i he poor little suflerer i umedintely i pend upon it thervis no mistake abo it it ttere is nota mot ier on earth wu 3 lm ever used it who will not tell you st once tbat it will regu ate the boa els and give rest to the mciher sod relief and health to the child operating like mveic iiia perfectly safe to use in all eases end pleasant to the taste nod is the pre scriplion ifone of ibe eldest sod best female piysielanaaral iiorse in the united slates iold evejrywbere nt ii cents be tie 4th mi yfls shlrll unilerelulhlng fbrlai imanittttissa kantletaati snotbotiln ir mtnriioti an jnornioufstock crauip i hrar dry otids caiiaditb vud foireli nlwa rttlbbgw andoomeo ei eeedhrtfu alittgwlotof ibedvulllej it ril jfc s 1 1 kjastfcata r kit i it i a i u tt3i ets redboed from 90 lo tsd uidin two fjly cfeummke canxti hare b en it iniense in i iotvallkliidori k of dreas goods ajiil ijahlsfafi tjotveflimii efafi it tf j- udil kidnlywort oftlmoatarefyiiitti mind tb ntte it tectewtii great curb kidniv auvxr and bowit a eloaassi us system etta sartt i jsrt eaata tm dxvadral irfsrhna ios2t tlia vl at ssaaattssi eaa r nuevad aadtasaortti pirmotly oumo ijnaiailinaii r ea 38k frmw 1hjrwdrbti a a aj isfiilir i j bsjaryiahni lowufroi dlttgofflrwri ilettaartbtaeiatiiny ri u- fearajgif scitrtica lumbago backacfu saseaeis t th chart gout tmntr sore th vai ffwa lipgtjatti spruntrinrafmd 1 icdtt sefjanf tsdiljr- l pains tooth bar and headache fretted feet and bart and all other pamsumtaemtii0 pa vivptvatfeai en earot eets if v- tienav ont u a affe afiee slwjilr aiid ehtop txtrrnal seicd7 t ml cotaiu lot se cosipindtalt mssc oalr tio ctala aodi saoirasj wnbtpila eao kat cheap and p dtm pnst t as huaa j dsecliesiiibtnidxtiasei sou by all deuq0ibt8 alts dealot 1 hjcbbkhh 1 avogelerico awttswa itd vba kidney- wort ii tws hltn 2i hruil itt tfii 4i- ie rftiviiii titrm firwv iif vvl3 ithmf sliorwiimkcfvaovworth fa iruo1hioiirato i4l f j-iillaawawir- i53ti ft w arsfcaryhubiniraie the sals last travwujniliuetw qtjwiclstw ei ibsasesa- drib be wets welchaers tbeysnssfe msd sndtbesisirttoth vrooiltoj pulsiaaudss fucs lie m box if see new adv next week siabvalluuu ik ttihumu a permkt nit sure ciirp fur uueaajs dss orders add a ilmuita of iliekiduey bladder aul u riuar j 8ii 1 1 1 8j ateui or a ttmi datt ouniplniuuciuihg psiu insroshiir baoh side ela iraul caurrh of the itudl andpaaravu i brithn icae jislietei drupsy pilei nervous uclilft tic etc ptiuiphltiti slidtstirliitloau in r ifftia druivta trse paica childs paljhao cures re wettlltj hular pad 82 special padfl cdtuuicliaaaaea53 fleldliy m forjtbr md aotalt r 4j vyoorlliieriii twraston georgei tnwnt ahi b fetrir one ins hsury wtoojiltoncstorkisonbraoiptot wdrtti tielr weight ii gold hollo ways tliljlnqoilpajla ole vedicikh hltenjtdspr uvtf an impcrijanift famt throughout ihi world for the allcviatio aad eurt of moat djiaeaars to vhirh humanity u heir 1 iili the pills p ee ate a isapmvs thea nf he blood tkey assist the digestive ogans- oleao e the stohiclt and bowels lnrreae th sectory powers of the liver braoi the nerou system and throw into the circulation the purest elements fcr sustaining and repairing tbe frame thousands of persons have testified that hjlbei use slore they have been rentorel to health and strebgtb after vertheli fcait proved uttaur ceasfup i i i i the ointment iji- isaii i jeai mft photographs ly fe the 1ne i4ftekitttfmiwfis i- iv will be foan i invalusbte in every boase- iiold id the cure of open sores bard tumoral ad uft i ou wound oenflii colus soie fhrbals bronchitis and all disorders ot tbe throat abd chel as also tout theumstism ecrofula and every lihdt f skin disease fdsndfaou red only t prvifessor hoi- lowats jesi sblishmeoi 633 oxfikd stuebrinthjncha sold alls i 2 9i tts1 d 22 abd 33s each box and poj anil in canada at 36 oents 90 reals ani 1 6u oents ana tbe ltrget sites in pro onion srcirri 1bave no agrnt in the inited states nor are my medicine sold there purchasers should therefore look lo the ahel oh i e pots and boxea r the adlrris is not sj3 oxford street london the y are spurious thetmdi mark of my said medicines nre register id in ottawa abd also at washington jijmdtbomas holl0wat5 533 oxford f treat london itjirib jljj clothing spbrnc stock now complite fh- engluh rish 8qaqjv artel feradian tvveedsand worsteds -it- parties wanting anything in my line can tely on rocwiviug perfect muiahetioti l a larqc stqok of iv ia mndi qpinprifling all jie uifttatyipe c1ll ibtb gkk tltcat r ij os sfring twees -t- gome and see iiiem v i i i i int are now showing the liatest of lw seaioilc r every ilady should see lieml sash bilbbns j bpoclie and moire silks spalibjacl m wiiie creais ydiajlrkhamttt tz3otaiiltss oompodltfl j toagff ft wul ajsrs ssabsbr tslsassl tctsa si isalataanwaflaaeai ea jmtsatsaal lhiisawiiiijn manifttswgtsa sstsslwsssisssaatfisaiaealsrtraasftddtata tmtxanoaw ntikssaaniitladl- ntlattlaseonrtet ki aadaaetkeukiarjmimue4brlii wfflja8thaaaeiwsbilliiiiiisliaiiiiaetsa bsmasriatalswstaiswveratwltestraai jwtbqiotldmyqailalltiawlamillls jotomis jrejwjtdatsf asdaaj waawm traakua weasl xrtsotrksttras tasotsssa ssflwagmmisihatsotirtiwawaittllaissc mtjctfcaiietltostttsa iaultctojit ptmpitj aetaaflrstaaiw utbb1i1 nawlaaal mwstthsr jttj8amkta fiixhtsrwi lairfah w0 aaroaawpqusuaitctwymi gooawmayia creat jbock ijuid rotttb jofiii tcpstsnr virmaomrr iiixjio ijn- hjacy arc yellow oil ctctmat ata araplsaaant totajasi oimssjntlialdin pnrshre is a sate sara and ii a sxtpsnawta oaiaiwoottiana us iiidthtbsjflm feitii ahiij05riritsiimj wmmtm iiwri- v v ts uic4s liviu mojj hiujiit rmijmbrvv ff tiussi ijjet mkm t acfp