Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1883, p. 1

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i am ill si t klm tkvrsdu mobxtso i t j fuel press power printwq house mili stkket acton ont ttatts the fhks psisv will be mm to ahcrilyr paid for h00 per u- djii n ajtaiiw mvf if list o paid ko pancr aikmtfiiuixl till all arwai ate paid tieept at tins option of the pubkaher jlrvernsiso iute casual advertise ment s cents per line forihe firatiuscr- tion and 3 conu per line or each uibso- qaent iucrtioi wish pnifcaaional guls 10 linos or less 100 per annum i nqnare 1 line 0o per annum payable in g month rvjin date at inacrtiou any sial kotiee the object of which is to promote th pecuniary benefit any individual or oxpany to te eonaicrod mi advrup- menl thr n umber of lines reckoned by the fucc itvunied measured by a a1 of iohj nonpareil i cuvtract katk terms 9100 ui advance jit- ft the newspaper- 4 map of busy life its fluotuationu and ita vast ccmoarns 9150 if not to paid volume viii no 43 aoton ont thursday april 26 1883 whole no 418 nut eniuniti on rear lul clanm mif cr u iincf eitamn oh j par onc i iniu ml moult uftinjt tu mould vjiurler euratitti monliu n i p t una ft hirer mmitti half mltnn trmonilr w r m1iiu luree months jjoo woo svoo rooo isoci 2000 oo tllrfctloii trill i ltfullf irdmiiiuieum marconi- mcitv tituiti j ftlve rilsiuuiunl lr paid lialraikw ciiauc rr riirc advert torn rnii nuui iu iiitt he o ir mou ulntuyi ntfir firvif mil tc h fl nver 114 is- loutxwcijr ilr 1 jktlik is lof i 8k1n 115 mat fcftaitf- icsutd r i tm cio e wj wit imltm rejno m kiilnut prnprimiw this paper fcwttifcttm- j l m4 lrli ix km iii k yiclnaoe dr3vjrv lt h loukw il ii 1 s if graduate tririty colluc xlem- le cfclcf cf lbjciau mij kuroodk 0 ird rviletire f tl 1cmv f rred- irre-vcl- acton 6ankinc coy torey ohristie 00 1 haxklmis icloii i oiidtrlo 1 ukxkiui 1iaxkix iicil atttf tuapacnii x9ssv teutd oh appaotsd notes notes discounted and lutorest allowed on depoeus ffuhcisr mum i miuitt lmllmvfilll1l an mil lit lm lllllwllli itiltr rtrfxllctl li tiuv ilnlpcii iatcfuily liound knli uru t y ibiu istew stoq3c uk j baby carnages at days bookstore c ton mm stress tiiuhnuiv monnikii april 2g 1981 nivw stock ik fancy and market baskets at days bookstore jsctick or a splendid hew stock x eveky lfke l ftxkett liestlsxl l tgfr john latbogralitite i iiln vrtrwxjan culeoe toaxro j veterinar- surgeon acton ont- office j in keracy sons boot and slice store res- idscce in the rear horses examined us to alicair- eight oc uayjjrofnpti tiiend td to- tenet eas tj elsher s- geobgexovk- oit trill visit acton cterrtveolnes- dr ud trill atvnd to all calls pertaining j ia his profession- orders lei at ilcgarvia itq2 store ffill receive prtimpt atwntion terms moderate i v tjfiasher ch riggs lj of the firm of eicoa aixcax toaovro will be it campbell- hotel cu tue first j ifosday if etery mantli ta the practice of bis prcfcpafoe au trcrfc eiecated in tlu latest and most improved style cf the dental art- xocfcarge for consnltatjcn a good willie- a barrister solicitor xotarr pabiic aod converanccr georgetotvnaudaclon- ttaclwa office in 51rs secords blxv ullertos hall storey f bimssefs ajlicitors of tlie baniic coxrt cosvevaacers ac toronto drgcurpc- knrcn- omen so 50 clinrch street taronv aiiti 51c leod block georgetown js jfoney to loan jjj grriitrroy cjkejll ndvtxicrt bargains ix- lapies gents gold and silver i watches j a lahlje stock of j electro- plate i j just received klk niwstylis big bargairfs in spectacles and eyeglasses wm s smith the watch and cluck house of gnelph ciioic wall papim with bordorg to mntoh pft daysbookstoke glell ii dat sells ohbit 1 i gold iwatohes i oi i pri3irfattk poetrj alphabetical tarwina tlmiv l uriiior who h v lliiouh uko lid i- atvl ndiily tt a turn with hi 1 auj tli u it u liat he ur iioar li rlmturof thi- al lieypnrli nltinr t u hut wiin a irio k jltklt a litifih fi aiarcif uintlltr mill it willi miatiy imwi 4 ok aniitlruiifciliuitl x q wiiii riiirmi ii ntlfrlc iw x lr u vhvlli i tliljtll i- 11 ill rlovltllhla b- in a single night and what a beautiful joati woman yv her hair is white as kiiow and her coiajjexion fresh as is a childs i strange is it uot thus spoke itvo louuoit ou a botl porch but they did not know the history cl thai kikivy hair from the time iltrrj wells fell in love urita ilami- cuusou c churdi social cutil fine stock bought since cilrist- their icarria iu the first iresbjteriaa llia hill cltlde of ariieh- church the entire coaimaniiy gave uinate consideration to uieir affairs mamiee father john clausen was a prominent commission merchant in a pennsylvania town generally considered wealthy and i always lived like a man of means mamie was pretty dashing a local belle and a i general favorite harrys family lived a few miles from 6wn aud they tno were people of reputation iu the country the marriagf was in every way a suit able one harry was educated in prince ton and although he had at one time the reputation of being wild he had eobercd down and wa such a frank m- fellow that bo rows generally forpveu any can overaeat at savagebl xearpetrlesxewdrucstore tjblph i the oldest drug stpre in guelph ttnlieeirsireet uiceased iuotioneer- fcr the coaitisjof weiiinpoc aud hdtoh ordtrs lift a tlem trem office acton cr at my rcwice iu actjn sntl be rrcrrctiv ativdod to a- rlcc 1j loar qllc cjorf fa ramble 4rni- ml at the icwet rat of interest t din fok smk limjriiilaittiip caiia lime iort tu yt tr iarc celerities ar zjiy una arp j- e2i retr icitca s biflte ma 1 is2 ita 172 acros fpihbet 1t4xtld tfceticriiki i- prewrd uj purchase lij- alattiiy u eitt ikre red beech soft sapkj na at zjmc iiuwki white uh pjpr vte tt- lals f tilcid pinear crbuci ii- in either udu io or eticdirt tree apply atccce to trris c 1x00ee acton ont rei f abjis fs sale i mercstiit tailors j- q uehdr1ctc etet agent bousloo fjelaware these farms are improved with building- fences mit trees and berries of ail kinds rood water plenty of timber land good roaiif schools ad churches good market i only 25 miles from philadelphia plenty of fieh craters and game tery productive land climate mild and pleasant come acd i see for yourself and be cor rir i am rrrrt5 tjitl ifibih andatriage to take fistors j see the farms free of charge jd hatiiaicu hoastondelaware arrivals sootoli leeds in csreat ttaxietr shaw grundy jetioo the niarrisse was the occasion af general j rejoicing mamies father rave her an mi- xwually rood send off andtlie details were j sent far and wide through the stale harry had studied law for awhile and had settled down into a country notary drawing up deeds end doing hackwork of that ort they lived about four miles out of town s r it i j i bridges before monuuz and two miles from old johus he had r j he had been dekijicd and telling her to get some one to stayitli her two dan when he wbull be al home hhe drove into town and one o her old friend went out with her at to end of two dayi she had nn utlur telegram itaying that he wah detained jjti tho inxl da her friend went home i am in ilac of harry came a third tele- rain and in every day for ten day h wa uxiocld home aud every day mine adf- apioiijiiiig ukjrum uythin lime lie iiki lctiino ftctfuhumiutl ui her charge winch i 1jc had not like a bag nf wvd ixms in n corimr of a rtark ilfwrt mwiiing from hir rkjin tlie nfleniixiu of the umlh laj wat h iji murky oftriiuui- mamie had juno up luiiv to lukc u niij itiid ifi dhli kfiite llhnatllf ht hliltj wli wm f9lw0m hoiup nftrllij oiavi fthwue lie had vrr j mi fhiincr adrr a tfiiw hfili idmic up il 1i1 lir ihcf f ft ftiut 1nvh uili wlii wmild muoniii i nnl whi vvnum do ik diiwii iff i yrtu nuglitirrui leave him n minute ahiue hftcflh io duwn ami watch liim and 1 will come down and send him oit slu drebvd lierself quickly and went down fiiairn hurprised to find how late it had grown when she reached the kitchen ehe found also a messenger with a telegram which announced another dibappointment but the next day without fail harry wrote he would be home as mamie turned- into the kitchen she heard the tramp and sarah in evident dispute yes eaid the fellow when that time 1 conies yoar mistress will have another irou- i inguble helping you instead of wearing i her sunday clothes every day 1 an gpoilin cvenlhing for me to do over i thick i see her- ive work enough j to do answered honest sarah not indis- posed to hare a chat over her work hamie found a pracel essloo king fellow anhhaven and illdressed who with a cer- i tain gentkmanly instinct rose up as she i uime in i suppose my girl told you we had uotlu ing for yoa aud that it will be a preat kindness if yon wili imvp ss soon as pos- sible yes she did just that madm but i j j took it upoi inyself u believe tlitii w urpeut tiie tmtl is- ri -a- iand dol veo-hnngrj- i ved and i didnt believe bat tnat you would give me something to eat at least ive waited to ask yoa in person women arc- soft hearted creatores- matme went and got him something to eat j herself the darkness that had been in- i creasing for some time came down rapidly and there burst out one of those terrific th under- slorois that gather so rapidly and j with such fooce iu that country after its strength was spent there fell steady sheets of rain that brought the creek over the acrox it guelph h axhv barber shop rues trunk cebw1ce oslsbbatsd ralgia powders curesxearalgiain a few linuri ui xenous headache ticj doloreux intermittent j fever fcc 25 gts per box prepared only by i j qt smith 00 i bnilt them a pretty modern cottage on a j detached portion of his farm harry had his office an ornamental little structure a few rods from the house and there they lived as happy as two birds gradually harry pickd up business and finally through his father he became trustee for some minor heirs they were l an odd lot of children with a halfcraty mother and no end of coal lands and min ing investments it was a good thing for j harry although it gave a naturally lazy man eome additional work the worst thing was that it obliged him to go to scranton now and thn and leave mamie when harry had to go away mamie would ret in her phteton and drive to town and there were always some of the young peo- pie ready to go oat and keep her company harry always insisted that she must uot stay alone for a lawabiding state penn- flylvauia has i pretty rough element in it and there is cf general sense of uneasiness one august afternoon harry hsd an un- j expected suinmons to go txj scrfiuwn about i a suit annecjed wih lbs minor heirs he j had reciavlyisoid some of their property j und had been making various collections which left i his hands aboat fortyfive hundred dollars when he found that he at a few moments notice lie a bundle of papers and this toakluicm into the house making preparation for tp roirideiisr ha has apead a birhcr shojj in the premifcs lately jeeapied by dr fotster u a medicalj aate l ofice anil solicits u jare of the patronage o hif ywinity ertrry dtparjwcnt of the j r ltifineis will be culuctd in- iiritclw etyle give u a caij j ill z3d vs tahek matthews agent for fire insurance cos life accident insurance ticketa f s3000 for 25c- per lay- agent fortbe pobjriog steatubl po j kb w ia iearn ticket fcijied pr ciiia tolinufi out iii i fjj ilsee lsfz sfcueyto loan good joiutof endorsed fchart date notes dibcowt 4r agent fcr the caaadtafl loan savings co toratfo i ooxfrvixcei of deeds iadrtgmeeev dischararee chattle mortgages farm and i hons leases- aieiientc clerk di t7yeomiiii8enlibnchj ih- x4 itscor as jurrfajeljcense j oashjfoii orimw iroak i jnont ciutios had to go off wrapped up j money and i maniio was picnic they were to go to the next day and j y iock ta door begged him u wait until the day after madam its no use talking yoacant send a fellow out in each a storm said the tramp si the three stood ou the porch watching the storm im sorry but ive no place for you wtiat i in a house like this its a pity there isnt a cranny fcr a stowaway i was wlkiog around it waiting for the girl and it seems to jnc it ought to hold three people you are very impertinent i tell yoa i have no place i or yon and the storin is al ready breaking away lveu as she epoke the rain came down in bunding sheets and lightning streaked the heavens well he said carelessly we dont go much on manners on the road but i know i wouldnt send a dog out such a night as this i am not a particular chap leastwise not nowadays and 111 have to insist on your giving me some sort of shelter if itvotily yoqr dogkennel the man spoke with decision mamie felt that after all they were really in his power i will keep you ou one condition she said theres- a loft to thi house a sort of garret which is very comfortable it is closed with a tjapdoor and you may sleep on the lounge there if you will allow us to lock the door on the outside bless my stars and garters he said looking at her seriously i dont care if pearer to her lurpriae they turned up the lane leading toward her house and on reaching the gate came into the yard hhe ml almost paralyzed with fear the ruth tusliod acroao her they muit have learned that iho wds alone tluu flho had thf money and they had come to get it for a moment hhe wan aralygod hhe remembered harry laat word you man guard l with your life if noceniary bho ran to tho ulceping sarah and waken ed lior bho rot down harryit rifle the uleeping tfirl wait toon thoroughly awake and alio explained to her i heir niunlion lti tho trump thats done it the tramp no harsh the ky the key of the attic hhfl row tip tho tfuirfi uiilocktul tho pad lock find okji4 the tri thi ihaii sprmifi up at ifia wniid mio cmitp with in iiujwjiiimi tlerl and hoaritig lht imint of l be horw below and dtepn alntlt the houf ii0 follow cl hi without a wotd at he foot of the stairs ntic stopped i have- a largo sum of money in the hjue and those mn have come to get it thinking that i am alone if they kill me that monoy must be guarded what have you pistols buotguns he whistled taking in the whole situation here is my husbands rifle it is loaded- hist where ore they going to break in the steps came boldly on the piazza to the front door get behind me i will fire at the first man who enters how many barrelsjire there 6ix all loaded- very well keep this cane in jour hand for me in case i need it there was no storming of shutters they heard the key applied to the dtxir softly it opened and a nan- followed by two qtbeia confidently entered- the first figure walked diectly to the 6tairs ho had taken but a step when throe shots came in rapid succession there was a heavy thud this man dropped and the other two turned and fled sarah ran to the window a wo horse fifclioped down u dont tot j to do said the tramp mimie caught hold of the rail for gap- port and then went into the room- get a candle sarah they lighted a candle and gave it to the tramp who went down stairs the two wo men following with brandy and ammonia- tbe man had fallen backward and lay with his face up and tead toward the dbor aha said the tramp curiously hold ing the light up and peering into the dead mans face hes fiied shot through the head mamie advanced aud gazed at the white face across which a thin threadlike stream of blood was trickling- she fell back with i e wild shriek j it was her husbands dead body which lay before her ness or trunks iey should go to r creech acton vegetable blood tonic the great blood purifier simple i safe ana thoroughly reliablctuiicd the digestive organs regvlutea i jthe- system and improves- the j health generally never fail in do its nork prepured only by but myj dear child i havent time even to go o town and pat these in the bank so youtl hare to take care of them ill try and get back ia two davs at the j i bim chackle to himself as he kicked off furthest andjmenwhtte nobody will know his boots they took him upstairs and he climbed up the steep attic steps the women shut the door as he politely bade them good night and theyifastened the padlock hear- eaj3h plug of thr- tie navy is marked b bbowzr lcttbiis other genuine hat jhe nionfey is here then he explained to her the value of the papers and handed her a canvas bagiu j which was the 4500 belonging to the niinor lflirj where will i keepit hany btvi the mattressis justlikcjt wprnju 1 ka but r declare j i don kuiiifr where to tell you the most i insecure plaos apparently is often tlic most i secure any place dear but between the mattresses i leave that to you but you j must guard it if necessary with yoof life for remember tliq money is not ours and j at all haeardsi am responsible i dont drugs patent mkdicinefc j really buppoqe there is the least danger for w g smith co smiths drug stqr is lire best place to buy yoar id take the key mum said sarah mamie took the key with her and the two descended ti shut np the house after they had ntad everything secure they wenl back upstiairs you must sleep in my room tonight sarah tshe mistcess said sarah dragged other bidding hid made a pallet on the floor uud then lfter the custom of women they examined the closets looked under the bed and pled the chairs against the locked door the rain was still falling heavily and the night as black as ink the mistress and maid went to bed and al though worried knd anxious went to sleep after midnight mamie found herself tltittiiia upnvprfl halri inooneknawilhaveit but one ought to awake and a bright light ahining in the ilultumba arukuo tato proper recautioiwwd beg of you room 6he started up and saw tbit it was brushes- combs dia mond dyes fcc ac farmers eeceiptfl oarefallvpropbd w g s5ftn co j chenii0t5dnijrgj4ti no 12 wyndima stcruijpji j not to admii any trampe while 1 am gone j the moonlight tell fjarah npt even to allpw them to eat a biscuit f ll allright dear wft wont let the tramps have drink even and ill take core of the money you may be race harry badb ma wife goodby and mamie gave up the meniai at the end of two days i the received 4ram from him saying the storm bid cleared away at last dhe got up unable to com pose herself immediately and went to the wiaddw the moon- was shining brightly as she stood lodking at the peaceful scene before her ahe w away down tha road for it was bright as day serenj borsemeii it was such an unusual sight at this hour that she stood wtcliing them as they came sunday contemplatioil happiness consists in the constitution of the habits all that is human must retrograde if it do not advance some men like pictures are fitter for corner than a full light everywhere in life the true question is not what we gain but what we do nothing is more simple than greatness indeed to be simple is to be great what is twice read is commonly better remembered than what is transcribed knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom we always like those who admire us we do not always like those whom we admire what the superior men seeks is in him self what the small man seeks is in others only what we have wrought into oar character during life can we take away tfith us humility is a virtue all preach none practice and yet everybody is content to hear a guilty conscience is like a whirlpool drawing in all to itself wtieh would other wise pass by chitchat a young lady is not like a tree yoa can not estimate her age by counting her rings girb are more courageous than men they are ready to make a match with a fellow twice their size- people aay that blackberries are good for fee complexion but who wants a black hern complexion it has now become fashionable in eastern cities to be married as early as 6 oclock in the morning this gives a fellow a long day to repent it they are raising a row with a young man in new jersy who was engaged to marry thirteen different girls its getting so a man cant have any fun at all in that state the question as to who is the h uidsom- est woman in america- ia still in dispute but thousands of girls believe tl at if it j wasnt for the freckles theyd j istly be entitled to that distinction narrowly escaped being cut i iff with- out a shilling- said a solemn youn man how did you jescape it askf i a by stander- my father bad no hilling was the aolenm sepv- i how he 8avkxst mcxus twai long ago ere ertr the lignal gun that biased before fort compter bad wakened tbs north aa one i long ere tbe vondroui pillar of battle cloud and fire had marked where tbe unchained millions marebod on tofthe heart i desire on rcte aiidclottering tnrretithat night asthe son went down tbe mellow glow of the twilight ihone like a jewelled crown and bathed in the living glory ar lie people lifted their eye they saw thephde of the city tbe 9e of 6t ulehaels rite high over the lesser steeples tippj with a golden ball that hung like a radiant planet cc bt in its earthward fall i firtt gllmpm of home to thesaiut whomaflfl j the harbor round and tnlatt blowfading vision deai o tho ont- ward bound the gently gatberliigibauowa ahot it the wan dering light 1 1 tjie children prayed at tho brtfuidi they were wontoach liiglft 4 tbe oolm of tbe tjtivtr and wller 41 the buv mart wai gone and in dream of 0 jniwcfv ttiirro tho city ilurolxred cu hut another light than tourlw arotimd thcjp- ingbtrovt vqt a cry way beard at midnight and tho ruih of tramping feet meu itarod at each o4fa ttcet thro mingled ftro nidimoko whllo the frtutio blii went cltahlng clomorcu troke on strike j hy tho giaro of btrr blaiiiir roomrii tlic boym- i i011 diothur fled with tho uu the pruiud to horboicin tdirluk ing in iiamelen rtiead tmjuc tho flr klngi wijd hnifti pir iho wall and rapitime hfgti and i- 1 hi u j heir glaring hoor aejalndan uij iky from hi dith tlitt rigad llnud hutu and the era of mhi hunt to thefifpftl kjiiateof ujecity wj dnvpit the tmrgluii iiawtl whre flrtn lu ftfj tb tutdutl titinrailil try the try flooj with lie bearpawanl pointing finger the church of st michael llool but een aithey gasod upon it there loae a aud- den wail a cry of horror blended with tbe roorlr odwboae eeorcblng wings updrit ringle blaring brand alofl on tbe towering atoete f ui bloodj hand will it fader f trembled from a thousand whitening lips far out an the lurid harbor they watched it from the ships a baleful gleam that brighter and ever brighter abone like a metering trembling wiuotbewtp to gteadj beacon grown uncdnnted gold shall be giwu t the man whoae brate right hand for the lore of the perilled city piucka down yon hurtung brand so called the mayor of charleaton that all the people heard bat they looked each one at bis fellow and no tmaa spoke a word 0 u it leans from the belfrr with face up turned to the aky tgi to the oolnmn and measures the diny spire with 1 ey h le it the hero undaunted that terrible sickening height or wqi the hot blood of his courage freeze in his veins at tho tight bat see he hao stepped dnlha railing he climbs with hit feet and his hands and firm on the narrow projection with the bel fry beneath him he stand kow onee and once only they choer him a aingle teinpestnout breath andlhere falls on the multitude gazing a hash like the etffinees of aeath slow steadily mounting unheeding aoght bnt the goal of fire rttn higher and hifher an atom he mores on the lace of tbe spire ge stops will he fall lo i for answer a gleam like a meteors track and hurled on the stones of the pavement the red brand lies shattered and black once more the shoots of tbe people have rent the quivering air at tho church door the mayor and council wait with their feet on tbe stair and the eager throng behind him press for a touch of his hand the unknown saviour whose daring could com- pais a deed so grand bat why does a sudden tremor scire them as they gase and whatmeaneth that silent murmur of wonder and amaze he stood at the gate of the temple he had perilled his life to sate and the face of the unknown hero was the sable faeb of a slave with folded arms he was speaking in tones that were clear not land and his eyes ablaw in their sockets burnt into the eyes of the crowd te may koep your gold i scorn it bat answer me ye who can- ii the deed i have done before you be cot tho deed of a man he stepped but a short space backwards and from all the woman and men there were only sobs for anewer and tho moyor called for a pen and the great seal of the city that he might read who ran and the slave who kaved st michaels went ont from its door a man a picture to the life take a young man a tall yonngman with a small hat a long face a lengthy neck a short body a pair of long and slim legs with arms to match and both arms and legs largest at the extremeties put him in a seymour coat encase bis legs in sealskin pantaloons with sufficient bow in the legs to give passing glimpses between them of the mashed and astonish- ed world that lies ahead of him as he walks cram his flat foot into pointed shoes tie an eyeglass to his lappel give a delicate moustache and cane to play with and if there be a grander sight under the canopy of heaven we havent time to think it up perhaps a monkey with a tintail comes nearest to the pnenomenon free pressings 11 1 am astonished my dear young lady at your sentiments you make me start weh i have been wanting you tb start for the last hour well pat jim didnt kill you with the brickbat did he no but wish he had why bo so that i cauld eee him hung the villain didnt you guarantee sir that the horse wouldnt shy before the fire of an enemy v no more he wont tisnh till after the fire that he shies vwhy did you leave your bparding- place asked a lawyer of a dishonest witnesst in a burglary trial because i oouldnt take it wiffi me was the frank -reply- anoptical hhwiob a chandler- iuvrfng had some osndlea stolen a pisrsrm badebim bebtood cheep v forin a short ti ne said he i am conftlenl thjbv wqi a come to 1a m

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