sthftfrfrilrtw ullage varieties yiuv vll vv imi lrj follrrtloi il loral arnt nnu ou n v 1k wiurn of ull interest to our w f illuitc bcttlcr tiimm mokmm ju 23j ism call nt tiro ilyiids jewellery and fancy ooils stow aetou or berlin wools fnndy ood a larsc stjck geo i1vmis l i mr ucury kobiuson ot trnfidgar wu i elected warden at iheopeuing meeting of bits of brevity 1 lswal and cakcrw lif irtii4itd u llit km f thf pen and bciuan fr trader of thf vrw prrl i llit ouuv ciuucil will come itt war toysivusiv darius lliy nr jtt closed there wro rejisiritd it the office of jlrje m garvin viliafcc itcjutniri ffl birth death and o uuniai03 entertainment the ukuiucj of st albuas sabbath school will give nu cnlcriaiumout in ihp tcmpcraud hill next wednesday eve suly aclona into ma soiru yrttiy hard weather duriui the week a litrjc moderation in llio weather is desirable j sir l g matthcwa i aboul to opcu a tiour and ftssl store i dominion ivrliamcnl will rcasenblc on the sill of february j the managers of the rink irilljivc another carnival shciily j j froslbiflcn cars were the rult ralhtr thin the cxccitioi oa monday j j tbc palilkil cararuiu has opened nd rblic meetings ircalreiivanaounccd i- i wouldnt it be a good idea for soma oi env young folks to foim a mot fhoc dnb hive you sctn the new kplv postal cirds iclon poil ofiiee uxs a dpply of tiiei 1 i mr jp wurda las opened barter shop in ux cilice heiv occupied by dr fcrstcr j bikinis- i- bisiuiis fld tub adver- itiacmeau for hy ure th- lniciirli of lire bniess nivn j i an cxtvjtioa looi puv ic aqiuitiur- z the tveck ic sva- the hanzicr of lh- nr town nvu b- u the thtrrromctcr rejjisttiixd detie uijtt ze ca tucsdsy sad by j cooj bnt lcornaieir t i i hisis frthc prtelt wvk l n cicxtrvsiv jid vciuicr tl- r- inrctcr hi no riztn iluye 7ro j jumbo coic- his tnatr lujjld iliral a tm r our r rtoi i-e- ne tiihc ui i- niicc prct- vue t t m- d d m nuj fr- rcrly tli- vi- r i- cijk ia mr a hj ilsjsa flir o irs a ii ii rvj aj ll i jtuis 1 r a mi il 7ii- fiure ta c- ii- i- t s- itjrj tur lir oilti c iiiu ulcriu ud riia id aconite tc l a iirg- itiy ico ba cd rerib- siiciik it uiegt c-curiin- l knt wlich rcnlir ic pivclv dardiqs for pciri s coi iniav crrliri li icwii atcfounj o lire bcun nile to rcsisi tbc kilrczne libc fzerv i lb- rtsulr j v 1 tkrei oclxi 5idiy uifrit a snn nic wls falling and bj to oclock scsdiv nimir ibe eather iiid o com- plte- rererritait the tliermcmer stood 1i decreci bio zera rbbal scacvl icioli wil bjhim cu iloular tn- pocidiy i7iii rd loli fcl loat your allrac bra tai joi iviu tzi thnliy acd fndty j i yzclzts zzd ojiers dcirla a cuecl f tog i wrvjplcasgm ovenio is in stojc lor tbosc who rvttcud i coiutttllobtth ilia lioqortue lkuleiiautlovcruur liah appoiattai tbo fullowior commuiiouen uudor tbc prorisioils of tbc licence act of 1s7g fvc has couaty tlcary willuin- william hinibouc and joba iutrsov vajiacaw cj cdkacil the maaicipal couucil met cu houda ljlb iut iiidatroriiuiuliou praxocdcl xvitlt be usua roqiiae of busiacss nectar- at tbfr iuaagural mttlias tba u5u silltd of tbc cguucil wrilrtikc place ou tbc lotl february ctaabsc of train time the raorditj espwaa frooi toroulo uor atrtvt here two uiiuutcscoihcrlhijiwual tbc presoat liiuc bebg 1u0 reicmbci tias aud yoa vill save yourself tue icrplexitj of being jest tvro miautcs tooutc sodm lrijbl morninc thcpalplt rey otge a bail uur1 fcia o hwuillou will preach in k albauf ciiurcl ucxl saadavlcronir ittj will preach u s lubulhurcb rivj iu te mo iti ucv mr rigou wrill ccupy rcr mr rjuv piilpit t haaiiitop leua kcfqrm xvcuua at the auctial meet in j f this locii lioi us triiay tvenin ttit following cliccr5 were elated for the currcct yfir- d d christie itetdit james twidi lt viccprc um raniscv 2ud ice irci k it kar rsctnjast i drly siurjai mcruin brjitri taunt tie divcliii h dr wcjr o njii ini k ii t jlcj trviu uiie il- k- i cidll id liiiiu- j wa j a ujii iiii iiiij iiiv iiiil ij iu iuvi iu jl cli t ibj rjut j itiuii ciivliuu til ihe fcjljbaii sjiij a u luis- m irilj i itti in cikvillv ui thriijy id t ridi uijj toli lcii if rcbfuir a very icrci protnn2 hz bjn prcjiurtd i pni prlitibt rvetln ivjuicijtld on tiirsiy nxl i wo aucjiq wile wip ukti pie iu this village ivhca th hoa6- itozkku ol aicssre eailea and tf jrnsr ill be dippl cf the former at tea mm and the lutr t two pm on saturday k quantity cf cord wood straw c will hi sold tl agcews hotel nt two p m wml hemsret is auctioneer in each cao the iiniipal amessors will hire coi eidsrabli esim work this yecr by a law pad a the lat sicj of the liiatare foir adiilinliil colutna have to l pat oi the- rssuiel iol viz fur acrea of rodlapd j frarts of swamp marsh ox waste iced fcr acri of crolard acd gar- den and for number of acres unrtcr full wlicit j apimrvoily elarnicd at ho dccldod viu uf the village ceuicil the soiled hvu ll- wit and ourlitilc luwu ngiifu ftuiif ty n latti extent lir former chas tity wc iniagfnc huwavcr that ibc moral ttlmofiphcro would be till more improved if wruiio claas of young men had flown allhbime time 0rtqwuru the bell has lit last boiju placed in poal lion iu the dcw lawn hall tower it haft a very sweet uud distioct toao and our cili- zona eem lo be well pleasod wllh it as soon m the hall is completed aud a care taker appointed the boll will pvcl forth it joyjua uotea tuoraiug dooq and night crr oflcttthecaw an cxclulugo wanli to know whit u homy without ft newspaper 1 and another rvplie it is a place where old hats are stuffed into wiadow panes where child ren axe like young pirs the housewife like a savage and ibo husband with a panorama of the dismal ewamp painted on his shit i bosom with tobacco juice qvtr tdxcruilnff column to an intelligent reader who wishei to keep up with the- times ao part of a live newspaper l more interesting tint the ad vertisement a- gentleman who haa pissel thrccicore years aud lej tells us thl fur furty ycare he has made a practice of reading all the misccllaioua advertise ments appearing ad has focad this a prohublc and useful study try it the ct rail al the first cjwrmvci of the easou was held on ifoaday evening but owin to tbc c treme cold weather the attendance was not as large is it would otherwise have been the tec wat in ecellcnt condition and the skulcrs ecmd to cajoy themselves a cumbr cf tulefully arttired coitumorf were present daring the evcainff a five minute ntcw for all over 30 years of ac rap cclcrcd by live i those youthful gentlemen which created caaiidcrnllc amusemeat to the onlookers and was won by oir friead of the awl ad lat mr v williams several frozen eaia are reported aa a result of the evenings sport prohibitory convealua the foarth anneal meeting of thu on- trto rrnch of the dominion alliance will convene iu tiij tempermice flail temper suc slret toronto oa tuesday and wednesday the lth and 3lst cf jantary iss3 the irincipil rbjrcl of the convea- tion u u biid a lhtroughajuualioa upa thf prweat and futmch be temper ance work in olirio and other importaul ra urri- tiie miiwav by epccial arranje- mtfiit will pass all delegates to and from rlidijt- at oat od oae third fire a mass jtettig will bj held la ooe nf the public hail ua the cveuing of he 54th further partituuu will be girea in the daily papers of preceding satarday the delegates will be invited to attend a breakfast to be fur- cishtd by fricnis uf the alliance ca the mcrcingof th- 31st for certificates for riiroid rates ad all other information address the secretary of the alliance vtm g fei xo u king st east toronto rairoad tickets cood from the 27lh jan to 3rd of feb inclntive a w greeia desires to tender his warmest thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronagein the past and takes this opportunity of prer senting to them all the compli ments of the season ctsfrcartccybzimi by btcu j to rtenii if 20 a div cin be earned snd address at h c mitissod co i jlr xko smyth who ii engare1 in the cordori cace oa poisl tv h c mikisoa co r met with an nccident by which 1m ni 197 fnitoa street xetr york he k u dkabied in trimminj l lttf i tt hcjj tint a certain ehoe- j y he accidentally drew the knife aero uikei ia teta had hii- earifrozenonroc- i i xeft wrfct serennir ore of the cords niiht and that r- baud leader and a j jmdxnukicja gaih trhich reqeired several elitchevto it pat in tom ay he will be i all right in i ireck or sj 1 i i complimenlaryshpper in liundiy itr ahrair jlatlhews of th vill- j- enter dupou bis eightieth year and i lis- friends improved the occasion hj ten clcvemakerj and a cisprnrr oi pillij tiedjiorj alw met with the santejfafe we synpithi ill these poor atfor- is aii that th liar a htisit ha ecd a dm tlwisb all serret so- cieties ia hif diio5ss jadgisfflfrom jderina jitnjn oyster sapper the friends ait cveat- the news that the secret -scic- j met at hij laidenoi jtondiy evening and l hid pvied r- uccrce uliollhin all j oottvjscsjioa for the lime being avery 1iar waid k- itrtrr likiy tj a inaily iplearact ernicg was spent thcoldgci- frerf ft is vr to e an awkwatd in- iiittiljiatiaicr rather onideripk st lie riskad n hii wcosta itotioas fcncri yoaar lady oyer snd then pass oa without even ap jioliztne- or helpin her resatin her fet as might bv been roeday evcatqc i witneisai last hot personals mr john ikncett hi- retaroed mstif i teevc storey was in ortawa th- oabahintes coanetei with hi meat mr alfred jkvii we eit r of the iieafod sikzr paid as a friendly call 0 jfonoaj i- ilersrs janiai ilo ars ah4 vym heraatrcel sieni eereral livi duriugtlic weei irtth tiernan tlijudi teclle very often walks down a far at the past oiece tad oacah- iouihly atteidi divine sen iae his heal h is comparatively good for una who has at tained so advanced an age tp candidate the cardidati cor the foe eitioa this cguntyjhave bed been clioen slajjr kerns of linrliufioti for the cunen party andj dr rejrtsjn of hllta llie presant mnler by t itcwiinerj both jeenilctree are niost eligible for the post week j tion and cither wuu till the office with stalilisli- 1 credit it ner rentiins firlhe chttors f ie county to make their choice pubic meetines ril no dauhi bj hld tiiroaghuot the oojmyjbefors the election ukes pi mdivery elector will hive an oppoituni y of choosiar his ram 1 farewell suplicr list evethj a number otyoanj frienos nfo entertained that friends in walfeertqa r hichartj ioisof msultoulin ishtnd 0 lris at4 mrs g atiman of detroit were the gl jit the royal ejchanse ho el j iriibai hoore of acton public i with an fflcraupper prepared by mr sir j j campbell in lie usual firalclaasyle jin durin j the pail j ctj flf j temova torodto a t pleasant ewninj was spent and all ax- cicboo thetomntf caeji j tketoml ice tue caoty ceanc1 the following if the first mi wa fccid on tnesday tlepeaaifibecoqncllftlicnresen year mcvicitiutrt icton barlinstjii tieoreefcowu jiiilon jjralrile ksqoraing io pressed tlaeir re jret at tbc removal of mr fox froirt acton he hs been eeoountt for iiecsrslw b tor son for neij four yeawj bat has received nortact appointing io mr c dark stirceeds mr fox la h storey i sons office i aitani- irooetcieplaiae i the telephone recently mveow more in- i y aai xassagaweya to velsb do trafalgar io ri mr- c- v- sa rd f y i village b during llicpajl two or lb i weeks bu greatly improed in consrttc lion its appearance is now much superfor i to that of the original pattern and ititill l raycl- cuteceill climax eye salve and oint ment founuia of health aad hopes bfra- uting pilli for sale by j e- alcgarjia acton and general lores throughout the ca an try txiecsev if very fine mafcesyoarteeuiasjvhue a mine- 1 ry tejlkeejiv ind you wiu e if i t cot w hat t is laid to he crams flnid liataii isthe only inuaacees relief for tenralfia headache toothache ett rabbin a few drops lirisfcly tatt that is needed nouifcinc mustoaa medicine for wkr fact one mln- citapptlcatloa removed alt pain and will prove the ereat valne oncrame fluid llght- titnf rwenlyave cents per hotlle at j e mccarvins drnj store xo household shocld be considered com- plete withoat a bottle of dn vis bittrss kidsey curl is in the qtoset it is the ocl remedy tfost wjll positively pernun- ealiy and promptly care all forms of kidncy diseaie sold by j eaicoanio a card to all who are efferin from be errors aad indiscretions of youth uervons weak- ne- early decay loss of manhcod c i uilfecnd a recipe that will care you n or fitape this great rcnied was di covered by a missionary in south ainerica send a self addressed eavlcpe to the rev jaepift shaytrfyae verkctty the oity grocery is full from cellar 0 garret with goods suitable for tho holiday season have not room to give he nauie of every article as some do but i invite the public to come and inspect my stock for themselves everything at bottom prices i wont be undersold i have on hand the finest grades of teas and sugars m il the market i i have just received a large quantity of that famous gunpowder tea which will be sold at the low shim of 50c per lb or 45c per lb in five lb lots also 311bs of good japan tea for 100 during the holidays green sells cheap j green does the trade acton dec 21 1882 areat bargains insr watches jewelry silverware 4u tuis wepk at sayages xear petrles kew drusr store tirt cbidle utms ih uoa on the 20ih jnil wife of itr george wilds of a son lishy in esiiuesinir on he oind the vilc of mr joseph lasby soa sjcttk it acloa on the isthimr wife of mr yv t smyth pst son etoxi in eramoii oa the iuth the vrt of mi tbiinas iaiglc daughter the mil switioiaiteit in erin on the 22nd the wrfe of mr david swackbamer aged 70 years the lost of n the of a insr of a hut sr 4 ppretice wasted guelph cloth hall smart intelligent hoy of fair cdnca tion abont io or 1g yean of age wanted to learn the art of printing apply immedi ately to epmoore free preas orntx acton ont servant girl wanteu servant girl wanted apply at george hyxds jewellery fc fancy goods store bt vi cjas la soutli sea seal persian lamb beaver our caps have boon uery carefully selected and we are showing very choice furs very low prices livery sale board stables mill street acton is where yon can get firstclass rigs at reasonable rate good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon willmeet eaoh express train and deliver goods tc any part of the town after the 1st march i intend to do a strict cash business only as credit will not pay for hjirse feed or repair ed xattw stoves meiinet w h storey reeve r g baiter j v mcleod or freeman vfeojisbolu vclndiay j warren 1st lep j graham 2nd jamen7ier keev- p wlieelilian dep fitsr nve 4 bmsoo bv r rcport most ud dr bck 1st d lufc nmgrebj bdd licre u a0 wary d- yt 11 lirovo njost i d esibable h0v8es to let three of those conveniently arradred tenement bonsea of the acton building association may be rented byapplyinklo w h storet acton ucc 2iat 15s president shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph r uenry hsbinsoi ttaf cicstcdjren n veof e u ph tt jcenirotliag l ieeanl aist barber shop llaa oncued a barberlihoi in the premuea lately ooenpied iy vrfohter aa a medical office and aoliciu a share of the patronage uf this vicinity every department of the buaincrs will be conducted in hrjtfst rfe f rfvyowek jan 23rd istkt jitcmtrlejwdat ji e mctarvins dru a good- assortment for the fall trade i q rltlls xew tta 4 i mill 8tkset actot s to v iinirfrijiirijlj jrsts b iwhb-itfugswm- ftewbs 13 k ita glasgow house immense clearing sale preparatory to taking stock picked bargains at prices that tell the tale a call will convince the people oi actou and vicinity tlat wuure bouudto hegi theinew year of 1883 with the greatest bar- gams ever seen in d hess goods colored cashmeres tweeds silks safins and velvets and everything iu ladies goods marked very low iu price as we take inventory about the 1st feb our stock of faney goods laees ribbons neckwear hosiery cloves underwear wool goods c being very- large we have de cided to close them out at cost unprecedented in the remarkable value we are offering in tweed suitings and over coatings we are making suite for 18 regular price 22 and pants wc are making for 4 regular price 5 and everything in this hue in proportion in headymade suite and overcoats we are closing eut hie stock at cost and under we have an immense stock of long boots which we do not intendgarrying over and we are offering themjat reasonably close prices we have a very heavyltpok of- hats caps and gents fur nishing goods and we are determined to clear them out at an immense sac rifice this is a genuine cash clearing sale and goodsjo be booked will be charged at regular prices eemember our amous 50c tel nelson mcrae t -act02st- th invites the public to inspect his stock and desires to express his tvarmest thanks to his customers for their patronage andtakes this opportunity of presenting to all the compliments of the season groceries in this line i have one of tha choicest stocks suitable for the holiday season ever brought into town a good selection of ohrlstmas confectionery suoars- refined raw cut loaf granulated and icing sugars canned goods- balmbn mackerel lobsters sardines blueberries pears peaches plums etc etc tea8- a well selected stock of th finest flavored teas iu the markej orookery and 0la8sware- an immense stock of the above for xmas and the holiday seasonjpftve comprising china sets lamps shades moustache cupb plpwera- vases cheese dishes syrup pans- preserve dishes cake stands c gt all this at si bia to consumptives the adtcrlieer bavin g oeea permanenuy oared ottitdrbadtisea econwimpuqn by a simple remedv la aciloas to make known to tits fellow snfleren toe meftiia of eore to all who destre tt he will bend a copy or the prescription need ifref of chars with the dlirclloq- iqrprepartdgftnj uftlmthe game which they will nnd a aore cnrexor s cobsnlllttw astlumat bnol to partlea wlahlnx the preaerlptlonjvitl simm addrev rev k a wil8 i m penn uwmiabuollrsny people ore always onllue lookoit forolmiices tcj ln crea- tbetr ar1s and tc tlmebeeemiweklthrti vo io not lm trove ihoir opmrtoolu r- oiiln ftjovv wo waul muj ineoj men tmyaaul firm lor for s ritrti tlflrown loeulltjm vw le inj vim orooerl rom ue nrsi h rl to hir11 i5 moii ira ruiifir rwns f i xiii4il lrft 1 h mi wsihil tomirts- niiy mtii- vor yim i ilflw loitb koriior on v marimi raimcots- jiti itosok4ooportluioni ahewdi8 rbaidklaatt ttitt imjcc dta ll i l i bvanmmiimh tt wiu wot oolorrt fcjlll wwortumminldm- rzil m k z f i s l mvawbw6bobbbgsb