i ij jl jfriw ree nm thcsmuy mktso shit 17 wj3 business brevities samo raete attest our bualnaaa km and houses or benefit to ear rostral readsre jftf another manufactory scvvrsl o our most prominent citizens anxious or the improvement sad advance ment of oar village have taken nuanciel interest in a large hat tuauutwturins busi ness atprescnt wtuatcd iu toronto with i view to the iiltiiuatc removal o the bus iucss to actou the company is at prcacut employing quite a staff of workmen and intend kliortlvfto introduce a new depart incut which will necessitate the employ- uient of further operatives the company will probably look to the viljaso tor some little cuconratscnieut iu caw tliey nettle here aud anything roaaonable in thi direction would entail- comparatively small expense upou the municipality and would be very insignificant when compared with the benefits arising from the establishment o so important a business in our midst our citizens will advance their own interests by favoring an thine reasonable wticb will induce the company to settle tieir business here- our village cemetery for several years it has been an indis- f m putabie fact that a new cemetery mast be provided in this municipality in the very near future we have referred to the question very- frequently in the past and the importance of the subject will certainly justify us in bringing the matter again before the public for further consideration the necessity for prompt action has been repeatedly pointed out and we feel satisfied that every ratepayer must be convinced that the matter cannot be delayed much longer the graveyard at present in use has become so tilled up that it is almost impossible to dig a grave without striking upon the coffin of some previous inmate of the city of the dead its proximity to the centre of the town is most undesirable the fences are out of repair and cattle u well as other yiitnala frequently break- in nd destroy the flowers decorations and grave stones placed there by the friends of loved ones interred therein- it is trie a bylaw to provide for tha jiurchase of a cemetery was tubmitted to the ratepayers a few years ago and defeat- ed by a smallmajority but this is not and never should have been accepted a evidence that the people of acton tvers unaware of the existing necessity for a new cemetery or that they were unwilling to vots the amount necessary for providing jbi same it is our opinion and that m many of oar citizens that the bylaw was defeated on the occasion referred to by the influence brought to bear by several parties interested in providing a site for the pur pose required- it is unquestionably the duty of the municipal council to bring the matter again before the public for consideration and if this is done we feel confident that the ratepayers will now unanimously favor the movement let action be taken promptly a new cemetery is necessaiyi the members of the council know it the ratepayers know it and if requested to do so the electors will vote the money to pay for it hata from 73 cents to 1250 at j fyfoe if you wanta nobby durable and cheap ait j fyfes is the pises to go the uracil and cheapest stock of boots 4 shoes to sclocl from la at kclsou mcliac thv largest stock of cionta furnishings mats and caps shirts and drawers at xel- oo t mchaes- the beat value iu factory cottons winceys flauoela aud domestic tioeds at xclsou mckac a the lareect aud cheapest stock ot ready made clothlag in the town is at xelson mcraea scotch enfliali and canadian suitings in grat variety at the east end clothing store j fyfe acton tb most perfect fitting suila asd overcoats and the best selection of goods at the lowest prices at nelson 4 mcraes suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fyfe acton the best assortment of black aud col ored velvets ladies mantles woollen and knitted goods in the town at kelson 4 mcraes why should a man whose blood ia warm within sit like his trandsir cut iu alabaaler or let his hair prow ruaty- scant and thin when cingalese renewer will make it grow the faster foj sale by j e mcgarrio in dr carsons blotnaca bitten will be found a specific for biliousness dyspepsia and indigestion you are foolish if you suffer not to try it for sale by all drug gist 9 j s wetherell writing from winnipeg says i canaay more aboat puospttatixx now than when i saw you last in toronto my health is much improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half boftleaof your phosphatine for sale by all druggists header if you suffer from any disorder af the liver stomach bowels kidneys skin or blood try burdock blood bitters xturea specific medicine for acting on those organs for the outlet of disease ljooo bottles sold in the last three months bev father wilds experience tha bar p wilds wellknown city mlssismarj in new york and brother of to lata eminent jadf wilds of ths mnwitinwtta supreme court writes aa follows h s w st ntw imt iliif it isst jltsaaa j cavisco oentlenwn last winter i was troubled with a most uuoouifortsm itching humor affeetlni won especially tiir llmba which itched so intolerably at nliot and burned so intense ly that 1 ooum acaroely bear any clptlilug over them i was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh ant catarrhal cough mr apatite was poor and iny system a geol deal run down knortiit the value of a vitas sautrabiil4 by observation of many other eases and from personal w in farmer years i began taking it for the abovenamed dlsordera my appetite im proved almost from the owl dose alter a short time tha few and itching cre allayed and all alias of irritation of the aklu disappeared my eaurrh and eough were also cured by the same means and my aeneral health greatly improved until it la no excellent 1 feel a uondred per cent stronger and i attribute these results to the ok of the sakjaimhiui which i recommend with all confidence as the best blood medicine evcrdevued 1 took it in small doses throe limes a day and used in all less thau iro bottles i place these faeta at your service hoping their publication may do good voun respeotfully z p wius the abora lustanoe is bat one of the many constantly coming to our ootlos vhlcfl prove tha perfect adaptability of areas sxjua- rxbjujt to the core of all diseases arising from impure or unpoverisbed blood and a weakened vitality ayerssareaparilla elene cnricliet and itrunftflen the blood tlmolttcs lie action of uto ttonueh tod boireu tad tberebjr enable the ijiteia to nut lid otercome uifl fttueu oi til savn- lotti pujrj eruption qf ike skin tllu iim catarrh general dtbiiiif tad ih dlionlfin resulting from poor or corrupted blood tnd lov bule of tba lytuan pbcriaru nv dr j cayerco lowell mass sold by ill dntfglfts price 91 u botllef form f acton municipal council- xhe coancil met oa friday evening 21st inst members all present eeeve in the chair minutes dt last meeting read and confirmed fixiace etpoet finance committee presented their 16th report rewmjnecdiiig parment of the following accounts h- marlatt night constable 51500 m a- smith do 200 h- p moore printing aud advertising 367 82067 movd by c- b smith seconded by 0 henderson that he report of the finance committee be adopteol carried cooncfl adjourned to meet again on tuesday evening 25th inst- tcfjiur evexry3 members all present eeeve hi the chair minutes of last meeting read andcotifirmed ajoitil fsttlfites the finance committee presented their estimate of the receipts and expenditure of the village of actaa for the current year aa follows erpoorrcsc balance on town hall contract architects fees extras on hall and hall furnishings 372400 ir2s5 town hall fund on hand on 1st january 13 uiloq ayers cathartic pills best purgative medicine ooncootjdatkniiidlmtion i all buiooi ixiwrden j sttld tmrvbere alwmyi reliable h 01 st lot lo sell or let the uudcrsigued ill sell or let lcr pro perty on main street acton on roaaonable urms on the property is a comfortable dwelhut house stable cistern fruit trees godfen etc full particulars upon ap- i plicatiou lo i iiis geo siatnievs sept joili issa imoo 6treet aud sidevcaiki wo000 ofiicers hslsrieg msm county kate 12800 street lamps 10000 caretakers salaxv 6000 priutinff 8000 insurauce 35x10 charities 1000 uncollected taxes t 6000 contingencies 12063 toul 23 r bjctbtcj cash on hand available for current years expenses h8o0o fines rents and licenses 5000 dog tax and statue labor 5000 eleten mills on the j on as sessment of 16sr7g ii63e3 if you are troubled with a disordered stomach 1 dr carsons bitters irill afford prompt relief it is the best family medi cine far sapeiior to pills all druggista sell it 9 we hare a speedy and posltire cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and head ache in shilohs catarrh remedy a uaaal injector free with each bottle lae it ii you desire health aud sweet breath price 50 cents sold by 1 e ucgarrui 49 bekleal iraicatalre the greatest medical wooder of the world warranted to speedily cure bams bruises cuts ulcers salt rheum feter sores cancers piles chilblains conn tetter chapped hands and all skin erup- tiona guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded 35 cents per box for aale dt j e ifcgartin 6 so honsehold should be considered com plete aithout a bottle of da var bcxexe emxrr ccex ia ia the closet it is the only remedy that will poaitirek perman ently and promptly cure all fomi of kidney disease sold by j e ifcgarrin oh what a cough will you heed the warning- the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease consumption ask your selres if you can afford for the sake of sariuj 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shilohs care will care yar coogb it oeter fais this explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past tear it relieves croup and whooping coujb at once mothers do not be withont it jfor lame bicfc side or chest use shilohs porous plaster sold by j e itcgamn inlhe history of medicine nopreparation has receired such universal commendation for the alleviation it affords and the per manent cure it effects in kidney diseases as lis vas bcbexs kmsnr ctre its se ction ia these distressing complaints is sim ply wonderful sold by j e mcgarvin now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thse complaints have been removed for this let all be thankful and to de vav bcezis ktdxet ccez award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was never known to fail sold by j e ifcgarrin iletuaa rileagrsapussu aad t are tbe symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly al night seems as if pinworms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious rcaulta may follow bwavjrzs oixthext ia a pleasant sure enre alio for tetter ilch salt rheum all scaly crustyskin diseases 8ent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr s wayne k 80v philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 0 toalfoksafe f otictv to ftkherfi the undersigned lucptepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain and pork in season delivered at theirstore- houses ia actou or hillsburg to com mand the hicheat price gram must be well- cleaned k xlcklixisox acton sept 19th 1ss3 testate of johx hccoll special and important notice all persons having claims against the late john mccoll of georgetown are re quested to send them forthwith to laidla vv hakrisos barristers c hjlltlltos dated 2flh sept 1883 cpcc rtjfwsaconsspteiielfol- rnlui leiju a guaranteed jure for jteiwoi seullt7 axid samlail waajt- mmststatuhnral8i09atliioai and all brain aud nerve troubles caused by self abase over brain work ac ttx written guarantee of cure iu ever- case or mouey refunded send 15c for postage on nteetriixboiorioo pills addressdt m w ukwh cor clark st and calhoun place chicago i1l it ot1cfto creoitoks 2m863 tax tun or nunox bylaw to pixmde for the expenses of the village of acton and support of acton public school for the current year was introduced read the required number of times and passed the following rales iaving been settled upon village ex- penses 11 mills principal and interest on town hall debentures 3 mills and support of acton public school 5 mills coliectoh or taxes a byiaw to provide for uie appoint- 1 twelfth day of october83 it of a collector oftaxea for the village at umolockau to bear and determine tba rilk co vf asteat strayed from the premises of tbe under signed bower avenue acton about the idth inst a milk cow red with large white spots suitable reward will be pud for information which will lead to her re covery david hentder80k sept 25lu 1883 judges court of revision xotice is hereby given that a court wo be bald purraant to the voters lists act of 1879 by bis honor the judge of the county court of the county of hal ton in the town hall acton oh the nient of a collector of taxes for the viliagi of acton for the year 1883 was introduced read tbe required number of times and passed tbe name of donald mann having been filled in as collector tbe council tbea adjourned bear and determine tba aereraj complaints of errors and omiaaioaa in tba vote last of lib uunielpautr itaetontto all persona hariuf business at tha court an requested to attendat thaiaid ttmapseat xmeoabyik pursuant lo the provisions of r s o chap 107 sec 34 the creditors of thomas gibboos ute of tae township of-isquea- ing county of qallon who died on or about the 19th may 18s3 are on or before the 1st of october 1883 to send by post prepaid to peter gibbons acton p 0 ilicir christian and surnames addresses and description the full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities if any held by them or in default thereof the admin istrator will after the said last mentioned date proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall hare notice dated at acton the loth day of sept 1883 teteh gibbovs administrator for the estate of the late thomas qibbom flour feed store the undersigned has purehaaed the flour and feed business from mr robert elliott and will carry on the business in the build ing formerly used as a barber shop oppoa ite the old feed store i will keep in stock and sell for cash flour boiler flour granlatd wheat crooked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn heal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas chicken feed oats peas barley bye oil cake thoriey cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoee turnips beans o o- garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale oheap four patronage reapeetfulr mucttetf cask or all klndi afrln l cr ifcrtfcem i you are looking for nice new fall and winter hats bonnets iri nil the latest french english aud american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only new velvets plain uiid brocaded in nil the fashionable colors and shades ot the lowest prices ranging from 85c per yard and upward our velvets are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be the finest assortment and best values ever shown in actou why so because we sell only the silkfiuiah lyons and pile velvets at the same price as common velvets new dre88cood8 to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colors and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter so de structive to comnjou and cheap dress stuffs new buttons and lininc8 to suit our dress goods everything always to mate mantles overcoats rendymade clothine shawls clouds knitted goods for ladies children shirts k drawers for every one cheaper than any other bouse from 80c upward nine off boot and shot at wholesale prices as wc do uot intend to carry this line of goods much longer 41 1- the wonderful ma fall season 1888 the undersiffued having purchased the j coal shed from mr jt tioudall intends keepin constantly on haul a stock of hard and soft store coal of all kiuds which will be delivered 6 any part of tbe village farties dcairirfl coal should give him a j call i c s smith we ure working into an entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted than ever everything marked iu plain figures at the lowest prices boa visit to our house will convince vou that we will not be uudersold we have a large stock of winceys we are offering at 5c 9c 12c and allwool flannela at 30c bgive are selling cottons blankets at mill prices and mens and boys felt oats from 40c 50c and 65o equal tor any goods you pay 100 for elsewhere why so because we always look out for jtargains and buy direct from tbe manufacturers come we will consider it no trouble to show goods and quote prices at the walton dry coods house acton we beg to call the attsntiou of tbe ladies to the fact that fot th sesiou we have imported the best stock of mantles jackets cwjf have ever lad this atatemenfcaunot convey tyou the remp idea of the superiority of our importations inthis line over offiel seasons goods well made garments manufactured from 8tyliilrj and honest materiala only have been- selected by our bnyer 8ddw assure those who read this announcement that in our stick they ntayl see the newest styles the latest designs iri trimming aud wvettfcj specialties which the manufacturer has confined to ourselves in qi tario and which cannot be procured from other establishments new mantles new dolmans new jackets special de8ich8 ute8t paws patter c b griffitf millinery i millinery -at- mrs e h passs cuelph uk milllxeer show eooms now deplete with all the latest novelties in collars laces ties flowers ribboss pldhes tips ctc etc frill line of velvets vclrettas felreteebs we sell at the low est cash price we are showing a nice kange of short jackets iu black aud coloi ed plush and black and colored cloth very stylish garments and undoubtedly the correct thing for youngladies wear 1 we are showing a select lot of long dolmans in sphjridid ma terials very suitable for aged ladies our selection of long coats embraces the best patterns produced in london and paris for this season from 3 to 60 each our dre88 and mantle makinc iu tins department oar reputation is already established for a stjlish and perfect fit we cannot he excelled jantrra err nrnsv saratoga wave and hair switches mr8 e h pas 8l georges square sttelph new goods for fall and winter i immense 8uperb stock at the mammoth house croat bargains mcleod anderson ft co have pleasure in announcing that their stock was never before in such an attractive con dition or the public for variety extent and cheapness the have fairly surpassed themselves great bargains in all lines of goods an immense line of wincevs for 5c 8c 10c 12o worth 8c 10c 12c 15c j the above are the cheapest roods ever of fered to the public in cottons and cotton goods we took advantage of the severe depression bonght largely and can now oner them retail at leu than present whole sale prices as they have advanced lately in woollen goods gents bnitings and overcoatings we have an immense assortment market has contributed its quota to wards tils stookv the getnp of our garments in our tailoringdepartment is un surpassed or style fit cheapness aud durability gents furnishings in every con ceivable description at close prices our dress goods department ia replete with all the latest styles of dress goods including black ond colored cashmeres black and colored 8ilk fancy silks latest trimming in every oonoeivable description our dressmaking and hantlemaking department is carried on in flrttelao style charges moderate consistent with efficiency dadies seed not hesitate leaving their ord on with us wedding and hearsing orders a specialty oar millinery depart ment is under the mana of an efficient and experienced hand and w turn oat novelties is millinery that gladdens the hearts of the ladies we have an extensive stock proper variety and afl it bock bottom prloes we have a large asd extens ive stock of carpets bruswls tapestry supers and jply carpets union and hemp carpets oil cloths and linoleums curtains table coven window blinds e we are satisfied that our large stock and cheep prioet surpasses many citj hostel for sue and cheapness and we are satirfed no honje abau offer yo such ralne as we shall mantlet and 8hawls haurdatoery and small wares beady made clothing in mens yon tha and boys immense stock and at fearfully low prion overcoats in mens youths and boys big stock big bargains boots bboea extensive stock low prices furs is mason we haveia iat many goods we cannot enumerate we simply remwyos that throurar ipeipajieomaodon- boobted position in tha markets at regards credit and rsohej thai we have an outlet of s large business mace and that we bars a dositlofa aheai of ordinary retailers j that we buy mostly direct from the mannfaetnrotti 8040 1 all you gooils at whole- ale price we shall be pleated and thankful for your pad msia by patronising as yon will make money for yourselves iusjieetioo invited m sulerses ifc oe velveteens please read the cuarantjee the manufacturer of the patent improved fast pile velveteens sends tis with his goods uunchetieti july 1893 tin ilanufndartr of thii vcfuqa guarantor it etijtriur iu allottermaie it it permanent in color hat a rich lustrous tuxy jittsh and tqiialt in appear- ane the m lyons silk velvet ifade in the fast black mid all the uta fashionable colors no txjmiue of advert uemenlt beiug incvnrdthit velceteen is tutdat mucj loner fij pricei than the inferior adoerlited make each piece it damped at both endt re fwb labore invoices of neably- two hundred pieces of velveteens already received our business in this department promises to be very large we are ofleririg grand value in black and colored vdveteas at mfe mt wc 7e wc 41 9181 tweatytan case flnew vet s snrlte aext weefc asrery lasjr it ewajjaily urtte t c exaaune ear ttcfc j- s4 t srtee i- i jopr ww wi gkotl pr n j j