Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1883, p. 2

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wt i ilj lllmljj turwil v msoscv 53 1s8s m i j- j the scott act w ita enemies a new exchange evidently published iu the merest of die uoulkccivwt ftlli tho whiskey sn-x- cccrally and con tsiuetilty an enemy to die scoil act the cxieliug lipor law iu hilton tins die ollowrns puiitsi iu u issue oi list the- saitt mx isa uvi carrtoi in die coantv o cumboraul x s ly ve lo ouc mlwr oi the act this mikes uie eleventh county in xova scotia the lent pcraucu people thretiirhoat the do mill oil are orpanirin a til qvo submit hi j it inoiford in a slrl lime ajul eeycral other eoicitiu- ar to be kitouedalonce unless iicople iuurotoi iu kcciiiug this rwiva law out of onr midst it vill ere lone cl juch a hold upon the politics that by unnipuluiqn it cau be kept law thc who know the results of its workirs need not be told it is the absurdity of moral lavirio say nothing of it ciect iu ariusuj tnuie front our doors to places where the uw not in existence we eitcnd uu iu vila jen to you who do not know it 5 effects to visit the coantv of halton go to milton oikville burling ton georgetown or acton and if those places endorse it it will be f rem theory and scuuiroal and ujt frvni practical business observations thcakne pstrap deserves a few lines in analytical iivetiiiioa on die part of the frxc ptc in pvim which we will endeavor to jive c eorreel nieaiiiu to the ptalerutnu preeuted 1 the scott act hasbeeucirriedinthc county of cticiltrland- n s by five to one in favour of the act this result in a municipality situated iu that pan of the dominion where the act has been it force aim from the time of its adoption by pirliamcnt dxsut speak very trendy in faut of returning to the old system of liceuia the cursed trasc uor is it rnzch of inducement for oar people to wrl for thf repeal of the scott act in kalic the set was really carried in cumberland by seven to one 2 tiiii uial the eleventh county in xtwa scotia had the act lcu found a fanatical subvert law where it ha beca bclore the feople fcr surh a lenrthof time and practicaliy icatoi in all its bearings is it likely the eleventh county iaxova scotia which voted u pox it v cull have carried it by a majority of seven to one 3- the tncrccc ttople throughout the dominie cie crjnmii and purpose submrtnj ix in oxiori and sevcril other counties this fact alxc rry dearly and satis- factorliy eviee to the unprejudiced public thit tho scot act is proving a suc cess where at per- in force nd it doe much in the y of cncouraiunj others who hive the bt intereits of humanity at heart to work fur the irtroiactioa cf a law procured with a view 10 mitn the weak and raiiini the fallen i cnle65 people interested in keeping thisa adz it xl x rilr lawoutof our mi d it will ere long pt sucn a hold upon the politic that by manipulation it cm w teptlaw j we art u- p kivuy cvrtain julriuc from its rramriitcal construction what the writer means to airt in the above sen- tence however the pejpc crested are withcu dpubt thoe enzied in the whiskey business and the fact that the scctt- act is building an e5live barrier to thal bus iness iz the re3n it is a fanatical subvert ing law iu the eyes of the people interest ed thcre ut the least doubt but that matter will be so manipulated tht the 1 act will le kept law and there is every reason to brieve that it ha ar that hold upon politics now 5 those vhu know the results of its workings- nee not be tola it is the absurd ity of moral law the writer should have added in- the optnioi of the people interested bnt hat they any desire for moral law or in fact any- uv t l the scott act are the principles of morality yen clearly laid down ic the establishments of these pejpl intrtstei thcse who were fescuaiiitel with our county under the license ac and who are sufficiently honest to juiie impartially in the matter know to their rei satisfaction how ab surd is the morr1 cflect of the scott act c to say wahiii of its erect in driv ing trade frem our doors to places where the law is nut in existence in this we would very- inndly invite the author of the paragraph to pnjve that the scott act hts had the enct of driving trsda from the djors of any tusiness in actn excepting only those of the people interest ed in the whiskey business let him tzks the local freight and express reports of the g t railway he no doubt lias free and ucquejtioned access to them far the past vear and honestly compare them with those of a year under license law leaving out the whiskey shipmeatsrcnd be will have ven- clear evidence that the scott act is not driving trice from oar doors in fact we cin name numbers 61 basiness men xha assert openly and in the most unqualified terms that the scott act has not only left huaiucsh uninjured but haa already in many instances improved it and why should this not be the case when less wh is sold there is certainly more money for the butcher the baker the grocer die tailor 4c tc 7 we extend an invitation to yon who do not know its esects to visit the county of halton go to milton oakville burlington georgetown or acton and if those placeycndorsfr it it will be from theory and arjtimentand not from prac tical business observations we take the greatest pleasure in also inviting the people from anj- part of the dominion to visit halton county for obsor- htfcn let them visit every town village and hamlet within its borders carefully and impartially compare existing piroum stances after only a year and ft ialf oi scott act reign with those of any rifaiskay licenced coraty- in canada and wo foar- ftsfety anraft hoi result- it hi trttff tor people interested may toko imcatigator provided they are aatifflod these prtie aic not detectives into their secret pucs and exhibit with considerable guito i buck bottle or two eoutaining the prohibit ed article but pauao and reflect did they require to uko people w carefully into that dark back room or that boarders bedroom a couple of years ago when license law enisled xo the county does endorse the scott act from theory and sentiment but not from those standpoints alone but from sound practical busiuesa and moral observations in conclusion is uot all this bitter hatred and constant harangue against tho 6cott act ou the part of the people interested in the whiskey busiuess evidence to our readers of a very clear character that the act is most effectively diminishing the sale of intoxicating liquor and that it is the most formidable cuclny the traffic ever had iu the dominiou and lastly that the law ivgaiuiug such a hold upon public favor that the people interested arc compassiug sea and land in their en- dervors to frustrate its designs and to arrest its progress in being carried in any additional municipalities a peculiar freak a toronto girl dressed in male attire hires an acton livery rig and offers itforsaleatauelph ou saturday morning last a welldressed young man visited the livery stable of mr rtiward matthews of this village and hired a horse and buggy- for the purpose as he stated of visiting friends residing in nassagaweya about five oclock mr matthews received a telegram from tho guelph chief of police asking hjm to come and claim his property at a young man had been arrested on suspicion for offering it for sale at a ridiculously low figure the young man gave his name as james murray and staled that dr wynn of kaasagaweya owned the rig and had com missioned him to take it to guelph and dispose of it to the best advantage aa he was removing to manitoba suddenly it occurred to the chief that the prisoner presented a very robust sppcarance about the chest and being asked why so much clothing was wrapped about his chest re plied that the doctor had ordered it as a severe coll rendered it necessary to protect his lungs the chief finally accused him of being a young woman dressed in a mans clothes this was at first denied but soon the courage which had carried her so far gave way and bursting into tears she- ad mitted the truth and aflar stating her name was mary bell said she lived in to ronto and ran a knitting machine in a gents furnishing store there for the past five years that she dressed in mens clothes last friday morning and left to ronto for acton where on saturday morn ing she hired the horse andbuggy and droie to guelph the girl appeared before the police magistrate on monday morning she was uill dressed iu male attire and had her- hair parted at one ride she is full faced and rather good looking and about 20 yca of ago it was apparent flic felt her position very keenly and gava as a reason for her trying to sell the horse and rig that a mortgage on her sewing ma- chines fell due on saturday aniehe wished to rsse money enough to pay it she said shc wished to be punished but did uot want her family to know of it she was committed for triah as she was conducted from the court room she cried bitterly it has since been learned that the unfor tunate girl is a daughter of the late mr james bell who resided on thasthandgth couecsaions xassagaweya it will be re membered that about six years ago mr bll had liis finger crushed so severely that dr wynn the medical atlondent found it necessary to amputate them and prescribed carbolic acid as a wash the bottle with the carbolic acid had been placed in the cupboard in which was a bottle of other medicine and by mistake mr bell took the carbolic acid instead of the other medicine which caused his death the girl lias always borne a good reputa tion in toronto liteh y miss bell was bailed bui of gaol yester day afternoon by her mother and mr t wilkinson of toronto the young man to whom she was engaged to be married next month the party arrived here by the 530 train secured a rig- from mr matthews ana drove to her mothers residence in nassagaweya about five miles west of acton big blaze in guelph allans valuable mm property destroyed about one oclock on saturday morning the large and extensive flouring mills- of mr david spence guslph were discover ed to be on fire the alarm was immedi ately- sounded and five minutes later the firemen had arrived at the scene of the fire and the water was turned on to the build ing so rapid had been the progress of the names however that before this time they were shooting through the roof and win dows and the whole interior seemed to be one burning mass from basement to attic notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of the firemen for five hours nothing was saved bat the small west wing of the bu in which the office and a store room are situated the origin of the fire is a mystery the building has alwaysbeen known at a mill and was situated south of the g t railway bridge at the guelph passen ger station it was erected a number of years ago by mr david allan and is said to have cost about 9100000 the building is so well known that it is entirely unneces sary to describe it it was one of the largest and finest nulls in the province mr spence pnte hia loss at 40000 on building and machinery and the loss on stock at 618000 or 200p0 there wore about 15000 bushels of wheat on hand and 500 or 600 barrels of flour middlings and other ground rtuff not one particle of which was saved the following is tho insurance on building and machinery poenixttfsoo waterloo 12000 welling- ion mufol 4000 royal 4600 hulers 2000 on stock imperial h000 north- ernj 13000 floyal 7000 mercantile 2- 000 guardian floo fire insurance as- correspondence wo winlilt lo bo luunotly uudonlood that wa do not hold ounwlvei rttpotulblo for too opin ion or uprwloui of any corropondfluti youthful depravity to the hiiitor of the free pnu dtxkbin it it au old saying when thecal are out the mice may play that is where law is absont rowdyism pre vails in no case is this more truly ap plicable than in the village of rockwood i will venture to say you might travel across ho continent and you would not find a community where the youth was so completely outlawed as here there is ail utter disregard for all law and deccucy and resjtectablc people are snubbed on ovcry hand and cannot meet at any public gath ering without having to put up with the basest iusults officers of the law there are none except iu name what cau you expect of tho morals of acommunitywheu tho chief magistrate himself has an utter abhorrence of everything sacred the lords holy sabbaths are spent by tho youth in base ball playing hunting and drinking neighbors reese and ducks are killed and taken lo tho devils well and other places of secrecy and plucked and roasted and thauoo by sons of respectable people such is the state of affairs that it is not safe for a lady to walk the streets after night in the interests of the safety andjiappiness of respectable citizens some thing should be doue but we are told if you want to save your head you had better let them alone for anyone attempting to enforce the law would be mobbed on certain occasions iu this village one would imagiue he was far away from all civiliza tion among herds of wild indians now sir the foregoing are facts setting forth the state of affairs iu a ullage between two centres of civilization the cultured city of guelph ou the one hand ana the quiet lawabiding town of acton in the banner county of halton ou the other and not a dozen miles from either cnixrv rockwood kov 2tth i3 business brevities some facts about our butlnest ken and houses of bfit to our jcoaeral roaden hats from 75 cents lo 250 at j fyfya if vcm wsot a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyfes is lis ulice to go the largest and cieipjsl ktock of boots a shoes to eeltcl frun u l xelq it mcllaei thv largif stock of gents furnishing hata and capfsnfrts and driwit at kel son t mckaes- the best voice iu factory ccttonf wnceyf flanuda aad damealic goods at kelson t mckaee the ureal and ctiapesl btocl oi ready made cinthiug i ihc town is it keliou 4 mcraes scotch eutfluli and ciiiidiau suitings in grett variety l tle fst tud clothing itore j fyft actoa tiic mol perfect lilting cutis aed overcoats and ibe best fclecltaa of gtodi at he lowcu prices at xelsnn k mciucs sells and overcoats al extremely low rate aed made ia latest elyles be iaie to call aud nc tbem j fvfe acton the ij1 asrrtmeul of black iud col and velvet lsdk- mantlci woollen and ivuiued goods in die town at kiui k mcraes mcqaillaa c hamilton of die willing tou marble works gucljl gut arcdoirc the urgeat retail marble trade iu out ow ing to the fact that they do the beat work and sell the cheapest the public are warn ed annat dealing with second band trade peddler hot houd cu direct to the lirtn or bay from their icnu see that the name mcquillan k hiuikcn is m the printed form before voc un or order first relief ultimately a cure these are the facceaire effects of cue of the most doetvtdly popular remedies in the domin ion xiirlhrop lymaus vegetable dia co very and dyepcptic cure winch teforras an irregular condition of the bowel aud liver iuvicnralca the stcmaeh rcoens digestion and changes the current of the blood from a sluggish dudturbid into a purcrapid and fertiliring stream why ahoud a nun whose ulood is warm within sit like hie erandsire cat in alabaster y or let his hair prow rusty scant and thin when cingalese renewer will make it grow the faster for sale by j e jfcgarvin baekleas lrnfea salve the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to bpeedily cure burns bruises cuts ulcers salt rbeum fever sores cancers piles chilblains corns tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed i o cure in every instance or mouey refunded 25 cenl per bor for sale bvj eifcgarvin 46 the use at pills salts castor oilc and other naoseouf griping cathartics is un necessary as a pleasant substitute is foauj in dr carsoas stomach uilters which act u a cathartic without griping or causing nausea all druggists sell it 50 cents a bottle 15 tbefautacare one who tried the faith care decures she was cared cured of her faith burdock blood bitters cures by works not by faith alone it is the grand specific for all dis eases of liver kidneys and blood purify ing regulating and strengthening the rital fluids 22 seat aad comfort otfae tattering brawns househald panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cureb pain ia the side back and bowels sore 1 hroat rheumatism toothache lumbago aod any kind of a pain or aphc it will most surely qaicken the blood and heal as its acting power ia wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great palo reliever and of double tbo strength of any other elixir of liuimeot in the world ahould be in every fjmily bandy for ate when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for crampi in the stomach and pains and achoi of all kinds and is for sale bv all dm wrists at 25 cents i ayebs hair vigor retorts with tbej glow tod frtsbnt of vijuiu faded or pray hair to a natural risk bom color or deep mack aa nay t detlrtd ltv us uie light or rod hair may tw darkftwd iliin hair thickened and baldness oftta lliongu uot always cured it cheeks fallidbj of the hair and lurao- listei a weak and sickly growth to t0r it pternits and cures icurf tod dandruff and hull ncnrly ctcry dncase peeultar to the tal as a larilr hair dreislnf the vioon is unequalled it contains neither oil nr 3e midcrt ilj ir soft floay ami iiiiku i iioirirt d impntti a ticliwite n mi and lasinv ierfume mi- p itll liii i ic frou avrj o i j kv lll ni hair commenced uin oat aiul it h fcbori time i bocame nrvrly lajd 1 usiu wrl o a imttl o aviems haik viuuk which slopinsl the fall- its o uie uar nnd lartet a now growth 1 uavo now s full lieal of iinlr grovting tijor- ctny iin1 am pcnusuccd llifil bnt- for ui ue o umr itciiirailon i should hato been qnurcl baj v ikitcn impritor of the tfc arthur id- kuiuirtr m avkh haiuvloott in a iiiin etecllcni inparattou for the hair 1 icta cf it from iu oirn experience its uo prvtea ijij rtvtrlh of ne hair sod unu ii fiaiy iij ktft ti vkinit li also d rr cur for d jxruu no riihln my kiii lias l reprallou ever failed ti w iuj allifwtiijii vu avi fviitpiiav leader of lha 11 riiraim faniiij- of scottish lvlu rils fnnit ilciitnn mail itb s in iivir sin my mlr begnn to bjtc sll- tt iiie vc tf cliangc wliieli beeting i i- ivjvuii 1 hare u avuits ham ki it i lnvo won alle to maintain iriaitrtiie cf ouilifune a maturof c f vnj w iucnee to ministers ora- im vjir i frtet every one who ues iu-cu- u 1jjic 1 mic v tt tritltyr from 1 kim s k tvii mut fri u lto2 says linrir sf u tuuuiird of my hair eiir u tiii tsl vtry rapidly and 1 tu l 1 1 i ol unr avkrs iuih jii ii ie trxw tpprd and a now growth cie and in uuul a luonlli my bead fv cturi with short ualr it l- oiiiligriw and is now u good 14 u-uz- ii fl i vruiarlyujdbalone bottls of ill- vitmt t t uowuie it occasionally u drir w lvo liuntrrtis of sinilur teatlmonials a lit efficacy of avniti luinyioor it inaods lat a trial lo convince uo most ikeptf- calof iutijae mttraflcd r t drjccayepiv co lowell mm i said by ail druggist c thritnas rnbiusoa farnhaui centre pq writes i have beei nfflicted with rheumatism for the ual teu years and have tried many remedies without any i got a bottle of dr tluihiu eclcctnc oil and lazud it gave iahani relief and since llirii have had io attack 1 would rccom- iacud iito all mo j mclhcc appin writes daring the hst eight vcars i hive used almost every tncliinc lecotnmrnded for bilioas ntf ll fcud ncitbtng ctjil to crsous rttri if you fjffr lev it price 50 cintf 15 a card to ill wiui arc ufferinc fnnij the errors and indiicrvtiide of yuth ucrvoas weak- acss tady iicmv f mnlnod ic i ih icul i reii tht will enre you rrcr oe cieaiice thi rrat a u- dy was dis covered bv a nujiurry in siulh america send a sclfadreti tnvcie t- tlie rev josefh tikiuv station j xac vorkcitv tlaj rilettiynipiofniaad cwtr the symptimp arc tnoiture like perspir ation iuteoc itching incrtascj by scratch ing very disrrtidp pvrtlcrirly at uiglit seems ai if picwoimt were navling in and about the rctum the private parts ire ometjinci lifclfd t allowed to continue very feriiu rtul- mty fllr- swayses oixtucnt a paan sare care auo for tetter itch salt rheum ail scaly crusty sktn lise sent by- mail for 50 cents 3 b 125 in stamps ad- drew dh swavne i sox philadelphia pa sold by drufigiath 50 frff s2 i lltti cifj x jjuranteed cure for kenrsus soouity and eminueftk- ao3327itrialtfluralflacoatxluloiii tnd all brain and nerve 1 roubles cnased by felf abast- over broiii work ac taa writtca guarantee of cure iu every case or money refunded send 1 5c for postage on freetimtboiof 100 pills address bn m w bcjn cor clark st and calhoun place chicci iii m oxey to loak v rnlvate rryisl jilt slz per cent cluike icanxiff buteiatees 4c cnueus block gaelpb idtef cott for sale the aiiicriciel ins for talc a beef cow in good condition i mrs edward moore acloo nor 26ih 1883 xoalfousale i tbe andereiffued intend keeping coasuntly ou band a stock of hard and soft state coa of ull kinds which will be delivered loany pan of the village parties dcairiig coal should give him a call 1 c s smith txanlak barber shop 0 jp woiild e it has opened abarber rhop in the premises lately occupied by dr forster as a medical office and solicits a share of the patronage of this vicinity every department of the basincs vill be conducted iu first- class style give as a call j p worden jan 23rd 18s3 1 i graduated with honors mccoll bros fc co lardine and other machine oil8 isaving passed the most critical examiuatioiis by competent i jadgos were awarded oold and silver medals and diplomas at nil exhibitions hccoll bb48o buried cities recovered -ok- expl0rati0n8 in bible lands m phank s dehbss dd- tho latest choapest and best book on the subject no other author gives so graphic a sketch of eastern palestine us 175 illustrations are superb and rare and are from photographs taken on the spot and executed without regard to cost it con tains a comprehensive and critical history of bible lands and of tho world from the creation kahiel jiekkditu audit limehouse ont will call upon you with a specimen of tho above volume and will bo pleased to giro you any information respecting it testimonials i have looked over the specimens of buried citiee recovered by frank 8 dehess dd shown me by mr samuol meredith agent for bradley garretspn co and believe it to be a valuable book for all bible readers i therefore have no hesi tation in recomraonding it to tho fnvorable consideration of the public d b cameron minister presbyterian church the masse acton kov 12th 1883 in a harried review of the bariodcities recovered i have found it a volume written in a clear graphical style beauti fully illustrated and replete with descrip tions of the latest discoveries in the holy land the work is written by rev f s dehess dd for many years american consul at palestine and this fact itcelf should be a satisfactory guarantee for the excellence of the volume to the biblical student and those who take pleasure in biblical subject the work will afford valu able aid and cannot but yield a large field of intellectual argument to the cultured reader and taken as a whole it is eminent ly fitted to stimulate the study of the in spired record the book is tastefully gotten up with full legible type heavy paper good binding and beautliul maps and engravings with interesting and soul- stirring information the book is worthy of the widest circnution aud perusal h p moore editor free piucrs acton kov 23di 13 the wonderful majvj best family hewspaper in canada kino of weeklies weekly free press xjargr 1 paper i 8 pagea out 4 pasted by new machinery contains all the news special market department agricultural department capital story always running ingenious puzzle column funny humorisms just tbo thing- or tho 7iailj lfbcni f uw and u paporwill ufonrarded to you to juuarr 1st 13 811000 in premiams tbemost liberal inducement ever offered ia canada lo panic gcltine op cub fcrlhe wwk- it free press bnd for premium list wetklt rec rieltt ftkmebs advocatk seat a 11 jaar ism far tl13 adds- fret press office london ont the western advertiser tor 1884 3s f m i bargains for tho people c8 cm thursday nov 21st john hogg son will offer the qheapett tapestet oaepets ever seen in guelph x i i we have lately purchased at desperate prices over two hundred piece8 i of tapestry and brussels carpets and on the date above mentioned will offer choice patterns in tapestry carpets at 40c 46c 50c 66c and 75c per yard with uie adtcnt of 14 thb wiitxen adveh- ttseb and wehsxt libehai will erin new nd imprototl form with now type printed frotu t5vtf2bria86a carpets at 90c 1 and 125 a yard prtauenti will be continued more ngor will be obsemble uiroughout ony 1 per bjinum balonct of vcc o ueic uberibtt choice of three preklljms 08tilut oiilkbt our premium for 18sh ii a hxndsomelyprlntod book of 1onnjti with luamlnated cover conuininc the following chrotqollthogrmpbs in fire colors vis her msjmty qoeea victoru his excellency the goternorcneral llrauii of lejisdowiie bt- hon w e gladstone hon edwaxtj blko bir john a ucdonsjd hon outer mowtt hon alex uackende tnd cheiter a arthur presi dent of the u 6 an elegant ind attrmctixe ornament for the parlor table isixo of each portrait 6x11 laches- a biographical sketch of each personage written by an eminent canadian ii also citen price only 10c extra or 110 in all larlf preferred subsenben may han choice of home and hzaltl or chases keceitt8 two wellknown former premiumsin board coven on payment of 15c additional or l15 in all only oxe puzinuh allowzd the dailt advxatweh containing the com plete midnight dispatches is mailed for 5 per annum or 8125 for three months total circulation each week of daily axd wkexkt advzbtireb over 00000 copies jtagenu wanted everywhere fifty valuable prises to the most successful clubsetter se poet curd for particulars beglstered letters come at our risk address adtektileb pbltix co london ont tfce fr preas cubblas offer the actos fuee paeaa and the westhax advestheh will be mailed to any address from now to january 1st 1885 ou rectpt of only 2 u either of the advebttseh popular premiums is required the additional amount for same mast oe enclosed as above with full particulars as to which is wanted address h p moore free pbess orna acton ont the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews ib sow kecetvlxc dilly reesh oysters finnan haddies canned fish and frnlts lemons oranges brapes confectionhrjr and all other goods iu bis line blscuits the larnst assortment of plain and fancy biscuits ia lown and from the best manu facturers my ouslomers will find all my gnodi fresh aud in every way satisfactory the oyster parlor oysters tarred in any ityle during the season or will be supplied by the cab quart or gallon wgood oipking apples always on hand a- b matthew no humbuc this is a grand opportunity for persons to re- carpet their houses at a moderate rate i y we id also offer our choice stock of black and colored iress silks with various trimming matsrials to match a at prices within the reach of the most economical gome to the sale john boojq mr qimfb n zm

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