jnrp i 1 i 1 r im twidai jtoixuta jon a 184- at oo uynds jewellery k fancy qoodi slot aetna oat berlin wools mottoes the largest slock in aeton seboo rook note piper pens and ink scribbling books copy books slate witches clock jewellery sueetstclea rrtrta koive spoona and forks toys doll vases albama geo hynda the leading alore in acton fov wedding nd birthday preseuta call in bits of brevity sxal ana rtherwtte prerarew r ike r ike a tetawra fee rearien t the feee pees vil qe vrtetiesi r taral ewa miter f aaretal nrmeat te an luaarbr bio tbeblgtcttthlog heard oj lass davt h the brtee of btef i who ma thshaod playing day night sir john a or mo- summer weather t who paid for the most halt present government sustained plug hits are now being revived are you satisfied with the result those laagh heartieat who laugh last the agony politicians is over lock oat for the weeds in your gardens the ice cream parlors are uuw pilrouized are yoa satisfied with the way you cost yoar tote both grit and tory horses did fall duly on tuesday thee was more than a littleloud talk ou t tuesday night there was some pretty solid work dooe hereenlhe90ih if r geo garret is considerably improv- 7 ing his residence mcktodscys elected to stay at home and so is sir richard the glorious fourth o the american wilt toon be at band actons dominion day eelebralinn ha- been indefinitely postponed yew vegfjmc are beginning to t kc thei place as articles of diet a zoni mny aqn resident property mi- ers viaited acton on tuesday tiie society ypsrag nun may now don his white pants and straw hoc qneen victoria aecwled to the throne fortyfiveyears ago last taeday the hit drdrs say basinet his been etecedindy brisk since eltjbtiiq day genrgetnwnians manifest considerable rtterest in besaufying their cemetery the grfnd jury of the dominion ha de- posjied its verdict how does it su it you 1 the eorpfiratioa thistle and burdock cul ler madcrhis eircsiil aronnt town this week mr j roa of the millot ckaxpkm ll isit week or moo una on a prospecting toar that animal nuisance fluff from the silver poplars is now annoying our cili- tens- gornetown temperance hotel 4s being nteriy patronized by travellers- so says tbeffcroil a week from neii satarday will be the fifjlerntb annivcrairy of toe confederation of this canada of oars how many hundred were there on the street cpposile tie telegraph office on toes- day sight waiting for tin eleetien returns operations have been commenced a poo the foundation pf the new town hall we hope to see the work pushed forward dow who says politics dont affect business is there a merchant in town who wanta to hear of any snore elections fcaonle time ffow that tie elections are over the mer chants will be able to do a little- business again bisizess and politico dont go well together a strawberry festival would take very well on the evening of domminn tay whotl embrace the opportunity of pro- yjdkgone the ladies say they wont fail to attend political meetings after this they seem to be favorably inpressed with konday even ings meetinfi eurawberrics are now in the market bnt frorotbe price asked for them person might tmagine they wen emerelds or other preciouj atouea theactonjfbesrpaesseayshr mx will be eleeted m oalton on the soth will it 6emcc or hck i euaivxue why mpcrioey of coasse a a smart fotehigeat bor about 15 years of find a splendid opportaiuty af forded binrfur learning the priniiog btisi lie by applying at this office isamedjately jqbl thathorrulfsidewalk ayotmg lady remarked as a delicate litlln foot struck gainst a broken plank the sidewalks in otne place in ufa are in a terr bad eon- diuoa knj of ltqar captured by lor fraxer and constable dent at a on aoixtfniti ffir and pj pretty dearly for hiving itfc p f irf ih snjittl iotacrljaiosfcl flie p pmmijmia bepam r basbftflm coming f foy there iaao mora ptaasaill iia i accm wltkoiider jaehj j than thejttor i j v f when people tei a msn ttraftt know be is a bnjioasa man nd his tjsyj procuiimi that fie i bnidbtamdonsto oltonsto x jnnjjaiebtpa b otters go 3 nobouste wiwo- iasktatioen wtmut rates aval forottai cranayi totrio tha qseeaa plate was won last wku london by aaay wimr bred by john white euq millott vew ntw piocm flodb the new pslent flour manufactured by the roller proossa may be hart at ellloils flouri feed store rhtoonsshbo the bricklayers are now encaged on the orw scbnol bouse for k 8 ko 12 the work will now be proceeded with antil jooapltted laaok ton it is said that the largest number ot votes ever polled in halloa u in this elfctloo acton polltd 28 more than at ihe kit election omrcatthc friends of mrs oliver liiier of london east far many years a resident ot this village will regret to hear that the old lady died last week no qonkrht owing to the excitement in connection with the election eon teat it has been tmpoaaihle to gel a quorum for either a board of education or a council meeting j ikthusttkg sean a copy of this weeks friz ptzss 10 your triinds at a riistanee- tliey will be anxious to hear all about too elections io halton ready for mailing at this omca for throe cents assault a case of assault was tried bo- fur squirt strange rockwood a week ago last avcdnesdny between v bennett and w allan erin in which alln was fined 1 and costs amoanting 10 415 wnatjootiajlieawnanl waller uacdonald and john crowe elart for wimbledqo on toecanadinn team yrelerday the 1st brigade artillery u the onlywrp in the doniinioo that has two men on the team 1 the stkh liirrs8omenstroetive iodirilnal jhas scraped a quantity of the paint fmni a namhrr of the lamp post wouldnt it be a good ida to give lliem a new coat and have the caretaker walcli them a little more closely in future bask ball match our juvenile base bill club the star went to guelphyeder day ti play the e urn match itb tie 0 k lrafs of that city the boys were aiu vitnrionswith a score of 8 to 8 tbe guelph lads will require to take a back sea now how thtt est accntt3 those fpnrt ing rew liaj since the election are now accoted upon the street as follows shoot the plug election hat v wherd you gel the new bat v what did it cot yu t horrdh for john a i hurrah fur hccraney 1 4c e polmcjil jiosic on tnesdny evening the bond played exhilarating tuna at in tel rals for several hsrs opposite the tele graph office as fir as politics are con cerned the band boys are pretty evenly divided and we presume the music render ed was both gnt and tory mixed together a cowardlv practice during the past week nrso we hare received sufficient evidence to confirm us that several persons in town are resorting the mean and iilegj practice of allowing their cows and horse to run at latce at night letting them out after drkand taking them in again before the authorities are aroused it would be well for these parties to remember that the constable is looking after such eases the pcirrr rev r hobos of wash ingion formerly pastor of the uethodist church here will preach in the methodist church on suoday morning next no doubt a large number of his former friends and acquaintances will he glad to hear him again intbe evening rev t l wilkin son will preach his farewell sermon prior to leaving for waterford where he was stationed by the recent conference scevet paett a surveying party in charge of mr james warren u l 8 of kincardine onl left here for the west yesterday morning mr warren is en gaged by the government lo survey town- t hips 9 1 nd 1 0 in ranee 27 and 8i west and township 9 in range 9 and 10 west of the 2nd meridian tbe party will bo occupied mot of the season in completing the work brsuiioisix the gentleman above re ferred to mr james warren was formerly of ibis vilhige laboc bash on wednesday lait a splrndid barn was raised ou the farm of ilr wm- shyers of lotsicon2esqiies- ing the luuiljing is 50 x 6fl feet with firstclass ajtone stables undernoalh tbe barn is one of the largest and best in tbe neighboruoiid nnd will be supplied with all the necepsary conveniences mr james mebean is the builder and deserves credit for the superior workmanship of himself sod assistants bongl tie day was wet and the imboj iairj lie building was erected withofltmbibap rltv werfaamageatjy fin urdajr morning to tb 1000 the lota 1 coven cvmtxttirron tueadayevaalof mr r r ran 0 t r agentj connected the wltl of tbe 0 n w teleiaph oo with instrumeou lo matthews hail aud her all tbeelecuonreporu wrareied a small admiaaloo lea wu charged by tbe tslegraph company and large number of the moat tuterttted ones feok advaiftageof their rangemeot aud had ihlngi tcry conrtni- ently arranged during the eveolog mr rae did hla btai to secure correct returns from all parts as soon u they could be a- certained and the thanks of thoae present are due lo him for tbe trouble be took in the mailer by far ihe largest number re malned outside and there did the chaerlng u the returns were announced farkesa attiimox we notice that mr alex brown near ibis village has been very industriously engaged during tbe past few days in outting out tbstye grow ing among his fall wbtat tho present is a comparatively idle time for the farmers and we would urge all to spend a fen days in following mr browns example we are informed that the grain buyers 11 this vicinity intend hereafter topsy five cents les per bushel for wheat coutiinlug rye and other foreign grains aud a utile time spent now when farmers are not bury in cutting out ibe rye from the fall wbcit will be amply repaid by the extra price per buhbel which they will receive for the clean wheat after harvest by attending lo this very important matter you will save money for yonrselvei and sostaia the reputation of our fair dominion fur the best wheat in the world ihrinff th bxoltemwit of thi preaeat election campaign w ul offer great bargains in dry gcola beady hade olosdsg x illlnery tod soots ft sliosa rfvvn-sew-m- ot r spring stgok local news now sad then a eorre- spoujent says is us when ire ak biro to send ns the news w by there is no news in my nciiriibjrhood now h is ml4aken there is news everywhere and you will find ll if you keep your eyes and ears open arrival and departure of friends ou busi ness pleasure or visit the selling or trad ing of farms births deaths accidents or a line fluid ot gralti he building of a hnuc or turn the maeiiog of any siciet with thsir offiers in fact ererytliiug should be reported and ii aewt one is snrprised lo fiod bow many trivinl things gu lo make op the oews of tie week but a paper that reports them all is a newsy sheet dry indeed i a place that cannot prudnce some item of newa during tbe seven days of the week wo want corre spondent to liy to see bow interesting a correspondence iber can send us mjtrhodist chcecs or casada the following is the hat of miaialers and names of the diueruil stations to which they bare been appointed at the recent sitting of conference in ihe guelpb district guelph norfolk street w s griffln j w jouley superannuated guelph dublin street john g scott acton wm bryers georgetown w morton bt burns ma rockwood wm h bfej erin isaac crane elora george buggin fergus mallhcw swan ponsonby francis swan gall r h waddell b o preston thomas b leilh hespelcr francis e nugent berlin wm j ford new hamburg william savage garafraxa r w wright eev t l wilkinson goes 0 waterford kv r hobbs remains at wsshington aud rev t a moore is stationed on the salford circuit near woodstock sfeciaelj liisreis- 917 patterns of choice euglish aud french prints tit 5 cent a yai d and up j mantle aid dress cashmeres 50 inches vide single width dress g od all the fttshionable colors aud shades with triii miiigs to match from 8c a yard upward j linen goods of every description at prices that cannot be beat mi ueavy white counterpanes at l00 beautiful stand 8preadpt 80c aud 40c getvts furnishina goods tub most complete stock in acton special isffil our millinery will be found more attractive than ever this eeast ti as wo have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choit est class of goods in the new york montreal and torct nto markets iaes in childrens hats fancy straws at 15c k 20c men8 andl boys we can show a very large atid choice assortment in this bo7a patoy straws for 20o and 40o jleaa straw and pelt hate for 25 6c aal 60 line mm iqi department the large trade we have done in this line during the past year convinces ns that we are handling the right clasaof g ods onr principal i ines are manufactured by j- d kin t co and cooper 4 smith toronto which makersare acki owl- edged by all boot and j shoe dealers to be amongs the best in ameritja and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition mejdals for fine and durable wo rfc gigur prices will be found tte very lowest for all classes of goods- geighest price paid for any quantity of gocjd butter and bggii huqhes griffin aotoa 03t5t geoceey a sntasoe eioai- n event of most unusual cuaracttr has tak en place upon tbe farm of mr robert jobot on s fetr miles from jmkli acou e of weeks ago a ijaeydbbler ukposstlor ofbens op johrwassinig veraajt- oni tpsuyiifefi jytiiiwk t to give lli snmethio to do aatfjplajcfd mtrf elt w in ate f te gobjbtl hiheenjierail sjpoo ibeni htmt sw feeksvanij fcartfei1jahicrotao felltere elndjeal loatsmmss pmhitm biti jit wjne e1il iieonieiwlon uhijl 8cdilaismdmt pleasaat farewen the following from the ber7in nan shows that mr z a hall fa pative and for many years a resident of our village wins for himself and family a large circle of friends wherever his lot is cast mr hall has been engaged as manager of tbe large leather manufactory ofl breithsupt co for a number of years and is niw launching in business fir himself in part nership with two sons of his former em ployer the aeim saya the canada methodist church cbolr and several otber frieads gave mr rnd mrs z a hall a surprise last evening on ihe eve of their removal from berlh to pedetangulsbeoe where he and the brellhaapt- brutheisire about to pal up a very urga anyery this visit was nude to sbw the very hlh es- jteem in wldch mr aid mrs ihali are bdd by tbe young people of the congregation to which iby luve belonged fjr the last ihree years tbe evenly was veryipleaiantly spent in siuging and social intercourse as well as partaking cf refreahineota on their departure mr hall on behalf of himself and mrs ilall etpresied to them the very great respect ihey bad always held furtbe choir stating that toe leaving be- iiind such a tjahd of sweet lingera to whom they have listened to from sunday to sun day with ao much pleasurij and profltis one of the saddest reflections connected with their removal personalis mr geo wilson 0 alliadale visited bis atioij friends ihip weetj i sccord sr spent severul rjf days this la week in hamilton mr and mr a j hml of berlin vis ted their frdsegi6 mr levi smith and wife of h arethe guests of mr w fl- torey mr peter meoregnri pent sunday with ibelr fritids here mrs tburteu leaves thii morris iii on a visit to file ids there mr and mrs z a ha j of berlin paid their aitoa frleads a si ortvllt this jlillll el v mrb 8 sathvan beb raingofflser for halton was in town yeat srday vpdaet- ingthbajt hriax seootdtajtlll jonflnedteiiu iiatti aontgalii im produce eomes arid goes away ti8 sold so cheap theres no delay our stock is bought with strictest care its qualities are beyond compare our eggs are always large and frestv we keep on hand the choicest flesh our gheeee and butter free from scent examine our stock it wont cost you a cent ifyou want your rhorieys worth or more you will never pass by greens store a w green goods cheaper thaw ever v has just grto 96wa received a fresh lot of eerie td oltates out calif at jq pttsitiiishoip for ike follouirig joorfs i nr bird oifb naat it ohmi bmmlkk 1 0rtliws4 9rmj pnt trvinc xfhiw t is bltalts suire test spoons at 4 c enu per dozen bestiiajhllstli if eat i force pumps kept in tockan anppiied at eeaaon- gdelpfl gloth hjill czt our spring stock which he eock bptgjqoai fixcmsl remember his is determined to sell at celtbrated 50 cent tia a wanted ahmivis ofieroduce specially bijitter and potatoes ij- l tajtot jowlkit arr lot of ttner oflpas just to hia x wi 91 kill ijerttetel old ooppef and stem w tdrojdnb and sheep tmimn i-iii- p a htxm l wa toiiiiforiiter ijpiti rv itdn sindbsimiitcjia cottetr tlists feasr ylfe vititl j oroge fcstjffnxrj i a asillio t u it8 4m uvll jw tswts ilarllins afes