ttan rte rts8 tbtosiut he io jcit u 188s pur y oung folks dear little heads in the pew in lb mora of tbo holy sabbata 1 ilk tu uw church to oo tb dear utue children cluttered wonhipping tnens witfa me i am oro that the gentle pastor yhoae works are like summer dew it cheered u bo gases over der uttln heads in the paw tacac earnest and tboajjhtjal innocent crave and sweet 1 they look in the congregation like itlle among the wheal and 1 think thit the tender master whoso mcrdes ever are new has a special benediction for dear little hood in the pew qoar in the urmm rcsoonding i to the organs rrelltlig chord allngtc the treah fonng rolccw eacer to urxso the lord and i trut that the rising anthem has a meaning deep and true the thought aud the music buuded for the door hitle heads in the pew iyhou they hoar the lord t m j- she pharvl or suffer the babie to come they are glad that the loring jcsas has given the iambi a home a place of their own with his people ho cares or me and for you bat clow in his arm he gather the dear httle heads in the pew so i love in the gnat asaeaildr oa the sabbath mom to see the dear httle children clustered and tronhippmg there with me for i know that my precious sanoar whoso mercies are ever new has a special benediction for the dear httle beads in the paw impaired vigor of mind tad body tn both male lodfemali elder yoqng cured by iho timely nw bf df 3 0 woati nw t aud brtiu trtatmcot sold at j e mcgarmqi drugstore aoton the lrtaleat inuif caupoiatl is a preparation of carbolic acid uclloe aud ccrtilo called mcgregor parkoi car bolic cerate it will enru any sow cut bum or brulso when all oilier preparations fall call at j e mcflarvn i drag store and get a package twenty 6vo ceuts 1b all it cost to most children the baro sngjcstlon ol a dote- of caator oil u oaumallog b not then when physic- la necessary for the litue one use aers cathartic plllal the combrao every essential and valuable prin ciple of a calhartic mcdiciuc and being bogarcoatcd arc costly ukefl a fine nit when thopropnetors of burdock blood bitten uttliu leuow ncd medicine on the marlcl ibej hit il cxacu the hit dspopsw indigestion anituver and kidney compiamu hard blow from which the will rercr recover g w uitigav parldak toronto writes ml ttitc irtd 4vtral vltj autre attacks of cramps in the atmiach ucanug of du vrsri plicwiiarivl rndiu ulcaaaatnts to lake 1 gave her two botle aud the his not had an attack since and her health is much improved for sale bj all drurhisla mr parpelus boilcau 0laa aj i wit radical cured of pile from which i had been suffering for oer two months by the use of thomaa eclectnc oi i used it both inleroalh and eiternalu taiiqg it in small docs before meals aud on retiring lo bei in one week i was cured and luye had no troablc since i be here it saved m life almost ever person has acme form of 1 bcrofuloas poison latent in his vein t hen this develops in scrofulous sorca ulcers or i erupuous or lakes tii form of rheumalimn 1 or organic dlseaica the suffering that ensues is teinble bcioud description hence the pniutudc of those who discover as thols and- eart do that acr baruianlla will thorou tndicac tli evil ftcui tle ivftem 50000 reward bur an turaocitls rcco nmen iir mcgccitors b curx for dfpn ndics ion osuvcncss headache r that are uol genuine 00le of which arc from jxrtoc in the fcutcs or thouuj i i miles awaj bet from pctci inaudanld i j hamilton oat we gave trial bottles fnc of coat so that an cannot be jcccivcl i parcha ng jurortbjeas article batlnoirits valae nforc bavin trial lollies id letumanu given free at j l mcgarvia dreg fa ov 1 pretqtmuos of k pp roach ipg ihuicr m the thapc of digeuve wcakneas laasxtadc lnactinh oflukduevs pjins in the rccicii of the liver and e bhdes mcaal depressna coupled with 1 eadachc fcrrc 1 toogne vertigo she old not lc disregardctl lsc norllrop t li maa t eelxbc d cd- ery 1 hpept c cure n avert ilcjnl to 1 ciitu i ruiove u lmpjn k acd give- toue to tle whoe evtt m krun tlaid llglitalnt is the 02 ruii tan eons re icf f ir necr 1 gii hcjuaciic toothache etc hablr ga j tew drops brukli i a lhl is needed i uking nmseous meaiciics for vrctk bl i one m nate s application removes all pain and will prove tle ercat vain o kli a t hoid l ghtnmg tvrcctj hrc ctnu per tm j bottle at j e mctiarvma drug store ts ikinoaiwntmtrt f shiloh s consumption cure keverasracha raah made for an drug this is leioud question the moatctuxu- store as is now at krganina for a tnai f mtdicme we have ccr sold a few- bottle of dr kings verar ducoverj for dqsqs mra cjrea the wort cases of consunption coughs and colds ah per coagii croap m bronclitis while its tons affected with asthma bronchitis oaderfol 8 in the cure ol consamp- enormous reduction in prices at the right house this week a large quaollty ot flowon worth from 10 to 80c are aeillojr off nt only to ollion worth from 20 to ist aro rtdu cd to loc i idita no 1 uimct i lata ortli fioc i ar lelung off at only ujc uati are offering at a meat reduction nice baih blbbom aelllng off nt ooly hta wido llnld nihbon ciling for 11l wido faulj iuum are going off at only jc a lot of colored aud blookbnliiif worth are marked down t 80c kl i glovea maikeil dowu from 87jc tojst tip s un kllnl with an enortnoui alack of now aud fnabionable good including almost erefy kind that 1 woven owl a taat quantity of fancy ailicles not woven compruiing n tck ounout m0 000 which is aelllng off at exceedingly low pricce just wo the paraaola the itylea nr new and beautiful nu tlio vnluo cxcjlcnt the gnnt mc of ojovia w on nt ouh half thttr real vnluo tho ouormona aalo ol druan good at about lialf prico la maklug hrcly tlmcc do not firga lo exatnme tbt lli omu and childnn s lndorclothlng and nockwear of all klndl the value la rood tlio quallliw exeellont and iho makoj and stylca unaurpaaiid lie sure o tu tin imim n elck or yr iita nt all prlocrfrom 8 to sfk lou ot prints at 7c fully as good as last acnaoua 8i the 10c prints compare will with iho- snd imit mlcr ntj2k m d the uicntr prices tlio dress goods bato au aalouuhiug aale 1 he dealgos are now and beautiful the qualities good and the prices low ik hurt to cxuirmc lb c urociciniikiinos and other dress goods of light loxture just sultaulo for the warm weather coming on thit month tho white and colored waitings 1 ve an linintiuh hi liny arc aocu good valuo just see the 8k yard wide fine wlilte shirtings also the 10c 181c and better qualities in floe medium and umv makrr tlic aru irj ehtap ltie urey cottons hnvo boon greatly reduced also in prico lately examine the so grey cetton it surpiiscs people tbohlgbrr prkod coltoin ore iqmlly rod value gresl run ou tho carpets floor oil cloths mattings mats rugs carpet sweepers o the styles qualities and prices all rive good natlstatlio i to customers are on king street tast close to hughaon street the name on the tign is if lucre is n the stotoa hamilton luno 11th 1883 thomas c watkins hamilton baby a pickpocket a certain precious baby had been watch ed b his fond mother who wanted to dis cover the first signs of future genius if he opened a book and made a noise with his month he was to be a preacher if he mn tatcd some action of an older person he was to be an actor one dav he had been forcibh emptying the pockets of his big brother who struck bv an idea ran to his mother and cried o mamma i know what the babv is going to be a pick pocket pungent paragraphs breaches o promise those oar tailor didm t bring home hoir and where the gallant grocer s clerk makes love across the wav a brooklyn bo can imitate with ins month the sound of a lawn mower his father is going to tn and imitate a t ing machine genius having sneoeeded in making a steamboat oat of paper it wont be long before an mentiye man will produce a railroad eating boose beefsteak ruade of pasteboard a pocket guide for instruction m the art of swimming has been published when yon fall oyerboard and don t know howo swim all ou have to do is to tread wler and read your guide is that about the right length sir aked the shiif nl barber as he fuushod cat ting his customers hair i lie the nd and back was the response bat i wish you would make it a little longer on the top hoatseneas eevere coaghs or any affection of the throat and lungs can get a trial bottle of this great remedy tree by calling at above drue store regular size fc00 be silent and safe silence never betraj e you- 3xr c p brown crown land acent sault ste mane writes two or three of my fnenda andmyselt were recommend ed to try northrop k lyman 8 emulsion of cod liver oil and hypophtwphites of lime aud soda in preference to compound syrup of hypophosphites vt prefer your emul sou and think it better for the system than the rup c affliction like the iron 6mith shapes as it strikes iteli borarded a liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce a case of liver kid ney or btonuch complaint that electric bitters will not epeedily care brmff them along it will cost you nothing for tne raedianc if it fails to enre and j on will be well reward ed for yoar trouble besides all blood diseases bilioasness janndine coot ti pa tira and general debility ore quickly cured susfactjoo guaranteed or mooey refunded prfc only fifty cents per boltle for sale by j e ifcgamn it is a crime to consider any wickedness a sign of ability houotcaife pilu the stomach and i trooves cause more discomfort and brtt g more unbappiness thai u commoojy top psed the thousand ills that ictue there may be presented or dislodged in the jadi cioufl use of tese punfying fdu which act as a sure gentle autt acid aperient without annoying the nerves of the most saaceptible or irritating the moat delicate organization ilolloway6 fills will bestow comfort and confer relief on every headachy djspeptc and sickly sufferer whose tortures make him a burden to himself aud a bugbear to his fnenda these pilli hare long bee a the popular remedy for a weak stomach for a disordered liver or a paralysed diges tion which yield without difficulty to their regulating purifying spd tonic qualities uon is witroat a parallelin the history of mcdicane since its first discovrv it hu becn60li on guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand if foa have a cocgu we earnestly asfcioatofr if free 10 cents 50 cents and 1 00 if cxirta are sore chest or back lame ue fehiloh poroas pinter vld by j e kcgarvin hben mothers uoincr are you disturbed at mgbt and broken of your rest by a sick child sasenng and crj ing with the excruciating pam of cutting teeth if so fo at once and get a bottle of mrs w inslow s soothing eyrup it will i relieve tbc poor tittle sufferer immediately j depend upn it there is no mistake about it thereis not a mother ou earth who has ev er rued it who will cot tell you at once that it will regulate the boweli and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child opcratog like nalc it is perfect ejfe to c in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescnp tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses m the united states sold everywhere at 25 centa a bottle edtd job went pretty hearfl- into the boil bruufesf and the venfane was a complete nccesa this reminds m that puwiiis faivtcsft co ex eitkactoe u flswtber buc- ceaa and out it gives more comfort t ie world than jobs boils did remember the name then for the little playful corn eomeui and the remedy therefor will glad den the heart positively sold by all drug- psfe x c polson co kingston pioprieiota mmmra a h npsvvm safu vegetable sicilian hair renewer w uic cwt prciurauon perfectly ndivptcd l cnn itupisrt of uio ca1p aud ll finlwc cc ful restorer of faded o gruj ia r lo lu t itunl co or grovrth aid yjoutliful boaul h bulivli in lailutor bat t ou nave o fu i i cl nil llic require menu uccdfol fo il c rojr reaunent of uic uair and icalp hill huh klevtui uai iteadlly frown la furor and fimad its fame and uaef alncai to ererj quiner of uio gtobe iu uoparal icled raccw can be nurtbnted to but ooo cause the entire futjilmail of it prtmixt tue irxrctor hare often boea inrpriied i ibe recc it of orders from remote conn itcs vrlierc the bad never niade an effort foe i illrodaci o i llie esc for a ihort tin e of hall s haia i cvrwcii rciiderfislly in prorei the per joi 1 l rai ev k cleaijcs liic teajp from all ir i t e cures all luwi ferer and uryr aid iluj rcvciiu baldnem it f iaiojil- lie weakened f lands and enables 1 iet i t xk fomrvl n new and tijforoaa px tlw eiteetd cf u article are not m e i it u e of a eobo c i rcpara- t t r lull f i e ulldi lults i lr l cr of cc on y buckinghams dye whiskers wij eli tbc ictjj lo i ijitaral brorrn eb x i w red hiodueitinuanetil c r i it w ii i c l uatnir coutfhgcf i l i 3ril t il is rjlbed vruiont l c rneium dy b p hall co kastoia hh sc lviul ict f in medjcjics ros all the robmb or crofuooi mercnrlil and blood disorder tho best remedy becaose the tikvi searehine and uioraugs b oodpariflertls ayers sarsaparilla sold by all imstkui w six botties 5 not life it 1weepirg by 50 ard litre b- ore yoa die fnmcli ins mlflilj- and rob hmetcifeb biud loeonqoer lint jflonw tk in jour own u vrn out si fr c vortlc ferju ipiew cdpiinj no rqi nl w e wl if ml ii j t uevcrytblnz iliiaj re r al nz fnrtantp i ati f nultiil mnclt a inci ij bojhan i gi is mnjceireal ir ei erffjoswan batliiem al wwch j 111 n r rt iij all 11 lime wric or rl e 1 incli it allittaco por1iand mn 1 speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c aie prepared to furnish eveij thing m their line a from the be8t casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest teim 5all calls eithei night or daj piomptl attended to satis faction guaranteed m everj case a firstclass hearse for hire f e are io s position o astisfactonl fill orjeri for ir3 carnage ir of ever description in rcisonablc lime good orlmsnhipond first class niaiiialalii used we i sic alio a tpcudldlot or lurnlurc both commua nud eitra iui ilj uu ioa ill pay us cash e will sell oa aiithiog lu oar line cheap j a speight wanasor rest c come and see the fine display of spring tweeds at the east end clothing 8jt0re tecis week elegant tweed suits from 1100 to 1500 also a large eangs of sedges and worsteds m mill itturcd m the latest styles and ou the hoile 1 1 lmcc tuchiii tilts iiaariiaaseftjfalthfttiaadjulnetj i u iju j fyfe ho more long sittings ttnts secured roa inventions henry grist i ottawa v canada f 500 reward v ewill 4irlhijabate reward braay cae of lvecomplaint llypei3sla sltlc sead- aeiie ladieesunr constwauoi orcoitive- ae vrc cannol cure wjtli s efs esoubie liver fill whenlledlr ciionsnre itrtelly cotnp ad irii i x ley ar uircij n cfjeiablc and never f il lo eltetnuafjxnian flatiir coated lrge boief coclaimny 3n pills 25 cent fotg i by all draejuu lewireor connterftte nd imtuiloni the renolue maiufucuiredonu bvjonvc wlht a co tne hu wfllcrs l as3kioht eat to ronto out free trial ptxfcvrge en by mall prepaid on recelrtofa 3 cent swmp we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prasess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap i c w hlllu man hog ilow lost how restored weliarereeerllj pnwiihedauev i edition of r fnlvf nru tele bratfd tsxf on tne radical unit permanent cure wiluoul mcili clue of vervoa debility stenu i an puj-ric- aincapacujimpcdiinenuormarrflffe resouinfffromeicessei aprjee in a oaej envelope onlrfi els oriwopoiuc stamp rneciiebraledantlior n this admirable efsaj clearlj dc mo nitrates from tuiru years laeceffilul practice thai alarming cnn geqnencm maj be radically cared wlllioai he dangerous ire of fa ernnl medcinor the use oitlic knife poniinffoat a mode of coretqpceimple certain and effecton by means o ff pij ever raiterer no matter wbatbl condtiun pnj oe mycurehlmsei cbeaptjprivatelj and radically tbii lectnre suoold be in luj innja of everyyoatu anleverr man in the land address the calverwell medical o al ian 8t ew torh pogtoffljifl box 450 who is unacquainted with the ceocraphy of this countrfy wiu see by examtmino this map that the irob tuaw ki0ney8uverurinary 0rcan8 tdk bet blood pcbuiek there uoolyono wuybr vhleb taty disease can be eared and that is brrepiovjngtbe eanse- wtisteverlt may be fberfeatiuec eal aqtturiues of ibe day deolare tbal nearly every disease is oaised by deranged icldaeya or liver to restore these iberaforo is tbe ooly way by wbteh beajllj can be secured here is wben wajatait sursounx has sxbleted lu greatrepctatlon 1 tacte dlrecl- lyapontbe ltlddejsaodllirand oyplaclog ibem la a bealtby eondluon drives disease and pain from uysttrai for all kidney liver and urinary troubles for the distreu- jns disorders of women for malaria and pbrslcal tronbles generally ibis rest rem edybanoegaal rieware or impostors lm luuons mat esnaoetlons said ta be lost as good t r for diabetes ask tor v iims bate dia betes cure for safe by ajl dealers hiuwabmebavco t 1000 forfeit havldgtue utmostconfldencein tuiarvsr- iorliy over all otlien and eftei ihonsanda of teiuof tue raov complicared and severest cases we cdi id find we feel jnstifled in ofler- lnc to forfeit one tuoaiand dollars forany ease ofconsrscoios sorp tbroa influenza hoarseness hodcniha onfnmptlon in its earl ftagef wbooplnr coogh jpd all dis eases of the throat and urgiescenl aitbrnn lor which we on i v claim rcliejthat wecan1 core with wests coach tyrnn when lafccjj according ui dirctiong bamile bottle si ftnd3occnt fargre bolues one dollar genujne wrappers only in biuo bold by all dmpelav orsnt by express on receiptor prlc jqax c wksta co 14 b3knffkl ensl toronto ont rueanteeft rstarrhcure ko cure i no pat i a locd and conititatwnal tttatratnl two distinet medioaet one tcung on the kaxai atfages head tbronf and longi tht ocber on ae urer kidoni aod blood ikstantakeous econcwrcalysafe radical tfteatmentr sold tr all druggists prioe 70 cts knot found ruutnaory he pnetpauf will be refunded some diron c or ouu- nate cases of long standing may rfqalrt from tare to us packafcj lo cucct permanetit cure h0ntjeafc4fr0yny gecr st and chicago rock island pacific ry being th great oentrsl line affords to tranters bjlfeason of its unrl graphloal position the ahortest and beat route bertson tne eai boijtbwst pnd the west northwest and southwest it is itttwaur aid strictly true that its connections are all of the prlnc pal lines of rfcw jftwep ttftauafltljaikj the pacific by lta mam finf and jnfflh it raehea chicago joilat peoria ottawa la 8aile oeneaeo jdoltno anf j6ek laland in lhnoli davenport miacatlne waahlngton keokua knojtllle oaknjoosa f airfield pes moines weat liberty town cltjamlo asoca auduboo arfen outtirla center and ooune i bluffs in iowa oaltatln trenton oamsron mid kansas city ih mlaeourl and lsnton- worth and atohlaon in kansas and the hundred of oiaes vaiaoss it d towns intermediate tho t 1 n great rock island rouie as it la familiarly oallod offers to trartlora all the advantages and omforta incident to a smooth track safe bridge union depot at an oonnectlm points fast eipre train oompofwd of oommooious well ventilatec well neateo finely uph0l8tere0 and eleoant day ooaohe8 a mr a of we morrmaowwnrrhwtron reolinino ohair oars aver built pul man latest dlgnd and handomat palaoe bleeping oars and dinin 2 oars that are acknowledged by praaa and people to b the finest run upl in any roao in the oountry and in whloh aupertor meal an served to tr eler at ft wj2 of tverryfiv cents each albert lea rojte jpw ba arn10cminallbmtlafmrmttautiapollaandlntm all through pa on past eipreu train f maybeobts nedas w4latcslatanirliiolpatjocmlrbithin laiotof rr cable estjohn r vloepreat oanl asanas oasiirkt i pui chicacso butcher shop wool coi i 1 r holmes rpijcctfullv inform tho pcple of ii i wm tv tl at i c ins purchased s 1- i 1 r jertj n mr u c v i i lepired in mp i i v t firstclass meat of all kind and p iltru and g nne n sea u c ica at anv tunc id to an part of town taunt racticnl experience in tbe butchering baincs i feel corfident that 2 can m ill i kindh solicited r holmes earcmorthe million 7oo chovvs balsam of sharks oil cosilltfly orom ibe drarls urn u ike onlr aboinie are for deafneas liaowa tli s mi ik absir cted from pecallarkrecfes m imi l white shark cinrtu in the yellow oi known i caicctm rtor bovdelimi lrtrj ii flaticrmin known it ita tlr iks iiro oniiveofb arioj were discover pib i b diiini rrlestabooi ite year lllo lit c pf were s jieroaf and majty ho ef u n mira i o it it the remertv xv- qic li proc tirnetlnttiheanllrflfm 1 ii wbo ii h r nvfral that ior r r on arv has existsd am t ti cifivr i pbjle teit pbflrses i it ti opcr boil e 2cir vmt ae deif say it i c for i in j do in inj mse i l ac m ii r hi j i os in my hcdand i car much betur i have be ur a ii bi fitltd mj d unh ip- darott al think in- 0 tr bottle vri i r re me i r ngis m eti b nefllted ihucnt ivej unlo d bnjefli 1 is p w w d ui f ci ion hnvc be ncmi b eoued and am re joice i if j 1 ut tl e i olice oxil lis i s re i vqifti vani e and its ct flvtt lmiaiactft as tub wttltkk cas 1 fr0 li tdstif bjtii from expk8i- rvct i obsetvatiov wnio at once to noi k jrvmn iyslreelnewtrorfc coei n ft m rna win heor like any boiv o t n i wl ne carailr efteris wllib p rnin it ou vr n pr regret doinrrj l- 1 or merravtlllrbvtetr rptnar iid lois in the malta pi ease send ro ley l ugtbtcfn lbttkr i imtruibjuitoti444eet abfifintsmi in ttm vw tnm ndbcntlcbi txettsn teiaun altcmdviiamiwtanckmmu4bm bbj auuttri cd uta mm tu jtaslifmi rttu ha of trutic verrom demuty ptw4a u twj ebpcrmovd by the maksmhi ptlwsi wn twni ptamaia kbtontiraa m amamily staple cflwilra stawajy r trtains connlullot tnt a18tos budt co t tdf 6c tmmowt 1 lo wce made av home or the inij not liest business noir b- rt ii jubme capital not n edti hu artrpn tfen d l rasied evcywhrte n t5 i t i time yon can w n c n i o v rk r e ir ilk at c oirwnolent i i oi o ib in i i no oihr bnslnes- wil hmojic rl jb v l i o o e can dih tniix eori a j by cngginj al once com oj fi i i urmsfrce money made 3f ca v an nolorabij audrefatck 4 co vo a main pills ointment 777 f ncoiiparablt medicixb cr rtijor ixrh an imperishable fame im ji ttllc world tor the aueriatam and rurlo i at itstalowltichhamamtuheir the pills 1 imf txaljii and improne the qaahty of the hiooj tit ssistlhc digestive organs cil ttil stomicu aud itovlfcls it ercise tbc secretorj powers of the liver inci uecenoas sistem and throw into the circalinn tbi putct ilemenis for suetauuur aud repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that 1 y their uc alone uiey have been restored to heil h iod tl rmsth after every other menus lid proved unsuccessful rag- the ointment atil bi fuuud malmblo m every household ih the cwre of flpco iores hard tumors sai logs olivsuaidoussu colds sfcix throats bronehitia and all disorders of the throat aud chest as also gout bheuniatunn scrofula and ototv kind of akin disease manufactured onl at prnfeasor hollo- ways establishment 688 oxford stree1 london and sold at is 1w od 4s 6d 2is d33awh box d rot and in canada at 36 ecnfi 90 ceat and si 50 and the larger azef in proportion tt5 i hat8 no wht la the united state nor are my medicines told there purohnsers hould therefore look to hielabuofuho pota kind sdute ihb address is not b39 otfori flruf loridbb they are epunoqs fl tbe ivado mark of my said mediome is regiatrerea t ottawa and 41jk at vfasli miron ed momas hollowast sv qxfordbtreot unoa f wtm s cnjmiaftr fair fhal wib1 reibf or care efracted your mcffey wafv rounded fwca q 1 mrsenrn s nrktsurns- liuomit required to lltut 1 as yolivh t om to mi liottuai will tuiily tlieufcojl ira iicnnuf nil iiuuuujii frum t ii- nnvaa piuiplc llilcli orbnil tu the most ataor nant form of scrofulous ulcer one to six buttus by tinr ta j blood wilt punfy tbe oumpleuoa irja sallovrness smooth oat tb trnnklet rasaftj ing from imperfect noorishment of tie bodj sweeten foul breath aod renovate laa entire syfrtera ovc to two bottom will cure onhaar constipation or oiitivness thereby removhu i hha iache piles biliousness and jaatiiot sod all diseases rtsalting from tospidlatist ose to six bottles by cleuanu la blood lroprovrog ibe general besjijbvaad fortifyior the system against takioi freav- colds wiu in all coses relieve and in aht eases cure that common loatheaome aad dangerous disease catiskh ose to tuiiei bottle will regaute all derauzements oftbekidncys curing onaar difficulties prostration gravel diabetes etc oveto fock bottles will raauanit tbe entire system cunog nervous and- gsa eral debility femile weskness and alius attendaot miscnea iailowoii cures rheumatism frrtewalts worm powders are pleasant to tkc caatain their tnra pcrjrii e ii tafe taut and eoodmai ofsirvjrr of invau in qhfldroi or adatta pr smiths gjua3f worm rlmfd hai bcea nj by tiutouidt of pooa bo unrablly cadotsri oa daunforu ss a rhrnt safe ttfiaue ana prompt remedy tor tne rami of stonacfa and scatorju waa traatau or adau it ucasy totake aenrh rfotely t aad reqmna ao after phyjic ntxr akcd ar tarn j smith medicine cot mah wopmremcd v dr fela le areas qandq orrjttti a goaranuetlcnre or venelal djmiw sae nleahint an i reliable t bnd offecla from it me dock not hiuryic wth oral ness nr diet irlce 1 rx dor or three boxcs ior4 written mr lteen i si br vxery tltily authorised accm larefiindin monej if thre boxes fril tocurj sent pobujer repaid on leceipeorprire or felix le brun 4 co 81 4 83 kldz sl east toronto fcole proprietor j fc ale arvh xothorizecfaxeuirorackio ontario rurdock blood wiu cure or euevr bjummssi diziihbst dyspepsia indigestion jaundice ehysipeu8 salt rheum heartburn headache 0rop8y flutterw9 0fthehemt acidity of the stoum dryness of the sag and ewrypecfes disordered uveh kidkeys bowels or blood f jdisene arising fresi errovaohv t m1lburn i 60 gray fs specific mfiimi too qreat english i aaudfithk grartdsial weakness sjicrmat tr impotncy mm allthna that lollqtr ns a saqesna slrabnse as tew or hi ory unleril ijualtiid lu the baev dlmntwu ion p nun tore mu agayl many other diseases i lenatoibsanliyoj- hon jarfnhpicolarern oar namphiav srejes alretosangifree h mail ta teffi tavspeelte mculclno is told by au droxr slsts atllooper rickage ui paekages for ss or kill jfi b mnjt o re ceipt of the money hy nd- dressing j tho firay xtoioist oo di toronto onltn- uu sold by 1 e htfjarvtdlirovaetoa d kowestakanviiajtdl a sdanateedtanealar frl edltzlnemconvaulooarlunr headache norton koaln r uio sa of alcohol or toberi1l oess aiintal denmklom bofleplairl brain rtsnltlngla lniailu and ml mlaerydt eojn ijdeatbprcmaumc barnnnrca lw olpowrlne volnntarj lcsjesondbpf rnmtc byoyecxeryotfoflti brawtitlnu ojerlrrtulgeooe due ink wttjtmmd etaianlee slxtojealo cure any e fv br rptbe ratfnepl dwaiifi