Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1883, p. 4

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ctoneerm n i i- ii tlltriit moumw non 22 ibm lytkq lovers u s i lover lorwi tv maid that had a fullier who wu thought to be by rjuiw orm kvcccditny vrclltrttlo ob vo my wife mif lowr criod my bride my quocti my on t you do r6t love mc die reiiuci 1 fear for mywlf alone fjy ia he ia a weauhy uitil itliaotily ehtld am i uid oil hi riches tjiali lc imuc wlignevvr he shall duv but richek the sposu say unto ihemselves take wings oh if ia were jxor trooll yoa love mc v i would ho criod by jlojo f an fo glfti t kuow you would 1 ia your lov aui bled r failed last uljih f ihrtobbci aud tank tlou her lovers breast tliat isaics nol a bit ox difference that gallant lovtr cried so i have you t care not who msy lake all else beside j tint night when her lover took his leave at rtmtr minute to one she whifrered softly in his car darling 1 to sin tun -true- f h failed bat he lis v had duly silted by l only wished to try your train dariiflfi how glad mi i for nott i knotfyou love me ell even in ivcrty and as lac went home the lover who wts by co iheans green he blithely hugged himself and tar id know what failure mean it is easy finding reason why other peoplo should be patieiii corns cause intolerable pain eollow- ays corn care removes the trouble rest satisfied in doing well and leave others to talk of you as they please tie handiest package dyea to use are the sur dyes beautiful and luting colors 9 hungry and restless that is what we all re until he takes us up and feeds us the superiority of mother graves worm exterminator is sh a a by its rood effects on the children why acelica where did yon ret those beautiful rich colors on your bonnet v aint they lovely i dyed them with the triangle package uyes 10c is i disparaxe and depreciate no one an insect has feeling and an atom a shadow c a livicgstoue plattsviile says i have much pleasure in recommendinc dr thomas eclectric q from having used it mysek and ha vine sold it for some time- in my own case i wilt say for it that it is the best preparation i have ever tried for rheumatism gaukfaesm cared axe you troabled with salt ehenm rough skin pimples or canker sores if o ho at once to j e mcgarvins drug store and get a package of calverts carbolic cerate price twentyfive centa it was never known to fail wmal de it seas what ia meant by secretions h medical sense the aecretiqns k are the powen of certain glands and organs of the body to hold and distribute the healthful fluids of the system such as bile from the liver etc burdock blood bitters regu lates all the organs of the secretions tc make pare blool- they all tell the same story air w thompson jeweler delhi suffered foi years from dyspepsia ot ca relief until he used dr carsons stanacli bitters he savs it was just the medicine i needed it has cured me 15 asurtllasutscaterj- mx win johnson of huron dak for beauty anl durability of color the triangle package dye bcal the world if you novir used dyei before do 6 dow ud be cnuvinccd 10 ib a fmimmr luce mis bcrkcnthaw 26 pembroke st toronto at otic tiaiu wu about o submit to a surgical operalioq for bad lam en ess of the knee joint nil other ircalmont having failed- whta hoards vollow oil wa tried and ipccduy cured hor 22 avcri saraaparill thoroughly cleanses i lie hlood stimulates the vital function and restorvs the hcsltlt and slrength no oue whose blood is impure can feel well there ik a weary languidfeeling sad often a scoac of discouragement auddespoudency pehout having this feeling should tako ayers sarsaparilla to purify and titaliie the blood krsmi hold lljhutnk kecdt o advertising when ouco intro duced even bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and more than represent odforxeuraliga toothache headache etc- ui removes any pain instantly quick as flash jprjl and you will say it it well named f13 lightning get a twentyfive cent idweal j e- mcgarvinf drug store xstohr s h a lttcle behind rand imc people are always a little behind i in all nndcrtakiuirs delays are dan- geioas and none mow so than in neglecting what seems a trifling cold prudent people braak op the ill effects b timely use of lugjiirdb pectoral balsam thus prevent ing serious lung troubles 23 mereri speedy cure krutntbc many remarkable cures wrought by using mcgregors speedy cure for dyspepsia indigestion constipation and affection of the liver and from thr im mense sale of it without ny advertising we have concluded to place it crtenaivelj on the market so that those who suffer maj have a perfect cure go to j e mc- garvins druj store and get a trial bottle free or the regular sixes at fifty centa and one dollar 47 a failure ta crops a species of worm is tating all the leaves from the chestnut and hickory nut trees in many sections and the crop will be i fail ure worms that afflict children or adults will prove afailure if dr lows pleasant worm syrup is used it is a safe and sura coife for all wonxs thai lurk in the human system tape worm included- 22 hulowqt uinlicu and puu in all outward complaints a desperate effort diould be made to at once remove these annoying infirmities and of establishing a care the reniaivahle remedies discover ed by professor holloway will kitisfactorily accompliih this desirable result without any of those dangers or drawbacks which auecdihc old method of treating ulcerative infiammatious scrofulous affections and scorbutic annoyance the most timid invalids may uft both the ointment and pills with the utmost wety with certain success provided a moderate attention be btstowed on their accompanying direc tions both the preparations soothe heal and purify the one awisls the other moat materially in effecting cures and renewing strengthby helping exhausted nature just when she needs such succor dress goods millinery mantles underclothing selling off at the right hou8e at an amailuff rate it la ucrftcuyjwlouuhlag to aco tho vaat crowd u ladloa who vialt tho right houe dally to oblaiu their anppllof of almuat uvcry ur any ibing that la ivovoo kniltu felted or tanned lonibcr and silk pluah hand baa and portoiouiea by tho hundred kid qlovea rrom 23c up to th vory beat fluo french kdajy the thouaand at the vory loweat nrloo tho lodica cblldrona and mcni underclothing havo on onormoua aalo tho value la ao very good tho drew ouod havo bcisi aclllnc off at a aurprlaing rato tlo ic allwool frenoh dreaa oooda aro beautiful heavy tin goods well worth 82 tho variona other klnda or dre ooodi urc liaviim an im roenie aalo there havo boon inoro ulankola aold this aeaaan already than wero sold by tho end of november laat year ilia pricoa rn ao much lower and ladiw will remember that they are made by tho beat tnnkere in canada now is the time to gel extra ehonp bunkotaand dreaa oooda at tho right flouao thoro ia n groat ran on the ladirv and oalldwna satchel ooaaamcr mantlea they aro very cheap comfortobh in a etorm and car well eitra long sites in engllah joaaamer mantlea juat see them hadlea ulatora are boine aold by tho hundred at tho ulght houac they look smart and very becomiug tho sllka halina bilk vplvota and plushes and yelvetcene arc in surprl- ing demand llua acaanii in plain and einboased and in black and all the newest colors watklni boogbt 7b3 ploces of tbcm when in europe lately and has had to order five timoa nine hie return homo list mouth tho qualities aro good and durable they aro made and dyed by firelclass artiata the colon aro iwautlf ul pure aod bright add the pricei are the tory lowest that can bo bought for cash dowu the inonrnlng foods consisting of the latest designs ia various qualities from n very superior black all waal french twill at 28o up to tho boat french ottoman aud cashmere cloths are greally aootnt after they are dyed by chaput the beat f reuch uyor in pnria nnil war ranted not to torn laown in wearing the great sale of carpets linoleums floor oilcloth otc etc at an immense reduction on former prices is going on willi a rush immcnso quantities are being sold call at the right houso king street east ladies can order from their now houses by telcphoue hamilton nov 1st 188 thomas c watkins hamilton acute bronchitis for many years and that all remedies tried gave no permanent relief until he prccurec a bottle of dr kinge xew discovery tor consumption coughs and cold which hid a magical effect and prvlnccd a permanent cure it is guaran- fecd vj re all diseases of throat langs or bronchial tail trial b- frcj at j e mcgarritis drey morv ire sizi 8100 to icia tfiraiy and stop the inroti at dhiziir u- xrthrop lymans vege table l i so very and dycpfpic cure fr all dibtas arising fruca fmpcre blood sch a pimples blotches biliousness indigestion ti etc it hu no eqcjil jlri tuomz- smith era writes lam uriug tlrf ititdiciuc for dyspepsia i have tried niny remtalief but this is the only one tit bc drieme auy gkd we irke pliisurt in recitnmcndidir firas hlr rciic wer ii our rdher it tvturvi grv hit id its- youthful color prevv-li- bijl uuk the hair stft and jjlufty dtie- tint tuau the skin and is altogvtler the bt koowo remedy fur all hair ant eoujjj di cie thctalllkhre jie who tried the kith care dtclarcsshe wls curetclfrl ofber fiith burdock blood bitter circs by works cot by faith alone it ia the grand specific for all dis eases of liver kidneys and blood purify ing renlatbg and strengthening the rital tlaiov 22 mejibeirarded a iifnd reivard will be paid to any parfy ho will produce ar case of liver kidney or stomach complaint that electric bitters will not speedily cure bring them along it wiilcost you nothing for the medicine if it failfi to cure and yon will be well re warded for your trouble besides ah blood diseasea biliousness jaundice constipa tion and general debility are quickly cared- satiecattion guaranteed or numcy refunded price only fifty cents per bottle for sale by j e mcgarrin- ker frelaad believe truth conqnersaud ptrrsam paijt- licoknextkactoii is the embodiment of truth actions epeak louder than jrorde aud its actionc on corns of every description has been widv the expuna- iion of h wiccefis is that it performs all ijuttit daiina to do viz to remove the worst corns in a lw days without pain iiewaro of j mi tat ions and substitute aridity dmgffta eferyvhere 0- fqwox c protfrielow hxe flaatk ifany a beautiful rose has been nipped in the bud- by an undiscovered worm and many a young life has been sacrificed to the destructive pewer of worms in the human system if you would save those other tender hocse plants yoar children irivethem freemans worm powders they are safe and pleasant and are warrauled effectual 22 shilotte catarrri remedy m marvellous curt for caurrhdiphtheria canker mouth and headache with each bottle there is au ingenious nasal lujeclor writes that his wife had been troubled with- tor the more successful treatment of these cooplaints without eitra chrrge priceso cents sold by j e jlcgirvin mat en mother hadsenc are you disturbed at uight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying withtleexcruciatingpain of cutting teeth if so go el coce aud cet a bottle of urs winslows sfiothinc syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upin it there is co mistake about it there is not a not her on earth who has ever utcd it who will not tell you nt uuce that it will regulate the bowel and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operalidg like ruaic it is perfecty safe to ue in all cases and pleaaanl to the tistc and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and curses in the united states sold everywhere t 25 cents a bottle vegetable sicilian haie renewer tu the ant preparation perfectly auapud i i eon diseases of ilia seal aud tho first sae- octsful rotlorer ox faded or gray lialr w its natural color crewth and jputhlul beauty it has had many imitator but none hate so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of tho uair and scalp halls haiarexewca lias steadily grown in favor and spread its fane aud usefulness o every quarter of the globe its nniaaral- md success can bo attributed to but ens cause the cntitr fulfilment qf lit juvxaitct the iiruireton have often ba surprised it tho receipt of orders frocu rctnola coun- iri wticrti ibcyliaduetermadoaneilortfor in iiitrodnctiou llie use for a short lime of halli hair ufixcwcr wonderfully lnirotca the icr- waal apikaraiisc it clairs lie si fruia all fu crliiw cures ail humors tctcr and drrfe aiit tiiis iirtcu haldueaa it ilirmiat tlic waikcncvl pui d luid cnillcs til iiisli forward a it vioaus ptfliii lli- effects c th- attic 3 lire jct lniri like i if alxiaiilic iinja- i t rillt a kig itcic which laaies i if av a itiattcr vt aciouij buohnghams dte whiskers wiu clj tlitf bcani lo rjitaral bnrrn crtatsvrrcd it jrmuccs airniianeul coor tliat 1 net nuh rwr coiairtingof i liujlc ttturauoa it is ajlcd wiluijcl trouble pretared nr rpflallcomuub sold by all iwkrt in medicine fos ail the roemb or jcrofulou jrercnrlal and blood disorders the best remedv luse the most learchldff and uaorough bioodpurtfler li ayers 8arsaparilla sambyauuroairj 1 1tu bottles a speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prejiared to furnish everything in their line from the best casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terms satis- ljall calls either night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire stvye arc in a position o astisfactorily fill orders for wapeoos carriages 4c of crery description in reasonable tune good workmanship ond firstclasa material alvaya used we bavc ilso a splendid lot or furniture bcth common and extra quality cheao aaif yon will pay u cash will sell yon anything in our line cheap j a speioht managor ms j ierf i i acres east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thanks to my aumerous customers for the liberal patrouagc heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and thj public that i have now opened a very large dnd wellassorted stock of i cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season as in the pal so suo in the future i propose to give my customers llctst value that can be had in ihe trade goodsnund material in au the newest patterns and perfect- filling garments ai kwwi possible prices hats and caps in all the leading shapes for fnllwear call and see them j fyfe the largest in the dominion 8 ales hen wasted steady employment at filed salaries to all willing to work men and women can have pleasant work the year round good agents ate earn nig from 40 to 75 per month aud expenses j awterms and outfit fre address j photography pilotoguaphs-tiie- latest-styles- second made ik one stone flelllto torouto ont plcture-fkamtkg-of-all-kikds- made tooedek kept uk iiakd only 19 for the free press asd the farmers advocate and home magazine witlioct a ritau ia canada aud nnaurpaaaad iu america for the stock iuiscr dairtmau aud fruit gmwex v ere enabled by a sjxrciaj xraiisemeat to offer that veilknown agricultural paper the fiirxas advocate now in ita i9lk year of pub- i hcation clubbed with this journal for the above j nnajl tuaouct saperior to all others j tht anvocateiithcacinictledjjedafriccitur- 1 alanthorityof canada and combines with under j its home magaxiue departmaut the bct faindv i paper published iu the dominion iu motto plain practical and paying information and its best cacrpcs ara devoted to tue intercttk of the farmer ani bis fainilv over d0 pace every year just what is wactodforevery owutt of firm g arden or orchard improvements in each department during 1884 sflmcrine now balance of rear fkee send for aarnple copy fs our subscribers can also procure a copy cftfcc larmeri hand book for 1883 with the finirxns advocate and fuee fnxss for 35 cents extra every farmer dairman or carden- er should have a copy of this most useful book- old picturescopied akd eklangedsecokdto kuke at i 0 w hills photograph coloring a specialty call and see samples jbfhst aiptfassptp who 18 unacquainted with the ceooraphy of this country wiu see by examining this hup that the ykal ike final fuk catlirial gaji last winter i vent tn flortds and wblle there contracted malaria in a very severe form wnao i returned borne i vent to bed and remained tbcre nnli spring mysjmp- toms vere nlbte ibadildlacblngpaina in my lead flings and aroaad my back ky appetite aaa wholly gone aod i fait a lack of energy soctfa i bad often beard described bat bad never experienced any one wbo uas ever bada severe attaea of malaria can appreciate my condition aa i failed togel any bailer i determined to try a rem dy made by a gentleman tr whom ifiadtbe greatest oonfldence i am faanpy to aay it effected permanent reltel and tbat i m well today tbrangb tpe influence of varnefa safe core after aneb an experience 1 cn most heartily recommend it to all anf- ferers j jfej i flour feed store the underaigued has pureliflied the floor and feed business from mr robert elliott and will carry on the hasiness in the baiid- inc formerly used as a barber shop ippos ite the old feed store j i will keep in stoclc and sell for cash flour chopped peas boiler flour chicken feed oranlatdwheatoats peas cracked graham flour buokwheat oatmeal corn meal braffi shorts chopped oats chopped barley fiarley rye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoea turnips beans o ato oarden field and flower seeds fresh and good for sale oheap r i i i j- yonr patronage respectfally oil3itd faaliitiimai of grain chicago rock island pacific ry being trie great central line affords to travelers by reason of rta jnrhmled o- rapbloal position the shortest and beat route between the east northeast and southeast and the west northwest and southwest otoiwmj no it is literally and strictly true that ha connections ara all of the prlnolpal linn of road between the atlantlo and the pacific pnoipi no v jt jj branoh t fohes ohloago jollet peoria ottawa w 8 jj dhock island in illinois i wenport muratinl washlnitoni keokuk knoirllle oakalooaa fairfield de moines west ubem iowa o tv at antln awnrai ahka u nj zz t7 2 towa olty atlantlo avooa audubon harlan quthrle oenter and oounoll blufra in iowa oallatln trenton cameron and kansas olty in missouri and leaven lntsvnisuu an hui o o imaa and towna great rqck island route fast nlif i inrmnnaail nf nramnniljmijjixl vartmiaris p2jiji heated finely uphoutsed andetoain atooaohls o kreaat ctaawnsjd and handsomest palaoe bleeptno oam a niiiisstli oad in the oountry and in trhlnh superior msaats are sbhmm izij 1 ths low rat of evmrrtnvt tmeswt tt tramjlera at albert lea routfe w n cabli i 8t john v wakmm hills tin k stove depot good assortuekt on stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at j bottom prices a specialty and put up on notice shortest first class material only used a call solicited j o hill mill st butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peeple of acton and vicinity tbat lie has pnrchjlsed the busineaa and property of bjr w c robinson and ic prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinda and poultry and game in season bt meat delivered to any part of town at any time aa harioe practical experience in the botcherine business i feel confident tbat i can anit all a call kindly solicited r holmes a boon to mm aanoi axsoon co ts tas st iwaaaam worth their weight in gold hollovvays pills ointment this iscoupararik medicixe has tecurcd for itct an imperishable fame ikromjkuul the tvorklfor the alleriation and cure of mod tlisea totchi0tttmamti u heir the pills purify rejaiato and improve the quality of the blood they assist the digestive 01 saiis cleanse the stohacn aud bowkls increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous ayatem and throw into tho cirenlation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons havo testified that liy their nse alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other meaub had proved unsuccessful the ointment will be found invaluable in every in the care of open sorea hard blt01woudjol colds sore throats broncbit disorders of the throat and i gout rheamatiam scroful kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor ilollo- ways eatabltahmabt 8s oxfokd street wndon and aold at is m 2s od as 6d 22s aadssaeach box and pot and in canada at 36 cento 90 centa and ft 50 and the larger sizes in proportion acauthx i have no agent in the united states nor are ntv medicines aold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pott and boxes if the addresses not 583 oxford street loodoo iitixm after fair trial wkh no relef ee cure effected your money wbfj t refunedi pmcz jios sold by amount required to cure n ojeto six bottles will purify the blood 1 eradication all humoora from ihvcommdii pimple blotch orboilto thj most malhi nani form of acroiuloos nicer oki to six bottlis by cleansing the blood frill punfjr tbe complrxion front 8allowneas smooth out the wrinkles reunit ing from imperfect nourishment of the body sweeten foul breath nm tl entire system andreoorate the oketotwo bottles will rcrc ordinary a 3 constipation or coaiivness thereby remojnng t hhadache piles biliousness and jaundice ji and all diaeaaea resulting from torpid live x oki to 8xx bottlis by cleansing the g blood improving the general btaith aid fortifyinj the sjatem against takibu ffeal colds will in all cases relieve and in most cases care that common loathesonie and dangeroua dieeaae catarrh ove to three bottles will regulate ah deraugemcna of the kidneys curing urinary difficulties prostration gravel diabetes etc oki to foira bottles will reinvigorate tbe entire system curing pervous and gen era debility female weakness and all ipj attendant miseries j n graduated with honors mccoll bros co lardine and other machine oils having passed the most critical examinations by competent- judges were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas at all exhibitions hecoll bkos co- toronto ont j harnes trunk epqt rirtits anjcractojixtnhsg is harness cr trunks to save money should go to r creech acton dr felix le brans g- a dj- cub safe pleasant and reliable s bad iteeta fron 11 nse poc 1 r re sfh bra ofeevf- il 8s pelx iebrun 4 co si a s3 klnr onlfrlo aalhoriaua foraclon ll 1 i l 1 will cure or reuevb biu0usne88 di2zme8s 1 dwep8ia indiqesrioh jaundice srysipeu8 salt hhtum jfbaktburn headache dropsy futtemnqi i- of theffem acidity of the stomach dryness of the mi jadmrv pecles uf dlsaaae arhjnar front dlsonjaredilvifi kidkey stiskexl bowels ob blqod tillbdwlgagtt tobokt0l manhoo the trade mnrkofruy said medicines ia regiatrarea at ottawa and also at watb ington theyrestnrion j ofruy attoxfsritfcvl joettowat ii- tost how testtwbb we haverecentljpnbllahedadew edition of brraivcnrella tele- zjm aurateal esaajr on uiebulteal aad permanent cure wulhoit medt ejofhervoojidewutymenrflmiipbyalej alinepaauljfimmdlmejsuoraiatrjafeete4l reauuinrromexoeaaea svprleln aseaied envelope onljtela- orlwoi txe atampa f tbeealbratedaaibor in this admirable 3 kaaay ckarlv demonatrataa from uilrtl c yearsnceeuinl otlee tbalalaraaliuieob seameneei max tie radically eared srluwotfy ibe dangeroua use nriaternl meudnauior tbeoseolthekntfe polnungoat a modse oureat once simple certain and elteetoajik m if sniiwoowii what bis condition max oe ma vouremmaaw ebeapjyrlvalelj audradlauly- isl this jctnreabciild be in tbe raadajl 4 everyyouth and even manlntheland adareaa we jwerit medical ail 1 vss3 kit

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