Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1882, p. 4

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i 1 uisaay icrteres thcesiuy morsiyn aupim 31 iv2 l j 3 iiy pu6 washes after eating- k cwz time to hew lokg i itt tdow acl csiirtt at y aj rabbit arj r i rlxi jom as wr ail know cat hate uic habit tavul i 1 vvry m with crfcvy- nad ciivkcl ttatocl twonkiirali icc tvist oftwtieh cc k11 boa a if eaten with ccni and tomiiocfi or if il wcrv fri put the rc rtit tccijo yofcuo ii iut cirict cut r inp the m3r voic hx said art vtvin that ccluo fotvt with ksni dieted ltttq30tiave cvrteiii tuch a cic- ivt to h r tuiyr w ttc ralviltcitiaariucte of ltvrfnin an1 flcc- uat ui dir 6y russ li a 51v 6l wcsiii her fcv itr alir johnnys reason a circus came to tevre and every bods- kcuws bow the oiusio and tin- grind tecl and kursu stt nil tbii lyjy- z-k- quiets s aiullings are ih great demand and ixany a choicv lit mocey lave the citcus riders carried away which was dent foe better jur oses a little boy was seca looking around he premise witba gteal deal of cuti fcitr httiioojcibum- 6id a nun wto tee him going to the circus i ko- sir answertd johnny- fathtrr don like tm oh well til giro yon the- money to gcjobinv aiid th ojan fatlerjont apprvre of lheuiaus iered jolnnr vsfcil goia furonce and ill p for you ko sir said johnny my father would give me the tudny if he thought twere bst besides lhaxe got twenty five ccnla in my etroq lor twic enoagh to go vd go johny fcr once its won- flerful the way iht hofaesdo aid tht- man your fitter neednt fccow it i cant brio the bar now why f ifcked the man ciose- 6aid juluy tcirime bis bare toes in the nd after ive beea there i coaidnt look acmy father right in the eve but i can now pleasant visitor tonng people who are vidting at fijriecdt house donot aiwaytf make tburfctltesas agreeable ea they might yoa should always anticipate a stood timej aad be prepared to contribute joqt share to it ba pleased with what is done for yoa and express your pleasure do not be obstructive iu bfrring help to your bot but ifau opportunity arises for you to give asist anccj do not be afraid to embrace it there are hills helpful thiags which come iu oar way at home and abroad il we have eyes to eee them a lad caij nep awy in carrying bundles or rui ing errands a girl might play and king if she can without beiug arged or amuse the children by telling them btpries of eoirie young people will dq as tidy as possible and do noinjury to the house or its belongings tlioto who jilbt the destruction of othr oflofau thtmpchc calrrtfk of fcr buddrf snyiixa irrluiion litiflimmauon all kid tier aiiduriniiry ooiuplainlft cured by liuclupaa 1 j tint w hich i bcitcc o be iindaved may bo wcct lo rcnutnbcrvd- k common and otun fatal dueftp u jaundice kepulaie llie ueiion of the liver and clwite the blood with bur dock blood biuert and live worat dash way b fpeedily cured trtj ia the eurcti cuy itf barren but rrci in tin rdu ahculd bofruilfuh proclaim if tar and wide that pt t4u burcn a si la ot curi not uiy imiix-dt- itcly tmilvi5 ll kidney diicaica but what ts twir important icstlie dniorlunte iuffcr- cr wril uuiiiiaulv cur htm ctttctaally sau icnaciculiv j emcorvia wc might 41 wth hav6 uo opporutiitk at not lo uic one thit we have aii thost painful arid dislrepsing di- eapos and irrtnhriiis peular to lie fenvtle per u hi be promptly cured by r unlock rlood bitters it regulates every ornu to a healthy actiou hyiocnsv is hard gioicuiplay a fcr it u oie dcacratiuet niiay oburvcra thoustndi luffer untold merie from nerrouwetkness piu mtuebick iki oilier dutieiing vmpiorns arising irom disordered kidneys uurvlock blood killer is ihe isjvereiffa rfimedy trial boilteloceou th thrifty bcsstfifa teytr rtlaios per- f jciuu fur dm is alcsys uiwuiio eif0 irrany wars ut patient tavcslig euccwuci in ktrfecliu j kidiuy cute ih wocld pcrniaiientlv rvlkie nit wks til ki rev liicaf nitf il ak our ihuvi iir dr yaz3ir26 kidx7 ouis ld ia actiia by j mcjitviu i hire fresh cold said a geatlcmau to ii atnmtiiiatcc j v h v do urn hae a fresh oae why doct yoa hare it cared v calivingstone fjaiuriue says f hive much pleasure iin lecomaiending dr thomas uectnc lil from having used it mjself and bnug fold it for sjme tlaie in my owe cae 1 wi i say ur it that it is the best preparation i hare tnel for raeumatiem a merchant aay matiic to grub alonp withjct adit ti-isx- ti may a una enptv a hivlcid cf water with a uispvxm bt luth arc dcddediy tedious ucdsrriifc- are you k mtftyr to headache suser no longer a remedy i found iu bjt- dck blood btuer it reculiue the bowels cletnivs the syfem aljis nerv- out irrittton hnd r stores health aud yior iiimpie lottie iu cents thorns kobinson farnham centre p- q writi i lane been hf9cted with rheumitim lor he ll ten yir- and have tried many remedies without any ielirf i got abjitieor e thorn s electric uii and fourd it 10 p e instni relief and noe ihtri tare h yd n attack t would lecommena it to ill 1 e f latcstihr chemit ot tawa urief hile ben dispensing aad jobling northrop lj mans emul- m ns ol coi lire- oil ant hjpophos- phits of liie atjd s00u for ilepastlwo j ears and consider tbu there no bel ter preparation of tui same kind in the market it i very paiaubte and fur chronic coughs it has no equal everr heafc tnaweth it owa sorrow this iaiect ippajtlocostais much truth is sou cies hjirtrer ti theheirt c iciav iite rc which thecal trsali if canattc 0 di fedirg 1hi torsi cf hlirtche ii vcrf mis02 cxd cm lx tctjdici i lvrij6 pux ixa cots eitulctcn iver pce o the throb- lic 011 dcnt lrtfrtl thbtl scji b7 drit tt9ttlcrc scp0lsts co itorilctori e- j 99 jaap matam wmtimgmggmm iinrfiirirrilwmiaim mtumm gekpbrafe all ove canada ih lirfrg double ilari not io and ii felng itret ut ar hugblon rfell vnnn a be rigw tfouw fiar foc tb iai fmf wev bd rtre aurmhofl for an innhnsa gnilir of pople coming from all pnruol ihecttf undflotrntrj itfiopeltaflrwariuin ihf floodi cafpt slllllntrj and houic furriithlngt at tfala oflrrlnc ol ftxodt ni prtmly rwlucod prices th i mmrins snlenioe oontinoed tor a lew weeka lodjer comoftif ri will fthd whattery important tfiat they eao make tbeir ftuolloni ironi t aftorlcj i6ck in he yarioo deparfmil fi the grnndtaliie ln id colored hhfmlngi if mrpriaine piirreliari oattord hblrtidna from 5c ji ploridhlotoriieitydxrordsliirlltigtat i2ju the denmntj for drew ioodi ii still keepliidtip dreiihoodi at 10b worth fao m wool dreaaqoodi at lie worth 80b lidc thread lovc fnm 6o a cheapl t of lltte thread ulbvejwiih fanoycupi at 30 and 2so pr pttt hee ibem cwldrdni henjkeroblefa oheap a lot nl fiinfijr handlcerohtffa at 5c eneh orcooaaofon aflotber lot at 4o eaoh or 40c down- while cotcnielllngfi8 at 1c km i be rfaing feb qottonr f till 73rd widp nl fo ftclory cotloni riom 6 jo the ioo faotory cotton it yard wide and rarjr heaty oloift cottona at wbnleaale prioea whefl taken bt the pleoe bargnins in linen to ii tiff ine lint toweli wlib fancy borders at 35o for half a doten another fov of linen towels at 37jo for half a down the f2jcroeli are inige sue and splendid falms panroli have rn p6t fown to very low prlcei nloe satin paftiolaal mp earn satin psrwole with lvie only 1 eaen tie dtaand frr carpets hns been franiense a lot of hernnmljol wool carpett sefllng otttaty eheap urmp stair cirpeu for 8 jo hearp carpets rom 12jc kosllo qnt lit 10c bailor flala verv cheap lew goods receitej this week black all wool french cashmeres black crape beaded uhnpe black ostrrpb featbera the riglii hoiti n6s so and s2 ring htrei sast bear itugfison hamilton aup 10th 18s2 thomas c watkiks hamiltok mnwort ha8 bb5n proved theeurtstourefor kidney diseases comaiuu teak or diswr n tndl- aatft thit roa an a tioum f then do hot it 00 imnrywort l onoedrb- jlromaulfljadltwulipeiuyotj aaat the dimma and nslot healthy actios e uidwiskiimam klln07wonii uacrpmmd v it wtll act pniapcx aal utaj ciorastk iwinunairtrcuoa ofuzts b wciaoirctr4cotuaalduntlrtcrtars o palsa au epwliy yield w it trantlt penrer i- bold ht aixpaxroggra yrion imfidnewortr highly rrooamumdpd for uluuscfa bcadachi eon aupatioaladlre dfntbcaa heart bra brmtk low of ap 1 prul jamdlee lsu f j mtmotti kaof atamack liver torn- platntoraijtiltoeiartfliirrontiuoi- a a r ttte they ire iae niid aad tbarach in tbelr action from 1 to i j arh bowelf or kmaeya i mild aadlbap i pilia u a dose rues tse pes box worth their weight in gold acton clothing store r nelson prop spring stock how complete cotisislirig of he latest and most fashionable design 8 frr rish scotch arid cariadiari weeds and worsteds tne fltet fbess remiudvc english parties wanting anything ih my lin ean rely on receiving perfect batisfaction a large stock off r1tstg- hats to hand cornprisifig all the latest styles ciiv tj siv mfn an who have received the treatise oa the horse and his diseases speak highly of it many deolare they would sot part with ft at any price- il they cooid not rjplaee rt it is a usefid ard valuabit book and sfiiftw b in the hands of every farmer i remember 1 is only for siinscribers who pay trp ah arrears and for new sub scribers who pay in advance bend in names and money at once as the premium offer can remailr open only a limited fane h p moore h0ll0ways p1lls ointment this incomparable uedicis kar ixrvf rvr jfrlf nr iiitilzlc fau tkrwtjhit th rld fjr the alltviciion an tuff qfmitlufiijfi to vhirh humanity u hiir yhr go en day after day esffericg wtb 1 tpllttin htcdachs when a bottle of dr aiulne pirjefhaih will tart veil if yoc so cot believe it astyour drugiit or s crreuljir cd reau lat thuse who havc used it tay aboat i price lw fortane can taki away riches bet not barae tgrdi articles of all kinds restor- fed lo their original beauty by diitnind dyea perfect and aimple 10 teuts at audaggials small cheer and great welcome mate a faerry feaat feazt sjuxe xtd cjole eat tea your teeth areas while us only teabefikf will make them try a 5 cent bottle what tioea ilarfc twain bay fortune dees net change men it only an- hiaitir them i uoiii die in he boast bough on rtkls clears out rae inlce rofcses bdbugjfliesantjmoles chipmunks gophers i5c love can gather hop frotn a inarteloos little thiog wfcy sufiertrom indigestion and dp- jiepfihi wben burdock blood hitlers will positirely cure these aiimeoti a trul bottle ouly 10 cents dd not yield tb iniifortanes bat meet them with fortitude tkf hatband of mine ji three limes the man be was before he began using wells eealtheenewer 1 druggists an obstinate miti does not hold opinions theyhold him sainsoq lost his strsngth frith his hair xbocaands of mta aad wotnen loose tlieir beaaty with theirs ani very urge nnmbers featorc the ravage of time by uung the fainpu cingalese fiair iieeortr sold at 50 cents per bottle by all drgguti erysipelu scotch salt rheum erup- lions ao d all diseases of the km and blood can be promptly curedljy burdock bloodbuufa npjarjbesajlfouliiaiiiors tcbai ihe arstem iropirtlhir atreneth and iifls kary campbeii fim writes after takng lour uoultjj of xonhrop a lymns veubieoicirery aoddy- peptic cure i feel av ifll ware a new person i had len tmabled with dya- pipia far a number of years and tried many record ies but of noataii until i used the celebrated dyspeptic cure for all impurities o ihe blood sick headache lfrer and kidney complaint cosliteness c it ii the best medicine known had silltered many pliyslcians and grew no better ibiit raiber worse sir b aeoward of geneva s y afir dismissing hi phyhicians iried nearly half a cross of the rarious bfood and lirer remedies advertised with no benefit- when one bottle of burdock blood bitters cured him of paralysis and general debility at the advanced age of c0j he says bej feesytiuug again and is overjoyed all his wonderfal r covery i t i every now and than then borne praad discovery bursts upon the world scatter ing to tbe winds lha theories and dog- mis of the past thp discovery of the famous medicine known as kutthrop i lfmane vecfable discovery aid dys peptic cure is one of llhosemoh import ant events its cores d dypeisifl liver complaint imp jiritii o theblxid ac ac bave been very atonishng ko case iseniirely kopeleu uhil this medicine baa been will you exchange a case bt drspepalaor biliousness for 75 cents it is awfully unwise to asdnlze tin- dacthemany ailments ormng from dyspepsia indigestion disordered stomach and liver when this offer is made to yoa in yonr own home in all i sincerity with an absolute certainty of eartng yon zope9a from brazil cafes dyspepsia and biliousness a single dose relieves a sample bottle convinces a 75 cent bottle cores it acts direciy trnon the stomach liver and kidneys cleansin co icctlng beg ulating zopcsa gives energy and vim to the brain nerve and muscle sii iply by work ing wonders nnon the dges- tion end ivi4g activity to the liver i cut this out take it to any dealer in incdielncs and go at least bee 73 cent boteot zoprsc and tell your neighbor how it acts r i3 jrorrantjd to cure dyspe xia and fiil mm the pills parify regulate and improve the quality of ihe blood they asit thedijoslim ogan cleanse the stomach and bowels increase liir- tecrelory powers of ihie lirer brace the nervous system anrf tfcrir into the circulation the purelt klemeuis for susuinihg and repairing the frame thousands of persons hare testified that ly their use aiore thev hare beep rettored lo health and sirengtb after every other meaos had proved ansufr- cestful therointment will be found invaluable in every house hold in the cure ol open sores hard tumors bad lees 014 7 cauls coughs culds sore throats bronchitis and a disorders ol the throat and chest s also nut rheumatism tcrolala and evert tind of skin disease sunanictured only at prfessor tot uowirs esttblithment ciifdkd stkebt toxdokand sold at is jd 2s 91 4s 61 lis 22 snd 33s each bnr and pot anl in canada at 6 cents 90 cents aad 1 u mnls and the hrger tiies infroportlon tarcitmox i have no agrnt in the ignited states nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look jo the label on t e pots and boxes if theadiress is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious i tbe trade mark of my said iledlcines rre recistered in ottawa and also at washingtoh nrf thomas hollowa 533 ixford street london tubj 4ui 1ssi fiuelph cloth hall is making firstclass pl30togilal2s of very size and style at 4eodeeiatei iricces- a new stock 0f- picture frames and motjldlvgs selling cheap at hills studio mill fitmrr aatcts- i- ixqilsiar8havtlmqparlqift hair dreiiae d sliaviu neatly ereaated flair wfiialsen or 4ioiuuho dved affy hade dertd prices mjcnt nb lmjvea hair drtited cjuuited aud dyed any color 8cfoam iharapoo tod cirling flaid always aivhand itdttortr lb w u a gooa vetum tf unf lyik z rat- kam trf lyoa mim ho uxrrt m t4b tunan betox mr u trrruiiallt oaheda mar triind otwoaxa tlmdm other oorrwpobdrata itrretbcau her sh h wmoailyfaote to hvvctlvhiei lithe octeoa- of a tumtodr tad to tfbtd id kwp rfx ldy awmaata to help be motverth aup fomprmai wbich didlj poma la ttpoa her mth hemxiag us rpedst bardsja of nscrintf or oy rtletie froai il ttff tgcufeinpou4 a mcdlhim fo food indso em futj i btr pftvcnmur m rt cad am misted of uutrntbof taifi oa tooottat of its pnrrea merftfc tt if r and prewarlbed bj latibest plyhclkij fa tb eoeniff one m711 it oa llto dwraainl mtvt utodi pais u ffl cart nttrtly tbe tront form of fnibf of lis ntcrui leoeortbtaa ttragnlstr and palatal- hratmllonil orsruii troaiiw hiuxuttioa vkermuoa tlooingf au dipucifte4la aad tin eoo eequcnt apaaj veakaea aad u eapecijaur dptd t fee chance of u1 ii perwaiev portion c tbe jwat anapfto tt life aad rigor it nxorta faltttijew fihajeuej iertroji all crarlagr to e h an rtiirrti waafa- acei of ihertomaek it enree bloattns hwdacbea- kcrrotu prcatrafion oeaenl ptbdttfkt tphtidf dejrtatloa aad indfteetian tnat iaflaj of beartaf aoynfcagflng pain ylyat and it fi alwif enaanaitly cured bjfiame jt wul eh tiakf and twaqcirqinuiunotact tnsamxatt wtiirth law tnat gortrna tbe tmbmitrraanj r oora only l per fcettle or ia for t aftd 9 aolrfv dracsuta aayaar1ar fie aames of many ho hare been reafond to perfect bealtbtrjuie me of the teffetauecatapocsdeaabe obtained by addrtadaa xn pwlsb nap far rrpl7 tberbamefalrsoflum j tgr eldaey oompiot of rfflureeltidj baipadl t casarpacaed ea aboadaal tcettmaniaia ibov xra 11auain ere flu beif in fjw bdtu for tbe tore dt ctansupacoii tmii niiw and torpidijy ef tbe ucc ba blood pnrlfier vorka wooden in ha tiedal liniadts fanf to otraal tbe cbmpoond in tai potlatw ih mart respect ber ae an ljiel of merer boae teim kbbitiotistodpxldtootbbm i fttoadelpua pa od iataiatd 1 pi cf the float saueuftaj kcaeelj ever discover- ednalili erulh la iu efficts and doea not bfftr sea i proof below kendalls spavin cure freemodt ohio jan ahlsi dr e j kkvdaii4 co- nutti thick it my duty to render ya my inank for thj beneflt an i rroflu whlen i have derlted from year invaluable- and far famed spavin cnre my sxhiraod i uad valnable btai- hqd worth kwonwhica badawr badpavtn and wm croiionneed by ronr emloeat veter inary hmjfibtn bejond any cure ajid that the hor wa done fur eer ana last rtsorl 1 adriael raj coualn lo try a totileof ken- dallf siwriu cure it had a magical effecl th- third bottle cared 11 an i ite horse u as well s eer tjr ceit of edlnbdrjhthe em inent veierlaary surgeon was au uicle ol mice- ani l take reat lnlereit lo aabisticg hi profemlorl toarilniljr- j axes a wilsoy ctvllfnldeer rex dills spavin rrjre imniiampil march 10ui ie b kevdall 4 c3genuiaboqi n year at i ffu in ii rm mnunie ice and was bndly hurt in the hip joint which canned me mjch snflwrlnj 1 triv varlocarmedle bhit none irnve me relief until i tried kf ndatls spavih care 1 applied it full strength twice a day fr ti bout ttrn weeks o urine laat octo- brand it ffled n perfect rire t have ti uc uen bee a well and free from lamedeab it is very valuable fur m n as well aa beast yoilrstraty ohestek k ukkk3t sendaddreaa forttlastrited circular which we tmuk gives positive proof of its vlnaes 5o renledy haa eher nlet wlih goch unqaaii- fled success to oar knowledge for beasts aa buggies and democrat wacc0m8j3sta will b sent many aadrewaou receiptor price hv the protneioni 1jr b j kkkdall 4 l co esosbchg filu vt sold ry all druggists to coinsdmptives the adtmtifer havirf nen poritiiteduy cthpd oitoat dread diflea e conamptlony h eimpe ifmrit b aiulaui to make known lo ills fellow sufferer the means of cure to all wbodeflre ti he will send a copy of the pnsrripllon csed mee of cliarae with the dlreciloa ioi preparlne ni nmng tbe same wiilch they will nd a sure cure for coagb colda consumption aathma bronehitu dx panlea wlktln tbe preeri n win plefise ddrei brtc awilbo iw pena suwillumbbuiywt 9t th bact and tie weal by uu anortem rum pinaere wltboat ehan of ralnejn ana if ctxf couieq i worth itcblean mlnneapoua t iadlea hair ftwiubei and carli a specuity brlaa taar comblaca all work done in hie latest at vie a call solicited parlor in mattbewa block mil street acton out razors atid scitsora ground acd tet w eeltjyihairdresaet bargains -on- jpeight son have a number of new and firt buggies and democrat sgons left ovrt above t eir orfiers fna the season and are prepared to disposd of them at a considerable reduction foe cash the suipltis etock most be sold to make room for winter etoek and bargains will most decidedly be given those who require rigs of any kind fhauld give ua a call you know our make of rijs- call and see them j good stock of furniture and undertaking sup plies aa usual j a speight manager r of road between t ooaaaa xta eqalonimu la naxtvalajd and irvv cent bataar aoopoaed of kort ctnsfanable aad baaotirol day coaehea gacrlfloafaa rotten sa- iiwiti chair car paxtmaaa palaoef ilmpiner care and the beatlinaiof ctsinc oarj iaiwotii threa tralaa betwaaa chloaeto and hoaaonii river polnta two trafia between cfcu eac aad mmnaapaba aad bt panlkte the ataaoot albert lea route a hew and direct i4aatta benaoaiand ktakav kee baa reeenuj bean opened between fij horfotk newport if ewe chananoan ailanaao ifldiaaapoba and lerfayeisa a oiia anr bt aot and tatarbedtau n thxoogh faoaeacara trwvel i rraina 1 tekatafbt aaleatanprtaetpaa tiat osaoaatd the united states and ntrt i bacsace checked ihrooch and tatea of far el wayeu towai oonipaattara hun otter laaa adrasw r or detailed tntenuttoa cet tha leap and fobrf en of the great rock island route xi roar nauert tldut oflhm- pr aidrem r oable ebtjjohm a oni rev tuafbas chicago yellow oil cures rheumatism treetiuku worm powj izrs tou v i an plcuam to take contklbtwrotb parzatlta ii a amfe vara and eflectn fmrni in hal4andiaaasts our spring stock consisting o cloths scotch and canadian tweeds iluts and ents fornisbine goods iskowcomplet in 11 departmeuta shaw grundy merchant tailors stjgcbssoe to shaw fit musto mf wm stewart co gtjelph are no1 sho itg the latest isr o v j lto s of the season every lady should see them kew hats attdr bonnets sash ribbons broche and moire silks brocade parasols spanish black and white oreani laces stewart 5c co s66 a week in yocr owh uwn 5 ootfltfree sorlak ewrvthlng ifw caipttal not required we wlilfdrtiisb youfveytblngmany are staking fortnoa ladies matte aa aurft ai men and boya and fir la mak gfftt iav header if ion want a a ake jrealpay ilara buslneat at which yoa can m all ihe time you work write c to h halletta co portland improved butter color anewdi80ovewy bite svnnl tmi iwaat wfajna ftctbleolorforbottaiso itubgnal mectm ti uaaot aadndr sclbiasimil imirtuia ij flut by yrtwil aadstafcl i marekvvlian bsjrortd ta ibovcsevsambwecdarals it wilthot color ax zztm i wm mot tuni ttanom utswmlca h atfmiat amiim t ohpt oderw iax ltkaiui bwombtotortttab miudi i oraiwam ii olkr ou ooio tor taay mm t l ipoatto butcr i tylt7oaeuiibtaltbalbpi so kaovwtaanafcotto cis i niaijiniimioiii eaaiami4eyyeaaavaaaaeabbi ittattw ummuffii aad lor pbityibf thai v h kat ban in as tor so yeaim and haa i jdb ob back uvb3 coh- 1 zjpixua oii tut weal hub andaik3 napminooa inouaaaa ot pgissjaltt tt ml tntt to nouaaadaot nlr beat thdreob pni ifciiit p wby- tboaa ntamade tm yallowsoti ho5n- fepagwnd qwit ba8aafna lual burdock blood will cufie or biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice- eliyslpelas salt rheuu heartburn headache and every toepfei ufdisca a ashli dlaordd ijviui k0ni s sti b0wel3 or el od thlb0rh4 6q f euevs dizz ness- db0pw flvtteiun6 othfhiamtij acwty0f t hestoumj om ess vv vfthewkm qop

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