i iii r- 1 f fzm 1 v vvssh zijm 1 jh jfl it- oh 1 4 i t f i turriiiv moksivt dec 7 ibvi killed ox tllk track found lid at umeuousv un monday ovtriiiu a uian abul irly ctt of ago tvu or- jtiuihl olf- the 3- eairnxiewjisst fter tlie tntiu lmil irft iiimliii and is itppacd to lnvc uvu fluick by uie step of the eir and iuslaiilly killed the conductor of bhe train noticed bin fill and iufoiuied lie cuutlucloi of ihtf wesleriv train at georgetown of the tat and the bo ly was fouud jjy the trainmen aud brui if lit to acton the corpse had iaiu in tlufrviglit shed here from the time if the accident un til tuesday evening when il lur ing been deemed ftnuctssirr to hold a coroudrs intjuesu rcve smith aud col alun searched the body and valife for a clu to the identity of the deceased tu the valise as fouud a letter datni clinton dtv lb addiets- mr and mr wiuiugtou muikoka and signed by j curtis sicvcueou which shows tint deceased aas an hi war to muskoka and tin- father of aitliet mr or mis williugton the deceased was about urr fret six iudes in height probably sixiv years ot age and had the appearance af being a itioriuk man the only wound to ik- found was deep luuise ua ike side ff tie head look otjt for s new christmas itstesit advertisement ebk i auction sale segi8te sit lgnr issr tiic slock iaijlmcut tad fcruitiire ot the klc ajer minn jat y lot iccxjatieiqucaiu sv to com mecce t 10 oclock wtu licmstrttt aactiocccr i j business brevities lufoi maliou resliu the ardent j lem vsjfttf f was telegfaphed to clintoti and the friends of deceased arrived betx ixst evening and took charge of the hjdv k cm rat raider liulk oytteis by the quart at die excelsior bakery k nicklin d soil at j couie tee ororkke hxkderclst h- fro j fyles hie law to take its coarse for clloiw ic j c jhutlies i- gnffinv actc j udsuifn ws given bv the llivi i aooouhelthatfil sional ojirt of queens bnch on uie p wii of eiior taken mi in the cii of i ir rou wana uotiliv orouike convicted of the murder of to 25c luuies go durable and cneapsuit jljtetis the plac to go ownship j v kiuds o lmiis collttr the no mahcts ef klsou in this cjuuty thsuljecliaus rid lr cs t i gnffinr fciserjlsel uve botu given ail tt i acton in short impugning the method of mibtlyvikie ly the h tmut- drawing together the jury al the tiiiljljoa haul it the eiceuior bakery which is done under a provincial ac i actu chief justice hajirty first ileiirered j scotch kugiish ani canadian iadnienttavinsthalheoblqusuuu suiting ncet variety at the list end r n i- clothin was wnetiter the dominion filuiujcut had sanctioned or adopted the untaiio jnrors act lie thought that had bjeeu done aud no inconsistent act had iret inetv at ftire 1 kvfo actj ilulses i griffin sell mcik fine straw llats at 10c and lliwrl fine wcst klvu it extteuicly t it les be rvfe acuii if you are in want pure drugs ami medicines petries chiiitr ssifljatslso- suit ahi f uiicols been passed by the legislature justices rat mi m ij aroionr and cameron both concurred ueretu call md tlea- 1 in the conclusion reached the juitauer who looked at usual the picture of desjiair was in the court and was or j dced again into the custody of the j sheriff of ttahon the dale of ettcu don is january 5 18s3 at milton interestinff to travellers the grand trunk authorities hare issned an important order of interest to all travellers namely that the allow ance of free baggage shall not erceed 150 unndsfor oach full ticket on the first and second class tickets between common points readied by the trunk lined xo charge ehall be made for less than 25 pounds oyer the agreed weight for example for baggage weighed upho 174 pouuds no charge shall be nude uion over that amount a charge of 15 per cent per 100 pounds of price of the- ticket will be made this order took effect xovljth they haye also ordered no third class ol- emi grant tickets to be accepltd ou their lines irom the east after december ui il city gio important announoement kelson x mcrae glasgow hquse having purchased the entire stock of general die goods groceries boots shoes milllinery mantles made j clothing hats caps c ready v of messrs christie henderson a lit u irront rejueliou in rice arc now ofliring great bargains for cash i f we direct tpeeiul attention to our ordered clothing department where you will find a choice assortment of goods equal to any ii the county in fine canadian scotch and irish tweeds mid over- eoatings we have an jmmeuse selection aud at prices that defy competition a rerlect fit guaranteed in our boot and shoe department we have a complete assortment from finest kid to coarsest wear excellent value ie toour eery hard up mq cant help you can liuy more dollars cash at a goods for teti w geeeus board of education tue board of trustees met iu the chairuiina bfiicb on monday evening tth inst pursuant to adjournment ileujberg present mr jas matthewa criairmaa d henderson w h scorer james moore aud llr lowry minute of last meeting read and confirmed the finance committee presented their eleventh report recommendingpay inent of thejfollowing sums toonus t lore wiarv xov j63i ilis kainyu 2l92i mia grant 20s3 unadtniij 6m th easton lust en leiche residence 660 j hqqm ifoved by jj henderson secooded by w h storey thai the abnre report be adopted carried moved brv h slarey secsndod by dr lowry that matthews hall be the place for holding the annual school meeting ana that henryp moore be and is hereby appointed to hold the elsction alfy that the chairman aud secretary give proper notice ui said mealing carried oh inotiok the board adjoumed lo meet on saturday oth inst than at anv oilier store in town i havejut received the largest slock at groceries and orockery i l ever stowa iu actoh ana am bound tq- do the trade if good goods aud low prices will accomplish anything k handsome glass tea sett given attot lew drug store cuelph you will there had the bvt qual- itv at modeiaic rices horse and cattle medicines care fully compounded dye stuffs jiy stock i selected with the greatest care all my own colors guaranteed handy package dyes every color kept trasses supporters bandages i r stockings ic a very lull line of these goods kept they are i fitted on without extra charge to auj person buyihgf five dol worth of goods for cash cipgvw a uamc well known in cou insctiou wit the sill statwot which eatores greyjiiav ie iu natural color by a ew woeki use soti x 50 cente per bottle by all ruggiata shijob p catarrh remedy a nianreloaji eare fttrcatarrn dlpbtheria uaer mool and head acne wjio cacti ijottla uiere lian inaeuioua niral injector tor uia moreraecnjitartreaunent of ihtae com- pulnu wiukwi eitra cbure f rice weenie jsow bv j e lcyarro lamps crnet stands and glassware of scriptkm will- be reduptjpn for the days to maka room christmas ify btock u complt te in livery line come everyboiy and see for yourselves a w green lars crockery every d6- told at a next 80 for ooda eri9 ad cattle feed oil oake thz seed in patent medicines my stock is very large and con stantly adding all the nerr rem- edie machinery oils all kinds castor oil elephant oil neatafocrt oil seal 0 il lubri cating oil sewing machine oil c at bottom prices paints oils colors turpentine harness varhuh hoof ointment store varuijh oarriage varnish turpentine varnish furniture polish coal oil coal oil wholesale and retail the best quality always kept and the lowest prices cpnjo and eee the new store a b pet r ie oil cako flax seed wo invite the liucntiun ot the lad millinery and mantle department j our opening day willlie saturday when we will show the fiuest stock of millinery ever before oliered for your inspec tion tliis being a branch of our business that we give our very closest attention beureaud see our opening i our hat cap and cents furnishing department is now most complete witji everything new aud novel to suit all classes we are offeriug job lines of hats and caps from 25 cents up also job liues boots aud shoes from 15 cents up rtaimbo ozs riaois so coat tea tio sen is the harkc as we have a lull staff of courteouf and obliging asistanfs we shall be most happy to show our goods ut all tiuies and feel assured wc can offer as good value a any other house in the business he member the firm and store nelson mcrae succcssoiii to- christie henderson k co glasgow house 1882 fall season 1882 drug stationery store see the immense variety of look out for my holiday gfroular this week v where did you get that beautiful china sett mrs jones why at w pbrown cos it is the cheapest sett i ever bought and they have the most lovely christmas stock so very cheap too i could hardly keep from buying a great deal more than i did mrs smith yes ive heard a great many people say they have a magnificent lot of christmas goods and thats where i intend to make my christmas selections the mammoth begs to call the attention of the ladies also the farmers mechanics laborers and the general public to the fact that they have laid in this seasonc4hc largest aud finest stock ofdry goods ever brought into this section of the country it is composed of dress goods in all the newest styles trimmings to match ic if you want anything new you may be sure to get it from us our millinery and mantle department is also filled with the latest novelties from london parib andifew york if yon want a stylish hat bonnet or mantle call and see usi onr dressmaking department is a decided success we make up dresses in the infest andjmost fashionablestyles prices as low as any other firstclass establishment wedding and mourn ing ordera a specialty our ordered clothing department as uual will be found suqiassingali our former efforts the latest styles pf scotch english french and canadian tweeds and snitings blade broad cloth doe skins wcisted overcoatings etc wc keep a firstclasb stock of goods and a firstclass cutter and make np firptclass fitting gents we also keep on hand a very large stock pf gents furnishings hats and caps underelbthirig c our beadyiuadji clothing department will be found more extensive and a larger assortmen than ever mens youths boys und childrens buits and overcoats extra cheap g assortinent come to the mammoth for your readymade clothing our staple department consisting of coltoiffi shirtings tickings prints vuiccvs blankets 1lannel jfarns towellings tubbngs isc dc will be found ou examination to bo the cheapest and largest in the comity be jure and see our cheap blankets and vinceys boots and shoes ladies and childraus large assortment very cheap carpets ou clotiis linoleums matt ac e have the best assortment of carpets in wool tapestry boussels and union carpets iji canada and the lowest prices come aud see onr btock and examine our prices to out patrons and the public wfc have this season far surpassed our former efforts fo obtain cheap goods wo are pay ng oash for them and when we sell we mubt also rooeite cash wo are making a big efl ort to do tdie trade this fall and all onr ijoods arc marked st the lowest cash prices cot j and buy your goods from na mclaod anderson co mammoth house georgetown this line of business is being given up and the stock of wools braid c will be sold at cost boots shoes v 4t j e mcqaitias dng store ato oat for mens handmade sip boofo clump soled catl at goodalls for mens berlin frostproof boots for mens doublesoled kip bopts for mens congress boots for mens balmoral boots for ladies strong boots for ladies felt boots for ladiei skating boots fr misses boots for childrens boots for boys boots f youths boots indeed for evecy kind of boots shoes overshoes rubbers slippera and everything peftamnr to a firstolass boot and shoe house call at the i i actoth boot shoe housfc horse aal cattle p ed at moamas rug st v v a st f-