turn ll i hi i iii cfei hay morninll ftbj 88 village varieties a vllmir una btwi im eikrr mllm h rrthl ulerwl l o mumriernder 1883 at geo utnd fo scaoof i isfuf worry tcojiraf ikxat i ik stw t o hrnds j ri fisvs sini icrif litalfurpiicr4 j oil livmlsj bits of brevity local ani ucnrur prrpaird tr the r or ikp and minora tor read r of llw fftw frtia r ht ifiiv h beln fur- tea ixok tor electicjn excitement emitjrtl issues are rampant now valentines day next wednesday t surely there is plenty of urw now tuc tier town hall is now uiked hert u the january luiiw uiaw to corte la tbcriris said to be ery utile frost la the ground slippery sidewalk arc sijis ot fall i im3 spring loo j j jacfc frost it most untiring in bii at- ten ions this winter the mcmirv managed to gel below itro again this week r j j its remarfcnbl how much tagw ive are ffetuugthis winter j h is predicted that another cold wav is i boot to call upon us it is recommended that a woodiuukcl be rstablhhed in aetoa subscribe for the fdee prts actooi spicy interesting and reliable journal a nieetine or the village council was hell last evening minutes next week snow lsso deep in the woods now as to materially interfere with lumbering ox rations vhcril is cowing up a little the ti roc to layers are now paying iq0 on the market forit- mr charles knees lus leraoved his hoisebold goods to hilton ibis future jili ce of residence j icy sidewalks will plan the most aristocratic of the community oa it level willi the humblest citizen 1 iiw rypi liy x 1 u- j ici iu pltlj fa i iyj 1 iui i li siu i iz s lii i j uiiiy ili in- p of tc jift iii ei uj lui- liuer tixus e ull v ilr li j e uaiiiiji l tie uiaiisct n t c ifctijrlit i iratiral mr thontas perryman sr uutl fanily ttmoved ou tuesday to goitiugoo wo j are sorry o lose mr ierrytnnn jtjiu aiuonjl ua t maewmlk v not uiuwa town ur yilu ik ji 1 livlllk1hil uj leulii iu pi-tupili- ijod uf tbi ac it 1 halloa uojf lloivorcn mi jos jlnrtii too if edward aui imutrly ol litou va- last week cleuod metnbei of the alauitobu lcsijalttre uic proviiclal rights platform bbc brakra du ljwry met with an accident friday bv which oue of the bones bit rujbt wrist wa brukcu the dr make much fuss about it though ttallr hllkxiitli we aoderstind that mr chascamviui jr who resides near this village hai coutemplation the establishment of a tti tor supplying fur eitizeuv with milk rarelaker wasilr4 the village couucil aud tniiices actou public school both advertise tenders for the office of caretakers former for the new towu bill anil the b j for the school etkwuil laila the role oil the basis ot luiou of methodist- churches ukeu at thequari ly official meeting ot the methodist church io this village lat monday was un mously in favor of lnloh aaettvn ate r then will lie od ly mliiil- u the residence of mr ilcorr hoyd on onlay cvcniit una cximmenctii j oclock a isrj quantity cf bocehoki fji uiture wmjllcinlicvt auoliouecr a aural cnrlktnk an exebange remarks wbcnybao un ast uf t o jb j j r- acton jan 29tth 1883 fin your lome piper and do not sec lu idrr- tisetuart o our merchant and busm ecetus uatqral to coudude not rrxut vju lo deal v mn uicrein i that llicy d theui 88 caicruinmcht tue cnlertaintncal held uil wedneiiy jcteainj in ilc interests of si alba church sibbrili school was bet fairly it- leaded the procntmme xu aa iateret lug- on ftcd the fish pond wa stocks with a larst vuiclyof fish juleapfcd sabrdc l diipich ivoui winnipeg ziys a m year cik aimed jci l firinrrly ui 51 find uenayi were av td of orange blatain rill of turtle mounts iton oat wlctj he ins c intuit sjicid kck ki irurii fc i t dvpi s 4 1 ij- i oi i wi coin xd dujjj rij j ftv d i c f ur jciiii wcrrei it ah ci lucolu x hid fl y- jsricr- j itu ocrul ia sujaiii scujoi iiiud idi uiz cmvuiucu of ihe j 4fiucs ia oakviii dtrtvvcd- wcuictja cvonr cdoccii has rtf aacd j srdii tr iiihiiiat to luairotincial ex- iiiitijc o be held it gipn nit fill tios is scaethil nisardlr isnt it j it ii ut true llial sasiu claua will not pu anyjjiug iato a stocking- in which tliirt u a hole list chxiitmas a yuuuj lajly ia tjiro fuand ball of ytrn and a dirniguetrdlc ia her j thtjiiorctbe acton fuse tiiea id uu ears frown last week thats where actaa aud vicinity wrere kev y lirjcrs tuediadraaujrecomiiicf bariui ltrve r r t ej rmwc a r vtieu shall c thi cjwt aiin brj acr liali- hnufci twx fl inter tht wcti nrcs ten udmtrtiiptd co- s-jutia-tf-wc- ol steizuwg rhi rjcjrd i probably hi li- fenoii for a lumber of tuirs in this rtloii at ait rule the odea iahahitia ii not yet heard from denyinff it we hare lid ver- little warm weathq- since siiiw tuqie t1idataiojaijiare thi acaaaj raccltaj ot he octarii brance of tti- ijominiua ailhncc was liel1 in toronto lasr week and was rcn wc loiico id qu hem vlhl london ad- rertiw nrfeniug td a saocetsful soireo which took plnce iu ouo of tbo mflhcflut churches in ihut city lait week thai mr percy second tuructly of thia village is hlghlvcouiplliuoulcdlorllio part he took ib the prograoiinc the itfrrrftar bayi he mtdo a decided hit in bis bincing btulntu habri mr j p worjcu his purchascu the barktiug moe lately carried on by mr w kelly and uow control the entire custom uf tht- xgiliijje mr rojiert elliott uis diapoild of bis flour and ftcd busioeis to mr l ci mauhcus who has tilted up the premises opposite mr j e ifcoar- tius dius store for i lie purjiosu of earryio ou the abuye busik brcliie for 1 rult inkr wcharaat last received the promised rccip for making fruit cake which is as follows 9 tgg 1 lb butler 1 lb lard i lb nusics i lb currants 1 iu citron 12 lbs luuoti jietl 1 ublcappoiiful all kluds of jticc large uutmecs 1 qt milk 01 lbs flotir i tiblospoaafun cream of tartar j tablcfpmoufuu eoda bake il houi- the above recipe i gnaraalecd good a- the iol lowiugyouug ladies lestilv matr k5 c id the italluii uitttm 1 p the worsi blokadc tbnt hai occurred ia this vicinity for several yca look place on the itu on saturday morning the midnight ciprci waakluck forabouleigbl or ten hours in the cut abciuta mile west of this village aud could aeitber gii for- ward uor backward until three engines were attached four engine were required lo brir a tram of thirteen cars uptolloni ltadr the hotel did a gdod business with lb- impeded jusicuger uu saturday iuoruin turcrnrnd rrrtrt a mtbscnbcr rc ia the uortheai pjrt f thi ruvikv writes ia miuw encluaxxl is iw for the futb pkis auothcr year we canaot do without it it scemi so much like a letter from homo even week we arc glad to hear of the success of the scott act thii is the unauimous cruresswu of subscribers who haye rvmoved from this sectiou and it is oar ciidianruc thvl tha fhle prk shall al ways be i welcome letter from home even week pleimiac ryruc oq thursday eveuiag hut he residence of mr wm hemstrcet was besieged by the members of the choir of the jfethodist church rockwood to the number of abttt siitecd under the ieadtrjhip uf mr s biilcy a rery pleasant evening was spent the choir hiving brought their music books with them rendered a number of eiceilsal pieces mr ilcmstreet ecd family were for many rears residents of uojcvaujd ind the choir look tius merfns of pyijn uieir old frieuds a visit rfctarrxiae canada xumbjrs 15 aud m of this excellent work were delivered here yesterday by mr grjt the jcullctnanly agent of the at pubiisiingcn tiiwe numbers tieal prkcipil of niara falls and vicinity and then taasing down lake onlario leave us it taroalo as the work now refers more particularly lo our own part of the iproviiim it is even more iotjrcstiuff than j picviosslv this publication promises to j b- one of the best specimens of the printers everythin g and engravers art published in america l and being wholly prcpircd ja our own j coantrt we lake considerable- pride in recommeuding it popatittfqu we notice in thj ppets that several towns arc going back in population in coutcqucuce of the exodua of the xoifli notice tho firm of muasra hughes griffin have dissolted partnanbip all nccouats due tbo into firm must be paid by the 1st of i march 1888 10 greirfiinr hdghesc b griffin who will continue the businessat the old stand on an enlarged cale haying added a large stock ol groceries ami it increasing his stock of o that all who favor us with their patronage will be able to serve at the lowest jhiees we arc determined to keep our prices below neighboring towns and make actou headquarters in ualton for bargains come and see us no trouble to show goods highest price paid for produce i l immense clearing sale preparatory to taking stock b griffin a w green desires to tender his warmest thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronage in the past and takes this opportunity of pre senting to them all the compli ments of the season u if tbirc h lock in- odd nnmbr this giil to be a gixxl year it be and eatiuwiti on odd unmbej and thefirst two bjjrbi aided toother and the last two bpth mair odd nmrbers i i the hilton afr say- it i- ujd on authority that the mau fat majmy wio w4s ciuiieriiu a row at rlav portsi wias the laljtyho figured ieieiat jail in tin 5ctt act iriau as uclectrrt i id ureal hr ai usual lias piwlsc cessful meet mert ijti utrrea jehu th alunday a lina vm u- held given ncit we tha delegate from j we suck is ut the case with acton brulie diuse ii i moore joht and george black malenary the friends f the jlcthodist church this viiuje hare decided u hold saneverlry services in their church on thelstli aud 10th nistf seonnns will be preach3 ou sunday ifcu lsth and oa ciaai oldfiilduncd teaaieet farlitr iiticuuv will bo k brefteh ofpioi bather an ioteresliug breach a number of our uiizcus hive gone iu that dirtclioa bat nevcrth las our num- beis irc iiicreaiiiig th presul iuja- liou is given at cbjyt ii50 wc thiuk however it wouid be highly tatiifsctoty to all our citizen f the village ccnictl would engage a competent person to tike a correct census of oar population we understand that the board of education 1 ac about to jake the si aj cengs and wc i would miggcit tiat eiral- cjnu ikj taken at tl jbc tiuiu the city grocery is full from cellar to garret with goods suitable for he tlolijlay season i have not room to give the name of eery article as some do but i invite the public to come and inspect ray stock for themselves at bottom prices i wont tie undersold picked bargains at prices that tell the tale a call will convince the people of actou aud vicinity that we are bound to begii the new year of 1883 with the greatstbar- gams ever seen in a dress goods oelord omhnwras i twd silks satins and vlvts fnd everything in ladies goods niarked very low in price i as we take inventory about the 1st feb onr ttock of fancy oooda j laeas rllikana naekwaar hoalary olovas undarwaar wool oaoda fco being very large we have de cided to close them out at cost unprecedented in the remarkable value we are offering iu tweed suitings and flyer- we are making 8uit for 818 regular price 822 and pants we are making for 4 regular price 5 and everything in- this line in proportion iu readymade suits aud overcoats we are closiug out the stpek at cost and under wc have an immense stock of long boots which we do not intend carrying over and we are offering them at reasonably close prices we have a very heavy gtopk of hats caps and tients far- nisnlng goods and we are determined to clear them ont at an immense sac rifice i have on huud the finest grades of teas and sugars in the habket a ot puuiiic cjm is promised for tlicncxtgtietpli assize cpisile tfftton mercury and jrood j ifl1 fendajl dues not sutwl ia havini the fo mer went don tin utter went i tlie t unpd w ora as li i aid 1 iitfirmer chuckles as hi recalls j f l to lo thipiaiuiiut i a ividoiv e aid p overt its an ill wind ifce j afied- alioot frty iear aud euc wanu 1 li itlqqotkmizm ucruttbanl wan section wcrnpatfollyiolra items ot uews j i i foreman oo tie t b oracnrille cuar readers our cclruim are uutll liic lli lf julr iasl wlia he was dpn for letter of iatirert from evcryshade of ihllc8 eljgioo fdoin oar ajwaji parlies a eie itiss jtsie krazer of wcilou look ckaree o the secaud department of lie public s hool an jfoudaj mortin g jtiss daitedo who acted a mjsi fillers lab- stitnu during the past month left i for her hoine in milton ou friday accideoliy killul liy licinj run orcr by tlie yard engine srnrns folltieal lleellac tlie first awtinjr dnrinj tbe pfjscnt campaign held m acioo look place last eveunir in tip interests of ur robertson it pp the ikfom caudidalc tbe meet in wis well so iiiy people are sabscribtn for tbe aad oiiiers ikirf pnfe ajjd hanoff ii eiu fiini 4 tyj thin ifje vcum- tkve thintfj vr ifc i dv d iiegcr a ct jv hip week frti ie re i per son a lb ditput friiiag ftrir itbe 1 eavel- i tteiij aid the speakers dr huuertjoi dr buck cj campbell were cottiuiiasliiny ire- iicrefc the caaeeivalivc juccs a meeting for moii- i xt ulr eerus aid he x cniilo vvili be iirctiit ceited ilr cndlie aul cuiy twoiog karpji7 of t jaaraattvtte idliro cnieut w c ar- pi-l- ol libildrt rffitiilikut f jfriti fiay fna omaa arihurb a mi-ioj-st- on rillcu iils frieadsiu llti- wciniiy last week ilr e rlajsdiir i peeled w 1 hi it cliird hamilton left lait week for pnetinj nisbeue to pot in tbe rjuiiiitbe year wbcu tire new tiiueri beinjooiitintbatjlyaiutdcr jau auuiually i snyder was t lontloiievenii the mtt ireek on lujsineas con- lb the ue- teepiiic j j ibe fvi vwiiuf ut za ml tnrmer- 1 of tfce irivitiekl kshibition tily j ji i it ijief lull fillagc i proriimcufs i ifrjcu w ullv formetjy hf lliui til- viv- we w iii- ji i f rieuuliiajiee i sijfloriim i i more from ibi- attlt trpltold ferer for fersi eeki 1ml that be i i uow recovering i j feii i bst w k u j t in iii office star ciitiiiuc wide ficid aod corlttbiyilna ier tbe auditor i have fcl ous staiidiii guelph overl 1j2 by a fcta ispi ii- b ulv iriicjr d siiovj l imiarliiiil ur luiund ibe ppireiiuy ftcts vtri judepeurt- c tlt yr svir i ifl only ied i the dimc o tiis suii ivuicil i all limited tbe paper c wish tiie prisjrliy ii has a very siioulii meet with success wu fiat ibe vaii guniinittttts o the city vf rew tbe apprnpnalions fcr tuuibf m7b1l tliu4cscit biareu the ciiip aulhontks iu tbe face w a cily will be expected to lieqr lirgc expenditure ou aetouu of 1 have just received a lare quantity of that famous aciiizakfhckiiiiibatihenkrajj which will he sold at the low sum bsrs of both the viliaicoanil sim board 0 of public school tmtci are aii omictvi- 50c per lb or 4oc per ii in five ib lofs also 31ns of live ritii i- firirie evtuliou in each case t mi j i j t m r ci nn duriu the holidays fntnre to ll icnr i a model town make any pri gress backwards ialactoa in to be bad iit j ill mcessarily be limileti llili uuilc nicud our blristct jul of her pocket money in surlpb bus idivayi iiiiearul aud ne are loath lo see ii and tbl every mtjuicipl oflicer is also of tbe siiue pilitical creed tlie only ex planation we can ouer ia that it is one of liiose remarkable coincidtfuces whiclisoaie- lipjea iccur and wliieii are ucexplainable wc would be very soiry llo have any of our ciirus to suppose foj a moment tint i our corporation ii ruled by any oiiical i pnrty or lin muuicial matters should by all iroms be unconlaiiuatcd by political iuoueuccf nod we firmly believe tbat- acton is fretfiu this resteet y jll imoclallon fin tnrtdiy evtuio a louue mens- liberal couservaivc aesbciaiiuuwns or- eanize 1 iu this village n ilb a membersbip o ajciu forty tbe follcwiug ofhcelji wcic clteicd for tlie current term w if storey honorary president 1 f mcrvin preiidsut k crinc vicepresident i u ciirlc itec stcrctirr a e ilitlbews dr secretary i frauci trexiare a v tirven tlas ftmyth wniau execative cni vswackbainer j j word by tbe oraeizhtion of tbia astiiciatioii tb conservitiv party has tnken a very effectai means of increasing tbe number of voters in ibis municipabty for their candidate and oaf reform friends will re quire to bestir themselves ot tbey will lose their laurels tbcre is nothing lo equal ibe instillition of ydqnj lilood into any society to put it into practical working i order anrl ibe cl ion of ourfriends of t0 j conrvitive pary iu acioa is worthy of iimpai ion even iu organizations which arc i no politicul- ilibert mtinroc ejjfiuedriver j between kincardine aud rwplt6 i inipiiikiiiu for any perton to be a jorse sub iect of uyieusit aid agreatjjr sitrturer tbau wa i often imd to iv llqwu ill tbe ca- lunse and actually llinuxjjt i wmild din j before i reacbed wv dentiliation i pnr- j chased a bottle f mikrtir speedy onr mil it cared ine ifree tris imttlea at j good japan tea for 100 green sells cheap green does the trade acton dec 21 1882 aheat bargains watches jewslry silverware all this week at safaguqs scar petrlps ndw dius store e 5ictamu drugj sum fifty cents and oimrdm e mca 8 to v e a cood- issoflwent for the fau tade s this is a genuine cash clearing sale and goods to be booked will be charged at regular prices remember our famous 50c tea ifelsoif mcrae thharding invites tbe public to inspect his stock and desires to expresses tarmest thanks to his customers for their patrouage and takes this opportunity of presenting to all thecompliments of the season j groceries- in liue i have one of the choicest stocks suitable for the holiday season ever bronght into town a good selection of ohrlatmaa oonfaofionary su0ar8- j befined raw cut loaf granulated and icing sugars oannko ooom- balmon mackerel lobsters sardines blneberries pears peachec plums etc etc tbas- a well selected gtock of the fi iest flavored teas- in tbe market orookery amp olassware an immense stock of the aboe for xmas and the holiday season comprising china sets lampshades moustache cups flower vases cheese dishes syrup cfhs preserve ihshe8cake stanfaajfic st al thj8 to consumttiifeb i permanei ur the advetllier mtusfoeaa r enreil ol that dread djaraooanrapuon simple remedy la anxkni to msonn to hut fellow asrfleren tnaiasana o mer u wbodedre it lie win tend a eopjr or preeenpuoa need lire of ehamfc witn it ulrtonfwssrldgaiijoldfilmw s mroroou k ption need lire of ehi dlriellonlmnnpoildgabjoel w hleta they wfll end voanrsj taroseiht hprser1i4looii iu al hn whhu m 1 a mm uddrewyeft k awilsv1k 1w pi iwutubiemiicrr t tff people urfnlwayi un ic l laikoiji for sjtumwea iir eree ibetr earnlnjra r wa ilmebteombwuibj vkbdoinnt iniffo ttimr ojitirlaptti mbjnlopottry wewanhrwraijifb meii wtfa aud itrnio wort or ui rti niirown laufltt any nnoeor0o woit uroperlj inuntteniwuw tsiji wir rj mofrtruiii icnu v iprnuto ont jwmts- wa wlrteiltliiait m iltll3ollritivlefl sjle- xmd ipfwtrswiornw