Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1884, p. 1

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i cton rn jrfs f vfhy thrrstvu morsrso r na me putss poweh pfwrrmo mousc mill sterkt aot6s okt tts the fair puss will i nmt m nshbtrs ioslcji tor m00 per u- oii in alvanw hw if not so paid ko nior anoidtiuned till ill arrotn r paid eioept at tb option of the publisher anittiiii lurxs casual advtrtisc- urmit s cents per line for tie first inter- uoa ani i cenu per line for- each iube- aajatjnsertiou fitix profe iooai cards li uses or in per annaii i square 13 haw ijcio per annum rjayanlin 6 n javis from iw of inssrtiou j any special notice the object of which i to promote uie peenciin benefit of tnrfadmdua or omjviny to he considered advertise- tnat- tjv number of linos tvcltbocd by the spa occapied measured by a seal of jauixoapartil i coktiuct rati j oa eotarnaonc rear 6000 halt limii me year ji q q urer c lumnone year mw ou tuiiau to intiik moo aur iinntx nvmih sjoq h istir iltnlt qionlns 1 no i ij ma thre- inmlis 3000 htircilmn ftraiahi lift j ulr of imi thr- month tftj k lc lfoiat tuhitieeine dlrecvlort rlu 1 letiuhrht-taotebrsfdaortt- lar traiury altertuerorrtu mnib t 1 atrao caree rr contract advert- menimiut te la t- olr or fl mon m ftilaranlber atie taeyvvi be hft oeer ut thelollowlnr taek 1 n p korr editor proprietor terasaioty in adrauce tho newspaper- k map of bub life it fluotnationb and its- vast concern 9180 if not to paid volume ix no 30 aoton ont thursday jan 241884 whole no 447 tuio dadcd mar ufocadnfuctoup flctneta bar u ade for u in ke wvoek business directory- ttt a lowry mb mcps tt e graduate oe trinity college mem ber of coutje of physician and sumeos 0326 ani residence at the head of kred- crufcst- acton i acton bankinc coy storey ohri8tie 00 baxkekir irlon ontario a exkral haxkixd uvul- xkss titaxiactki itoitzt loahsi ok apps07zs hotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits special xotue grand xmas sale 10 don mnt ffress turivnit momixq 3it 2 1884 i roeti ll beknett dentist ao- t txtr oh joks lawsok grabtatz of 0k- tjio vrrrjtniiat ccmcr tobostc vctcrisajy sargtoc actoa oal- olece in kerney 4 seas boot and thoe store rw- ideao ia the raar horiea eiaraingd as fo scaalcts aid certicls pten ah call night or day promptly ltcnl cd to- terms easy at the cent store aaad chnvr cash bizvij- oax purchue of ucnuai frtcl uid br iiifch tr- vam diia xdmcatil tlilti ii othet finer goods uis seoa h bca lajtwi tfaac erer before in iucy iicit of goods ocr ftock it too pig lilopitbcr fowe icrpow ef- fchoc oar caatonien special inducements o intie iircc parclj- our ioiectioa it to tell oat oar mtniieea hork by ke yr 10 cat stoff and cheap cash bazar c jasfkidjs the great dp- dio lewis fhs ontspokeu opinion the vtry marhed lcl from col lie rrcfc- rfecuble- physicians and other rciuhnren of intcllicnc and chsxturlo the alacof warucr safe cere pulihshtd in the editorial column of our best rcivs jnqyrc hic reuly ssrprued me mfry ci ihce pcntcnicn i kuow and roaiicj licr clciiyl uki imjled to purchnfo fnmc iccr of warvlus safe critc aid analyze it reside- i looksome wallcwid three i tiit- iixcriledquau titv i ara yaiticd the tivdicikc is not injurious ard will frankly qld that if i foacd civcf the ktiniuf tecrioaskidnet trouble i houd vac lhi naratoi the truth is the iredicu i ncic elisds dazed and hdjitr in the- prorco of more than oue fcmiy nislady while the test monyof imnjrcdof iciiicol find very repatauc cauiciiicr hsralv hives room to doabt uiat mr ii ii vtiunr has fallen cpon one of lhoe htppv discoveries which occsionaliy trine hcfp ti kuffcrinp ha- niasiiy the orocek tl crocr lovol rhjiniucj jjixl al lrplri ijc ut ht winimf if pj mrry lin 411 tih soip ha aky an i unlglfwiy to her houtc hfl tit her lorely fae to too i kiijainiiag ah i kiiowfal irell that ch the rirl fr tat i th girl is very tinj and mm tint lo cat vry b to t hie tliarf 4ad thea rcearkd whit a bad coffc ha aai tcoa uicy ko mo latlcite she lot hia kita her brow i hut wlicu l6 ipoke o marriage nail oh do not tta ac cow oat will visit acton every wodnes- i day and wiu aitond to all us pertaining j to his profession orden left at ilcgarrini j dmjf stoa rill rceire prompt attention termi inierat j tftsller c h rigg5l js- of the rc of eioos 4 iyort tcboxto wi3 ot at campbell hotl on the rst moniay of every month in the practise of his prafssic all work aiecnted in the latest and most improved style of the dental art xa charge frcoiunltatiaa cowat ifcleak banisters solicitor xouries convey ancers c eyifcrr to lexx cms- secordbioclffhsuixwn j a jfowit t a mclxar cuelph cloth half our scotch tweed fall suitincs ri s goodvtilije 3arri5iersoiictor xctary public georgetowk i- actos stastez os ai mr scord bict i have now all arrived and ordeos i for suits are respectfallr j solicited school books 1 copy books drawing books all the new text books fltl stock at days bookstore clelpii tb erocvr iplrit4 fell at tl he fell m though hed dia plarta hinted nt a inioide i wlrvhilfl ih baooa to cry voa aijly boy yea dont lappow ini blind lo u1 jocr ojcrit ili evijeul she knaw a way of raitin up her qieriu hut im love eoarrw did ccor run isiaoth hir father nr them kits j and kiefcei him from the room laud lafd yoa bticait oat of tliic aid laci adjured he iocs 01 oat uharlly uocdbi sail and tmabiiof hefullnag do i te ruirt kfanardly bit bia head oa auier you ar cm el to i so rpsghly haodl cs j thai ipaie he ri od father iaid 1 thick fti candle a papa reientad when he iaw hi chili berinto cry i j thtra ther yoa think my traaimeat barab ily daajhter soda i there kaep joor lover dry you eye and let m havo no mora row j t did not like the man bat my opinion sajttrti now the pro were wei an malc a pair by do meini uasortd j and happy erer after wcra iticnmntlyreportid j ishaw grundy j iteechast tailor i ouelph toss day akcnitect guelph ontario orrerqims hotel block slaxtet scaare tit b beagg fbacxical hilltveight rearrangirig of floor mat- a specialty 0 addreei boi 103 bpcrmooo r r i patesxs secuhed eos ivvektioksi hekrv ri5t-0a-i- cixict j id tears trvaic ko patat ko pay c a d flm cdc frikclskcsak aso snccsjcr to t f chapffiin bookbikder st georgjf a siaxre gudpk- accoont botofall fcfndsmade to order j periodicals of ttery description cirefnllt boandraiing neatly and promptiy dona j railway men i day sells heap the oldest orog store n guelph w h2m3theet licensed aactioneer- j for the coanties of sveiagtjn and halton orden left at the fbce peess office acton j at my teamcace in acton vrcli he j promptiy attended to terms reasonable- umuer m laa alv3 money to loanon the most favorable j terms- and at the lowest rates of interest j in inmjr of 500 snd npwardi j t dte forsale lunecaa be had at thv canada iimej fforca in small or large quantities at any time apply at the kiln coax ttdfcons mahor to c s sltlth hy 1st 12 box 172 acrox bee ocs- hivgles stive ikd hatitxo fob sale the undersigned iiaji no- in stock tint- 1 d5 pine cedarand ah shinglu sures d tarted heading call and eramine toek ifyoa require saylbiu ia the line thq3 c moore acton po tfiose owic me arc requested to call at c end sttle their loconnts otherwise tie court will collect them patent dustproof case with waltham movement b savage d bl1ware fabvs for sale rritmureratrt b iuobicki bml eftit at emston oetawaz these arms are improved with buildings fruit trees sod brri at afl unit lw plwty of tiibblui4 asaaals and ehnrthsa d marfctts mj 3ss frora ewladlphli sujrtyrf iii t 1 gm rery jriduebva wltuiaite mild and pleaaaot come mi fesl7mh and be oontinaed ija the farms fre of ohiw glelpil wellington marble works quebec st qdblph john h hamilton t peopbibtoe formerly mcquillan ha mil ton jtajff inxvilstoltuiipg sod eretttkiyz prtjbitf tocwatteiywtjtk bcind first prim t prtmscul ei- bibition ooelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for ewllenoe of material and superiority of workaaosbio tour best cahadiah goal 01 only 20c a gallon now is the time to buy your uoal- oil htcinbotham8 condition powders lave given auveril satisfaction and all who iiave u5i lljein fr inrs and cattle testify to tlicir ex- celiecco prepared faly by w g smith tx winter flnld an elegant prtpara- tinnfor boughmai of the skin chapped haridi sore lipi frost bitu 4c- pro- pared only by w g smtth t co tborlers ilorse and cattle food sold in any qoanaity lo suit purchaser uiamodtl uje the best rod obtuptit ic the market w c 6mith co 5i6ppiising cbemists claras forttoe toare lo fpare no eipense if yon pleaw eaid hiss ferniagham loftily the parlors are to be decorated kith raal flowers and smilai in your best style my aant wishes this a be th moat elegant entertainment of the scoaon theiflorist bowed low we want the conservatory nearly fill ed went on the yoonj lady and to hire an orange tree in fruit for tha evening but maam i am afraid expense is no object emphatically prooounced iliss fcrningham my aant says but here he checked herself at the swme time ixin her eyes with a strong look of haughty surprise on a tall slender ffiri who stood behind the cognler lazily making up a boqnet from tlie piles of fragrant violets crimson rosebadi feath erly stephanoti and cirlet carnations tnat lay in profoand drifts on their beds of sweet mobs miss ferningham stared at her u if like ancient medusa she would transform her to stone bat the fair disciple of flora took no notice of the fossilating look and then miaa ferningham stepping into her silkcushioned landau bade the coachman dme home at once flho hurried upstairs into her aunti boudoir where that august lady sat sur rounded by crested enveloped perfumed paper and fancy writing materials yon havent sent off any of the iuvita- tious yet have you aunt penelope panted the young lady not yet why dont send clara anneslies kot send clara anneslies invitation why not exclaimed mrs- ferningham with wide open eyes and mouth gradnally elongating itself to correspond i its all true about her money being lost in the san an tenia how do you kaow 1 have yoa soea her lawyer v ko bat i have been her shes silling flowers behind hardios counter the next we know shell be galloping up and down thf aisles of the opera house selling len cant boquets on a board clara anne he never had any pride why couldnt she take in sewing or give music lesson i or da something genteel if she mast earn her living did she see yoa r fes f course she did we looked meh other full in the faoe did she speak i didnt give her a chance i turned ftway u cold u ioe that was right said mrs ferning- ham approtingly la she tore up the scent ed note that was to have been tent to clara aunealio the opfn seaame of jkhe twjree irbnra do exptmtt wu to be ipared mias famingbm brwrtcnad pm one ithad beam the dariag ftmution ei ha haart before mibsannealiaboactytolipf- ed her bumble light to become bar cousin herberts bride perhaps it waa yet upon 4mfc ttart ate atoned am twmvl happinesi so she put oh her turquoise freshened up her leces and tied pale blue ribbon in her lustreless flaxen hair and in the prettily ohildish way she affected with her cousin herbert she told bar tale a horrid bore said herbert ferning ham playing with bia sleeve bet tons so end uf uuiaaoco and clara an- ncshc tho jjrcttieit girl oat too what is it tlist shukqpeiro says a boat a dear gszolle ive got it somewhere in au old scrap book 1 belie vo but of course there is uo um a fellow making eyet at a shop girl if 1 marry at all it ramt be a girl with montiy didnt some one say that flauie coarlenay had three thousand a year of her own clara my dear mrs estcote check ed her little ponies on the corner of the street and beckoned her young friend to take a seat bcide her- where are yon going to sarinis to loqav at soma basso re- lisvos well ill take you there jomp in have you heard the news 1 hare heard nothiag special so i concluded said mrs eat cote laughing poople are always last to hear whai direetly concerns themselves you dont know then that stay here eomes mr herbert femingham lets see if he will bow to you of coorse he will bow to at why ihonldnt he bow to me laid amazed clare but jast as she was making ready to incline hei headin the most gracious and ladylike way in response to the expected salutation mr ferningham paaaed on deeply intent on the engravings in the opposite shop window i thought so said mr estoou with a curl of her lip what does it mean asked clara m sarprisc not unmingled with mortin ca tion i to come back to our news said mrs estcote whipping up her ponies by way of escape valve to her excited feelings you havent heard then that you have leet all yoar property that the san antonio was wrecked the san aatonio waa wrecked clara incooen ly made answer bat that made do difference to me my guardian sold hsr a month ago to meaan easy and go- lightly and my property ia all invested in good safe bond and mortgage 11 neither i suppose have you heard that you had gone into a florists store to attend the counter there for a living i did go into a florists tne day before yesterday said clara after a moment or two of pazzled retrospection bat it was only to john hrdies john ased to be papas gardener before he went into the florists business and i often run in and make op boqnets to suit myself bat i wasnt hired neither did i sell boqueta she added with a laugh at the comicality of the idea just about as otach foundation to this as there ia to the most of mrs grundys reports said mrs estcote with a toss of her pretty little plamed hat xow you know the reason that mr herbert fern ingham didnt sea you alas i suppose said miss anneslie the reason that i have received no sards to mrs feminghams forthcoming soiree never mind i caa endure it bat who told yoa this my brotherinlaw jack estcou did he believe it of coarse he did he had it direct from cclestia ferningham clara colored her little fingers tight- aned pa the clasp of hor gilded portman- aie and yet he called as usual last night he ha asked me to marry hun what did you tell him i said i would consider well than cenaider srid mrs eet- coie it is matter not lightly to be de cided bat remember this clara jack estcou woold have married you if ybu had been a beggar girl holding out your hand on the street comers clara anneslie went home and thought the question over at her leisure and the more she thought of it the more she be came convinced in her inmost mind of two things one was that she had had a laoky escape from the toils of herbert ferning ham the other that she waa almost cer tain that she liked honest hearted frank souled jack estcote well enough to marry him always provided of course that he shoald ask her again he did ask her- again and just aa she has said yes with the prettiest of pink blushes on her cheek thore came a ring at the door bell and in stumbled mr herbert ferningham in a very great hurry oh i beg your pardon im ore said that gentleman i hope im not in truding mot in the leaet id 3 estoou complacently t but my mother haaatnt a card for her soiree unigbw it wv aooiaadtally om- mitted eitreajjaly wkwirfislm ion but so clan inneedie heoame kwatbat the ouriotu rpw bj eontradioeed tkjoaetyi v awkward jenf 99sxpikiifktihfi will rtjonftuiiiiwsiih lm aw oanoot aooept ry cant aooeptr faosfcrnei hr ftnuag- ham why now v l lad ouamtk tatffr hlosh and a smile that made her face look like a rosetnthesanshine im engaged and that waa all tha aatlsfactioo mr herbert ferningham could get upon the subject plantation philosophy credit nm an enemy to entice you to bay what yoa doan need dar am no danger of de well cavin in if you keep on top if life had uo sorrows wc should grow 1 tired of hear in each oddr laugh gray bars shoald respect themselves if dey want to bo respected by oddere do man who eats apeles in the dark mustnt let his stomach be too pertickler about worm bot while color has nufhn particular to do wid treein de coon doan pay too much far a yajler dog he who jadgs de character of a pusson by his clothes am buy in a mule by de sound of hia bray de pusson who has no temptation am one of de biggest sinners in de crowd kind words cost u uflm i dats de reason so many of us am willin to throw away such a heap of em while honesty am de beat policy doan be too fast to express your candid opinyon of your nejfbur bumps on a mans head may ei press his traits of character bat yoa kin find oat all yoa want to know about him by goin on one excursion in his company what we do today am dun fur to-mor- rer what wt intend to do tomorrer wont buy meat fur todays dinner sow op th3b 8zatxb bear the rloilng of the akales i oleafiiaaakatsl what a racket riefa nd rollicking therhytbmia soandenattel how tbey ehnj clink eunk like tha elattgiog of the chink 1 which the miser lores to handle as be pours it in his crates i how they jingle ungle jingla on tha guaty let at aljbl while the youth and majdeas mlnjl with their aboou of wild dtllght aathayco v to and fro oildinff hen tuahiiif there bosyheksfirinjhalr btordy laaa ana laattes fair i oh f away with malaaeboly l letaifreueandbaiourl oa the ioa though old fogies think its foi j let ri sice let as skate akau skate till owe heart beoome slatu- with the mexrimeot and jollity at such a pleasure briags while old timo witb mirtbfal rinkiea la with lsughteru4en wings bow each skater navigate badlatai and gyrates j as his speed aecelarfitea and becircamatiibulaus on the smooth and shiny surface with sclntil- tating skates 1 starved into submission a fanner recently broke hia horse of balky freak in a very quiet and as he claims not a cruel manner his horse is in excellent flesh and shows no signs of neglect oa the part of his master he drove him attached to a rack wagon to the wood lot for a small load of wood the animal would not pull a pound he did not beat him with a club bat tied him to a tree and let him staad he went to the lot at sunset and asked him to draw bat he would not straighten a tug i made up my mind said the farmer when that horse went to the barn he woold take that load of wood tha night waa not cold i went to the barn got blankets and covered the horse warm and he stood until morniag then he refused to draw at noon i went down and he was probably h angry and lonesome he drew that load of wood the first time i asked him iretorned got another idad before i fed him i then rewarded hiin with a good dinner which he eagerly de voured i have drawn several loads sinoe- one he refused to draw but aa soon as he aaw me start for the house he started after me with the load a horse bocomea lone- aomeand discontented when left alone as mockso as a person and i claim this method if rightly used is far less cruel and is bettor for both man and horse than to beat the animal with a club what he would say a husband and wife were talking gram mar would yoa said she say scissors are or aciasorb ia id say scisaors are of course ha re plied would you say molasses is or molasses are molasses is of course well then would you say the family is well no what yoa wouldnt eay the family are well when family ts a singular noan- woald yoa no what would you say then id like to know why lore id say the family waa not well that you had the mampa that tommy had a sore anger that the baby had the colic that katie had the headache and that i waa trying to make an average by being well enough for four she went out of the room and didnt speak to hun for two days the lost daughter swindle aa mr 0 witt 0 peaae of new york stepped from a michigan central train in chicago on tuesday a handsome young lady skipped ap to him threw her arms raptaroaaly about hia neck and kissed him many times saying ob papal im so glad yoa have come mr pease threw both arms around her and held her firmly to hia breast soon she looked tip ihtohia face and horror stood inhereye oh my i youre not my papa the eaid trying so tree herself from hia em- brwe j yea i em insisted mr pease bidding w tightly you aromylongloatdaagh ter korean flo to k yon riffr to wlwtn twotftow otb sad jiftmllfr pvswy4iab9tasliji teiaavb s3atrf tbifi aievtemvw is it said peaae- m well itaou in ktwxkv canadian birds princass louise and lord lome have brought home a rare and beautiful collec tion of canadian birds- there are eight casescontainingaboat 120 varieties three cases are devoted to different species of the dock family and contain 40 birds another is devoted to grouse of which there are seventeen specimens representing three varieties the princess own case isfiled with small birds of brilliant plumage the whole have been set up in eicelient taste and will be an attractive edition to the artistic content of the princess apart ments in kensington palace london truth t thero are a number of varieties of corns huljoway s corn cure will remove any of lhem do not delay in getting relief for the little folks mother graves worm ex- urmiciator is a pleasant and sure care almost eyery pill contains calomel and itber mineral compounds dr carsons stomach bitters ia purely vegeuble and cakes the place of all other purgatives la ugc bottles til 50 cents 80 atm- pills cure constipation improve the appetite promote digestion restore lieahliv actiou and regulate every function they an pleasaot to lake gentle ia their operation yet thorough starching and powerful in subduing disease do not wear faded olotbea when a 10c package of the triangle dyes will make them look bright aa new all the popular onlors 10c at j mcoaxtiiis drag store 2s at this season of the year there should be a bottle of pec tori a in every boose it is uu equalled fo- coaghs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for ciildren price 25 cents at all druggist 0 the face wears a yellow hue pimple ap pear u pen it sick head aches rertigo morning nausea and pains in hack side aud sbralder blade are experienced when idle enters the system and poiaoos the blood expel it from the circulation and direct it into its uatnral channel tbe bowels with nortbrnp lvmaos vegetable ducovery and gieat blood purifier which has widely superseded mineral drnca having a danger- nai reaction idinesikm constipation impurity of thralood and kidney com- phuntaare eolfrely overcome by its use messrs parker fc laird of hillsdale write i oar mr laird having occasion to visit scotland and knowing the excellent qualities of di thomas eel ec trie oil oou eluded to take some with him and the result has been very atonishing jwe may say that in several instances it has effected cur when ailments had ueea pronounced iacaralieoj eminent practitioners cersu forma i tender corns painful corns soft corns ueediog corns hard corns corns of all kinds and of all sises are alike rumored iu n few days by the use of putnams pajviess coa5 extractor never failb to cure never causes pain never causes pain never leaves deep spots that are more annoying thm tbe origin discomfort give putnams painless corn extractor a trial bewre of substitutes sold by dmgaists everywhere n c polson co kingston proprietors a lawyers opinion ar later est t alt i a tawoey esq a ttxtdixu attorney of winuna minn write afier using it for more than three years i take great pleasure in stating tout i regard dr kings new dii4vervfor cnnuiraptiiin as the liest remedy i tbe world for couch and colds it his never failed to cure the mrwt severe rolds i have bad and iu vari ably relieves the pain in the chest trial bottles of this sare care for all throat aod lung diseases may be had free itt j e mcoarvins drug store large ss 100 hollonoya ptil nervousness and want uf eaorgy when first tbe nsrvee feel unstrung and iuenos sapplaau energy tbe time has come to take some such alter ative u hollo ways pilla to restrain a disorder from developing itself into a dis order frora developing itself luto a diseaasf these excellent pilu correct all irregular iiies and weakness they act so kindly yst ao energetically on tbe functions of dikestion and assimilation that the whole body is revived tbe blood readered richer and parjar while tbemuselea beoome firmer and stronger aod the nervous and abaor bent syatema are in rigors tetl thete pilla are aaitable for alt classes and all agea they bare a moat marvellous effect on pereoas who are out of condition j tbey aoun rectify whatever ia in fault restore rtrength to tbe body and ooandenbe to the mind uyonsbod jb ao unloruinaw m qnra soald rwonnd youaeu in aay wvthe propetbing so keep dead abd heal a ia mooroi- pvu oattolic cerate eei4ma ttavibgwad be mire voa gev mogregor irae oaruilw cara price moeeta j k mogaitin f baa tiaabmidb i 4 i

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