Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1883, p. 4

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tftix r i ft lib- jctonegnert88 tucajtit xioavi1 oct 25 183 adtjxraratkj what is lhtt uietlicr that como from uio lira fragrant an1 strode a tp pet fl la tarn 7 aa infusion of leaves irani jar cathay loaves of the aucr and icares of 111 bay with a- i vane aaj fulfjuronsl just as fl should w j and i unci thcrv nifty some loavoa of the tea lieajfl laid whitis that tuotlicrw coldly blue like a wintry sky of catarc hue that umiliol toe oitv that mixture my deal 010 the mlli of the etahltit oad pump that i mo iufautbjo for djikbtery oelic sick slotn i t8 qnlomnrt thlni en beoerd la kraal v fluid lightning for neuralgia hiadic ic tocjthaclio etc it does not blister or discolor the skin requires but one application to banish all pain magically without using any greasy liniment or carv ing your head inja poullioe forwccki try a twentyfive cent bottle from j e mo- qarvin druggist 48 w x gappy druggist of newberry writca4jdr fowlers wild strawberry is just the thing for summer sickness i sold out my stoeik three timet list summer there was a good demand for it dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it that irouli not be ovuad by a sensible cow w atkins is home again at the right house for tfcc never ronu laikv t tlio wouldnt know whit is um tiioqicr yellow sspollv u butter my boy atfi tho but tor o old tn the herds of old we said til lor ut t4ilirophicrfflie3troaid batter or 1v thai is batter to tliow whom ths coffer colls groen to uic czect it is aiiimsuine whit i luil collier te the poiipcr of tnde bat nobovivkuot of wha1 it is eiaac of routed meal of do df teas ytui afesli ol citcaii to- make one sneeze u is hot and crone bt its rather qaeer of the posd pcrwranu there none of it here ach and bond complaint a card to all who ar aaffwinj- from the error and indiscretion a of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood fee i killeiia recipe thtt will our yon fru 01 change tlu rrcat remedy wu dis coveted by a missionary in south aiceric send aelfadtireed envlon to the rev josetii t ikhas station dxac york city hctir- clement almonte writes for along time i vris troubled with chronic rbeumausm atjtimcs wholly disspled i tried asyuiin tad everything recommend cd bat failed to get any benefit until a i gentlemen who was cured of rheumatism holloways com caw destroys all kinds by dr thomas eclectic oil told meabont of corrs and wart root and branch 1 it 1 began using it both internal and external and before two bottles were nsed j the star dyes are unexcelled for cheap ness and brilliant fist colors 10 i waf radicauyicurcd we find it ahouso- hold medicine and for croap burns cuts and brail cs it has no equal the colore of the triangle dyes are so beautiful scd their use po simple the lead the dve market cf the country 10c i at j e uegamnjt drcff slore 13 most cruclting are the tw which t j rack the musclefe and joints of the rheu- pnctccnomvbringthetnarrlej vegeubie dyes perfect in both dark- and hght j any dyspeptic curt bjr promot- shades asfcfcr three cornered package xcioa of hj 10c a j e mwaraa s dmg store 13 j lfce wood u m0k effctaally depar the political contest being over the j ale removes through the natural channels popiurtotc cf the iople is now caitin i usc aend element in the circulation faror cf dr foolers extract of wild j n prtduce rheumatism and goat th strawberrr thit matchless remedy for m is also a fine laxative antibilioa cholera morbss md sm samtner com- mc andgenenl corrective plaints k i 1 they ail uh the same ston ifr vt thompvin jevccicr delhi suffered cor years from dytptpsis got no relief until he used dr carssas sumich bitters he says it wis juil the medicine i needed it j uaa cuied me 15 there is uo preparation before the people j today that commands their confidence more or meets with a better sale than doe dr fowlers extract of ivild strawbcrrr the infallible remedy for all forms of sammerccmpliiat ji though ncnirou cauie may operate to turn the har graj all thit is needed to j restore the natural emoru hills vegetable j sicilian hsir reaewer for more than j twenty vear its siles hare been enormoaa an iniwer itaated can any one bring us a case of kidney or liver complaint that electric bitten wrill not ipeodily cure we say they can not as thousands of cases already perma nently cured and ho are daily recommend iog electric bitters will prove- brights disease diabetes weak back or any urinary complaint quickly cared they purify the blood regulate the bowels and act directly on the diseased parts every bottle guaranteed- for sale at 50c a bottle by j e jjcgarrin fr but we have yet to lesrn of its crt failure a remarkable result u a edgars of frankrille was a ter rible sciterer from chronic kidney and lirer complaint and at one time was so bad that his ida yrss despaired of he was cured by four bcttes of bcrdock blood bitters n funpies and butche call al j e jicgarrins drug store for a package of ilcgregor earkes carbolic cerate it i composed of vaseline car- bolic acid and centc and has never failed to remove picple blotches ulcerated sores eouh kia it cures wheu all others faih try it 46 mrs j mcflee appi irritesi daring the kit eight years i have used almost every medicine recommended for bilioni nes but feced nofhing eqcal to canons bittcc if yoa suffr try it price 50 cents 15 siulohfi catarrh remedy a nfarvelloas cere for catarrh diphtheria canker mouth and headache with each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more scccesafcl treatment of these complaints without extra ciizrge price50 cents sold by j e mojarvid aa elastic etep baoyant epirits and clear complexion are among the many desirable resalts of pure blood the pos sessor of healthy bfood has his faculties at command and enjoys a clear and qaick perception which is impossible when the bipod la heavy andslugglish wit him parities avers sarsapariils is the best blood purifier and ritalizer known ilr w ii lazier biilut ore belleville- writes i find dr thomas eclectric oil the best medicine i have ever used in my stable i have ued it for bruises scratches wind pa5s and cnts and in every case it gsve the axzi satisfaction- we use it as a household remedy for colds barns a and it is a perfect panacea it ivill remove warts dy paring them down and applying it occasionally x cure far cats sm tie thj finest healing compoend nnder the bud is mcgregor fc parkes carbolic cerate there is no sore bat will saccamb to its wonderfnl healiog properties it is an invaluahle dressing for scalds festerings pac price twentyfive cents at j e if cgarvins drag store 46 gw mingayparkdaetoronto writes my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of de acmss phosfiutxke and its pleasantness to take i gave her two bottles and ahebaa not had an attack since and her health is mach improved for sale by all druggists do not delay if suffering any form of j3owel complaint howerer mild apparently may be the attack but use dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it is the old reliable care for all forms of summer com- plaint that require prompt treatment ajk your druggist and all dealers in patent medicines h a rirstcuas article this is and mast continue u be the exclamation of everyooa who has used pct- kams patvless cork errsactoe for his without exception the only remedy in he market that wulremoye corns without pain all we ask for the com extractor is a fair trial for it wili give to you what iuhs already given to thousands of others suffering from corns unbounded sattsfac- uoil putnams painless corn extractor ii sold eyerywhere beware of cheap cocnierfete jf c p0l80n co kiogttdd prcprifitbft mre a kelson braolfbrd writes i was a sufferer from chronic dysperwia for elevsn years always after eating an intense barning sensation in the stomach i at times very distressing caused a droopiag and languid feeling irhich wonld last for 1 seven hoars after eating i was recotn- mended by mr popplewell chemist of oar city to try j northrop s lymans veg etable discovery and dyipeptic cure and i am thankful to say that i have not been better for years that bcrning sensation and iacgnid feeling has all gone and food does not lie heavy on my stomach others of my family have used it with best results hclhtcatit olitruod and pilu antnmnal remedies towards the fall of the year cos giles cansei are al work to lower ihe tone of the nervoas system wliisa will be followed by illhealth unless proper means be employed to avert tint evil if ol io way farfanied preparations sapply t fanltless remedy for both external and internal complaints connected with changes of season all affections of the skin roagh ness blotches pimples superficial and deepersealed inflammations erysipelas rheuoutic pains goaty pangs alike bdccamb to the exalted virtues of hollowsys oinl meet and pills which will effect a happy revolution in the patients condition thongh the symptomr of his disorder are legion and have obstinately withstood the best efforts of ecieace to subdoe houierc i ho then ii tiatbert if are yoa disturbed al night and broken of your rest by a sick child sasering and crying with thflexcrucialingpain of cutting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs avimuowg soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is uo mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever nsed it who will not tell yoa at once that it will regulale the bowels andgive rest to abe mother and relief and health to the child operating like roadie it is perfecty eife to use in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of tbc oldest and best female paynciaaand nurses in the united states sold everywhene at 25 cents a bottle you the ki0hey8uer0rimary organs toe best blood rtbifiex tbere li odyone arby vblcb any disease can be eared aod that is by remorldf tbe eansewbaieverlt maybe the treat mttfl- eal am birltlet of lb day declare tbat dearly every disease is waited by deranged kldbeya or liver to reaiore tbet therefore la the only way by which health ean be eeenred here it where wabniis sarodbi hit aobleved 1u creetrepctafloo jtatt dlraet- ly upon tbe kldneya and urer and oy plaelri them in a healthy eondluon drltetdueaae and pain from tbe ayitem for all eking liver and urinary troubles rprujedistreae- lnf disorders of womed for tlalarla and phyaical trouble tenerally this great rem edy bat noeqoal heware or lanpoatora lm- itatlont and eoneoetlsna aald to be jut aa ood for dlabeuatwk forwajuma bum dia btnactmi foraale by all dealers hhwaysb alter parchasinf the largest must vancd tnd cheapest slock of jooils ever imported for this immense establishment just notice a few of the uaantitlcs yelvett abd v el- veteens will havo an enormous sale this season ol velveteens ho purchaod 168 pieces of black and colored in pi tin and embossed of silk velvets h bought 4s pieces of black and too vsrlous new shades of short napped silk plush his purchases are 28 pieces including beautiful embossed broche dealgns of dreat goods be has imported of french allwool in new stylos of checks and plain goods 819 pieces of colored allwool caikmerea and merinot there are 68 pieces of beantiful bhick cahmerei i he u impotune 1s7 pleeet of 8tlkstn black and tbe newest ehades and detiirni of gro grain broahe and merreleaui he hat imported 40 pieoea of dnion drtta goods be bopgbl 111 of erlnuwj pufobatet are 3618 pieces alarge lot of which he- bought at over is per cent under the regular nlanafaotnreia prices for cash sod will in a few days ieflprra1tbatotiate8earial isc foronltloo ofvrbit and ooiorea qullu he has imported 440 hit stock will in a few dayt amount to about 200000 worth of al- jnott every imaginable variety in style quality and price of the cheapest goods he has evei imported aa the trade bit been dull in europe tor tears and manufacturers are needy and watkinaajentrn totbatnaikat with the ready caah and bought bis goods at an immense rednotlon below tbe regular prlcti there will not be anyopewng day at the right house this year u all hands are too busy opening and marking off the new goods asd waitiog on the crowds ofoustomers who ubromj this enormous house dailv to have timo to fix op for an opening day but ladies will find the millinery mantle and dressmaking departments ll in full operation and their every want will be supplied in the nawosf deslrna and most fashionable styles any day thoy call in enormous piles of carpete linoleums rugs mats aud everything in the house furnishing jine new btawtfuliaad cheap tapestry carpels from 3jc up to the very best made brussels in til qualillet from the lowett up lo tbetbest five frame very handsomt designs over l200palrs of lace curtains bought for cash down at an enormous reduction in price and telling off it onefourth less than their value call at the bight house king rtreet emloloee to haghton street liemomber the name la hamilton sep 23rd 1883 thomas c watkitfs hamilton ayers cherry pectoral kootherxqnplaintjsrtjioijiilliocjlnlbeir kttaok u tbom affecting the throat and ronji nons to trifled tlth by the majority of ufter- tn- the ordinary oughor eold restahinj perhaps from a trifling or uoonsclous ex poarare is often bnt the beginning of a fatal slcknesm areas cmcaar pcctoiul luu veil proven its efflcaer in a forty years fight vtth throat and long diseases and ihoold be ukn la all cues rluont delay a terrible conch cared u in 18si i look a severe cold hlch sffeeted by longs i had a terrible oooghd pmc4 night ner blflrt vubont sleep tbe doctors gareme w i tried- atkxs cnzaar pec- toaal vhich reliered my lungs indaced sleep and afforded me uic rest necessary lot ue reeorery of my btrengtll by the we ol tbe rtctoiul a perma- tmfigan tm effected i tun now years old bale aod hearty asd am satisfied your caxaar pccroaai sared ni hoeacz fainimoturjl socxittgbam vu july u 18s2 croup a vothers tribute wbfle in lie country u irtnfcr my utile boy three yean old m txken 111 tlth croup it memed at ix he vould die from knuipu- latioa one of tbe family suggested th use of arcxi cnrxbt ptctorxl a botilf of which tu livays kept in the lioose tlili tss tried in bmall and frequent dotes and to oar delight in less than half an boar the utue patient rss breathing easily the doe- tor laid that the cucuiiv prcroril had tared my darungi life can yoa wonder at our gratitude sincerely rouxj mbs xx ag ep3ev im west u8tb sl ew york may 16 lt i bare used avras cnrebv pectohxl tn my family for serenl yean nd do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we hare cret tried a j craxc lake cryital minn march u 12 u i raffered for eight years from bronchitis and after trying many remedies with no lae- ceas iwas cured by tbe use of areas cnra- ar pzctobau joscru waldex byhalia miss april 5 issu ioaaaot ny enooriiin prwia at areas cnntar pzctoral lxiictlng u i do that but tor its use i should ion since lure died from lung troubles k gaxcixtx palestine texas april c2 16s2 ko case of an affection of the throat or famgs ezlstt which cannot be greatly relieted by the use of areas cutesy ptcroaix and it win djrayi ore when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine raxrutzd bt drjcayerco boubyaudnlggista speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c ttrli are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terms satis- calls either oightor day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire wvtc arc in i poahiouto astiafactorily fill orders for ueprom carriage 4c of every description io rcisonable lime good workmanship ood firstclass material always used we have alio a fplesdid let or furniture both common ted extra quality cheap sif yoa ill pay us cash wewiu sell yoa anything lo onr kne cheap j a speight manager dominion boot shoe store main st act0x east end clothing store while tendering my siucere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season as in he put so also in iho future i propose to give my cosfomert sic tst value that can be had in the trade good sonnd material in all the newest patterns and perfect- fiuing giraciiif ai lowest possible prices hats and caps in all the leading shapes tor fnll wear tall and see them j fyfe kenney bros having purchased the- stock and basiueia of kenaey son macnfactartts sad dealers in boots nod shoes of all lands in the same premises and solicit continuance of the patronage ac corded o the late firm we will always he supplied with good stock and firstclass material for ordered work and can pnrantce satisfaction a call solicited kenkey beos acton july 10 s3 photography priotogkaphs-thk- -latest-style5- second madeixoxe pim kept- made to obder ok hand ctqjf- harnes trunk qb9qt puities srourhdg i rx harness or trunks f to save money should go to r creech acton old-picruues-copied-akb-enla15ged-second- kokeat to cwhills photograph coloring a specialty call and see samples who 18 ukacouainttd with thi qeocjtaphy of this oouhtby wlu 8n by examulias this tup ti that thi flour feed store the undersigned has larebased the floor and feed boainess from mr robert elliott and will carry on the bojjneas in the bnild- ia formerly nsed as a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store i trill keep in stock and sell for cash flour chopped peas boiler flour chicken feed qranlatdwheatoata peaa cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran short p chopped bate barley eye oil oake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed potatoes turnips chopped barley beans q c garden field and flower seeds i besh aod food for sale aheap f livfl tj t l- r todreauroiime rmpeetrnllr wudt4 cmhforuuiadsrecaln l g mftttkevs hills tin stove depot good assobtment on stove8 cheap fob cash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices eavettoughing a specialty and put dp on notice shortest first class haterial only used a call solicited i al o hill mill st butcher shop r holmes would respectfally inform the people of acton aod vicinity thatfae has parctased tbe business and property of mr w c robioson and is prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of ill kinds and poultry and game in seaewi wt m eat delivered to any part of twn at any time as harine practical experieaco in tbe butchering business i feel cod 6 dent that i can suit all a call kindly solicited holmes 1 a boon to mfm fnfllaihaiiwf at tt mttmm oistuuwfr imtw bzut 00 r y worth their weight in gold holloways pills ointment this lacompasablh medicse aaa mured for utelf an imperuiable fame ikrottgkout the world for the nuerwiion od rtnofaoitdimiuuuiujuckkhmauiljiuhn chicago rock island pacific ry mnft tn gnat oontral line affords to tnvatora br reawon of ft jnrlvam sao- ppbloal position um ahortat and beat route between the bet sorthetr otrthawndtiwmtllorthweeteu18oimwet ormeeet end jl i2 wf t tt oonneetlone nr all of the prlnoloal llnea of road between the atlantlo and the paclflo fnoipi unea j lln branohe it reaoha chicago jollet peoria ottawa la wlojoeneaeo molln and rook laland in illinois oatenpos muaomn e knoavnie oajcaloosa valrflam oie mna7wem ubsm great roqk island route the tow rat of twvnmtv onrn isser t lta route the pills purify rttjilate and improve tbo quality of the blood they assist the digestive 01 trana cleanse tbe stomach and bowfcls iucreaae the secretory powers of the liver braoe the nervous aystem and throw iolo the circalatloa the purest elements for suataiuiog and repairing the frame i thousands of persons have testified that ly their use ilone they baveuwn restored lo healih and atrenjrth after5serr other meaua hud proved unsuccessful ithe ointment will be found invaluable i in 0 cure of open colds rk throata bronchitis andajl 1 every household hard tumom j4 mj cuaujitef r after fair trii wltt ao jf rvlfsf or euro effected yeur fnonevwbtv bs rmtutidtii sold br pnat fueo dkttcouth 4 vcaieu tvtrjmhtrt amodnt required lo caret a8 ollofs omrro 8jtimptxes will purify the blood- ersdicstiot ail boroonrs from tecoatndfr pimple blotcb or boil lo tne taosi maliy nant form of serofulons nicer i- m 0tr to six borttw by cleansing twj blood will purify the eotdpimionfroi sallowness smooth out tbe whnklts nunvl iog from imperfect nourishment of the bodjl sweeten fonl breath ami re no rata eotire sysurn v j oke to two botrrifl wi cure ordin constipation or costivness thereby remofifl3 hhaiacne piles biiousnes and jiuijdiot and all diseases resolttng f romtotpid lfveij ose io sec bottles by cleansidg blood improriag tbe general heailb fortifyinj the system against taking fit colds will in all cases relieve and in most cases core that cooiraon ioathesome and- dangerous disease catakhh oeto thre bottles will regnlate afl deraugemeuu of thekidiej- enrioguribtrjj diflscnltiesi prostration umvel diabetes etc j oseto focii bottles will reiurigorattvj the entire system enriog nervoos and go eral debility female weitues and all litm attendant miseries i graduate witit honors j mccoll bros go lardine and other machine oils having passed the most critic examinations by compete judges were awnrded oold and silvert medal and diplomas i at all exhibitions hccoll brosco toronto oat dr feliz le bruns i gritgr a guaranteed cure or venelalmeai bare pleasant ond rellabre no bad ef from i la nae does not lntrrert with i nesaprdlel rrtoe3perboxofthfeeti i written naraotses laimui bx evi dalyauihorited aeeni to tefaniub momjt threehoimrahtoear bentrmspnc on lereldpnfnrire ur felix i e brits cc 3l i 83 kii bjmmrrjroiilosoielrupriefots t j is sfcnrvln olliorfaejazii nr triia btiraosl will cure or relieve biuoimsps dizziness dyspepsia indioestm jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dropsy fluttermo oftheheasta acidity of the stoma dryness of the and every species vt disease arista disordered uveb kidneya st bowel808 blood tmllborhigo- dffowler disorders of the throat and chest aa also oodt rhetrmitism borofula asd every kind of akin diaeaae avntaotared only at profeaaor hollo- eetabliaoment i 6s3 oxford it london aa3 sold at la lid is 6d 82s and ma each boi aod poland in canada at 8 cerate so cenu llst and thelaqaralns in proportion jcxotior i have ao ajeatja the doited i btalea nor are pjt nwueinea sold theka purohaeera ahoold thorefore jook to the ubelwtbe pota aod floxee h the addra ii hot ttt orfow street loodoav the trad huk rfdraaid liadteiaea reajisteet ottaaand al6t wh manhoc blow tfmit how bes we have rece ntlv pqbu etttllon or r catvrnreisl fcraleal wmay on tbe i permanent core ltl m elnejafnerroojidebimv menu auboapaeflyimpedjm- reeoluofromexeeatei impediments of ma prneln a eaed eiirelope ortwo v ton atam p tbeeelevratadauthor in ibis ktaa clearly jdemonatratea iron yearmsueoeaanl rietlee ibaialar- aevimdcm may b radically eareetj the danteroos omotlatern medj- the bee aline knife polnti nf oat a i ettre at once alsnple certain aod en meanr r trhlen every auflerer i wlatlilipodjopnrjetoiycxin sjiaafiyshratelyiddradleaily v iietavm should be id tbe i taryymflmfni everj man in the b addraaa vatlft oadrawcli j hesle

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