Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1883, p. 2

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it iljlf gctongrn tuprioav mopsiko antil so 1883 a new costume it i- with coumdrabc v4e isure and to its- rvdcr thi momine in a icv dr tjjic the eii of the fiur fi cri ia liw same us before bui a the no r type i considerably ttiidkr than muci of that heretofore ucd we en enable o cive more matter than wo jcssalte nrior u the intro duction cf ic now lyjkc tud ui ably ctilarvmcnt of the paper be oar camera this enlarpemc i practic- rt it riioll 1 to make the fckat use of of respdusibi ilr the body type lwv k brevier drailar iu fir u ihut in use by the toror lo dailies and arrived last week direct iron the cele brated foundry- of mesrn f ephenson bloke a- co sheffield hiilau l tlirouh uivir anu ier jwatkin tt son toronto we trust our subscr bers oar advertisers and the public gen rally trill be plaxm with the iniiroveaientkrppircrt in thi ivuc ttv reasons for this extra expend arcfew ess a recapitulation the firat years experience with the scott act in hal ton iu advocates expectatlona boftuied flcfore irother isiuc of the frzc pussa reaches our readers the scott act will contemporaries and in every tra to do food service for years to felt ihat haviui received ry qualified come we generous havo becu qoaahtxl the rcaon for thii be ing that at the tirte of conviction nj ixi- deuce wm civon that the canada temper aacc act wm iu force in the count iytgal proof of lb 1b fact having boon overlooked open hostility gainst provocation hu ceased and thii ii i genuine poind carried j llefore another imuc of the fate pksss several of the mit aukropuw violators reaches our reader the scott act will 0 tho act have iu a number of cow under- have completed its fiwl year of existence in j taken to pass off begat leaaes bj placing this county and a thorl review of iu woik- j the responsibility ok the doings in the bar upon itoruo othar person but the inttgiatrata hns alwayt held this action fraudulent the greatest drawback to the success of the act is the abusjg of the privilege grant ed to the physicians those in several towns in the coquty making a practice for a pmallconaderaliott of granting orders to drugsiiita for liquer to anyndjall who would mk for such irrespective o the uses to which the liqooc thus obtained waa put but we arc happy to be able to say that acton is froo from thin stumbling block the opponents of the hcott act say that it cannot- be enforced they afllrm that wherever this or any other prohibitory law k pasted more liquor botc w bo sold than under a liccusc system bui i it not thcc same men who are most industrious in violating the jawl it is our honest conviction that if the scott act wort more iucitxient it would be leas opposed by the limner dealers that the scott act is perfect ua wise pervou will presume to say uor is it to be exneclod refonnitions of this kind do not hiring at once into full maturity slavery was uot abolished ityz during that period will no doubt prove interesting to lh public during the year a pieat many poiuu have boon gained which tend to place the act in a much more favorable light than before it came iuto force one of the prin cipal arguments with uniiy agaiiiftthc act was the preat lota of revenue which would bo fu stained con sequent to the withdrawal the lic foes bat the past year h clearly demonstrated that the orst twelve months under the scott act has been luorc profitable financially than the year prcv- ious with the crook act iu force from the list mow it will be found that the amount received for fine and costs during the year i- ks3i5i while the whole amount received for licenses the previous year was oaly20tl57 in one particular the act his accomplish ed much in mot effectually breaking up the oeu tnjatiti system at least so far as the br i concerned by the removal of this auhih iheohldresyjf the ftjh press alluring system the great temptation to our wat ulterior to that cf ven m oiv of its support in tiie past our patrons ewrve an icknowiedxtinieut of that fupparx and we know that by placing the fmx ppxss in the front ruik of typographical excellence they vill cjntinue to stand by us alpiouh we have net yet reached the ideal present to our riqd we may be pardoned if we think ihc viidsnsl verdict vrul be thatithe irxi pru i- nv- ccr cf the nrettiejt countn iitd in the dominion and to perfect reut he future ca record young men in taking the first social glass it very much lessened as fur si biices is concerned tliemost of our mcrehanu are free to fay that there ii no failing o5 in their business on account of the enforcement cf the act while many of them cssarc us that wages which were preallv decreaw preiously spent in liquor now find their driukinv i xrv years expcricncc tkat sbal f mtmt li three times tb man bf wti before he begin uiing weill qealth rwiirir 1 prugglsti cburcbilli ollmax kya salvo and oisi tnntfomialn of health and hope ulu lating puli for tale bf j e ueqirwo acton and gcoeral itorw throu ghoul the country f why should a man whose blood is warm withia sit like hit crand lire out in alabaster or let m hair prow rusty leant and thin when ciogalese hcoewer will make it grow the faster for aale by j k mcgorin without years of j hard patient work the supporter of the act patient willing to that the scott act i way into the merchants tills for iheueccs- j silric tf 711e butinesa has not left the county ucju- of the bmuhmeat of whis key mis statement and filse report not withstanding the following is a list of the cyu vidian faithful mast be wtxkllcs pu it hil lv cur cirtaut endeavur 1 iu ihit in l very other drpsxl in ilie our cbjeci iu ill 1- t uut actonby piacir nstv f ntnt miter u cr reim r iij iijr p iii undtr tj- n tv ti within it b ne haa lii t- copied from buvhih ierv we ajjrje of th fzzr art ii cf mile r gr rcth l s bn uz v knjra ill re iurut ee ct ntn wr vrosh v- nch c izn we h4l hi to a ckhii dignity i t u cczzc wt- tlink iv iejriiv v though wl4 fiytnyihing iadrtcntly whicr lcitfui- to ly iniiridmil or part psx- 11 wiiijh to rube our rem thd circulttioti of the frix ilerc iccry rcisu to kiieve that or tsy other jper in the cju u everywhere rzojzzizfii a an tictpt ti coti advtrtihjg medium jjha adver tisement will b set wit abor and to wait bnt con be enforced so as to if not eutirely abolish evident from the first of its working in our countyanithe following uwtimony respect- j ing the act givtu b fourteen clergymen i residing in various part i of he comity who met in civtutiou tome time age should j certainly u- usfuctory orideucc that it is foj violation of the act made byitrav h- acompiining cjrisiderablo towards the young tolice madslrate for the county j cn dcirvd by uioic interested in ihejmh dturin tdio year just erpiriug vrccl i roil izilis wjvoz wo hervby ivv it ts our uuualined juagmvut derived from personal nlrtenatio that t li- scott act hrs largely decreflied the tale of strotg drinks as evidenced by tiie e ibrietv of the noplo at all the public are also a kw idea a toronto firm are pat- ting op a purely vegetable cathartic pui in en cent bczoi to saite the conreaieabe of persons desiring small quaatitvm oon- lequoatly hopes regulating pills are sell lag like hot cak rrery where shiloha gtrrh remedy amarvsioaseareftiroatarrb diphtheria canker mouth and head ache wllb eoeb bouu there is an ingenloaiiuil injeetor for the mureiaccessfat treatmantof theaeioom plaints without extra cbarfc price 66 sold brjeucoarvld calttrfa carboiie oersvu the fluest healing compound under the sua there is no sore but will succumb to iu wondefal h tiling properties it is an inralaable dressing for cuts burns bnrissi pimples scalds boils festerings etc price tweutyfive oents at j e megar nns drag store liis irr t vc hal but hiu 1 tud never we nay prove wc will mount of itilcoriic si no rc itv and it r thin h f due it rcgiro w lich the- beauty and tie lurinti of treat ni no itbc vail t fi detvrjntnt cf t generiy lu uovr anno2nkment- in t those of reliable men find it to thtir advantage to puruse them weekly the- bnire of tlie omc a in even department is teadih y increasing pleudid uev ir4tr prt- oiet fe montiu ago iy which 1 tj our otrice we have b3p enabled ch bettrr my ether may be uume- e rrr k a sre mdthat reader will tisfsc ne the fnn vez so i printed than formerly with the tmpsovt ments presented tuay and th our sstiut ende3var to trtke the aper firs eliiwi hi fc erj resjectwe have no i irs about j receiving the undivided ntppprl of all iiy thk section vvu hereliy tender our hearty ihnks r vubscriw nd advettisin patrons ayors in th pakt a 1 respect- tinuanc 01 thtif support editorial kotes 1 jaiiirf jicre cmjcted kay 2nd fined soo ota i0 imprisoned frir tvo months for rinnriyment 2 john alexin der convicted june oth fined s3j cr- hio- paid 3 henry sickupjp convicted jen zlh lined filo cos 512j0 ivid 1 hrnry mckll- convicted jimecch finti 530 cost sl0ro inid thifecond ci was triitei e r i rt rnnco 5 john doirty invd july lt fined sxj co 57j iv id c willlum vkvi cnvicti inly oih fined io cnit- i2i this r- -4- v fqnisi- ed en appeal t litmr- csmpbji convicted jcly lr- fined oocort 5 110 paid y kobert bennett convicted july 20th fined 5jo cri- 850 tiiin ca wp aa fiuaid on tptal 1 william nvalh trnnctcd july 31t fined sim crs 5710 tkconi oftsnce 10 david uewar cva icm oct icth finel vu oj itid- 11 ilvberx bennett convicted oct lth fined fm cortsffo paid- v tiioma- ckrk c nvicd oct 10th nnd 5t cota s ytu paid lj lich ad william cnvjcttrdojtt oh j s fined 5w cot sji prid cw- kjcb vacc iricid oct h fined vi coti o7u paid ijonn wswlcc ccviltw oc jvih fined iio cots 570 tid- te wan lo t rented c firt ofiemt pjohn ii bunch convictoi oct jti fijiedmm cots70 paid three charj cne withdrawn twj treated 11 first ifttnc 17 peter m zimmerman convicted snv 2nd fined cwtfpil5 lcid 1s icdvird iiul- convicted dw 2tli ivltrlfv crlisu ip hoikit bennett coivictei jan luli fined 5pj0 cou rpjjl sccond offence ii is apjid ko dicieion x given 0 thorns chirk comicttd jun lctin ncei f ko cots tltm paid hecjud onencl 21 john ii btntb convicted jan 10th fined 5100 cou hl95 paid second offence 22wiliiim convicted jen 22nd tiiird offence order for imprkomrent 23 michael williams rovicled frh 2nd fined jy cot- ikizii paid this vie l ejicond o5ece iul treated ca a first ji j henderson convicted ieb 2nd fiiitd soc csts s 1155 paid 2 dwd uewar conucted ftb 2nd i gatherings in the ccuuty we farther convincei tiiat drunkenness has vitlv d 1 ijwing princinallv to the i l r aluvt nlirc suimrsion of tiie treating i fytem wc trut tii- aci will prove as satiafac- c ni1 iilh much good in each fcf in that just eiptring business brevities seme fjcta about oar baaiaesa men and honocfl of bciiocis t oar jcfltical reader j j ryfet a yy t j ft fe s i li l wil i 1 cucup suit j ly 30llcll jl rut rti mid 1 1- ii 1 ti aaifc id 5c at 1 it joi 75 cents at 1 k iobljydurabieand f k the plac to go 1iicti and cnndiali vnt it the last end fvfc acton trcoats ut exiicmfly c in latet mjiea be them j fvfc acton ttw quiokect thine en kieord is krams fluid light nine for neuralgia headache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor the skin repair a bat on application to banish all pain magically vithoat using any greasy liniment or carv- iog your head in a poultice or wteva try a twutr6vo cut bottle from j k mo- garvin bruggiit answer this question 1 wby do so many people we see orotfd aa seem to prefer to tanrand be made ralier- able by indigestion constipation dltilnes loss of apiwtlte comins np of the fooi jfllowfekm when far 75 cts we will sell mem shtloha viuliier guaranteed to care ihem tiolibyj e uetiarvln j bobert monroe euginedrirer between kincardine and hamilton say- it was impoeaible for any pcrzoa to be a worw iub- ject of dyspepsia aid a greater sufferer than i wa i often had to lie duwu iu the ca boose and tctaallr thought i weald die before i reached my destination 1 par- ehajed a bottle al mcgregors spaed care raid it cured me free trial bottle at j k ucxiarttua drug store regular size fifty cents and one dollar t m i srrr eflml 1 all ptikju wishing to est the meriu of ii great remedy one tna1 will potittrely cure consumption coughs colds asthma broachitit or any affection of the throat i and luu trc lequcsvd to coll at j e- j ucgarviua drug slpre and get a trial 1 bottle of dr kites new discovers for oousumplon tkle or toi which will show you ivhat u rur dollariize boule j will be pttblic bch00l tba0bsr8 examinations the july examination of candidates for the year 1888 will be held as follow for first ciom grade c non-frofes- sionol at the normal school toronto on monday july 9th at 3 pm for intermediate third and second cloos nonprofeuional examinations at the model school milton and the oakville high school on tuesday july 3rd at 9 am the professional examination for firxt olaaa oertffioatee will begin after the con clusion of the nonprofessional kxamina- tion the examination for first class cer tificates grade a and b will begin after the conclusion of the professional examin ation forms of the notice to bo givou by each candidate con be obtained on application to any county inspector it is indispensable that candidates should notify the undersigned not later than uie tt of jane of their intention to present themselves for examination r little p s icohiuox acton 23rd april 1888 1 iviai k4 cunp wrrii- prict 2 no hdii jiiic xiiiio kmsfv ti i lcciltiia bitx purify cud uf herbs rootf bi la and tiuilv froaud and redv fur use ati jicr package diild t jould be considered com- ttlc of vic van bcitex nr ia j in the close 1 it is the ijy rein- l kin it will positively merman 1 promptly cere all forma 0 kidney sr1 by j f- mctjarvii k1t- avd scald heah people iiui di ii t liiii r kit to da f r lhfe ttcuiic- for s soccdy cure uac church ills i climav oijtmtat price 0 ccats mcfjadlaii hamilton of the yelling tou marhlc work guelpb out are doing 1 the rgt retail harue trade in oat ow oh whatacougli will you lied the waraiat tue sloal peruap ofiba pure nprroaeb of thai most lerrinje ulaease conqmptlon ak yoar- selres if you can aflord fortbeaateofsavtos 5ccute to run ifse riik and dn nolhliis for tt we know from eiperieoce ihaisoilobs cure will cure- yoeir confli ltnfverfus tbuexpblna why mare than a million bot tle were koui ib past year u relieves trtrtp aid wluoj dif couf b at once uo- chendonoibe witloiuu for lame back hide cr chest nns hh hobs porous plaster bold be je megsrvln krnms fluid lightning xeeds no adrertiaing when once intro duced every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by dolufc all and more than rep- resnted fnr xturalgia toothache head ache ect it remove any pain instantly quick ia susu try it and yoa will say it it well uained fluid lightaing get a twenty- fire cent battle at j u mcgarvins drugstore actou irit diiuruxi by f ti ivirliiirtiury buildine- h crt tr eint ttinstnutid c yii- t- hi- tbo order of ihsdsa are lm at tj blow up vitnta ithoriti couf g ssov- that ih- -r- uv timing foi ti only ivmjg irem chile chic training 23xo thr siniid hrllf for tli2 ice i tin- aiomr cmctiti will 1 flil rin timj 11 jm- ukia zihility of travdliiig inunstr go alot hir sajoons and noldf of j j tike piece- 1 stasjn 1- vherc chores lnd aaicnc ftctthmf rockwood news from vjr qizh uirrespondtnt the wheat wwn wintered best latest last when the kwsiow came we vi certain of wanner weather cioyct mis come through the winter well and was becoming quite green cold wind and frost came good np- r very well and fine warm wea would forward vegetation the foil wheat present a very pearanoe and oojy wjuires a btason to carry it through cue essfully toia aeafen hw net been fiv rabfe ar the masiuiaftare of maple sugajr a neenect uo m co tlrtttessg nu frt ic tlw grtund and during tbo nr 1 in u iictifjiagy gbt3g 01i4 in tfcib tfw ti fined i prid second of- t sm ifcucm trtittdts a first 20 john linday crjiictd jlfirch oth ikdf xt cls slogo paid 21 robert bennett convicted jlnrch oh fined cists sir paid hiird 23 arthur gring cotivietd jmsrch tl nned h cost- 51825 paid 2 duncan olinhrnt conicted rixrch cut fuil 50 costs s1s15 paid 0 jantc kidney oouricted llarch 21t snwl w cou 5hg0 ivid 9 lviuiain kidney convicted march 21s vocd 5 l cort 070 paid 32 pettr m zinamerman coaviced march fr2rid fined u00 costs 11 s- mtinly i on d offence payable it may i ixtiv co 70 volxi iljjch s peter ji zimmerman convicted i aujj pith cncd 50 cosio paid ntikhjativc wtxyr- i john lindsay convicted march olh fined 550 costs 51030 paid fail hi j lh reciariublu facj that instead of the conricted parti named above being keepers of low groceries and ehebeeas vrhich was- claimed would spring into ex istence all over the county as soon as the scott act came into force they are with a single exception men who were engaged in ibc more until the lug to the fict that they do the best work and ifil the cheapest the pablic are waru- ejiifiit dealing with second hand trade peidler bui thaald io direct to the bnn or by frau their amenta see that the name mcquillan k hamiltoa u oa the printed form before yoa sien cr order buibzbxirch this ii one of tae most jilfiyult sorts to care known to nedical acieicc one bos of church ills climax oititmtnt wdl cdr it vdx 2o cects c bar- a rjeojy and positive mre tor atarb diphtnf 1a canker mootfa and htad acbcic sallobrf catarrh remedy a nisa iiiiecior trct- with each bottle 1sclt i it yuu drlr iicaitk and sweet breath prlc isocciiii hidbyjk ilcgarvln i a stutor isttcak since its introduc lion there his been a steady stream of the fountain of health flowing it is this treat ett dyspepsia re nedr of the aee price 25 cents in the history 1 hs received euci for the allevhtacn it afforda and lie per- maiifnt cure it effectf in kidnty dia eases u dn vax butters kidkcy crnt j its ac- ticju id thtse dia ressiog complaints jis sim ply wonderful iiold by j e mccakhu xrw thii tbee is a reliable remedy fur kidney trou hies j half the terrors attached to ttifse canjplainta hare been removed for this let all be t lankfnl add to da vav buruks kidsz ccre award all praise for hiving thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease froii our path it was uever known to fail old by j k ilcganria a oard j to all who ar safferinr from thu errors and indificrelionis of youth uervoas weak- uesiieaily der loss of inaqbepd i d em1r1ule h018e8 to let hills tm 4 stove depot g00das8okt11ektox stoves cheap foe cash tinwaee of allktnds at bottom prices eaveltotigliing a specialty and put up os shortest notice f first class materlal okly used a call solicited j o hill mill st where do you buy your footwear in asking the above question vj simplydesireyintoaxamineclote- j three inaiu pomsrr i istlualitr material j j 2udslyle fit and work j 8renice slw or bill and when yoa aro satisfied with- conclaaions pay us a visit ami wewillgaaranteequulity of ma- j una style of fit and work i and au appreciable saving on yqnr order splendid stock of spring goods for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened it these are sufficient considers- 1 tions please call on kenney son main street acton ii spring opening i3 to the people of aotoh and f urroundint oov hti t we take much pleasure in announcing that oiir stock of general goods is very complete in every department and has been bought closer than ever and shall be sold closer than ever m t millijsery department we would announce that we have an extra choice selection of all goods that- pertain to this department in flower feathers and everything kept in a first class house and all at the very cloiett prices all goods trimmed iu the very latest style by experienied milliners all vrc ask is an inspection outmillinery opening will be on i saturday 14th april 1883 whea we hope to see all our old customere and many new one3 mantle goods department we have this reason bought a stock of black silks silkbrocad ss aud satins which we kuow are bought right and bhall be sold rigl t jtnree of thn conveniently arranged tcneuieut houaea of the acton bmldln aasociatich nuy be rented by applying to y h storey acton ucc 2it 18s2 president ruhrov8 ualri the audersigned has jast opened a dairy and is prepared to supply the people of acton aud vicinity with pare milk every morning sundays excepted commencing monday morning 9th april yoa r pa rename is respectfohy solicited any parties requiring extra milk on saturday evening for sunday can be supplied chas camkrok jr d d medicine no preparation cniversal catnicendauou i8solition of partnenblp x of ice is hereby given that tht partner ship heretofore existing between george tolton of acton and edward tolon of erin millers and farmers has been dissolv ed by mutual consent i george toltou is aothdrizsd to settle all debts end collect all accounts duejandby the said firm 1 george tolton edwakdtoton dated zt acton this 7th day of april iss3 flour feed store the andewifued has purchased the klodr and feed business zroin mr robert elliott and will carry on the business in the build ing formerly naed as a barber ship oppos- ite the old fsed store i will keep iu stock aud sell fur cish tae hotel badness under the crooks act the rains of last week started grgwib j dnringtbe year seventytiro charges her now were laid for violation of the scott act and 7 las ehowuabovethirtvfoarcomnctiou8hflve tca the police ifagiatrata ha a rec tbu dmv gi the defeudtth benefit of of tl prrieniefly vf dn any doubts ariangia the and kveral i covmd br a fwy io south america wcond and third cterg have been treated i sead lelfaddswaed eudope to tterit to a rrt otow and fin inpod ac j h staam u r crdingiy syhkfl ypxt tlw act aliens the j 3 s ethoral wntiu frum winoipej afflricting jarticfe j says i cio tuf more tbuot aot birnrn in thca cates ciifc pany wuvichd j now than when raaw you last iu toronto iaxs ti fwst c night font puifes j j io obey tea law in future butlho j my uotlth ti moon improved ul i im im however lave ixxa succossfalf i xyeciauj j raluo of those promises may bo calculated j from lieadacbes iir any otber aelics baring aiodg the ike ahwo ust yea was an j by peroiing the list givon abovo ouly med two i i 4 hai bottlw pf your ja- u i p ttfe ykr ogfy twt oiajvictitoa i fhbwiiiktiblc for lita b it dnjjt u 0ar0en sskot at 3 cents per packet one pkt each of the following in all i pkts valoe 90c seal by mail on receipt uf 50c carrot beet parsnip squash gar den peif sweet corn beana jfelw cu cumber tomato onion lettuce hadub spinach cabbage cauliflower celery how to get the collection tor 10 cents h you will get two others o order the collcctioo and send 1 adding 0c to pay poj age c i will thjow in iae col- leecion free for your trouble iddresb w j plater kaasagnwieya out dale8mex wajvtkb io liegjn work at ooee on ules fer fall 1ss3 for the foothill nurseries the largest in canada montis stoke t wel- unfitos proprietors wo can start in ad- dition to oar already lame force 100-iddi- tfonip cinviiberu and want men bp can give full tiine to ti business steady n- ploymtnt and good ftria h sjjiosaafnl oo it dots uot ejatta what yon rrv ious occupation has been ff you are willing to work yoor success is almost cttrtti a tbft beat of rufereitce reqatred xpp n- olrwiu photo if uossibleto stone k wplllnotoli norieiyukb tpvob o 6nt fjour boiler flour gran latd wheat cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas chicken feed oats peas barley eye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c c garden field and flower seeds fresh and stood for sale oheap your patronage respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of train l gy matthew dress goods department in this line we have some extra good value in check and plali 5uns veiling fcvhich are attracting great attention and a line i if colored cashmeres at 25 cents and a job- line at 12j aod 1 cen per yard everyone that wantaa cheap spring drt sa ahonia eee ot r black cashmere stock which ia now complete it i needle forts to mentiou anything about these gooda as every person who has ih n our blue black cashmeres at 60 cents knows that it beats anything ever shown at the price big stock ot priuts at lower prices than last seascn which we would like you to see in all over 200 pieee rom 6 ceuts per yard upward j gents furnishing department we have uow to hand and are showing an excellent stock of entii white and colored shirts aud also a fineatoek of felt and straw hate collars caffs braces ties in endless variety t staple department ve have this season a heavy stock of cottonades better vilw than shown before and also the famous dundab shirting whicr for quality cannot be beat and also very iull lines of factoryl holland towellings at very low prices see then ordered clothing department stock now lull aud choice this department will have the very best attention and all orders entrusted to us will have our best per son supervision all goods made right and made to fit in the latest fashions come aud be siited at once as the rush has already coinniemjed boot shoe department avc would like all parties who are wanting a good durable boot or shoe to call on us and we will be able to- show them goida iu this line at lowprices as we buy all our goods from the manufac turers direct saviutc the wholesale aud middlemens profit which we give our patrons the benefit of we give 5 per cent off to any person who buys o pairs and upwards we havaa few job lines which we are rushing off at an immense reduction grocery department we have a stock of groceries which are all fresh and cheapi see our bright sogar 13 lbs for 8100 and also another lot of that famous fifty cent tea jubt to hand better than ever 1 we shall this season pay the very highest market price for good fresh batter and eggs come aud leave us your money and produce aud we shall give you better value than ever fi i dr felix le brans grgh otjxier aruarsneucareforvoia uiseum bare pleasant and reliable no bad effects mmhtsut does not loltrere with bi-st- mssnrcllst twotiprhoiortlkfboin iarti- written soarantmiimncj bx evry j clnljr auihortted attbt to rerund th money r tbrvsbaswfblltoeiiri 8npaaureprpald j oeelsfjrt i mrtlrx tbbrun d co81 t 8s kinf i 8testtorpnlohoiproprierbt iaatitlaatu6ramiircaeunl corns one and all and seoure bargains iwreraember the old staaciat thb oaskw i uovm nelson rae

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