Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1883, p. 2

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111 w f p r inmm w v bjj ygfjww mfm mimm mi the cheapest yet our clubwhc rates w ate bo4 w lnct toe sirsadj eulatloa o tha ran puu u otair to ao toll w mate tin touowlm obn to jisw subaerlban ihe ft 15 m pmabi1laltaatl1b4eambnjlllbslor sum 8atitttart whoso labaartrbcm axrlr ba- ltl sewand sw tears tr rapm ap alone will eel tho frit ftaisi nou th hit iw- 1 tor 1tt tti fur itikm ud wuj aiabetrom uo until dec u tor i- tbi tttk pmm and waeuy mail froui bowwluldkjlwtor lts tbaflex pinsa and london advaruwr tram no until d u 10 lor tbi fjitc rarst aud ouelpb me rurr fr uounulucnjcr lli thi pile rrutmini montreal wltn ttu noaenl dcii 31 or ii frax ltls sad ansrtrkaa africa ursllii tram nine until pc 31 ii lor its too thtflxi rluj futmw idt04t from do uutu d si si tor 113 the fmn paaas aad toronto tiutn twin nauu 0til bmor 1a call at uiis oso ormnl your uuncs asl ui-nej- rii istaroljellcr to hpmoore txo rnxstorricc acton ostae10 ress tktmpat uoixtso jin lllsss provincial elections the probable cerlr prorogation of the provincial legislature is moving politicians lo action the parly machines are bflnf put into full working order and tlw appealingof candidates to the eleclersle trill soon he noticed through out the province thecolservaliveb of this county meet to day in milton to select their representative and the reformers nil no doubt do likeurik veij sfaorllv political circles trill bo be lively from the present time nutil the elections are over j cheaper postage i the americans have a snrplus in their treaanry of one and a half mil lions from the pastal service alone two propositions hive been made for the eipeajing of lit surplus tl- postojaster general proposes the iteue of stamped envelopes at the same prior as stamps ere supplied hitherto tin- other ide is w reduce the price of post aie on halt ounce letters from thm- to to cents whatever our- neighbors d sre must do iikiie te ran brcely tar ourairu people tbrvf ci-nt- fjrlritercirryinj while hr intertatiin el ki1 arraiijeaenu we vtoulu lv to carrv ameiican letters ou which emit fro centa had bwa collecti nmm execution the murderer joitly laj the penalty his eck insuntly tiroken mcha or kr th flltulul ill lie m ii i- m lt iuiei ihit kir luiirnr tiui- junh he m oki uud fathet oileillv wlm uunliud iu the day nijjht r haufiill iill an iunncnt child tiu h j niall uiiitt lil a cmtil mm he wi qim- cuii i i li f r ilh a l u ke ih md in ii lull kkiuciluid dtivvu dtil vimiii- ill j v i u lilt coiuiitiuied i liia ciuiuj- the tolinin ution witlt nd did not morning i- worried lit liia pipe h- krv niui all- muci clciv nd ki- i ihoill he htd miv viit itileivd tf a few ort iiiinutea to live at exactly eilii ochek pcicetairn uinrttl fioui ihe jil slieiiff celllenta at the lead oillilta and l he eieeuiliiier mict titlei oreilly hdtoing ipaliiii a lje kl l walked tlie caliumss of t i c mdeiuu- ed man waa something uouderfiil to witness he walked acriiw the jail yard a diaunoe of 15c eet lo the scaf fold which was luiit in the northeast corner and aveuded the sitpn wiih as firm a step as if h had liean jiin to a woddiog instead of hia death as he stood on lha trap dojr he oked atead ily at the crowd fira iiionie ii ami then at the pcicfit ho stkid c se behdr tuc utr woui sheriff cicjienta said to thi man as be stood tin hie trail michael jkillltr hase vou aul thing iu aay in iht je e- here as 8tuhltdj ko tit i dont fn1 iuc iiad lo sty aujtliirit an arstl orimike slowly btu withoat a treiuui iu hi voice the executioner adjusted cord t- dined dior and then at the itquct of oriurke knlt on the father ofieilly wid repeit a prayer with me and aaiil the ttrda prayn- iver two or three tiuna lajmlly tl priest said a crt lirajir nud while he was utitritg thi vol ils 0 ir father the execuiuir iille4 il- isver and he b idy of m clnl or irke diuipe the noose the offler dwr and with l thud eight ivi t llu fell his ej strjhlltd ii livif irrii sriiit il k utlveulnt tie- it ck of til inauttlr hriken pt thl minute ui motion of tle llr then he clist hei l oce and en to tnuibe tnc xeutirn wj the the hew paper iu school f sjtu jixi a hi- en otii ated thii ilit uewspjjcr kiiim u- nai in sclia jiacl ukes the icii in patting the rugetiou to wual pricic- at sciijj iu denl lue oiin id uie li jioti jaiiiiials u tead i plat ii -h- cuitouutr reider of the citicrimeti tutvpiiiicipil atja rijuic urenty ojjiiesof luajoii l lind their way iuto the school every mtirn- in aul the chtidteii iiitd fioui thorn jtiliin thit aiiicu reues men- pifticu aiii til history- moi of tlio scholars iiac tcra lylfe in ahicli thejjiiite such dttpatch rc rtlate lo the event f ihiidaj- audoqcts eek there is a revtetr o ihi- citrcnt events which ciiisht ot a wrinriyju of wliat each ouihe ttleotej and likeu all it all uiofarsfiiidlbeuisdies st11 jicsted it ubst l- goiljg ou throughout the votld tin rrsuk is gralictg in two ways cist by tin liiuaiiion u the scholraud acond by ihedeveiopiient pf the niiud thitadiug of a uewfpapcr under a nested iutci6tir would iairt to the s u vat amount of useful know- fge- u in life anl if he vis ujt tivr i hnoir wiio woiilj i r- thu itnils the last seen- o moft terrih- tigeiif ort r canada ak ic r and ih- ff a- ihoul nun a was for m llie fiaud all a as to accuraeh ng tt te fllm ur 1 tv rvriiuild ul e iura nj personally 1 bolusvo in htinaiihatitie 1 hh it mjelf and in mv amilr ami practlc i prtacnl phoipuuna with a oougdenci lhat i can attaehio no other remod it i ate it is effnodve pot sale bv all dyspepsia liver coruplaiut ilinotwonli iheiiniall prle- of76reuti i ifreo yours oflevnry aunnlomol ukri- illiresiiiiiooiiltlit lloi niuk u en i at our anno and iffl a b ittn nl mtlluir vila mierovir bottlt pna ti irliiteihuirnnlieoi it tie aeeonllnljtflid it 11 uoei otl no oki it lllbijlirouuoulni bld by jkjic oar- in i a lifliplo licru fninidim themnny idauu nt a southern climate hat under the nkilldil iiuiipulatloii ohr via bua proved one o lhesrcsttjt- ucminct over acnl to tiftcriog htinuaiiity dr vwj sutonl sidfioyoutcisackunaledijid all ihe acrid over aa iuc only pcffict n tucdy it kidney tnnililea voir ttugit lu it sold in actuu by j k mctlarviu a card tirall who are iutfcriiik from the erior ami uiducrclitiivuf yeulh ihthhib aoak lie eaily decaj ks id muihod itc i will eud a reoiliu that will euro ynu nrt or cnxitci this a at remedy 111 dit cohered br a aiimintury in suuii a erica scad a nlfadjniscil nivhic lo line iiv jussril t lkxislsfnfiiinyvtic yorlci tykmiublk imihemto lbt tnree of those eonvenleiitly arranwd tensminc bouses ot tbe aetoa buildlbg asiocialirli may bo rented by ippltitio to wh storey acton dec 21st 1882 praijtnt n otlte to reditorh shilohs catarrh remedy a mi vcltiavcatr ur vtira fitiicticrit cittjkcr m hiti mlf tu cftcu oottt tin r- lati i rig nl is nrtil liijctir or t- m c mertsfui tix muh nlctti c mm fjlitliu vitiiou cltr cltlj flict- jocihu soli uvj eattcgrvin shuohfi consumption cure puniuaiit to llic proviioiis of k s 0 cbap 107 iec3 the crditoni of robert aluu snr uto q uu- tuwatlijp of erin county of wejiingtau who died on or about tu s3rd match 1682 are on or before the 2tli ftihrttmrytsss toictiilhy poit prepaid tad itcddrrvon of tho vilug of acton utcir elirifttian and inrnacnnilddreiieiaqcl dcicnption itio fall particaum of tbtir claims a itaumeut of their acooanu and tho nature of the iecuritica if tnyj held by thorn or in default thereof the exec a tor will nflcr the id laitmeutioned dte procootl to diatribata the act of tbe sxid dccoaied amorifnt tho parties entitled thnu having regard uulr to the claimi of which the laid ex ecu tori ahall lure notice daud at acton thii 8th day of jaiiaary 1ss3 tl hksokrvsox f jvmbscayplikll f hxctulor for the wlato of tho late koucbt allan 8n vtoth e to crtditob tcnmiit to the pnivwiont of r s 0 chip 10 cc m the creditor of alex miod isle of the tovrinhli of eaqaeaiog county of hilton whudiod n or about the 25 h xoember 1882 arc on or before the in tjfftiirxiry18s3 to tend ly poet prepaid tnlctcr sfauu actou po their christian iad turnimcfi addresses and deacriptlon the fall lurticuliri of thetrclaitnia ititcment of thir acoanu and the nalore of their ikur- itiea if any held by them or in default thii u bvoodqaetloti tlio mat laccrw dnt ruviimbljien- llie om ce u thereof the tdminulrator lt ftfier the said the kiid latl c3coliooed date proceed coufii cnn an4 brotkfuui wille it 6 wood- rfl mceiinih- cut ufjonuinptloti ti itliui aparalet in tin- idory oi me iu cine ritnc il tlisi iiucotry ti m been wild nnciuiarueol u icn wiaicit cioitjci iicii3e cmlitl i ii ii if ftcniffiffe trnrh hkie jaa i ltyl- 1iico 1 nl5o ec d jt oli iff ctrr luic re rwcbest or lldft utoie uc sulolis porous imaiter buldbyje ulaivtu vlcuillau uaiiiilloti i the wtiiin mu matllc wtirkf fiirdjih ott arv lyin the laivrii rvuiljmarldi- tra-u- ti- uu ck- ing to the fiict ilil they d tin- ik ud nll the ehjcl xic puli- an- wini- ed iwatnfi dealing with ftcfd hud irstu pcddleo iu hmd u dirvci ti the tirvi or liay from tiiiir iccsl t that iuq uaice mcqaillaji s lucultou it ua lit- printcd fcirra lxfi ya titiu or orjtr vexed clergyman even the patience- of jib would be- coie exhauelod werii ho a prdscber and endeavor iup to lnterelhiaudienoc while they were keeping up incessant coughing miking it impostible for him lo1cheird yet how rety eay can ah thu te aroided by ktaiiy ujing dr king now dicorery for coniuiuptioti coughf and com trinl tolile phen away at j e- ilcgrvias drug stoi oh what acouga will you ti cti lb- warili xo nzi- 1 to distribute the asset of the aaid deceased atnotiit the parties en ttim thereto havinf regard only to ho claims of which the laid admlaiatnlor b ua 1 1 have notice datod at acton the 4th iaiy of december i68j peteh manx admivistraton for the eauu of the late alexander manx c3tany partiei owirg the aixitc estale are hereby noified that letjeinent must be nisdt- liytlm ht february acton free press ltng office printing wc jirc low adding lirtly to ouritock of v ill you heca i ti- warmi lnrtll r v j s ierribl -li- i fkiiiulci ait ni 1 ix c aul utj ah es tr yuc iituinrulur iirilcoaicj y j stationery iuc- n fio ma i rft at 5 n iiiiii ir u e knnw rrom crivri ucc fiit cl3i care will cute tiiir0awct it m vcrful ti- chun wti m-n- ttpn r milne n h i re wrrc mtji u- if war i nicvc crvi i d who iif lviiffh to uucr lio- lherviij dt bo iltjir ii fur litik lact kdcrclittl iso h ifjijfc toro f litfr fcojnjr 3rvn tvtc urot all pl nouf niishiug to let the meriti oft gret rcnaetly an- lint will potiti- rely core ckjijsumptioii coughf caluf asihroa brancguir ot rny aifertioa of the hinal sndj lung tite rwjuest lo cill at j e mcfinniris drup btoie and get n in a i bottle of jpr njs xer dis corery for coaiuiiiptin rzrx or oot whicii vvll show voul njt ureeuur dot- iiit umi hr-m-boitk- will do i i i kit than iwiniuy niinncii cic tid h- div c4 t u h toiin i orhnhelookll lijexlid 1 0 ikhl it- li- ivi iliel lll jiiltld dt inner pi an i luoyslache tle other i i ll h f auricli wd u to a tunikov thai h hd lieii a coid i you ur ildiou i ate tkcvr complex he id not i i iplte low td dcptesj i spirit- tndgeiieirlly dtliiiitateuli not delay r niament but pn at oner nd re of tle i procure a hottfe of ihe wonderful elec- ttc killers whfeh never fail lo cure nd that for the trilling sum ol liliyoeit ftiarit foiiy t e ixcltirvin ii ks drejid in- the l kuit ld hac full lie tid i fartnucsrorifaraiersaadhcrlii- lfr 1 hukitidi of doilsis can beavcl by i aing proper judgement iu ttking crie acted iu a hdy from yricuf trritef ko about tfven jfts helote irikinr xr- throp i hymens vegetable discover and dtspeplic care i suiiered dora a ellforciilklhe act la lit county complaint very prevrleut vtilh curl- v 1 1 was unable o aalk any distance or stand on my feit far tnorrihub a tea- i minute- it a line without ieeiin c-s- huill but non- 1 mi tluuklut to kkv a court for tin- tiil of rjuns clurg i can wilk two jnile- leiihnit feeing llu- eat inooyenienc- lor femnle cmn pltints it his ijo citii scott act in helton a loncift oftwes cd with vinlwtijii id the 8oct ac this county v- held milkli li xassagaweya xews jllsitltat eleciioks the foiiov- ing istlie number of rotes pollod for each candidate ut the recent elections deputy reeve wheelihau j35 kor rish lfit councillors hiucheoo 233 gould 221 uarsball 188 barhare 139 mcmillan 119 as3aga1vevi ililli the ue mail arraiigeiiiedt lahich came into force on tbe 1st january is ery lncop venient to the eopl6 of thia township heretofore the aiailcame tferonh fron builiugiirlij-canipoellvillebioolcfill- blij ehii mills to guelph now iberr iao iocil lual lr0iu oulh to eden milli- 4 soother local mail from ciook villa to caaipot llte vk leaving a gap between i jilaces ji far be tuir and olieaer at- riiigemetit would be lo have a mail from campbaljrillg tbriugh to gutlpb coo necting ritfa tip cy xbadisunoe codh ttntlj ba ofad from tbe foroitr to uia lwr 4iar4 zdack in a da and it wu hi taodb monconveoint for tbepuwie j there have hefcu a tiiiuilrei ol oi lle act reutiy lid iwitljj made to vindicate ihe police magistrate ims on h thirty one charge ajjatiikt prubably uli or ehieii defendants toe ouui t araa adjmiind until yesterday lint h earned ihiesnlt ofys e da ina friday thomas cinrk of c eorgetawu aras cotivicled of eellin iii or on td 25th of uecniiher and it hcine hi scotld cdtiiie a hue a sioq allt c inik aniouutiii iu eli tillg wjis tiijoiitl iulali ffiris art air tin led about friday e uo yet f ptooeed fty many yaars of patient lovaatiga iour 7 sutcsfcof liertu luy tiuallv accaeded in perfecuus a kidoe cure that a jald ptraiaueally relieve ail cues nf kid oey difiie fie eaemid xk j lur drujiist r dr tw2ursis idlotptt 6lii a acloa 0 j li mcuaron sowej jiaffl ktov jtihkttt vhite hhoat 6 treadwull tea- 0 firing ivheat glasec iic t tlodijiist feas jata r l darley kyc eiigt per doz batter dairy piokod batter ralla itclra hibbet klour white whoat uew lreadwell spring w heat q laarow 0 redchkff 0 0ts 0 fleas 0 barley o uye a botfertiaiiy packed 0 battiarijolu 0 70j flaa new machinery plain and fancy typa brilllanf ink and other iiiiieiul lieetiiry lo iirtiss irinliu ml i prepirtd liicmcllc the gublqm clearing sale of winkr goods at the mammoth house georgetown shu time tlconsisting ofii- tjaoldeitorttjsmniaouelpji ladie8 fr mufli fur boas fur caps geuttt mir the onupeit brusr store la autlpli caps nud gauntleiu gents cloth ami other caps buffalo tlubudumiit antiitoninawisx roties hiii fnuc rbes a mgiiificciit grizzly bear robe for 35 worth 50 ladios dress gnoifs wiiioeys ami knitted woolen goods millinery und mantles mantles to be sluiiijlitpred regaidless of cost ready- made clothing and boys overcoats a magnificent line allwool tweed worth 1 per yard to be sqld for 65e smiths drug store is the ben jiliice tolbuy anything you require in tbe drug line we have the largest tlock the nicist reliable good- at ihe lowest prices keep all the leading makes of dye stnfls jliauiniid package dyes all shades union and handy package dyes also uurown dyes whicligive universal satimaction toilet articles and perfumery in great variety za salr snuacs ud coacs ku as4 tooth bruhm we have tlie largest stock ever brought intothejroyal city we buy direct from the english and french markets and are able to sell much loer iii consequence piteat ifedidats jauilais maolao oui cwtor ou ftttttftot ci et- ie kacaiao oil lubricttiag oil sehaaoiieaa ooai ou bit qa- acuxa col ou we have the reputation or keeiv iug the best coaloil iu guelph and nciutend to maintain it vt g smith to chemists drrurgista- vo it wradtasbtlajejltmtkam bloek any kino gf work it ftvasouablc prices in- ip 01 uir ioo u tl ifo will ell r jinsarwnictj in care answer this question wuj- do no mny people wc tet nrott t fid to prefers faltpr end te mfttla mier- i able by iiidigtfiiloncoouijailnn lmiiincss i lcwsof apjieuu cnmlnif tp or liir koo j llo ftktn wiipu for 15 tt mora shtloir viuuzcr tliera skjid by jd 1c ehuoks or yoitil a qcntlctnjtn vbo su1fre- fur veir from ncrvnus icbl pfftrjinrc ihr nntl mii jlir odwti of juitljitil iidir tf1- iu for til kccjf hflerllt liuttlmilv r fro in mi u lm nccmt ti reit nttjriiioii fk iaiktf ll simiio m ly u c to vst fuv d smltrfiv wiisicj li i rcli dy uj- rd- vertuet cii i lir iirositi jiirfrcrcontjdtncc jtiftx btjghen tccdar nrvr yot if p 90 to 0 93 91 too 94 uo to 0 9i pi to 0 91 05 to jt 70 us to 10 30 43 to 0 00 00 too 61 18 to 0 19 18 too 19 18 to 0 20 to 1 00 83 to 0 01 to 0 95 is 90 to 0 98 85 top 36 tod7 9 to 0 58 to ft en if to irat 16 to b 18 18 to womans true fricud a friend in tieed u i triend in this nonechn deny especllly ucn as sistance is rendered hen no u feoielv afflcted with diejse more particular by those coniplainla and wetkiierea ce corniaon to jjur female pipulatioo hvery woman snotldknoa- th i kenc bitters are ivoroins fiur rieua and ill positively restore her lo health even when all oiherj remedies ail a tingle tri always proves our asuertion they are pleasant to the teste and only oosis fiflr cents per bottle sold by j e jdc- iartin herat mother holder are you disturbed ai nlghland broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryine with tfae excruciatiogpatn ol catting teeth if so coat once and get a bottle of trs winslows soothing syrup it will rrlievo the poor little suherer ininiediatelydepeni upon it there is no ml take about it tle re is not a mother on earth who liaiever used it who will nit tell you al once that it ill regulate jthe boa els and gife rtsi to tbe mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic ll is perfectly safe to use in all cases ind pleasant to the taste and is me pre scription ofnne or tbe oldest end besl female physicians and nurse inlhe ui died hutesi sold ererynbere at 25 centse bottle kidney- wort f0r th rermuient cure of j constipation i 1 kiroaarillrtteiifaao har ai cepfwfv o t v o jaqaiuatl ts alcbritad kidaa7wert ess t elexre tottwrfr rai euiil uuuu hiho ease tii iniv7iaotooamit u if f h tesraalax eaav 8irvv il very apvte ba 5 ilitlk mu3 llieywdrt socac farafcjipariaaaaijnlcyj i baasia i itp jsslofcl com c m 3 1 c j3tifi3wt8waifcuii- 4s iwsgj annate ji3 iu in airrstioy imui to ommercial i printing uf all kn u viliich i cxecuel with care dispatch asu in good style iu which may lie iuclcdtd bill leads letter headings business and postal cards invoice blanks posters hand utlls wmj mail iui a viisltixu crus tsvitattox cards pkogrammes ic iu a tasteful and workmanlike inandcr merchants requirick the latent styles o printing- s a means ol sdiircssicg their customers may rely upon having their wishes carried out quickly and in thehrst stylo of thi rt i orders by mail 3eoeive imme4i- ate attention a ells cicmapdson a cos i ri proved butter color i a new di89overy ilftbr kwil rtt 1 1 fanided be vttxrna of amtrlc wish aui cxceoeat ro- 4dtl color tortatteri to smrttoiioas uut u at lttfa ftwu necesa everyvbm mtiunf tb ufkm u4 oui pria both inlenuiknlj tvbol try pttiamt ujddratlio cbcmlcftl re- airhtchamtrnproirvdla trni potnta tad aowoflw ttiliaevoeleruilu bati okkorld it will mot oolorthc buttermlllc it 1 will mot turn ratxrid rtiathe trong u bnbtrtt and ohp t oojot madi i tyiwweprmftpedtaouliioeohipoodd td thu it u 3afomlm9 or ll to bttoaw rtadd 1 otlwajlf taiuuont ud of u etbir ou ooioti for uwx in 1uu to 1ccobm naautad tpotl the ctft 1 jiftottcwmtthuni to too vban ud oo to ct it witbooi tan 4xpsbm at wxlu rkhajwoi k co baroailaas tl i sylfjoesiwthuitbiprotcd writani livery sale board stables mill street 1 aoton is where you oan get firstclass bigs at rea80nable batefi qood commercial rigs an express dellve eaob eipress train s id delir goods tf an part of tlie totrt after the 1st march intend to da a trial cash business on r as credit will not piy fori repairs ed b 3y swi y wagon wiuinear irae teed or mattbev gwtr gents fnderclothin blankets and flarnnels wo haveour bimkeu 4 flannels direct rom the maacrs o bare bargains wilt be giveai heavy cloaking to be sold cheap in a stock so large and varied us onfs it is impossihle to enumerate u tue cheap lines that wc arc prepared to ofler to the public suffice it to say tnatif yon call and eiamine you will see that we are in dead earnest about clearing but the 4ock our tailoring department is second to none in tht county a uagoificent siutior 814 16 and ib worth h more in every case press making and mantles made ou the premises in hrstchus style mourning and wedding orders a specialtv we confidently expect a rnsh for the bargains mcleod anderson co mammoth house beorgbtowfi a fact acknowledged bv the people of laton und surrounding country that tlie place to liny goods is at w p brown govs store these who have not called would find it lo their iidyuii- tnge to do so and will he whhonied and wailed upon in such a iiiaiiiicf that they will call aain boots ftl shoes for meas handiade sip boots olumpsojled call at aqod alls i i for mens berlin frqstproof boots for mens doutlesoled kip boots for mens congress boots for mens balmoral bpots for ladies stroiig boots fot ladies felt boots for ladies skating boots for misses boots for childrens boots for boys boots for youths boots indeed for every kind oi boots shoes overshoes eubbfcrssiipperti and everything pertaining to a firstclass boot and shoe house call at the acton boot shoe house crbjr- harnes trunk i butcher shop r holmes wpqld respeetfally inform tlie peeple of -u- a ctonud nioioity thalhe has parehaaed om9 he business and property ot slnkc rk if m jmms kxgtmixo avraixu is- harne88loij trunks toaatomoaey blionldgoui 1 ri tjlreech kovineeo and ia pepard to linpply u with filrstclabs meat of all kinds and poultry ard qitwtt 8eavn i moat delivored to any park of town anytime j tbt havioi practical totperiencc in tbe i an4 tm ii aauik iracucu aiviicuvv iu a4il pitehetingboeineetxfcejeeefdwt a aoton jfqas sortall a callltimty toliat r ndiiis i 1

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