Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1883, p. 4

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tattuuuv mnnvixo jcxz h8 188j pur y ounq folks ti be in time fce oo time tor wy call 11 im am be artt of tfl we in iitne u rour teachers only had you are ncrer once behind bat are ilka frd tnw they will always trort in you be 1 a fltua sever linger or you start sot out villi a irilluifi bcrt be in time la the morning un and on firtt to work and soonest done tws it how the pot attained tbii it bow tlie prize ii gained ik in time tbow truo itn tt fometbsng great sever yet were found too liter- be iatlme life with 411 is bat t tcnow we must work bj- plan and rale willi some uoble end in view krer ioly earuet true i be in time listen to wisdoms call knowledge now is free to ill- lie in lime youth must daily toil and strive treasure for the future hive for the work they hive to do koci ibis motto still in view be in time jl mothers influence the following gem should be read m every family a mother on the green hills of vermont was holding by the right hand a son six teen years old mad with love al the sea and as ahe stood by the garden gate ope morning she said i edward they tell me for i never saw the ocean that the preat temptation of a seamans life is driirk promise me be fore you quit yocr mothers hand that you will riever drink liquor and he said for he told the story i pave uie promise and i went the globe over to calcutta and the ifeditertaflean sau francisco and the cape of good hope the north and soath poles i saw them all in forty years and i never saw a glass tilled with the sparkling liquor that my mothers form at the garden gate did not rise up before my eyes and today i am innocent of the taste of liquor was not that sweet evidence of the power of a angle word yet that is not half for still cob tinned he yesterday there came into my coontin room a man forty years old do too know me no well said he i was brought drunk into your presence on ship board yda were a passenger they kicked me aside you took me to jour berth and kept me there till i had slept o5 my intoxication you then asked me if i had a mother i said i had never heard a word from her lips you told me of yours at the garden gate and today i am master of one of therfinest ships in new york harbor and came to ask you to come and see me how farthe little caudle throws its beam the mothers words on the green tifn of vermont i god be thankful for the mighty power of a single word xeroous xeuralfria of no matter bow long rundiug or hew seven will readily yield to the curative power of dr e c wests xcrve and brain treatment- sold at j k alcgarous drug store a wise young husband wont try to hum bug his motherinlaw more than once the soothing and restorative- effects of ayers cherry pectoral ore realized at once jiu all cases of colds coughs throat and lung troubles while its farreaching and powerful healing qualities are always demonstrated in toe mostserioas pulmonary disorders board wanted as the young lady said when hhe came to a mud puddle in the sidewalk maple and buceke call at s e mciryins drug store tvr a packagof mcgregor tfc parkes carbolic cerate it u composed of vaseline car bolic acid and cerate and lias never failed to remove pimples blotches ulcerated sores bough skin it cures when all others fail tryit- 6 3tarvia is a lottery bat we have not heard that love letters are denied the privilege of the mails the concentrated power and cunttiye virtaes of ayers sarsaparilla render it the most reliable and economical medicine tuat can be ascd it cootxias no dangerous or harmful ingredient- and may be safely administered to patients of all ages ivben yanaresick thebestmedtciae that can be obtained is none too good aud ia ibccheap- esr whatever its cost the watch that fell out of a drunken- mans pocket and smashed on the pave mentwag off its guard- take toar ckolee you con be weak nervous debihated and despoodeat cusqaalified for work of head or hand or you can enjoy a fair share of health and peaceof mind burdock blood bitters will alleviate your misery and do yon a world of good if you will persevere in their use for a few week one of the sweetest pictures of domestic economy is a poet blacking a white stock ing so that it wont show through the fissure of his boot houoicaif pilu no mystery wlen- ever tlie blood is impure or the general health is impaired the human body is predisposed to attacks of any prevailing epidemic the first indications of faultry action the first sensations of deranged or diminished power should be rectified by these parifriok pills which will cleanse all cormpt and reduce all erring functions to order these pilu counteract the subtle poisons in decaying animal or vegetable matter and remove all tendabcy to bowel complaiflu biliousness and the host of annoying symptoms arising from foul stomaciu the fruit season is especially prone to prounee irritation of the bowels and diaotderi of the digestive organs both of vbuc dangerous conditions can be com- jrfet if removed by hoibways corrective oedidpei rbfwuaw th- ttaea dvvaityut m6tt poopl profgr uj a cvre fr cu urea etc the nncat healing compound under uio sun ii mcgregor parkes carboho cerate tttereii no sore but will succumb to 1u wonderful hctuag properties it s an itfvalublc drossiug for scalds festerings etc price iwealysre cents at j e mcoftrvio drug store ft jil good painters aw not artists tlie painter of a yawl boat or instance ko household should be considered com- ploteiujoat a bottle ot da vi blrkxk kioihnrcubkfaid thd elokjk it i the only renwdy that will positively perumu enlly aud promptly cure all forms of kidney disease sold by j e mcoaniu will taking off the tax on matches di minish the clergymaii6 marriagefees mr peter vermett hocheliga p 0 writes dr thomas eclcctric oil cured me of uhcamatism after i tried msnv remedies to no parposc it is a gocd medi cine just think nf it yoa cau rclievfl the twinges of rheumatism or the most paiaful stttck of neuralgia you can check a cough aud heal bruised or broken fkin with a bottle of dr thnm eclcclric oil costing ouly 25 cents in one respect the bootblack resembles the sun he cant shine when it rains tha quickest thing on record ii kraais fluid ligtilniae for keumlgii headache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor the 6kiu roquifts but ooo application to banish all pain magtcally wilhout using any greasy liuimcut or carv ing your head ina poultice for weeks try a twentvlive cent bottle from 1 e mc- arvin druggist 10 gw iliugayparkdalc toronto wrilci mt wife had several very acvere attacks of cramps ia the stomach hearing of dfl acitisv pieosihative acdils pleoianttuis to take i give her two boitle aud ahc ins uothad an attack since aud her heallh is much improved for sale by all drugiits a seaside belle having left her bathicg- shoes out of the hotel window to dry the town paper announced that the hotel had erected new awnings of a unique design a wde awake drmaxfel icrj e mcgarviu is always wide awake in his business and spares no piius to secure the lest of evciy ailicc ia bs line he ha secared the agency for the celebrated dr kong xew discovery fcr coosumption the ouly certain cure known fcr ccsumptioc coughs cdds hcarseness asthms hay fever bron chitis or any affection of the throat and lungs sold on a positive tiarutcc will give yoa a trial bottle free regular site 100 people who reside or sojoarn iu regions or country whvrc ftver cad atuc and bil ious remittent fever are prevalent should be particuhuly careful to regalatc digesliou uie liver and the bowels before the ap- pnich of the season for the periodic malady the limely lite- tf korturop t lymans vegetable disco verv and dyspeptic cure is i valuable safeguard oiiaet the milsrial course il is acknowledged to be the best lkkd purifier iu the uisrkct thbuiadf kar c mi xav alkiagrardzauurii i never lesiuite to tecmmend r electric bitters to my costautrr thy give entire siusfactijr and ire wpid selieri electric bilura ire tht purist md best medicine fcnovn and will positively core kidney and liver complaints purify the hood and nclite the bowek no fimily eaa afford tn be without hem they will save hundreds rf dollars ia doctors bills eren year 5jid al tiftj- cenu a bottle by j e jicgamn ilseir fiiorr- ot a taw 6f failure or disappointment not the old story- of the victim of ciustic applications and the evils attending their use but the new story of success of freedom from pain and consequently absence of spots left m the flesh pctka5ispaisless cork tractok gives inspiration for happier reports aud ssfferers from crns need not hesitate to try it sold eveiy where by druggists and dealers in medicine x c polson coj kuigiton proprietore oalkfn mather 11 ho her i are yoa disturbed l iilgbi aud broken of your rest by a rick child sndering and crying with the excrucuuingpnin of cutting teeth if so ga et once find get- bottle of sirs winslows stothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer iniratdiately depend upon it there is no mistake about il there fs not a mother on earth who hasever ufed it who wil not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like ma it is perfecty safe to use in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female pbyuchms and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle riftflm enormous reduction in friflffltai the right house this week a lawe qaiouly ot flowon worlh roni 10 to 80c ar tcllluff off at only be otnon worili fromotolit aro rwluced to 10c ladiw and uima hat worth 50o ate uuwostt only uie hataatt offortns at acicot reduction nice 8aah ribbons kjiliug off stop bod wide llaia blbbona ictllne for 15c wldo fancy ribtiont ire going off at only 8c a lot ol colored aud ulaek saliua worth 1 aro marked down to 80c kbl gloe morked down from 874c to so thoaiureaaie filled within onormooaatock of new and fashionable gooda including almost every kind hot la woven and a yaat qoantlty of fancy arlloloa not woven comjirliing a stock o anout uu- 000 which is aellins off at cxccedinglv tow prices just sea the parasols tl i i- ti i m i uni on at only half their real value the enormous sale of ureas goods at about 1 uoderclothldg and neckwear of all kinds the value is good tho qualities eiuiiv u mo u all prices from 5 to 20c lola ot irinls at 7c fully at good at last seasons 8i the locprlnts compart well with those sold last winter at ujc and w on for tho higher prices tho dress goods have au astonishing sale the designs are new and beautiful lbs quamiea good and the prises low be sore to examine the hew liroche tsrenaaines and other drtas goods of light texture just soltable for thowarm weather coming on this moptll tho wblu and colored bhlrtlpgs have sn i mmense rale thry are ncn good value just see the 8k- yj wide fiao while shirtings also the 10c 12jc and belter qualities in fine medium and heavy makes they sre very cheap rne uy cotlou liave been greally reduced also is price lately examine the 5c qrey cotlon it surprises people the iii jher prlcod cottons aro equally rood value lliore is a great ruh on tho carpets floor 011clotlia mslungs hats rijgs cariet swoepers c the styles qualities snd prices all rivo good satisfaction to customers the store are on kiug slrcel east close to hughson street the name on the sign is hat ia woven aud a vast quantity of fancy articles not woven comprising a stock ol aooui uu- the styles aw new and beautiful and the vnlae ucolioul the great sale of oloves is still coing ut half price is making lively times do not forget to examine so ladies gent and children s a excellent and the makes and styles unsurpassed bo sure lo see tho immense atock of prints at hamilton june lllli 1883 thomas c watkins hamilton safe cur pob tux ki0ney8uyer urinary organ 8 the best xlb tckifies tberetsopjon war by irhjchandlsease can be cored aod1htli btremfrtjit the eaase- whatever it maybe tbegrealruei-i- cal aot lkfttmof the day declare fhmriearly every dlseaae is eaqsd by 4er0fed fcmbers or liver- to restore lbe then soto in the ouly way by whtch health in bhctired here ia where wabjravs bavmcozk has achieved lujrreatrepctatkm j tact direct ly npon the iildneyi ajut uw and oy plaelng tbem la a beallby ebodttlon drives disease and pain from the ystera for all kidney liver and urinary troubles for the ilstress- inj dlsonlte of womn tor malarlfij and physical trouble fenerafly ibis greit renv edy has noequal keware of i mpostors im iuuottf and ooncocuoni said to be just as rood for diabetes ask for waaxkbs save dia betes cubk for sale by all dealers tgrog sceofula and all scrofulous diseases sores eryslpe- us eesema blotchec iunfworra tu mors carbuncles uolls sul erupuons of the skin are tlie direct reiull of 111 fmure slate of the blood to cure these diseaics the liood must i liurifled snd restored to a heahly id 1 lunil condition wens feau5ualuil hu tororer forty ycn tcit recogifil by cud- neat medical stithoritics 1x1 ile moit oir- ertul blood purifier in existence il ft the iittent from all foul uaiuor enriches snddrcuirthens the blood remoyes sll tras ot inereurial treatment aud nrorc lclf a com ul etc waster of sll krofulnu diseases a recent cure of scraruloun norr sonic mouths ago i vts t maided vi erofuiou5 fore ulcer l on my ctf tm limltmrcre badly fwollcu nvl uftanid und the sores discuarped ltrge uaitulc i offensive usattcr ktcry rcundy i trd failed until 1 utod axvlik tixusivxiiiuk of uliich 1 lave now ukcu il- uic tith the result that the urn m- luinl aud oiy geucral hcahli pnntlv tctcl 1 foci tcrrgnitcjal lor tho fj ur mediduo has done me yours reiimctfully wk ann hxri w hs sullivrn stnetr vorlw iciit i is fy au peron inierrnltxt are tnutrd to tall on mm oltrtanj aho uititt t lie- ltevz 1 wilds of kkaol 54h miwl kcw vork cily who wlu take plcanm- in testifying o the aiuurful rtllcncj- nf ayers miaparilla not only hi the run- of tlilft lady hut in lit own cu ami many others within hi knowiedre- the treuluoiru icriavr on tie ikttw ii n t bw billof itejict t lwi hiring offerm fevercly for awc vcar viut eciciua sad liarirp fai t in 1 nuf from other rciucdic 1 have made u5 tifrin the past three nwtitlrf vt avitv saiui- biuv thick u5 elfrctcd a cei- i consider it a luagnificciit rcuvdv for t li blood dtcasca ayers sarsaparilla flnialatcj and regulate th action of llc digestive and wiuiuatire orrai rvic- andsjireajthen tle vital fortes eei cures rheamatlm xcumjirla rueuuia- uc gout catarrh geneml debility tl ill diseases arising from au iinporc rtlk4 or corrupted condition cf the hood aud a u tak- cued vitality it ii incomparably the cheapest mood medi cine on secount of us concentrated ftreijtu and great porer over disease fexpaked nv opjcayer4co sold by all drucffisti price fi itr bottles for 5 speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin ou the shortest noliee aud at lowest terms a11 calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire irwi arc in i posiiionlosstlsiaclorilj- ill orjers for utrou carriages c of every description in ruiomlile time good korkrainskip ood firstclas material always used wc liivl- also a splendid lot or fumituio bolh cotninon and ettra quality chtan wu yon will pay us ca8h we will sell yon anything iu oar line cheap j a speioht managtr am nnol iii i sweeping by to ul v i and dare before you dje ip j i fomctalnr mlihly and inu- lllsi i iime leave b lilnd loeonquer umf jx efc ill ynrfivn mm iou fit fne norst krcrytfr re- 0lial no r qairvd wi vultvriilivniinycrylhsuz manrire masih fcians 1 adlnuen mtcli n iennid boypntil ckk make freal jay header if jo want balues al rbjcb yii rri ni-l- grca layii lre llmrwit loriuirliculxis lo 11 uxllltt4colorlland itnirt- ttc0fn0 see the fine display of 43 spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this eek elegant tweed suit from 1100 to 1500 also a large range of serges and worsteds maiiafacturcd lit the latest styles and on the shortest notice tlie litei sulci ia ard and seft 7elt hats iii salacts nw t band j fyfe j m i srcureo ron inventions hjlnry grist 500 reward vs will ay i he above regard for any case of liver complaint uygpepsta 8iclc head- ecuc indiffstfon coasllialion orcostlve- cess we cannot cure with wtesta veyeuuie liver imiif when tne dlrcilonsarc strlclly complied with tiey are narely vegeuute and never rii to fivebisriction surar coaled large boxes coutalnlng 3d pillrk cenu foraie by ahdruglfts bcwnreof coanterfhu nd lmiutloas the jenalne manafacirrcdouljbyjonyc west a co the fill makers el s3 kinase eiiktito- roctn ont free trial nackrto sent by mail prepaid on recolclof a 3onltjtmp no more long sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill manhoo how lost how fiestorev w bavenjceutly published anew cuiiion of rr rulrcrwrir cclr- brscrd cay on luo nuileal and i pexinaijent cure vruhonl medi cine of kervoos debility menial outl physic al incapncliy impediments of marriage etc restiufdcfroineicesjo ssptirc in a ieaifdenvclorjcoulj flcls ortwo potfec stamps tue celebrated luthor jd tills admirable esay clearly demoaktniteii frcm thirtj yearhsuccewilalprsctiee thatalarmlnt oon- bequeoces may e radically cared without th daurorouk rie of laternol medlclntor the nse olthc fcnife pointing oat a modi or care nl once imple certain and effectoafby means of whirl every sufferer no matter what liis condition may oe msycurehlmseil c6eapi privately and radically this lecture sboald- oe in the hands oi everyyoaf anti every man in the land address the calverwell medical co 41 la st xf w tirk postofflce hor 454 who 18 unacquainted with the geography ot this country wiu see by examining this hup that the 1000 forfeit havingtlie ntmoslconfidence m it super iority over all others and eflei thousands of teats of the most complicaled and severest cases we eooid flnd wefeei jaillfied in ofler- ingto forfeit one tboasand dollars for any ease ofcougm soi throat inflnenxa hoarsenem btsnchltls consumption in us early sfages whooplnr cough nd alt dis eases of tbe throat and la ngs except asthma tor which we only claim relief that we cant care with wests cough kjrnp when fftlcen according to directions samrle boltles ts andsoeeots large bottles one dollar genaloe wrappersonlyln bloc bold by alldrogtrlfts or sf nt by express on receipt ofnrlc joan c west t co1 83 king 8 1 eat toronto ont vanfggy flrrhjcjjbe no cube i no pay i a isxpl and ccnudtntitjnat treatment two diittna medicine ie naittg an tte nal pttuaces head thioti and laatv the oiher on the lircr kidocyi and blood instantaneous economicaisafe radical t8eatment sold my all druggists price 75 ou it not found siiifactorf the price add kill be refunded some chronic or outi- jtt cues of long biding my reqairs from thrte to ax jswfcage to eflsit a prjsuneiu core iiliii chicago rock island pacific ry bng th qraat oantrai una aflord to ttavefcr tn reason of its unrivaled geo- iraphloal poaltton the ahortoat and bn route between the last northeast and southeast and th wt horthweet and southwest it is literallr and artottjr true that jta oonneotlon are all ot the principal lines of road between the atfarrhe and the paolflo b lt mam line and branoha it reaohe chloaao jollot peoria ottawa wsijst 52 l wmolat davenport muscatine wnmnanon keokuk knoirlll oakaloon fairfield oes molnee west umrtr iowa ottv atlantic avooa audubon harlan olrthrle oenter and opunoll bluffs in jowai tellaun trenton cameron and kansas oltrm missouri andteaven- worth and atchison in kansas and the hundred ef oltiee villas and towna intermediate tha great rqqit lmm0 route aa it l fmlllpnrw iljilin j- aa it la famlllarrfoaded pftermto inokmnt to a amooth traok safe silt the pklrantagea and oomtorts lonjon ovpot af all oonneottna point i unollblultashfaulminutoiini uljsz5zr m npgn mmwm snsna ranoirmatl indlanaoblu and oourmi vjm mpbtlauid lntrmotatopoint trn mtteketavatall issssmi r r cable f 8f johfni 1 chicago orof ftuls butcher shop r holmes woald rcspectfolly inform the opl of acton snd vicinity that lie liasarcbsd tho business snd propert of llr ft roliinson ncid it piepard tn apply ill with firstclass mbj of all kinds and poultry and game in seacvn 7 meat delivered to soy pari of town at any time f having practical experience in the batcbering business i feel confident that i can sait all a call kindly solicited ft holmes ears fortte million fee cfcooi balaam of emk oil rmlllvelr weturr ifce eartag snsl is the only almlsse cart far deafness ilstawm thl oil is abstracted from pecnllarsnecles of small ufa he mark caoght in tbe yellnv bea known as caecoahodox boxouim every chinese flsherman knows it its vir taes as a restorative of hearing were dlsooter ed by a baddhist priest aboai tee yew lllii its ciies were so uaueroas and xany so skeiayglv mxracrlous that the remedy wssofflclally proclaimed over the entire em pire its nse bcam so nnlvertad that for over3veabs xo deaixkhsuas existsx among the ciiixese people sent enamel prepaid to any ayjdrew at 1100 per bottle hair wliu tie deaf 3f t it has performed a miracle in my case i have no itoearthlt noises in my head and hear moeh better i have been greatly benefitted my deafness helped a creat deal thl nk an- o tner botue will core me my hearing is mach benefitted i have received on told benefit it is giving good sailsftcllon have been greatly benefitted and am re joiced that i saw ihe notice of il its virtues are rxyuesti lableand iu c frative tiakactes ast1tb wbitkb ca peltsoxallr testtrr both fbox expbhi- kxck asd obsejivatios write at onoa to hayixjck 4jew3ret7ijeyhtreetnewtork enclosing s100 and yoo will hear ufce any body else and whose caratl rn efleets will be permanent yoa will never regret doing so editor of mebcaxttlk rbview ftn nvoid lo3 in the mails please send money by registered letter ouly i mixirtej by 4ylo k t jskael sole aoe5yk ph america j 9tj m jii nttjmn rtowt n i a iillliii tiiptii vct mi iw am a mtdimt wtmm mm tui liiiliwmiin iiiitfwrtrisajaabaajtsaaa rtnstsm cnltatln best kabtoi ixxadt oo tb taaaa tt taraaas tat- jfaaav jka week made at home by lhe u i jlndobtrious best basin ess now d f v before lhe nabllc capital aot i needed we wlllbtartyon men women boyi and girls wasted everywhere to work for a now is the lime you can work in sparo ilme or give our whdteat- tentlon to tbe business so other business will my yoa nearly as well no ooe can dll tornikeenomouj pay by engaging at once costly ontfit and terms free money made fust easily and nonorably address true t cotangota maine worth theirweight in gold lira pills ointment this mcomparable medicine htu kturtd for uif on imperishable fame throughout the world for the alleviation and curt of viotl dixatet to vhich humanity uhtir the pills purify realate lraprote tho qnality ol the blood they assist the digestive bi eans cleanse the stosuci1 and bowfcls increase lie secretory powers of the livr bnicethe nervona system and throw inlo lhe circulation lhe purest elements for susuiiuor and repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other means had proved unsuccessful the ointment will befouud invaluable in every honaehold in the cure of open sores harf tumors balcj old woutxlootefcl colds bore throata bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout rheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor- hullo ways establishment 533 oxfokd street london and sold at lid 2a 9d 4a 6d 82s and 33s each- bo t and pot and in cnada at 36 cents 80 cents and 1 50 and the lajger sizes in proportion 13caotion i have no ajrent in the united states uor are my medicines sold ther purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pota and boies if the address is dot s83 oxford street london they are spurious the trade mark of my said uedhnnea it regiattarad at oufwa aid also at waih luktap signed thomas holjjowas 6s3 oxford street london kref ctraatmaftr fatr trial whhfw rtlf or euro effected your manay wit be rvfundsd pnar sue sold by tsrann nuiai everrwvrt imoant required to jure a3 rullows oss to spi boitlis jf ill purifyttu blood erxdicatio tall humours frouuiho cononon pimple blotch or buil to the most malig oant form of scrofulous nicer ti one td six bottloi by cleanaiue he blood will purify the cwnpleiioo from sallowneas smooth out the wrinkles relt ing frbm imperfect nourishment of the body sweeten foul breath and renovate the eatiro system ovrrptwo bottis will cure ordinary cooslipalionorcostivncsb tbertby removing unadache piles biliousness and jaundice and all diseases resulting from torpidlirer osztosrx bottles by cleansing the- blood improving the general health aad fortifying the system against latum fresh colds will in all cases relieve and io moat cases cure that common loatheaome and dangerous disease catabbh okz to tubez bottles will regulate all derangements of tbe kidneys curiifgnrittary difficulties prostration gravel diabetes etc one to focb bottles will reiuvigoraie the entire system curiog nerwtts anugea era dabilitj female weakness and all- its attendant miseries jl yellow qil cures rheumatism fkeemalts worm fowdzbs are pleasant to taxtx cisinihauowa fnrgbtive is a safe tore and ajftskasjl jrftrpjicr f mnwin 0hfldiaa4batsv v dr smiths german worm 4 rereuv hi been rued by thoasaodi a xtftnan vbo wamsifmdtttt oof zm duaforit ss a oleasaat ale rdiabkr j and prompt remedy tdr fa rmrtil rf km oradolz itbeuttotaccdecrctds i amsmdy ksmkss and raps tt smith medfcwe wf r priice 25 era l soijevhtyvweile pman wormremtd 35r fel l srinfl a gnaranteed core or veheial clsese safe pleasant and reliable no badeflecu from its use does not lnwrfcre or lib bral- neaaordlet iidee2 per b or three boxes lori5o written goarnntees issued by every dniyanthortadaeenttorehndthmbneyfr three boesfsb tocnrseutpcunreiirepiid t on recelpfrofprice r rr- dr felix le bbun a co 81 a 8a king st- east toronto sole proprietors je mcaartfn aatboriiea agent tor aelrft- ontario- 1 1- i i i willcure or reueve biu0uske89 dizziness dyspepsia dropsy ar indigestion funjerlhq jaundice- of the heart erysipelas acidity of salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness v headache of iheitkulj apd emuy apedu uf dlseaaa arising froas- dlsordered tjver kidncys btrjnlaorc bowel8 or blood t milborh 80 gai inm au8 specific hiicisey i x uon the great enguahkettedj annutaliiiseureioraeiaiaiai weukaeaa spermaurrtia impoienct aid all oiwasix tbt follow as a seomme o stlrabose as loss of mem- orytjntversal t4uailadejpaln in the back dimness ol vis ion premature lhd ale and 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