Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1883, p. 3

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railway fotx taslk grand trows hailwat 0010 kmt express- i a-m- hind tuluin passaiallu ul thrown kxa3o pan ooiyo west ktrtws 11w eja kxpkn es ajn krmrsi l0 n m mfll- sjopjn rpedal uuu tb ntaljotiroa culux mt t lino an ud tic ittcut vxwcc flatus east st uu do not ran on monday morning ttmk or clok1xq ujulb oolite vjt wo ajn toftis- fcam0 ajn and mw pan kajjnuh wall clam it ajtt us on krmav gtton 4l at ceo hynds tea spoonsc table spoons knives anb forks at go hyttda watdica clocks jevrelrv a large stock spectacles from si cts to m wedding and rirthdny proscnls purses ifpea pocket knives combs hair brashes school books note paper and envelopes pens and ink call in and see my large stock geo ilyuds jewellery it fancy goods store axtoivout bits of brevity oil oiaer prepare bj ike e of uc pea a irln tar rrasten af lc free pirn t more rin this wrfc sow roims ike festive fly the hottest month of the year sow for thestxawberry festivals this month i grip ffotuary yiusc council uext tuesday even- ing- severs low crossings in town require attention- he missed she so hesu ved tu hum ehke searly everylly appeared to enjoy the holiday hayins will commence this week with the fanners acton was quiet as a sunday on do minion day kew subscribers continae to give in their names and dollars the thermometer registered 95 degrees in the shade here yesterday strawberries are now selling in quan tities for ten cents per basket yesterday was a big day cm the other side of tie national bonndry iinc ifr and mrs 7ohn wilson of george town visited friends here on tnesday ta very heavy windstorm visited acton on sunday evening ko damage to report- 3ir argo of knox college toronto occupies the pulpit in knox cuotcil here on sunday dont swareboys it may convince yo bat it iz sure not to convince others jotk biutmt- the plasterers have commenced opera tions trron mr w p browns new shop and residence- our little town presented a very qiiiet appearance on monday the anniversary of confederation a convenient coal noose has bec built forg t r- engiueman itclellan in this village- l the tuck- pointing is not yet completed on the town hall two or three weeks work yet remains joly is that part of the year which makes the sugar fly the preserving season is now commencing large trains of emigrants destined for the north west pass through here every week over the gt b dominion day was more generally observed by our merchants and shopkeep ers than is usually the case on holidays division court was held here last fri day before his honor judge killer we live sot received a list of the cases in the docket subscribers xo this paper will do us a great favor by immediately notifying us when they fail to receive the fora pass regularly h the scott act or prohibition will not prohibit what reason have the liquor deal ers for their strenuous efforts to oppose the movement the gnelph opera house lotfery scheme is being handled without gloves by the ilrrcarif and other daily papers- thats- right go for em the material for messrs beardmore it cos new tanner yard is now being laid down at the premise- c carpenters will 6oon commence their work at the high school entrance exainin- ations held at oakvdle last week twenty candidats presented themselves for eiam- inatioa tengirls and ten bas the indicatioiii are that another lengthy discussion oil the subject of bap- tism is about to be inaagurated between a couple of the churches in town strawberries are now very plentiful and cheap the sample this season is very fine andjargc and of excellent flavor there will be uite a crop in this section the faer patsn never had a larger cir- eolation at this season of the year than at present and nothing could be uamed as a surer indication of ite popularity than this tct schools close uiinorrbw evening six weeks vacation both the teachers and pupils wl no doubt enjoy f their release froni ddty during the sultry midsummer eeb the field committee of the acton aicketrflab should proceed at once to have the cricket field mowed and raked the j4ngss and thistles render it very diffi- iaultreqsenti to find the balh a little sixyear old daughter of one of our c who waflreoentiy on visit to toronto in giving an account of what he there eaid and there is a pond along the i rhole ai one sida of the tflhtge1 a large- number of children accom vniflfy their parents and friends attend ed the c hurch of england picni at bock- wood or dominion dy aul alt fiqwnaed twmrm u having hid ao eajoyaue ttae h 1 j ul- hi very favoriu month with th i angler particularly h tho early morofig j aud cool of the evening at least thlrii what our druj- di8oiior and tlio principal i of our institution for public instruction toll j us mr edward kicklin will ploaacaccept our thanks for the privilege of a trip through liis fine strawberry patch with the invitation help yourself and cat all you can mr nicklhis berries arc very hue indeed this year uaruuins show iu guclph on tueaday uext for the accommodation of those wisliiug to visirbariiunisovouiiig wrform aucc the 0 t k auuioiitics will run a couple of iiccirl oirs from guclph cast- wards at about 11 pm the man who has taken the eoutrnct to keep his owu lawu in trim has now about as much as he can well attend to the gross grown so quickly that he must cut it twice a week and the weeds are also a great trouble to keep down the heavy wind of monday nioniin completely demolish the big willow tree which stood on messrs christie a- ilcudcr- sous property on the coruer of wjllow street and bower avenue this tree brig- iualed the uamc of willow street burglars uccdit apply iu acton iu future thereh be no success for them hereafter the uuaiber of bulldogs shoot ing irous sash door and padlocks which have becu invested in during the past week would alarm any midnight mauraders another beautiful summer with its flowers aud birds tty gross audfreshlcaved trees brings to mind the tliousands of city childrcn who are shut out from all the pleasures of country life except as they enjoy them for a week or two by the chority of othcrs- the georgetown ffrralti calls the mu nicipal body of that village tlie iowa council pretty big uainc for a hamlet like georgetown we trust however that at some time in the near future both acton and georgetown may correctly use the above term b utter makers haveuuususl advantages this year and should turn out on extra quality of butter and an abundance of it- the pasture is rich and plentiful there has been no drought and the grass has rarely been so fresh and productive at this season of the year as it now is two tramps hailing from detroit were arraigned before reeve storey last thurs day and were committed to jail for thirtj days as common vagrants they had beca found concealed in a g t u- car and were locked in but succeeded in cutting their j way out and attempted to escape but were captured aud placed in the lockup i village varieties t or loral urn ud atfacr i maitcrs or pcrljl mitnl la or t vlllacr bedtr prevalent diseases the ii diseases most prevalent in this district as given by the weetly health bolktin arc amcmia xetfrahoa bron chitis durrhcba measles and heart disease new fumitare bnsiness 3r charles h heimbach late of berlin is opening a large and complete stock of oew famitnre in the store on slain street below tlie oddfellow hall kr heimbach is a practical furniture finisher and prom ises satlsfafctiari in his line real estate sale six jaines goodall has instructed mr wm ifemstreet auctioneer to sell by pub lic aactioa on satarday 11th inst- his property in the village of acton compris ing a honse and lot on mill street and two lots on the corner of qneen and wellington stre2t base ball two interesting base ball matches were played in goelph on monday the return match between the black stockings of st loois and the maple leafs resulted in a victory for the former by a score of u to l gaelph was victorious in the match rith the toroutos by a score of 13 to 3 theft william clark of silver creek evjces- icg was brought- to rooi on monday last by constable watson of georgetown for j stealing a watch from mr john foster of erin clark was committed for trial by the magistrate on tuesday and he will be arraigned before jadge miller mdlou nac vtrirt brokfin mr t h harding grocer met with an accident last friday while handling a heavy hogshead of t sagar by which due of the bones in his wrist was broken dr lowry rednced the fractare mr hardings acci dent will lay him np for some time bat we trust his business will not suffer any in consequence get rid of thistles etc the council hare workmen engaged this week in cutting all thistles bars etc on the various streets in town many of bur citizens allow these nuisances to grow on their premises and thus they tip read to the streets as well as to their neighbors gar dens h every resident would take an in terest hi getting rid of tbe thistles weeds and other obnoxious plants everyone would be benefitted try it now is the proper time as the seeds are just forming base ball match at eockwood on dominion day the juvenile base ball club of acton played the hominies of eock- wood at that place the game resulted in favor of the hominies by a score of 28 to 15 the result was by no means a surprise to our juveniles who although playing a very creditable game throughout were beaten by the heavy batting of their larger opponents should the hockwood intn visit acton as piey purpose doing in the course of three weeks they will receive a warm reoeption- coniplimenito a vocalist the friends in this vicinity of miss frances whaley of orangeville will po doubt be pleased to know that her singing continues to win the applause and admira tion of the andiences before which she ap pears beferriug to a concert recently held in the above town the gasttu says misi france whaley orangerilles favorite roeslist gave a solo winch for toeanty of execution tonoid numlers eonld not be surpassed she was heartily encorfe ftd in napodiegave viothi r solo which was folly annual ctontinuoa the annual oonvontion of the bbott act aarociatioh of this county will be held on monday tho othjnly tn the town hall miltou commencing at ton oclock and continuing until tho business is diipceod of all the friends of tho cause throughout the couuty are cordially invited to be present lecture on baptism by invitation of thorcvdb cameron jamos coutu baptist minister will deliver a lecture on baptism in the presbyterian church acton on tuesday evening july 10th 1rs3 to provo from scripture that baptism should be administered by im- nicrsiou aud tliat infant baptism is un- scriptural lecture to begin at 8 oclock tlie public arc cordially invited it the 20th batt lome rifles the volunteers returned homo after their twelve days outing at camp niagara on tuesday evening notwithstanding tho ittrge amount of cloudy and wet weather tho boys have considerably changed iu color and present quite a tanned ap pearance the hamilton tranne pays our boys the following compliment the lome ilifles looked well and with theltfth were probably the finest battalions on the field during the inspection gen luard took much interest iu tlie 20th battalion aud finding that they had not been pro vided with tunics since 1879 said they should have them t once he inquired as to the costi and quality of the new tar tan trousers aud found that they were much more durable than those ordinarily used he asked col allan to haw the pipers play him a tunc and then rede away sayinj that ihey sounded better at a dis tance cattle astray and the penalty a number of farmers cattle fifteen or twenty have beca impounded during the past week aud the owners subjected to fine for infraction of the cow bylaw our laws must certainly be observed but we think it- is due to farmers that any person finding their stock wandering into the vil lage should unless they have committed depredations of some kind turn them homeward instead of marching them off to the pound thus causing thtir owners unnecessary trouble and expense the farmers inthis vicinity will not wilfully allow their cattle to run at large and risk them being impounded but sometimes when they are let out for water or a breach acci dentally occurs in their pasture fence they happen to wander into acton and arc im- mediately driven to the pound and put nndcr the lock and key of the loundkeepcr the law is certainly a just one aud all wiifal violators should be punished but discretion should be observed in impound ing animals which arc accidenlly astray new school books we have just received from messrs james campbell a sons toronto advance sheets of their new reading books for the public schools which they have christened the royal readers although there are many objections to a change of books in the public schools we think the time has come for the retirement of the series at present in use as they are certainly very much behind the demands of the present age there is much about the royal readers to commend them to a favorable consideration by the canadian public the illustrations are beautifully executed and cannot fail to interest the pupil the selec tions have been made with care and com bine a variety of snbjects hitherto unintro- daced into the readers now used in ourcana- dian public schools canadian authors were not overlooked and there appears to be a strong desire that canadian sentiment should prevail with those who learn from the royal readers since a change is necessary we hope to see the royal readers come into general use arciitectoral messrs pailiser palliser a co bridge port ct tlie well known architects and publishers of standard works on architect ure have lately issued a sheet containing plans and specifications of a very tasteful modern eightroom cottage with tower and also with the necessary modifications fos building it without the tower and with but six rooms if desired in its most costly form the outlay is estimated at 3000 without the tower it has been built for 2- 500 and if only six rooms are included the cost may bo reduced to 1700 or 2000 details are given of mantles stairs doors and casings cornices etc the publishers have found it the most popular plan they have ever issued and state that it has been adopted in more than fivehundred instances within their knowledge the same firm issue specifications in blank adapted for frame or brick buildings of any cost also forms of building contract and several books on modern inexpensive artistic cot tage plans which are of great practical value aud convenience to everyone inter- estei 10 special pbisbs mxo cash lor boat doaao swede tamil mjo oaah for bt doaau haajols railed from leedpurahawd at j h meoabvins dm aad kulloarrr hare irta theaolprltn are opon for eomnotltion to all roaidost farmdri in esquatlng kaluga weya erin aud bramota tx b all kinds of mil field and rower 8ei0 8- qood fresh and reliable ax j e mcgarvins drng stationery store summer announcement j glasgow house nelson mcrae arctic ice cream parlor eietjtt defot a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried on hy mr l g mntlhews in the post office buildiugaud rcmodtlled the es tablishment is novvprepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different fuvoral icecold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brands cigars flndevrerythingpertainiugtothe line of firstclass qnality ice orotm sairjlied la any quwtitr vs i intend givio ray icreonal attention to uiu busiaeafi cublomcrs can relv upon laving the ordcra circfullv filled a istt tolicilwl a e matthews personals iircc speight vrjsilod friends fn uark- ham last week jlr aud sirs isaac francis visited friends in lramosa this week ur robert watson jr retained last week from a trip jo manitoba miss ellen snyder of orangeville visit ed friends here during the week ifiss emma tubby of georgetown visit ed acton friends on dominion day mr p fleory of markham spent sev era days daring the week with friends hero mrs v j pigott and her two boys loft on tuesday on a visit to friends in new tcork mr peter molean f s inspector for algoma district paid acton friends a short last week hiss khza j leslie of glenwilliauis spent several days this week with friends in acton and vicinity mr geobeswick and wife aud mr orange 3nllof orangeville visited their acton friends thisweefcj vtt i mrs eev g a bull of hamilton pent several days last week with her json bev geo bull at st alhaas ghoroh parsonage mr w moore of the canadian ex- prem mr w j hicuiuof thirfuwofficeottbesknw- city spent monday with friends in acton mm new furniture store charle8 h heimbach has decided to engage in the furniture business ix altojf and will opien out on thursday ljtk mstin the store below the oddfellows hall oa main street a complete new stock of furniture of all kinds and the citizens of adou and sarroanding country will hereafter be able to purchase anything they waat at home instead of go iog tc gaelph or georgetown being a practical furniture finisher 1 will finish all furniture myself and consequent ly be in a position to give better satisfaction aud more reasonable prices than other retail dealers ccoudhaud faroitarc rcfiuisbed in good syte and orjcss left at the shop will be promptly nttended to a call solicited wo will gladly show yua anything we have whether you boy or not charles ii heimbach acton july 3rd 1583 hills tin k stove depot good asso rtm ent on sto vks cheap for oasr i tinware of all kind8 ax bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a oa ll solicited j 0 hill hill st ff anlan mrbcr 1mop ur ajjs5t5ieudsj3sr has opened a barher shop in the premises lately occupied by w forsjer as office and solicits a 4ha of tbipairpuaze of ihis yiollii ty bverv difurtment oijtbe business will be cooaeefoepw oathus style iiin osaeatl f i ri i jp wortdeh ji mrd 18ss wanted we wouldrespectf ullylcall attentionto our large and cotn- plete stock of gopds for the summer trade every department is replete with all the novelties of the season 10 rbmflve w p brown cos la rgb stock of groceries glassware chinaware and crockery selling cheaper than the cheapest for one month coods must co out come and get them while the offer is open w p biwa si co where do you buy your footwear in asking the above question we simply desire you toexamineclose- ly tree main points 1st quality material gildstyle fit and work 3refrice size of bui and when yoa are satisfied with conclusions pay ua a visit aad wewill guaranteequnlity of ma terial style of fit and work aud au appreciable saving ou your order splendid stock of spring goods for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened it these are sufficient considera tions please call on kenney son main street aoton ctqx- harnes trunk rixrm uqumns jumersa is to save money bhonldgbtb- fi dress goods department in this department we are showing splendid value in black and colored cashmeres plain and check nuns veilings woolbnnt- mgs aud all the leading goods for summer wear we claims to have the best value in the county in 50 cent blue black cashmeres the immense quantity we dispose of in this line of goods is a sufficient guarautee of their excellence we aro showing a magnificent line of muslins and a iare and select stock of prints and cretonne goods 1 our millinery department iu this departmeut will be found all the leading styles of ladies and misses hats bonnets c in straw goods tape leghbrn c aud a choice selection of flowers feathers and everything usu ally kept in a firstclass house this department is under the management of firstclass milliners and parties can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction before placing your orders he sure and examine our stock of millinery goods ordered clothing we are now showing a splendid stock of tweedsin all the leading styles also full lines of blue serges audabplendidrangeof trous erings we are also showing a complete range of worsteds in diagonal check and corkscrew patterns as this depart- ment is under our own personal supervision parties ean rely on getting perfect satisfaction from the fact that our goods are bought at the lowest cash price and we employ none- but experienced hands in the manufacture of our cloth ing wealso give a fashionable and perfect fit every time and at prices to suit everybody call and inspect our stock oitjyeeds cents furnishings we are showing full lines of gents white and colored shirts and also full lines in felt and straw hats collars cuffii ties braces ice in endless variety staple department this department ivill always be found complete and good values in all lines of cottonades shirtings hollands towellings and all goods pertaining to the boots and shoes iu this department we are showing a 1 value in alhlines as we carry an immense stock to select from we have sizes to fit everybody we give 5 per cent off to any person wherbnys 5 pairs 4 upwards in every department of our business our aim is to place be fore our customers the best goods at the lowest posslbfs prices and as pur business is constantly incrbsslrigltma guarantee thrtflfur efforts are- appreciated wetoby strict attentionijqbusiness and lair desliiig tdinertt continuance of the public patronage t we are yours c yi m mf r i ivrss 7isi

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