Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1882, p. 4

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i s hi- is- i cjrce tsiosuidav morsiko oct 5 i8i- tgwtti foixs cobxb slight uu ti uvik o the younemso ipurkloi uo gem s krauoa bi enterprise saiiuou liit hii itrength uhbit hair thoiifamli of mtu ami woraeu loos their wauiy with theirs anl very targe uu tuber hton the tir of time by usjtjr the a ure ot 0 quliti hgfetly toiled hive been waived from an knsuab fmoaugajritnrtr soldttfio m and e ofiredit is fnfflfom red nclioo und jalue ey are of u ii cuy to itxikdonu on otters t to look fin quality and in iba ordinary i if would bo worth 8 tact if requiring white inc by a 81uu boy a pie as a it u bjkcii ia a pro noun u it tunjs in die pluco uc a noun but very objtcive most always neuter unless tm oldaiid ifjjives with raj- pcraouwho lanot stole they are geneiajljt round oue way and tery flat tbe oilier when thry arc cut they asauuie a iriaugular shape until thoy are eaten and their wedoul know whal shape they hxve tuej are about the only tbnuco orml ari cleaof itkxl wo hare xcii ixch uit- a three cyinvrl ttcw afne i iju u couyeuieul a lliillg local as tukeitt closed terib on and tick f one itii afterwards- that isshatpeudfurvuiust the only trouble is you dont kuo wbentobiu it off forth ruoulk nalur ally widen as the vedga goes in tu composiuou of pica ia dough end scru thing else what that something else i or should he baa never been difiuiuh killed j punkinpie hadagreat run pio bably at one time ihey were ihe ciott popular pie afloat it is said and we cantdoubt the veracity of thestalemeiu that rotjtnwn crusoe made the first punkin pies dont know what le made them of but will write and ask him it is taken for granted lhat friday made theoi out of cocoanuls and eel grass as that was quile a favoriu- dish with his forefathers but they have given it up since they took to eating the missionaries i have seen punkin pies made out of apples that i like very much i re member one l saw once it was nota tery large pie but it wa got up m a great style it was made on a white plate with i blue edge the under crust was made of dougk and was very thin the jnwarda were just lovely they were made of what is called jninoemeat and a little saear sprinkled over it the top or upper crust was made out uidqagh rojteyarn uid actus like ihe slats of a bed oh ii looked lovely around the eage wsa hoop of dough laid partly over the edge o tie plate and about an inch on the trg mentary meat it was ornamented around the outer part of ihe hoop wilh an impression madeby pressing it all over with a set of false teeth before it was baked tt was a great appetizer you better oelieve tuty sacrificed it at a teashine and it sold readily at four cents a iriingle cash on jehvery there are a great many people who like pies but seldom eat them unless tis because ihey cant jet llum i dont think the codiuioc apjie pie ia very hard to make for i- made one once oat of cranberrea and all who tasted it friid it was very nice i tasted the moat of it myself i know one bey who was tery fond of pits raiher lhan do without them he would hook them from bis motherin law if he had oue but he hadnt anyway le was awful fond of them be was very apt to take a bite outofene if it was in his way- one day there was a pie made ou pur pose for hiui and put in his way and he put it out of his own way and every body elses i never liked cayenne pej per since its too warm tarts are pies children and im fond of children that is art children i can eat tarts with my eyes shut and never wink half an eye full it ia said that mince pies made out of rhubarb will give yon the nightmare but if anybody will provide the minces i will willingly risk the mares once i read of a pie that bad two dozen dai ft color ed birds in it and after it was baked and opened the birds were not dead hardly a little bit for they began to sing melodiously it was set before the king history does not aay whether be ate the pie or not after tbe birds flew away into the next yard but i suppose he did if he was hungry i wonld bare eaten it the infant to promote any end are u necessary as thu end to be promoted why go on day after day suffering with j tputliuj htailitcka when a bonis of- dr audui pkrjftlialitir will cnie ou t if you li net lielievc it ask your druggist or a circular anl rcal what those who have vd it say aout it price f ltxi the reproaches of enemies should qoioken ns u dulv ud not kep us from it f toslamh far hi wilo thai sl vui 3ura8 siit ov ohio not only luuiedi ately relieves all lictney diseases- hut what is more imjiortnot in the uiiturtunate suffer er will ultimately cur him effectually sold iu actouhyj e mcosrvio he who lives only to wuehl himself coi fert on the world a benefit wheu he dies many suffer from supposed orpinic diseases or the h art when the liouble is only an irregularity ir- the circulation o tbe vital fluid which burdock blood bitters will promptly cure it it eai ier to set a una tightine against the vjiple world ihsu to make him fight with himself the hest preienltreand cure for piles and and all diseies caufedly conslipa- ation is rurlocu bloodkitlers purify ing regulating snd tonic in its action sau pie boille 10 cents large bottles one dollar i in all rattwrs of riaht and wrong judge for yourself decids for yoarself stand by yoorself after many yctrs of patient investiga tion ir via surest q germany finally succeedtf1 ii perfeclinjj i kidney cure that would permanently relieve all cases of kid ney disease be sure and ak yonr druciitl fircr taasurtma zilqt cure sold in acton by j e mcgsrvin when a man his not a good reason for d ioe a thing hi has one good reason for icitinc it slune th worstscrofulous sores the most indolent tumor and be most foul tlcer known may be cured by tbe combined use of burdock blood billets and bur- di healipg ointment ask your druggist for these infallible remedies rheumatism in greatly dependent on a vitiated condition of the fluids and may be eliminated from the system by cleansing tbe bkod and regulating the kidneys burdock blood bitters a ill do ibis mostefiectaallr trial boille 10 cents j ttarl west shefford p qwritesi i have been troubled with liter com lainl for several years find hate tried differeni meuidines with little or no bene fit until ilried flrtlnms eciectrie oil which gave me immediate relief and f would say hat bare used it since with the best effect ko one should be with out it i have tried it on my hore in cases of cuts wound- c snd i think it equally as good for horse as for man had suffered many physicians and grew no better but rather worse mr xj a howard of generra x y after dismissing his physicians tried nearly hall a cross of the rsribus blood and liver remedies advertised with no benefit when one bottle of bucdpck blood bitlrs cured him of faraljiu and general debility at the advanced age of 60 he says he lees youig agaiu and is overjoyed at hia wonderful re eovery bess akcutfarf ike safferlw hoasehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both- in ternal and external it cares fain in the bide back or bowels sore throat kneumatisri toothache lumbago and any kfnd ot a pain or ache it will cost surely quicken ihs blood and heal as its acting power ia wonderful browna household panacea being acknowledged as the greal pain believer and of doable the strengh of any other elixir or liuimenf in the world should be in every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the bestremdj in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for aale by all druggistsat 25 cent a bottle- secure what they require at an ea ly date tbey are ao very cheap hamilton aug 10th 1882 sntui 04119 puailt h y raeosds coded of bweaiaeaa ratal ifsv caw ettfatt u baaslbeaa beami mm stralkusa ajh e jaawtuec it as of newest liver don plauuorsjijlllmm arising bom thals arh ataweuor eldsura tbtr art safe i mim tial uioraatntmu action frocltol nluiisadosa heontgr itraw rs fji ni a y soiled white quilts at very lott prices coslomera buy thetn oj thepleoe a magnificent assortment of hash and mill try rimona pluibea valveta hatins end tfr- cades velveteens will be very faa hnable ihlsfall and an immense atook of colored and black of thi i famous fast pie baa beeo imported mourning goods in great vanty black a id colored caah- meres ufrino nuns veilings brllllantlnea marked luloae price i a ipecial line offer ng in block cashmeres at 50c new pillow cotton sheetings denims sbift- ingt and dresa linings an extra obeap lot of victory cottons ai 10c worth lie per yard new carpet are abown in he latest designs while prices are lower than any prerlons season new window cornices and stair koda cheap over 10 paokages of pall goods bare been marked off and is more paokagea will be received this week to rd followed hy other urge shipments remember the place not 30 and 33 king street east near hughaon and the name is j i thomas c watkitf s hamilton oar deedsdetermine as as much aa we determine oar deeds sxilb xxd sjoxb but see your teetb areas white aa only tuabeakt will make them try a 5 cent bottle what does hark twain say half the his tye hoard in oar hearts are ills because we hoard them oadixon frankvilleont says he was cured of chionic broncbilisthat troubled hira for seventeen years by tbe use of dr thomas eciectrie oil wounds of the heart are tbe only opea that are healed by opening lavilake your old things look like new by using ihe diamond dyes and yba will be nappy an or tbe fashion able colors for 10 cents great man and geniuses find their true laces in times of great events bdaey dimim pain irritation beten lion incontin ence deposits gravel ac caret by bttohapaiba fl trochlea borrowed and stolen ontomnber by far all other in the world 17b are dangerous particularly in krdaer diseases ao take at one pr tin samjbntyout and obtain relief from all reer aaserinib 3tonr drnaaiit jipa iv m iaaeliov h mewria will 00 exchange a case of dyspepsia st 1 bllfouaness for 75 cents it is awfully unwise to agonize un- derthemany ailments arising from dyspepsia i indigestion i disordered stomach and liver when this offer is made to yon in yoar own home in all i sincerity with an absolute certainty of earing yon zpe8a from brazil cure dyspepsia and biliousness a slifjlejdose relieves a sample bottle convinces a 70 cent bottle cores it acta directly upon the stomach liver and kidneys cbeansin correcting iieg- nlatinjr zopesa eiveg energy and vfia to the brain nerve andhagele simply by work ing wonders nnon the diges tion and giving activity to the liver oat this ont take it to any dealer in medicines and get at least one 75 cent bottle ot zopesa and tell yoar neighbor how it acts it 13 warranted to cure dyspepsia and bil lot kidneywort 18 a sure cure tor all diseases of the kidneys awl livers- bhaasjm csaaa w m rt laaattoa attmnlirlns thahaaltbl mirsllrni ot the am tad v kssvstw tta tesnas ia tnt uftlsirlfh tfyobafeacdbnlacxrem wicii w-i- i mti aasaucsa watt wffltirwllt sad onlaaljitarra mr livery sale board tables mill street aioton ia where yon can get firstclass bigs at rea80nable rate hood commercial bags an erpresi dellrery wuon will me each express train nd deitr good t uny part cf ihfe town after the irt march i intend in dj i strict cah burinws only ns rrdit rill not pay for horw feed or repair ed llatthew guelph cloth hill just opened out very latest english american hate tweed rubber coats silk braces cashmere half hose for pail wear fellows curtia celebrated linen collars shaw crumdy merchant tailors lydia e pinkhavvs i vs5etaslb compoto a sane care fee an feha1vb t tsak- ke88e8 laeladiaf leaeorrkm ir- rearalaur ansa palafal ateaatraat saw xaflaunataslcm aact uleefmtlaa it has wasah wieeataa pbo i laf8cb tjtekk ite brncaant to tbs taste stvaalvos and ralsteaaet itafasraatbtipia ptagxumerjaad t haves paixi dartag labor ana at refalar torso is nrracusararf inrmam rr n mi tttoa xrxwijuarahaa ot tbsgstmrafirr orcaas rlilseulssteeadtobo rsabadythat baa ve baaa baton iu pomlo and lor ai auieet ofti txnri a it iba onatasl jbai in cw ta i arbotxrrcompijvjrrflpfvat lasts rtaaarealbeueftaltarae boofftfiiw j nr trms ot t i ran ths avratemab4st cbthto ttaarstam isi farooidatonrcamavm santtbariatrlam rs- pated at ta and sa wmsra avsaaa vr kaaa prtot ofattbar si atidotllatbeis tbs c anponad bsbialraitatafamcfaiaoiecioiaiafb rots of frtatsspr bailor tttbtr lbs ptaihm tmtrsbswsa ah masnk bwdrt sad otoam tstkpaavj ft notice at i liuve changed my place of business aud entered into partnership under the name of in the place lately occupied bj c h 4 co i will be happy to meet my many customers as i am now in a position to meet the require ments of the trade better than ever tours respectfully r e nelson u hill is making firstclass photographs of every size and style at moderate prices a new stock 0f- picture frames and mouldings selling cheap at hills studio will sthbkt aaton hur dnmios and shstriog neatly erect ted flur w mitten or mppiuche dyed any hide desired price nwermte nb ladies hr dreed cleniaxl ud dyed an y color seafoaui hampooaod carliog fluid alwyi od hand lawlmalrlwttlmma4crliaftimlallr brtma tr c waga ah work dooo in the lateatttyle a call solicited parlor in matthews block mill street acton ont rasors and scissors ground and set w kelly hxrdreer bargains -on- buggies ano democrat waccons the mast saecmflsl krmcdj ever ducover ed as u is certain la lis elects and does not blliier bias pboor baxow kendalls spavin cure fremaiit alo janith 1 dbb j kxkpull acoa ti i think it my doty 10 rentier yoa my toankifor lur benefits t roots- wblicp i bare derived from yoar latiloabltadij far fam- ci hparli cure i fvsln sod 1 bad a tsjnflble tu- lionworhajujwhlco had a yery bad pavin and was iironoonced by bnr eminent veler- loary snrxtona beood any cure nod thai tbo horsa waidonefore7er anaiaaresor i advised ray foasln to try a bottle of ken dalls bpavln core it haid a nut ileal eoecl tbe uilid boltls eared 11 in 11 he hre u as wel las ever dr dick of pdlnborgfatbt inent veterlnivry sorfeoa a an olcleo mine and 1 take freat interest in ksutliig bis profeuton yoori truly j a xaa a witsoir i civil engineer kexdalls spivin tee uanharaptimareh xoibtp de b j krcdaii4cir0entsalteaii year ajr- 1 fell in ti- ioi nto wm ire ml was badly hnrt iathe hip joint whlohcanse memaehsuffrrine j trip varloosrfmertlef but none nave me relief a ot 11 1 tried k odalv spatincare 1 applied it mllsirenethtwlc- t lay for a ontv oweeiw acrust lust oct- ber and h effictd a perfect enre i have liooetaen beeu well and tree frou lumenesh it is very valuable for mm as wellasbfast yoars truly ihwte k ueke5 send address forlilastrited clrealar which we tblnk glres po4mve firoor of iu lrtae no remedy has ever met m ith snch tinqnoll- fledkaccesn tnoarknowli dp for beasts a well ai man prjoctl prbotueov sic bottles for 5 au drngglstshave il or can ret it for yon nr it will b sent toany add re ou receipt of prlw- hr tbe prodnetorr pr b j kkxdall 4 co e50sbxteg favlla vt sold ry all druqgist8 1 db smiths german wdrm rimeuv lui been used b tlioasud operod who tinniwially endon- cwr cim er it as a piausaat ufe reluble m prompt rmedy for the remorl of monica aad mtt or pa wormi from dnld vadolt htttsty to tain prrcr tub rely hnaleaad itquirci oa v afiwpbysic nattaird sr thk syith heoicwe cjtf i phi t u ny r sotj evtltyiirhebe p9maa womremsd y to consumptives tbe advertiser navips ben jmrmanenuy cured ot tbai dread disease connumpuon by a flmpe remrdy is anxtons to make known to hia fellow sufierers tbq means of core to all wbodeitireltbe will bend a copy or the prescription used free or ehargj wlih tbo direciloqo torprepsiintstij amnstaw iam which they will find a son core for oonftna coldacobaiimptlsai aathroa bronchi a a 4c parltes wishing theprescrlptlon will please nddrem rv k awilsoa iu peon st wlinamtburgnv tit mam h0 sftwaovahrro it ntmi acooaamv nea jlvnamtjvjmmqwmathtii c0icagobock br tbaoantxalpotltaum of f ts una oonaasss sw iitinitt v sal asti rlta paassdatsrs wiowrat ebaaf of ears bttwasm a cbloaso apa kaosau car oomwu siaotjmiim t road bttvsma iat atlastla sad tha l xla equpistst is tmnvaladaad mat bsaaa oonpomd of kotrt oomforubsa assl bottnl dtj comahm brtoa fit- is tfe elmiaff chair oars palimujs fiwmass aiawptoa cars and tbe best us of dtmtaf a untwotld tbrw trains between cuoags kimotiri river pomta two trains becwasa stfo and mtnnaiapolja and st faol vll tna vai albert lea route a vew and street line via athsu reoajntit bean opened mortolit newport hewsvcnattaaooa auanta aa r wiwla tlatlla tliy ftwhsst ymiana tntl t tn ftpj ontflti tnaesp oils aadst eq1 mrllntertberfiiu potnta ail ttuoaati fssawniists tranl on past xxprass tratna r xwkart tut sal at sllsrlnefpal tlakat oflsasls v- tb9 united slates and fn f k baaaaca ehacksd uixoaaa and rates of are al juri ways as low as oompetlioi that offer leas sdvsa ufta ft pordartalladlniorsiattoncta xaps eeatrock wijuid jkhttiv alt yvar nearest tlcaat oflsoa or address r ft oab4a c st afohm j rmskocairir aaitinartia ohicaco hag5tarps ami cures rheumatism- freemaits worm powders amplsaaaattoiaka contain thatraa pnrgatlta ia a safe anze bad aap atstrar 1 wwtmt la cwmrco or aanlti vells f1chapdcon improved butter color a wewqiscovery i t fueawaral years wa sstvs farnwaed c ladrrnwa c sijau aal uegua ntr oekl ookr for batter so mtr qtat a ssatl wttk stwat awdwajat tfywlaa immilllbstuat hit hit aid catr ptiast at botk uataaaaaaal iff bui bf fausat apasliuatlflo caaarictl 1 amtsiin hian imjautcd ta annl i aad i fltter this ne eokrr at tat sdl ta fist tperiot it wm wot color um buttamillk h win hot turn kancw it la tin sttiunaraati asrtssiitaat autd criaapoatcolortaaaa tsrlad wkttt pnparad oo ad that u is tatpowattt tar it to tamco raacad j miwaitat of atflimraimna and arj othar oueolon for tfaean uabtatobaoatm rawddaad spoil tb tarsar nrlxjog cannot art th wrtf at to aaowwfatnaadaowto ftt itwtthoattztral aasa wasaaaattaaoaraaiinaioi hiattasaitaiiwiiiiaaiisaisa i will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness speight ov son have a number of new and firatclaos buggies and democrat wagons left over above their orders foa the season and are prepared to disposd of them at a considerable reduction for cash the surplqa stock most be sold to make room for winter stoelc and bargains will most decidedly be given those who require rigs of any kind ehauld give us a call ton know our make of rigs call and see them g good stock of furniture and undertakiug sup plies as usual j a speight manager dissolution of partnership ajsra genuine clearing sale of dry goods k to effect amdr sales many hoes of goode will b offered at half prioe for instance s bmrrrsos adopted foreveaing wear worth 80c now ofnim y ljjo it is impossible in the sous of an advertisement to enumerate unas and picas bat if bargains are wanted fiomb and8ee v a ipecial una of childrens cotton h0se from 8 oeota good kin gloves from 2s oenta mind not the w french klda eemnant8 0fpeint8 eemnisth of ca8hmehe8 eemnaktsofdhessgooda afewg00d8atinpaeasslsathallprice to clear ont fblt hats prices will be reduced toffl cants ud npaarda a lot of all wool tweeds worth 76 cents now 00 oenta hrpleaas bear in mind that this ia a cash 8ajer and big bargains wiu ugojv iv ebkoim of youth a nemleman who soflererl fnr year rrnm nerrons debnhjprprjitlmre decayand all the eaveu of roatblu lndlmmttloo vlll for ihaakeof rfierli a hnmanity nd tret to am wb deed li tbe renelpt and direction for j making ibe simple irmidjr by a blch be was rnrvd soflerers wishing to rroflt by lha ad- ynlsei experience can do so by addressing in prfeor eonfldptice lomboodts cedar 8t new yirk gravs specific medicine the great abigllan bemedy anunralllngcorerorhemlnal weakneas spermatorrnra impotenct atidall oiseasfs tbai tollow as a aeqpence of evlfbnse aa loaa of hem orytjntvetsal lasltudepaln in the baok dl m nets ol vis ion preaultnre ow age and baton t many olber dlaeaaes thai t lead loiosanltyorconcnmii ion jtarpall pallcnlaraln oar pamphlet which we de sire to send free by mall to every one satbe specloo medicine u told by all drtar- elata at tloo per package or all package for 6 or will be sent- free by mall on ns- celpt of the monej by ad dressing dyspepsia indiuestionr jaundice erysipelas salt rheuti heabtcuhn headache dropsy flutterinb of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skim and every species wf dlteaao arfsjnar front dlkardtxed liver kidniys etomacrt bowels op blood t 11lb0rh i go proffri cm th oxay hftdloln op alter taking toroaioj ont canada sold by j e mcoarvin urofctist aclon jtejfr a khiarautettl specicc fnr tlystertcsvpl im7elbarconviil5iodfpttxerroiifieanav gin aieadache nerxtms rioairaiiou chummi ts by the nh of alroi ol inr 1 obr cin waket il- ness menial lepretslou boneninjrr tlivj brain rtfuliid in iuritty wndmdlneto mliltdetxoanddelbpivmature0dw1r uarrcnnesa jws 01 pow r in either stjlbi volnnury l sesarut8m rnil6ri0lraiim- byoverexerion of th bralu felfabose s overintlnijefnce one box win cure retentrn eafei each btx contains one nrnilia ttww 3 lent oneddtjara ivik cr m bups for c allars wl by mu nh reirl of prlaev v enaranie six boxes 10 core jnv case wlqij 6h ordr rocelv 3 by osf tsub xes smnanfd uhnvediiirs wwui wdrttftaj purchaser oar writeh enmnlee i niwma ihe urinf v ifwi trfnimntfctjio ig enre gahvrftnifm lkmlonlv bv jje sfo oakvtfc q atith n u eint tr arttwjal onu johko wi acq sole pforleial toronto ont uarantegm cstarrhcurfk hotoelkopatf a acjaiid contrinilitej titataaa htdldrev one acuta cat nsaallswret head taa- taettaerat d lirer xidaeya and blood tantatreoos ecorromwalsjie radical tbeathemt v jld bv atl druggjstsi i prioe 78 stv i jr tatwaaorfihe amcais mrafsjaded some dm er absdk mmm ivimisktiif ssxfesa yifiskgj

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