Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1883, p. 1

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iptwii foaafe fe eww hihriua9kdkss is 3121 rfrty jfrccjjlress fres press power printing li ouse c terms 00 in advance ii i volume viii no 37 i v miuiri- i aip aotun bahkmc cqy i storey christie co r rvnkii anl iv ictuu ontario tis a year ao to-arrj- i bonier lt tiior r li ihil tcni thjdty tiivi- no i i hutiliv i i itlik-niaii- a v i fr fhtrtt 7- iw ch 150 if not so paid aoton ont thursday march 15 1883 whole no 4121 easier cards 33 i lihli milled with lovoucls tit ltltinir itlcit tim nt mul m nil ltsnh 1 77 va7vw i 7v 77jii77 u hosst loakd ok appp0v2i i xotos discounted and interest allowed dn deposits ii big bargains ii m jhspfpervbxff- un is mu kikh watches and jejvvelry i fik this h untie just p uiliul ill- days toe x ei r e l iv 1- ct t w i 1 j- r m- v u j i intend irvi grue 1 ii t la l lph l i t l n day sells cheap watgheo fqkf1 the senate hr wcatitiiii j- 1 pi mil iv ri lt ti ii iil ill ilvp i-iliti- llltitlufalc v villiiiih wlut i uic nilmf uiiv 1 luimi pmi dvil lapi s t rliall illvr i vcl 1i it ii uunt mx iik- sun lijriii then mid cil t til- men with in nlh iu iilm di- iii in hw vtti iitlvfd in ytur ulnimis pi m was- paikij u jjy- rir-l- muf b id tiikibtrroub vukfe ii lll v it llll n tliic wcvc jrt hi ciiicr in urn dilclio- nid w hen he cmvti ia you uil in tig hnn iij iijluiij wu pu jiiui iu thu ivsa onkrd llc icidrr lijai liliglcs of 10 avil ud pvd and ijuuj he vj tiriid it tf ilxhou- uid m 1 litrl vlicis rijllin lway two of til friirs huynl bebied to iiicl lh- lioii- i uipal iuanisy tiivii- i- i luiutd nd fitd into no roin 1cknii ikj tlour h hind me ii vhil ciild 1 i at thul uminviit i icilild iiow wcik i wcinin is ch if tirc wtic iily tjinc w wljliuliy i iih vi my fiiilir from dtilb in in 1- 1 vki tiu i fir icuil i thit foir of tiie bjrilars im in jil aid 111- ntlut two whnm wo fomul hue iuive ii t rtiikr up i t- i r fjul rc- riit th- sifc i iiiihriiii nail rone f us kie iujurtl ctpl few fccritehes iil hmiir a- i v f 1 c d iiv iy by vii lliul iihcl bin lie nd 1 hive lcii lirrcd uiuveis v i v uow we irc leiin hcv iu i cuiy j aliil toirforlilile wiy and iost imporlsat of ll our mtichs i f fnruituit j cridlj hut jiftcr jm 1 ofiil iw wliih is tlierval htlty i m ijtili feihcrea po-t- cl hiioliy tiioukius i i llih pn th rlujr 1 wiuijl mj iy of iri triviiji to ihiik itf- is tilt cvaimtk id ck presentation in- mik liulriit illee 11 t num hijm jladcrci uciiiiitious tiuh y- ut llicvc li colu if bnc-vo- iili rvo an mvii am llll 1 1 0lll lllf cvcuiili iiiriiiir lc hnlidas t v v wal s smith cumesef the medica ha iactxme i- rpfilltkir wvsttit at savages noir ittric ov irui store gtjslph mv featlieied postman in i 1 1 1- r j n u iln v ijlv i ir a i el pit llir entire e stuck lf tfiousands of articles l ilul iid oiiimtitie sellihg cheap for cash v q oem store ini hni ih llrvnr f kdnir upper wrndhan street guel seiisra- 01it srg sr is gaclph th6chc5cstsripstsrsia6l5h the haaisoacst irss store in szelpt s drug store ta x ia bssber shof i iirj3l l t- ii i i tt 1 it j merchanti tailors vry f liirn tlif francfs nunan g u e u p k ilqqkniyoil my lw rvurk hitthkhk j i a- i io- fire irjsuranc insurance tiqkets ic3000for25c per dat- ri- ijuiiiiuici htiraiiinp co r -i-ict- i- ed or ticiiu tljriuout l ilr thas il3ft av tndord liti t02 jjiit 6 dlvjntci the iiii iili caution gos the- lu- iio in luv itiiytnni j vfni roiiiiro in thr dnii lino i have- tiie largest mk tin niit reliable good at iln- lnwet inc j we keoii aii the w- i hi ijruing in i uihty uhv ii- k hiud a nh pink l- wd i iiindle iifltit with hv piil iiiti im iiiihe oiri il aiv juhllj 1 vnicr ihj ireilfii 1 t bclicc jiltth imt plmi l- iii i lover he cjiitiurd in ic vy i uaw he id- yi a i ji ttry d vu idm i v- al- fii bcriue l- hv uj itl i b x of ti-bli- cud tic dy t-efou- tnil weli la me he tuii lunf am iouihii hiuv ill to p- wec herd niiij up lioj tliir- i hvm my br t 3 1 in suipcic wiuld lii riiiih- try the gjjf uud lind- iir i jolel ftfe u open xo thiv 11- thru little i ulle in one tunxt nf my i j i ji l i t my ni t bjit with rvnw til tnr but hf cim- iilintly wheu 1 piirtiv i th td- iwif wia mde by mv iitlli- et the cnkipicji i ii ti t bciitic its ce mbliju ftlv in a jr little uwz i whif- j i litvh ud tiiy yoti arc j iif ir iin i m i iiuleiily iikj n divhi rtelitioii there iih liiiiil d ii n the pigvjd ny a n- tji- to rimrie cluihc hi i sihl that ihliib eiiuic eoj d- ilich thing y i tiy hiui ulth luiiiiidd liji i sjizd ptuci il puper jd wulc the fllowiiii words chiihf charlie fr gu ke go to liiu iail tiile punty of mtu with you ijuigl i- liiiv eiirriici pipn ihijiu iu cjinpci idin to fpell ibe sife ilurrv yo mi- 1 s i rtiid thu by bijcu thi i put in til envvhjpv aii tit j thj ietti iud lic birds utck the huk cimj liui iiy- en tbt- kist bit fright vi ii hiokei mtellljeiitk n lit ivth it- bicit jeie jyji a iiilly a pjriiihj 1 pen- a lljj viidjw uj st the bud tjn uic -ili- fwr iiiiiiut- tj d tiitre luraiuir its j tircuin dcfiviid ouroive it inollife tilivciui k rlf rd th- propji w v to vtrii el houte is i i ktjp the cellir ci j develop vcrvjiy ii life he who iej th- e1 fro th- lrlnia j wi do culy wht ribl to h- va l icf th u uo other hitjh th hii 12- nt cjijinle lu vcj of thj jul pi- do no iuur iif t juatv i vjlrow read iy fur wuat of aioti it ts c7jiyii wj etii ciiy it rjqiiirei ies itirr t disjtcr the- kurvaluic tiuit which shnwn by fl of other- than to br thru- ihuc whi hrvc- mti iiiucy tluu our- aflir sil tht vijutti ri5 pe u btit a -ivt- i leiee itipi im- tn- ii- of the decri chrjit wht ercrr or- lls for viilisc st tj be found on viec lril tii t we- re int iiiclined to fiiir- ihiivlid ietif iteiy equirej by oyitu oid lumbo wtiith the eqiivikat of chirlcr and tjeit lute a sillllhelit pelil to co cite iu uiueis miaimotvxie iiuniiiiti of hre iiidl a diii w rii trcrelly fond ierformprendi pointed fc tictdirij iibrs rvoe d iiillvtrjy ihca epred2- it tluuly roa- and t cared aw ay iri be thankedl in the iiirtction vvhut 1ivlvj iv priyi turtitdiuv i xu a canitrpiizeon and lbiihf y lt w1 it i- tiiund tit- tf i npht0 ivferri 0ij ijc to the icttvr a dnmiy liut which hud oi tllllff alcompauicd the iu 3- lijli uc w a vident rakvt at abt xw shfli win h tab- ll5 dl tucctsdya of fciuks hth sivt- llyin urcr otn hds i p ern sphilad the luiuk awkv with rtobaic pumar tmiip dudil al illitiiii ucr 1 i lu r l lp lyzed by terror the iwj burglars burt 1 wish chrlie lid wi lict- m- bull i ha lli room dog utid if the bird tdd p paf u- hv t ii cf oa chloroform helped inilf ti the t lildn l wbv papi i gasjtd lliw mi- iiii1 s i ik v dilj tuc od ri eticl llj ititl hc bo tv saitl ihe very iltfil mv dear kjcci jul nrw when ihutf un- niy imilais t1 ruu hindrt ne t about i hncw no more i hcjr mr saytes- huh h ltu lobbed and ihleu jewelry j-to- ton m iimi my ieaiei came to me i foud paid aniit judi iriodut-n- ie 1 hipl mylf lying mi the cueh iu tiie sitling- thry woi l cuuu hfie weit n ulr a rouin dvu lair iui2e- outoftho wxy plsee to thntnas i it va- bright daylight and tha soft turning to uiy fitlicr dont yu think pumuier wind laden with jthe breath cf tliatyou had better like th- rjiire silver i flower was stfcaliu iu at the open wiu- aiul the- fnmily diamonds o a nicte secure bw charlitsiyice kinl loving adsijus selected miscellany accca- mfiioiy tin iimnccof are life the gicit- puzzle we give it j li i they are never lioc whv liik a fysttm fur the prevention of ponied by noble jhoaghu juue aiquit a pjrioi prior to the recol lections cf aui1 dickiisju llit3it one who h jitsl above us trill au uamariied fcraalt- whuj e virua ihh li to forty caliicr a tiiik lobbr operating from the it2ide phvtkiiu deaths iviiiueynian l iitir a being who emptied his brain i nil his stomach locomativt the iteed of progic panc a modern inttrunient cf trtcie a disappointed druunncrj an avgeiii fur a xw ye grocery hyase ha a route iiipiyiisylvaiiiad lailsprim he wa put nut to aiev thst the jgent for a ii jtn ho- hd takea o ue of his bebt customer- uid he c-fffi- you better nguiev he asked in elpljiitiou no better tcrcia t xo goods any bettor xe thea why did yuti kave uur houe v well to tll lh discoatcjit is tie wnt of sli reliinc2 it it in5tmity cf will the art cf life is to kuw how to enjoy a little endcdre much the ccniciouneii cf duty performed gives tit music at midight the axels nnd ail their hsppls injie we must learn toinfuie sublimity into a wise muii refkau wheu hepciks ard j rtiutis on vhat he bus uttered action mry lot ilways bring happne5 i set there ii no happiness without action a a man cannot avcid lu own com he shcuid tiy to nkc it r god is rihe arc frtbh bui riehti ivel t matt kt- lif one way e save labor to or thre yettrf ago when irou poor heilth i was tabe to jtand on iny let very long at a ticuc- i learned when cak- iug a garment to always give- a though id the ironing of iraud la- trim it ueeordlng- lr- i found tint childrens eveyaay uth replied the cuthet look but as well tnnamed wiia s of the- same or tha t tripe of mtrckant we both beloiu to the oid j js r fellows and have a fntern d feeling yea ether iami a when rli and ihev kn0 j wer so much easier lauudriei iqaeea it the agent had no more to siy but there so much liene and rcogtii that i was bahicei in his eye as he withdrew j have ever since madt their cther plainlr xcxt time h over the route lie called- feeding it to he cf far r renter iriporl- nee upru the meicliaut and said f a m to b- with her children iu the well i am also an odd fellow now f years u com thn it is to weir out md hope lo secure your orders agiin i i j ca umpe while they are stzsll havt you joined in festering their vanity over ralilvs and ies needless trimmings i lite to see chidrin how nony i am sighed the me r- cicely dressed and a clean phdrdy made chant with a look of distress on hi face rcient li2z much better in my epic- only last week the boston mm and my- rn amovertrimmed soiled one thai scu yicre bounced from the urder for being drunk and now of course we dont feel like having anvthing to do with any meat- bt ia rood standing under the circum- pluce wai bnding over me then i heard ive been thinkine about tint very da old dojtur ilogrs kimlly voice say stances i couldnt possibly patronize you thing said jiipi wc shant need thm drink ibis little- girl ud youll ua tell meg lure inrniug to me m ili a -mil- beter imesing a tumbler to my lips u-comt- mre 11uuif c s i wneivvpnu i munuuied faintly j nnit sasr or jennie enreprov luijht wd uk- them dvii th bok yir fhrs- ail nght curling d h of u vt ml lick them up in the sife chailie the kich p th5ia t u and did liijon come to you oh 1 prayed that the bird would carry the note uid you get it v ye gvl but never mind it now ill hut what if they brtak in lln- bank i nktd iapa laughed deitively he va- ikvars boasiing of tlic safety of the haul j dytall sliutkr union and handy i prkao us aio utiidwn ives i r each plug ofthe flyfitlt 4 fiavbgs u j isharked deeds i liortgazes idibotiarzes j i ccife llongaees farai and house leases agreements- wbkk ivt r for riuyqccn brc i lcr ii rtirriaituctr cash for grain and pork j wiiii ivt iiiiivtiii iitifiutioii toilet iniluiii itiiivii iiiiit varitv lasiirsmsicsaaicbassajliai tooti brashes vr liiiv- iiit- iarvi liimk uvvi- bnniirlit into tilt- koytl citv i ivt buy liireo finm the ljigiiih j and krencli iniirket and are able to ell iniicli lo- erui consequence patent keiieiaes antinds hwiias cijs castor oil kcatrfwt oil sot- ise ilaeiiao oil lubrleatit ou scst asierleas coal oil 253t can adian csal oil we have the reputation lor keep- j ina the best coal oil jnuelph i atul wc intend lo maintain it j v ti- mhiru eo chemists dnigffists y they couluvl ojei ihe tafeuks the and i were bih ther its cue cf si couibinalioaloeks mat- im tcjl you all about it wheu you get ttronjr er tell her uox carol she isall right poitive that anything put in that safe is it will do her good lo heir all about it perfectly ticuk- i said the doctor pauiag my cheek and he poor piii how little he thought cudinued ill leave you two together but thec thats jut like me rjway get- while i o and tje to miss judith oh ting ehcati of my tory yon neednt be frightened seeing my j none 0 ther g6huiq6 xo k nr charlie vlidni spend lht eveiiiug with in- hud ci 1 weiit to bed cuile early i suon fell asleep but somehow i didnt rst very well and was nied when i awoke for i wa dreaming that barlh- md i hud an awful uitami hut the sick wretched feeling didnt prb away vith my ur liueidu i had a snidthred uftoeatcd feeling thit made me actually gasp for breath thinking that ihe bedclothes were lying acres my face i reached up my haml to draff them away and fuund there inslcid a handker chief saturated with s ruble overpower ing scent chloroform yes tbst was it but what did it mean t shiverimg with amune- kss terror but with my serjrs all uruused i sprang from the bed and went to ihe dour il yra elighllj ysi and ttuoiigh the opeutug a light ihaut faintly 1 crept suft- iyoutintj lha hall aud leoiiiugortr the railing looked dow oh lieavens what did i see i four etronneien mcarieff bliitik masks nniious look there isnt anything the matter with your aunt only shes been pretty badly scared thats all wtll you see nttle 31 chirhe be gan when wa were- alone i hapned to sit up nuher iste jsii night i had been politeness iu cluldreu as the servrntgirl or snakof servant- girl in her presence the phrase may von have beciuse i child wear just half a tly long yi so dread the ircnicg attractive eomcs there is us- m beiuty it niikeihome attractive its j exterior more rcspeotibie our liyei happjer our disposihjns sweeter aiid or sociil and doniestie intereonrsc mere rerlccd by all lnea plant some littl- thing of gaae to temper the rugged surroundings of the frjnt yard its slent thengh eloquent iacuige will spek to deiire her poiition but she does not like to lhe r th prby i word of eulogy hexr it and it tikes off the bloom of their for ya tii i zovqt or shrub will be refinement every time they use it do cot jump tn pick up your own thimb when charlie is in the room him briag it to you and siy thank you lo him for the tiudncsi do not encourage ia your- rtlf the habit of criticising and camment- snii attrictmu a curved pith winding between trees to the- house a mound of stones and shells with ihe ivy trailing over- theru ihe flowering shrub or the turf cf fern all such thiugs ce runctive and form a pleaiu ob for lh eye cf even ing upji the foibles or faults cf any mem- j t u jjt7 kod her of vour own fiuiily there is nothing z gained by it and a great deal is lost love every heart ktloweth its own itself ii afteu choked bstk and hindered in its growth by the rank sturjmesi of weeds which spring up against it unchecked in houses whsre people say all maaner of un geille speeches to eachcthir if you want airay ail dsy end when i returned home t0 cu kil ca c at tealime i found scaie luw 1ueidss nea tfailk eure c otje eicellect iwsdiing mv immedirde attention as i tat writing in my room it mi cftcr mid night i thinksuddenly i heard a tapping at the windowda a urst 1 paid ro ltm to it udnking it lo be onlylh wind blowing a twig or bit of vine bat as the sound continued i crose and went to icok beheld something while fluttetin against the iass what was niv sarpnic to find tfiat it was little bijou i opened the window and hurriedly read the letier he had brought and it wasnt ions bflfore my father uncle lleary the thrae msn- servauu aud a conple of policemen and mvself were hcrnidg down lo the bank we reached there jast in lime ton had s grand senffio in which wo riae o victorious im sui to siy ud i l jtrjities this cf their raiiidgs md be tie 5au amiable to all exasperation i am liied lo deil 35 you have eaid very cften yd you are elxll alive and well i had not u wink of skcrt all niht and yet your bed fellow hcardyaa j sorrow this iutemen apptua ta cectaia mach truth in some cues however it is the heart ot r nity little corn which though itnallj i capable of niuch fueling thia iorm cf hearaehe is very common acd caa be remedied prrnak pr-l5s- cons zxtiaicton gve5 peac to the thrvbbmg corn dont forgot that soli by drug- gisti everywhere in c polsox k c0 kingston prorrietr a itlxliv fcniitain of health cowl to iclroanc it is the great- score many times i would not do it fur est dyspepsia remedy of the io prie 25 the wokd and yet you have done things equilly r bad for a penny ye were njk j g w mloay farkdaie toronto write to our knees in mud you lictaw very j m wife had eeccral very seven attacks well the iiri was not oyer ycui shoc3 q cramps in the aromach hearing of dr p anditapleaaantcess htrev i verr mac j to l g twjj y i not hid an attach elce and her health ia ilfkesyoar teeth aawhtje a mice try t2aiiefifi v and vou wpliee tflts xt whiliis sajd to be i mach improved for s3ie bysit ilnicsta x vfji y ii vw idjkss f il

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