Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1882, p. 2

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t i tm tairsctaui itotxtm qet 12 iss2 edltrul keces afv mjiplvnj tb louie and for- elfu demand ihr united siatca will har ftrvliw of 10c000ooc blil otrt bread outfit w be ebvai chis winter cootribntiomitom aairiea to lli- lind lijiue hivfl ewrd ih more- u 11 i vttv n-luu- tl i l- gckl rv klvic tlitl ur-ltl- liua act uuwcd liy mr ludauitie i dvui iu work tutiafactorf it ii evident uitlllio wheat crvp in foreign coantiiea it good alreadr this has mulled in a decline ia prict in earoueau markets and in fact it it betjiaaing to tell oa the lucaj markets tloae who httr louked foe a riu will doabueaa be disappointed enciand to ocenpr egyrt the british xoveratneat his decid ed to maintain an army of occupation ia ejjpl it would be hard to do otherwise under the circumstances wheal foroe to take the place of the regular will hare been established it will be practically under british control and egypt may heaceforth be regarded a a dependency of the down of gee britain w ljirk post office vvn h waning esq ant jtncral sept third diaiaftxs mailing and distribut ing dtpt new jyork pot office in writiuj coaccniiagst jicilaoil nji too riarti from terral sujteiotendeot aud clerks who bn u ttl the 01 ajrm in praising it highly it ha been foetal e ifioacioua iu cat lurtis ftoreaeu ted fctitfacss of the juiiils nul masclts and affords a widy relief for rlieu malic cmnplaiiit hon t l jaiaei uovt ptialmaitcrgiitral of the u 5 coucurred a the fureuiu eutraj of the u 5 fre ofcost- all persons wishing lo teal the nidis ota great reniedj one tht will pomti- rety cwre tonriiaiplion juugh uotds aslima bnnujliitir oi uv nrlertinn ol ileintmu nru lunj re lequpit to cut l j mjj3nin ijtujr tcie unci let a innl bailie u dr knj new dis covery for coouuiptt n fiae or co which well show jo what liejulardol larine bottle will do j x the treat ralue fi lyjia e pink nam vegetable compound for all fis- eases oi woniin ia damoiitrtl ly erery day experience tue writer f thin hd occasion to itep into llie juin cipal rnsrmcj- of a city ot uutxxi in habitant and on iuquiiy at to lime waa anaweieti thai ills pinumius vexelable o mpound occupies a con bpicuous placejiu ih- rank of all retne aiea of itll claai journal i bncklens arnica salve the rest sa ve in the nrorld for cuts bruises llqers fall kheum kerer sores tetlerj ciisfiped hamlf chil blains coins and all skin eruptions and positirely cures piles it u guurau leeec lo gire perfect salislaction or money refunded price 2o cenu per box for saj at j ilcoarrids drug store i the scott act a writer in the wllcm champion las week commences an article as fel lows the act known by this name has been we believe on its trial iu ifiltnn and throajh the county of haltoa for more thanflte months and judging oy its working it has been condemned by allnobiased and onprejudiced men it it we beliefs a fait not to be qaes lioned or denied that iuted of our eojoyinf ander it a reia of sobriety there are more ardent spirits consuoid and coosuntlf there is oure ine briety than erer before we hare always a swase of respect foe the opinions of otaers bat if thi- writer of the abjr prfrattph- ctlla himself an unbiadnd anprvjiijiced man we are forced to the conclusion that websters dcfinitioal of tbse wards are emneocs aud the public mast look ehwwhere fir their miung it ia indeed r fjet that liqnur u bem sold in snu- quicnrrivs iuihe ciuuiy aud lvffiu jl oui i ctill ri c alleiil iiriiiiiilf iw krc lu te ciillenge tie writer to protn ta oae fourth the qaantit f of i iquor sold bi months ago is being sold ia this coaoiy it present if yoa would hare a clear cocplexion afreecam from blolches piljilef ifoiu and alt foal uunor purify anl rejuule the dlood iier kidneys and boitel with burdock blood bmets trial toilie 10 ceau i u elktit astkay stnycd upon tbe pratnltet lot w don 8 eqtiog alnut the middle of soptenber a two tearold heifer owner willjilaa prove property pay cipccica sad taio hei away jostru tjaiar esquelint oct otb 18s2 cleklts aim elitlkemexjr of court la verimper kotlee in hereby el von urn a court will be held 1ulrjanl to uk voters lista- act of 1678 tr hlf liiuor uio juifle of the ooauty coort pf ths county of halloa si mattiiews hall acton on tiie eighteenth day of october 1882 at tea oclock nm to kar tu4 detonnlao tha tuvcm coinpiiiotioltntort suidotaiuoa avho voter lul of u uauicijiililj- ol ato u lor all lxrtons hiriaj batiaui tt thi coatft tvr requlrod va ttat ct liid uld umo tad pu j e ucaturii clerk of ojo ujd muaicipalltt diod tlo oiird dij- ol august iifii fall opening pall opening thl wk at east end clothing store 1832 fall season 1882 r as great care hag been taken in the selection of fall goods the public will find that the stock at the east end clothing store sur passes anything heretofore exhibited in acton fxmfl25 i i m til fre id- ronpe for t voiotabla balm i hut wilt rtirove jijjklcv pimple nud bjotmiet if li- stei1- mtfi cicar il uxjmfil m srjtuiiifc ut ittkiielueuielururlin nf hislr ill n bll luiitt or titickmii la- jris lntiiii 8c ftinp ben voa4h co 12ajrchtit ny ttfti mpl ttln ivilff in- vrlh au ft aleris cyr of unnt ule aroostook co maine urdes ha tine used northrop it ljanns valuable ivmuuifin of cod lirer oil with hpouoithues of litne nnd sdx ind derue grfat uiic- ct from i i tdce tbe liberty of naking yoa tor quotations and alfo wleiher ou would be willing to ijirr me tbe kg acy or idif pkce i ntu confident tbere would be largesale fcrit in tuts ricin ity when iu cjerits were made known 1- business brevities soma fict about our bualaati ken and haiistsi at bsnelc to our haktral raider s hi endif3 vnrirty it tt sicw tttinfjtinse bojts cj- s tle actua b hats from 75 crnt to 25c at j fyfei pfc lie ard clieip plitmei go to hd it gtiffiuk accun orer so d fivrvtit eui in lxdivs bo its snoes it slipifcrs at goodtli boot and saiui siurv a good fell hit fur 75 cents at j fyfev i if con vcnui a nniilvdrnheand cneap sail j ryfe is the place to go ail kimuji lttlix ciuir ctiltt ti iiil tit- k- hnlmkd gnfiui a- ii parlor suites lounges easy chairs faacypoldiag- oaairs cornice poles wal nut cornices win dow drapery- fringe curtain bands aw mylts fiveoclock tea ta bles ottomans iqot stools etc a baautifui selection of diamond pattern french cretonnes all the style now for curtaimi a beautiful assortment of raw silk cashmeres ss tins j silk plashes plain embossed cords gimps and frinies- t f cummings the upholsterer quebec st gueefh over 200 pieces from which to select including a large range of scotch twds of beautiful design a large assortment of fall hats caps in all the uewest styles just to hand j fyfe clearing sale still oontlnut at w p browns goods l all lines extremely cheap call and see the mammoth beps to call the attention of the ladiesalsohe farmera mechanica laborera aiul the general plblic to the fact tbat they have laid in tliia season the inrgest and fiuest stock of dry goods ever brought into this section of the country it is composed of dress gooda iu all the newest styles trimmings to match ac it yoa want anything new you may besiire to get it from us our millinery and mantle department is also filled with the latest novelties from london paris and new york- if yoa want a stylish jiat bonnet ormante caii and see us our dressmaking department is a decided success we make up dresses iu the lfest and most fashionable styles prices as low na any other firstclass establishment wedding and moarn- iug orders a specialty oar ordered goth ing depart ibent as tianal will be found surpassing all our former efforts the latest styles of scotch english french and canadian tveeds and suitings blaci broad cloth doe skins worsted overccatinea ac we keep a firstclass tock of goods and a firetclass cutter aud make ap nrstclass fitting gents we also keep on hand a very largf stock of gents furnish irgt huts and caps cndenjlothing ac- our readymade clothing department will be found more extensive and a larger assortment than tver mens tooths boys ind children b soita and overcoata extra cheap urge assortment gome to the mammoth for yocr beadyroade clothing our staple department consisting of cottons shirtings tickings prints winceys blankets funnel varas towelngs tablinga frc ttc will be found on examinaiion to- be the cheapest and largest in the county be sure and see our cheap blankets and winceys boots and shoes ladies and childrens large assortmeni terr cheap carpets oil cloths linoleums matt c we have the best assortment of carpets in wool tapestry bocsaels and union carpets in canada and the lowest prices come and iee our stock and examine our prices to our patrons end tile public we hive this season far surpassed our former efforts to obtain cheap goods we are paying cash for them and when we sell we m st also receive cash we are making a big effort to do the trade this fall and all our goods are marked at the lowest cash prices come and boy yoar goods from as- mcleod anderson go mammctfi house georgetown worth their weight in gold ej4uesin fall exhibition the annual cxliibitioa o queuj agricultural bociety a lield iu gsorge toarn uat friday the heather was as sae a could be wished bat the at tendance was em slier than has berc known for year in many particulars the how wai inferior w toraer years and taken altogether it cannot becaoal- ed a succesx tuia may be ccouncl fur iu a iceaurv from tbe fact tbat bramptoa show waj held oq tbe same day and many wbo would otberriae bare attended the eaquoing fair with exhibits prjerred the larger exhibt tiod and wentto braoipvin tbe exhibit inside the building nt not op to lheareraewith tbe eicepticu of that of vegetables fruit ij not to plentiful his year and the quantity hown waa emall tbe bow therefore in this department was meagre ind ies wotk was very fair and sowe really good specimens were ibown id a few c basel outside tbe rhow was very fair and a very cieditableslow of live stock was made some fine horses wero ahown and sereral prins uoe to acton among which were james ilatthewa firac priv for carriage team too a brain siur first prii- for two year old stallion mr a waldie secur ed a large number of priiie oa sheep we hare not succeeded in obtaining a detailed copy of the prin list it it dowalinosc no csubhslird fact that ilic show is to lie held la actou ux year and liia will uo duub lure the iflvci of greatly reviriog it pctl ilnghes k strav haw a chiistf siffi persorially i cse itrajstlf sr firtnuet far farmers and herlia- isjcas- ill tlrff o1 li4i-lr- rci vert ninf ifoi jidgemetn in wbg can- oi tbe heilil of ycuraeli ud isuiby t too are bilioujuare nljow complex job lioorrpptit low and epretaj pirita mi genenily delililalej du not delay a botnent but go al oner rati f rocure s lllle of jbe wonderfol slec- ir rutriwhish nrrer kii to cure inj j rmii rhr lui orblrilhiiunjofbiyoali ititcd rjtm tsacaapowl- j e ifrtvm n bottle cfiitvh td caiadihii suiting in vruit variety at tbe est lnd clothiacstore l fvfe actoa all ttie rugp gfnu iojitition alii- cior biluiaritls inav be uichfed kt guodll next hyrda jcwelery sloie griffin bell mens fine 40o and upward fint- at 150 newest aykr suits ttu overcoats at extremely low rates and nade ia latest style be snre to call aadj see them j f vie acton qiialfisfl k name well known in cvin- nection with tie sftit eesswot which restore grey hair to ita natural color h- a few weeks use sold at cents pr bottle by all dtaggiatj dr di w fairchild o sew york eays believe in pliisiliatice i i ia mvfauiilv aud practicr i prescrie phasphatin wtli a cnideuce that t can atafh to no other remedy it is safe it j is cflulive for sle by all drngguta a tjfflplfl hrb foondod thecunnyplaire of assjatctrucitinate has auder the skiltfcl maripalauou a df vi 3x82 proved one of the greatest llcssinv ever set i to tafferiog liatninity dr via surss ki4l7cuwwagknowiedgtd allthe world over as the oulj pirfpct remedy for kiney troiuessl idtir dshjgist baa it sold in acton by j emcgarvin i i mcquillan li- hamilton of the welling ton marble works gaelpb oiit are doin2 tbe largest retail marble trade in ont nr ing to the fact that they do tbe beat work and srlijlhe cheapest the public are mm- ed flcaiostdealfngjwith second band trade peddler but should gu direct to the hrra ur bay from thfir aeents see that the name mcqaillaa jtt hamilton h an the printed rorin btfore yoa sicn or order mr john lugwood victoria road wnurs northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure u a splendid medjeine hlj cutlnmn say they never used rdtthing so effect ml ffood wsultf irnoieditely follow its sft iknywilstadje from perconal experi ence havingjbeen troubled or 9 or- iu years wiih dyspepsia and since ufiingit digestion goes on without that depress ed feeling so trell klown to dyspeptics i have bo heiiiuiion in recorumendingit in ny cim ofjcanjtipation hetrthurn or trnahle arising frora a diiorderei ilomacb j htben i jhaibe r mo he n u i arc you disturbed at niflit and tiroken of yoar rest bra sick child sufleringai d cryinir iwhh tjhe excrnciatinp pin o enttrnf jleetbf tsn coftl rnicennd pel a xmn or ffrf winslnns sonf liipr w it irif itese h iv r jm itflrrer i irtyliafcely depend urmn i- here i no nialike atoil it peie is iot 7twibf rjdmrlj trim lihf ever uer itwbo will not eil you at nnce itmi it will rejeulafrithf viesnud give rest lo tha mother id relief imd hejltit to tii child op rating like magic hji pvfuy safe to uae n all cases and pivftmisl in iht jtntp nd is he pre strip ion ftfcrja o he odt nnd hem inris find njife in th tjkiiri ererjuiicre u lh wwmm pills ointment 77ts incomparable ifzdfcise has fjrurcd for ucf an iuipauiiaili fame thraxghjkl iht world for th alienation and cure of mctt dui4c4 lo vhtch humatmtf 1 1 heir 500 heward i tlp will i a y ide above iewri fur nuy care of lver oinpuiui ivfcfka 8utc llcid- arut- iciiijettiki cutiku alioc orcontue- utts vlciiuoii cure ultn lefts vecuiiie f luer ills wiitn tie oirciiotar strictly coupju witu tue- ar nureo vcgttatl aii river il lo uthesfaclau sueur coaud inri- boifh cotlaindf sv riilf 2i cciitfc for sale by nil hruikir bwireo ctuutstfitb iud tmitatioii tt- krtaiue ibrfiidfctiedoily bj johkc wlst co tte 1 iii man 4 ts king kuealto- roli o free trlitl irfcige eui by tuajl prcjud on recetilof ajccnt iump cl and wood dealer gqqoall has made arnuemenu by which be is able to supply the best qaalities o coal in lots tc nut parchasert on shortest notice at reasonable prices fintclui beech and maple stove wood i ia cord and itove lengths either coal or i wood deliveied to any part of the town orders left at tbe boot and shoe store will be promptly attended to 200 cof ji good dry beech and maple wood wanted for which the highest price will he paid jukes goo oil l the pills purify regulate and improre tbe quality o the lriool they asjisl the dijstire organs cleanse the stomach and bottlxs increcse tbe secretory powers o the lirer brace the nerroui system anj throw into tbe circulation tbe purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frjtne thousands of persons hare estified thjtt uy their use alone they hare been restored to health and strecglb after ecryother means baa proved ucsuc cessfut the ointment nose hard will be found invalusole m erery h bold iu the cure ot open sores tumors bal roja oil wouli cctjhs coljslre throats bronchitis arid all ditoiders ofthe liroat and cbeit as also rouf kheumatism cicrolula and everyikind ofskin diiase manufacluretl only at prnfesori hoi- lownfs kstimihment 533uytokd stekkr uisdov aud sold at is lil 2n 9d 4i cd 12s and 3 eactt box notice to farmers and others hatiox refitted my flour hills ut kockwood i have pot in a doable cbest of bolts with all the uttst improremeou for iloinp cus tom work i am prepared to do nt- ioc ererv dsy and gire all rsrtiesthe retara rf thtirnira aleat aud bar ing severed tbe services of a fisstclas3 millee i guarantee good satisfaction 0se te11i souotto 37lopptng done erery day while parties wait highest market pnee paid for wbeat s3large qaantitv of first and second cliu shingles fur sale jqhx moore proprietor kockwood hills ont and pot rtid in canada at 36 cen cents bnrt f 150 and the larger sies in proportion ftciotiox- 1 hate no aenl n the united stales nor are my kfedsrinen sold there purchasers shoul i the etnre look ir the fjibel on h potsandloxes ii the nddid is lint 5s3 drrord tkrel loudon th y are rpunous the trade maik of my said medicines is registered in ottawa and also at washington sijncd thomas holloa siz oxford street lofdun a fngranf breath and pure tkabekiu williecure and by in kindly nid tue leetb snow while are mad 90 now is the time make purchases at tbx qestqbs cmmp cusa bzs sropeoiaijoat daily piles of useful and ornamental goods imported from ger many france belgium buheinia and great briuio flselling cheap for caah i come early and hare the first choice of the immense koir stock 1 ienl sn ud cheap caah kassur upper wyndiiojrj street quelph important announcement s kidneywort t o v e k good- assortment for tbe fall trade i 0 hulls nor tin 81 ve depl mix itseet a o t o n s e for the permanent cure i con of g u sqaapaarthi ml xslas7wert 1st asnrflisasalsovetwebatt ssls ttla wmdywfllotscfloiaatt s awra catrasataff kss- i jaslnt iirarr a t t4 so tuscrt art j pasts aad sndi ctr siiklaaneismwisss r- s ttfrcbssbnanta lct1frcmhttaistofbmtswmi i sc32iih viy jy- ti kidney- wort s to v e s greens go to a w greeus for gem jars imperial measure the only ones west of mont real bologna sansage always on hand at a w greens green pays cash for all kiuds of produce 50 tubs of butter wanted at once nigh- est price paid 13 pounds of good sugar for 100 at a w greens al kinds crockery and glassware cheaper than ever at a w greens full stock of everything at the city grocery a w green 5 lbs of the best 50c tea west of toronto for 8225 basiuess boomingat a wgreens green sells cheap green does the trade nelson mcrae glasgow house having purchased the entire stock of general my goods groceries boots shoes millinery mantles ready made clothing hats caps j of ifessrs christie henderson co at a great reduction in price- are now ofliring great bargains for cash i we direct special attention to our ordered clothing d4partmnf where you will find a choice assortment of goods equal to any in tbe county in fine canadian scotch aud irish tweeds and over coatings we have an immense selection and at prices thatdely competition a perfect fit guaranteed in our boot and shoe department we have a complete assortment from finest kjd to coarsest wear excellent value we iuvite the attention ol the ladies to onr millinery and mantle department our opening day will be saturday when we will show the finest stock of millinery ever before offered for ytur iuspec- tiou this being a branch of our business that we give our very closest attention be sure aud se our opening l t7 jl jtlceartias drugstore aioix oiits for uwoiwjttiss lyats oila fiwj b tat si otp and 0b furnishing departimb stfomplete with everything new aud novel to suit all classed our hat isuow most we are offeriug job lmenoi ilau and cups from 23 cents up also job liues boots aud shoes from 25 cents up aommtu our 7iaou 60 ctat tut tbo sn ia tie tcuktt it 4 x 4 i as we hare a foil staff of courteons and obliging asistanta wff shall be most happy to show our goods at all times and feel assured we can ofler as good value as any other house in the business b member the firm and store is successars to christie henderson coglasfo hobsev- j i i i im stw for oruffs statlonwy dye atuffi

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