Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1883, p. 3

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7 i s fl f si v7 gotim wrr enrov vm im kipraa nm ul miim 6tfauirrirrae uj innutnkl tjnkdrtw lmlim i tfcroack kt ijo pm mail ijorvn bpffiil 92s uii special 800 vm j ttf oif m pirrvo fins wwl at itk m u ml uic ntfht ctrrw point wl at sfti i m rt not mr oa msc day morning j ttuk or clomc xuu qtat east0p ilit and ift ijn ksti fraiiciow t p03ainori friaaj jhcto tebfmt mokvito oct 25 18s at ceo hynds tea iwn table spoons knives and frks at geo hynda watches clocks ren a larjs stock spectacles rem 25 cts to fci wedding and birthday presents parses ripw pocket knives combs hair brashe school bookt kot paper and envcbpes pens and ink call in and see my iarix stock qoo hynds jewellery j fancy chxvis store acton ont bits of brevity teal mkervlw ittatra bj ike it ike ai4 idnn far i den af tke free pnaa in tho abaouce ofkov d b camorou ret v bryera officiated hi the prcaby- teriau church on sunday morning the methodist pulpit u aupptied by a yoang man a local preacher rora eramosa who preached an oarncat and acceptable sermon from john iii 8 eriirsbow last thuraday as usual attracted a very large number ot visitors the show iwolf sustaiued its former repu tation for excellence and the towushjp is very deservedly proud of it quite a num ber of onr citizens attended but they had considerable of a time iu getting home the dark mt night made matters dis agreeable and frequent suddoti descents into the roadside ditches were made village varieties a cvllmtu r ui a tin tj other m4ttrt t srul ulttytt u r tlut e lsdrr correspondence we wuli it to bo tuitincuy aadantoodthm wo do not hold oarwjlres responsible for the opin- laai oc expressions of any correspondents the mrkejr aw bciujifatteucd gr u i coming iu now in considerable e ioveliesi tiling in fall bonueu- the pretty nix ear i 2 the the municipal maelstrom will ooa ccirnitic to kni- j cui big club art- uottr being oruiid w iii ac en have one mr zhis t hill is ginns his ehop and retcc coit paint ofquite next yes hal ccai o paint the the ftii is h rate of taxation uu i forwin joke about patiiug qp slow pipes ftc ail propect indicte the erection number ijfbajldings in torn trsen next wednesday night keep wi hir propriety t boond with your j a e treativ i od many fences in toru would be proved by the application of a first fiurry of enov for the season fell en s itrdav mornini it lasted oalv i itv mt3ent i att ction is called to the list of iprices j of zml lire as pven by sir c h heinle tih ni r ner adv e a 8 plowing maloh the annual plowing match of the es- qneeing agricultural 6ooiety will be held onjvednesday october 81st at the farm of mr walter devereaui est hall lot is cou t uear sfekartlowu auction sale a credit sale will take place at lot 19 cou j esquesing on balurdayrird kov of farm stock and implements the property of mr abram mogridge sale at one oclock tvm hemstwet auctioneer the scott aot fifteen of the hotelkeepers of oar county have been summoned to appear before the police magistrate for violation ot the soott act some for first offence others for first aud second offence and a few for third offence the court opem at milton this morning hymeneal there was a doable wedding in milton yesterday at the residence of mrs lavenn the contracting parties were mr alex landsboro of richmond hill and miss charlotte e lavery and mr george lavery and miss margaret korris rev d l brethoor was the officiating minister cltimpian missionary services- the annual congregational missionary meeting of knor church was held last thursday vpninjt the attendance was very fair but owing to the stormy weather many were prevented from being present the rqeeung was addressed by revs a m hamilton ma winterboorne and a russellhawksville a musical treat the concert to be iren ui the town hall 1 unnober oi readers i thf feee iailv increaiicir our iisl is as- mitc 2o satisfactory prcportions i vrvzli help yourself in yoar own patronire liocifi esterprize and oiher ba ines5mea iryoor own town lei ldi echoes answer there was niar son thu trod mr see was there a tag of war at a bannockbum two or three weeki tomorrow evening will we ar ajssnredbe one o the best ever giren in acton an exeeuent array of talent is shown by tha programme and the sections to be render- 1 ed are really firstcask the company re- eired much welldeserved praise at rock i wood and their good reputation will nn- docbtediy be folly enstained here give them a full bouse hisin will sin emmets- pop- i the cncoo at theconcert iq the- tow haliactoii tjmarrowereninij idy kovenaber sth baa been j i d and set apart a a day for i neri 7hatikscin throoghoixt the do- f j h harding advertises or a large auantity of tnrci and firkin batter call and see h-r- if you have any of either j t to dipose of imr iftltlian- an accomplished ma- sida iijaf clark mr and mre- crowe will take part in the concert ou friday evening i the fall wheat throoghont the country is looking very well and presents a healthy ijaraakccthere btn2 xco evidence pf any iiaicbiiif tins far i m t tne renlar qoaxteriy cutnm onion 6er- i vices in connection with the kethodist i church here will take place next bandar j morning at l03j oclock mi william will sing im a herry ziniiiii in gily costaihec llrs mbore j will also render sjene of ier rweet songs j at the concert friday evening rivotk is pireviii rapidly at beard- i iiiores new buildiug but the carpenters are evidently destined to eiperience cold i nnsera before the place is completed come to stay a daaghter with clinch ed ts and a big appetite to the paternal j care of the genial editor of the miuw vw mrs s and dsohtr are dxdflg well j hahon teaciierv association meets in j convention at oakvflle this morning and conunae in session nntil bafairday noon we wish the teachers a profitable meeting it is said that the reason hoopskirtfi ire feeing discoutinaed in the states is be- caasethe fair bex are afraid ay gould might mistake the wires fox tifph lines 1u4 tt- to cviisolitiatc them the htrald reports that aereral fine buildings are to be erected in georgetown next fcanjmer will be glad to tee your town properbro herald jjeep it prom inently before the outside world an exchange seusihly saggests that it is jrell worth while to save yoor local paper and hive it bound a few years will make it the most instructive andentertaining viiuibe that you can possess i a culrert crossing wi street on the west aideof elgin etreetr requires the at tention of the committee on street and sidewalks unless repaired before frost sets in there vnll no doubt be a flood at that corner in tbe spring tableau vivaufas tomorrow erening when the fouowing representations will be produced 3tary queen of 6cot6 dis- tribatin her presents before her execu tion execution of mary queen of jjcou brides presents and k ifamage ceremony t from the appearance of the column yesterdays jtaajfon spectator oaewoald imagine that the old marruge was being revived 2e spectator gives room for half a dozen iif more oorrespont dent who teli bow jfhev can icep ho aw on than flo nw alive and well by some unaccountable means an absurd rumor obtained currency in several sections oi the county yesterday morning to the ef fect that mr r- little public school in spector was dead we are pleased to be able to state that mr little is still enjoy ing comparatively good health and is giv ing his attention to official duties through out the county te hope to have him with us for mauy years yet a new benedict- it is- with pleasure that we record tbe union yesterday of mr geo h xiebel of the g t r- of this village and miss sarah reid of orangeville with whom many of our citizens are personally acquainted the happy couple hay oux congraralations and best wishes for a joyous and successful voyage over the sea of life at the same time and place mr j- wflcoi and miss tanrie reid both of orangeville were also united in the bonds of holy matrimony inhia element we are now in receipt twice a week of a most epic- little sixpage paper rora sf ignace ifjcbj bearing the cognomen city irtiei mr c g cavanagh for several years agent of the h a- k w railway at georgetown is at the helm and from the styie of the journal presented we would conclude that friend charlie is now in his element we tender our congratulations and best wishes for tbe prmpemy of the thankagrring serrice the thanksgiving service held in st albans church on tuesday evening was largely attended the church was very tastefully decorated with fruits flowers and grain and presented an attractive and suggestive appearance flev- george bull ma of ifccfemk delivered au interesting and appropriate discourse the choir oi st georges church guelph superintend ed the choral part of the service but th congregation was evidently very mucn dis appointed with their singing and it waf indeed inferior to what would ordinarilj be expected from st georges guelph portrait of martin lather mr ja f kidner inerclxaut ftf uppei wyndham sunset guelph having ia hi possession an old and true portrait of mar tin lutfae and wishingto extend the 6am privilege to others has had it photographed from the age and style and also the cii cmnstanees under which mr kidner ob tained possession of it it is evident tha the original is a true and accurate pictur s of the great reformer bo that those desh oos of obtaining a likenees of him cann t do better than see mr kxdners phot graphsf which be has on sale as a pnx f of its wortii we cannot do better than qqal i ihe words of- the verj bev archdeaco 1 dfxon ofthhi city who says i have a i many portraits of martin luther bi t fionetiwt i think gives so true an ida f the man as your photographic picture i o 1 the ancient engraving so long in yoor o session as a memorial of a great r a i yoa produce the likeness at a very seaonb inw fliten aqch wtf ppepsjattona aie being made in europe to celebrate tie that tug of war 2 tkt editor of the jn prt iar smthe readers of your interesting paper have been favored with quite contra dictory statements regarding the result of a trial of strength between the powerful men of baunockburn at a tug or war these statements i must admit are hard to reconcile rnirilcrwtod party saya ia his first aiticla john mauus team was auccesaful iu pulling their opponents over the line wonder where did uninterested party get his decision lor in his soooud article lie suys tho umpire gave i t a tie cap tain of the winning team agrees with the first article iu every particular if tha first was correct why coutradict it since uninterested and captain of tho win ning team agree they have set at naught the decision of the umpire it appears con descending to admit it was his own docis iou in the first artide and not the umpires juno censures him for not expressing gratitude to- the victorious party for ceasing to pull when they did thus preventing the captain being left worse than he was if he we ix- pulled over the line what worse cooldit have been if not whence came the victory according to caldeoman rules the winners must poll their opponents over the line or pull the rope from them before they can claim a victory it eccms the result of this pull was a tic but by the time it got to press lit changed to a victory thanking you for your valuable space t remain yours 0iwavo that tug of war challenge to ar uditor of the fvtc frtff in your last issue was inserted a com munication signed captain of the winning team in which he charged me with mis representations i deny the charge for one of his own backers has contradicted him in the same issue therefore too many writers on a crooked 6tory are apt to defeat the end they have in view as has been done in their case i stated the umpires decision and not my own and i regard it as shewing disrespect to our umpire in not accepting his decision- the most amusing j feature of the challenge is their willingness for the same team to pull them knowing that bur teim is broken up one of our number being in michigan mr editor allowjme to compliment the captain on his bravery in asking me to accept a challenge after his refusing mine as i i tendered it before we left the grove that evening staling we would pall them any time before mr hunter would leave now that tie has gone we are asked to accept a i challenge i ask the readers of your valu- i able paper to draw their own conclusions j but ijregird it as a cowardly act for he knew mr hunter was to return to michigan i shortly after the picnic it would appear j from iis challenge that stocks are in good demand but nevertheless i am not going to enccorage gambling in our community and if i were i would entertain aa little confidence in his carrying out a third con tract a5 i do in his earning oat the first and second hoping he may see his manly principles as they are fairly exhibited i shall pass on referring in a few remarks to that ef feminate piece of literature inserted by juno goddess of heaven i would kindly ask her to draw parallels from my communication instead of her false imagin ations though it would no doubt destroy the misleading element and leave her groundless to make such a grand display of her reasoning pawers as she has pre sented j think if she had revised her communication ahe would not have allowed it to go to press thwt uninterested party need not have limited himself to a certain individ ual as there were more lovers of honesty witnessed the pull than he is aware of or ratherthan be wishes to make hiinalf ac quainted with he has ruad a feeble at tempt to extenuste hia sympathy to me for which i lhank him though i need it not this uninterested party stated that a victory for our opponents were the honest convictions of every one present who wit nessed the pall with the exception of my self i do not wish to have my team bcandalii in such a way as they are the lovers oi fair play as much as i am 1 heed not deny his statements regarding the weeping convictions for he has done it himself by saying that the umpire called it a tie but still he would like you to be lieve he made a thorough canvass you can take hat for what it is worth also in his article of three weeks ago he came out boldly and called it v victory for our op- pqnente- now he crawls back into bis shell and asks me whether it was a tie or or a twist thats the kind of a reporter he is he comes to our side of the house for facts as he is beginning to learn that facts cannot lie 2xow in conclusion i bid farewell to all my friendly correspondents as this con cludes my replying i do not harbor any unkind feelings for such is only folly as the tug was got up for fun and bo shall it end as far as pur aide is concerned and 1 do not entertain anything to the contrary regaiding my opponents i now close with kindest regards to alh thanking yon mr editor for the last time for tbe insertion of this i remain yours respectfully alex goaios captain of the socalled defeated team bannockbum 24th oct paints oils varnishes c cheap and durable -at- j e mcgarvins drug and stationery store acton ont j that tb3 i our teas are jiving ferfeot satisfaction best value ever offered e lbs fair tea for a 3 lbs good green tea for a j 3 lbs 900d japak gunpowder tea foe a xo i 50c green te a xo i 50c japan tea j superior qtjalitl tic black tea i j tsts iba best tea dost in the market for a tsk remeiluer the place to get these teas is at i j w p brown cos new store acton- furniture furniture now is the time to get cood bargains in furniture as the new furniture store on main street below the odd fellows hall offers a well selected and complete new stock at cost price for 30 days only commencing on friday 26th oct come and examine goods and see prices and you wont go lome utithout furniture the following are some ofthe prices t 700 sideboard sold for 600 1600 7 drawer cherry bureau u 1350 roo 4 drawer 550 4500 sideboard it 3800 600 6 ft hakd wood table 425 500 5 ft 1 1 375 6500 walxut parlor suite haircloth for 4800 1200 lounge pajrlor sold for 900 1650 sideboard 1 1350 2000 sofa 1600 1650 fine parlor lounge 1400 425 fallleaf table 300 400 watnot 300 and so on throughout the whole stock my prices are lower than what you pay for secondland furniture at auction sales c h heimbach r as cabinet wanted themarketa fail tls old 9sc to 105 hpriog wheat ii to 105 bmey 50 to 680 per bnshel oata now so to 82c per trashel peas 68c per bushel potatoes 65c per bag apples ii to 12fi per bag hy 18 per ton fjoqr 2f s to fa par cm- park 1760 per owt wood 1276 to 1825 per cord eos 18e per dozen j7tol8obwu about twenty yards of good bwnemade rae carpel apply at once to h pmoore fan pbiss office rgobeowed ok stolen a month or so ago while absent on a visit tome party entered onr stable and took away the shaftt belonging to rev mr pigotta buggy if the party who has them wfll kindly rettrn at once i will be ei- tremely thankfal mrs w j p1gott aoton oct 17 1888 ttbifee astray lost near speyside about th4 last of august a twoyearold heifer ted and white with broken hon any party giv- ing informatinn which will lead to the re covery of the animal will be suitably re warded b f taylor acton oct 8 ts batcher wax for sale c the undersigned having purchased the coal shed from mr jas goodauv intends keeping constantly on hand aitockof hard and soft stove coal ot all kinda wlich will be delivered to any part dh village parties desiring coal ahould give him a c s smith by special request crand concert town hall acton friday evg oct 26 popular vooa1ibts from guelph toronto glenwfllianuy georgetown i and rookwood will take part in the pro gramme mr 3 btraohan bockwooo will give one of his excellent reading and sev- erl fine ubleaui will be preeenvod doors open at 7 oonoert commence at 8 admlulm ssscmstriii ise rapariteritwtetapa credit sale horses high grade cattle leicester sheep and pigs tb undersigned hc receired instruction from mb alexxeshedt to tell by public auc tion on tbe premiim lot to lit con equating nar acton on thur8dayj 1st nov at 1 oclock sharp the fallowing valuable stock afied mare boadtter rising 5yean ayrshire coy 4 yean old and ayrshire cow 8 years old both with pedigrees if not prerioaaly told grade cow j years old s yearling heifera steer 3 years old steer 2 yeah old ag bain from kichols stock of blenheim u ahwhng bams leicester 2 aged ewea leioeaterj u afiearlintf ewes leioester is bans lambs leicester u ewe lambs leicester sibrood bows the obore btoek are ot the best quality especi ally the sheep being brefd from the best stock in the country teems of sale bums of 5 and under cash orer that sum is months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes wm hemstbeet auctioneer painted cloth fob g la8gow house j all opening all colors 37 inch wide 25 yards mob wide 35 yards tassells to match the hartshorn selfacting spring boiler the beat spring balanoe boiler boo each also a handsome painted ahade with dado at bottom 87 inch by 7 feet f0jll this la as amerieaa shade and livery thick and a fine quality big rtoekto at dav8 1 srtwtfsr sat sislls jidrlvoyowboflaatgoof we desihe to call the attextion of intending pur chasers to our immense 8tock of general dry goods suitable fobthe fall and winter trade consisting of all the leading styles of allwool suitings in every fhade cashmeres in all the leading colors and all the leading line8 found in a first cla8s dry goods store sitwe have the choicest seleotionof silk finished- velveteens in the latest and most fashionable colors in the town bja splendid range of knitted g00d8 for both ladies and childrens wear ix all shades and at the lowest possible prices sjtfull linesf mantle cloths flannels winceys c sbladies mantles in great variety desirable 8tyl1sh and cheap sifrememher our ordered clothing department where you can secure the newest goods and the most perfect fitting garments in the town y remember our 1 famous 50c tea nelson mcrae xjr city grocery continues to tazs the lead j ttqw hittr sales are large because he keeps a splendid new and cheap stock and is satis fied with small profits one look at his spacious windows will satisfy and convince any one that for ariety quality and quan tity of 8tock he 18 unsurpassed i have on hand a magnificent stock of vases fancy cups saucers handpainted plates and five oclock tea setts suitable for wedding and birthday presents try a fivepound gaddie oe my gunpowder tea for 2 have also onuand all kinds of canned fruits and meats ayoalii at the ojty grocery opposite the royal exchange hotel acton befoke pjcftasing else- where jjkm jiailsbsij v zjrjzzjbil

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