Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1883, p. 4

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f ai m w r i cton 4m rm tjkmday morxjlto april 5 ims 4 jrf foxtg comxm temperance nursery bhymee iic a loaf ot ciuikuvuc a pocket lull of toll femsasulricratt bank aolc in tno cupboard roll whan tha door t opened oat the aotes tco brioi tell mo theres the drtnaius nsc can how ywi such a thins fhc breircrs it ike conuihn m counties out us sconer- sis wile siti the putter rating bread ml hocey the drunkards la lie urreen dressed in rasjsed clothes soon may he l made to sec tec causo ct ih his srocs isxr vtri- rcjrer kai in ccrcer saying triih mint a sih hee in the den drickiaciilii whit 6 sad wife luir ride ocitiorc to banbury cros- yo wc a tit brewer jet on a hue hone wg on his angers that everyone knows had lo he liii tjr by somebodys woes h to the young hen the tvue girl ins lo be sought for sbe doss not pirad lersolf show goods generally she ia not rich but oh i stint a heart the has wheu voo find her so large and puro and womanly when you sec it yon wonder if those oulaide a ere teally vomen if you gain her love your two thossand are a million shell lot usk you for a ear riage or a first class house bheu wear simple dresses and lurn them when necessary she vdl keep everything neat and nice in your sky parlor and give you a welcome that will mako you think your jmrlor higher than ever shfcii entertain your true friends on a dollar and astonish you with thought hotv very little happiness depends on yoar money shell uiik you love yottr home if you doatyoitre a brute and teich ynu liow lo pity while you scotr a poor fiihionibla eociety hat thinks itself rich and vainly tries to think iislf happy kow do not i pray ycni sy miv lucrcii cannot afford to inurry gr fiud the true woman if jyou can tbran- awy the cigar buru up that switch cane be aeckible yourelf arij secfc yuur wife m a sens ible lv aquict iory the srret tsttor li cents walls kjohirdion ct co burlington vt will aend color ed umpltt ot all colors of diamond eyes with direction the best thini out out ot debt thai hatband at miaw is three times the man he was before he bagsn using wells health henower til druggists to a ship the rodder is a item neoeouty iydin k pinkhatns vegetable com pound has dono thousands of women more good than the medicine of many doctors site isnt everything a watch ticking can be heard further thin a bed ticking catarrh of ike bladder sitxqixo irritation inflammation all kidney and urinary complaints cured by lkicbupaibi 1 kobodr wishes the baby iloleu still it is a rthef when theliurse cribs it it night sail rufuru cured are yim troubled with silt rheum rocgb skin iitupleaor canker sores ifo co at ence to j e megarvius llrug btore and el a package of calvclts carbolic cerate price twentynye cents it was never kcown lo fail the man who was largely instrumental was probably of a mechanical turn of mind dont lite la the house kaugh on rats clears out rats mice roaches bedbugs flies ants moles chipmunks gophers 15c vlen a pickpocket gets oat of practice it tikes a kcg while for hitn to eel hishacd in mental deprejsb loss of memory impaired vision premature decay and loss of power cured by jir e c wests kerve and brain treatment sold at j k- jlcjlarvios drugstore aclon til atncrican peace society has about 60000 on band cnoab to hare a glori ous fight aixjet- in tle history vt medicine no preparation baa received each universal commendation for the alleviation itaifurds and the per manent cure it effects in kidney diseases as un vis gcucx s kmsct ctiic ita ac- tioi m these diurcssiag complaints ts sim ply wonderful sld br j e mccarvin backlcus arnica salve the best salve in ine world for cuts bruises sores ulcerssalt rheum fever sores teller cbippel hands chil blains coins and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles itisguarau- teeed lo gire perfect satistaction or money refunded price 2o cents per only a cent toi- store for sale at j jldjarrins drug tt rams tlain lishtulus xcd no sdveriiiic- when once intro- ducvl every hilc sod sells hundreds j of oihcrs by doii cl aud care than rcp- lucle uarris was a carpenter anj j xearalcia toothache head- had i ebjp in lie country one day j ache t it removes any fain instantly he weut into thr bara where dick and jqnicks jc rere pkying with two tamepigeons i bars e said my workshop otijbt to be svepr up every evening which of you will undertake to do it i am willing to pay a cent for each sweeping only a cunt 1 said dick who would work for a r i tviil said joe a cent is better than milling so every day when uncle harris was done worlcin io the shop joe would uku a broom and sweep it and he dropped all his pennies into his tin sayings bank one day jnce harris took dick and jce ebtown with him while be went to buy sgnie lumber thej stayed iust toy shop where there were toys of every kind what fine kftes 1 said dick i wisli i wuld buy one fonly ten cents said the man be hind the counter i havent even a cent said dick i have fifty cents said joe and i think i will buy that birdkite how did you get your fifty cents v asked dick sb 6weping the ehop answered joe i sated my pennies and did not open my bank until this morning joe bought the birdkite and a fine larg knife while dick went home without anything eat be hid learned not to despise little thinga and he was yery glad to sweep the shop whenever joe would let him even though he received for his work only a penny lib try it and yen will say it veli cacsd flid ligblnini get a 3 goods marked down still lower at the right house sub ribbons markod down iuimanialy nd mlllsf off for lata thin ooit prion hoire antique silks in buok and colored greatly rednood in prices and selling i offatnlo watered silks in black andall briwibsvdmnawktdawiylowtlter7lowandmlllngofftaioii drew ooodi in several lines marked down to far leu than oust baiure lo see the dren goods th prices art araulnglf low for inohfoodquallllsu and new itflaa black caahmerei black crapes insmgle double treble and quadruple qualities in the very bju bilk ttukw utolnil ibaap blaok ltutrmbaokooboarca black baratnaaa black crape clothi ulrik facamattas black farmers satliiiacd black kuslre in superior xualitlm and ihadta far leu than tuuil prioea wlnoajrs marked down rery low fullrange of shades at prices that will surprlis people bed tickings marked awaydown vary chaip whita ohlrtloffi mlllng offat ooit irioas orer cottons selling by the yard at tho prices charged at tbe coiun mills tor it by thebaic nee and styltaboukilnbucjk and all tbs nw ibadsmmmdcoffataa enormous reduotion corsets sellin offat ocst prices last aet the ooruiw uorieu tbe quality of them selling dailf la aatonltiilng they will not break in wearing st comfortably and give support to tbe system while tbey yield easily lo mo movement or the wesrett a loll or prfote formarljr its sailing offat loo another lot of pnnu reduced from 18 to 121o manllj ufsteraand sbawli at a treat redhcti n millinery is giten awfjr atabout half it ral ralue blanket and quilts aalllng off at lta than former prices iadiesaut misses under ooihiiigorill knds and of various tjualuies and matariali at suoh low prices as u sore to pleasa genu andbovi underclothing in great variety very cheap new cariet hare joel arrived direct irom he brituh manufacturers this weak a fall itock ocrpeti linoleomi floor oil cloths mats kags aod carpet sweepers tery cheap an eueriuous reduction on lace cuiialna the right hoote king street aut close to hugbton street where the rerbndab it down the name is hamilton mmcli ftli issj thomas c watkins hamilton 500 hevard wt wilt rhy i ho above reward for ati ciit ofllvorcotnpuitu tyfpepsia slclc hiad rue lotiiermiou caullnattoi- arcoillte- nos we cintiicure vrltli wpais foubi6 liver iluf wiien me dlrcuonnnrf itrlnlly compitd with tuey nr ruroty vejjlablf and never rill la civt- siunfipilon ftajnr coaled tsit boicfcoulainuie i i cents for ktl- hy mi pniiflsih bownrp 0 cuiitfrfm tiij imfiauoit th kfnatu maniireticrt ody bv johk c wrst 4 co tue iu muttfrerfla s3 ktnjrmenmto rottfi fiist krt trtht iiafkige nm by mail prcrnlj n rccdi lofac ceni itamp i irs usulpihihiujflw hiss lydia e pinkham8 teastasls oompotoi j ii t potitlte caw far til m pciafml cuiplsubu ul ktasnm a mum tmr best f auk pwmlmli it m csro eatlrcly u ott farm of rcta m- plasu til onriio tnmuei ls1irrmiion ud clr- uco ruli svctl rtrplfsrcccst cud lie csjoscnt jjmul vtnacs tad it psuticokrly dptj to um cixri of uc ii vl ilutc tui4 cxpd toacrf frca lb attru is u tzj rjc ot dsttlopdt ttfi tetulsjncy to a- ccrrai tor n uif rt 1 chki xtrj itctdhyvy u aw it rcefi ffiatasf attnicact deativji tu etnlnf fcr tlniiliali tad rciicru vrmianti of th ttomacli i care bkilitf uetitehta xcttoj prtxtnlidb cacs j t frlag oc bsrsriap tm car day jisjja srtisjlil jarlbaatlxit is luwrnji permsaentlr cored by iu iu i tz1 t sil tjncf tad tmder ji drnmauocm d n lxrzl7 lli ta hi oiav pjtcrn tlw laatle rjrttm tcr u crc of cldarr ccaplavlsia oc cither ttx fii lroii e fixiniajri refirrujle coai- rocxd is fpcpstrcil tf s3 andqj wttcra areaa lrlivjli riitlfiitaonimrariji stmllitatll lz tut f na cl fxlj aim is the form o l on rvt d ftt tlptr bcr or either gnplghtoib tzttlt tvar dl utter o uquirr 8cdfarptuok- at 0 come and see the fine display of spring tweeds the east end clothing store this eek kicm twmd sulu from 1100 to 1800 also a large range of serges and worsteds manufactured in the lateat stjles and on the shortest notice tie latest styles la sard u salt tilt eat ll balmitf now te baud j fyfe cordwood wanted the subscriber will parchase cordwood during tbe coming winter at j j acton station ah wood to be evenly piled 6 or 8 feet high and perfectly 6ouutl and will pay cash promptly as the wood is iuspected and received parlies who have wood for sale will please apply at once as only a f6w icords more are required apply for all necessary information to ool wh allan acton or to the contractor a nairn toronto po twentvflve cut bkti j bra- itcrc actoa- f j e cgarvias khen ihe foijntains of life are not corrupted ani enbiltered by suffering when tbe functions of womanhood are strictiv normal ivomin life is like music ivilh no discord to jsr her delicate sensi bilities and break the vital aud organic harmony unt many who suffer from vital and functional disorders have found immediate relief and a permanent cure by using liis lydia e pinthams yerrelable compcaud he that is discontented in ona place will seldom be happy in another people are constantly changing their borhej from east to west and from korth to south or vice yeesi in search of a healthy stats if they would learn to be contented cod to use the celebra ted eidne7 wort when sick they would be much betler pfe the whole system can be kept in 3 healthy slate by this simple bat effectual remedy gtv itingay parkdale tcronto writes mv ttife bad eg end very severe attacks of cramps in tbe souiacb hearing of dn acmes peor0tie audita pleasantness to tske i gave he two bottles and she hss cot bad an sttict since and her health is mack improved for sale by all drugtrists aa r c ua lrtr sj au pr tnx j sit sola lx edl drafcdats m ksi isf 1 p- northrnp i lwail ri icr ouurio 1 mwmmliilajik is a sure cure i for all disease of the tuttneya aril i liver u v fpawiic ictian on thiti aaci imparuat t oraeta mwif il la tarcnr cit liaptdiiy a4d i tafrri s bi tfir-g- tll3 b awocuca bf thai eus avail ty iccepjng ifca brsrts ta asaiiacnl cjsstin its rtc tlakiiiirr- i p1alaria 5 i crtwinitirclyreetcauidqicir esse j latia bptlsit taclcsis3 tiscrsm era 1 cse icui tio a ticrciiiti rataw cflt i a- solo by druggists price 81 muwmmmi a voice from the united states i have suffered for the last 20 years with dyspepsia and general deillity and tried many remedies but with little success until 1 used hurdock blood bitters when relief was quick and per manent a louahaipenalecniganus given awaj- we cannot help noticing be liberal offer made to all invalids and sufferers byjjrkings new discovery forconsump taon you are requested to call at j e mboarvin6 drug store and gt a trial bottle feze of cost if yon are suffering with conumption isevertkconghs colds i asthma bronchitis h ey fever loss of toice haraeneas or any affection of the throat orlnngs it will positively cure you houicrs hoikers hoihers are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufiering and crying wiih the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if sc goat once and get a bottle of mr winslows soothing syrup it wiih rehet the poor lilue aafierer immediately depend upon it j thereisnomlstakeaboutit there is sola mother on earth who has ever used itwh will not tell you at one that it will regnlate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to tbe child operating like magic ilia perfectly safe to use in all oases end plauant to tbssuuta and is uwpi seription of op of tboldtod bsiat fainala pkyataub ton nursa is the united at b0i4 ererrwurt at2s wia yoo exchan8e a case of dyspepsia or biliousness for 75 cents it la awliilly unwise to ajronlze un- dorthemaey ailments arising from dyspepsia indigestion disordered stomach and liver when this offer is made to yon in your own borne in all sincerity with aa si lolnte certainty of coring lyon zopesa from brazil enren dyspepsia 1 tnd bfliousnesa a single dose relieves a sample bottle convinces a 75 cent bottle cart 8 it acts directly nnon the stomach i ier and kidneys cleanslnt coitectinp keg- nlatiner zcpeza sires energy and tub tc the brain nerve and mnscl s simply by work inpr wonde upon the dlfjes- tlon and gjvihg actitity to the liver cat this ant take it to any desler la i tieulclnes and get at least on 75 cent bottle ot zopesaam itellyonsneltrhbor how it act it is warranted and bu mnhoo uou lost how restokeo wc tiaverecectljpnblisbedaneir etiinou of or colrenrcir ci lirattml ijiuf on ur radical nuu ftrinrcnv cure without mmi- cluejof xcvoadljiiky mentnlanl piij-elc- ailnrafflcii impeilmenuormarria5e resuilujeromlceseef grrrcn asitid envelope onlygcli ort7ti ie sumps tbertilebraled tauor n this admirable efiai clearly jamonytratefi frrm thirly var tfialalannlffjicnn- sequefict may be radleamy cured wmioat lfc daneroufi nfe of internal medicines or the use oiliic tnlfe paaunojt a mode of enre at onccimpe certain and eltectaaby means t whlcii eviy salterer no matter what lrl 5 condiilon may oe aaycurelilmael ctieapo irlvalely aod radically this lecture should be io tbe hanjs ol everyyoaiu auj every man in the land address the cahcrweil medical co 41 ana 5 xew york post office bcv 40- shilohs consumption cure this lk beyond qacsiloa ibe most succeki ful cnzeh medfeint w have ever bold a fw doses frvanibly cure the worst vascr o conh cr cp and rroncblilf while its tcondprf rupees lathe cnfcofcodtumptlon is trillmni a parallel 1c the hlttory of uedj cine bine it flrsl discovery it has been bold on sjuarunleea lefil wblcb no other me- dlcice cn stand if yoo have a cough we earnrtiy htfe ynu to t ry it price locw60 cu and 1 00 if yrnr langs are nora cheat or back ln jacneshlloh poroa piaster sold by jemcgaivin no more long sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in i from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along i a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill thr hon 8arcetufil ccmfdy ever dincover- cd an it is sierulu in iw eflccttt and doe not blifiler ileadprnojbelow kendalls spavict cure fremout ilhio jaujth ifisi die b j kexdm- 4 co ie titer- 1 tbidk il my daty to render you my iaikfor lh beneflli and profll which i have derived from your invalaableand far famed hparin cure siy cnusln and 1 bad a valuable tal- 1 ion worth 1000 whlcn had a very bad pavid audwns prononnced by ioir enilneot vetr- inarj surstooi bej ond auy cure nud thai tb- iforee was done fur ever ana lasrcnor i adelsed my cousin to try a lottie of ken- dillis spavin cure it had il magical effect th third bottle cured it an fine horse u ni wcllrf ever dr dick of edinburgh thu em inent veterinary surseon wa an ulcle ol mine and 1 take great lourvt lu assitlnf his profession vouni truly jake wilson civil engineer keadalls spav1 cure uunnnmpo ilareh 10th li79 uk b j llnkjcogeotj5aboata yeir agu i ceil int lie toad nlo rone ict od was badly hurt in the hijf join twhicb canted me maeli innvrlng i triei various resudle barnonejave me rellefaotil i tried kendalls spavin cure i applied it full strength triee a day for about tworeeks aurtng last octo ber and it effected a perfect cure i have rinceoen been well aud free from lamenean it la very valuable for man as well a beast yours trulk cuesteii k unzsy soudaddressforlilustrited circular which p eirilsilrs we taluk gives podtlvo proof of its virtue xo remedy has tver mcf iih such unquall- fiedsuecess to onrinoriedje for beasts a well a man irioe si pr bottle oi fix bottles for 3 all druggists have ft or can pel li for you nt it will be seal to any addres oii receipt it price bv the prodnetors db jkkkdaicl c0ev0sbveg falls vt sold all druggists pimples 1 vil mill free the recipe for a simple vcctablq balm that will remove tan freckles- pimple and blotcuea leaving the sklr soft clear and beautiful ao ln- stmetlons for producing the luiorianlgrowth or limr ona bld head or smooth lac- ad- drew indosldfc 8c stamp ben vondelf k co 12 barclay st xy m baeoains a wtck made ai homo oy the indcblrious btst bnrlrisa now before he public capital not neded wv willtuutyou men i women boys aud girls wastajd everywhere j to work for u now is th time you can wurfc in gpare ume or give jour whojeat- tpntion to th bnslnes no other bueinee will pay- younearty as ireu no o t5cai till to inane ecormjos pay by engaging at ouce costl outfit and lermstfve alonev made i fist easily ani noiorabty aadrets teck co auguata matne -on- i worth their weight in gold buggies and democrat wagons speight son have a number of new and firstclais baggies and democrat wagons j left over above their orders foa the season and are prepared i to disposd of them at a considerable reduction foe cash the surplus stock must be sold to make room for winter stoek aud bargains will most decidedly he given those who require rigs of any kind ehauld give us a call ton know our make of rigs call and see them 5 good stock of furniture and undertaking sup plies as usual j a speight manager -our- m pyards ffilowoil cures rheumatism pbeebiairs worm powdibs are plesmant to take cvhti thkijown puxsstire is a bafe sure ami etfe- taal drttroyrr ot worms ia nat acai nit i- dr smiths oermat t rhil tlv his bre tmri by tii- of penow who uniremfly end cfaita for it as a pleasant safe tad prootpt hamu5y tor tbe rs aooacn aod seat or pit wtmas ttoin or adnll it itisy to take beir s saerfpbyjic mraizdi swith medicine 1 eeinnwhere cfffman wcrmremtdy 3 1 1 1c00 forfeit having the atmostcootvlesice in iusupor iorllyoviiui others and ettei tliomaruli ot tests of ihe to oh ooraplloafed and severest eaten we eould ond ire reel jnstltled in ofler ine to forfeit one tnouand dollars foranj caso of conits cotdsi sow tbroat inllnnnia lioarsenesn tjonohltn consumption in ill early stages whnoplnr eongh and all dla easesofttietbroblandrnngiejcoptasthms lor wiilcb jre onlj culm jelel thai v oanl care with wmi court iyrnp whan talwb aooordlng todlretlnni gjminle botuem anilsooenu isrgcbotmpsonedntur asnolbe wrappfranlylnbinobotdbyallslriirbtfstai millinery and mantle books are now opel in full blast qui exhibition consists of the newest and freshest styles of e it8 9oatt8tlhik8i wiagg uraa aud fta must eiqaisii show of flowers prions as nsut cheap city kitd obtry invited to inepeot s alow a ipeeial totx blaok oelokd sjaoktt much lower tha prlcaa slaok velveteens bbqljhe velvets chi c ab1 pills ointment tit is 1 ncoup ahaj1le medicine has etcurtd for itself an imperishable fame thvoitijhout the world for thr nlkciation and t vf most diseases to uchtch humanity u heir burdock klood will cure or reuh biuqvsness dizzlhessi dy8pepsia dropsy indigestion eluttettlni jaundice of theheakt erysipelas acidity op salt rheu the 8tmmh heartburn dryness headache of thskih and evervstpecies vt dissu arising from dlsordireijjver kidheya btttvuch bowels oh eu00 tmilbdrhl6q gkaws specific helticike o- the great knsilsqfrroedy a uhufnliuf cure fcr seminal weafeness spermburrnea 1 i ncy and ail diseases tbat loliow as a setueiice or selfbnse as icssfof mem oryuutveril laaellqdealn in ibebacb vjb- n ion premature old age ani defotq tftinz many other direises ibet a load to insanity orponsumit uon 8rfuupsiucalarsm r our pamphlet which wede filre to sfcnd free by mall to everyone fc the specific medicine is ofa by all drog- ijisu at 100 per iacataf or six package for 5 or will be rem free by mail on re ceipt of tbe money by -sd- dresalny a 1 the pills i purify regulate and improve thequajitj of the blood they assist the digestive organs cleanse the stohacu and bowtls increase the secretory powers of tie liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for sustaining qnd repairing the frame thousands ol persons have testified that by their use alone tbey have been restored to health and strength after every other means haa proved unsue- cessfn thdoray kc41eln8 co toronto oc sold by j e ajeoaxvln urngtu nadai 55fft itrutlit da eowksisnjsatkahi isext smaranued speclse i dlxilnftsconvnlalodafltsne ta headache mervons hrost by the usc or alcohol or tobaeb ness mental depression 8on brain tesulllntr in inssnlty at knlserydecayanddeathtprem barrenness loss of power lq i titxi aiswrt ssfj kenrise njr ni letadlmur 0war4 aixlb aj tier will be found invaluaole in eteiy house hold in the cure of open sores hard tumors sad lees 014 gonads oeuglu ooldsbore throats broncuitls and all disorders of the ihroat and chest aa also fiout kheumatism tfcrolula aud every kind of skin disease mariufacturea only at fmfesbor hoi- loways fistahlishment 533 oyfokd street lordok and sold at la u 2a 9d 4s 6d 22s and 33s each boat and pot and in canada at 38 eenta 90 cent and 150 aud the larger sisea in proportion jjcirmok i have no aeot in the united states nor are my medicines sold there furohaaera should therelore look to the lasel on the pou and boxes 11 the addret b not 533 oxford titreal london uxjr are spunoaa tbe trade mark of my sam medicine ia regutered in otuwa and alto at waahingfcn fflthomajs 58 ottm smniy loraun tolnntary lutaaasdbpermatorr msucaotesvl oy otercienjon or ins brain te fahnaeor overlndulsenoe one box wlllj e ire reeessma oases ach box contain oneiac itbs treata ment one dollar a box cr sax aa es ftir ftrer dollars sent by mallonrecelriol prices wc guarantee six boxes to core ante iae wlfsti each order retain d by nalhtals boxes ss cnmpaiiled wltuflyedpllan wiw 11 ssnitja pnrcbaaer onr written gsnrraief to sjossltj tbe money if the treatment dola tot t flei core gnaranteeslssnedonlyu j e u garths role aolhosiied aai nvlor artobj- otu johscvv1st4co sol r toronto oou rij i roprletcrai 0odsekjistt a local and onisastissiobal tta to dtstiae- liadtdaes caw ac lag ob t nasal rusagu head tr ai issssniaooiliaraa u urn xakstja lnstntameout econplui at safe radkjai trotue rr sold by all droc gsts price 7b ot itjki csmsst bflgssassansg x ax rqaisa apsa ihsv to ssapacxagcsto fleet a mm mmm

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