m n i- h fctfi ttorn tucnaiuy moums 8rtt 13 1883 playing school two little tots on the carpal at ptar tired ol their usual gauic one lav siil the one to the oilier ik play iool 111 bo teacher mid dont you fool but tit on nice liko a sure uougu tiolar youll miu your lcsou i bol roa dollar casting about lor a word to spell blue eyes ou puss n4 her klttcu fell ai n olject lesson they pose with grace tbc mamma waahiitfi the babys face siu tat the teacher grandly gives out tjuick now mind what youre about tin- scholar tali lap with igiioniiuy u torely jjaian auddubbeda ulutiy the word repeated ajaln she fall wlicn tbc scene ou the rug iiu avail and the teacher relents conscience snilucii- 11 you taut spell tat spell tittcu loaves hare ihoir time to fail nays i tlie pott liat m strawberry loaves are ou tho rio jubt now be lug utuiiod iu aucb j unonuouf quaoutic la making dr fowlori j extract ut wild strawberry the iofaluble i romcxl for cholea morbus diarrhoea hed other summer complaints g i rimplm and buter cual j k mcgsrvins drug store for package of mcgregor packoi carbolic ccratc it it composed of vaseline car bolic aciil audi cerate and has uter failed to rooiovo pimples blotches ulcerated bores rough skiu it cures viicq all others l fall try it i i gw midgaylrkdale toronto writos my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stornaolu hearing of dr arsnss phostiutixe and is pleasantness j to take i gave her two bottle and sho haa j uot had an attack sluce and her health is much improved for sale by all drufljriats i an old landmark ior sale 1- do not delay if suffering any form of cso the slar dyes if you want brilliant bowel complaint however mild apparontlr and tut colors may be tho attack but uso dr fowlers tbc first rifle team uie pickpockets i extract ot wild strawberry it is tbc old reliable core for all forms of summer corn- use the star dvcs if you want brilliant and fast colore s a man who breaks ids word the stut terer have you tried llollowaya corn cure plaint that require prompt treatment ask your druggist and all dealers in patent medicines li mr ii mccot cuitoin house toronto write my wife was troubled with dy- it has uo for rcmorug these trouble- j bpepsia kuetinutiani or a lmg llm some exctesoecoes ghe tricd muy disvkui medicines bat did icecxeam may taste good bat its cold not eel any relief until she used xoruirop comfort after all u- lymans vegetable discovery and teelhc safe pleasant and effectual worm i dyspeptic cure she has taken two bottles killer mother urates worm ezteroiin- j ot it and now finds herself in belter liealth ator nothing- equals it j than ihc has been for years rules sway the peoples but the fcchool- inaster sway the rules toid things made new by jtriadajle package dyes take only the three corner ed package thirty 30 colors all guaran- teei prict 10c for saie iy j e mcgar tin henry bcrpi oppohs aajgliug because it j not only lacerates the fish bet eucoorafes lying xntuing kcowu to mecal science can surpass the healing properties of dr fowler t eilrici u wild strawberry- in chnlenmorbcs dentcry colic and ail bowel complaints d the maii who drinks nolhuig but cistern vater is the one who leaves well encash aloue dr carsons stomach bitters are not mi alcoholic silmcliut bet a purely vege table medicine catlsrtic and tcsic in lis action and invites we in all afiections of the r stomach ltvcracd buweu 9 adai vs uol a palycarut ajuioub iu lri day he niarritd j1 the women in tiie world iryou acnld cmi the nates of that acoorxc- ot the scinmur seaou cholera morbus kttp dr fowlers eix tract of vild strawberry at hind tor nst ln tint and the qnlolcrst tunc on boord is krims flnid ughtnioff for keuralgia ueadache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor the skin requires bat one application to banish all pain magically irithoct asing any greasy liuimant or carv ing your head in a poallicc for weeks try a twentfive cent bottle from j e mc- girvin druggist 0 by taking ayeri sarsaparilla many poor sufferer who submits to thcnrgwni knife becaase of malignant sores and scrof cloos swelling micht be saved souud and whole tlit will parge out the corrup tions which pollute the blood aud by which ssch coaiplaitils arc originated and fed new dry goods and carpets arriving athe right house hamilton fifty uackagoa o now dry hoods and carpoti purohaaod by mr watklqi in eorope haro been received ai the klght hnu 60 package more eipectod to arriru in a few daya for tlio next eix weclis all banji will bo buay rocolrinft now oooda in their department and wlilo tbo atock i complete 11 will oomprlie one of tho largcat and cheap est selections ever imikirted fir this establishment tho inducements offered to customers tbu soaspn to como to hcadqwmeri for their aoppllca will be more liberal tlinu ever many lot of good bought from manufacturers for cash downa0 u be sold off at bargain prleea some are in stock now and fibers will be rcceirvd in a fewilayi and will then be advertised the following new goods received t black aud colored velveteens in plain and twilled backs colored 8ik volvet full range of vol ret ribbons black silks colorod silk ottomans colored brocadod silks colored satlna and colorod marrelliem now cdrseti kid gloves new tan and colored kid olovcs new black and colored allwool cashmere new dreo poplins new allwool ottoman dross goods now colored monks cloth colored allwool box cloths new drew serge and a largo variety ot ailwool and fancy checked coslurae cloths alio new ulster and uaotlo clothe new black colored and white ostrich feathers jet tvreaths now blaekand cream spanish laoea mew white laces new spanish scarfs now laoe bows and collarettes msde op in tbo bust parisian patterns new veiling nets and a lot of other iacj coods special sipejoial the uahicc summer goods arc soiling off at niatvcllnns low prices bargains iu every department a lot of wool blankets selling off lit a groat icdpctiou come and secure your blankets ill this bale white and colored quills at kpocial low pricea grey aud white cottons sold by the piece at very low prices ask to see them kcmctn ber iholtlglit house nos jo nnh 82 king street east near hagliaon streot and the name is hamilton augisrd 1688 thomas c watkins hamilton a few hints for the use of dose to iro mf ica clt ffaithj 1 la i pilu ikotvughy i to c ihui erpcrib iriu decide xe ytvper tto4 in each au an answer wanted can any one bring us a cue cf liver complaint that kwrie b tie is will ccit spolilv cuie vj tay they cnu ut z thousands tt cii5 ilrcid- pcrmiuently cured and wuj are daily ncoiinnudiig electric bitters will provv b rights discos dabctcs weak back or any urinary complaiul quickly cured they purify the blvji regulate the bowks snd act directly on the diseased parts erery bottle guarantted for talc l 50c a botlle by j e mcgarrin rtr constipation cr cosllrcness no renimr is to- effect i re as avras fills ther tnsaro regular tuly action and re store the boteli to a leajily coudilon for indigcidou cr dysiieptia avrns fills are invaluable aid a sure euro heartban loss of appetite foul stomach flatulency duiineis head ache numbness nausea are all relieve and cured by avars pill in xiter complaint bllloni disorder and jaundice avers fills tlguld m fivon in dotea large euch u exeiw the liver and borcls ajj rvorc eutatlon as a cjca5irg niedicinc iz ths spring thesfl filxfi am ucequajicd worms caused br a aorbm ccadition of h borels are expelled by the pilia emptlon skin ducaef and flics the niull of llci or cow t ration aro cared br the use ct avika fill5 for colds like areas fill io open lheokf ttctd iillaniatcry secrctlota and zllxj the fut- for dlarrhaa and d yscnterv ciacd bj eaddeu cods imtigaille i3 lie- a yess fills are tb tme remedy rheumatism gout seonilfjla and sciatica oiica rvsalt frciu dlgesifve derange- meet cr ccll and dimppcar on reniovici the caae by he cse of areas fills tnuiorf dropsy kidney complaints aad other d rjcrs caused ty dcllliy or tlstructki arc cured by atras fills eopprebiion and ialnful ilenstrua- tioa lsve a sale ani reitiy remedj la ayers pills fail directions in tariocs langiiascs ac company each package prefulld bit orjcayepcoowelljvtiassa wdbyijldrnggista speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are pieiared to furnish everything in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms satis- jai1 calls either night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire flswc arc iu k position loaaiisfaetorilv fill orders for wagons carriages tc of even description in ririiouable time good workmanshipond firstclass material always used we hive alsi a splendid lot or knrmtore both common and extra quality cheap aiif you uill pay us ca8h wc vrill sell yon anything in our line cheap j a speight manager east end clothing store for while ulhleritiit my sincere thanks to my niidierous customera thcliberjil ittronnge heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that 1 have i now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of jolotks and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season all other f f lionet complaint it is i shilojx consumption cure tins is be vend question the uuisteucocii- oul iu nimj f a man vu- his face fnlcoub madiciue we laveeersom a fee i twice a day and wears a collar tltey call j dow3 i cares the worst case tf j hm a iudr cough croup aul broucliitis while its i thomas ilyct braofcrii write i woaderfnl sneecs in the cure of coasntnp- dr tixcu eckciric oil u tle best t ion is wit hoc a parallel in tie iiiatory of mediae j i viii h tiwiys jives sausfac- i medicitit sitce its first discovery tt brs i tku si in czzc of couli rvjlds sere been soli on uiraiilee a tct vrbicb no j tlrvit icr immediate relict j lxrn t other in edicine cau- stand if yon iiavl a reivtd by those wba use it cosgu ve earnestly aas yoa to try if price as die lidit goes oat with tiieexhantioa i i0cect 50 cents and 1 00 if your langs of the oil so fortune fails with the cestion are sore chester back lame oie shilchs of buman endeavor j poroa plaster sold by j e kegaryin insanity is in almost all cues the oat- graduated willi honors 1 as iutii- i1 cii be 11 i i f filling jiihwiv it v i shaiios for fall wqiiv u ibe future i ttoxxe u give my turimci the beat valae that rood sound mattrial in all tbc newivl pakem and perftcu i ime prices hutm and laps in all the leading call and see them j fyfe grairtiiof an overwroaght brain dr e c wests xerve and brain treatmsnt removes the cansc and tfiecu a cere said at j e if cgarvint dnij store poetrj is the only vcrin the expression ola sound mind speaking after the ideal and not after the apparent ayers agce cere acts directly on the litcr and bfliary appartus and drives ont the malarial rxiuon which indqces liver a blasulof in ouffnuc xo oqe woald suppose that the introduc tion into a fainily of a bottle ol pitsams painless cons eitkxctoi would be the means of restonnc peace and prosperity corns an paintd and the constant con- scioosneii of lhi upon even the best na- tured produces nerron depressfoc ill- temper rccklessnesa leading to a deaire to spend their time awny frotn tbe bosom of their family in otfer to avoid tbe cvili complaints and bhijcs disorder warrant- j motioned il wave keep a bottle of ed to cure or money refended- a loving act d-3c- more gxd than a fiery arjiortati-jn- what niarddnd needs is not moee food talkers but more good bamar- lts 1 life karlnt freb mr m e ailisoc hctchinson kan putnams corn extractor- on band sold evervwbere x c p0lsox tfc cl king- ston proprietors hotners ifotherv vlathci are you disturbed u night ana broken i of your rest by a sick chiid suffertng- and j crying with the excruciating pain of cutting saved his life by a sinjple trial rotie of teeth if so o at ence and get a bottle of dr kinds xcw discovery for consump- j xrs- windows sooihing syrup it will tioo whiceciased bio to procure a larye 1 relievelhe poor little sufferer immediatelj bottle that completely cured nim when doctors change ot climate and everything elae l failed aithma bronchitis hoarseoes severe conghs and all throat and lang diaeaae it is pnaranleed to cure trial bottles free at ifcgarflns drag store large size 100 w a- edgar of frankvilie was caied of liver zsii kidney com plain after life was dispairtd of he had remained tym ten to fifteen days without an action of the bowels unmeet blood bitters cured him and be writes that he is a better man than h hss been for twenty years jasl c upon fate aiis human endeavor is sns- peudedthe issce of every undertaking bat fate is plainly only the conduct of man as ar former existence a ctxrc tor cats sore tic i the finest healing compoond under the bttn if mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate there is no sore but will succumb to its wonderful heaiiur properties it is an invaluable dressic for scalds festerings tc price iweulrlive cenu at j e jfcgarvias drug store 45 mr peter vcrlnett hocfielaga po writes dr thomas eclectric oil cared me of rlieamatism after i tried rnanj-medi- ciaea to no pa rpose it is a good medicuie just think of it you can relieve the twin ges of rncri mans rrj or the most painful attack olgncuralgia yoa can check a coogb and heal bruised or broken skin with a bottle of dr thomas eclectricoil costing only 25 ceo u peophrwlio reside or ttojouro in legions of country where fever and aitae and bil ioufi leuiitlent fever are prevaleut should be particularly careful 4p regulate digestion the liver and tbc bowels before the ap proach of the season for the periodic malady tbe umely use rf xortbrop and lymani vegetable diactnrery and dyspeptic care is a valaable safegaard aguinit tbe malarial scourge hit acknowledged to b tke best blood purifier in the market depend upon it there is no mistake aboat it there is not a mother on earth who has ever nied it who wilt not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to tbe mother and relief and health to the child operating like maic it is perfect y safe to nse iu all cases and pleasant to tbe taste and is the prescrip- tioa of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tbe united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle kidhey8 livebi uribarty ofimhs toe best blod ruklfiek there is onlynne ay by which andlaeaat can be cared aud that is by removing the cause wbntever it maybe tbetreatiwsdl- cal an hrrlttes o the day declare thai nearly every dlxeac l ransed by deranged ktdys or liver to rrsfore lhes therefore latpe ouly way by which bealtb can besecurd here is whern wakxzhh bayecuuk has p achieved ilk ercatvepcutlon j lacw dlrae r ir npoa the kidneys and fivr and oyplaetng them in a healthy cdndf lion drives disaise and psun from ih4yitern korall kldnp llvflr and urinary tronwes for tbe dutresa- lu dlsords of omon for malaruand physical trouble generally this great ram- edy hfisnooquil knwareof impostors im itations and coneocuom said to behest as good for diabetes nak for wasvkks sxtk oil- bbtbs cass por sale by all dealers ftawauft tavoirtomffaaflbrl mccol 3ros co lardine j and other machine oils i haviug passed tlie most critics exainiuations by coiupclont j judges were warded j oold akd silver meoals and diplomas j at all exhibitions jiccoll ufiosaco toroulu out photography pildtuukailis-thk-latest-strleti-maue-ix- seuond one p i otu it k lk a m i ng of a llk ikds made toorder kept ox hand old pictures copied and enlargedsecond to nunejat c w hills waterdown high school this icuc csabilietl and thornnirhiy tcli- ihle institution reopcnaou lrd sept lso chuit organirtd fur matriculation in arts law and meicic ay fur illtrniediatc aad tcjchuti certificates preparalltin of teaeher a sprctatfj- recoud orscuoolfoir past two vtins 59 paeaed epccefafully 1ss2 23 1ss3 31 the niajrrity gaining the higher grades ah who wrote at the university and pro fessional teachers examination were par ticularly encctfsful 2co high school in ontario lucbwr jiford teaching staff in principal dtpartmeuts graduates of tcruuto university specwi- ists xa their departments goodfajard in jirivatefauilia 2j04s0o lt ttx pujiiu maij thurat any itie d n nrtlfi bu laugtuigct and literature head if aster mathematics and 6vrn wtevak bi a afikk and drawing w x srcveksox j 0 mcjkio md proceil chairman b e w fur firfhr iariiculirr apjk j head mufer 9m jppk who 18 unacquainted with the oeoobaphytc thil country wiu see by examining this map that the siiisl secured for ittventjonnf henry grist 1 ottawa cri5m0a defdwleb5 lalmcminml cholera infantum al slmwep chicago rock island pacific ry being tho great oentral line affords to trarelers br reason of its jnrlvaled ceo grepliloaposltlon the shortest and best route between the east northeast and southeast and the west northwest and southwest it is literally and strjotlr true that its connections are all of the prlnolpal lines of road between the atlarftki aiddttie pacific br its main line and branones it readies ohioago uollet peoria ottawa la salle ceneseo molina and rook island in illinois oarenpqrt muscatine washington keokuk knonrllle oskaloosa falrfkm des molnesj west liberty iowa cltr atlantic arooa audubon harlan quthrle center and council bluffs in iowa oallatfn trenton cameron and kansas olty in mlssourl and leaven worth and atohlson in kansas and the hundreds of cities llles and towns intermsdlate the i great rock island route as it is familiarly called offers to uwe all the advantage and comforts incident to a smooth track safe bridges union depots art all oonimotjnsj points fast express trains oomposed of oomnodtous well vettmlattd will heated rinely opholstercd and elicant day ooaohctll a ins of the most maonifioent horton riolininq chair oars erer bult pullmans latest designed and handsomest palace sleepinq oars and oin1no oars that are acknowledged by press and people to be the f1m8t run upon any road in the country and in which superior meals are served to travelers at the lotf rat m seventyfive oents raoh three trains eaoh way between chicago and the missouri river two trains eaoh way between oh10aqo and minneapou8 and st paul la the famous albert lea route anewnd direct line uso and xamkakee hai reoentty been opened between newport newsmohmorid ondnnah indianapolis and la payette slid council bluffs st paul mlnnssipotls and intermedlat points all tnrougli passengars oairm on past eiprsm train po more detailed information eee m and folders wwoh may be obtained as weuasthjksisfatallprlndpaltleluitofllomlntheunltsdstateeandoajwdaorof r ff oablk i8t john vloeprestoenmsuna4pr 0n1 tkt i passr a chicago butcher shop r holmes woald respectfully inform tbe people of acton and vicinity that be baa pare based tbe business and property of mr v c robinson and is prepared to sapply all with firstclass meat of all kinds aud poultry amvoamc in seaou fir meat delivered to any part of town at any time having practical experience in tbe butchering business i feel confident that i can snit all a call kindly solicited it holmes ears for the million foo clioos bala of shidti oil peaulvely tealem the brarlafaad u the ouir absolite vmrt far btntmen kiseim thii oil la abstracted from peeatlarrnedes of small while shark caugtu la tbe yejiw sea known as cakcsasodox rokdelitti zrerj clilnew flsberman knowa lu l vlr- tnei as a reiterative of bearing were discover edby a knddhlst priest abont the year l ho its oiies were so oujjerooa mod suxr so aetsciyglv miracrivors tbat the remedy wmofflcliilr proclaimed over tbe entire em pire its use bpcam so universal tbat for ovr 800 years 50 pkantbsnas existctj airttno tukcnixese people hent cbartea prejwld tn any addresa at lc0 per bottle ser nat the deif say it has performed miracle in mycuw 1 tiave no nnartblf noise in my hcdand bear much better i have been greatly benefitted mj denfoesb helped a bteattlki hi nk an other botlle will cure me- my hearing is moeti benefitted i tmve received untold benefit his klviicond sattufictlon mjave been arealty benefitted sod am re joiced tbat 1 aaw ihe notice of 11 u virtues are usquesti k able ami in crbativecharactea astue wbttek fak pkbaoxallv temtttt botji tr03c kxtei e3cck akd ob5ervatiok write l ooce io navlockajevxettitaireetnewyorit enclosing 100 and you will heur like any body else ii whose curative effects will be permanent ymi will never reirret doldro editor of meecaxtilk bkyikw t to avoid logn in the malls pi case send money by reoistebxd letter oi ly jraiforled by bavlock t je7te1 hole agextm f1b akteira j dej kl xy ctwtulta itm uiroi exxxdt co 7s tk it tilstssagstl 1000 forfeit having ine utmosrconfldeneeui its super- ion iy over all oihersand ftei thoasaqda of tests of the mou complicaied and severest cases we eodld find we feel justified in offer- inff to forfeit one tbonsand dollars for any ease of coimrs colds forn throat inflnenica hoarsened bonchltis consumption in its early ttages whooping cough nud all dis- eaesef the t hroni and iungv except asthma lor which we oul claim relief that we cant cure with wests coaeh yrup when taken according to directions sample bottles 15 andsocenu large bottlesooedollar genuine wrapperaonlyln biae hold byalldragxltts or rnt by express oo receipt of prlc jonx c wkstaco1 a 83 king ht rua toronto ont worth their weight in gold hollo ways pills ointment tb1s incomparable bsdicme arts iccurtd for itself ad imperishable faint throughout the world for the alleviation and cttrt of mo4fdicatc9 to tcatca humanity w heir the pills f m nrsastcei after irelhf cr cure effected bs refunded bold by purify rcqnlate and improve the quality of the blood they assist tutligesbve oieuus cleanse the stomach aud ttowklst ipcrcare the secretory powers of the rer brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation tbe purest elements for sustaioing and repairig the frame thousands of persons hare testified thatj hy their use alone they hare been restored to health and strength after every other meaus had proved unsuccessful ithe ointment dbmreim bealebtertrtwbctrt amonnt required lo hre as rolmwb i ox io six ijottlis will pnrlfy tltbti eradicating all huoonrs from the cpfflssog pimyle blotch or boil to tlie mmkljmaug nani form of scrofulous nicer one to six boitlw by cleansisj ffie blood will purify the complexion frosa sajiowneas amoolb ont thcjwrinklrt rekult- log froia im perfect nonrishmcut oi the body iteeteij fool brth and reoorate the eotire system oxi to t o rornsx wid cure ordinary constipation or costiraesa thereby remoriua hhaiache piles biliousness and janudiec and all diseases resnlting from torpid liver 0x1 i six boirlrj hfclesusim the blood improving tbe geneul health and rortifymj the system against taking resh colds will in all cases relieije and in moel cases cure that common liathesome and dangerous disease cstabkui j one to tiire bottles will regulate all deraugemeilts ohhe kidneys taring urinait difficulties prostration grkrel diahete wc i oseto for t bottles wfll reihtigorale the entire system curing nervous apd gen tral debility female weakness and all iu fttendant miseries blqoix will cure or uu0v8ne8 dizzws 1 m8pep8ia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and every species wf di disordered livor kidfcyi bovelb or t hilburr 4 60 dropsy flutterma thehbut y of e stomach we skiit arislea fi stoma 0 waoh 1 totonta aw jgi dr smiths gzrmax worm msm remedy has been csettiy ooid of penou jrbo taurtttijy eodofm oar daim for it as a puaoni safe rcsabls and prompt remedy tor tbe raoonl of sttojach aod seat or pia wonaa fiva child or ufak it u eajt to tafa bwtw taik mm abnfattaly satrnkas aad nqtmes ao 3 smith medicine cot j 46bi4nst8t 1 pa1v wormremd y rj tla catarrftcsbrg- n00useinqpati a local and conrmauodal 1 iratiieqt two dtsdsct hoiieut pile cb the nssal ptsares hcanj aad la3 ttie otbet on thelitz kitlooa inst ant ameotlsteconomlcsxsafe fudical treatjsfct sold bv all dsfsfgiet- price 79 ctjs foot fooikl iitcttav iht prw rli win bsrtefoaded 5jmc chrcbj t i-u- nate cases of km uaiing ny trfjuire from three ta six pclrjia totiticr a pcmslnent ctts- 111 montreal tfloii liy j dr eliz le bruns a ffuaruuteedcore for veikeial iltescs safe pifiikant and reliable ysu bad effects from it use dot- net nt ricie with brsl- nrfs ordlei 1ilce i p r honor tlie boxfr iorso wtiuep guarantfts istvneii by every dulynuthorlxetl acent io icainillhsmonfrw hhree boxes ipi ho cars sentnostrtge prepaid 1 onyefcelpeofprire dr felixlebr1 4 cq81 a 83 king 8u east torouio iioie pruprielore j e mcarvln autborlzed agent for acton onlarlo v 500 eevard i we will fay the abote re vsid lor any case of liver complaint ijyspepsla8ekiead- arne lodlsestlnn goiaujiaubi or gostive- ness weoannutoare wltb tveft veseublei liver uiiib when tlie olr ouqnar strietlj compile a with tney sre ourplj- vegetable i and neverial to iltesatlantcilon bmcar ooate4 lrge boxes containing j pills si cents foraalebyalldrugglija bewareofi ctmurfeltawina jmlutiona the keiratne manufactured only by joiix c wist co the llumnkerabl4hkl4-heastto- j rohtnonl free trial iekkgefini by malt prepaid on receiptor a 3 cenl samp stfeeet london and lr afis t p- m 6d 22 bok ind rot and lu canada at 36 ceuts 00 cenu am 1 30 and the larger sizes in proportion i ftot in the uo ted stales nor are my medieines sold the is furchaarrs should tberefcro look to tbe label od the ftiti and boxes i the add reu u dot 583 oxford street london the f an spurious 1 he trade mark of my said medicines is reg strered at ottawa and also at wash- mgoa gtd thomas hojjtjbwas wojbtiubdos man roo how lost hw hesjokku we havereeentlj n mlahedanew edluou or br rwetls celf bralrf essay ou tub raiilesl and will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open sores hard tumors 8a ifjgi omeouaij oonehi culds sore throaujferouchitis and all disorder of tho throat and chest as also oojut ricnmim bcrofula and eyerr kind of akin disease dessg llbwimlljrimpealimbuorllaaiie resoitlat nmuceases j sskifii inasealeaejivelobeonhteis ortwoptst e sumps v- tneeeltbniteditvbor in in is aitmhabl f earaautc fsful practice tb itaiinlnenb smnencr way baraaicully c arett wiinenl si w j t torntmelleln- or the use n- tiieikolfej potutmgt at a mode of cure at -ii- 1mple obtain an teoeclnsby what bis eondlu6msybora eureblmal otieapiyirltwljnardlcalt twa leeurreuhnw bi it ih toala ol vsi h r wan i i k ttsss the idrcarwejf kedieail co portt m m