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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1883, p. 1

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1- i i ft f 1 3 3 f i i fltce pae88 power printing house mllil stuekf acton oxt ts the fmu paiss will be sent to labseribcrs pottage paid tor 1100 per n- anm in advance 1150 if not so paid no paper discontinued till allvrrear are paid iecpt at the option of the publisher i ipramsurc ratm casual ad vcrti de ments 6 cents per line for the first iuseis tkn mid i cents per knc for eidi subsq- qiiontinbertiou- cash ptijfeaaionel cardi id lines or less 400 per annum 1 square li lines 500 per annum payablo in p months from date of insertion any special notice the object of which is to- promotjc the pecuaiary benefit of any individual dr company to be considered an advertise ment- the number o lines reckoned bv the space occupied measured by a seal of tohdvonpareil j 0oolamdoexear tsooo hall eotumnone year jsoi tjoarter eolama one year fctn one column six month sqo helfcuuiaailx mouths 10 00 gfoarteroolamnslxmontbt 1200 oa column three months 30 b half column tnreemonthi lld qaartereolaran three months tfla advertisement wuhrtanpeplfle direction will be inaerledutl forbid and chrfrl aeenrd- tnrlr tranaltoxy atrrrtle merit mnvtbe paldlo adrnee chancea for contract vfvrrtkemenuraust be to the office bj9a mon monday other wise they till be iffl over uh the touovlnih week h p moore i wiur 4 proprietor i rowel 1 oa krwvpaprr ab tertwbtteppancx spry 8tv yrtirlti watracta mar tie fori 1kkkw york- business directory lowkt it b m c- 1 sj graduatcoi trinity college mem- ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred erick st acton l l bennett town tint dentist george john lawsongradtate of ok- vlrlo vrteelxabt collegh tocostu 1 j- veterinary surgeon acton out office p j in kenney ttsonv boot and tdioe stcru rcsr idenee ifi the rear horses examined c t ionadnc rnd certiscalcs givec all calls- night or day promptly tltd ed to terms esy tjrcsherys out- will vitt acton even wednes day and wiu attend to nil call pertaining to his prafeian orderslcftat mcgarvinf drag siorf trill receive prompt attention i t terms moderate tj fisher c- h riggs lds of tue nrm of j rioos ivobt torqkto will be at campbeu hotel on the uh monday of every mouth iathc practice of his prcfesioa- all vrrrk cree ntc1 in th i latest andmostimprovcdfitylo of the dentn1 art no charge for consnltaticn i a sgoodwillie jturrislr sohcitur cor- pulhc teongetovxa- actux ttatloj 01- in ilrt sccpiv iij-i- tohs day actgh banking goy storey ohristie it 00 baskeus clou j oularlo a sexeral raxkixg 1wsi- aess transacted 1c0ks7 loaited on apfaotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits gaelph omc- sauare abchitct ontano queens holel block larke ttt b bragg pbactical hillwright fearradjrice of flonr jliiis a siecialty t 0 addrcs lfcl if 13 kofetton ciulleejon ii a rr siokev barristers solicitors o tlic bopremet court coarerancers ic toronto t gtyrgcj townn- orncrs ko 50 clinrcu street toronto and ilffleoa- block georgetown mz honey to loan- lis s rrxlzbtoy r it nxix b dstoctt w 1l hehstreet lticensed ajxctioneer- for the counii of vvcllingtan and halton orders left at thg fuee pbc omceacton jr t iny residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable hoary t lmmm auo money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest in stmiacf 500 and upwards ice cream parlor mrs w c kinc hereby announces that she xriu open today thursday queens birthday a parlor where will- le supplied firstclass tec crcinisoda ytter ginger ale ic which uill he coutimuvl thronliccl the ummor fresh confectionery atwaya on band aud fmitk served in tlicir scajon picnics aad parties supi1iel with ice creiintc ta call smicilal mrs w c king ac n vfyu s3 7 splendid new stocic ix everv like bargains -iy- ladies berts gold and silver watches a large stock of electro plate jusxkece1ved 3ig sargains in spectacles and eyeglasea wm s smith the witoh ecd clock house of guelph 150 is the pbiob op thb ron axle waggon t j day has bought a carlosd direct from the manu facturers and baviug the profile paid to toronui uerchaut priacc give lils customers the iscncfk is- vw it- reduced price of 15 tliu ii ibe difference iu bajinf direct from the minufactarcrs rather ttun from middle men cton ru rtss tscxnuy mooxixa jnv 20 1883 poetiy farmers railway men which yoa fihous if oar saviour youd know patent dostproof case with waltham movement b say ace guelph sopeiistgr arrivals ttlte fob sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time- apply at the kiln- near toltons mill or to c s smith slay 1st 1s82 box 172 actox the alphabet in rhyme j a it the armour christ bids m to wear we learn how to use it hi answer to prayer h i the battle which we are la light iiut batau nud tin for god ay i the rfpht c ia cooimaadt of chriatc rihaut hand though katan opixxe for him thcr will itaui d ii dont do anything wrone look up io jtsnt for satan in tron e a for entering at tha itraiht rate enter it early tli dangerou to wait f u f or fuar rv the lord tad great king prtr to him dailr tad kit irics tang q in for gainlnjt the victory at last shon til iht fighting and conflict ii iwsu h i for hohn ohow iwiftly they go beriag ui either to joy or to woe i i for fdlo b np and t wort ludujtriotu too thoa qo duty shirk jii foriaiticciohiivc to be just uic iiflfo jeiua whosbobfau trutt k thxt uioro l u the light and fur life ud far ioto theae are tho hort giti uiat come frou ljve m it for lucnyvih blccd is he toe merciful men wherver he uioam be k is for xo ah alvyi obey the sarioara ittjanctiom jv iii n ut o ii obodteuev lluvi u the pati tlial icadeih 10 uicrty zml fir r frji vr-l- p u fur prayer a wvajon of uiiit vtithoat it chrijtf chilinu will fall la the fii- q ia forfiainvuing the lunucil inliliu xlie iu the world by satan md siu k is for roaauj oarwircs to the chl and also for rating when oa couics the cight 6 is for searching the scriplarvs of truth 6tadying them too in uic days of our youth t is for trusting not wholly to god and uliug to hini oartclrw end car load u u for ucful tii evryoiici jiucc to lime to he useful ud tsfc go i for ftice v is for rile hut yoa new net be vile just iniitat him who never knew guile v if for wisdom ph predoas indeed the ffcin that god gives if we ixk in our need x is for expect vast things of the lord iu icfwcr to itayci hes pldlgel yoa ku word ti far yielding and lsa for you yield ye to all that u lovely and true z ijfor rcaloos oh let your heart bum with leal for the lord as a grateful niton weve set tfreat tore by yottr comin i do i asanre yon i yonre very kind said mrs jones shaking the snow off her shabby shawl and j pinched silk bonnet i aint no beggar i i clciate to pay my own way the three women smiled obsequiously they had been given to understand that coasin jones from new york eity was very eccentric that she particularly dis liked any allusion to her relationship and that there was no accounting for her vari ous peculiarities of course said mrs ackjey that must he as yoa please i dont choose to be beholden to any one stiffly added the newlyfound rela tive of course not baid maria helping her off with ber rubbers uncle abraham will be flo sorry that be isnt here to wel come you i can stand it if he canv said the old lady warming her gaunt hapds before the cheerful blaze eh do you live as high as this every day as she saw the liberal preparations for supper we are economical people said mrs ackjey apologetically we raise our own poultry and abigail picked the raspberries last summer oh the mountain and changed fileggs for the sugar at martins grocery store at the crossroads and the tea was a preseut from old captain greer who is in the china trade to pay ackjey for breakin the roau colt bo you see yci i bee ihiid alrtfc jones nodding her head jerkily like a mandarin me- wiut out oconicr managing people you you wont never come to be boarded bo pkp toey rpmbek waxtuy the aiilcraigned u prepared to purchase uy qaiutityof elm birch red beech soft uuple nra ash red uak loaswood liite ajiipcp3r white wotxl balm of cilead pine ccbr or black uh ia either bulu ut nr landing trcet apply atoucetj thos c mooue i acton out ua dc law auk faltms for sale from fli fa per acre rbt 4 0 henobfck ral estoti ant i botuion oeuwara these farms arc improved with buildings fences fruit trues and berries of all kinds soodwatcr plenty of timber land good rondi schools aid churchts good markets only p5 auln fruli philadelphia plenty of i hah bystea and game very productive land clhcatj mid and pleobint come aid see for yourself and he convinced- i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors ta see the firms f r jo- of charge s d hesfdaiacs houston delaware tahes matthews agent for fire insurance gos r life accident insuranoe tioketa 3000 for 25fc per day agcal lor ths dominion stcamslnp co retam tickets iesned or icktt to bnuont yoarfcicnoj cneiree thax auoost ajtt i tjjir linittywlnaii good joint or endoraod suart j it ho8 iscoiji w- aaqt for le onten ijoafliv 8yipg i frii tifjiito j j cbwxutoxu o bdds mortgaaob disoharees ohittle- mortgages farm and n hoa ijeasss asrreemente o ciiumr conrt cmrmrjaepngbencb ac i iwr of marrlationua jafcmjifffosg scotoli tveeds in oreat variety shaw grundy merchant tailors gvelph cautio x each plug of the hue sauk ik bkonie littbes nong oth ji genuine pure paris green we have iiimorttdn large supply genuine paris green and ive can guiraiilce our cus tomers n rclialilu nrticle at very lowest price we alwayg make it a point to test our green before settingit therefore those who liuy from us are never- disap pointed ouk nock-0f- saooeasor to t f chspusn st greorgessqaare onelph account book of oil mods made to order rcriodioalx of nvor iledcrintion oirefndy bnowl bqljnfiriaitlfuja promptly done machine oils is complete aud we ciiii give you variety of oili for alldnd of j z ztzfc mncliiuery varying cording to quality- ili price ac- besi canadian coal oil best amerioarvooal p 1- ri nl ways on iflnirj w c smith co dispedeiiig chcrbhtb a slight mistake the sun bad gone down in a rad river of threatening cloud the btorm which had been impending for some days had broken at last ia a wild whirlwind of snow and tempest and mrs abraham ackicy had just pet the teakettle on for the evening meal with abigail her daughter stirring a saacepanfnl of mush on the btoye and maria her niece hard at work stitching the upper parte of cheap cloth shoes for a manufacturer in the neighborhood for the ackleys were a thrifty family noth ing was lost nothing wasted uot even that slippery commodity time the ackleys were a feminine house hold that night for abraham himself the grizzled head of the family had gone to the city to put in a claim far a pension which according to his ideas ought to have been paid half a century back to some old revolutionary ancestor or other t aint to be done said abraham winking his watery blue eyes not even by the united states government itself so it had happened that abigail had foddered the cattle fed the fowls and lock ed the barn door coming in all powdered over with enow her middleaged nose blue with cold never mind girls said mrs ackley with a subdacd chuckle when we inherit our cousin jones property we shant none of us have to work no more we can ho ladies and set up iu 6agegrteu dresios playin with peacockfeather fans did yoa get the best chamber ready marier i didnt light the fire yet said she thought it warnt no use burnin up good hickory logs until we knowedwe was rfoin to want cm scarcely wah the sentence well out of her mouth when a tattoo bounded loudly on the warped panels of the uupainted i front door lrnid6eake alive said abpait drop ping the wooden spoou into the mushpot while maria straightened herself up with a jerk its cousin jones already quick stud mrs ackley in shrill stage whisper put the mush in the closet and fetch out the cold chicken ajid raspberry preserves and the best cups table cloth with the bprdci of daisies and she turned to the door with a dar ing homepipped candle in her hand is this srs abe ackley demanded a ahriu toici x was olcvahe lived half way upjnagrags aidt fliis ifrs jones said irfra aplo leyhhier tettcceiits thats the ticket l said the stranger 11 do open the door and let me in i aint nobqrplar norjet afinbaktliifl im delighted to see ou said mrs fgoii dowiiajar my bciderl ackley do pray walk in and let the girlfltako yoorriihigh marior abigail tliis is mw jones ia youre beard to mnch of your rootn will bo aarnt dcockly out like ton poor i reckon i hope uot said mrs ackley de voutly the idea i said miss abigail well things is ordered differently in this world observed mrs jones its uphill with 6ome and dowuhilj with others but i guess i can get along with you my son will be up to pay his respecta 1 tomorrow said mrs ackley he lives a little beyond here ah baid mrs jones he hasnt been real successful in the world added mrs ackley he married a schoolmaam aud theyve a little family i and ackleys had to set down his foot as j be wont help him any more i every one for himself eh said the i old woman with a chuckle mrs ackley nodded she had ventured upon this confidential family communica tion as a sort of hint to cousin jones not to lend money to the impecunious abraham junior if there was money floating a- round in the golden atmosphere that sur rounded mrs jones why should it be given over into such velvet hands as those of mrs abraham junior perhaps suggested maria sweetly mrs jones would like some hot buttered toast well since youre so preasin i am rather partial to it said mrs jones and added abigail jealous lest she should be outdone in these sweet deeds of hospitality theres a rory good meat pie iu the pantry which i made myself if meat pie cried the old lady meat pie is a relish for anything going i dont know when ive put my teeth into a good meat pie before bring it on young wo man briinjl it on the three ackleys looked on with beam ing dyes while mrs jones ate and drank like a halffamished lioness and afterward they conducted her to the bedroom where the fire blazed brightly on the painted redbiick hearth and the patchwork silk quilt marias own work was laid osten- tatioosly across the foot of the bed and thjen they all came down stairs closed kf solid phalanx around the fire and looking at one another with meaning in their speculatrve eyes queer aint she said maria r dressed exactly as if she came out of an old ragbag commented abigail hold your tongues girhi said mrs ackjey geniuses are always eccentric and cousin jones is worth a cool forty thousand dollars j early the next morning long before day light had irradiated the sullen darkness of the wintry horizon and mrs ackley was doing her best in carl papers and a dirty flannel wrapper to make the kitchen fire burn an old boxsled stopped at the door aud in came abraham junior brownfaced goodnatured and smiling well mother said he hows the folks tbcyrti alt well enough said mrs acklev who always entertained a secret fear lest abe should want to borrow money of her father go honi yet said abe no t mrs ackley was blowing desperately at a crumpled bit of paper which absolutely declined to ignite tho kaoduhgs adjoining to it thav ywi mother to a t said i abraham goodhnmmedly youre too economical even to burn enough waste pftpeis goodness knows they dont cost nothtn 1 i humph said mrs ackley i know some people as aint economical in j notbinm j- and that remindfli tdfll aaid abe skatgeay away froto the subject im tonfn poor it aint much pay tobesure th selectmen are real close this year on account of the town ball havin cost such a sight o money but its better than notin and the old woman will be com pany for jane eliza and the children its old huldab jones you know cappen jones widder down in frog lane ob said mrs ackley i expected her up last night n said abe drawing on his blue yarn mittens bat i guess she found the weather one too many for her rheumatiz so now im goin arter ber with an armchair tied into tho boxled and bytheway fumbling in his coat pocket heres a letter i got last night- guesvit was meant for father but i opened it by mistake whos it from screeched abigail who had just comedown stairs half frozen from her fireless room tying her apron strings as she came while maria was tis- ible twisting up her back hair in the dis tanced your rich cousin in new york said abe she aint comin 1 shes made up her mind to rent a furnished flat in new york where she can be near her doctor and her favorite clergyman nonsense said maria thats only a practical joke as some ones is tryin t come on us cousin jones ishereaready asleep in the beat chamber where im goin to light a fire at seven oclock added abigail- what roared abraham girls shrilly exclaimed mrs ackley its a dreadful mistake as weve all of us made this old woman aint our cousin joueiat all its the town poor as abe has took to board old cappen jones wdovr from frog lane and she struck an attitude in front of the stdve like medea before the sacrificial flame and we gave her cold fowl and rasp berry lam cried maria and the whole of the meat pie and my choicest linen sheets and a fire in the best chamber groaned mrs ackley my goodness me how could we be such fools go and wake her up at once said maria to abigail tell her abe ackley is here to take her where she rightly be longs and ask her how she dared to im pose on decent people like us it aint her fault sighed mrs ack ley its ours goodness what idiots weve been well you havent adted me to break fast said abraham junior waggishly but i guess vu stop for a bite and a sup and take the old lady up to our home arter- ward taint a good planio travel on an empty stomach such weattsfr as this i and the bewildered mrs jones was whisked away on the boxsled before she knew the rights and wrongs of the case leaving the ackley family disconsolate- i never was so mistook in my life be fore said mrs ackley but abe junior regarded the matter as a stupendous joke old mrs jones got a firstclass meal and nights lodgin free gratis out of mother said he and i dont remember when anybody else has done as much the pan of bonunardjainondtippeil baa busy immp day after day aatree by one the himrshav slipped tnirba4jupon timss rosary a few more days will tell them all her last sweet song irtfl scon be penned as sunmer vaxm close to frail tbebook ii verging to the en j such beavteotaaongi of flowers and birds of leafy woods and babbling brooks as she has fashioned in quaint words in tbis bar efaoloest of aubooks 1 her cbofoest of all book i say because no bummer gone before has been so prised day after day uy heart wu fain to lire it oer the truest poet atnre is ham after hour her skillful pen thrills as to that ecstatic bliss ws nerer find in songs of men bound in the skys own gold asd blue each sonft a song of perfectnees tear after year a volume new is issued from her busy press this slipping now te sammerf grasp with rhyme and rhythm u to tweet it only needs the golden clasp of autumntune to be complete writing for the paper a vary natural editorial mutaie v3kbsjomderr ityarply odjjieh w asid mra ackley all sorts of items on his own hook the thief hired girls are generally given excelsior beds to sleep on shakespeare revised by j cooke upon what meat doth this our drummer feed french canadians are called lard eat ers in biddeford me because it is sop- posed they nse it as butter it is over dishes of ice cream at this season of the year that young men and young maidens begin to freeze to one another the stammerer who told the editor that he had brought him some jejune poetry spoke better than he knew how natural it will be for jay gould to sing out on his new yacht bear down on the bull works did you ever notice how many ys the welsh use in their words and did it strike you that it takes a ys man to read one of their newspapers it will cost a foot passenger just one cent to cross the big brooklyn suspension bridge it is really worth twice that much to get out of new york alive the crow indians have been caught putting rooks in the bales of hay they sell to the government the day is not far distant when all indians will be civilized enough io vote the meanest man we have heard of this season is the fellow who telegraphed bis sympathy to a friend who had lost every- thing in speculation and made him pay for the message jt banisfi the tears of children continual rain upon the blossoms are fruitful anjdjility and au opportunity todogood ought to be oonmdered as a call to dp jt chan ctor is higher than intellect a grcavsoul will be strong to live as to think yauiw keeps persons infavom wiih thomielvemwho are out of favor with all others t if we had op faults we should not take so much pleam m noticing hem in others- ii jbairt4t7- ftp veau eutlip tabprkvprit twriiadoe tmi i want to write for you paper said a very solemn man as he paused on the threshold of the editorial sanctum ii thats right replied the editor with- ont looking up from his work for it was publication day and there was a stern demand for copy that could not be denied when yon write forit be particular and give your name and postoffice address distinctly ii i will said the solemn man stepping in and taking a chair and dont forget to enclose the money some folks write for the paper and forget to put in any money then they complain because the paper dosent come do you want money when a man writes for your paper v asked the solemn man as his face acquired an additional elongation of course what dye think we print a paper for nn not much if a man writes for the paper we sungose he wants it and if he wants it he must pay for it you dqntunderstand said the solemn man what i want is to write for your paper tlias what you said before and i told you how to do it replied the editor testily swinging around in his hair though i cant see why you cant subscribe right here now just as wells to wait until yon get home and then write for it though may oe you havent the necessary two dollars with yon i respect your independence you dont want tosubscribeforapaperyon are not prepared to pay for thats right but if i write for it if you write for it and inclose the money it will be spent properly ko fear of that subscribers will confer a favour on this office by reporting any carelessness or irregularity on the part of their post- master in delivering the paper i can put a great deal into a letter in sinuated the solemn man neednt put more than two dollars in said the editor unless yoa get up a club usual reduction to clubs i fear you dont comprehend me said the man of solemn visage i want to write for your paper write articles and correspondence yoa know for a remuner ation oh thatfs it why didnt you bay so before thought you wanted to subscribe seemect sort a curious too that yoa coddvt write for my paper to be sent without coming in and telling me about it you will like my letters cant say as to that the most inter esting letters the editor gets as a rule are these abort pithy ones which simply say 1 enclosed please find subscription price to your valuable paper for one year that outweighs a dozen pages of befiections on the dying year or thoughts on discover ing the first jane bug agreat many people want to write fof the paper who have nothing half so interesting to say as that they find their subscription has about expired and here is ibe money for renewing it that is neat and to the point and no editor will throw the- letter into the waste basket without first taking oat the money and duly crediting the subscriber on his aocount write for the paper my friend by all means but dont forget the enclos ure e then the solemn man went away more thoughtful than before twas ever thus nearly ail the great statesmen of the present day can lookback to the time when they would rather stand in the mud and water up to their knees and fish for trout or bullheads than help plant potatoes in the best garden in tho country even the best kind of a boy who is trilling to work gke a major at any other season of the year seemsrave a fearful falling out withairmanner of labor ufthe wing but somehow the spring garden is rnvle each year and the boy grows up to rnanv hood and finally has a boy of his own and and a garden that demands attention then itdeetns that when he wants his boy to i help in the garden and fifteen minutes later finds him in the street playing mar bles he forgets how it was when on was a boy himself and he argues with his boy y with a hoehandle twas evej thos smiles a paper called the golden rule bos an article on smiles which contains the follow- tug the world is suffering for smiling faces the ageifltoomtensein the busi- ness direction too flippant m- the social lines too sarcaatio in its political tendency too aimless in its religio life tw heartless in ita literature the world xteods mole smiles arifi fewer frowns moire ymahine and leas lightning it coats nothing to 41owi a atniej m play reefo upjon the feuis whsoi tradhor votu iugr reading j j ini mora than it costs in crwndidi i jp in jnajftc ia j individual grajlccja jsjnmre f 3 people by a emikttsn wa can a frown just jisab3n growvnw vxm

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