Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1883, p. 2

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u a chlldi talk to this cud ill socalled learning will be more or 1cm illustrated and will elnvo to reach a liiu place la uic confidence and he o the people in a ew weeks- our flrst number will appear ipd we shall fondh hope for it a heart welcome tlic tacts above narrated are indeed most important it it ptalifviii to know uiat the lite long experience o a gentleman who stands without a peer in succeaslullj demonstrating the pnuciplea of h gienc whose heart has alwars been in svnipatlijr with tho afflicted and whose brain has ever been active in planning for their relief are to he riven to the public through tire paw age of a magazine vnd it is wpcaalh significant and proof positive of rare merit that a proprietary medicine even with such high standing as warner s safe cure is known to have should be endorsed and recommended b a ruan so able so repuf able and of snch national renown as dr dio lewis gcum4rterm thctmhv tfottidc jrl 28 iss3 notes and comments high priced liquor licenses are beconling the rule out west on 1st julv ueit the new high licence law will be put m ioree in illinois the license fee for selling beer has been fixed at lo0 per annum and for selno spinu and wine at fooo esquesing court of revision stewarttown istli june 18x3 the court of reus on resumed its sit tings all the members present mr lindsav in the chair the clerk read the proceeding of the last sitting wkidi were confirmed the court then proceeded to examine the aessmeit roll for the correc tiou of palpable errors and at the instance of the assessor made the following changes and correction as follows that is to sav o 10 on roll to be struck off being also entered as ivo 3fc 15 on roll to be struck off being also entered as ko 273 1g that 1 10 of an acre be inserted m column 10 50 that 1 10 of an acree inserted in column 10 53 that 1 10 acre inserted in col 10 ci 1 10 do do w 1 10- do do 70 1 10 do do 71 age 2c and s fc ko 1 and statistics be inserted 7 ae 26 be inserted and bracket with ko 71 s3 age 30 be inserted u age 12 be inserted 97 one acre be in m proper col 101 bracket the name geo joioe as i and o 101 10 insert age 30 icft insert jicleanwilhauiinstead of if ccuun wilhan and bracket with alexander patterson as f 109 jus quean p 0 112 insert mclean hugh instead of mcclean hugh and bracket with h p lawson as f ko 112 esques ingp o 113 insert mclaren donald instead of mcclaren donald 111 insert 1 10 of an acre 117 john mcgibban insert in col 16 1500 111 rw is 159 171 173 171 171 insert 1 10 of an acre insert 1 10 of an acre in col 10 insert 1 10 insert 110 insert insert 1 5 insert 1 5 insert 1 t and aged 35 cars do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 insert age 30 years 1k5 insert i 5 of an acre rncollo 1 l insert age 30 rears 11c insert 15 do do 201 nsert age 10 i ears 211 insert alonzo thornton as f of 8 p g con 7 25 acres and bracket with william bngdon 216 insert fitzsimmons patrick in stead of fitzsimmons patnc 217 uisert burger cnarles g in stead of burger william charles 225 insert i of an acre in 3bl 10 232 insert t instead of f op posite ef 5 con 11 150 acres and add name of mrs annie earlj as f and bracket 231 insert buchanan instead of buchanon 250 insert glendmnmg instead of clendmmng and age 37 years 251 insert agv 00 years 2o9 strike off name opposite 259 and bracket with ko j 202 insert age 21 years 264coluinn 9 insert el of w instead ofy 26 1 insert t instead of f 2i 1 insert t instead of f 269 2 uisert james early and f in column l 270 5 insert 35 271 5 insert 33 281 s uisert 26 282 5 uisert 22 283 5 uisert 21 290 5 uisert 33 and statistics 295 2 insert hambly instead of hamby 305 5 insert 10 and 25 s b 317 1 uisert f instead of t op- posite 13 5 acres 319 10 insert 1 5 1 319 5 insert 20 336 1 insert t instead of f op posite pt 10 con 1 350 2 insert creary estate and column 1 insert f 360 5 insert 3 301 5 insert x 362 5 insert 29 409 2 msert mcxally instead ofmckellj 128 5 uisert 30 129 5 insert 32 ill 13 uisert 5300 instead of 5800 192 10 insert 1 10 ij3 5 uisert 22 im 5 insert 25 600 5 insert 35 501 2 inaert nixon mstead of nickson 511 2 uisert bullivant instead of bulivent and 5 insert 31 621 6 insert 53 432 4 insert f 637 6 insert 23 588 column 1 insert isaac 8 insert mason 1 insert t 5 insert 30 510 2 insert ballcntino instead o ballentin 5 insert 36 611 5 insert 27 518 5 insert 23 553 5 insert 82 and bracket with 552 557 5 insert 18 661 insert 6 in column for 6 8 569 2 insert ha oa instead of hojea 571 s insert tanner and col umu5 85 71 2 insert jonah instead of of jonas and 9 mserttli wofwj17 instead of ej 27 m0 1 insert t instead of f goo for school bectiou insert 8 612 5 insert 37 instead of 80 611 5 insert so instead of 87 g2g 5 insert g7 627 1 insert f instead of t g17 lot school scctiou insert g 63g 5 insert 21 c37 5 msert 21 g38 5 insert 5 6571 1 msert t in lines above i 65 below the marginal lines gg6 10 insert 1 10 6451 26 msert 21st march 6twi 69g s msert 7 70g 5 insert 23 772 j i3 strike out the name of occupation on the line between no s 772 and 773 770 5 insert 53 7m5 this assessment on being repeated at no 1315 7i column 2 insert hampshire mstead of hampshcr 803 1 01 k05 1 sb 1 eu 812 1 820 821 1 k2s 833 803 insert acton p 0 msert acton po msert actou p o insert acton p o insert 21 insert 55 insert acton p o insert kctou p 0 insert acton p 0 insert acton p o insert farmer from 803 warren that tho court do now rite n lrxinir chairman coiscii xnruiii j tho council mat the bmvo in tho chair mr warren moved seconded by mr graham that the troaeorer pay james gibbous 1 65 for plank and work in repair ing two culverts on tho 2nd lino lot 21 also 3 to james dobbie on the order of john nickoll pathinastor for opening drain on the ith line lot 21 moved by mr warren seconded by mr williams that tho treasurer bo authorised to pa tho undermentioned parties the lol lowing sums allotn appolbo cross road 17 4 18 8th con v 50 herald oik printing p m lists and adi court of revision m 50 actov fnu pntm printing 100 copies by law 851 2 50 g wilkinson 4 co 0 steel drag scrapors 157 00 s h mckittnck 1 metal scraper 15 75 railwa freight on aboc 2 55 james harrison shovelling snow 2 50 hart a co assessment rolls voters hsu 4c 22 60 f ruddcll shovelluigsuow 162 c p preston for planks 0 70 e kuon serving notices court oi revision tl 50 carried moved b mr wdhams aecoudedbv mr graham that the sum of 815 bo granted for repair of road a hill lot 22 10th line and that john leslie esq be appointed com r to expeud tho same also that 820 be granted for gravelling and improving the 2nd hue lot 22 to be expended under the supervision of benjamin kinnairda james gibbons carried moved bi mr graham seconded bv mr william hut be paid to chas david 6on being 5 v aluc of one sheep killed bv dogs alsohtowm lvud for two lambs killed bv dogs the oivners thereof being un known carried moved bv mr arrcu seconded b mr iliiams that the treasurer be authorized to pa the assessor mr c p preston 8150 the ajaotmt of his slrv carried the coancil thea adjourned until mon dav 13th auiut ayers pills a largt proportion o th diseases akicb oaom lioman luffarlng result iron derui incut of ins rtomaah borob and flrer av ras catbastio pill aet directly nivu these organs and ara especially deslgmd lo euro the diseases caused by their dcrsnfo niout lucludhig cousupetlon lnulrs uon dyspepsia headache drsrnurr and a bust oi uilicr ailments lor nil u vliieh uior ara n sao sure run 1 1 ftnd ploasant roined ttto cxtciiiln u e 1 1 tlic fills by oniluunt pliysleimislii regulurimc- uce ibos uiitneitakalil llic sliliinlluu in wlilcli uicy are bold by tho medical irutt- tou t tbcse pills srs eompounded nf rrsculila uuunce oi ij mid arc fthsalutclr free fruia oajouicl or any oilier injurious lugndlciil a surterer from ueoilache writes i avi lis pllu ars liitalunble loin mil are my canalanl conipaiiluu 1 lime lcn a mtcre sulforer from icsdacb and t ur iills sra be only lliif ff 1 c uid luck lu lor relief uuo dose will quickly iiiotc my bowels and ln my bead from n tbry are lie most acfoclits ami uie enslw 1 1 buio f i luiro crcr found 1 1 is a pleasure 1 1 mi lo levlc in uielr nrnise and alvsjs do to tb n occnjlon oifen vv i- pa r of v i pssc i ilro fmiikun bt klchmoudv s june 3 ll i bvro used aiers pills in number less instances si recommended by yon and bare never knovn them lo fall lo recompllsh uie desired result c eoiiftantly keep he to 821 inclusive 827 for school section insert 8 832 for dogs uisert 1 81o 2 a3 strike out name and oc i between no s 815 i 81c 871 l insert ptsi7 28 col 10 insert 53 mstead of 5 col s is a 17 insert 8795 instead of 850 and strike out assessment of w pt 27 con 2 2i acres value 8200 8s2 2 insert vailuamson mstead of william 885 2 strike oat name 891 20 insert 20th april 016 8 msert 2 917 8 insert 2 922 for school section insert 12 930 for school section msert 12 opposite tei c 26 msert 27th march 9 2 inesrt board instead of beard 3 for school section msert 11 67 for school section msert 11 column 8 uisert 1 a n e pt 21 go acres value 81300 column 26 13th april omitted- 188 strike out name and asse bang assessed twice 1026 column 2 struck off 1029 1018 h03j 10g7 kipper hgi 117l of l- a 1172 1 msert f 2 insert hoare mstead of 2 insert kippen instead of 1 insert f 2 insert mrs l a mstead 2 insert slortlll instead of shorthill 110 this assessment to be struck off and entered on non resident list 1222 column 5 uisert 31 1231 1 strike out t col for s s insert 12 13 a 17 msert 8120 1232 forschoolsectionsmsrtl2 and columns 11 a 17 insert 8570 1233 1231 binni 1238 1239 ih3 1268 1291 1303 8 msert 1 2 insert binnie instead of ll 2 a 1 to be struck out i insert f 1 a 2 to be struck out 1 insert f 1 insertt 2 insert john a man in stead of belbory l30o 1 insert f 1310 1 uisert f 1376 2 msert william hardaker as joint tenant 1322 2 msert mrs jane mstead of james 1316 1a2 to be struck off 1329 1a2 to be struck off insert f in column 1 1151 1 insert f 1357 4 msert f 1389 2 insert mccarquodale m stead of mccorkmdale 1391 2 a 3 to be struck off 1114 1 a 2 to be struck off 11ig 1 insert f mstead of t 1123 2 msert price 1426 2 msert price 1127 2 uisert price 1410 8 insert 4 1149 8 insert 4 insert m column no i 1481 thomas wiley lomehouse t john lambert find bracket insert william dobbie acton p 0 t john miller f pages 10 25 38 of assessment roll to be struck off ji95 column 2 struck off david somor ville inserted mstead 696 column 2 struck off alexander pat- tenon inserted instead and 75 inserted in column 5 mstead of 27 john mcgill to be inserted as tenant of pt 81 con 8 of an acre value 8200 248 219 250 column 1 instead of t in sertf insert wm kennedy as t and baacket with 955 2 persons between 21 4 60 years moved by mr warren seconded by mr graham that the foregoing alterations and corrections of palpable errors in the assess ment roll of this township for the year 1883 be confirmed gained moved by mr warren seconded by mr williams that the assessment rail it now revised and corrected be finally pawed by thu court and the chairman is hereby authorized to initial all the change and corrections made thereotu carried ur graham moved seconded by mr thl cradle prjikyiu- iii acton on the 2jui inst the wife of mr thomas perrvmau jr of a daughter tme ck1tc mctinsn in kassagaweva on the 21st inst keii mctavish aged 22 ears and 9 months gotio lit hsquesmg on the 22nd inst anne relict o the late john gordon esq aged 02 vears leb uia at the residence of mr john lsstcrbrook kassagaweya on the 13th inst up cailianuc lebarr aged 5 vears the markets actcv jrvnla f or ir iw 11 ii ji to s co fiil uteil per bcjiel i 0 to 1 02 slttuj wtioot kt luiicl i 02 lo i 01 oat- r ijcilki 42 lo is pcs- xt bcdlicl gj lo is bar cv per lasiic i to so rye per buhl s3 to co hiv per loa t 00 to sco baiter rcu u to h bsuc- tlsurr pack tti li lo u e per doici 15 to 11 potaloci ier jxg jo lo co voolpcr lb 17 to 0 gtoje ie sfi ij flour- i5 to so fall vla- 1 m to i 01 spntig u1c41 1 os to 1 06 iiaricy l to so oils ii u rrc ip sa peas fu to 15 ksy 7 00 to sco bailer dairypicical 13 lo u batter rojs 11 to is ees it to ls potatoes 50 to 2d wool it 10 30 business brevities soma raeta about our buaiaeaa kea and house of benefit to our koneral readers usu tram 75 cents to 82 50 at j fjfs u ou waul a nobby durable and cheap suit j f fe s is the place to go scotch eoffhah and canadian suitings in reit vintty at the east end clothing store j fyfe acton suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sute to call and see them j fyfe acton mcquillan i hamilton of the elling- tou marble works guelph out are doing the largest retail marbletrade in out ow tag to the fact that they do the best work and sell the cheapest the public are warn ed against dealing with second baud trade peddlers but should go direct to the firm or buy from their agents see that the nafae mcquillan t hamilton is ou the printed form before you sign or order in the history cf mediciue 90 preparation baa received such universal commendation for the alleviation it affords aod the per tnaacat cure it effects in kidney diseases as da va bcats kjdei- ctez its ac tion in these distressing complaints is aim ply wonderful sold by j e mcgsrvin j s vfetherell wntuig from winnipeg says i can say more about phosphitnrk now than when i saw you last in toronto my health is much unproved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of your phoiphatine for sale by all druggsts why should a man whose blood is warm within sit like his srandsire cut in alabaster or let his hair prow rusty scant and thin when cingalese reuewer will make it grow the faster for sale by j e mcgamn kow that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles hall the terrors attached to thf so complaints hare been removed for this let all be thankful aod to da yak bi rexs krmrzt cruz award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from oar path jt was never known to fail 8old byj e mcgamn e have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and head ache u shilohi catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle vie it if you desire heallhand sweet breath prlco 60 cents gold by j e mcgsrvin 49 sluloha datarrb remedy a marvellous cure for cstarrhdiphtherla canker mouth and headache with each bottle there is an ingenious naaal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra chsrge price 50 cents sold by j e mcgarviu on baud al our home and prlxutbenl as a pleasant safe and reliable family medicine jrbft dvsltpsia uier are livalaall j t harra xfexla texas jane 17 1583 the nzv fiaxcis b hialowc vrtilnc from atlanta go sari for some years past 1 bare beeu lubjecl to constipation irom tulch in spite of the use of medi does of nuioaa kinds 1 suffered increasing inconvenience until some months ago began taking arut s pills tuey ha jjotice to cbed1tokb pursuant to the provisions of h 8 0 chip 107 see s4the ereditori of john mo- phorsoo late of the towdahip ol esoues bag county of hilton who died on or ibout the foth may 1888 an on or before the 1st of august 1388 to send by pott prepaid to robt mcpberson tr spevside p 0 their christian and lurnamei addresses and deacnptioo the full particulars of their olslmi a statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities if any held by them or in default thereof the admin istrator will after the said last mentioned date proceed lo distribute the iseeta of ibc said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall have notice dated at speynde th 1st j day of june lf83 robtmtpheksoa sr srnsiur p o administrator for the estate of tie late johx miphzhkox halton dry goods house aotojst summer importations just to hand tuey t entirely corrected the eostlre habit and have vastly improved my general health atovs caiillktic ptllj correct irregu- huities of the bowels stimulate the appe tite aod digestion and by utelr prompt and thorough action gtre tone and vigor to the whole physical economy razrazzn bt dp jc ayer cvco lowtll matt sold by all druggistl old and middle- aged all experience the wonderful benendal effects of ayer8 sarsaparllla children with sore eyes bora scrofulous or sypb- ahtu i ears or any scrofulousor srpo- flitie uinl may be made healthy and llrong t its use gold by all druggists 1 six bottles tor f baeltlra traica salve the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily cure barns bruises cuts blccrs salt rheum fever sores cancers piles chilblains corns tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed 0 cure in every instance or moocj refunded 25 ceot per boi for aale bvj l mcgamn ilcatiag tf es eyaavusu ausl csure the symptoms are moisture like perspir aliou intense ttchiog increased by scratch ing verj disrcssing particularly al uight seems as if piu worms were crawling 0 and about the rectum ihe private parts are lomclimei affected k allowed to continue ver serious results tuav follow swav wks oivtmevt u pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crush bkin mise vnt bv mall for 50 cents 3 bote l 25 m ttamps ad dress dr sttawel son philadelphia pa boldhj dmggnts 50 oooo cords hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay five dollars and fifty cents per cord or all prime quality uemlook dark delivered at the tanner at acton before november lit 1ss3 bark must be bright on flesh flat and full four feet long curled or damaged bark only receivea at a proportionate re duction any ntber information will gladly be fnrnlshed upon application at the tannery to our mr wlllson beuvdmorltco actou may 9th 1883 arctic lo cream parlor gartfut 3de0pot a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried on by mr l q matthews in the post office bmldingaud remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different flavors icecold lemonade fresh k ripe fruits best brands cigars andererythiugpertaimngto the line of firstclass quality ie 0mm supplied la aa qvttit as i intend giving mj personal attention to the business customers can rels upon having the orders carefully filled a riait solicited aematthews new dress goods for this 8eason check ast plain 8at1n8 nuns veiling wool uhtihub and cashmeres 15 myk1le green bbown ukey 8tonk navl blue cbeam 4 blue with new 8hade8 anu 50 other diefekent kinds of fabrics satin brocades ottoman cords and spots trimmings bba1d8 tarlatan braids in new colors passementre trimmings in great variety mantle loops frogs and ornaments ur all thjs xtw ramua a great drive u e are in receipt of 4x1 pieces ol cashmeres in blue black jet blaek browa black and dull black ever person able to purchase a dress should sot lose this opportunity to secure a cashtneie st at least 30 per cent leu than regular value staple good8 we arc tilling uu again white cottons are down and purchasers will find on exam ination of our cuuoua ducks denims shirtings cottoaades and luton casaimeres ptual lines that our prices are the lowest we are the only house in actou that handle lheae goods which are scarce on account of he increasing demand since their value fcae become known we open two case of these goods this week dont fail to tee them j- oh what a conh ill ou heed the warring the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease consumption ask your selves if you cau afford for the sake of saving 59 cents to run the risk and do nothing for il we know from experience that shilohs cure nil cure j our cough it never fats thu ezplaiui wb more than a million bot tles were sold the past tear it relieves croup and w hooping couffh at once mothers do not be without it for lame bick side or chest use shilohs porous plaster sold by j e mcgarvm mr 3 r luihbertson toroolo writes mj ifc hsd a very severe attack of pleuris and inflammation oi the lungs about thrc cars ago aod ever smee has been subiect to severe colds on the shehtess exposure in fact they were 60 frequent thai her system was quiet reduced she tried several remedies but without any permanent effect until she was induced to try northrop t lymans emulsion of cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda and i am happy to say it has exceed ed our anticipations i have 00 hesitation in recommcediog it as a liov al rtaltny for all affections of the lungs andchest and for all classes of wasting diseases sod balling up of weak constitutions rest andtomfort to the suffcriaf browns uousehald panacea has no equal for relieving pnln both internal and external it cum pain in the side back and bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surelt quicken tbe blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great fain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment in the world should he in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 26 cents a bottle gekvant wajiteb wanted a good general servant reason able wages mrs pd christie acton june7lh j 883 hills tin i stove topot good assortment on stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds bottom prices at eavettooeliing a specialty special values in ail kinds ol linen coods hosiery and cents fumishins t millinery goods summer trade has opened op with os in fall blast tod to mad bt great demnd for fashionable- utllinary we have ordered to amre thij week sererat jfeues of indies and miscs latest new ork stjles of hats tnd boonett in straw leghorn tape and athe materials don t fail to see these good before learing yon order for sntmnrr wear solid leather boots and shoes we are tbo only house iu acton that sellj d kings aoliu leather bool a shoes slip- part c we ill guarantee every pur we can furnish yon nth cheap eastern work same other houses if joa want them but it will pay yon to buy wild leather goodi quly ud get them warranted they cost but a tnfle more fleaae giro tta a csh for these goods aod we will guarantee yoa salutacbnn u e cell grocen cheap for sale go cents a ba groceries good butter for aale rota 15 to 90 cents seed polatoc cb griffin the city geoobet still takes the lead new coods low prices best value t at w h howells and put dp on notice shortest fir8t class material oxl used a call solicited j 10- hill mill st f or sale a new single buggy and a light demo crat wogoo nearly new for particulate apply to j c hill qesarable holhes to let three of those conveniently arranged tenement houses of the acton building association inay be rented by applying to w h storey acton dec 21st 18sj president ttanlan bamer shop j ip worzdelit has opened a barber shop in the preraitea lately occupied by dr forster as a medical office and solloils a share ol tbe patronan of thu yiolnity erery deplartment of the bnitueaa will be eonrtneted in tintelan stylo give ns a call i j p worden jan s8ru 1883 t flour feed store the undersigned has purchased the floor and feed business from mr robert elliott and will carry on the business in the build ing formerly used as a barber shop oppos ite tbe old feed store i will ksep in stock and sell for cash flour chopped peas roller flour chicken feed granlatd wheat oats peas cracked graham flour buokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley barley rye oil cake thorley cattle feed 7 climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c c a jheakty invitation is extended toallto comk and see the- best akd biggest stock of imported cxoclserr and gtiacusrvraze ever brought into acton in the orocery line as well i deft eempetlttoji t show the best assorted stock of fresh goods titat ready cash can buy and ripe experience select i all goods warranted as represented to prove w your entire satisfaction that this is no blu8tkr just call and compare prices here 18 a sample 20 pounds good raisins for 1 00 and 1 4 pounds splendid sugar for 1 gahfcn field and flower seeds ih and rood for sale oheap rtgpectftilly our patronage solicited cash for all kinds of grain l g ifcttheto rememberthe right spot for groceries 18 at the groceryon the north west corner of main and mll streets w h howlasmotonhm

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