Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1882, p. 2

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a the cheapest yet our clubbing rates mta am uouod to iwrroaw uw klnt ltnt dt- culiuou of uj fhx run in order w do uut xrumaauib following osort tow subscriber ibotw pun trow proscat dato uuiu doccuibcr 51 lata cor pi to subscribers wuose ibpczlpuon mptr wttt now od years br pttai at ouce will pt tb fm fwitt until tfccttitdocu3tor 1w at ouce u1 pl tb fki tom unl tiic ttit dec die frux trtm aid woolly globe froai uowuiiuibcc3cwlor lt3 tho farz raws 4 vklr mill from uow until lxcslijmor l tha fan rncu ud loadoa adttrtiwr from now uaul doc- ai sx lor its tbe free pnss tad qaeljdi ucrcuix erotn nowoauldecslwlor us tbe fiux trtm ad ktoolnal wiuipm froaiuowuauldcc3laor 1t5 the fiax fars aud amarerieaa axricci- uraiisi from oow until doc h s3 lot soq the fsxx psiu ul fanners idtocati roai now uatil dec si 83or lt3 tbe free cress ui toronto trutn trom i ncwcaiil doc- sl sx or 11 we also prekt all new mbkriberv and tboee rriaf un4n and a year in advance wttb a copy ct dr kendall i troatiso on tbe hon and in diseaae- tlis wort is prononneed by uiom wbo have received tt to bo inraloabli to owner of borw i c4ll at tbii oaico or tend your names tad a jaer per register letter to h p moore j ran mn oma actos oxtabio actohsimprovtments the past year burpasslng all formejj iffchs r s40s kxejut4 lis mew ud- lui la buium oa any sirur tjsni 4 tt county sbow u bapm prainn i i i the teajon just blosinj has been pno of unusual activity in building open- business brevities soma rim abonl oor bnalnoes mas ad ottsaa or btatrit to oar km utile town hi buildings aud addiliooi and impfbvetninls to others lions in our enterprising the following list of bow n prove previously erected will since incorporation acon has gone sleadilr forward w each year lliutaci i being more and tuoro ideally demon strated ihtl there ta wiiliia hfcr bound aries all the spujit enterprise and clearly show malarial necessary mean importance l- to a of no her rapid strides tuvcsdavmorsiso not 30 1842 butter grading there i k dtire ou lbe part of mtny daut dleii to iuaojrutate some reg uur ruii u gcddiug the article il bafr life- siim ohr tbingi could be iuijicii lu ittjitnt tupervision dud the pi ic iris rhjuuifj by tbe quality of ili- im iuct it would lead in liuje 10 a lietur imiclfbting furnished by tbe canadiau butter unkers and butler wojldccu to be boitghtap for greve ia the english markets there ii no rea son why canadian butter should uotbe of as good aqnaiity as any in any conn try iffncrswould build properdairiea for their wives and keep their milk in a exil place out of a musty cellar redo lut of lie eojtll of l4qij and tege tibks ibv would edon fie amply ra paid by i belter quality of batter if the article were graded and a difference of price everrwhere established be ttreea a good and bad article there would soon be ambition to get the best price hv fumishingthe besf grades in the matter of publicimprctenienu increasiug manufactures and erection of fine prinale residenoa makes ber thesutjectof uiucli jealouy ou the part the ihls this dc of the other incorrjohited towns in couuty but uolwithiuoding- ac00 ia bound td keep ahead in respect hrr cilizuk tuaniltst a lirr in a mol practical way that their liule town sbould wwent a neat clean tidr and business like alpect and ber appearauce i soph al many large lowua would gladly poaaeas in farniahing liie lilt of improve ujeula found belu i bare gone lo considerable i rouble lo secuie cgmvs ceprvsenlinx iu each cai c us cortcll as poaiible the exact coat of the buildiug or ituprorementa named if we hare in any clao made any ervo in ihe ccet we will ccpect ihe same in f our next ialue if notified of the fact the following ia the list ontarios crops the report of the buraaa of indnst ties for november is rsciered and ve leam fromil tbe following facts which should be of interest to oar readers -j- yce have now reached the close of i be growing season and it is of fitting time to review ihe results of fannoperations for the year aod tooote the progress made during the paat eeasoa tle tables of statistics show what lie farmers of ontario hare done arm are doing the total number of farina in tbt province ia 201766 embraani an are of 19602367 acres of whici 10211960- acres are cleared tu value of fanu und ia 6etdnwa at 651 6203t and ibe lotaf of und build ina iiiifinenis aod live stock at tin- arei under grain crops this yeai wis 5u02 067 acres or is per cent of ell tb cleared land tbe acreagi aad piujucuon of each crop are givoj aafuliowa fall wheat 1 188520 acnk 3 1 255402 bushels spring wheat086 817 acrrt 9665959 uuihers barley 843617 -cre- 2t28m07 huahela ym i375415 acres 50 097997 buab eb- rye 189031 acres 3549888 baslels peas 557157 acres 10943 357 buibels corn 506924 acres 13 420984 bushels in the ear bacj hec 19585 ictct 121793 baotelt the total of spring and fall wheat ia 1775337 acres yielding 40921401 bmshels or au average of 2305 bushels per acre the produce of each kind of grain it based on tbe returns of threshers and and tbe reports of correspondents the method adopted by the department of agriculture at washington and by several state bureaus the following tables givs the average of bushel i per acre this year for the province of on tario and for nine of the principal wheatgrowing states tbe figures for the latter being taken from the october report of the united states depart ment of agriculture omuzta ohio mlrmgnn indiana nsaoii miaaourt- kansas iowa uinnaaota dakota ma im 4u lftj su i7i fta u1 3u 16 su u xi stu su ui nut u1j io 1cx it is only ueortiaary to add that in un american fjiatea he grain crops are re arled as xcpiiunally good this year the cilfiansou of averages therefor tuki a rkuurfcably good stowing fui ontaria fiorse and catti pmd and j hoaoral roaaort i- dyspepsia ljiver complaint t il not worth thrkmitl prlee ofhjenlf lirre vourai if of every vmptomol tlliar ilimrctiiiif oomilaliifa ii you tlliiinfl ea i it our tune and fiajbuiaoitsiliohhi vita mr ever bouio has a iirlotod fuamnue o luoaaaicordlokty niidlfltdoei yooonond built ojalew by tloquart at the jju 0ullbf bold by j bl mc exonlsior bakury k kicklin rj8oii bird uagua from 9 0 ceula lo 176 alj ohills hats from 75 conts lo25c at j eylos for choice and cheap plumes go to hughes guffius acion a good fell hat for 75 cents at j fjfes good asborlment of okalos from cc cents to 200 at j c hillv if you waul a nobby durable and oneap lull j ijles is the place to go all kinds of lfidics collar collar ultes and tie al h lights griffini acton fiphloymert by the- quart oulaut iv on hanl at the erceuior bakery aden scotch ngliah and canadian saitict in stall variety tt the eaat kad clothingitira j kyft acton unglus t giilliu siu meus fine straw hals ut lk mid upward fine chusly sliffx al 8150 newest slvles suits aid ovii coals al extremely low ratci aud mdu in lateit atyfea be sutetu call mid see them j fvfc acton that wonderful eaiholiocu known as mrs lydia g plnknami vegetable compound has jiren the ladv a- world wide reputation for doing good tt is like a living spring to the tiul oonstltu ulioa her blood purifier will do more to cleanse tbe channels ol the circulation and purify the life of the body than all the sanitary devices or the board of health j keep lo jour place and vour place will keep you but you cannot expect lo keep your place without health the foundation of 11 success for instance a railroad tngiceerm the employ of the cus bt paul uk bad been grevious- lyafieoted with diabetes forslxyeiti he took four boxes of kidneywort and he now writes that he is entirely cured and working regularly hif lliiu pn story private 1 aclou banking luiuciialidu ten two story brick tenement looms ou bower avenue cost s500 j 2 acton town hall twostory brick building oa comer willow street and bower avenue cost 5500 3 j fyfe twesioty private deuce brick at thelhead of wilbur st on churcti street not completed t4000 jv 4 james iloore twoatory vate residence brick an frederick st cost25c0- 5 eli snyoeritwo residence briekj on hill street not completed cost s2000 j 6 j fergnsanj wo story j pri vate residence brick an agnes street eosti600 il j j 7 grand tronic ifuitway one and amd a half story reeidence for section master frame on guelph street jcost liooo ll j 8 thomas ebbagclone and a half story residence brick an ifaia stieet not completed cost gfioo j 9 j c hili twcslory store frame nn mill afreet cll 500 10 e kichlin i5an grain ware- hou at g t b deit frame 500 11 j e mcgirrin twostory addition to dragslorej en mill stret cat 8450 j 12 donald cameron adlition lo itiadence brick on queen street cost 400 i 13 robert jfoortttew residence me and a hlf storys roughcast or main atreetcot 400 14 dr lowry atdition tolresi lence roaghcaat on federick street cost30l i 15 samuel greaik new house roaghr on bower avmar 300 16 speightdtsou sew paintshop frame on agnea tlreet cost j250j 17- mrs b sfono bricking and improving residence en john stieet s250 j 18 mrs j adams- new front to residence roughcast or willow street cost 250 i i i9abram staufleri addition to residence frame on elgin and church streets cost 200 j 20 john kenny addition to house on agnes street roughcast cost 1150 21 ii fsrguson addition to house on agnes street frame cost 150 22 ii lymans addition to resi fence on elgin street frame cost 8150 23 william ismond addition and improvements to house oa john street cost150 i 24 thomas ebbagi addition to bouse on main street f arae cost 8150 25 jas morton itjdition to resi lenc bower avinne iiost 8150 j 26 geo garret dnprovemeots to residence church street cost 8100 27 dr m fosti addition to irug stem frame cost 8100 28 bl gibbon improvements to house on tonne street coat 875 at cobporatios borodabr 29 alex lsbrnew twoistory rick rewdence cost f 500 30 ne 8chool iullding jriok oostllisoo j j oil gakv flax sei cii3gbu0s0 a name well known iu cou- nuo aniiiiic sair rcaswor which reiujrebtrchair lo iu utural culur bv a few ivreki one sii at 5u niti per boltlo by all ilnhiilf a frlfiant sieatli and pure tukkiji will tecurej and b us kindly aid tbe leelhmow wbite are made llr ii w faircluu ul sew volt layt pcrsorlly i believe iu iuoajihatiuc 1 cue it tnlclf and in mv famdv anj iracticf i pticnlic lbosphilin with a coubdeuce that i can attach to no other remedy it u nfcit i efictircv for wk by all dmuxuta tve uav a ttieeilj- aud poitve cure rjr tatarrb diphlanin tulikcr month and uinuactieil 8hiloi calanll kemtdy a uanal lijeior ire- willi cich born- i ii run deiri licolh aud fcwfet brealli price m cenli ttid by jk alkiarvn mcymllin haisiltou cf the welling ton marble vorts guelph out are doing tbe larrcat reliij marble trade in got ow lag to ibc fact lhat they do the lcst work and tell ihe chespcil the public rc warn ed airiiuol doalius with nccond hand trade poddlere but hoald co direct la the nrm or boy from their accuta see lhat the name mcquillan l liamifton is on the printed form before von bicq or otder a tllplfi herb bend on thesunuy plaina of a southern climate haa under the ikiflfnl maripojation of lr via bursa proved one of the greatest bleaainirs ever icnl to luttering humanity st 73 buteal zil21s77ue is acknowledged all the world over u the utdy perfect remedy for kidoey iroablea voar draist haa it sold in acloobr j e mcgarvin mr r a rarriion cbemisl and drug- irist ourvill 0nlwnk lean with confidence recommend northrop lymans vegeuh e discovery and dys peptic cure for dvspepia impure blood pimples on tbe face bi iouaneas and condipalion sucb cues having come under my personal obaerrtion neter neglect it if you sutler from a cough never neglect it ft is no trifling matter and might lead teo a speedily fatal disease oj he lungs i hagyards pectoral balsam nllt allay all irrigation of tbe muscous membtare by its soothing healing power it cures bronchitis asthma and all throat and lung com plaints wsjtt torontos wttukaows oood sajnax- 8ra i bare been troubled with dyspepsia and liver complaint for over 20 years ana have trie- many remidies bul never found an article that has done me as much good as nor hrop lymans vegetable discovery snd dyspeptic cure cum e portkr jlr james anslow newoaslle k 3 writes mrs anslow was troubled with lang disease she took northrop oi lymans emulsion of cod liver hi ana uypopuosphues of lime and soda h ad little or no appeiile but after laking a bottle or two she gained appe tite and had a relish for her food which was quite a help lo her in keeping up sgninst the disease as we are out of yourr and cannot procure any here ibe is taking another emulsion but gi we prefer your preparation to any in the market will you kindly ship me some at ouce and oblige ri rain tbe undersigned have purchased the grain busineaaot laeasrs g it e tolton and will pay tbo highest market price lor all kinds of grain delivered at their ware- house at the grand trunk railway acton clean your grain well and secure the high est prices we will also pay cash for pork james matthews sons acton oct 25th 1682 stov e s a good- assortment for the fall trade i q mfilcs xew tib 4 slave depal iu street aoto asr s- t 0 v e s 1882 fall season 1884 nalkers ilslben italken are you disturbed at nlchl and broken of yourresl bya sick child auseringaud cryins witb the excruciating pain of culling teeld 7 if so coal once and get a bottle ot mrs winslows soothing syrup il will relieve ihe poor liule sufierer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a motheron earlbwlio ha ever used it who will cot tell you al once that il will regulate the lioiels and give rest to the mother and relief und health lo the child operating like magic it is perfectly 6afe to use in all cases and pleasant to tbe tasle and is the pre scription ofiine of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse in ihe rjiiled slates sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle oh what a cough will you bard tbi- warninr tbe signs ppruaps of the sure nprrrsrh of that mot terrible uisaa oinumillon atfc you elvea if ynuctn aflnm fortre sake flfavna socmis 10 ron tbe rlhfc and tin notlilue for it vie kqow rom experience liilfttilloht cnre will cure yonr coupb- u uverf its tnlerpwins why mire lhan a million bot tles were villi the pa year l relieves crono and whioiinp cooghi at once vlo- lliersd ct bi witlinat u for lamn back aidoroliet nsp ihlolib porous pnister bold be i e mcgarvin pimples i th mall preej ibfl rocipe for o mpl vecbtmsie balm tbat will remove tan freckles pimples aod blotottes leaving tbe skin aofl clear and beamifnl aso in structions for prod nelng- tbe inaorlnol growth of rntr on a bid hiad or snooth ia- ari- drp6n lnclosfnc stamp ben vandeli co n barclay a u k y bucklcns arnica salve the rest salve in the world for cuts bruises sores dicers fait rheum sorest teller chapped hands chil blains coins and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles it is guarao teeea to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale at jmogarnns drug 8tore aveied clergyman even ihe patience of job witnld be- coxe exhaasted were he a praacher and endeavoring to fnteresthis audience while they were keeping tip incessant ooughiogmakingilimposiible for him to be heard yet how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using dr kings new discovery for consumption coughs and cold trial bottle given away at j e- moqnrvins drug store jrnnes cullen pools island k i writes 1 have been widening the pro great of dr thomas eclentnc oil since its introduction to this place and with much pleasure state tu my anticipat ion of its suoress have been fully real iied it having cured me of bronchitis and soreness of nose while not a few of my neighiors one old lady in psr tlcolar pronounce it lo be the best article of of iu kind f hat has ever been brought before the public yourmedi cine does not require any longer a sponsor but if yon wish ate to act as e neb i shall be only too happy to bars my name oonnected with your prosper ons obild i at j s moaarvlafl early closinc we the andersigned merchants of acton hereby agree lo close our rcipvctive pucea of baaini ji every evening at 730 oclock saturdays excepted on aod after monday 4th of december until farther notice xeltoat mcbae j b pearson a w green idnrhes griffin t il hardinc j kenny t son charles t hiu j fyfe p brown co james goodall beoj haslett thesun ew tokk im wore iooii harrmdtbxbcydaruiciiier jat now pusiug thq utw befor since h itm first printed no other dcvrptper irabubd en ihii ifd of the onh ku bean bougbt and rud in an j- jur by to many men and women we are crodiblr tniormod that popl buy read and like tax fecv for thofoflowinjreawna araong othprt became ilx nti colomni preseut in attractito form and with the ereatsfet posiibla mcenxacj- wbateter ha inlerestlorbomanldnd theevoata the deeds and misdeeda the lrlvdom tbe pbhoi- opby tho notable folly the olid sense the lm- pro ring uonaecsfl all the newi of the tmaiest world at prcaant rtroinnjt fa ipace- becauseittople hare learned that in ita remarks concerning persons and affair tee bvv makn a practice of telling them the exact truth to the oor ability throe hnndred and tixtyfire aays in ha rear before election a well u af about the whales aa well as about the imail i in the face of distent as plainly and fearlesel stinted because it haa already whipped half of le raacla out of lhat party and u proceeding other half with tmdiminiehed vigor when lopported by general approtal the sex hai absolutely no purpose to terre save the in formation of ita readers and the rurthatance of the common good becauso it is everybodys newspaper- ho man is so humble that the bck is indiaexflnt to nit welfare and bis rights no man is so rich that it can allow injustice- to be done him no tan no association of men is powerful enough to be ex empt from the itxict explication of its principles of right and wronff because in politics it has fought for a dosen years without intdrmlsslou and sometimes al most alone among ntrrsppcrs the fight tbat has resulted in the recent overwhelming popular verdict against bobesonisc and for honest gov ernment so matter bai pat w power the 8uk stands and trill continna to stand like a rock for the interests of the people against tbe ambition cf boase the encroachments of mon opolists and tha dishonest schemes of public robbers all this u wht we ua told eimcut daily by our friends- one mm bejlxl zhmt tbe sckii uio ls- religious newroaper brer publibhed because iu christianity a undiluted with cant another holds that it is the btstbopublican newspaper seedin against the other half with undiminished rlfoi a third believes it to be the best magazine of general literature in existence because its readers miss nothing worthfof notice that la current in the world of thought so every friend of the sex discovers one of its many aides that appeals with particular force to its individual liking if yon already know the bex yon will observe that in 1863 lt is a little better than ever before u you do not already know the stjn tou will find lt to be a mirror of all human activity a storehouse of the choicest products of common sense and imagination a mainstay for the caose of honest government a sentinel for genuine jefferson tan democracy s scourge for wickedness of every species and ou uncommonly good invest ment for the comingyear- i terms to vail subscriber the several editions of the 8rx are sent by mail postpaid as follows dailym ccntsa month mt year with sunday edition 9tt0 sunday eight pages 9in 4 year weeklyll a year eight pages of tbe best matter of the dally issues an agricultural de partment of unequalled merit market reports and literary scientific and domestic intelligence make the weekly sot the newspaper for the tanners household i to clubs of ten with 10 an extra copy free j address l englant publisher the stjh ktf city jj rflmisseprowlirtfalmsoiffl- 7 u lmand no reaedyhmfrir b c-c- 1 t- ocjrjted ciiacywcrt is a 1 ri ccuted cii iniiwwj wlunfn jf zicirea c kinds of pjjos oreawjien j i1adiaeiidaeaha a- tyifyeahai rwiqithuse cerrsiraisi kidneywort uvsr7 sale board tables mill street aoton i is where you can get firstclass bigs at rea80nable rate good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon willmee each express train and deliver goods tr sny part of the town fler the 1st march i intend to do a strict cash business only as credit will not pay for hone feed or repairs i ed matthew- worth their weight in gold holloways illsfc ointment r77k iscomparablk medicine hiu kcvred for iltlf an impermabk fame llarovghmtl oif world far he nurriotion and aire of most disease o natca ft unianiry ueir the pills purify regulate and improve the quality o the blood they assist the digestive organs cleanse the stohacu and bowfcls increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system anj throw into the circulation tbe purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame ithonaanda of persona have testified taat by tbeir uae alone iney nave been restored to health and strength after every other means hati proved unsuc cessful ithe ointment will be found invaluaole in every house hold in the cure of open sores hard tumors bad laga old wounds oougii cpldssore throats bronchitis arid all disorders of the throat and chest ss also gout rheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease i manufactured only at professor hoi lowsys establishment 533 jyfokd street london snd sold at is ljd 2s 9d 4s 6d 22iand 3s eaoh box and pot andin canada at 36 centa 90 cents and 150 and the larger sises in proportion i lcitmos i have no agent in the united states nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore wok to tbe label on tbe pots and boxes li tilt address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious tbe trade mark of my said medicines is registered in ottawa and also at vfsshington signed thomaj3 hollow a 533 oxford street london 500 reward we will pay the above reward for any ease of liver complaint dyspepsia sick head bo indigestion conatlnallon or costive- oa we cannotenre wltu wests vxetabie f pills when we dlrrouons are atrlitw impilkl wuh tdey an ourely veiatkbhl jnd never lall to atva aaltstaeoo soirar sated lrf boxes oootalnlm so ptiits nta jtosalettyaiidnwuu be wan or r wnmakeji 8sklnibusa7 tauvont am trial paekwa sana by mail bvyyvtffiofjatabip ry oater k- the mammoffa begs to call the attention of the ladies also tbe farmers mechanics laborers and the general pnblic to the fact that they have laid in this season the largest and finest stock of dry goods ever brought into this section of the country it is composed of dress goods in all the newest styles trimmings to match c ii you want anything new you may be snre to get it from us our millinery and mantle department is also filled with the latest novelties from london paris and new york if yon want a stylish hat bonnet or mantle call and see us our dressmaking department is a decided suckess we make up dresses in the iatest and most fashionable styles price as low as any otier firstclass establishment wedding and mourn ing orders aspecialty our ordered clothing department an usual will be found burpasicg all our former efforts the latest styles of scotch english french and canadian tweeds and suitings black broad cloth doe skins woiated overcoatings 4c we keep a firatclasa stock of goods and a firstclass cutter and make np firstclass fitting gents we also keep on hand a very large stock of gents furnishings hats and caps underclothing tc our readymade clothing department will be found more extensive and a larger aasortmen than ever meni touth s boys and childrens suits aid overcoats extra cheap g assortment come to the mammcih for your keadymade clothing our staple department cousliting of cojtons shirtings tickjnift prints wncevs blankets flannel yarna towellings tablings 4c 4c will be found ou examination to be the cheapest and largest fn tbe county be sure and see our cheap blankets and winceys boots and shoes ladies and childrens large assortment verv qheap carpets oil clotbs linoleums matt ac we have the best assortment of carpeta in wool tapestry bousaels and union carpets in canada and the lowest prices come and see our stock and examine our prices to our patrons and the public- wo have this season far aurpaased onr fonner efforts to obtain cheap goods we are paying cash for them and when we sell w most also receive eaah wo are making a big effort to do the trade this fall and all onr goods an marked at the lowest cash prices come and buy your goods from us mcletrd jmkm 4 co manmon house seorietwti important announcement nelson hcttae glasgow house having purchased tbe entirestock bf general dry goods groceries boots shoes millinery mantles ready made clothing hats caps c of messrs christie henderson k jo at a great reduction in price are now offrring great bargains for cash r i we direct special attention to our ordrd olothlng djparttaajrrt where you will find a choice assortment of goods equal to any in tlie county in fine canadian scotch aud irish tweeds audover- coatings we have an immense selection aud at prices tliat defy competition a perfect fit guaranteed in our boot and shoe department we have a complete assortment from finest kid to coarsest wear exoellent value we invite the attention of the ladies to our millinery and mantle department our opening day will be saturday wheu we will show the finest stock of millinery ever before offered for your inspec tion this being a branch of our business that we give our very closest attention be sure and see our opening our hat oap and orate furnishing dtpartamt is now most complete with everything new and novel to suit all ctaases- we are offering job lines of hats and caps from 25 cents up also job lilies boots and shoes from 25 cents up stamttt jar tumu 80 ont iw tn beit la tai hifktt as we have a full utaff of courteous and obliging asibtants we snail be mttsthappy tfishow onr goods at all times and feel aspired we can offer as good value as any other house in the business be- inember the firm and store c nelson mc b phe ffindeison co glasgow hd

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