it ms turksiur morsiss stpuj 1882 ruins n political importance it ik dadoing on the auierican-iwo- jijii lint qrir question is rininji iulo ntoilwiticit iuiikjtttnce tbaf tut question of the fmuris prohibition and tliat be rmrtr lht adopts it will before long cany llio country no wily ants to adopt it but a large irooi lion of ciliteiu are determined tbt there slill i no pace till it is ndaped ip canada iliewroe quewtiua w loom iug iilo view lu the province u on utio and quebec where the impel vl wurlting lithe dunkin act la wideh known uothitik but piohibuiou will auake much eatkusiasiu wherever ike scott act is pissed it meana that the people cf tle couulr wkicu poiaesse it tike lint niuus of expressing tkeir wih for jjiuiinil prohibition in the xorth wsl territory prohibition is ab iwlute and ffecttve and is so reach ap- pncuted by the inhabitants that thy are strongly demanding that when the teiritory ia divided inloprnvinnt pro tistoa shall be made to keep the pres ent state of things intact ifiik war in egypt over egyptian troops and guns cap tured in arsc xumbers arabi a peisonee the news of the war in ejpt may be very well mimouruid iu- the first pawgmph of geaeralwolseleya de tpaich from cairo u the war ia over iniid uo more tne from euslaud tuts reou is gratityinj to everybody thohts the tnterev of cirilinlian at hrart as anticijiated the galunt as fcauit and taking of tel ti kebir has virtnally cled the war in eypt ifr el dwat has enrrendercd cairo has been occupied by tie urirfeh and arabiis now a pnsauer io the hands o the british after the capture o tel elrlebir the cavalry by a forced march reached cairo jast one hoof after the antral here of arabi toe rebel chief at soon as he saw the dcom of his army at tel eieb ir gallopsd away to zagaiij whence a tram conveyed him to cairo whire he vas stoned by his own conn iryruen he was afterwards arrested by the prefect of police and is now a prisoner m the british hands ten thoaxnd egyptian troops in cairo laid down their aims the same day snd the work of disarming the rebels and taking possession of their forts was pro- cerdtd withas rapidly as possible it beiug clearlv laid down that whileoners of submission are received by the kho- dive the actual surrender is made to gen woftxrley the capture of tel el eebir followed by that of zagjlifl before the sun had time to set tfe taking possession of the earthworta at kafreldwar prxctially destroyed arabis hopea and demnral- izedhis army the british troops anriv ed at the capiul and the native officials were ready to hand ever the keys of the city daoiietta has followed ia the wake of cairo and has offered to barren- der thus has the campaign been brought to a successful close and thus has sir garnet amply fulfilled his pro mise of supnreasing the rebellion before uiei5ih of september tii sotes it is believed that aahi will be sent to england the household cavalry will be the erst to leave egypt- tufl- homeward movement will begin shortly after ifae military hvieifr which will be held as soon as rbe khedive arrives at the taking of teleikebr two thousand egyptians were slain and three hundred taken prisoners forty guns were takes the ijtltish lots was about one hundred and seventy four as soon as general wolseley arrived at cairo he telegraphed that midship tuan de chair who ivas captured at alexandria was safe the health and spirits of tbe troops isreported excellent tire let of british killed which isnot large xmsidering the victory ou hgainst such great oddsunrbtiunally in cludes a large number of efficers the victory was of the moot complete description and adds knotber to the long list of haines worn with pride upon tte colors of lbj euguh army miss 0 a mumfon u owon sound aiv mippxireij louellie only smrivora air tinltis sajs the itearaor was crowded with passengers oii tliuiniay yi encountered a uuribl storm and became unnjanngible after wrug ghiig for iwoniy miuuteashe wasmruck hya heavy ua and at about half pail 11 1 1 m pjie foundered going down with hvr engines roi king mr tmkiasays t i amrtlrwboala lowered i i was jin the firal boit almul- eiglii were with tte al firt more got in till the boat was overloaded and turned over imce pirtict wetv hanging to niy lifeiresvrver which goi dilad and i lliiew it off i llien lft the atiaud awnni to the cipunv boat which aa neir ley ami aakd jil john meuoogal he iuraer to help me in he said id was but litlle use hut gavemehis hajid yheu i got in there were eighteen in ihe caplaiut boat people wtrt hanging on to tl e epars and other pacts of ihn wreckage our boat was full of water and the sea was constantly breaking over us our nuinliers ware soon reduced to seven firn of nhoui died befaii- veachiug thobcach caitain siv was the last to die in uiy arms atau midnight the others were jlr john little o sault se marie the mati- mcdonald and lwo othtnj name uutnown the boat finally stranded near point aa barve about dyliyth on friday with misa ilutnson and mynl he only two surviving x put the bodies out on the beadi and pried the boat off with all oar about eight oclock on saturday morning an iudwu came along and i engaged bitii to brine us to parry sound he would i i uot tiring the boditn the aleaiuer borihern bdk of the same linej which itvaclied here this morning his been furnished with ice i etc and has left for the bodies aiu- morriion and mr tmkisare being well cared for here there were pro bablv about ona hundred on board i among the passengers of the ilfaet vessel were mr jauiet kerr and wife aud seven ciiil reu who left here ust tuesday or mauilcwawng where he had taken np a farm all of whom are supposed tj have perished the iei1 was the steamer which took the place of the hwntoulin which was burned last may business brevities 4d rttttt abent our bulnaaa 1 ami hon of banant te w i naiiil rmtdara bioota show in endles variety the lastoji boot l shoo warehuiise i icr crkah paiaon th excelsbr bnstry u now well mppllcd with all dfllra- cif confectionery of all kinds lulls figs dales hlkcitlls cakes ic ire cream al- h uu baud uud supplied by the diih br qmlj 4hats from 75 conn to 925c it j fyles kdr choion ard clieap plumes go o hughes i gil hi us acton oiir so difpitiii sylcs in ladln hontr shnis it slippers ttt goodal ljot and slice slore -a- a good felt hat fur 5 cents t j fjfei ir yon want a nobby durableani oneap suit j iytes la the place to go all kinds lf lidics cellars collxi uesi uud ties at hughea t griffini acon seflich eniiltsh and cunadia suiting in crat varitly at be katl en i clothmitire j fyft acton all the lage gents imitation a lit gatur balmorals may be putchated at goodwita next hyods jewelery stole hughes k griffin sell mens fine straw hat at 4e and upward fim- chtiitv stiffi at 150 ueweat stlcsi suits and overcoats at extremely low ritoa aud made iu ulct styles be aute tu oaf aud ke them j fvfe actoo oiayttloso a name well known in cun uectkia with the elir eesotcr which restore jrvy hair to iu paturaf culur hv i few atekf ue sld at w cents r brum by all druftut fall opening fall opening this wssk ihth east end clothing store as great care hag been taken in the selection of fall qooda the public will find tbat the stock at the east end clothing store sur passes anything heretofore exhibited in acton over 200 pieces from which to select including a large range of sootoh tweidi of beautiful design a large assortment of fall hats caps in all the newest styles just to hand j fyfe clearing sale 1 st fall season 188a still oontlntiss at w p browns avothgk lake uleiaistilk the steamer auia h recked ou j teorgiau baj tbe news tbat the steamer asia vhich left owen sound at midnight on nvcduesday i3fa just waa fonndeied faeact day aooufrnooa white lnaking for iranoe siver with all iu paaseogera tid cretjireiccept two has been re twved with findings of deep rgret and tktreure byinpathy tor the friendx of tfcofie on lioard tte ill fated steamer fa i ba tinkia of manitowahing and we are penaaded ttul the went htr- raea with ill the etimie art xni uitanl re- socircca of the aldicoiiiu was a reaj jxwr doclorccmpired niih jin lydia il piat ham uf lyrxd mki hermes may hxic len alter ail only a clever practtioajr of the blict att tat we kiow there is aa hamljtig in th phannkceujcal chetneatry of airs puithitnt vegjuble compound llea oondemn m others what thet practice tbemieltcs those itho practice the use of idoeywort never cqdenin lis ate by oiler butcomtnend it to alj aflected with piiea dyspepsia constipation aad all other diseisei re- uhing from a disordered itaie of kid neys lirer or ubweia mtqiiillad x himiltan of tbe welling ha iurlie wurlx guelph out an- d lita liixrel retail marlilc trade in out oj tng to the fact that they do the best iortj and sell the cheapest the puhlic are warui cd aainat dealing with itcond fnud trada jicldler but ihoald c dirijct to the firni nr bay from their aenu see that uel iiaine utuiiiau tfc haonlton ii no the printed fann before yea sia or order a ifttpft htrli fnandoo iheiuony plaiai nf sajthern clltaate hzi uicler the klullful fiiimpciatiorj df lr vaa bura prcred ure of tbe greatest blcisiin evtr enl n pufteritijr hamanfty dr 7ftl suttts eilafltchroisackiiowitrdrd all ihe ord over a the uujy jwrfct ruitdy at kitloey truabies vtur lnjtt hia it sold ia actoa by j e mrkiarvin conbamption tfcat dread dettroyer ol the human nice is often the rrull of had lilooj acd lv vitality a jcofulou condition of the njfim burdock bitter cure frcofala intbe woki foim ofoodsly all lines extremely cheap call and see 500 reward it73ti02t sal3 z2zizt3z friday 2od sett btock impiementa c- tiiepropertv of ifr jalerander jielles at lot 2o con 1 eqntiiue- so refcerve aa the prcporittoc i leaving the pltce safe to ctioiinetice at 12 oclock uu hetnetreet aactiooerr i ictor ilirklt vhlte tieat i 0 so to 0 ps treadseli oln i 00 to i 05 spring wheat glajgcwjod i 00 to i 05 redcluff pen oats barley eli eftgper dot batter dairy packed batter rolht potatoes neir per bajr dreased hogi wuol i 00 to i 02 0 75 to 0 85 0 io to 0 i2 0 55 to 0 go 0 00 to 0 65 0 16 to 0 16 0 16 to 0 17 0 18 to 0 20 0 55 to 1 65 1 50 to 8 00 0 20 to 0 32 neuralgia stiaiics lumbago backache siiwieu of ha chati goaf quint sort throat smell ingt and sprains burnt ant scaldt oinaraj bodilj pamt tooth ear ani hndache fritted feetand eart and all other paint andachet vo prt3tnuaa oomrtaaqnak br jioojf ott aa a awhc tiwpl4 aud xhmip txurnil cmej k tml mail tint d oonpuatlm trillioj onllar or 10 faata ahdy aa anfftrinc tlut fwla caa ban ctmp and polhsn froof at iw dbwaota fa brwuacaaamb loul bt ill deosobtb lift jeiiem a kediolifat avogeler4teco maim mi umjl mcgairuii brtigisto actoa oat fcr dr d tt faircbiid of nvw vnrkaaya peraoruly i lieltcie in phtujihatiuc i me it niyhclf aurt iu my family auf pnclic prescribe pbuphajiii- wilji a colluliace that i cafl attach to no other remedy il is life it ia effvtire for ul by all tlrajyruia a card to all who are utfennit fr the errftt and iad iscreiious of jtnath ucrioua weak- uzss i-arlj- decay his cf minhcod c i will eeud a recipe that will corf voo fkei ot ctialfe till rrcat rcnicdy waa dia covered by a uriouary in shth aujenca seud a euvlcite to the key josmijt isiiaslioh pxfur wrkcutj ckhallfrtvilie 111 ea i hte sold ntlreuil lc bottles of ur thoma tllectrictjit guarnleei every tottie i muslk y i nerer sold r medicine iu my life lbij gireauch unltersjii latifhcuon fn my own caae with a badly ulcerated throu nfter a pfaysician pcnciline it tor feremidaye ia no eflect the electric uil cured it loruahly in twenty tour hou sand in thieiiened croup in mj cbildren this winter il nerc failed to reiere almost immfldiately hotltert mofhera xaffcerah are you distarbed at night and broken of your rest bra sick child sufjeringaid crying with the excruciating pain of catling leeiht itao eoat once and get a bottle of mrs wimlova soothing syrup it will reliere tbe poor lit tie suflerer iqimediately depend upon il there in ao mfstajce about il tlere is not a mother on earth who ha ever used it who wilt not ell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and gire rest to the mother aod relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all cases nd pleasant to the tasle and is me pre scription ofune of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse in the united states sold ererywnere at 25 cenlaa bottle wewlu the bove rewan braaj eae j of livercmjfini j ptp bt head 1 a uf lduifiinij okhi atioi or coiuve- j i cm f enuit cltc willi v mfa veetaoie lter mil wfen i e jincifarn- strictly f coinp id witu tiey ar nurelj- yegnatle aid icver all to cue wufiirloi- hutur coaled ljrt boiea eoniridjor phuit eetiia kor ule bj jj drurguji twnre o ciutiurfrhfc nnd lmitatioi thf fciiiitoa ttjitjfieuim oil b joiikc wlist a co the iii mkr roln out fr irit1 ti je teui by mall pre aid oq receli lofas ceni lump is otlce to tbshasskb8 yotee in hereby gireo that all penrjnj foaad trespassine on my premises will b prosecated accordine to law ihave notified ail parties publicly before bctdo uotiatcud doing so agaiu whl heifstkeet acton sep 20 1582 psivtek wanted wan fed a practfcaljonrneynian printer for two weeks one who ondersiauda running a waahiiitftoa hatd prea- apply at onc to lap moore frezpftesomcl actoo aug 9th 1882 ctos bkskisg cohpat tbe business of the acton banking co as heretofore will be managed by the oh dersigned on bebali of messrs storey christie t co bankers in tbe same place until a inore suitable occe is obtained the change of business elsewhere announced does not in any way effect the banking business whilstmore time can now be de voted to its management a private bank which can be worked at much less expense than a branch of a chartered bank has now become almost an indispensable requis ite in eterj town or village in ontario as is evidenced by the many such institutions throughout the western part of the pro vince to make this business profitable to both its patrons and promoters wfllbe the constant aim of the undersigned my at tention will now be largely given to this business d henderson kidneywort for the periunemt cube of t 01 con f 3 voottamtilmpmtiantlaftfs f phi if rirthtitrliti tttt m com wtwurartlwaaanjwwmroteiuti v rdjwfllotcroomtlt t mm tui tn j piujeoa pliint u rm- apt tou st rtrcafthcua tbm wmkaoadpcra tnd qxdtkij m i obm anktailsof pdmvreawhea sfajbtdaaaig i aod immhiurm bnbbnfthd fr 3tt ymlytw uhr of tbam kidneywort sic 00 forfeit havtrj tne ctmot tocflrfeoee in lis oper- ltiy ovvrull ot hern aid nit tjiouaantii of lo at of de mewl oumplteaed md etertt ees vcokl and we fe- 1 justified lo cfle- lut iu ftrffil od thoiaand iiar foi hhj- eaae crcnuxm clua kod hroa infltviifs lioarscnek b c ntttupioii in in rari hbter wicotlrr eoceh nn ni dlt- eaeoflje ihrould lai fef4cet aall m inr wmcb r oof claim re tei ilint we ehii care wlili weaii couth rap when tk n aeeordlng n diriioni bnirle tkjtdef 16 aiisoceuu jffr hot ties one d liar ocnoji e irniiiwralj iu idf hold by alt dnifr1l or nt by x re on recoip ojirie jonn c wert a co h ib klngmt eiuiixnlo tint pimples twin miji free th reeipf for a simple vefetable balm that will remove fin fidcklea ptmplea and blotrli uajtidj trie ku iofl clear and beuatiful dm in- itrucilani for prod aelnf the luiurnltrrowth nf riklr on a twld htail or smooth lam ad- drfm itkloalib sc stump ihtrii vanfltlf h co 12 barclay sim avy- notice to farmers and others having reatted my floor huu ul bockwood i have pat in a doalde clidit of bolta with all tbe latest improvement fordoiflcoa- tom vork 1 am prepared to do jmit- iog evefy day and give all pirtfea tha retorn of thtif ouu heat aod hav ing lecured the ervicea of a pibstcla8s millbe i guarantee ood atiifaction osk tstu soucrrrj rohoppink done erery day while partlaa rait highest ourket price paid for wheat 3large quantity offirat and aecoadelaaa shingle for sale john iloork proprietor enckwood milla out tin stock wasted fifty milrh coira 6fty feeding steen and any quantity of fat sbeap and lambs wanted apply at once to geofige tolton acton sept 6 81 tho mammoth bes tocall tlie attention of the ladies also tfie farmera mechanics laborers and the general piblic to the fact that they have laid in this season the largest and finest stock efdry goods- ever brought into this section of the eonntry it is composed of press goods in all the neneat styles trimmings to match 4c it yon want anything new yon may be snre to fet it from ns onr millinery and mantle department is also filled with the latestnovelties fromlondon parts and new york if you wanta stylish hat bonnet or mantle call and see us onr dressmaking department is a decided snecess we make np dresses jn the latest and most fashionable styles prices as low as any ojher firstclass establishment wedding and mourn ing orders a specialty onr ordered clothing department aa oanal wid be fonnd nrpaaing all onr former it the utmt rt j 8mtdl engliah french and canadian twaeda and bnitinga blmlt bread cloth doe suna worsted overcoatings 4c we keep a firstdan stock of goods and a finulaas cotter and make np firstclaea ntting grata we also keep on h l i n a v w underclothing te onr a and a larger assortsneirt boya and childrens baits aud overcoats extra chew laws assortment come to the hamtnoth for yonr beadymade clothing onr staple demrbnent oonaisting of cottons shirtings tickinyai prinfa winoers blankets flannel yarna towellings tabhnga so 4o will be fcindonexaminsiimto be the cheapest and largest in the county be sure end see onr cheap blankets and winceys boots and bhoes ijuiies and childreiis urge assortment terr cheap ra a liaolenms jiatt 4c we we the best ssortment of dirpets in wool tapestry boossels and union carpets in canada and tbe lowest prioas come and see onr stock and examine oar prices to our patrons and the public- we have tfus season far surpassed onr former efforts to obtain cheap goods we are paying cash for them and when we sell we most also receive cash we are making a big effort to do tbe trado this fn and all our goods are marked at the lowest cash prices come and buy your goods from us mcleod anderson go mammoth house georgetown stove s s a good- as sort mint for the fall trade few tin t ststf depot mill btbeet a c t o it to v e s greens qo to a w greens for gem jars imperial measure the only oues west di mont- treal bologna sausage always on haud at a w greens green pays cash for all kinds of produce 50 tabs of butter wanted at once high est price paid 13 pounds of good sugar for 100 at a w greeus all kinds crockery aud glassware cheaper than ever at a w greeus full stock of everything at the city grocery a wtgreen 5 lbs of the best 50c tea west of toronto for 225 business boomingat aw greens green sells cheap green does the trade nelson mcrae general dry goods boots ancl shoes groceries mer chant tailoring- millinery c u avefg purchased the stock in trade of messrs christie bender- son co we desire to announce that the busitesaill be contin ued in the old stand and cordially solicit a continuance ofhhe patron- age of the retiring firm the stock will at once be supplemented with all that is new and novel in the trade of which due announcement will bo made j nelson mcrae ssqt aetfj s a- in reference to the above we desire to announce that we have disposed of onr stock of dry goods boots and shoes etc etc aa well as our good will in the business to messrs r e kelson and john mcrae who will continue the business in- the store heretofore- occupied by us and we cordially invite for them acontinuanceofthe very liberal patronage heretofore extended- to us feeling assured that their knowledge of the business and the general requisites of the trade will enable them to offer at all seasons inducements to the general pnb- lie to extend to them a liberal share of trade in withdrawing from jbusiuess we have to return oar most learty thanks to our many friends for their liberal support during the past ten years and feel gratified that in making this change we are not removing from amongst the people with whom we have had the pleasure of associating for so matiy years j i co aoton august 30th 1885 drugs stationery dye stuffs paiata oils o j- e 3pai tjriiy store ibridrasf alojetez7i d 70 siiisffii pwh dls t j w i i