Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1883, p. 4

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i tum4 tnriuuut moir jock 41 188s our you kg fo lks my boyhood dats dear acton vben my boy hood layv thoae day so free ironi atril tbow hniiiyjhnipt btjjpy dii that cotue hut oucc in life those day ala 1 trow out my 1u viui memories food br passed j ami all the fop 01 y boybood kiuv all 1 hy could they no last the moonlit pood to dear to uic- when cold december blast had chunked us water lata lee that binkcd in mmdicr nu tbe merry prour along the ivuiks that echo bad our laugh while xuka arrow glide- along the sarfuce nuooth gits or vhen from tuminer scorching nm i sought the cooling thade vad villi some boon companion at top ot marble playil lxt others talk of iiiiiihoodv prime and ill uic joys it bring to tue those hstppy iwyhood day sach foud remembrance cling my mothers care my rittorv lore j my playmates food ind true the many rosy little nooks ia boyhood that i fcne ltk early frost on tcndcr the future cwr dark ah 1 it vain to ho tot icar to dvell ou joy from which mput how to promote peace in family i remember that your will is likely to be crossed fcry day so prepare for iti 2 remember everybody in the boose lias an evil nat4re as tell as yourself and there- lore you are uot to expect too much 3 remensber to learn the different tern- per and disposition of each individual remember to look on each member of the family as one for whom you should have a care 5 remember when any pood happens to any one to rejoice in it- g remember when inclined to give an angry answer to overcome evil with good 7 remember if from sickness pain or j infirmity yon feel irritable to keep a strict watch over yourself 8 reinember to observe when others arc suffering and to drop a word of kindness and syrnyathy raited to them 9- remember to watch the little oppor tunities of pleasing and to put little annoy ances oat of the way 10 remember to take a cheerfal view of everything even of the weather and encourage hope ii remember to speak kindly to the senants to praise them for littje things when yon can li remember in all little pleasures which imay occur to pat yoarsehhut lpmember to try for the soft answer thai torneth away wrath 1 lbleutmq ad jlaafclarf in tijese times when our cpjpcr an flooded with palest medicine adrertic- mcuis it is ktatiflng tn kuw what to procure that will certainly care yuu if you are biiioxis blood oat of order liver uisciivc nr geuemily debilitated there is nothing- in the world that will cure yen o quickly as llectric bitters taey are a blessing to all mankind and can be had for only fifty cents a battle of j e mc- garvin mr james j aoslow newcastle x b wriies ilra aoslow was troubled with lang diseae and until site look xorthrop lvma emulsion of cod liver oil and hjpopbosphites of lime and soda had little or no appetite but after taking a bottle or two she gained appetite and bad a relish for her food which was quite a- help- to her in keeping up against the disease as we are out of yoursyand cannot procure any here she is taking another emulsion but as we prefer your preparation to any in the market will yoa kindly ship me some at once and oblige ftfaar a wfah honor u dae hooor the came of dr scott putnam to- rentor of pctfavk- pais lew coos ei taactoa many less deserving teen have their names enrolled amonc those considered benefactors or iheir race why not his t ask tbote who have used fatoims painless coin extractor what ther think of it their thnkfcil hearts csnuofc sound his praise too high- safe sure and painless beware of cheap substituted sold every where by druggist etc x c- p0ls0x t co kingston proprietors an excellent krport hon jos i goodridge of brooklyn x 1- writes i cannot express myself la fufiicicutly praibeworthf terms of bmdock blood bitters which i have used for the past two years with great benefit exetlhi tiiuks ailnvtt the laodir going jlo olttoy otet brklpgi xtw dilottrrforon bumptlou tbclr tinlooked for rccotery by iho timely use ot this great life baying remedy causes ihcm to go nearly wild in iu praiae u u guaranteed to poaiuvoly cure severe coughs cclds aitlitua iuy fevnr broochitis iiorseqesi loss of voice or any affliction of lha throat and lungs trial bottles free at ucgaivlus drtg htore large um iq0 ioaaoity is in almost all cues uic out growth of a overwrought bralu dr k c vvrtli xervo and brain treatment remove tho cause aodiffoos sold at j e klcgarvina drug store aycra sarsaparilla- operales radically upon aod through the blood and is a sal reliable and absolute curo for the various diseases complaints aod disorders duo to debility or to any constitutional taiut or infection thomas myers bracebhdge writes dr thomas eclcclric oil u the best medicine i kii it always give entiefoo- uou and in cases of coughs cold 6ore throat ic immediatq relcf has been received by these who use it tfc vreattfct dcaua ompaaail is a preparation of carbolic acid vaseline and cerate called mcgregor 4 parkes car bolic cerate it will cure any sore cut burn or bruise when all other preparations fail call at j e mcg arv ias d rug s tore and get a package twcatyfivc cents u all it costs s aroid by all mains the use of cajomefcr bilious complaints ayers cathartic pills compoand entirely of vegetable ingredients bate bn tested for forty years and are acknowledged to be the best remedy ever dsviied foctorpidity of the lirer costive- neas sfd all dcrungemenu of th digestive apparatus shilohs catarrh remedy- a marvelloue cure for catarrh diphtheria canker mouth and headache with each bottle there ia an ingenious nasal lujcctor for the more successful treatment of these complaints without eira chs rge price 50 cents sodbyj e mofiarvin amos hudgin toronto writes i have t been a eafterer from dyspepsia for the past j six years all the remedies i tried proved useless until xorthrop lymans veg- etable discover and dysptic cure was j broaght under my notice i have used two bottles with the best nsults and can with j cocfidcncc rccainmcnl it to those zfliclcd in uke manner i g w mingay parkdale toroalo writes i my uafc hid several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of da artixs peosrnattne audita pleasantness to take i gave her two bottles and she has not hadan attack since and her health is mnch improved for sale by all druggist kramc hold llctttainf is tbe only icxantaocoai relief for xccrrl- gis headache toothache etc rnbbirga jt drops briikly is all that is ecrided xo uking nausoouf meiliciues for wtcks but oac uiicates application removes dl iu and will prove tlie crcat value v krxmv fluid ligliluiug twenty rive cciiu per liottlc at j e mcxarwns dreg suirc is xiw bt tberu ii a rejil3c itxjcly fr kidney troubles baif the terrors attachcl to thsc compiaints lure been rcmfived fr this let all be thankful and to dp van bcnrks kruscv ccee award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was uever known to fail sold by j e mcgarrin xo household should be cousldered com plete without a bottle of dr vax bracxs kidctccke is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively perman ently and promptly cure all forms of kidney disease sold by j e mcgarvin a card to all who arc aaffering from the errors and indiscretions of yoath nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood c i will send a rccape that will care yoa fiee qi enabgc this great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in south america send a self- addressed envlcpe to the rev joscnit isuas- ftffr varlcl mother i hotherti vokrrt are you disturbed si night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with luecxcruciulingpaiii of cutting teeth 1 if ea go al oucc and get a bottle of 5frs windows 6wthiog syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it tbere is uo mistake about it there is not a mother oa earth wbobas erer need it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the boweli and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child ope rating like magic it is perfecty safe l use in all cases and pleaiaut to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of tncdldeat and female physicians and nurses in the united btates sold everywhere ht 25 cents a bottle enormous reduction in at the right house this week kil glorea marked idow a from bic to j5c ilic ii art nnra wiiu nn aat quantity of fanoy arlloloa not wovon comprinlng a stoolc of about 200 id beautiful and tho value excellent tlio great nolc of olorw ia hill doing lirely tlnioa do uot forgot lo oxamiirc tlic ladies ucntt nod children a large nitantlty ol flowera worth from 10 to 80c tux lolhorok tf dtfrrwothea orth from 20 to 14c are wuced to 10c ladlw and mia hau worth me are ahii oj at only hie hata art offering at a neat reduction nice 8uh kl6bwrirtlleg eff at only 80c wldownld klbbom icilinc for loc lo jaiicy jl bom regnnioftaionly8c a lot ol colored aud black satlua worth 1 are markid down to 80c kid glorea marked rdowa from 8 ic to j5c hie t art hllcl irltu nn enortnous atoek of sow and fashionable gooda including almost every kind that la woven sod a raat 000 which i belling off at cxceodtnglv low price juat see theparaaol thrjatylei arauew and t on at only half their real value tho onormoni aale of drcu gooda at about half price it making lively tlnioa do uot forgu underclothing and neckwear of all klnda tho value la bood the qualities eioetlont and the makea and kyle utnurpaued be sure lo tee the immense slock of prlnu at all nriocs from 5 to 20c lou ot irinla at 7c fully u good u last seasons 81 tfie 10c prlau compare well with tlioae sold last winter m 12jc and m on for- tic higher prices tho dress goods have an astonishing sale the designs an new and beautiful the ojielities good and the prices low bo sure u examine the new liroc iejrensdinea and othor dress goods of ughl texture just suitable for tbe warm weather cemlng on this month the white and colored 81rirtln have an immense to o tuty ate snch good value just see the 8e yard wide line wbftn bhirtlngs also the 10e lsjc and better qualities in tat medium and heavy raskes rircy ru very cheap tlie grey crtoij havo been greatly reduced also in price lately examine the oc grey cotton it surprises people tbe higher priced cottoni are equally good valnc grcl run ou the carpets floor oilcloths mattings mata ruga carpel sweepers o tbe styles qualities aud prlotstill give good atisfactior u caxorocrh tl there la a the storea are on king street east closo to hugbaon street hmilton7jone 111111833 rhc name on tho sign is thomas c watkins hamilton where do kou buy your footwear in asking tho nbore question we simply desire you to examineclose- lytdkii main poiuts is-4itali- material sudsiylc fit and work rc irlcc sire of bill and when you are satisfied with conclusions pay us a visit and wewill goarantccquality of ma terial stylo of fit and work aud an appreciable saving ou your order splendid stock of spring goods for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened if these are sufficient considera- tionsplease call on kenney son main street acton speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin ou the shortest notiee aud at lowest terms efau calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire avc arc in a irositioatoastisfactarih ill orders for wageon carriage ac of every description in reasonable lime good workmanship ond firstclaas material always need we have also a 5plcudld lot or fermterc bfllh common and extra quality chcan tjtif yoa will pay us ca8h wc will sell yoa anything in oar line cheap j a 3pei0ht manager 930000 bevrarm for s any testimonials recommending ifcgrerors speedy care for dyspepsia indigestion costiveoess headache ect that are not genuine none of which are from penons ia the states or thousands of miles away bat from persons in and around hamilton unt we gare trial bottles free of cost so that yoa cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless article bat know its value before baying trial bottles and testimonials given free at j e mcgarvins drug store 48 hollatcai ointment aruf i7 congbs influenza the soothing properties of these medicaments renderthem well worthy of trial in all diseases of the longs in comnion colds and indaeoxa the pills taken internally and the ointment rubbed extern ally are exceedingly efficacious influenza is epidemic this treatment is easiest safest and sorest holomtya pills and ointment purify the blood reteove all obotraetiona to its free circulation through the longs relieve the overgorged air inbes and reoder rapiration free without reducing the strength irritating the penes or depress ing the spirits such are the ready means of saving suffering when afflicted with celda coughs bronchitis and other com- plaints 6y which so many are seriously and permanently afflicted fa most countries all the news for a cent the toronto daily world 77c ury biiftad hruij rr 7t canada tmwedjllassa yeah twestyflvkcesti a mtisth ose cext a cop v ezlcss tliaii llrlt tbe cost of any other 5icniia paper yon can mitc rraicv by cinvisrn for tht world aici id cpvrticrs wanted everywhere seid irostard flr terms and saitpli oiit frrr willilii puistikticd nn is kiuc street jt torontn its- come and see the fine display of spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this eee wise people are iuvhjk in ihc tton for clisnces la in- crae tbclr earuiiick and in lime ucqineiirciaiuj lliwf triiorioooi imtrot e lljlr oportunlliek r main ltovn we waul many lorn maniwtti iitjirisia work for ns tjrtii iu thclrown lovufjex ny one can tia tlic trorft propcrl irom le first kuru tbe bull ne trill rj more iukd tsq tljm t onlinr vnrv srcnrtveoqnijarriihefrce q one woenfaxcsfaj is lo make money ropid- ty vou caii itvotc jtiar whole lime to th work or oniv roar stpare moraentf fall infrraauun aid nil uiai i ncede cnt rc adircfirikkoktcai jfainc 500 reward ft t will ay hie atjoyc reward for any cac j ofllvercompjilm uytpepsia sicfc head- eltgant tweed 8ulu from 1100 td 1500 also a large range of serges and worsteds iuiufictmxl in the latest styles and on the shortest notice the hicsi stvi iu hiti ia4 scft pelt etti ialhelmota now t luod j fyfe o more lon sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather cue indie coariiraucr or cosuvc p not wait for sunshine but come right along ng we cannot car wltu weils vegetable liver fills wuen ttie dlrecuonsare itrielly eotnpded with tuey ar care ly vegetable and never fall to rlveiausfactlon 8atar coated large boxes cooulalnr so pill 25 eenu forwle by all lint gin bmroflq ii- n cfmiiiuffelu tnd mltjiionit the etnolne ociilllg tq raamifaeuirel only by johx c wept co tde a f3 klngkt enmto- j rontoont- free trial ptdcttge tent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stmp a good line of frames and mouldings on hand c w hill kqh mi kfoneys liver urinary organs tde best blood pi k1f1ek tbere l only one wnytrirbicbnjiham6 cao be cared and that ih br removing tlio 3aore- wtjatverlt ifaay frc niffreitiu6div cal aaiikrlurs of ui day declare umt nearly every- dlficain fsoftnrfet by deranged kldaeyt or lirer to real ore thesuieretbrq is lna ouly way by which health can bftstearedj here is wbere wabws avcavm hti acbiavcdlti great reputation itacu dlreou ly npon the tldoeyflddltvirbiitr plating tbem in a healthy condition drives disease and pain from the mskm for all kidney liver and urinary uodblcs for the distress inj dlsordeis of woman for malaria and physical trouble generally this greuum edy lits nooqoal rteware of impostors imr itatlons and concoctions raid to bo just as ood for lmabexei ask for wahkies bafe dia- betes cue for sale by all dealer torostxbtxoebwtreirt lonatntng manhoo- i i uoty lost uow bestortl j wc barf reeeutlypfibllshedanew isfilft- edition cror clterwirs cele- ilijki brated vmot 00 radical and a- permanent enre without medi cine ornerroudbi1iy slenttlantf phytic tttfncapacitytnipediinonuof lorrtgeeie r e su i u n r from e xceas e jgrrlceln aeaied envelope only 6 ortwo poxlrgc swmps tnecolebralcd mtlior n this admirabji esay clearly demoortnuei frrm thirty years eaccesatalprpellof llialalarmlnioon- seqaence may be tadieally cared wllboat tbe dangerous hm of intern medicfneior tho use- olluc knife pointing oat a mod of enre at once m m pie certaln and cffectnalby means of whloh every saileror no matter what his condition may oetmy care hlmsell cheapty privately and rodlcaliy- this leelare shouldbe u the hands ol ereryyoath and every man in the land address the calverwell medical co 41 81 kew trk poatofflce box u who 18 unaoquaunteo with thi oeocraphy of this country hi by txamlnimo this map that the will 1c00 forfeit hatlnglhentmostconfldcdcein its super iority over all others and eft thousands of tests of the mewl complicated and severest caseswe coo id and we feel jos tilled in oflet- ing to torfell one thonsand dollars for any ease of cougf olda son throat influenta hoarsenea b cousnmpuon in its early stage whooplnc coagh and all dis eases of tho throat and fangs except asthmn orwhleb weonly claim relief that we cant care with wests coasrh hymp when taken according to directions hamrle bodies s6 lmlsoceois large bottles one dollar genolne wrappers only in blue sold by audrosxtst or sent by express on receipt ofpric joan v west a col 83 king t eau toronto orrt vjaranter catarrh curl nooureinopat a local sad constitadoul tiwtncst two putioct msmlktoo ooe kctioc oa ilw kul psufct html threat ml lttflgii the otha on the liver kidneys tnd blood instantaneous ecohomicatsare rawcal tbeatkent sotd by all druggists price 70 oti if bos fjrad nlislactory lit price nrid will be rduixud sotnc chronic or obsti mte cattses- toa lundina may require h from three to ti pacxagu to effect a pernsocnt cure llfwih m0ntrewtr0yny chicago rock island pacific ry mnc tn oraat oentral unt affordst to tnmun b rasuson of it unrivaled goo- rphlel position th ahortutand bast rout tiaiwmn th last northeast and outhaet and th wean horttmw and outhwsst it i ircermlr and srtnott tru that it oonnaotlon are all of the prlnolpal line of road batman trta atjantlo and th fnoifto bf its main fln andamnohaa itraaohea ohloato joltet peoria ottavra la tall 0rms molln and hook island in illinois davenport muscatine wswhlnswn ksnkuk knoavlll osikaioosa fnlrfleld da molna west llbortr iowa oltj atfantte avooa audubon hartan outhrta osnttr and oounoll bluff m low qallatln trenton oanwon and kantaa otty in missouri and leaven worth and atohlsnn in kansas and th hundred of oltlea vlllan and town intermedial th crt rock island route as it la famlllarr oalm offer to trarntars an th advantas and oomforts lwmnt to a moots traok tbridasla union dpot at alt5onnoti issje trsjnemoo0ippoiou wu vintilatid well hiatep fihllr upholsmnio and svtmaiat oay ooaohm im n of tho mobt mapjlwoptt mohtom stbculbllskifi gftrs otct tvum raumhs latan dawnmakt and handaoroaat palaotf alsuipinq oasm ana oininq oars th row rat of bsvbnttfivsi ointb iaoh isrhltm- b and th missouri river 2l ohloaoo and minneapolis and st paul via th fasnou albert lea route mtimfo bjfwpqit jem ltiontnofia aiiolnnatl likuanapoua and la pavtt and iikflitwiillssi ta fwrttt wat1olatsatflprkjlbalttoaomoatot rncaaui j tat a butcher shqp r holmes- scum respectfully inform tbe peeple of acton aiui vicinity that be his purchased tlc luismtm and prrpcrtyof mr v c iinmn u- i picpnrcd to siilmiv rl lfi firstclass meat of rll kinds and poiun game in season flat meit i at rny time lelivercd to an part of town fir havina practical eipencnce in th linichcrir2 jufiiics i feel confident that i can it all a call kindly solicited r h0lme8 ears me million foo chcob balsam of sliarki oil rosltirety fwtom the nearlathf and is be onlr abolatr core for deafairaajlbawm this on is abstracted from pecnlursdecles of nim white shark canrfil in the yellow seaknowji as cabciiakoimx bosdiiern every cliincse cstierman knows l lu tlr lacs in i reoratirc of hearing were discover ed by a liaddbliii rrlest noont llo year 1410 h ctof were so nnji proas and kayr so reeminglv mrbattlofs that the remedy wa nfflclailyproctaimed over the entire em- pirp iin ne brcnm so nnirersal that lor over v veai 0 dafsssd uaji exist cd t jrnn th ciixkt ieoplk bent charcet reitli an- a jrcss at co per bottle hcr vniat the soifsay it has rciivrmh n miracle in my case i hare no unearthly noises in ray hendand hear mueli beltcr 1 have been creatly beneiltled ily dcifntfsslsflpcdacrealdeal think an- oltier hot he will cere mc my iicaringis macn oenefltted i hi ve rc ived unlotd beneflt it is girlt ood63tlfctlon kuve befn ercaiiy bcieqtted and am re- jofcci ida i 5it tbe notice of ii it virtu sara rxquesri sable and its clltativgrilauacteu as tub wttsli cak peksoxallv tfstitv both from kxpbbi- rycz axn obscr vattojc write at one to ray lock a jexxky 7 ueyhtr eetnev york cuelosing 1w and you will hear uke any- tody else and whose earall r rfjectrwulhe permannf you will nrver regrel dolnjtsa editor ofmercaxtileriankh to nvnjd o in the ilails please send money by registered letteb hiy i m juried ty u iylock it jesxet sorr agent- f i amertca 7 dey 8 kt a boon to mim ah tm trtu tm iadbcwawi itobi w rtlll 1 taa bsaittcd lov tptrlhai pjljjksaot ttratasaal osl mui at pm life dmxkt mpatj en u rmitfj tm sstmb tmur ami vllboot aaosaueb ssmthdasaw fl iwill smsaaaaasva tfttn mawmrmkwm fc twgcwts a deaton eterywfcerr vmonnt required to nr ttrollowh r oxk to six bottlis will purify thelikgidj cradicatinp all immonrs from ihe contradn pimple blotch or boil to tbe mat malig nant form of scrofulons nicer okfjo su bottles by cleadsidg tt blood will pnrify tbe complexioo from sailowoeas smooth out the wnnkles resalw- tog from imperfect nourishment of the body sweeten foal breath and rseootate tbe entire system osb to two bottles will cure ordiaarj constipation or costitnesa thereby rempriog uhaiwhe piles boioosocrs and- janndioe and all diaeanea retailing from torpid lirer oxe to six bottles by cletaring h blood improving tbe general health and fortifyina thcjyalem again it taiini fresh colds will in an cases reliere and ia ami cajes core that common loatlesome and dangerous disease catakfin ose to tnkkb liottlb willrejolale all deratigementa of thekmneys enjingnrinary difficoltie prostration gravel diabetca etc chckto fouk bottlxh will reuyigcnmie the entire systirra nervoiu and gen- eral debility female weakness and all iti attendant miserie kautrpciwmbtthx jfstlcsn ni r i aaasrvd fetrulft nwknitm la maafcol swl bkutc knly r codtnlulioa free autsrox itxtm ckx ts ymm 8c t c ashsaa vcck made ai home qy the f jfudstriogs best builoeas now ll i jr b lije public capital not i ipcdtj nyeffhutattyoa en women bo s nnd girls wanted everywhere to work for now is the time you can wtirk in spare ume or give your waolea irtion to tb hasinoss ko other bnitnes will pay yoi nearly as well ko ooecatn fall tn msk- pcormiq piy by engaging at ouce coslf oatat nrd urmstree monermade fstaliy au i noiorably addreta taca a coau5a maine en ic- ou j tnv t jar crarx-afisrsli- trial whiiao nf w on fraeted your money swi ba rttuniti p tjo bom fay wagyards yellow oil cures rheumatism freehajts worm powders anrdeaaattttotka coatain thair on purgttira is a aafe rare and ejttectaml destrvfer 0i wmrm ia chfldreaor adalta i rswthjewecot dr smiths gerxlas worm rtiledv lu been t bf thonsaai of pfitoat vbo noivcrtiot codene dot daaaforis as a tlauam safe sestr and prompt la tx the rasosal of stosnaezi aod satorpiaworbufrondbiu oradalt it baaaj tataaancnrtaib afaaolatelr aanalni aad tcq 0 antrbi rsrxrand snr to and troy nytj price 25ctb ate r olo evihywhere fffman worm rtk for dr felix le brans otjrb a cnanuiteed care lor vonottal niaeiv safe pleasant and reliable no badeifii from its use does not interfere wlthk nesa or diet price 1 per bna or three b lors- written oaranteea laroed hretbi dnl anthorlied aeui to retunu th monl three bona fall lo enrs sent posture prepaid onreoelpeofnriee crfel15lebrcn4co81 a w klm 8u east toronto bole proprietors te moarvln anthorlaetiazentfor acton ontario- m lx is 35 i 4 pills ointment 77s- lscompanlblk medicine has ritritl for tiew o imperishable famt 0roij1fia th world for the alleviation ami cure of moi dleatfji tc ceh humanity u httr ithe pills wotrrtmniomh chioaqo qn iltsit 1 paaar ac purify rcrulate and improve tie qnality of the blood they assist uic digestite orjans cleanse the stomach aud uowk1s increase uic secreton- powers of the liter brace tire nervous system and throw iulo ihe circalaiiou tbe purest elements for su5tajaick and repairing the frame thousands of persons havo testified that hy their use alone the7 have been restored lo heahh and strength after every other means had proved unsuccessful ithe ointment will cure or reuevsi biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy wdibestion fluttbuma jaundiee of the heart erysipela8 acidity of salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skhi ad avery ipeeln vt dlaaaa ahalaaj rfrl disordered liver kidmey8 btosmrk bowels oft blood r tmllb08ria ravci specific hcdicik1v theqrtngllirh 7tetbif annirflllus-utefmnilaaj- weakoesa hpertasttoxttt impoteney and all jjiiitwrt that lollow aa a seqotnoe oi self a boa lex or hen itudjteraal lawlludejala in the back dim nesa oi w lontremtor old are a bonn tikis mani other diseases that lead loinsanllyoroonsnjsil ii patlcolars in vhieb we de- 1u be ouud invalmblo in every household in the cure of open sores hard tumors sat legs ou wowidsqouelu colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout rbeumatim scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured ooly at professor holla- ways establishment 03 oxfokd street london and sold at la lid 2s od 45 gd 22s and 33s each box and pot aod in canada nt 3g cents 00 cent and si 30 and the larger sites in proportion sbliaction i have no agent in the united stales uor are my medicines sold there purchasers should thcreforo look to tho label ou tho tots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they arc spurious tho trade mark of my said medicine is registered at ottawa and also at wash- inntrin ied thoma8 ioiawsway 533 olford street- london lion jotfnll our pamphlet aire to send free by mail 4o syeryoae as the speelde hedlelna lasold bj all drar- alsu atswoper rackaxeox six paokaxe for 3 or will be aeni free by moll on re ceipt or tlie monea- by ad- dresalng v th 8r7 utdieiat oo aft a toronlooatfjaiiaslavr- 8old by j e mcoarvln urorilst ae1a j 1 dat kavastann amjj vr a luraueea speeino mr ttf dualness convnlstonakiui harvona ila ueadncbe ncrvoua proslrauoo c by the nn of alcohol or tobeebrs peaalon 8oitenl brain rtmluniln lnsanlly and lead miserydecayandiletbpremaiareroi barrennesa los ri power in either sj yolnnlarylaasmaudbpermatorrcra by overexertion of lbs brain scuv orerlndnlstnoo one box will son a eaaea each bnx ran loins one menu4 snent one dollar a box or six boxsx dollar south jnalloorecetrtofp siaranleeklx boxes lo cur any cas eaeh order reeelved by a forwil eomnanied with flvedolura wewlbs porehawr carriitw pursotle sf lb money iflhe ircatneot dpesne enre oaarantealssajedtnty by l oaavia sole aulborlitd aent j ont johbawavoorbami tdrontooat vj vfefc 1

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